Submission of the final version of accepted papers should follow standard AJAE submission guidelines (
) except that in addition to uploading a PDF file, authors should also upload the native file in any popular word processing software (Word is preferred). The journal’s editorial software provides an opportunity to upload the native file as a supplemental document. The final manuscript file should include a title page with the title, authors' names, abstract, keywords, JEL codes, running head, and a leading un-numbered footnote. More information on formatting the title page is available on the submission guidelines page.
Authors must also complete and sign the Author's Final Checklist (available on pages 3–6 of this packet), which can be completed with an electronic signature and uploaded with the native manuscript files.
Special Formatting
Do use character formatting—i.e., formatting you can do on single characters or words (bold for vectors and matrices, italic for variables, superscript, subscript)—but do not use your processor's other special features (auto footnote placement, table editors, etc.). Put footnotes and tables at the end of the file. More formatting information is available on the AJAE submissions guidelines page (
Page Charges
Major support for this journal comes from page charges of $95 per printed page or a fraction thereof, payable by the supporting institution or granting agency. Payment does not affect acceptance, scheduling, or form of publication. Instructions for payment are sent with the galley proofs.
The AJAE posts supplementary appendices for published articles on the AJAE Web site for reliable availability to readers. While authors may still maintain their own Web-based supplements, any materials to which a published article would have previously referred as
“available on request” will now be posted online with a link next to the published article. Thus the article to be published in the AJAE should cite the online appendix rather than simply telling readers that supplementary materials are available upon request.
The supplementary appendix should bear a title page containing the following:
Title: “AJAE appendix for [insert final title of accepted article here]”
Authors: [List all authors of the AJAE article]
Note: The material contained herein is supplementary to the article named in the title and published in the American Journal of Agricultural Economics (AJAE).
The appendix should follow the style guidelines for the AJAE
) in terms of section headings, typescript formatting, tables, figures, mathematical notation, and literature cited (if any). A supplementary appendix of this type should not contain any material that is critical to the clear communication with readers of the published article. That is, the published AJAE article should stand on its own and may still contain other appendices that provide details that remain central to the article.
The supplementary appendix should not be included in the article’s reference list. The published article will contain a statement that supplementary material exists online and will provide the reader with a URL and link. To reference the supplementary appendix in the text of the article, refer to it as in the following example:
“Many more regressions were run than can be included in the article. The interested reader can find them in a supplementary appendix online.”
When the author of an accepted manuscript uploads the final native version of the paper (e.g.,
.doc, .wpd, .tex) to the Editorial Express submission web site ( ), the author should also upload a .pdf version of the supplementary appendix. We cannot accept supplementary appendices in a native file format.
December 2009 Version
Manuscript Number ____________
Please check each of the following items carefully to facilitate the processing of your manuscript for publication. Check off each item, initial at the bottom, and return this form to the editor who accepted your manuscript.
Original manuscript is double-spaced.
Manuscript conforms with the guidelines posted on the AJAE Web site
) in every detail.
All tables and figures are supplied on separate pages at the back of the manuscript.
All pages are numbered.
Native file (e.g., Word .doc file) copy of manuscript should be uploaded to the AJAE Web site.
Title Page
No acronyms or abbreviations are used in the article title.
An abstract of 100 words or less (no acronyms or abbreviations) is provided.
A list of key words (no more than eight) is provided in alphabetical order.
A list of JEL codes has been compiled and entered at the same time as the final manuscript is uploaded to the electronic editorial system.
A suggested running head of no more than 50 characters appears as a single line at the top of published pages.
Author information and acknowledgements should appear at the bottom of the title page, in un-indented, paragraph form, and should include:
(a) Full name of each author
(b) Title of each author
(c) Organizational affiliation of each author
(d) Acknowledgements and other relevant information
Acknowledgment of financial support of research is included (e.g., "The project was supported by the USDA Cooperative State Research, Education and Extension Service,
Hatch grant number #...") when applicable.
Equations and Math Notation
All display equations are numbered, in proper sequence, with numbering in parentheses on the left-hand side.
All vectors and matrices have been formatted in boldface or otherwise indicated clearly in the native file.
Math notation follows AJAE style guidelines
All variable names are italicized throughout the manuscript (equations, text, tables, figures, footnotes).
Footnotes are placed at the end of the manuscript in numerical sequence. (Do not use your word processor’s controls to place footnotes at the bottom of the page on which they are cited.)
References and Citations
When page numbering is not continuous throughout the volume of a serial publication (e.g., journals), issue numbers are always given along with page numbers. (Otherwise, issue numbers may be included at the authors’ option. They are preferred by the journal.)
References give authors’ initials rather than full names.
Wherever possible, all “in press” or “forthcoming” references have been updated.
Authors are responsible for verification of all references.
Inclusive page numbers for each reference have been given.
The reference list has been ordered alphabetically (not chronologically) by authors’ last names. Citations with identical authors are listed chronologically. See reference guidelines for more details
Citations in text use “et al.” only with four or more authors.
Citations in text give year of reference in all cases.
Tables are each given on a separate page, at the end of the file, and each has a title.
Each table is referred to somewhere in the text.
Text references to tables are given in proper sequence.
All table columns have a heading. All headings are separated by a horizontal rule from tabular material, and variable names are italicized. There are no vertical rules in tables.
Notes and footnotes to tables: use lower case English letters to attach footnotes to specific items within the table. Place the footnotes below the bottom line of the table in unindented paragraph form. For general explanatory notes, use the heading “Note:” and continue on the same line with the first word of the note, in paragraph form. The note paragraph may define the use of asterisks (e.g. *, **, and *** for 10%, 5% and 1% significance levels, respectively).
High-quality images of all figures have been supplied and each figure has a title.
Each figure is referred to somewhere in the text. Text references to figures are given in proper sequence.
Unnecessary lines such as gridlines and boxes around the figure have been deleted.
Color figures can be readily interpreted when printed in black and white.
The article should use and cite a supplementary online appendix rather than simply telling readers that supplementary materials are available upon request.
Check here if this paper has a supplementary appendix of material that will not be published in the journal article but to which readers may refer for additional details. For details, please review the instructions on supplementary appendices on page 2 of this packet.
If there is a supplementary appendix use the following checklist:
Title page conforms to guidelines for a supplementary appendix, including the title
“ AJAE Appendix: [insert final title of article here]”
Final version of manuscript removes statements such as “additional details available from the authors on request” and replaces these with statements and citations (preferably in endnotes) directing readers to the supplementary appendix.
Style of supplementary appendix follows the guidelines for articles
Reference list in the article includes a reference to the appendix, and it is cited at least once in text.
Supplementary appendix is uploaded in .pdf format as “other/miscellaneous document” at the same time as the final manuscript is uploaded (in native format) to the electronic editorial system.
Corresponding author initial and date
Accepting editor initial and date