Document Control Template DOCUMENT CONTROL PAGE Title: Age Policy and Procedure Title Version: or Supersedes Originator modifier Designation: Ratified by: Circulation Application Supersedes: Ratification Reference Number: Description of Amendment(s): Originated By: Helena Gleeson Modified by: Designation: Sub Committee Approval Date: [if required] Delete as necessary All Patients All staff Issue Date: Circulated by: Issued to: Review Review Date: Responsibility of: Document Control Policy CG001 See the Intranet for the latest version. Version Number:- 5 Page 1 of 15 Document Control Template POLICY CONTROL PAGE (2) CIRCULATION DOCUMENT Circulation List: For Information Central Manchester and Manchester University Hospitals NHS Trust is committed to promoting equality and diversity in all areas of its activities. In particular, the Trust wants to ensure that everyone has equal access to its services. Also that there are equal opportunities in its employment and its procedural documents and decision making supports the promotion of equality and diversity. Refer to section 8 for more detail on undertaking equalities impact assessment. This document must be disseminated to all relevant staff, refer to section 10: Dissemination and Implementation The Policy must be posted on the intranet: Date Posted: Document Control Policy CG001 See the Intranet for the latest version. Version Number:- 5 Page 2 of 15 Document Control Template Section 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Contents Page Introduction Purpose Roles and Responsibilities Detail of Policy and Procedure 4.1 Patients under the age of 16 4.1.1 Outpatients 4.1.2 Planned and Unplanned Admissions 4.2 Patients aged 16 and older 4.2.1 Outpatients 4.2.2 Planned and Unplanned Admissions 4.3 Patients aged between 16 and 19 under ongoing follow up in the paediatric service 4.3.1 Outpatients 4.3.2 Planned and Unplanned Admissions 4.3.3 Delayed transition to adult services 4.4 Patients aged between 16 and 19 with severe neurodisability 4.5 Exceptions 4.5.1 Outpatients Circumstances of care of paediatric and adult patients in the same clinical setting Circumstances of care of patients aged 20 and older in paediatric services Circumstances of care of patients under the age of 16 in adult services 4.5.2 Inpatients Circumstances of care of patients aged 20 and older in paediatric services Circumstances of care of patients under the age of 16 in adult services 4.6 Requirements and process for notification 4.6.1 Purpose 4.6.2 Circumstances 4.6.3 Process 4.7 Education and training 4.8 Clinical Areas for Young People 4.9 Safeguarding of Children and Vulnerable Adults 4.10 Risk Assessment Equality Impact Assessment Consultation, Approval and Ratification Process Dissemination and Implementation Review, Monitoring Compliance With and the Effectiveness of Procedural Documents Standards and Key Performance Indicators ‘KPIs’ References and Bibliography Associated Trust Documents Appendices Document Control Policy CG001 See the Intranet for the latest version. Version Number:- 5 Page 3 of 15 Document Control Policy CG001 See the Intranet for the latest version. Version Number:- 5 Page 4 of 15 1 Introduction An age policy and procedure is necessary to ensure that patients are cared for by appropriately trained staff in the most age appropriate environment. 2 Purpose The purpose of this age policy and procedure is to ensure that all employees of CMFT involved in clinical care have clear guidance of the age of patients suitable for clinical areas within the trust. This policy is most relevant for employees of CMFT that are involved in the care of young people (aged between 10 and 24 years) and particularly those who work in clinical areas where young people are not the main users. The policy also provides specific guidance for: patients in the process of transition from paediatric to adult services patients with a neurodisability patients, who due to the location of clinical services, are not being cared for in the most age appropriate environment. 3 Roles and Responsibilities This policy applies to all employees of CMFT involved in clinical care. 4 Detail of Policy and Procedure 4.1 Patients under the age of 16 4.1.1 Outpatients These patients must attend paediatric outpatients (see 4.6 for exceptions). 4.1.2 Planned and Unplanned Admissions These patients must be admitted to paediatric wards (see 4.6 for exceptions). 4.2 Patients aged 16 and older 4.2.1 Outpatients These patients must attend adult outpatient departments if they are a new referral. 4.2.2 Planned and Unplanned Admissions These patients must be admitted to adult wards unless they are under follow up in the paediatric service and also under the age of 20. 4.3 Patients aged between 16 and 19 under ongoing follow up in the paediatric service 4.3.1 Outpatients Patients between the ages of 16 and 19 who are under follow up in the paediatric service are eligible to attend paediatric outpatients while transition to adult services is being organised. Patients must have been transitioned to adult services and attend adult outpatients by the age of 20. Document Control Policy CG001 See the Intranet for the latest version. Version Number:- 5 Page 5 of 15 4.3.2 Planned and Unplanned Admissions Patients between the ages of 16 and 19 who are under follow up in the paediatric service are eligible to be admitted to either paediatric or adult wards either as a planned or unplanned admission The decision must consider the individual needs and the preference of the patient which are then documented clearly in their case notes. Patients aged 20 and older must be admitted to adult wards. If a patient who is still under follow up in the paediatric service has a planned or unplanned admission to the adult wards the paediatric team should be notified. 4.3.3 Delayed transition to adult services With appropriate transition planning and development of transition arrangements transfer from paediatric to adult services (either within CMFT, to another hospital trust or to their GP) must occur before the age of 20. If a planned or unplanned admission is required aged 20 and over this must be to the adult wards where the patient must be under the adult team. The consultant in charge of the patient in the adult team must notify the consultant in charge of the patient in the paediatric team. 4.4 Patients aged between 16 and 19 with severe neurodisability Patients with a severe neurodisability are eligible to be seen in paediatric outpatients and be admitted to paediatric wards as detailed in 4.3. 4.5 Exceptions 4.5.1 Outpatients Circumstances of care of paediatric and adult patients in the same clinical setting In the trust there are several lifespan services which provide outpatient care in the same clinical setting for children, adolescents and adults. These services are the Regional Genetics Service, Royal Manchester Children’s Hospital, the Cochlear Implant Service, Manchester Royal Infirmary and outpatient services in the Royal Eye Hospital and the Dental Hospital. Efforts should be made in these outpatient services to recognise and meet the different needs of their patients through clearly defined zones with appropriate information in the waiting area and ideally the provision of separate clinics for paediatric patients, adolescent patients and adult patients. Circumstances of care of patients aged 20 and older in paediatric services In the trust the Regional Cleft Lip and Palate Service, Royal Manchester Children’s Hospital provide a lifespan service in which it may be necessary for patients aged 20 and older to attend outpatients in the paediatric service. Efforts should be made to recognise and meet the different needs of their patients through clearly defined zones with appropriate information in the waiting area and ideally the provision of separate clinics for paediatric patients, adolescent patients and adult patients. Circumstances of care of patients under the age of 16 in adult services In the trust there are several adult services which provide outpatient care for patients under the age of 16. These services are the Manchester Centre for Sexual Health, Manchester Royal Infirmary and Obstetric and Maternity, St Mary’s Hospital (including inpatient care). Efforts should be made in these outpatient services to Document Control Policy CG001 See the Intranet for the latest version. Version Number:- 5 Page 6 of 15 recognise and meet the different needs of their patients through clearly defined zones with appropriate information in the waiting area and ideally the provision of separate clinics for adolescent patients and adult patients. 4.5.2 Inpatients Circumstances of care of patients aged 20 and older in paediatric services In exceptional circumstances the Regional Cleft Lip and Palate Service may need to have planned admissions to the Royal Manchester Children’s Hospital for patients requiring surgery. For such an admission careful planning is required to ensure that the patient receives care in a separate room from paediatric patients. Issues surrounding safeguarding must be discussed. Circumstances of care of patients under the age of 16 in adult services The Cardiology Service in Manchester Royal Infirmary has stated that in exceptional circumstances a patient under the age of 16 may need to be admitted as an inpatient when there is no appropriate paediatric alternative available. In this exceptional circumstance the following preplanning arrangements must occur and minimum standards must be met. Pre-planning for admission of patients under the age of 16 to an adult ward Step 0 Discussion with management Prior to any preplanning the case must be discussed with the management to ensure that there are no paediatric alternatives for the planned admission. Step 1 Discussions and documentation Prior to admission the following must be discussed with the patient and their parents/carers and documented clearly in the case notes. In addition a contract must also be generated detailing what has been discussed and agreed. The contract should be signed by the patient, their parents/carers and a member of the admitting team. The following information needs to be included:The reasons that there are no options for inpatient care in a paediatric setting The minimum standards (see that they can expect Step 2 Identification of a key person/people Prior to admission a key person must be identified. The role of the key person is to execute the following steps in preplanning and to provide continuity of care and support to the patient during routine ward activities including ward rounds and investigations especially if the parents/carers are not present. They must also provide support for the parents/carers. Step 3 Inform ward manager Prior to admission the ward manager must be informed to allow a review of staffing arrangements on the ward for the duration of the patient’s stay and appropriate location on the ward where the patient will be cared for. Ideally unless clinically contraindicated this should be in a separate room from adult patients. Document Control Policy CG001 See the Intranet for the latest version. Version Number:- 5 Page 7 of 15 Step 4 Visit to ward and other departments and assessment by therapeutic play services The key person must offer the patient and their parents/carers a visit to the ward and other relevant departments. During the visit situations such as hearing or seeing a confused adult patient must be discussed. During the same visit therapeutic play services must assess what support the patient requires, for instance, during phlebotomy and other investigations, and what activities they would like to do during their admission. Step 5 Organise accommodation at Cobbett House for parents/carers if required Step 6 Multidisciplinary team meeting A meeting between the clinicians, ward staff, and therapeutic play services and managers must be held to ensure that all staff involved in the patient’s care are aware of the arrangements for the admission and of the patient’s and their parent’s/carer’s preferences. Issues surrounding safeguarding must be discussed. Minimum standards for patients under the age of 16 during an admission to an adult ward Named key person/people Each patient and their parents/carer will be allocated a named key person/people. The role of the key person/people is to provide continuity of care and support to the patient during routine ward activities including ward rounds and investigations especially if the parents/carers are not present. They must also provide support for the parents/carers. Environment Patients will ideally be nursed in a separate room from adult patients unless clinically indicated. Visiting Parents/carers of the patient must be allowed to visit at any time of the day or night and if appropriate or desired must be allowed or encouraged to stay overnight. Visitors would be required to be respectful to staff and other patients on the ward at all times. If there are safeguarding concerns which may include the need for parents to be supervised then supervision policy (MSCB 2009) needs to be followed. 4.6 Requirements and process for notification 4.6.1 Purpose The purpose of notification is to review current paediatric and adult service arrangements within specialties and also to ensure that individual patients are receiving age appropriate care. 4.6.2 Circumstances Notification is required in the following circumstances Adult outpatient departments and wards Document Control Policy CG001 See the Intranet for the latest version. Version Number:- 5 Page 8 of 15 Patients under the age of 16 attending adult outpatient departments as a patient unless specified in All patients under the age of 16 admitted to adult wards Children’s Hospital Outpatients Patients aged 16 and older attending paediatric outpatients as a new referral unless stated in 4.4. Patients aged 20 and older attending paediatric outpatients unless stated in Paediatric wards Patients aged 16 and older admitted to paediatric wards who are not under follow up by the paediatric services unless stated in 4.4 All patients aged 20 and older admitted to paediatric wards 4.7.3 Process Outpatients The manager must be notified if there is a failure to comply with the age policy. The manager will contact the clinician responsible to discuss current service provision. Wards The manager must be notified prior to a planned or at the time of an unplanned admission of a patient who fails to comply with the age policy. The manager will contact the clinician responsible and will either make the necessary arrangement for the patient to receive/continue their care in that setting or arrange transfer to a more appropriate setting. 4.8 Education and training The Trust will provide training in healthcare issues relating to young people to key staff in all clinical areas in paediatric or adult services to ensure that patients between the ages of 10 and 24 receive age appropriate care. 4.9 Clinical areas for young people The trust recommends that if possible on an individual patient basis and maintaining patient safety patients between the ages of 10 and 24 must be cared for in separate clinical areas from either younger children or older adults. 4.10 Safeguarding of children and vulnerable adults It is essential that safeguarding is considered in all children, young people and vulnerable adults to paediatric and adult services. If there are known safeguarding issues in individual patients these must be clearly communicated via the CMFT safeguarding team to paediatric and adult services. 4.11 Risk Assessment Document Control Policy CG001 See the Intranet for the latest version. Version Number:- 5 Page 9 of 15 In certain circumstance when a patient is considered a risk to themselves or others a risk assessment may be necessary and must take precedence over age policy. 5 Equality Impact Assessment 5.1. Central Manchester and Manchester University Hospitals NHS Trust is committed to promoting equality and diversity in all areas of its activities. In particular, the Trust wants to ensure that everyone has equal access to its services. Also that there are equal opportunities in its employment and its procedural documents and decision making supports the promotion of equality and diversity. 5.2. The initial Equality Impact Assessment (EqIA) – Assessment of Policy for Relevance for Promotion of Equality – Initial EqIA is found at Appendix A. This must be completed and submitted to the Equality and Diversity Department for ‘Service Equality Team Sign Off’ 5.3 Please contact the Equality and Diversity Department if you have any queries on 0161 276 6897 or 6 Consultation, Approval and Ratification Process 6.1 Consultation and Communication with Stakeholders 6.2 Policy Approval Process 6.3 Ratification Process 7 Dissemination and Implementation 7.1. Dissemination of this policy will be via the CMFT intranet site. There will also be hard copies distributed to key clinical areas throughout the Trust. Key clinical areas are defined as those which organise planned and unplanned admissions. The distribution of the document will be managed by the (xxx) and a record maintained of areas where the document has been sent. 7.2. Notification of the revision of this document will be via the CMFT Intranet. 7.3. The following people will be notified of this policy and asked to ensure its dissemination within their divisional areas: Clinical Heads of Division, Lead Nurses, Managers 7.4. Each clinical area involved in the care of young people will have a named key person who will undergo training in healthcare issues relating to young people. They will undergo training and will be involved in implementation and monitoring. 8 Review, Monitoring Compliance With and the Effectiveness of Procedural Documents 8.1. The age policy will be audited on a monthly basis by the audit department. The data will be collated and presented annually. Document Control Policy CG001 See the Intranet for the latest version. Version Number:- 5 Page 10 of 15 8.2. Issues relating to compliance with the age policy will be addressed throughout the year by managers. 9 Standards and Key Performance Indicators ‘KPIs’ 9.1. The age policy and procedure will be updated every 3 years or when there are significant changes needed to the document or following new guidance or regulations. 9.2. The age policy and procedure is available via the CMFT intranet site. 9.3. Compliance with this policy will be reported to the Trust Board. 10 References and Bibliography 11 Associated Trust Documents CMFT Child Protection Practice Guidelines CMFT Policy for the protection of Vulnerable Adults. People who pose a risk to others 12 Appendices Appendix A: Equality Impact Assessment (EqIA) – Assessment of Policy for Relevance for Promotion of Equality – Initial EqIA Document Control Policy CG001 See the Intranet for the latest version. Version Number:- 5 Page 11 of 15 Equality Impact Assessment (EqIA) – Assessment of Policy for Relevance for Promotion of Equality – Initial EqIA Appendix A (Please complete electronically) Children’s 1 Division 2 Directorate 3 Department/ Service 4 Policy Age Policy and Procedure Divisional Director/Head of Service Martin Hodgson 5 Assessment Completed By a) Name b) Position Norman Pickavance Risk/Governance Manager 6 Lead Person Position Signature Helena Gleeson Contact No. Date Completed 7 Does the Policy Benefit or have an Impact upon either Staff, the Public or Both? Yes Yes No Not Sure Document Control Policy CG001 See the Intranet for the latest version. Version Number:- 5 Page 12 of 15 Is there a Differential Impact? 8a) Is there any information or reason to believe that the operation of this policy would or does affect groups differently? Answer: Yes 20 No 0 Not Applicable 0 Not Sure 12 Staff Public Age N/A 0 Disability N/A 0 Gender/Sex N/A 0 Race and Ethnicity N/A 0 Religion and Belief N/A 0 Sexuality N/A 0 8b) How much information or evidence is there? Answer: None 2 Little 1 Some 3 Substantial 5 Staff Public N/A 1 N/A 1 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 9 The Level of Concern? Has there been any concern expressed by the public or staff about the operation of this policy? Answer: None 2 Little 1 Some 3 Substantial 5 Staff Public 2 2 Sub Total Total Document Control Policy CG001 See the Intranet for the latest version. Version Number:- 5 Page 13 of 15 10 Total Scores Staff 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 Public 3 3 6 11 Reasons for Non-Applicability Area Reasons Age Disability Policy not related to gender has an operational impact on patient’s gender Gender /Sex Policy not related to race or ethnicity has an operational impact on patient’s race or ethnicity Race and Ethnicity Policy not related to religion has an operational impact on patient religious belief Religion and Belief Policy not related to sexulaity has an operational impact on patient’s sexuality Sexuality 12 Priority Total Score 6 Priority Low 13 Service Equality Team Sign Off Name Position Signature Date of Sign Off Priority 0-9 10-29 30+ Low Medium High EqIA Registration No. IP Document Control Policy CG001 See the Intranet for the latest version. Version Number:- 5 Page 14 of 15 Document Control Policy CG001 See the Intranet for the latest version. Version Number:- 5 Page 15 of 15