
Global News:
Analysis: China second to US in nano
Cambridge to collaborate with Nokia at nano-level
Outstanding Women Well Represented in Nanotechnology in Australia
UN - Nanotechnology needs Tighter Control
US Statewide News:
Nanotechnology for health: 10-year EU-US perspective
International partnering may be key to success for nano-enabled ...
HP joins Nasa and UCSC in nano and bio research
Third Annual Ohio Nanotechnology Summit Set for April 24-25, in ...
Journal and Book:
Nanotechnology primer: The nanomaterials handbook
Nano tech in batteries
Nano Technology to Save Fuel Consumption
Cheap Nano Solar Cells
Pacific Nanotechnology introduces dual-scanner platform for AFM
Research News:
Nanotechnology, Ocean Creatures and Electronics
Chinese research produces nano-ring MRAM device
Drug Delivery System Uses Nanotechnology
Tiny, heated "nano-probes" beat cancer in mice
Nano-objects under the light microscope
A Nano Pressure Sensor
New class of electronic components 'nano-piezotronics'
Nanotechnology probe 'sees' atoms by chemical type
Cement and Concrete Combined With Nanotechnology May Hold Key To ...
New nanotechnology engineering breakthrough points to hydrogen ...
Articles & Reports:
Nanotechnology Led Changes To Manufacturing, Defence, Farming ...
Nanotechnology playing catch up with nature
Thinking Big About Things Small: Creating An Effective Oversight ...
Fighting Disease With Nanotechnology
Defense view of nanotechnology’s potential
New class of electronic components 'nano-piezotronics'
Nanotechnology Could Improve Health, Water in Developing Nations
Panel eyes nanotechnology issues
Investing In Nanotechnology: Nanotech's Four Profitable Categories ...
Brasvetro Signs DFI License To Launch Diamon-Fusion® Nano-Coating ...
Nano-Proprietary, Inc. to Present at Asia Display 2007
WallStreetStockReview.com Esteemed Pioneer of Nanotechnology Joins ...
Coral Gables Joins SolarDiesel Corporation / Nano Chemical Systems ...
Mitsui licenses Nano-Proprietary IP for lighting apps
Raymor Enters Into the Asian Market Following Key Nanotechnology ...
Nano Chemical Systems Holdings to Merge With SolarDiesel
Nanotechnology risk framework: your input requested
Nano Arms Race
Toxic warnings for nano industry.
Nano Tech Center receives funding
Rexahn Awarded Maryland Industrial Partnerships Grant to Develop ...
$4.5M partnership for nanotechnology R&D
Post doctor position opennings
Education & Outreach:
Survey finds nanotechnology attitudes vary
USC, Benedict Present Nanotechnology School
"Nanotechnology" a mystery to 80% of US population
Foresight Nanotech Weekly News Digest: March 7, 2007
Health: Light-sensitive nanoparticle films electrically stimulate neurons
Health: Heated nanoprobes destroy breast cancer cells
Clean energy: Nanoscale catalyst engineering for fuel cells
Clean energy: Nanorod anti-reflection coating could improve solar cells,
Information technology: New graphene transistor
Information technology: New electronic devices created from bent nanowires
Advancing Beneficial Nanotechnology - Join Foresight
Research: Nanotube formation captured on video — movie online
Research: Individual atoms' chemical ID revealed
Nano Risk Framework: Comments due March 30
Events - Annual Nanoprobes Workshop, 2nd Annual Nanomedicine
Toward Productive Nanosystems: Low-cost DNA nanostructures
Editor's Pick - New model simulates atomic processes in nanomaterials
Nanodot - What's next for nanotechnology
Contact Foresight
SELECTED HEADLINES from nanotechweb.org News
1) * Nanotechnology news in brief *
See http://nanotechweb.org/articles/news/6/3/12?alert=1
2) * Superconductivity and magnetism in harmony in a novel nanomaterial * Magnetism and
superconductivity are often thought to be incompatible. However, physicists in the US and France
have created a nanoscale structure that contains both magnetic and superconducting properties
at the same time. The results show a hitherto undocumented interplay between ferromagnetism
and superconductivity and the researchers will be studying the phenomenon at the Swiss Light
Source, at the Paul Scherrer Institute, over the next two years.
See http://nanotechweb.org/articles/news/6/3/11?alert=1
3) * Nanoarray focuses light *
A specially designed array of nanoholes can focus light into a very small spot that is smaller than
the wavelength of light used. The result, which comes from optical physicists in the UK and
Spain, could find use in a variety of applications in nano-optics, including high-density optical
information storage, photolithography, and making a small "light pen" that can image inside cells
and other microscale objects.
See http://nanotechweb.org/articles/news/6/3/10?alert=1
4) * Nanoprobes destroy cancer *
Researchers in the US have used hot nanoprobes to slow the growth of tumours in mice with
breast cancer, without damaging surrounding healthy tissue. The technique, which was
developed by Sally Denardo and colleagues at the University of California at Davis, is non-toxic
and could be extended to humans, the scientists hope.
See http://nanotechweb.org/articles/news/6/3/9?alert=1
5) * Nanoparticles enhance photosynthesis * Metal nanoparticles can increase the efficiency of
energy produced in photosynthetic systems, according to work by researchers in the US and
Israel. The novel hybrid system, which consists of a photosynthetic reaction centre containing
chlorophyll bound to gold and silver nanocrystals, produces ten times more excited electrons
thanks to plasmon resonance and fast electron-hole separation. The enhancement mechanisms
could be used to design artificial light-harvesting systems, say the scientists.
See http://nanotechweb.org/articles/news/6/3/8?alert=1
6) * New look for solar cells *
Researchers in the US have shown that carbon nanotubes can significantly improve the efficiency
of solar cells made of titanium dioxide, a readily available and cheap chemical routinely used in
paint and sunscreen. Prashant Kamat and colleagues at the University of Notre Dame, Indiana,
anchored titanium dioxide nanoparticles on single-walled carbon nanotubes and found that the
efficiency of converting ultraviolet light into current was doubled compared to that using the
nanoparticles alone.
See http://nanotechweb.org/articles/news/6/3/7?alert=1
7) * New hydrogen-storing nanomaterial revealed * Computer simulations have identified a new
class of materials, metal-diboride nanotubes, with a large capacity for storing hydrogen. Sheng
Meng of the University of Texas, Zhenyu Zhang of Oak Ridge National Laboratory and the
University of Tennessee, and Efthimios Kaxiras of Harvard University have found that titanium
boride nanotubes can reversibly store 5.5 wt% of hydrogen. More importantly, the binding
energies of the nanotubes fall in the range of 0.2 to 0.6 eV per hydrogen molecule, which means
they are promising candidates for room-temperature applications.
See http://nanotechweb.org/articles/news/6/3/6?alert=1
8) * Nanorods make "ideal" anti-reflection coatings * Physicists in the US claim to have created
the first thin optical film with a refractive index close to that of air. The film consists of an array of
obliquely-deposited nanorods, which can collectively have a refractive index as low as 1.05. The
physicists also say that several graded layers of the films can produce an optical coating that
"virtually eliminates" reflection at all wavelengths.
See http://nanotechweb.org/articles/news/6/3/5?alert=1
--------------------------------------------------------* NANOTECHNOLOGY JOURNAL 2007 *
The special issue featuring invited papers from the International Conference on Nanoscience and
Technology 2006 is now available online.
Please visit http://www.iop.org/EJ/nano where articles from this issue are available free online
until the end of March!
Nanotechnology is now published weekly and features subject sections. Send us your paper at
or to the journal homepage http://www.iop.org/journals/nano and take advantage of some of the
fastest publication times around!
1) * Carbon nanotube field-effect transistor (CNTFET) with ultra-short gate width * The scaling
down of carbon nanotube field-effect transistors (CNTFETs) and improvement of device
performance has recently been reported in Nanotechnology.
See http://nanotechweb.org/articles/journal/6/3/2/1
2) * Local stabilization of single-walled carbon nanotubes on Si(100) * Single-walled nanotubes
(SWNT) directly interfaced with a Si(100) surface have been examined using an ultrahighvacuum scanning tunnelling microscope (UHV-STM).
See http://nanotechweb.org/articles/journal/6/3/1/1
3) * Four-probe electrical transport measurements on individual metallic nanowires * Scanning
tunnelling microscopes, guided by high-resolution electron microscopes, have been used to
provide contacts to nanostructures.
See http://nanotechweb.org/articles/journal/6/1/14/1