Wanted - cfacs

One good man/women for President of this United States of America.
Charles F. Tolbert (abd)
Citizens For a Better America
In 1962 the late President John F Kennedy wrote, “If some chance keeps you from the presidency, you will
still know that you are prepared to serve well your nation as a citizen.” J. F. Kennedy (1962), How to
prepare for the Presidency. New York, N. Y. Parade Pub, Inc.
I have revealed my position on the critical issue of ethics and God in our education system and
related leaders' responsibilities in “Where is God and why it is unethical to teach about God in the public
School system,” knowing that if we understood our positions as leaders, we would plant our feet securely,
but instead, leaders have voted against allowing God being taught in Public Schools, in fact, God has been
removed from most public entities. This is an issue of ethics. What must leaders do about this when in
positions of leadership? When raised to a position of leadership, it is key that leaders remember their own
roots, insuring they keep their integrity in their leadership style. As a Pastor and a godly leader, I believe it
is necessary to embark on this journey toward leading the nation with integrity and ethics. As leaders must
be risk takers and realize that without God there are no ethical standards, I must take a stand. If leaders are
not willing to recognize this as an ethical and political issue, what will happen to the ethics of our nation?
The classroom cannot be as effective a place of learning if the students arrive with little or no moral
background. To remedy this, the home environment must be reconstructed. The overall object is to provide
a community setting where all the shareholders can reassess their own communities. Our academic culture
can no longer be the ethics of the community but it must also reflect the global culture. Teachers were first
introduced by individuals with religious training and later this training was replaced by the secular system.
Today teachers should come from both sectors and share ideas in order for both parochial and secular
schools to meet one common goal and that’s to teach the child educational standards and ethical ones as
well. We should review our teaching practices; first the need to teach ethics and moral behavior and second
the required curriculum.
Reynolds v. U.S in 1879, “Congress shall make no laws respecting an establishment of religion or
prohibiting the free exercise; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or right of the people
peaceably to assemble and to petition the government for the redress of grievances.” As the state can
neither aid nor inhibit religion it would appear, that in fact, the Supreme Court and the States have sided
with the 9% of non-faith believers and made teaching creation an unlawful act of defiance and therefore
unethical. In 1965 the Supreme Court ruled that title 1 service can be provided to parochial schools without
offending church-state constitutional prohibitions. This ruling set the stage for parochial schools and the
parents of faith-based organizations to educate their children in a faith-based setting rather than a place
without God. I believe, if we track the actions of today’s leaders, we would find the majority came from the
Vietnam era and thereafter. (1960-1970) These leaders, who are now, in their 40’s and 50’s, have forgotten
that God founded this country and perhaps also conveniently forgotten why we left England. Because of
the conflict between the state and faith-based teachings, I believe the parochial hybrid school system will
soon replace the traditional public school system and may possibly solve the issue of separation of church
and state.
The classroom cannot be as effective a place of learning if the students arrive with little or no moral
background. To remedy this, the home environment must be reconstructed. The overall object is to provide
a community setting where all the shareholders can reassess their own communities. Our academic culture
can no longer be the ethics of the community but it must also reflect the global culture. Teachers were first
introduced by individuals with religious training and later this training was replaced by the secular system.
Today teachers should come from both sectors and share ideas in order for both parochial and secular
schools to meet one common goal and that’s to teach the child educational standards and ethical ones as
well. We should review our teaching practices; first the need to teach ethics and moral behavior and second
the required curriculum.
The case in 1947 Everson v. Board of Education determined that we are all equal. Just to share
briefly, the First Amendment says, “Neither the State nor Federal Government can set up a church, and or
aid one religious group.” But this limitation should not prevent the child from receiving monetary
assistance for his or her education, with the child having the option of the school of his or her choice. I
often wondered how man can establish a set of ethics which may be contradictive to another’s own belief?
When an individual freedom is impacted for the good of the community, we can understand that the good
of the majority must come first. But when over 90% of America is of a belief in God how can the
community be served by the elimination of teachings about creation? Yet our schools teach evolution. the
moral of the community is usually biblical doctrine and the schools have taken over the role of religious
teachers by teaching evolution and not both creation and evolution. We have an ethics and social
responsibilities to know and teach both sides and allow the student to form his or her own opinion.
The First Amendment reads, “Congress shall make no law respecting and establishment of religion,
or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.” The purpose was to have a wall of separation between the church
and state. Currently the Supreme Court applies a three-pronged test to determine whether legislation
comports with the Establish Clause. First, the legislature must have adopted the law with neutral or nonreligious purpose. Second, the statute’s principal or primary effect must be one that neither advances nor
inhibits religion. Third, the stature must not result in an excessive entanglement of government with
religion. Many faith based organization do not believe that the separation should include the removal of
God from public facilities, but that the separation should be that the Government would not establish its
own church.
In conclusion, where is God and why is it unethical to teach about God in the public school system?
This can only be answered by the fact that any individual who has a belief in God and voices that belief
within the public school system has violated a law of man. On the other hand, any individual who does not
teach about God has gone against God’s teachings. This paper presents several perspectives about risk
taking to community involvement. I believe that teachers who believe in God are restricted and limited by
the current school systems. Further, I believe that the tax payer and parents deserve the right to allocate the
money paid to the state for educational purposes. This includes choosing the school that supports their
ideologies. To me, the most significant ethical issue faced by a teacher today is the inability to teach that
we have a God who created us.
Mr. Tolbert attends Nova S. E. doctrinal program for Educational Leadership with an anticipated
graduation date of July 2007, served 22 years in the Army, retired in 1981, after which he owned his own
company. Currently he is the overseer of CFACS Inc. You can view his resume at www.cfacs.com and
contact him at cfacs@gate.net.
Vote: Charles F. Tolbert
For President ---- 2012
Paid for by Charles F. Tolbert P. O. Box 23972 Ft. Lauderdale FL. 33307