Kalamazoo County Government August 2004 www.kalcounty.com KALAMAZOO COUNTY GOVERNMENT FUNCTIONS Table of Contents INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................ 1 A Word from the County Administrator .................................................................... 3 Kalamazoo County Government Organization Chart ............................................... 4 How We Conducted This Study ............................................................................... 5 Definitions................................................................................................................ 6 Layout of Function Tables ....................................................................................... 8 Glossary .................................................................................................................. 9 COUNTY ADMINISTRATION ........................................................................................11 Administrative Services ..........................................................................................12 Buildings and Grounds ...........................................................................................16 Finance ..................................................................................................................19 Human Resources ..................................................................................................21 Information Services ...............................................................................................24 Purchasing .............................................................................................................26 Resource Development ..........................................................................................27 GENERAL GOVERNMENT ...........................................................................................29 Animal Services and Enforcement ..........................................................................30 Clerk / Register of Deeds / Elections ......................................................................32 Drain Commissioner ...............................................................................................38 Equalization ............................................................................................................41 Kalamazoo/Battle Creek International Airport .........................................................43 MSU Extension .......................................................................................................48 Parks and Recreation .............................................................................................52 Planning/Community Development .........................................................................55 Treasurer ................................................................................................................59 HUMAN SERVICES ......................................................................................................63 Family Independence Agency.................................................................................64 Human Services .....................................................................................................65 Kalamazoo County Mental Health Services ............................................................77 AUGUST 2004 i KALAMAZOO COUNTY GOVERNMENT FUNCTIONS JUSTICE .......................................................................................................................79 Eighth District Court ................................................................................................80 Ninth Circuit Court ..................................................................................................84 Probate Court .........................................................................................................93 Adult Probation .....................................................................................................100 Kalamazoo Criminal Justice Council .....................................................................101 Office of Community Corrections ..........................................................................105 Prosecuting Attorney ............................................................................................108 Sheriff’s Department .............................................................................................132 This document is available in alternative formats upon request by calling (269) 383-6449. It is also available online: www.kalcounty.com AUGUST 2004 ii KALAMAZOO COUNTY GOVERNMENT FUNCTIONS INTRODUCTION INTRODUCTION AUGUST 2004 1 KALAMAZOO COUNTY GOVERNMENT FUNCTIONS AUGUST 2004 INTRODUCTION 2 KALAMAZOO COUNTY GOVERNMENT FUNCTIONS INTRODUCTION A Word from the County Administrator A Word from the County Administrator Kalamazoo County Board of Commissioners; Department Heads, Elected Officials, and Court Administrators; Fellow Residents of Kalamazoo County! This document was completed as part of the County Strategic Plan 2010 (www.kalcounty.com/Board/stratplan.htm), and its completion was one of several major strategic priorities for the County Board. This report is based on a similar study published by Kent County Government as the “Mandated Services Study.” (www.accesskent.com/YourGovernment/CountyAdministrator/default.htm). It is my hope that this document will enhance citizens’ understanding and appreciation of the services provided by the over twenty departments and the Courts of Kalamazoo County Government. I also hope that it will help my almost one thousand colleagues at the County gain a better understanding of our organization as we strive daily to provide the best possible services within our statutory and financial boundaries. Without doubt, this document will become an integral part of future budget deliberations. We are adopting Kent County’s definitions so that we don’t have to reinvent the wheel. Using the same definitions makes our study more comparable to Kent County’s document. As other counties undertake similar efforts, we hope that uniform definitions will be used by them as well. I appreciate the department heads’ and elected officials’ enthusiastic and timely collaboration in getting this project off the ground. I recognize we all have to do more with less as resources have become scarce. Don Gilmer County Administrator AUGUST 2004 3 KALAMAZOO COUNTY GOVERNMENT FUNCTIONS INTRODUCTION Kalamazoo County Government Organization Chart All offices of Kalamazoo County Government are ultimately responsible to the Citizens of Kalamazoo County. Offices not headed by elected officials or judges report to the County Board of Commissioners. Citizens of Kalamazoo County serve elect and fund elect Elected Officials appoints reports to Sheriff Director, Finance and Administrative Services Surveyor accountable serve serve Circuit Court accountable Family Division Trial Division Administration incl. Friend of the Court Juvenile Home Corporate Counsel Medical Examiner Supported by: Adult Probation coordinates reports to Deputy County Administrator District Court Treasurer report to reports to Community Corrections Buildings & Grounds Board Office Document Services Human Resources Equalization KCJC Staff Finance Organizational Development Information Systems Probate Court report to report to Animal Control elect Judiciary funds appoints County Administrator coordinates Prosecuting Attorney appoints Board of Commissioners funds Clerk/Register Drain Commissioner Boards, councils, and commissions serve Human Services including: Kalamazoo/Battle Creek International Airport Area Agency on Aging Care-A-Van Comm. Action Agency Public Health serve MSU Extension Parks and Recreation Planning and Development/ Recycling Purchasing support support support support support © 1999-2003 Kalamazoo County Government Version 4.1 - November 2003 County Organization Chart.xls This chart is available online at www.kalcounty.com/orgchart.htm AUGUST 2004 4 KALAMAZOO COUNTY GOVERNMENT FUNCTIONS INTRODUCTION How We Conducted This Study Last summer, staff distributed a similar Kent County publication (see www.accesskent.com/YourGovernment/CountyAdministrator/default.htm ) to the “Service Improvement and Technology Initiatives” strategic planning work group. Based on the anticipated benefits a similar report could have for Kalamazoo County, the work group recommended the present study as a strategic objective for 2004 as follows. Kalamazoo County Government’s Strategic Plan 2010 outlines the following vision for the County’s Service Improvements and Technology Initiatives: The community values Kalamazoo County Government for efficiently and effectively meetings needs and for providing convenient access to user-friendly services. (www.kalcounty.com/Board/stratplan.htm) Goal 1 under this vision states that “County Board and administration use key performance measures to effectively create and implement policy governing the affairs of Kalamazoo County Government.” It specifically requires Kalamazoo County Government to have an “inventory of mandated services (similar to Kent County) by March 2004” (Objective C). During an initial briefing with department heads and elected officials, Administration explained the origin and purpose of this project and provided copies of the Kent County study. After receiving input on the process, staff created templates for each department based on the Kent County narrative, the department’s or court’s 2004 budget narrative, the Kent County table, and the definitions for the various categories mandated, necessary, and discretionary (see page 5). This effort was combined with another strategic project which will result in a county-wide inventory of currently outsourced services. (This inventory will be published in October 2004.) We asked our colleagues to succinctly describe their main functions and activities and indicate which ones are (1) mandated by federal or state law or court rule, (2) necessary to support those mandated functions, and (3) discretionary. Departments and courts created the narratives and function tables included in this document. Administrative review was minimal; besides minor stylistic corrections, the narratives and tables submitted by County departments’ and Courts’ have not been edited for content and accuracy. Instead, it was each submitting agencies’ responsibility to provide accurate and up-to-date information on their respective functions. Interested readers are encouraged to direct specific questions directly to department heads and elected officials. AUGUST 2004 5 KALAMAZOO COUNTY GOVERNMENT FUNCTIONS INTRODUCTION Definitions (Adapted from Kent County Mandated Services Study, pp. 1-3) www.accesskent.com/YourGovernment/CountyAdministrator/default.htm For an activity to be considered mandated or necessary, it has to be conducted in some form in every county in Michigan. The mandate need not be to a specific department, but to the County in general. For example, the County is required to have a medical examiner; because the function is conducted by the Health Department, the mandate is listed in that section of the report. Also, if the Constitution, state or federal law, or a court ruling said the service shall be provided, no consideration was given regarding the level of service to be provided. The level of service is set by the Board of Commissioners when it appropriates funds for the activity. However, the ability of the Board to exercise discretion in the amount of funds it appropriates was considered distinct from the ability to exercise discretion over whether or not the service is to be provided. Admittedly, this is a fine distinction: Can the Board of Commissioners set a funding level at zero and thereby nullify the mandate? Generally, nullification of a mandate by nonfunding will be subject to dispute. For example, the courts and the Attorney General have said that language stating a county board of commissioners “shall levy a tax not to exceed…” is a mandate to levy the tax; a levy of zero was not acceptable to the court. Beyond that, the Court of Appeals has granted boards the discretion to set funding levels in accordance with a “serviceability” standard that requires only the minimum budgetary appropriation at which a statutorily mandated function can be fulfilled, and also grants the Board latitude in setting the “serviceability” standard. As a result, this study does not consider a “serviceability standard” in defining the mandates. Instead, a mandate is considered to exist whenever the governing authority included the words such as “shall,” “must,” “is required,” or similar language. Board Resolutions and Board Authorized Agreements Activities performed pursuant to a Board resolution and/or Board-approved contract are identified as non-mandatory. Functions are not considered Board authorized if they were added through the budget process without a separate resolution. Similarly, Board approval of staffing for a program was not automatically considered as Board approval of the program. The language of the resolution, the specificity of the tasks listed, and any limiting or restricting clauses had to be considered. AUGUST 2004 6 KALAMAZOO COUNTY GOVERNMENT FUNCTIONS INTRODUCTION In some cases, the Board adopted multiple resolutions for a single activity over many years (e.g., Board appointments to other boards and communications). In such instances, only the most recent relevant resolutions have been noted. Necessary A service is only considered necessary if the County, due to its size or its obligation to provide mandated services or a Board-authorized function, could not reasonably operate without it. This does not imply that the function does not contribute to a good, efficient, well-run operation, or even cost savings. This study makes no judgment of the necessity or value of the service to the citizens, or its impact on the quality of life of County residents – these are decisions to be made by the County Board. Departments and Courts evaluated activities for their necessity solely on whether they are considered an administrative requirement for a mandated or authorized County government function. Discretionary In addition, the study does not address whether or how an activity is funded. An activity for which a fee is charged but for which there is no legal mandate, contract, or Board resolution is considered discretionary; the same is true for functions for which no fees are charged. Finally, programs provided with County funding, even if not performed by County staff (i.e., contracted services), are included here since the method of service delivery is immaterial to whether or not a service is mandated. Other Considerations The only time the method of service delivery has been considered was in the evaluation of a service which has been centralized (e.g., Garage Operations). In these cases, the service is considered as a centralized operation. That is, while it is necessary to maintain the vehicles owned by Kalamazoo County Government, it is not essential to the function of county government that a vehicle maintenance service be maintained, evidenced by the fact that many counties do not have this activity. Admittedly, certain costs of maintaining county vehicles must be borne somewhere; however, the decision to centralize the function to achieve cost savings or other efficiencies resulted in the creation of a discretionary cost center for the County, and thus requires it to be viewed as a distinct unit. Some functions are listed in multiple categories (e.g., a statute, a contract, and also as discretionary) when they represented an activity that consists of several components that fall into different categories (e.g., employee training). AUGUST 2004 7 KALAMAZOO COUNTY GOVERNMENT FUNCTIONS INTRODUCTION Layout of Function Tables Information on the mandated, necessary, or discretionary aspect of the major functions is provided via the following table layout based on the above definitions. Name of Department or Court Board Authorized Agreement Original contract Current contract Board Resolution Discretionary Function Constitution Statute Court Orders Court Rules Non-Mandated Necessary Mandated Black bar indicates a division or bureau Gray bar indicates a major function category 1. Numbered listings describe individual activities within each major function. Mandated Constitution Statute Court Orders Court Rules County functions performed because they are mandated by federal or state constitutions, statutes, court orders, or court rules. Non-Mandated Board Authorized Agreement County functions performed because they are authorized by or emanate from contracts, grants, or other binding agreements entered into by the Board of Commissioners. Board Resolution County functions performed because they are authorized by one or more resolutions of the Board of Commissioners. Necessary County functions neither mandated nor authorized but performed because they are necessary for the performance of a mandated function. Discretionary County functions which do not meet any of the above criteria and/or are discretionary programs of a department or Court. AUGUST 2004 8 KALAMAZOO COUNTY GOVERNMENT FUNCTIONS INTRODUCTION Glossary Admin Memo Supreme Court Administrative Memo AO Supreme Court Administrative Order CDC Center of Disease Control. CERT Community Emergency Response Training. CFR Code of Federal Regulations EMPG Emergency Management Planning Grant. EPA Environmental Protection Agency FAA Federal Aviation Administration FAR Federal Aviation Regulations FEMA Federal Emergency Management Agency. LAO Local Administrative Memo LEPC Local Emergency Planning Committee MCL Michigan Compiled Law MCR Michigan Court Rule PA Public Act SARA Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act. TSA Transportation Security Administration USCA United States Civil-defense Act (replaced by Public Act 390) AUGUST 2004 9 KALAMAZOO COUNTY GOVERNMENT FUNCTIONS AUGUST 2004 INTRODUCTION 10 KALAMAZOO COUNTY GOVERNMENT FUNCTIONS COUNTY ADMINISTRATION COUNTY ADMINISTRATION AUGUST 2004 11 KALAMAZOO COUNTY GOVERNMENT FUNCTIONS COUNTY ADMINISTRATION Administrative Services Counties are not mandated to appoint an administrator, but if a county board chooses to do so, certain activities are then mandated to be performed by that position, such as preparation of the budget and management of the County’s finances. These duties are primarily performed by other County departments under the control and supervision of the Administrator, and where there is not substantial direct involvement of County Administration in such activity, the activity is discussed in the section of the report relating to those departments. County Administrator The general objective of the County Administrator and his staff is to assist the Board of Commissioners in the development, implementation, and maintenance of management policies, programs, and organization that meet the needs of Kalamazoo County Government at the minimum cost to its taxpayers. The County Administrator is directly responsible to the Board of Commissioners. Other responsibilities include general supervision of sixteen County departments, as permitted by law and directed by the Board of Commissioners; management planning, and general liaison to County elected officials, news media, and other organizations. The County Administrator is also responsible for oversight of the direct administrative support to the Board of Commissioners. Board staff provide secretarial services, assist with Committee of the Whole and Board agendas, and record and distribute minutes of Committee of the Whole and Board meetings. Budget Administration is mandated to the Administrator and although largely delegated to the Office of Finance, sufficient time from the County Administrator and his staff is devoted to this activity. Another significant function of County Administration is to provide administrative support to County departments and facilitate internal and external communication. Representing the County at various governmental, community and other civic activities is necessary for the County to function successfully. Corporate Counsel The position of Corporate Counsel was established in the Administrator’s Office on December 19, 1978. Prior to the establishment of the Corporate Counsel's Office, the Prosecuting Attorney supplied the County Board with civil counsel. In 2003, the Board of Commissioners officially appointed the incumbent Corporate Counsel as the Board of Commissioners’ statutory Counsel pursuant to MCL 49.71 which allows the board to employ an attorney to represent the County in civil matters. The Corporate Counsel also represents the other elected County officials, such as the Clerk/Register, Drain Commissioner, Judges, Prosecuting Attorney, Sheriff, and Treasurer. AUGUST 2004 12 KALAMAZOO COUNTY GOVERNMENT FUNCTIONS COUNTY ADMINISTRATION Additional duties of Corporate Counsel include responding to requests for information as the County’s designated FOIA Coordinator, serving as the County's Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) Officer overseeing the County's compliance with the HIPAA laws and investigating complaints about violations of the HIPAA laws, and, as an Assistant Prosecuting Attorney for Environmental Issues, enforcing the provisions of the County's Soil Erosion and Sedimentation Control Ordinance. Corporate Counsel also enforces the civil aspects of the Dog Law of 1919 and the Dangerous Animals Act by seeking the court-ordered destruction of dangerous dogs. The Corporate Counsel serves as the insurance coordinator for the County’s general liability insurance policies; the professional liability insurance policies for medical professionals (the dentists, nurses, doctors); automobile insurance for county vehicles including Head Start and Care-A-Van vehicles; and the Airport's general liability insurance policy. The Corporate Counsel oversees the processing and payment of all claims made against the insurance policies. As a practical matter, someone within the County organization must serve as the insurance coordinator, and this function has been assigned to the Corporate Counsel's office. The Corporate Counsel has also been assigned the responsibility for preparing and maintaining the Phase II Storm Water Permit for the Parks Department. This responsibility is mandated by the federal Clean Water Act and MDEQ guidelines and has been assigned to the Corporate Counsel's office. Organizational Development On January 19, 1999, the County Board established a County-wide continuous quality improvement program now overseen by the Organizational Development function of County Administration. In 2004, the County Board adopted a strategic plan with six different strategic priority areas. Administration is spending significant time assisting departments and courts to develop their strategic plans and performance measurement systems. Program and policy research and evaluation is done per specific Board requests and as a discretionary activity. This function also provides internal consulting services and employee training in other areas of organizational development, such as continuous quality improvement, operational assessments, and staff and stakeholders surveys. These activities are undertaken to increase transparency and accountability of County government performance, and, more tangibly, improve the way the County does business. AUGUST 2004 13 KALAMAZOO COUNTY GOVERNMENT FUNCTIONS COUNTY ADMINISTRATION Administrative Services Board Authorized Agreement Original contract Current contract Board Resolution Discretionary Function Constitution Statute Court Orders Court Rules Non-Mandated Necessary Mandated Administrative Support and Communication 2. Assist the Board of Commissioners in the development, implementation, and maintenance of policies. X 3. Provide general supervision to sixteen County departments. X 4. Function as general liaison to County elected officials, state and local government, news media, and other organizations. X 5. Represent the County at various governmental, community, and other civic activities X Budget Administration 1. Create and manage the County Budget MCLA 141.434(2)(3) Corporate Counsel 1. Provide legal advice and services to the Board of Commissioners, the County Administrator, and County departments MCLA 49.71 2. Represent the Board of 3. Commissioners and other elected officials in civil matters 4. Respond to requests for information (FOIA) 5. As County's Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) Officer oversee the County's compliance with HIPAA laws and investigate complaints about HIPAA violations AUGUST 2004 12-19-1978 X X PA 442 45 CFR Parts 160 and 164 14 KALAMAZOO COUNTY GOVERNMENT FUNCTIONS COUNTY ADMINISTRATION Administrative Services Board Authorized Agreement Original contract Current contract Board Resolution 6. Appointed as Assistant Prosecuting Attorney for Environmental Issues to enforce County's Soil Erosion and Sedimentation Control Ordinance 7. Enforce civil aspects of the Dog Law of 1919 and the Dangerous Animals Act by seeking the court-ordered destruction of dangerous dogs. X PA 339 of 1919 8. Serve as the County’s Insurance Coordinator 9. Responsible for preparing and maintaining the Phase II Storm Water Permit for the Parks Department Discretionary Function Constitution Statute Court Orders Court Rules Non-Mandated Necessary Mandated X Federal Clean Water Act MDEQ guidelines Organizational Development 1. Coordinate county-wide continuous quality improvement program 01-19-1999 X 2. Direct County-wide and departmental strategic planning and performance measurement efforts 3. Research and evaluate County programs and policies 4. Internal consulting and employee training AUGUST 2004 X X X 15 KALAMAZOO COUNTY GOVERNMENT FUNCTIONS COUNTY ADMINISTRATION Buildings and Grounds The Buildings and Grounds Department provides and supervises the facility operations and maintenance for the County. It directly provides daily maintenance and custodial services and handles all major repairs and renovations. Many of these task are completed by the County’s own staff, including skilled trade positions, such as (boiler and air conditioning technicians, electrician, plumber, carpenter and electronics technician). The department is also responsible for snow removal, lawn care, service contracts, administering the facilities’ locks and keys, maintaining proper records and blueprints as well as necessary certificates and registrations. Additionally, the department is responsible for providing inspections to insure that all properties meet applicable codes and standards for occupancy. This department also manages the County wide building automation system that controls and monitors the environmental systems. The department is responsible for providing garage operations that includes the servicing and maintenance of County owned vehicles. Additional responsibilities include providing fueling capabilities for County owned vehicles. This involves direct maintenance of the equipment as well as maintaining records for proper cost allocation and satisfying regulatory requirements. Buildings and Grounds also provide project development services and construction management for most major capital and renovation projects. Helping individual departments develop budget estimates, solicit quotes and assist in the bidding process is also within the department scope. Additionally, Buildings and Grounds provide support services to all County departments on a daily basis. These services would include assembling furniture, installing shelving, moving offices, delivering items, building cabinets, etc. The functions of the Buildings and Grounds department are necessary to provide a safe and clean work environment and to meet applicable code and licensure requirements that are needed for the performance of mandated County functions. AUGUST 2004 16 KALAMAZOO COUNTY GOVERNMENT FUNCTIONS COUNTY ADMINISTRATION Buildings and Grounds Board Authorized Agreement Original contract Current contract Date of Board Resolution Discretionary Function Constitution Statute Court Orders Court Rules Non-Mandated Necessary Mandated Facilities Operation 1. Provide and supervise services for the operation and maintenance of all County owned facilities. X 2. Provide and supervise custodial services. X 3. Manage maintenance and service contracts. Various contracts X 4. Perform repairs and alterations. X 5. Maintain necessary certificates and registrations as well as blueprints and facility records. X 6. Inspect for compliance of health and life safety codes. X Garage Operations 1. Provide service and maintenance to County owned vehicles. X 2. Provide fueling services for County Departments. X Project Development & Construction Management 1. Provide design services for inhouse projects. X 2. Provide estimating and bidding services. X 3. Provide construction/renovation management services. X 4. Consult with Architects and Engineers on major projects. AUGUST 2004 X 17 KALAMAZOO COUNTY GOVERNMENT FUNCTIONS COUNTY ADMINISTRATION Buildings and Grounds Board Authorized Agreement Original contract Current contract Date of Board Resolution Discretionary Function Constitution Statute Court Orders Court Rules Non-Mandated Necessary Mandated Support Services 1. Provide support services to assist all departments. 2. Provide internal recycling services. AUGUST 2004 X X 18 KALAMAZOO COUNTY GOVERNMENT FUNCTIONS COUNTY ADMINISTRATION Finance The Office of Finance operates under the supervision of the County Administrator. In that capacity, the Office is responsible for coordinating and administering all financial operations of the County through the Board of Commissioners. Also, it is specifically responsible for the following: Budgeting and financial planning activities for the Board of Commissioners and departments. Accounting requirements for all County operating funds, special purpose construction, and operating grant funds, trust funds, and other funds which are deposited with the Kalamazoo County Treasurer. Grant financial administration including monitoring of expenditures, financial reporting, and resolution of audit exceptions. Payroll and payroll reporting. Administration of the County Retirement System. Offer centralized mail and messenger services and printing services through Document Services Finance Board Authorized Agreement Original contract Current contract Date of Board Resolution Discretionary Function Constitution Statute Court Orders Court Rules Non-Mandated Necessary Mandated Accounting, Budgeting, and Payroll Accounting 3. Install and maintain a system of accounting MCLA 46.13b 4. Pay bills for services and goods received by County X 5. Prepare an annual overview of the County’s financial plan for distribution to rating agencies and other interested parties X 6. Secure an annual audit AUGUST 2004 USCA 7501 19 KALAMAZOO COUNTY GOVERNMENT FUNCTIONS COUNTY ADMINISTRATION Finance Board Authorized Agreement Original contract Current contract Date of Board Resolution Discretionary Function Constitution Statute Court Orders Court Rules Non-Mandated Necessary Mandated Budgeting 1. Maintain, monitor, and analyze budget data X 2. Prepare an annual Capital Improvement Program Budget X 3. Prepare an annual operating budget MCLA 141.434(2)(3) Payroll 1. Calculate and withhold thirdparty deductions from compensation and make timely deposits of withheld funds Various statutes 2. Issue checks to compensate employees Various statutes Document Services 1. Provide internal and external mail and messenger services X 2. Provide printing services for forms, documents, and other materials X Grant Financial Administration 1. Monitor expenditures Required by contracts 2. Assist departments with grant budget preparation Required by contracts 3. Prepare and submit periodic financial reports Required by contracts Administration of County Retirement System 1. Administer benefits AUGUST 2004 March 1, 1960 20 KALAMAZOO COUNTY GOVERNMENT FUNCTIONS COUNTY ADMINISTRATION Human Resources The Human Resources Department has general responsibility for employee compensation, performance appraisal, employee/labor relations, employment and training of County employees, benefits, and safety/workers’ compensation programs. The Board of Commissioners has placed the Human Resources Department responsible to administer the Personnel Policies in Personnel Policy 1.02. Personnel Policies 4.05 and 4.07 require activities associated with the maintenance of the necessary performance appraisal and employee classification systems. As a part of its classification function, Human Resources facilitates the classification of positions through a consultant. The Human Resources Department also conducts compensation studies and job and market analyses to ensure that the County remains competitive in the employment market. In terms of employee/labor relations, the County, like any other employer, is mandated to have certain policies and programs in effect protecting the rights of workers and addressing their right to bargain. These activities, mandated by laws and regulations too numerous to detail, are treated as mandatory functions of the department. The Human Resources Department administers nine collective bargaining agreements and also oversees mandated unemployment insurance administration. Human Resources carries out a number of functions related to recruiting personnel for the County’s departments, courts and agencies. These recruitment activities were assigned to the Human Resources Department in Personnel Policy 3.02. The Human Resources Department places media advertising and maintains the internet job postings and job phone line. The department also writes job descriptions, reviews interview questions and tests to assure no adverse impact in employee selection processes. Training activities of the department fall into two categories: certain training which is mandated to be provided to all employees or on a sufficient interdepartmental scale to require the use of a centralized entity (e.g. certain OSHA or MIOSHA requirements). Supervisor training, and training which, while contributing to a more effective work force, is not essential to the operation of the County and is therefore considered discretionary (e.g. supervisor training, sexual harassment, customer service, business writing, etc). Necessary benefit programs are developed and administered from the Human Resources Department. The County’s flexible benefit health plan consists of three medical insurance offerings, dental insurance, vision, and life insurance. The County also offers short term and long term disability insurance. Finally, Human Resources administers a mandated Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (COBRA) insurance program for terminating employees. Several personnel policies address these functions. AUGUST 2004 21 KALAMAZOO COUNTY GOVERNMENT FUNCTIONS COUNTY ADMINISTRATION Finally, the Human Resources Department oversees the administration of safety functions as well as the administration of the self-insured workers’ compensation program. Mandated OSHA compliance documents are maintained within the department and the department oversees a discretionary County Safety Committee. State of Michigan law mandates workers’ compensation coverage for all County employees. To meet this mandate, the County administers and coordinates a self-insured program through a third party administrator. Human Resources Board Authorized Agreement Original contract Current contract Date of Board Resolution Discretionary Function Constitution Statute Court Orders Court Rules Non-Mandated Necessary Mandated Compensation and Performance Management 1. Maintenance of job classification system for non union County positions Various Court Cases Fair Labor Standards Act Several Collective Bargaining Agreements Personnel Policy 4.07 7/7/98 Various contracts 2. Administration of the performance appraisal system Personnel Policy 4.05 7/7/98 Employee/Labor Relations 1. Implement policies related to employee/labor relations Numerous Statutes 2. Insure the protection of civil rights of applicants for County employment and County employees’ civil rights in the workplace including diversity initiatives Numerous statutes Various contracts 3. Administration of collective bargaining agreements. Public Employment Labor Relations Act Several collective bargaining agreements 4. Administration and maintenance of records for unemployment claims and costs. AUGUST 2004 State Unemployment Compensation 22 KALAMAZOO COUNTY GOVERNMENT FUNCTIONS COUNTY ADMINISTRATION Human Resources Board Authorized Agreement Original contract Current contract Date of Board Resolution Discretionary Function Constitution Statute Court Orders Court Rules Non-Mandated Necessary Mandated Employment and Training 5. Recruitment of job applicants for County positions through advertising, bulletin, and opportunities phone line 6. Administration of training of training and new employee orientation programs Numerous Court Cases Various contracts Personnel Policy 3.02 7/7/98 Affirmative Action MIOSHA Bloodborne Pathogens X Benefits Administration 1. Development and administer benefits to County employees and retirees Numerous statutes governing benefits administration Various contracts Several Personnel Policies 7/7/98 Safety/Workers’ Compensation 1. Coordinate occupational health and safety activities 2. Maintain Michigan Occupational Safety and health Act (MIOSHA) Accident Log for all County Departments and file required MIOSHA reports 3. Administer self insured workers’ compensation program AUGUST 2004 Personnel Policy 6.03 7/7/98 MCLA 408.1061 State Workers’ Compensation Law Various contracts 23 KALAMAZOO COUNTY GOVERNMENT FUNCTIONS COUNTY ADMINISTRATION Information Services The Information Systems (IS) Department is responsible for analyzing, planning, managing, implementing and maintaining information and technology based systems for all County departments. This includes hardware, software and infrastructure for networking and telecommunications systems as well as support services in these areas. Assistance is provided to departments in driving IT innovation, aligning IT strategies and supporting business change initiatives, improvements and efficiencies thru technology. This includes services such as: Enterprise Network configuration, administration and support Telecommunications Network configuration, administration and support Analysis and management of technology initiatives (i.e. KJIIMS, GIS, Disaster Recovery, etc) Infrastructure management (i.e. Fiber/Wiring, Routers, Switches, Firewalls, Servers, etc) Application development and support Data management and support Web development and management Management of external vendors, outsourcing arrangements and maintenance/service agreements Security administration and management Help Desk support Coordination of technology based employee training needs Information Systems also assists departments with security policies and procedures for compliancy with State and Federal security guidelines such as CJIS/MSP security requirements for justice data and HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act) privacy and security regulations. AUGUST 2004 24 KALAMAZOO COUNTY GOVERNMENT FUNCTIONS COUNTY ADMINISTRATION Information Systems Board Authorized Agreement Original contract Current contract Date of Board Resolution 1. Support of the County Enterprise Network, including but not limited to servers, personal computers, software, infrastructure and technology related equipment X 2. Support of the County Telecommunications system including but not limited to Switches, infrastructure, voicemail systems, call processing, call distribution systems. X 3. Analysis, management, implementation and support of Technology Initiatives on behalf of all County departments (i.e. KJIIMS, GIS, Imaging, eGovernment, Co-Located Dispatch, etc) X 4. Infrastructure management and administration (i.e. Fiber/Wiring, Routers, Switches, Firewalls, Servers) X 5. Web, Application and Data management, configuration, and support X 6. Management of external vendors, outsourcing arrangements, and maintenance/service agreements X 7. Security administration and management for the network and telecommunications systems, applications, data, etc X 8. Provide Help Desk support for both the Enterprise Network and Telecommunications systems X 9. Support and maintain the Unisys Mainframe platform and Cobol based legacy applications. X AUGUST 2004 Discretionary Function Constitution Statute Court Orders Court Rules Non-Mandated Necessary Mandated 25 KALAMAZOO COUNTY GOVERNMENT FUNCTIONS COUNTY ADMINISTRATION Purchasing The Purchasing Department is that area of County Government, which purchases equipment, materials, supplies and services for all County departments at the quality needed for the most economical prices. This is done by seeking competitive bids and quotations from vendors interested in serving the County. Other functions of the department include: Maintaining a list of potential bidders. Implementing the County’s Minority and Women Business Policy by seeking out minority and women-owned vendors and providing them the opportunity to bid on County projects and supplies. Providing a method of internal control over expenditures, including development and maintenance of purchasing policies and procedures. Maintaining the fixed asset inventory system and the vehicle inventory. Serving as the administrative arm for the Kalamazoo County Building Authority. The Purchasing Department works under the general supervision of the Assistant County Administrator for Finance and Administrative Services. Purchasing Board Authorized Agreement Original contract Current contract Date of Board Resolution Discretionary Function Constitution Statute Court Orders Court Rules Non-Mandated Necessary Mandated Procurement 1. Issue purchase orders for County departments X 2. Prepare invitation for bids and request for proposals for County departments X 3. Maintain fixed asset inventory system and the vehicle inventory X 4. Maintain bidders file and identify minority and womenowned businesses X Property Disposal 1. Dispose of County-owned property AUGUST 2004 X 26 KALAMAZOO COUNTY GOVERNMENT FUNCTIONS COUNTY ADMINISTRATION Resource Development The Office of Resource Development, Kalamazoo County Government, was created in 1992 by action of the Kalamazoo County Board of Commissioners in order to “enhance and leverage the resources that the County and the Community have and receive in order to provide the services and meet the health, human service, justice, and recreational needs of the residents of Kalamazoo County”. The action of the County Board of Commissioners was forward looking and demonstrated a deep concern for the shrinking dollars available to provide needed services from multiple levels including federal, state, local and foundations and the ever increasing competitive demand for additional funding. Further, it was the intent of the Board of Commissioners for this office to interact not only with county departments, but also with community-based organizations and the faith-based community to ensure that the County is actively involved in and committed to the quality of life of its residents and expanding the resources available to achieve this end. In early 1993, the Director was hired. In the following eleven years, the Office of Resource Development has: Identified numerous potential funding sources; Coordinated and written over 300 grant applications that received awards valued at $44,000,000 benefiting the residents of Kalamazoo County and Southwest Michigan; Planned strategies to reasonably and logically seek funds; Enhanced relationships with federal and state funding agencies and local foundations; Evaluated grant funded programs: Trained over 500 County employees in best practice grant writing techniques and job skill enhancement related to diversity; Assisted in the refinement of the County’s Grant Application and Acceptance Procedure; Co-authored with a team of County staff, the County’s Performance Measurement and Strategic Planning Guide; and Created a nine step decision-making tree to be used when deciding whether or not to go after a grant possibility. The Office of Resource Development has also been assigned and taken a leadership role in diverse special projects at the discretion of County Administration and Commissioners, such as the Fetzer Criminal Justice Action Group, the Kalamazoo Poverty Reduction Initiative, and in the multiple concerns around the issues of Animal Welfare. The Office provides support, direction and assistance to all County Departments and to community-wide efforts as directed. The vision of the Office is to nurture and empower others AUGUST 2004 27 KALAMAZOO COUNTY GOVERNMENT FUNCTIONS COUNTY ADMINISTRATION to seek the resources available to serve the citizens and residents of Kalamazoo County and enhance their quality of life. Our focus is “teaching people how to fish.” Office of Resource Development Office created per resolution Board Authorized Agreement Original contract Current contract Date of Board Resolution 1992 Discretionary Function Constitution Statute Court Orders Court Rules Non-Mandated Necessary Mandated X 2. Identify potential funding sources. X 3. Plan strategies to reasonably and logically seek funds. X 4. X Write and edit grants. 5. Evaluate grant-funded programs. X 6. Support and promote evidenced based best practices X 7. Support and promote performance measurements leading to accountability. X 8. Train staff and others in successful resource development techniques. X 9. Facilitate strategic collaborations with internal and external stakeholders across the County of Kalamazoo X AUGUST 2004 28 KALAMAZOO COUNTY GOVERNMENT FUNCTIONS GENERAL GOVERNMENT GENERAL GOVERNMENT AUGUST 2004 29 KALAMAZOO COUNTY GOVERNMENT FUNCTIONS GENERAL GOVERNMENT Animal Services and Enforcement In accordance with MCLA 287. 289a, the County Board of Commissioners established the animal control agency in the interest of protecting the public health and safety of Kalamazoo County residents. The agency is mandated through the regulations enacted by the State of Michigan, the Michigan Departments of Health, and Agriculture, and the Kalamazoo County Animal Control Ordinance, to regulate and control the conduct, keeping, and care of dogs and other animals. The mission of the Kalamazoo County Animal Services and Enforcement is to enhance the quality of life for the residents of Kalamazoo County by providing humane animal services, public education of animal ownership responsibilities, and the enforcement of state and local animal laws. Animal Services and Enforcement offers many animal welfare services such as; operating the County Animal Shelter and actively promoting pet adoptions while working closely with local rescue and humane organizations; offering free euthanasia services for owner’s animals; rescue of stray sick or injured domestic and wild animals; providing local Veterinarians with pick up and removal services for their dead or euthanized animals; removal of dead domestic animals from the public roadways; and assist in the removal of nuisance wildlife through education, trap rentals, and the free removal and disposal of trapped wildlife Animal Services and Enforcement employees and volunteers offer off-site adoptions, and perform educational presentations to schools, neighborhood associations, businesses, and civic organizations, about; responsible pet ownership; the benefits of spay and neutering; the local and State animal laws; and ways to prevent or protect against, animal bites. Animal Services and Enforcement offers the citizens of Kalamazoo County public health and safety services such as; quarantines (or testing) of bite animals for rabies control; responding to thousands of animal related citizen’s complaints; investigation and reimbursement of livestock killings; picking up stray and lost animals; acting as an agent for the County Treasurer in the sale of dog licenses; maintaining rabies vaccination records for the Health Department; 24 hour emergency response to 911 calls; investigating animal neglect and cruelty cases; and assisting other law enforcement agencies with warrant searches, evictions, and criminal cases, where animals are or may be involved. AUGUST 2004 30 KALAMAZOO COUNTY GOVERNMENT FUNCTIONS GENERAL GOVERNMENT Animal Services and Enforcement Board Authorized Agreement Original contract Current contract Date of Board Resolution Discretionary Function Constitution Statute Court Orders Court Rules Non-Mandated Necessary Mandated Animal Enforcement 1. Enforce State and Local Dog and Animal Laws MCLA 287.289a 2. Inspect and license dog kennels MCLA 287.270 3. MCLA 287.267 Sell Dog Licenses 4. Investigate animal neglect and cruelty cases Animal Control Ord Art III sec. 3g X Animal Control Ord Art III sec. 3d X Animal Services 1. Administer Dog Damage Reimbursement Program MCLA 287.283 2. Investigate animal bite cases 3. Quarantine bite animals Animal Control Ord Art V sec. 1 X 4. Euthanize owner animals and un-adoptable animals Animal Control Ord Art III sec. 3c X 5. Pick up stray animals and livestock Animal Control Ord Art III sec. 3a X 6. Provide animal adoptions X 7. Pick up injured wild and stray domestic animals 8. Provide shelter, board & care to animals X MCLA 287.332 9. Pick up dead domestic animals from county roadways 10. Maintain rabies vaccination records for Human Services AUGUST 2004 X Animal Control Ord Art IV sec. 2 X 31 KALAMAZOO COUNTY GOVERNMENT FUNCTIONS GENERAL GOVERNMENT Clerk / Register of Deeds / Elections The County Clerk is an elected office mandated by Article 7, Section 4 of the Michigan Constitution. The County Clerk performs functions associated with public elections held in the County as well as functions associated with the processing and recording of vital County records. The County Clerk/Register of Deeds is Clerk of the Circuit Court and maintains and preserves all court cases and records thereof. The Clerk/Register serves as a member of, or clerk to, the following boards, all of which are statutory: County Board of Commissioners (clerk) County Board of Canvassers (clerk) Concealed Weapons Licensing Board (clerk) County Road Commission (clerk) Special Election Scheduling committee (chair) Apportionment Commission (member) County Election Commission (member) County Plat Board (member) In addition, the Clerk is mandated by law to process applications for concealed weapons (CCW) permits. MCLA 28.421 et seq. mandated that the Concealed Weapons Boards of all counties in the state shall grant such permits to all applicants who have completed a certified gun safety course unless the applicant can be shown to have a criminal record, or to be diagnosed as mentally ill. This statute has caused a significant increase in the number of applicants for such permits and has made this duty a more significant function in the Clerk’s office than heretofore. Elections The County Clerk is mandated by state law to ensure that local election officials and precinct inspectors are thoroughly knowledgeable about the proper and legal conduct of elections. To that end, the Clerk must hold training seminars for these officials. The Kalamazoo County Clerk has developed a comprehensive training manual for precinct inspectors. This manual is not mandated by state law, but is necessary for the mandated training sessions. The Clerk also communicates changes in legislation affecting the conduct of elections to all local election officials as a necessary activity in fulfilling the mandate to educate election personnel. The Clerk is available to speak to local citizen groups regarding elections and voter registration. This activity is discretionary, although it is an important public service. In order to ensure that the Clerk’s staff may register voters correctly, training is conducted periodically on AUGUST 2004 32 KALAMAZOO COUNTY GOVERNMENT FUNCTIONS GENERAL GOVERNMENT the procedure for voter registration. For the purposes of this study, this training is considered necessary to support the function of properly registering voters. The Clerk is required by state law to publish notices of close of voter registration and election and to distribute notices of elections to local unit clerks. As a courtesy to local clerks, the Clerk coordinates and prepares joint notices for regular Primary and General Elections, which usually saves the local units funds. The Clerk therefore maintains the local election calendar as a natural outgrowth of the Clerk’s election-related duties. In addition, the Clerk is required by law to create and update the election forms, to coordinate proofing of ballots, to deliver all forms and ballots to local clerks, and to maintain and repair any voting equipment owned by the County. The Clerk has duties mandated by law regarding campaign finance information. These duties include: receive all statements and reports required to be filed with the county clerk’s office; provide the forms, instructions, and manuals required by MCLA 169.215 (the Michigan Campaign Finance Act); and implement the system for filing, coding, and cross-indexing system prescribed for the filing of required reports and statements. Oversight in the elections duties is provided by the Board of Election Commissioners, which consists of the Senior Probate Judge as Chairperson, the County Clerk and the County Treasurer. State law requires this Board to supervisor the preparation of ballots for National, State and County elections. The Board of Election Commissioners also conducts “clarity” hearings on proposed petition language for potential recalls of local elected officials. The clerical work is done by the staff of the County Clerk. Register of Deeds The Register of Deeds is an elected position mandated by the Michigan Constitution, Article VII, Section 4. In Kalamazoo County, the office of Clerk/Register serves as the Register of Deeds. These offices were combined by Board resolution in April 1982 as being “to the best interests of Kalamazoo County.” The major function of the Register of Deeds is the recordation of all documents related to land records and personal property. The Register of Deeds is required by various state laws to verify and record all transactions for real estate. The recordation of these documents requires that each document be receipted when received, and then indexed for filing purposes. In addition, the Register of Deeds is required by many different statutes to receipt and index different types of documents related to real and personal property. Although the manner of preserving these documents is not mandated, the Kalamazoo County Register of Deeds uses a digital image indexing system and routinely has microfilm produced as a second permanent record. The Register of Deeds returns the originals to the appropriate owner. For the purposes of this study, digital imaging, microfilming and returning AUGUST 2004 33 KALAMAZOO COUNTY GOVERNMENT FUNCTIONS GENERAL GOVERNMENT the original documents are both considered necessary functions for the efficient recordation and preservation of land records. The Register of Deeds is required by law to provide copies of public records to the public upon request. The Kalamazoo County Register of Deeds also regularly provides information to customers and citizens regarding the requirements of the Recording Act. This is considered a necessary function. Vital Records The County Clerk is the “local registrar” for Kalamazoo County as defined in MCLA 333.2804 and is therefore charged by state law to process, record, and issue vital records on behalf of non-city residents in the county and for city residents in cities with populations under 40,000. The legislation also requires the Clerk to record the vital information in each case in an “index” as defined by Vital Records Inspection and Disclosure Rule #325.3231(c). Cities with a population over 40,000 may designate the County Clerk as its “local registrar” to eliminate any duplication of effort and to centralize the vital records registration function. Vital records held by the City of Kalamazoo were transferred to the County Clerk in 1985. In addition to processing vital records, the Clerk is required by statute to provide copies of vital records to the public under certain conditions as requested. Providing copies of these records requires that a copy of each vital record be retained by the Clerk in a form and location accessible to the public, therefore retention and storage of these documents is considered necessary. The Kalamazoo County Clerk uses a digital image computerized indexing system, has microfilm made for backup purposes, and also retains paper copies of all vital records. AUGUST 2004 34 KALAMAZOO COUNTY GOVERNMENT FUNCTIONS GENERAL GOVERNMENT Clerk/Register of Deeds Board Authorized Agreement Original contract Current contract Date of Board Resolution Discretionary Function Constitution Statute Court Orders Court Rules Non-Mandated Necessary Mandated Elections Education 1. Coordinate training seminars MCLA 168.683 2. Develop and maintain comprehensive training manual for precinct inspectors 3. Educate local election officials and precinct inspectors X MCLA 168.683 Filings 1. Process nomination petitions and election filings and transmit to the Secretary of State MCLA 168.1 et seq Public Information 1. Publish joint notices of State Primary and General Elections on behalf of all local unit clerks. 2. Implement and maintain the filing and index system for campaign finance records prescribed by the Secretary of State 3. Maintain election calendar 4. Process voter registration 5. Provide informational materials to the public regarding campaign finance requirements 6. Publish notices of close of registration and election X MCLA 169.215(18) X MCLA 168.509w MCLA 169.215(18) MCLA 168.1 et seq 7. Speak to citizen groups regarding elections and voter 8. Train staff to register voters AUGUST 2004 X X X 35 KALAMAZOO COUNTY GOVERNMENT FUNCTIONS GENERAL GOVERNMENT Clerk/Register of Deeds Coordinate ballot proofing MCLA 168 et seq Board Authorized Agreement Original contract Current contract Date of Board Resolution Discretionary Function Constitution Statute Court Orders Court Rules Non-Mandated Necessary Mandated Supplies 1. 2. Create and update election forms and ballots MCLA 168.1 et seq 3. Maintain and repair Countyowned optical scan voting equip. MCLA 168.778 Register of Deeds Customer Service 1. Provide copies of public records to the public MCLA 565.551 2. Provide information to customers regarding the Recording Act X Plat Board 1. Act as Secretary of Plat Board MCLA 560.102r Real and Personal Property 1. Microfilm documents X 2. Receipt and index documents related to real and personal property MCLA 54.206 MCLA 560.198 3. Verify and record all transactions for real estate MCLA 561.8 MCLA 560.243 MCLA 560.228 MCLA 560.211 MCLA 560.172 Vital Records 1. Act as Clerk of the Board of Commissioners 2. File, store, and retain vital records and provide copies as requested 3. Issue, index, and record vital records (marriage licenses, birth certificates, and death) AUGUST 2004 MCLA 46.4 MCLA 46.9 MCLA 333.2882 Department of Community Health Rule 325 et seq MCLA 551.101 MCLA 333.2843 MCLA 333.2821 36 KALAMAZOO COUNTY GOVERNMENT FUNCTIONS GENERAL GOVERNMENT Clerk/Register of Deeds Board Authorized Agreement Original contract Current contract Date of Board Resolution Discretionary Function Constitution Statute Court Orders Court Rules Non-Mandated Necessary Mandated Customer Service 1. File business registrations MCLA 445.1 2. File military discharges MCLA 35.32 3. File new corporate agreements and amendments MCLA 331.1208 MCLA 458.526 4. File orders of Municipal incorporation with Secretary of State MCLA 61.9 5. Notarize documents and file notarized documents MCLA 55.285 6. Process concealed weapons permit applications MCLA 28.421 7. Administer and retain oaths of Several citations in office for county and officials MCLA AUGUST 2004 37 KALAMAZOO COUNTY GOVERNMENT FUNCTIONS GENERAL GOVERNMENT Drain Commissioner Specific functions of a County Drain Commissioner emanate from six principal statutes: Public Act 40, the Michigan Drain Code, Public Act 451, Michigan’s Natural Resources and Environmental Protection Act and it’s Part 307 for the Inland Lake Level Act, the Inland Lake Improvement Act and Triennial Dam Inspections. Public Act 288 is Michigan’s Subdivision Control Act governing stormwater drainage facilities in new plats and the establishment of new drainage districts. Public Act 96 governs portions of stormwater facilities in mobile home parks and Public Act 59 governs stormwater facilities in condominiums. The Michigan Drain Code (PA 40 of 1956), as amended, requires the election of a county drain commissioner on a four-year cycle. This position is to be responsible for stormwater management as it pertains to the maintenance of established county drains, and establishment and approval of new county drains including platted drainage. With respect to financing, the Drain Code requires the Board of Commissioners to fund 50 percent of the cost of a new drain associated with improvements to the County road system and pay at large assessments for general drain work. The Drain Commissioner is authorized to borrow tax free Notes to pay for petitioned drain projects. Coordinating the financing of the work is not mandated to be done by the County, but is considered necessary since the Drain Commissioner is mandated to levy assessments and ensure the work is completed properly. The Inland Lake Level Act requires that a delegated authority, defined as the Drain Commissioner or other person delegated by the Board of Commissioners, inspect all county lake levels and control structures and determine the apportionment of costs incurred for maintaining the levels. In Kalamazoo County the Board has assigned these duties to the Drain Commissioner. If the Board of Commissioners determines by resolution that the entire cost of the project, or a portion thereof should be defrayed by a special assessment to the benefited properties, then the “delegated authority” (in Kent County, the Drain Commissioner) prepares a special assessment role. Under Section 421, the County Board may also place liens on property owners unwilling to pay costs associated with obstructing or damage to a drain. The Inland Lake Improvement Act requires that when inland lake improvement boards are established, the County Drain Commissioner must be a member of such boards. The Drain Commissioner presently sits as a member of the three such boards in Kalamazoo County: Austin Lake Outlet and Extension Drain including the dam, Lake Hill N Brook also known as Lime Kiln Lake and the Long Lake Board. Inland lake improvement boards may bid out and enter into contracts for improvements to lakes and control structures. The bids are required to be advertised by the chair of the lake improvement board if the contact is to be overseen by the board. However, it is not mandated that the Drain Commissioner be the chair of the board. The Michigan Subdivision Control Act requires the Drain Commissioner to: AUGUST 2004 38 KALAMAZOO COUNTY GOVERNMENT FUNCTIONS GENERAL GOVERNMENT a) inspect all plat construction in the County that is not being accepted by a bone fide unit of government; b) ensure all requirements of the Drain Commissioners Stormwater Rules are met; and c) record and maintain the records of all easements dedicated to the drainage districts. By statute, Drain Commissioners serve as members of the County Board of Public Works, the Emergency Preparedness Committee and the County Parks Commission. In addition, the Kalamazoo County Drain Commissioner is a member of the Phase II Stormwater Work Group. As of March 3, 2004 the State of Michigan expects Drain Commissioners in Phase II Stormwater regulated areas to comply with the Phase II Stormwater Rules. Funding for any county departments under compliance for the 6 Minimum Measures of these Rules must be available through the County. Drain Commissioner Board Authorized Agreement Original contract Current contract Date of Board Resolution Discretionary Function Constitution Statute Court Orders Court Rules Non-Mandated Necessary Mandated Board Participation 1. Participate on community boards other than Lake Improvement Boards. X 2. Parks Commission X 3. Emergency Preparedness X 4. Participate on DPW Board MCLA 123.732(2)(a) Drains 1. Coordinate the financing of drain projects MCLA 280.275, 267, 277, 278 2. Establish and approve new drains MCLA 280.54 & 280.433 3. Fund the cost of new drains apportioned to improvements in the County road system MCLA 280.151 AUGUST 2004 39 KALAMAZOO COUNTY GOVERNMENT FUNCTIONS GENERAL GOVERNMENT Drain Commissioner 4. Levy special assessments in drainage benefit districts MCLA 280.262 5. Maintain all County and intercounty drains MCLA 280.191 6. Maintain recorded easements for drains MCLA 280.11 7. Represent the County in joint planning for Phase II NPDES Stormwater permit application March 3, 2004 Phase II Stormwater Rules 8. Review and approve proposed subdivisions to ensure drainage standards are met MCLA280.433 & 560.114 Board Authorized Agreement Original contract Current contract Date of Board Resolution Discretionary Function Constitution Statute Court Orders Court Rules Non-Mandated Necessary Mandated Lakes 1. Assess costs of controlling lake levels 2. Inspect lake level control structures 3. Participate on lake improvement boards 4. Provide for and maintain lakes at normal level AUGUST 2004 MCLA 280.351, MCLA 324.30722 MCLA 324.30903(a) MCLA 324.30708 40 KALAMAZOO COUNTY GOVERNMENT FUNCTIONS GENERAL GOVERNMENT Equalization The Department of Equalization is required to review property assessments completed by the local units, and determine a County equalized and taxable value to provide for equity in assessments throughout the County’s 19 units. The Department is required to prepare a report annually showing the equalized values for each of the units and to submit the report to the Board of Commissioners for approval. The Department is also required to submit to the County Board of Commissioners a report apportioning money raised in taxing jurisdictions. As part of its review process, the Department audits the work of the local units to ensure that properties changing ownership are uncapped and assessed at the revised value. This activity resulted from the passage of Proposal A in 1994 which limited, or capped, the increases in assessment which could be applied to a property in any one year, but allowed for the assessment to be increased to full market value when the property changed ownership. Although not mandated, this activity is considered a necessary component of the review activity function. The Department is mandated to prepare two reports for County Board approval: The Equalization Report that details the assessed and equalized values by class for each of the local units. The Apportionment Report that shows how the County’s property tax revenues are apportioned among the various taxing units. The Department is further mandated to prepare several reports for State Tax Commission approval: Equalization studies for starting bases for all classifications in all units. Report millage rollback calculations for all inter- and intra-county jurisdictions. Report final annual taxable value of County. Report departmental study activity annually as of June 30. AUGUST 2004 41 KALAMAZOO COUNTY GOVERNMENT FUNCTIONS GENERAL GOVERNMENT Equalization Board Authorized Agreement Original contract Current contract Date of Board Resolution Discretionary Function Constitution Statute Court Orders Court Rules Non-Mandated Necessary Mandated Equalization and Millage Administration 1. Review inflationary property assessment changes and prepare sales ratio reports. MCL 211.34 & STC Bulletin #3 1982 2. Compute previous and current year taxable values and millage rollback fractions. MCL 211.34d 3. Audit Uncapping of transferred properties X Reporting 1. Prepare the Equalization Report for County Board and Michigan State Tax Commission Approval MCL 211.34a MCL 211.150 STC Rule 209.5 2. Compile and submit the final tabulation of Taxable Value to State Tax Commission MCL 211.27d 3. Annually submit Interim Status Report to State Tax Commission. 4. Prepare the Apportionment Report for County Board Approval 5. Prepare the Sales Ratio Reports and submit to State Tax Commission AUGUST 2004 STC Rule 209.41 MCL 211.37 STC Bulletin #3 (1982) MCL 209.41 42 KALAMAZOO COUNTY GOVERNMENT FUNCTIONS GENERAL GOVERNMENT Kalamazoo/Battle Creek International Airport The Kalamazoo County Board of Commissioners entered into an agreement on December 2, 1983 with the City of Kalamazoo for the transfer of ownership of the Airport. Although the operation of an airport is not mandated, once the County decided to have an airport, certain activities are then mandated by State and federal laws. The Kalamazoo/Battle Creek International Airport is a public facility dedicated to serving the public interest. Currently, the Airport facilitates five commercial air carriers, which serve more than 500,000 air travelers annually, and hosts 135 Kalamazoo based aircraft including corporate aircraft. The Aircraft Rescue and Fire Fighting (ARFF) station is on standby during all Airport operating hours (24 hours per day). Located within the Airport facilities are: a food court, bar, gift shop, real estate office, travel agency, delivery service, ground transportation service, air freight service, 4 rental car agencies, 2 fixed base operators, contract parking area, and an aviation history museum. Airport Administration Airport Administration oversees the operation of the Airport. These Airport facilities are designed to promote safe and efficient air service for the community, which includes but is not limited to the following: 1. Recommending and enacting administrative policies and procedures. 2. Developing, implementing, and enforcing Airport rules and regulations. 3. Supervising daily operations and maintenance of the Airport in accordance with all federal and state regulations. 4. Preparing, monitoring and revising annual Airport budget. 5. Developing, implementing, and monitoring the Airport Master Plan. 6. Researching, planning, and implementing Airport improvement projects/plans. 7. Acting as a liaison for the Airport Advisory Board and its four subcommittees, federal and state agencies, and other County departments. 8. Negotiating and administering tenant service contracts. 9. Airport marketing and community relations activities, including air service development, special event planning, and advertising. 10. Responding to customer and tenant complaints. AUGUST 2004 43 KALAMAZOO COUNTY GOVERNMENT FUNCTIONS GENERAL GOVERNMENT Airfield Maintenance This department is responsible for the maintenance of the Airport facilities and equipment in accordance with FAR Part 139, which governs minimum standards of operation for air carrier airports. Duties include but not limited to the following: 1. Supervising/performing safe and efficient airside and landside snow removal, airfield grounds maintenance, and other daily maintenance duties. 2. Effectively maintaining all County Airport equipment. 3. Maintaining proper inventory of all parts and tools required for performance of airfield maintenance duties. 4. Airfield Technician position is responsible for maintenance and repair of airfield lighting systems and non-FAA air navigational aids. 5. Aircraft Rescue and Fire Fighting (ARFF), which is the provision for trained aircraft, fire protection personnel and maintained via a private contractor. FAR Part 139 requires this protection. The cost of providing this service is recouped from airline fees. The building, fire fighting vehicles, and all other necessary equipment are provided by the County. Terminal Maintenance This maintenance function includes the Terminal Building and immediate grounds area. This portion of the Airport's operation includes maintenance activities performed primarily by non-Airport employees as follows: 1. County Buildings and Grounds Department: maintains terminal HVAC systems, plumbing and performs other day-to-day building maintenance duties. 2. Major Contractual Services a. Custodial: all non-leased terminal building space and Airport Administration areas. b. Elevator: maintenance and repair c. Electrical: building wiring, major lighting, communications lines, and other electrical maintenance d. Terminal Building Entrance Doors: repair and maintenance e. A major contractual service not generally associated with terminal maintenance, but vital to the operation of the Airport is Airline Passenger Screening. This service is provided by Transportation Security Administration as established by the Aviation and Transportation Security Act of 2001 and is paid for entirely by the Federal Government through taxes on airline tickets. AUGUST 2004 44 KALAMAZOO COUNTY GOVERNMENT FUNCTIONS GENERAL GOVERNMENT Airport Operations positions provide Airport coverage 24 hours per day, with the exception of a single eight (8) hour shift per week (Tuesday, 8:00am-4:00pm). These positions perform duties and responsibilities including but not limited to the following: 1. Performing daily airfield inspections and reporting minor discrepancies to ensure continued compliance with state and federal regulations, as required by FAR Part 139. 2. Performing daily security patrols of Airport property, in accordance with FAR Part 1542. 3. Responding to customer/tenant complaints in the absence of Airport Management. 4. Performing land-side snow removal operations, grounds keeping, and other daily operation duties. Kalamazoo/Battle Creek International Airport Board Authorized Agreement Original contract Current contract Date of Board Resolution Discretionary Function Constitution Statute Court Orders Court Rules Non-Mandated Necessary Mandated Enterprise 1. Conduct airport studies X 2. Develop & manage construction and renovation projects FAA grant assurances 3. Ensure compliance with FAA grant assurances In all of the grant agreements. Obligated for 20 years after grant acceptance. 4. Financial Administration to determine and collect charges FAA grant assurances 5. Install & maintain a system of accounting FAA grant assurances Administration 1. Administer airport operations in compliance with State statute 2. Conduct Airport tours MCLA 259 et seq. 12/02/1983 X 3. Conduct general promotional activities X 4. Conduct print and broadcast advertising X AUGUST 2004 45 KALAMAZOO COUNTY GOVERNMENT FUNCTIONS GENERAL GOVERNMENT Kalamazoo/Battle Creek International Airport 5. Maintain & conduct comprehensive security inspections 6. FAR Part 1542 Provide cargo facilities 9. Original contract Current contract Date of Board Resolution FAA grant assurances FAA grant assurances 7. Provide business facilities and support for general aviation 8. Satisfy FAA requirements for general aviation safety and security Board Authorized Agreement Discretionary Function Constitution Statute Court Orders Court Rules Non-Mandated Necessary Mandated FAA grant assurances FAA regulations Parts 139.305, 139.307 Provide long-term parking X 10. Provide metered parking X 11. Provide short-term parking X 12. Patron services X 13. Shuttle bus service X 14. Make available commercial & retail services X Airfield Maintenance 1. Maintain aircraft rescue and fire fighting capability FAA Regulations Parts 139.315, 139.317, 139.319 FAA grant assurances 2. Maintain airfield security and conduct comprehensive security inspections TSA Regulations Parts1500 & 1542 FAA grant assurances 3. Maintain standards to achieve certification following annual inspection FAA Regulations Parts 139.101, 139.203, 139.327 FAA grant assurances 4. FAA Regulations Parts 139.305,139.307,1 39.309.139.311, 139.313, 139.323 (AIR-4 & AIR-5) FAA grant assurances Maintain airfield AUGUST 2004 46 KALAMAZOO COUNTY GOVERNMENT FUNCTIONS GENERAL GOVERNMENT Kalamazoo/Battle Creek International Airport Board Authorized Agreement Original contract Current contract Date of Board Resolution Discretionary Function Constitution Statute Court Orders Court Rules Non-Mandated Necessary Mandated Terminal Maintenance 1. Construct and maintain airline apron FAA regulations Parts 139.305, 139.307 FAA grant assurances 2. Maintain airfield security and conduct comprehensive security inspections TSA Regulations Parts 1500, 1542 FAA grant assurances 3. Maintain standards to achieve certification following annual inspection FAA Regulations Parts 139.101, 139.327 FAA grant assurances 4. FAA regulations Parts 139.305, 139.307 FAA grant assurances Clear aircraft runways 5. Clear parking lots and pedestrian areas 6. Conduct pavement management 7. In all tenant agreements FAA regulations Parts 139.305, 139.307 Maintain facilities FAA grant assurance In all tenant agreements 8. Maintain non-vehicular equipment 9. X Maintain vehicles 10. Snow & ice removal FAA grant assurance FAA Regulations Part 139.313 11. Maintain terminal facility 12. Maintain terminal security & conduct comprehensive security inspections AUGUST 2004 FAA grant assurances In all tenant agreements TSA Regulations Parts1500 & 1542 FAA grant assurance 47 KALAMAZOO COUNTY GOVERNMENT FUNCTIONS GENERAL GOVERNMENT MSU Extension Michigan State University Extension teaches knowledge-based educational programs to the citizens of Kalamazoo County to improve their lives and communities. Problems facing our communities are very complex. Solutions require the expertise of numerous disciplines and the collaboration of many partners. Today, county-based MSUE staff members, in concert, with on-campus faculty members, offer programming focused on children, youth and family; agriculture and natural resources; and community and economic development. Through a variety of educational strategies, technologies and partnerships, MSU Extension extends the University’s knowledge and resources to all of our citizens. Educational program delivery methods include workshops, tours, demonstrations, hands-on learning, computer programs, bulletins and pamphlets. MSU and USDA educational information, research results and specialist assistance is available to all county residents. Funding History Michigan Extension’s work began in 1907, several years before the organization was officially formed nationally. In 1912, the Michigan legislature authorized the County Board of Supervisors to appropriate funds and levy taxes to further teaching and demonstrations in Extension work. In 1914, Congress passed the Smith-Lever Act which created the Cooperative Extension System and directed nation’s land grant universities to oversee the work. As Michigan’s Land Grant University, MSU accepted the responsibility to oversee Extension work. The Cooperative Extension Service is now known to our citizens across the State of Michigan as MSU Extension. MSU Extension’s funding across the state is from the following sources: 13% from Federal Funds 43% from state funds including special projects 7 % from county funding through memorandums of agreement 21% county general fund for staff, space, travel, technology, etc. 16% from outside grants Through the budgeting process in Kalamazoo County, the general fund provides monies for the following: support staff salaries and fringe; administrative costs such as printing, postage, travel, professional development, supplies, communication, technology; in-kind support in the form of office space, furniture, technology equipment and administrative support from Finance, HR, etc. AUGUST 2004 48 KALAMAZOO COUNTY GOVERNMENT FUNCTIONS GENERAL GOVERNMENT The County has entered into two Memorandums of Agreement with MSU Extension. The first MOA provides funding for a .5 FTE in consumer horticulture from the general fund and the second MOA is for collaborative programming between the MSU Nutrition Program and the Human Services Department’s Women, Infants and Children Program. The County also serves as the fiduciary for the Strong Families/Safe Children grant which funds the Grandparents Raising Grandchildren Program, Second Time Around. Program Areas of Emphasis Agriculture and Natural Resources MSUE provides research-based educational programs to the county/state agricultural industry, from producers to commodity groups, agribusiness, food processors, retailers and completing the circuit with education to the general public. Programs are delivered through client directed Area of Expertise teams and with county based agricultural and natural resource staff. Program focus includes: wise land use, agricultural profitability and marketing, plant agricultural systems, integrated pest management, animal and waste management and sustainability of Natural Resource Systems. In Kalamazoo County, MSU Extension offers a strong Consumer Horticultural emphasis through the Master Gardener Program. Children, Youth and Family MSU Extension believes that children, youth and families are deeply affected by their environment, significant others, and their communities. With this interconnectedness, our research-based programming is designed to strengthen families through education, collaborations and systems reform. Programming in this area is designed to ensure that children enter school healthy and ready to learn, that parents nurture their children in positive ways and that families are safe and thrive. By integrating university and community resources, MSUE staff assist family achievements through programming in 4-H, the largest after-school program in the state, Second Time Around for Grandparents raising their Grandchildren and nutrition programs with an in-home teaching component for specific at-risk audiences. Community and Economic Development MSUE programs enhance the quality of life for Kalamazoo citizens by addressing concerns about their communities’ social, economic and environmental conditions. Some programs are broad based, such as assisting community leaders in understanding urban sprawl and others are more specific like enhancing a non-profits board leadership capacity. AUGUST 2004 49 KALAMAZOO COUNTY GOVERNMENT FUNCTIONS GENERAL GOVERNMENT Program Goals The Kalamazoo County MSU Extension staff is committed to the following programming goals: Building strong communities Strengthening agricultural profitability Encouraging responsible land and natural resource use Building healthy families Helping youth succeed MSU Extension in Kalamazoo County has for the past 90+ years reflected the community’s needs. MSUE will continue to help people improve their lives through an educational process that applies knowledge to critical issues, needs and opportunities. MSU Extension Board Authorized Agreement Original contract Current contract Date of Board Resolution Discretionary Function Constitution Statute Court Orders Court Rules Non-Mandated Necessary Mandated Administrative Provide office space, operating budget, equipment and support staff for Kalamazoo County Extension Circa 1917 X Circa 1917 X Original – County provided one halftime position. 1985 X Current MOA .5 FTE match .5 FTE through MSU. 2001 Agriculture/Dairy/Livestock/Swine MSU Extension provides researchbased programs to the county/state agriculture industry, from producers, retailers & to the general public. Consumer Horticulture Program Coordinator provides training for Master Gardeners. Assist consumers with gardening and other related subjects such as insects and landscape management. Master Gardener Volunteers contribute to the decimating of information. AUGUST 2004 50 KALAMAZOO COUNTY GOVERNMENT FUNCTIONS GENERAL GOVERNMENT MSU Extension Board Authorized Agreement Original contract Current contract Date of Board Resolution Discretionary Function Constitution Statute Court Orders Court Rules Non-Mandated Necessary Mandated Expanded Food Nutrition Program Provides food and nutritional education to limited resource families with young children. WIC & WFNEP partnership for joint referrals & nutrition programming. X MOA – 2003 Circa 1969 1982 Verbal agreement for support staff, travel and professional development per Gale Arent, CED & Wes Freeland, Administrator Original – provided funding for support 1994 X Family Nutrition Program Provides food & nutritional education to food stamp recipients and applicants focusing on young pregnant women, seniors & the homeless. Current – provides funding for support. 2003-2004 4-H Youth Development Program Creates a supportive environment for culturally diverse youth and adults to reach their full potential by providing education and handson experience in a variety of learning arenas. Circa 1917 X STA/Grandparents Raising Grandchildren Assist grandparents who have become the primary caregivers of their grandchildren through educational workshops, support groups, newsletters & family events. 1997 – 1998 2003-2004 X Community & Economic Development Enhance the quality of life by addressing communities’ social, economic & environmental conditions i.e. understanding urban sprawl to enhancing a nonprofits board leadership capacity. AUGUST 2004 X 51 KALAMAZOO COUNTY GOVERNMENT FUNCTIONS GENERAL GOVERNMENT Parks and Recreation The Parks and Recreation Department is responsible for supplying the citizens of Kalamazoo County and Southwest Michigan with five regional parks and the Fairground. The five regional parks are Markin Glen, Scotts Mill, Cold Brook, Prairie View and River Oaks. In addition the Parks Department will soon be offering the community the Kalamazoo River Valley Trailway. With all these areas the Parks Department maintains, supervisors and collects related fees and charges. More specifically the Parks Department: Operates and maintains 1,089 of public parklands (excluding the Fairground) Administers use of all facilities at the County Fairground. Conducts a public relations program to inform the public of recreational opportunities and Fairground facilities available within the County’s park system. Plans, designs and constructs facilities within the County’s park system. The Parks Department has a ten-member Parks and Recreation Commission established in September 1968 per Public Act 261. The Commission consists of the County Drain Commissioner, a County Road Commissioner and a County Planning Commissioner and seven members appointed by the Board of County Commissioners. Of these seven one is a County Commissioner and one is a Kalamazoo County Fair Board member. AUGUST 2004 52 KALAMAZOO COUNTY GOVERNMENT FUNCTIONS GENERAL GOVERNMENT Parks Department Board Authorized Agreement Original contract Current contract Date of Board Resolution Discretionary Function Constitution Statute Court Orders Court Rules Non-Mandated Necessary Mandated Parks 1. Acquire Park land X 2. Develop and administer reservation system X 3. Develop and maintain park land X 4. Prepare parks five-year plans for MiDNR capital improvement grants X 5. Prairie View Park MiDNR Construction Grant 1991 Purchased 1960 X X 6. Cold Brook Park MiDNR Construction Grants 1970, 1995 Purchased 1962 X X 7. River Oaks MiDNR Construction Grants 1973, 1982, 1995, 2003 Purchased 1972 X X 8. Scotts Mill Park 9. Markin Glen Park Purchased 1973 MiDNR Construction Grants 1990, 1997 2000 Purchased 1988 X X X Fairground 1. Acquire Fairground land AUGUST 2004 Initial purchase 1940; additional purchases 1998, 1999, 2000 2002, 2003 X 53 KALAMAZOO COUNTY GOVERNMENT FUNCTIONS GENERAL GOVERNMENT Parks Department Board Authorized Agreement Original contract Current contract 2. Develop and maintain Fairground Date of Board Resolution Millage to build west portion of County Center Building 1956 Discretionary Function Constitution Statute Court Orders Court Rules Non-Mandated Necessary Mandated X Site Master Plan November 1982 Construction of east portion of County Center Building 1983 Hall of Agriculture Livestock Mall 1989 Parking Lot expansion 1993, 2003 3. Develop and administer reservation system X 4. Prepare and update Fairground Master Plans 5. Host Annual County Fair X 20-year lease (12-12-1999) X Campgrounds 1. Operate and maintain County Fairground campground 1972 Authorized with construction of present jail X 2. Operate and maintain the Cold Brook Park campground Authorized with MiDNR Grant for construction 1972 X 3. Operate and maintain the Markin Glen Park campground Authorized with MiDNR Grant for construction 2000 X AUGUST 2004 54 KALAMAZOO COUNTY GOVERNMENT FUNCTIONS GENERAL GOVERNMENT Planning/Community Development Planning And General Services Administration The County Planning Department was created in March of 1961. Its primary purpose was to provide staff assistance to the County Planning Commission, which was created on March 19, 1960 by the County Board of Supervisors under PA 282 of 1945, as amended. The role of the department has expanded over the years. Today, it fills the following major roles in County government: 1. Work in conjunction with Southwest Michigan First to coordinate the County’s economic development strategy. 2. Provide staff planning and technical support to other County departments in areas of Countywide community development plans/projects and/or related services. 3. Provide necessary staff support for various community development related citizen advisory boards of the County: a. Kalamazoo Metropolitan County Planning Commission b. Board of Public Works c. Solid Waste Management Planning Committee d. Economic Development Corporation e. Brownfield Redevelopment Authority 4. Coordinate all community development and related planning activities of other County departments. 5. Coordinate developmental activities (physical or socio-economic) affecting more than one unit of government. 6. Provide a forum for discussion of plans and community development activities affecting neighboring counties. 7. Acts as liaison between County and other levels of government, public and quasi-public agencies in matters related to community development. 8. Provides leadership in educational forums related to planning, community development, and associated areas of interest. 9. Maintains County database. 10. Monitors socio-economic trends within the County. 11. Maintains a planning library. 12. Assists local units of government in identifying planning and community development needs and initiate projects and programs to overcome those needs. 13. Provides assistance and information to the general public in the areas of development and planning. AUGUST 2004 55 KALAMAZOO COUNTY GOVERNMENT FUNCTIONS GENERAL GOVERNMENT 14. Coordinates the Geographic Information Systems project, both internally and the Kalamazoo Area GIS Coordinating Council (KAGIS). 15. Administers the County’s Remonumentation Program. Solid Waste Reduction – Recycling The Recycling Coordinator position and budget was created in 1988 and operates within the Department of Planning & Community Development. The following areas are the responsibility of this program: 1. Promoting and educating County businesses and households concerning the benefits of solid waste reduction and resource conservation. 2. Assisting local government units’ efforts to promote solid waste reduction and resource conservation to residents. 3. Assisting efforts to advance solid waste reduction and resource conservation in County facilities. 4. Providing technical support to the Solid Waste Management Plan. Economic Development Southwest Michigan First is the lead economic development organization for Kalamazoo County. It was created with a mission to build an effective partnership among business, education, foundations, and the public sector in pursuit of new opportunities for growth and development for the purpose of improving and developing the area’s human, technical, and capital resources. Six specific goals have been developed for the organization, which are: 1. Create a world class, sustainable, economic development agency focused on public/private partnerships. 2. Increase the presence of Kalamazoo County and the Southwest Michigan region in the State government and Michigan Economic Development Corporation. 3. Lead and develop the area’s technology initiative in conjunction with: a. Higher Education Consortium b. Kalamazoo County Board of Commissioners c. City of Kalamazoo d. Regional Edge e. Kalamazoo County Chamber of Commerce f. City of Portage g. Township Leaders 4. Maintain Kalamazoo as a manufacturing leader. AUGUST 2004 56 KALAMAZOO COUNTY GOVERNMENT FUNCTIONS GENERAL GOVERNMENT 5. Develop high quality, competitive sites to compete globally for business attraction, while providing alternative space for local companies that need to expand. 6. Strengthen our alliances with our development partners: a. Regional Edge - Cities, Counties, Townships. b. Michigan Economic Development Corporation. c. Private developers, realtors, and lenders. d. Economic development organizations regionally. e. Kalamazoo County Chamber of Commerce. The only mandated services of the Department are Solid Waste Management Planning and Remonumentation. Remaining services, while not mandated, are typical, expected County services and are important to the mission of Kalamazoo County. Planning/Community Development Board Authorized Agreement Original contract Current contract Date of Board Resolution Discretionary Function Constitution Statute Court Orders Court Rules Non-Mandated Necessary Mandated Boards and Committees 4. Metropolitan County Planning Commission 1960 5. 1978 Board of Public Works 6. Solid Waste Management Planning Committee PA 451 of 1994 7. Economic Development Corporation 1977 8. Brownfield Redevelopment Authority 2002 Recycling 1. County-wide waste reduction, waste management and resource conservation 1988 Economic Development 1. Southwest Michigan First 2. CDBG Administration AUGUST 2004 Annual X 57 KALAMAZOO COUNTY GOVERNMENT FUNCTIONS GENERAL GOVERNMENT Planning/Community Development Board Authorized Agreement Original contract Current contract Date of Board Resolution Discretionary Function Constitution Statute Court Orders Court Rules Non-Mandated Necessary Mandated Mapping 1. GIS Committee 2. Kalamazoo Area GIS Coordinating Council 2000 Remonumentation 1. Remonument government section corners PA 345 of 1990 Special Planning Projects 2. Grant administration for various projects X 3. Schoolcraft Area US-131 Planning Committee – by-pass planning an X 4. Street Directory X 5. Census Data X AUGUST 2004 58 KALAMAZOO COUNTY GOVERNMENT FUNCTIONS GENERAL GOVERNMENT Treasurer The County Treasurer is an elected office mandated by Article 7, Section 4 of the Michigan Constitution. The main function of the Treasurer is to maintain the County treasury, which requires that the Treasurer’s Office undertake good accounting practice to record and track all funds and accounts, to invest County funds according to the needs and wishes of the County, and to report to the Board of Commissioners periodically on the condition of the County’s finances. The Treasurer is mandated by various state laws to administer the process used by governmental units in the county to collect and disburse property taxes. In addition, the Treasurer administers the collection of all delinquent property taxes. The County established a delinquent tax revolving fund under MCLA 211.87b, which mandates that if the County has such a fund, the Treasurer must be the agent of the fund. When the County Board of Commissioners established a hotel/motel tax, they also appointed the County Treasurer as the tax administrator for the tax. In addition to these major functions of the Treasurer’s Office, the County Treasurer is also mandated by state law to collect fees for dog licenses, and to participate on various advisory, licensing, or regulatory boards. The Treasurer also has the added responsibility of: 1. Custodianship and banking of funds. 2. Investment of monies. 3. Statutory supervision of all property taxes. During the current summer and winter collection periods, local treasurers act as agents of and are accountable to the County Treasurer during the March settlement for their collections and uncollected remainder. 4. Acting as agent for the County in Tax Note borrowing to permit 100 percent payments of real property delinquencies to levying units that participate in the winter tax. 5. Responsible for maintenance of all delinquent property records and assignment of fees leading up to foreclosure and public auction of property due to lack of tax payment. 6. Transfer by ACH the State and Federal governments FICA and withholding taxes. 7. Accounting for and distributing penal fines. 8. Administering the County's hotel/motel accommodation tax ordinance. 9. Providing a tax certification on all transfers of real property when the deed or other legal instrument contains a "Warrant and Defend" clause. A AUGUST 2004 59 KALAMAZOO COUNTY GOVERNMENT FUNCTIONS GENERAL GOVERNMENT proper and legal description is required, and the transfer cannot be recorded without the Treasurer's certification that taxes are paid. 10. Settling MTT appeals, which includes refunds to taxpayers. 11. Adjustments of tax dollars as ordered by local boards of review. 12. Adjustments of denials or granting of homestead status as ordered by Michigan State Treasury. 13. Under requirements of Proposal A, responsible for the collection of all state education taxes from taxing units and submitting them to the State. 14. Sending to the State the transfer tax fees collected by Register of Deeds. 15. Collecting dog license fees. 16. Conformance and reporting responsibilities with the State for compliance with Public Act 123 of 1999. The Treasurer is a member of the following boards, committees, and commissions: 1. Retirement Investment Committee (ex-officio member) 2. County Plat Board 3. County Apportionment Commission 4. Election Commission Treasurer Board Authorized Agreement Original contract Current contract Date of Board Resolution Discretionary Function Constitution Statute Court Orders Court Rules Non-Mandated Necessary Mandated Tax Collection Administration 1. Administer a process to collect all delinquent property taxes MCLA 48.40 PA 211.58 2. Administer a process to collect and disburse current year property taxes MCLA 48.40 3. Administer the delinquent tax revolving fund MCLA 211.87b 4. Collect hotel/motel taxes 5. Issue tax clearances MCLA 211.135 6. Implement tax record searches MCLA 48.101 AUGUST 2004 01-01-1975 60 KALAMAZOO COUNTY GOVERNMENT FUNCTIONS GENERAL GOVERNMENT Treasurer Board Authorized Agreement Original contract Current contract Date of Board Resolution Discretionary Function Constitution Statute Court Orders Court Rules Non-Mandated Necessary Mandated Investment 1. Invest County Funds MCLA 129.71 MCLA 129.91 MCLA 48.40 2. Maintain a record of all funds received showing balances MCLA 750.485 3. Maintain County checking accounts MCLA 129.101 4. Participate on advisory, licensing, or regulatory boards MCLA 560.102(r) MCLA 46.403(1) MCLA 168.23 5. Sell dog licenses 6. Invest for Kalamazoo County Road Commission MCLA 287.267 PA 51 Other functions 1. Maintain Drain Office records 2. Funnel FICA, state, and federal tax dollars to appropriate departments AUGUST 2004 PA 40 X 61 KALAMAZOO COUNTY GOVERNMENT FUNCTIONS AUGUST 2004 HUMAN SERVICES 62 KALAMAZOO COUNTY GOVERNMENT FUNCTIONS HUMAN SERVICES HUMAN SERVICES AUGUST 2004 63 KALAMAZOO COUNTY GOVERNMENT FUNCTIONS HUMAN SERVICES Family Independence Agency Under the Kalamazoo County Family Independence Agency (FIA) Board, and the Michigan Family Independence Agency, Kalamazoo County FIA provides community leadership, seeks to improve the quality of life by protecting children and vulnerable adults, delivers juvenile justice services, and provides support to strengthen families and individuals striving for independence. Kalamazoo County FIA provides the following public assistance programs: Temporary Assistance for Needy Families grants (Family Independence Program); Day Care; Food Assistance; Medicaid and Emergency Relief. The agency administers the child support collection program, client fraud investigation and services to children and adults that include protective services, placement, home help and assistance with health, housing, and transportation. The primary joint effort between Kalamazoo County and the local Family Independence Agency involves the care and supervision of more than 600 Kalamazoo County children who have been adjudicated as neglected or delinquent wards by the Family Division of Circuit Court. In order to fulfill these responsibilities, Kalamazoo County FIA maintains a regular Child Placing Agency License regulated by the Michigan Department of Consumer & Industry Services that is reviewed annually. The FIA budget request represents the County’s portion of the cost in caring for these children. The remaining costs are covered through state and federal funding. Every effort is made to review state and federal funding eligibility prior to utilizing the County Child Care Fund. All three levels of government are experiencing higher childcare costs. Through the use of in-home care programs and community collaboration, Kalamazoo County FIA has traditionally attempted to maintain children in their own homes, placed children with relatives or facilitated an earlier return home from out-of-home placements. These efforts are based on recent changes in the law, the belief that most children ultimately respond better with a parent or relative caregiver and the fact that the majority of our children return home once the court supervised treatment plan has been successfully completed. Note: A function table has not been provided for this entity as direct operational authority does not rest with Kalamazoo County Government. AUGUST 2004 64 KALAMAZOO COUNTY GOVERNMENT FUNCTIONS HUMAN SERVICES Human Services The Kalamazoo County Human Services Department was created by resolution of the County Board of Commissioners in November of 1982. The intent of the Board was threefold: 1. To create a County Human Services System that operates with the most advantageous ratio of services to administrative cost. 2. To establish an administrative structure which is both accountable and allows the highest degree of coordination with respect to service delivery and decision-making. 3. To develop a decision-making process for the Human Services System structured around overall goals, and which acts on identified community needs and priorities. It was the position of the Board of Commissioners that the provision of human services by and through County Government and its appropriate departments is a proper and important function of County Government. To this end, the Kalamazoo County Human Services Department offers a unique and effective human service delivery system. This system is guided by the mission of the department, which is to improve the overall health of the community through coordinated planning, resource development, and service delivery, so all members of the community can participate in the opportunities, benefits and responsibilities of society. The Human Services Department encompasses the functions of public health and community action while incorporating other valuable programs including Head Start, Veterans, Care-A-Van and the Area Agency on Aging. The Public Health Code, Public Act 368 of 1978, as amended, mandates counties to have a health department. The Code states that “a local health department shall and its local governing entity shall provide or demonstrate the provision of each required service which the local health department is designated to provide” (MCLA 333.2473 (2)). The code also details numerous specific functions and activities to be performed by the local health department. In 1994, the Michigan Department of Community Health (MDCH) negotiated the Consensus Plan with local departments that reduced the mandated functions to nine “required” programs: Vision Screening Food Service Sanitation Hearing Screening Immunization Public Water supplies Sexually Transmitted Diseases Private and Type II Groundwater On-site Sewage Disposal Management Supplies General Communicable Disease Control A health department is only mandated to deliver the service directly if it cannot demonstrate that it is otherwise sufficiently available in the county. For purposes of this report, AUGUST 2004 65 KALAMAZOO COUNTY GOVERNMENT FUNCTIONS HUMAN SERVICES these services are identified as mandated, but it should be noted that assurance of the program is the mandate, not the provision of the service by the County. There are functions and activities outside of the mandated services that are the responsibility of the Michigan Department of Community Health (MDCH). Many of these duties are also permitted to be carried out by local health departments under the regulations of the Public Health Code. The Comprehensive Plan and Budget Contract (CPBC) and the Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) contract are annual agreements between the County and MDCH, and outline the services to be delivered by local health departments. The Board of Commissioners approves the CPBC and DEQ contracts annually. The following sections detail the functions and programs of the Human Services Department. They are listed by bureau and where the funding required for their performance is budgeted. Administration The administration functions for the Human Services Department is lead by the direction of the Human Services Director. Under this individual the department is steered strategically, works collaboratively within its bureaus, and is represented in the community. The Human Services Director also serves as the local health officer as defined in the Public Health Code (MCLA 333.2428). The Medical Director carries out the specific requirements found in the Public Health Code, including the Medical Examiner program (though it is not a Human Services Department function), while the Deputy Director oversees the specific programs not found in public health or community action. In addition to setting forth specific requirements, the Public Health Code also includes some general statements of responsibility for the department: planning and evaluating public health programs, investigating diseases and hazards, and tracking trends and statistics. The financial management of the department is also carried out in Administration. This includes grant and contract management, budget preparation, and fiscal analysis for the department’s bureaus. Financial reporting and auditing functions for the Department are also accomplished in this area. Administration provides oversight of the regional laboratory, dental clinic and the Emergency Preparedness program. Personal Health Services Bureau The Personal Health Services Bureau includes the mandated services of childhood immunizations, vision and hearing, and sexually transmitted disease and general communicable disease control. This bureau also provides programs funded by the CPBC agreement including: Women, Infants and Children (WIC), Maternal and Infant Support Services (MSS/ISS), AUGUST 2004 66 KALAMAZOO COUNTY GOVERNMENT FUNCTIONS HUMAN SERVICES Children’s Special Health Care and HIV/AIDS testing and counseling. In addition, this bureau performs several discretionary programs in the course of offering clinical services including wellchild screening, general health counseling and family planning referrals. This bureau also provides infant/children services through the baby bundle program, lead screening and Healthy Start case management. Environmental Health Bureau The Public Health Code identifies MDCH as the environmental health agency for the state (MCLA 333.12103), though the local health departments perform much of the local inspection work. Mandated services such as Public and Private Groundwater Supply and Onsite Sewage Disposal Management are among the required services for local public health operations under the 1994 agreement. The Public Health Code amended the area of Food Service Sanitation in 2000. This amendment gave oversight for food service sanitation to the Department of Agriculture under MCLA 289.1101. The new language states that the Department of Agriculture or the local health department shall conduct food service inspections and that the local health department shall maintain all records. Food service sanitation is a required service under the 1994 agreement. Other inspections that are currently conducted by the Human Services Department include: campgrounds, swimming pools, bathing beaches and lead testing. Subdivision/Condominium on-site systems also are required to be inspected by the State, which delegate the authority to the local health department. The remaining programs in the Environmental Health Bureau are the Household Hazardous Waste and Ozone Monitoring. These are provided to protect and monitor the environment in the county. Community Health Services Bureau The Community Health Services Bureau focuses on the education of the community and the status of the health of the County. The mandated requirement of conducting epidemiological studies is found in this bureau. Most of the functions performed in the Community Health Services Bureau are found in the CPBC agreement, including Breast and Cervical Cancer Control Program, Tobacco control, Immunize by Two, HOPWA funding and the African American Health Initiative. The Community Health Services Bureau also provides substance abuse prevention education and training and HIV/AIDS education. Community Action Bureau While the Community Action Bureau’s programs are discretionary services, these programs provide vital resources to some of the county’s most vulnerable families and AUGUST 2004 67 KALAMAZOO COUNTY GOVERNMENT FUNCTIONS HUMAN SERVICES individuals. Housing improvements, food distribution and utility assistance are programs that strive to help families maintain a basic quality of life level. Other programs that assist families, in whole or in part, are the Head Start/School Readiness program for three to four year olds, Solar Gardens, which provides employment and training, and a teen-parenting program. The Community Action Bureau provides housing to adults with special needs by operating an emergency shelter and also a transitional housing facility. Human Services Department Board Authorized Agreement Original contract Current contract Date of Board Resolution Discretionary Function Constitution Statute Court Orders Court Rules Non-Mandated Necessary Mandated Administration Organizational Management and Planning 1. Administer and oversee departmental programs MCLA 333.2428 11/1982 2. Coordinate and carryout County and department strategic plans X 3. Promote department in the community X 4. Monitor and maintain departmental buildings and grounds X Community Assessment, Surveillance, and Reporting 1. Investigate diseases and epidemics MCLA 333.2433 2. Investigate environmental hazards and illnesses MCLA 333.2433 10/03-9/04 3. Evaluate programs, services, projects, and accreditation 4. Submit annual report 5. Submit reports of disease to MDCH X MCLA 333.2431 MCLA 333.2431 10/03-9/04 6. Conduct Fetal Infant Mortality Review (FIMR) AUGUST 2004 68 KALAMAZOO COUNTY GOVERNMENT FUNCTIONS HUMAN SERVICES Human Services Department Board Authorized Agreement Original contract Current contract Date of Board Resolution Discretionary Function Constitution Statute Court Orders Court Rules Non-Mandated Necessary Mandated Financial Administration 1. Administer a system to charge and collect fees X 2. Install and maintain a system of accounting MCLA 333.2481 3. Submit an annual budget to MDCH MCLA 333.2483 4. Submit budgets for Federal programs and grants X 5. Provide fiscal, program, and legislative analysis X Grant and Contract Management 1. Administer contracts X 2. Record grant and contract information X Health Code Administration 1. Implement and enforce health laws MCLA 333.2433 2. Submit an organizational plan for approval to MDCH MCLA 333.2431 Emergency Preparedness 1. Administer communication activities in case of an emergency event 2002 10/03-9/04 X 2. Communicate with County organizations to coordinate emergency activities 2002 10/03-9/04 X 3. House emergency preparedness supplies and communication center 2002 10/03-9/04 X 4. Provide action plan in the case of an emergency event 2002 10/03-9/04 X AUGUST 2004 69 KALAMAZOO COUNTY GOVERNMENT FUNCTIONS HUMAN SERVICES Human Services Department Board Authorized Agreement Original contract Current contract Date of Board Resolution Discretionary Function Constitution Statute Court Orders Court Rules Non-Mandated Necessary Mandated Laboratory Services 1. Provide clinical and environmental testing and regional CLIA administration 10/03-9/04 X 2. Serve as Level B lab for the Federal Bioterrorism Readiness Response Program 2002 10/03-9/04 X Area Agency on Aging 1. Administer and coordinate local programming efforts 1996 10/03-9/04 2. Provide funding for programs assisting older adults 1996 10/03-9/04 X 3. 1997 10/03-9/04 X 1986 X 1991 X Omnsbudsman X Care-A-Van Provide demand/response public transit Dental Clinic Provide dental services to County residents Veterans Affairs and Soldiers Relief 1. Administer the Michigan Veterans Trust Fund 1996 2. Levy tax to support Veteran’s Relief Fund MCLA 35.21 3. Provide burial assistance for eligible veterans MCLA 35.801 4. Provide foundations for grave markers for eligible veterans MCLA 35.803 5. Provide information and referral services to eligible veterans X 6. Provide emergency financial assistance for eligible veterans AUGUST 2004 70 KALAMAZOO COUNTY GOVERNMENT FUNCTIONS HUMAN SERVICES Human Services Department Board Authorized Agreement Original contract Current contract Date of Board Resolution Discretionary Function Constitution Statute Court Orders Court Rules Non-Mandated Necessary Mandated Information Technology Electronically collect, maintain, and transmit health data X Personal Health Services Bureau Immunizations 1. Maintain immunization status data MCLA 333.9209 10/03-9/04 2. MCLA 333.9203 10/03-9/04 MCLA 333.9203 1950 10/03-9/04 Provide adult immunizations 3. Provide childhood immunizations 4. Provide immunization education in community and health care organizations 10/03-9/04 X 5. Immunization Action PlanVFC oversight and training 10/03-9/04 X Services to Women and Children 1. Administer Women, Infant, and Children (WIC) Program 1976 10/03-9/04 X 2. Provide well-child screening to low-income clients 1952 10/03-9/04 X 3. 10/03-9/04 X 10/03-9/04 X Lead screening 4. Healthy Start case management TB Screening 1. Implement TB Screening 2. TB prevention, treatment, and case management 10/03-9/04 MCLA 333.5117 X 10/03-9/04 Health Care Access and Outreach Provide outreach and enrollment services 9/03-8/04 X Children’s Services Provide special health care services to children AUGUST 2004 10/03-9/04 X 71 KALAMAZOO COUNTY GOVERNMENT FUNCTIONS HUMAN SERVICES Human Services Department Constitution Statute Court Orders Court Rules Board Authorized Agreement MCLA 333.5117 10/03-9/04 Function Original contract Current contract Date of Board Resolution Discretionary Non-Mandated Necessary Mandated Communicable Disease Control Control and surveillance of communicable diseases Maternal/Infant Support Services 1. Provide maternal and infant support services to at risk 1985 10/03-9/04 X 2. SIDS 10/03-9/04 X 3. Child death review X 4. Baby Bundle program-provide infant supply items X STD/HIV/AIDS Testing, treatment and contact follow-up MCLA 333.5114 MCLA 333.5117 10/03-9/04 MCLA 333.9301 10/03-9/04 1. Inspect food service operations MCLA 289.3121 10/03-9/04 2. Investigate complaints about food service operations MCLA 289.3129 10/03-9/04 MCLA 324.4107 10/03-9/04 Vision and Hearing Conduct vision and hearing screening services Environmental Health Bureau Food Service Sanitation On-Site Sewage Disposal 1. Evaluate sewage systems 2. Evaluate suitability of vacant land for on-site system 10/03-9/04 X Other Inspections and Investigations 1. Conduct childhood lead poisoning investigations X 2. Inspect campgrounds and campground complaints X AUGUST 2004 72 KALAMAZOO COUNTY GOVERNMENT FUNCTIONS HUMAN SERVICES Human Services Department Board Authorized Agreement Original contract Current contract Date of Board Resolution Discretionary Function Constitution Statute Court Orders Court Rules Non-Mandated Necessary Mandated 3. Inspect licensed child/adult care facilities and investigate complaints X 4. X Inspect mobile home parks 5. Inspect public swimming pools MCLA 333.12524 6. Inspect subdivision/ condominium on-site systems X 7. Investigate complaints about the sanitation of dwellings X 8. Investigate public health nuisances X 9. Monitor bathing beach water X 10. Monitor surface water X Private Groundwater Supply 1. Process well permit applications MCLA 325.1010 2. MCLA 325.1010 Investigate complaints Public Groundwater Supply 1. Conduct Type II evaluations MCLA 325.1015 2. Conduct Type III evaluations MCLA 325.1015 3. Process well permit applications MCLA 325.1015 Household Hazardous Waste 1. Collect and recycle household hazard waste from County residents X Ozone Monitoring 1. Monitor ozone and particulate matter concentrations AUGUST 2004 X 73 KALAMAZOO COUNTY GOVERNMENT FUNCTIONS HUMAN SERVICES Human Services Department Function Board Authorized Agreement Original contract Current contract Date of Board Resolution Discretionary Constitution Statute Court Orders Court Rules Non-Mandated Necessary Mandated Community Health Services Bureau Chronic Disease 1. Partner for tobacco control – Tobacco Coalition 10/1995 10-03-9/04 X 2. Provide breast and cervical cancer screening 10/1993 10/03-9/04 X 10/1985 10/03-9/04 X Education Programs 1. Substance abuse prevention education and training 2. HIV/AIDS education X African American Health Initiative Provide funding for African American health issues 10/1999 10/03-9/04 X Epidemiology 1. Conduct epidemiological studies MCLA 333.2433 2. Collect and analyze communicable and chronic disease data X Housing Opportunities for People with AIDS (HOPWA) Provide funding for housing assistance 1995 10/03-9/04 X Immunize by Two Enter data for Kalamazoo County Immunization providers MCLA 380.1177 Michigan Childhood Immunization Registry (MCIR) Enroll and train childhood immunization providers for 15 county region #2 10/1996 10-03/9/04 Healthy Start Manage Healthy Start services AUGUST 2004 9/1997 10/03-9/04 X 74 KALAMAZOO COUNTY GOVERNMENT FUNCTIONS HUMAN SERVICES Human Services Department Board Authorized Agreement Original contract Current contract Date of Board Resolution Discretionary Function Constitution Statute Court Orders Court Rules Non-Mandated Necessary Mandated Community Action Bureau Transitional Housing Unit 1. Operate an emergency shelter for special needs single adults 1989 10/03-9/04 10/03 2. Operate a transitional housing facility for single men with substance abuse issues 09/02-03/05 10/02 01/03-12/04 03/03 X Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) 1. Secure and administer CDBG funds from HUD 2. Assist low-income families with affordable housing options X X Solar Gardens Provide employment and training for low-income and special needs people through the operation of gardens and greenhouses 1977 10/03-9/04 X 1976 10/03-9/04 X 1. Provide emergency services to low-income individuals and families 10/03-9/04 X 2. Bi-monthly distribution of federal surplus food products 10/03-9/04 X 3. 1979 10/03-9/04 X 10/03-9/04 X Head Start/School Readiness Provide preschool programming to low-income three and four year olds Social Services Unit LIHEAP-utility assistance Teen Parents Program Provide case management services to pregnant teenagers and teenage parents AUGUST 2004 75 KALAMAZOO COUNTY GOVERNMENT FUNCTIONS HUMAN SERVICES Human Services Department Board Authorized Agreement Original contract Current contract Date of Board Resolution Discretionary Function Constitution Statute Court Orders Court Rules Non-Mandated Necessary Mandated Weatherization Provide home improvement services to qualified homeowners and renters AUGUST 2004 04/04-3/05 X 76 KALAMAZOO COUNTY GOVERNMENT FUNCTIONS HUMAN SERVICES Kalamazoo County Mental Health Services On January 1, 1997, the Kalamazoo County Board of Commissioners passed a resolution creating Kalamazoo Community Mental Health Services Authority (KCMHS) which became a mental health authority as provided under the Michigan Mental Health Code. The General Fund annual contribution to KCMHS was frozen when it was given authority status. KCMHS is governed by a twelve-member board who are appointed by the County Board of Commissioners for a three-year term. On October 1, 2002, KCMHS became the regional Medicaid Prepaid Health Plan for Kalamazoo, Allegan, Cass and St. Joseph Counties. KCMHS has a Medicaid Sub-Capitation arrangement with the other three Counties. Also on this date, KCMHS assumed the Substance Abuse Coordinating Agency responsibilities for Kalamazoo, Barry, Branch, St. Joseph and Van Buren counties. The majority of the funding in the annual budget is derived from Medicaid and State general funds, which are capitated and regulated by the State through a special service contract with KCMHS. The County’s general funds are used to either match State and Federal funding or to fund community services. Note: A function table has not been provided for this entity as direct operational authority does not rest with Kalamazoo County Government. AUGUST 2004 77 KALAMAZOO COUNTY GOVERNMENT FUNCTIONS AUGUST 2004 HUMAN SERVICES 78 KALAMAZOO COUNTY GOVERNMENT FUNCTIONS JUSTICE JUSTICE AUGUST 2004 79 KALAMAZOO COUNTY GOVERNMENT FUNCTIONS JUSTICE Eighth District Court The District Court is a part of the judicial branch of state government. In January 1999, three separate District Courts in Kalamazoo County, 8th District Court (Kalamazoo County), 9-1 District Court (City of Kalamazoo) and 9-2 District Court (City of Portage) consolidated into one county-wide jurisdiction District Court, legislated as Kalamazoo County Eighth Judicial District Court. There are seven judges elected for six-year terms. All of the salary for these seven judges is paid by the State of Michigan. The Chief Judge is responsible for the administration of the District Court. The Supreme Court has established the duties, powers and responsibilities of the Chief Judge by court rule, MCR 8.810. The Supreme Court’s Administrative Order 1998-5 addresses the Chief Judge’s responsibilities as they relate to inter-governmental relations, particularly with the funding unit. The Court Administrator, appointed by the Chief Judge, is responsible for all administrative and non-judicial operations of the court. The District Court has original jurisdiction on criminal felony cases; general jurisdiction over criminal misdemeanors, traffic misdemeanors, traffic civil infractions, non-traffic civil infractions and general civil cases where the contested amount is $25,000 or less, small claims cases and summary proceedings (Landlord/Tenant relationships). Magistrates assist the judiciary by presiding over arraignments, informal hearings and small claims cases. They also issue arrest and search warrants, set bail, accept pleas, impose sentences and perform marriages. Although the Court is now a consolidated District Court, operations continue to be located in three separate locations: The North Location, located at 227 W. Michigan Ave., Kalamazoo, handles all criminal matters stemming from offenses occurring in the entire northern portion of Kalamazoo County (north of Kilgore Road). This allows greater efficiencies in case processing as well as efficiencies in case flow on felony matters, with Circuit Court occupying space in the same building. The local Bar Association as well as other court users are also better served. The Crosstown Location, 150 E. Crosstown Parkway, Kalamazoo, handles all civil, small claims, summary proceedings and non-criminal traffic cases for the entire northern portion of Kalamazoo County. This also creates greater efficiencies in case processing as well as provides easy access for court users and the Local Bar Association, particularly prosecuting agencies, and ample free parking. The South Location, 7810 Shaver Road, Portage, is a full-service court handling all criminal, civil and traffic matters occurring in the southern portion of Kalamazoo County (south of Kilgore Road). The South Location provides easy access to citizens, south county prosecuting agencies and law enforcement as well as ample, free parking. AUGUST 2004 80 KALAMAZOO COUNTY GOVERNMENT FUNCTIONS JUSTICE Citizens may conduct court business in the location most convenient to them, which includes making payments or filing cases. All cases, tickets, money and documents are processed by Deputy Clerks in these busy offices. More than 100,000 clients are served each year. Administrative staff is responsible for all business functions of District Court, which includes case flow management, personnel administration, budgeting and finance, records and facility’s management, and technologies to enhance operation efficiencies. District Court Services District Court Services was established in February 2004. District Court combined three essential offices into one department known as “District Court Services.” This new department includes Probation, Pretrial Services, and Collections and is supervised by the District Court Services Director. By combining three offices, the District Court is more efficient in screening the recently arrested and collecting outstanding debts, while continuing to provide meaningful sanctions as an alternative to incarceration. Probation Probation Officers supervise a large number of offenders sentenced to a term of probation. Offenses include a vast array of misdemeanors, including assaultive offenses and offenses related to substance abuse. Probation Officers also prepare sentence recommendations to the judges and ensure offenders are held accountable to the terms of the Court’s order. Placing a defendant on probation, rather than sentencing to a term of jail, assists in the effort to eliminate jail overcrowding in Kalamazoo County. Although state law does not mandate these services, the Court relies heavily on these alternatives to jail. District Court Services outsources low risk/non-assaultive probationers, who require a low level of monitoring, to the Kalamazoo Probation Enhancement Program (K-PEP) in order to allow District Court Probation Officers to provide a higher level of supervision to higher risk offenders. The District Court Services Director supervises this Program. Pretrial Services Pretrial Services operates under the direction of the Pretrial Services Advisory Board, consisting of the Chief Judges from the District and Circuit Court, the Prosecuting Attorney, and the Sheriff. Pretrial Services screening staff assess the needs and risks presented by recently arrested defendants in order to provide judges with information and recommendations intended to help them make appropriate decisions concerning the determination of bail and/or conditions AUGUST 2004 81 KALAMAZOO COUNTY GOVERNMENT FUNCTIONS JUSTICE for release from custody. Judges have come to rely heavily on the verified information contained in the bond reports. As a result, they are more likely to set attainable bonds on defendants, ultimately having a positive impact on the jail population. Collections Collection Officers are responsible for the collection of fines, costs and fees assessed by the sentencing judges and magistrates, and monitoring the “COLLECT” Program, software specifically developed for the 8th District Court, which generates overdue notices and show cause hearings on non-payment cases. Eighth District Court Board Authorized Agreement Original contract Current contract Date of Board Resolution Discretionary Function Constitution Statute Court Orders Court Rules Non-Mandated Necessary Mandated Adjudication and Disposition Adjudication of Civil Cases 1. Process general civil cases involving claims of $25,000 or less MCLA 600.8301 2. MCLA 600.5704 Process landlord/tenant cases 3. Process small claims cases filed in Court MCLA 600.8401 4. Receive and disburse money associated with civil case processing MCLA 600.8371 MCLA 408.685 600.5756 Adjudication of Criminal Cases 1. Accept payments and receive and disburse fees and bonds associated with criminal case processing MCLA 600.8311 MCLA 780.905 12.206 2. Adjudicate misdemeanor cases MCLA 600.8311(a) 3. Conduct preliminary examinations in felony cases MCLA 600.8311(d) Civil Infractions (Traffic and Ordinance Violations 1. Adjudicate civil infractions AUGUST 2004 MCLA 257.741 82 KALAMAZOO COUNTY GOVERNMENT FUNCTIONS JUSTICE Eighth District Court 2. Process payments for tickets and fines associated with traffic and ordinance violations Board Authorized Agreement Original contract Current contract Date of Board Resolution Discretionary Function Constitution Statute Court Orders Court Rules Non-Mandated Necessary Mandated MCLA 600.8371 MCLA 257.907 MCLA 324.48740 MCLA 324.40119 MCLA 324.1609 MCLA 257.629e MCLA 600.8420 MCLA 600.8381 District Court Services Probation 1. Administer house arrest 2. Administer Probation program X 3. Collect assessed monies X 4. Conduct drug testing X 5. Make referrals to treatment program X X 6. Conduct alcohol screenings and assessments and other presentence investigations X Pre-Trial Services 1. Assess needs and risks of recently arrested parties and provide judges with information and recommendations to assist them in making appropriate decisions concerning determination of bail and/or conditions for release from custody. X Collections 1. Responsible for the collection of fines, costs and fees assessed by judges and magistrates using the “COLLECT” program, software specifically developed for the 8th District Court, which generates overdue notices and show cause hearings on non-payment cases. AUGUST 2004 X 83 KALAMAZOO COUNTY GOVERNMENT FUNCTIONS JUSTICE Ninth Circuit Court The Circuit Court is part of the judicial branch of state government. However, the county is responsible for funding Circuit Court operations, with assistance from the state and federal government. The Circuit Court is the court of general jurisdiction, meaning it has jurisdiction over all matters not otherwise assigned to other courts (Const 1963, Art VI, Sec 13). In 1996, the Legislature created the Family Division of Circuit Court by transferring to Circuit Court jurisdiction over many cases previously handled by the Probate Court and required Circuit Court and Probate Court to develop a plan for the Family Division. MCL 600.1001 et seq. The legislation contemplated that some probate judges would serve in the Family Division. There are five elected Circuit Judges in Kalamazoo County. Three elected probate judges also serve in the Circuit Court, two on a full-time basis. The jurisdiction of the Circuit Court includes: Family Division o Abuse and neglect o Divorces, Paternity, Adoption o Juvenile delinquency, name changes, emancipations Note: Adoptions, emancipations and name changes are handled by the Probate Court, Estates Division pursuant to the local “Family Court” plan. Trial Division o Appeals from other Courts and agencies o Civil cases involving more than $25,000 o Felony criminal cases The Circuit Court’s mandated judicial activity is supported by necessary administrative functions. These activities include maintaining all court files and records; preparing notices, pleadings, orders, judgments and transcripts; case scheduling; jury management; appointing counsel for indigent defendants; gathering information to make bond decisions; collecting fees, costs and restitution; and providing mediation services. All of these activities are essential to fulfill the court’s judicial responsibilities. Organization Of The Ninth Circuit Court The Circuit Court has three divisions: 1. Family Division 2. Trial Division 3. Administrative Services Division AUGUST 2004 84 KALAMAZOO COUNTY GOVERNMENT FUNCTIONS JUSTICE The seven full-time judges of the Circuit Court are assigned to either the Family Division or the Trial Division. However, the Circuit Court operates under a central assignment system that assigns judges to assist with each other’s dockets as needed. The Administrative Services Division includes the following units that directly support the Family and Trial Divisions of the court: Court Services Family Services Finance Services Records Services Friend of the Court Juvenile Home Most Circuit Court employees serve in the Administrative Services Division. The exceptions are the judges’ immediate staff and the referees serving in the Family Division. The Chief Judge is responsible for the administration of the Circuit Court. The Supreme Court has established the duties, powers and responsibilities of the Chief Judge by court rule. MCR 8.810 (“The Chief Judge Rule”). The Supreme Court’s Administrative Order 1998-5 addresses the Chief Judge’s responsibilities as they relate to inner-governmental relations, particularly with the County Board. The Court Administrator, appointed by the Chief Judge, is responsible for all administrative and non-judicial operations of the court. Records Services The County Clerk is the clerk of the Circuit Court (Const 1963, Art VI, Sec 14). The County Clerk is one of the elected county officers (the others are the Sheriff, Treasurer, Register of Deeds and Prosecuting Attorney) provided by the Constitution (Const 1963, Art VII, Sec 4). The functions of the County Clerk are addressed by statute. MCL 50.61 et seq and MCL 600.571. These provisions do not apply to the Probate Court or District Court, which are responsible for their own records. The relationship between the Circuit Court and the County Clerk is also defined by Lapeer County Clerk v Lapeer Circuit Court, 469 Mich 146 (2003). The Circuit Court monitors and maintains court records under a cooperative agreement with the County Clerk/Register. The Chief Court Clerk and her staff are deputy county clerks. As the Records Services unit, they are responsible for all official records at the Circuit Court and receive and disburse court ordered payments in conjunction with Finance Services. Part of this function also includes providing copies of files to members of the public as requested. In addition, the Clerk of the Court has been given the duty to store and destroy all case files and stenographer notes in accordance with the provisions of MCL 600.2137. AUGUST 2004 85 KALAMAZOO COUNTY GOVERNMENT FUNCTIONS JUSTICE There are many court records, and other information, that are non-public information. Generally, secrecy involving court records, information and proceedings is designed to protect the integrity of the judicial process and individual rights of the participants. For example, jury deliberations are secret, so that they cannot be influenced by outsiders. To protect the integrity of the Judicial Branch, (and for many other reasons), internal records and information involving the court’s operations are confidential. The Supreme Court, through the State Court Administrative Office (SCAO), requires that data, information and records generated by computer systems or other communication systems are the property of the courts and shall not be disseminated without written approval of the Chief Judge. Only the court has the authority to monitor and review all data, information or records generated by the judges and employees of the court, and the Chief Judge has the sole authority to authorize dissemination of court records or address the violation of the standards of operation relating to such records (SCAO Administrative Memorandum 2000-07). Facilities, Funding, and Personnel The Circuit Court operates at five principle locations within Kalamazoo County: The Gull Road Courthouse (Family Division); The Michigan Avenue Courthouse (Trial Division); The County Administration Building (Friend of the Court); The Juvenile Home; and the Crosstown Facility (Adoptions, Emancipations and Name Changes). The County Board is primarily responsible for funding court operations, with assistance from the state for trial court operational expenses. MCL 600.591, MCL 600.9947. Significant additional funding comes from a variety of state and federal sources, as explained later. Generally, the County can use a lump sum or line item budget for the courts. Both the Legislature and the Supreme Court have attempted to define the responsibilities of the County Board and the Circuit Court as they relate to one another. MCL 600.591 and Administrative Order 1998-5. The County is the employer of county-paid employees of the Circuit Court, and with the concurrence of the Chief Judge, can establish personnel policies and procedures. The County pays the compensation for the Circuit Court employees. The Chief Judge has the authority to appoint, supervise, discipline or dismiss employees of the Circuit Court. The statute recognizes the Chief Judge is the principle administrator of the officers and the personnel of the court. The County Board is also responsible for Adult Probation’s overhead. MCL 791.223a(5). Adult Probation oversees Circuit Court probationers, but is part of the Department of Corrections. The employees are employed by and paid by the State of Michigan. However, the county is responsible for adult probation’s rent, contractual services, supplies, materials and equipment. MCL 791.223a(5). Juvenile probation is authorized by MCL 712A.9 et seq is part of the Family Services Administrative Unit of Circuit Court. The employees are court employees. AUGUST 2004 86 KALAMAZOO COUNTY GOVERNMENT FUNCTIONS JUSTICE The Family Division administers a number of programs that provide options for the disposition of juvenile cases, ranging from probation to institutionalization to various counseling programs. Neither the court, nor the county is mandated to make available any specific programs, however the Juvenile Code does state that the law “. . . shall be liberally construed so that each juvenile coming within the court’s jurisdiction receives the care, guidance and control, preferably in his or her own home, conducive to the juvenile’s welfare and the best interest of the state.” MCL 712A.1(3). “If a juvenile is removed from the control of his or her parents, the juvenile shall be placed in care as nearly as possible equivalent to the care that should have been given to the juvenile by his or her parents.” MCL 712A.1(3). The statute also defines a range of dispositions which the court may consider. These two sections, read in conjunction with each other, are a mandate for the availability of these services for the court. In addition, MCL 400.23 requires the state to reimburse the county for 50 percent of the expenses of providing certain juvenile services involving out-of-home placement or alternatives designed to prevent out-of-home placement. MCL 400.117a(c) defines a juvenile justice service as including “intake, detention, detention alternatives, probation, foster care, diagnostic evaluation and treatment, shelter care, or any other service approved by the state FIA . . .” The portion of the cost of these services which is not covered by the state is paid for by the county. The relationship of the county and the state, and what programs the county will provide and what the state will pay for, is formally stated and agreed to through the Child Care Fund Plan and Budget, which is approved annually by the Board of Commissioners. There are two unique parts of the Circuit Court operation that may benefit from further explanation: The Friend of the Court (FOC) and the Juvenile Home. The Friend of the Court was created by the Legislature as part of the Circuit Court. MCL 552.501 et seq. The Friend of the Court is an employee of the Circuit Court, supervised by the Chief Judge. MCL 552.503. Both the Friend of the Court and the Juvenile Home are administrative units of the Circuit Court under the Family Division Plan adopted by the Kalamazoo County Probate Court and the 9th Circuit Court. The Friend of the Court Act establishes the Friend of the Court and the responsibilities of the FOC. MCL 552.501 et seq. Generally the purposes of the Act are to protect the best interests of children in domestic relations matters, encourage and assist parties in voluntarily resolving domestic relations matters and compelling the enforcement of custody, parenting time and support orders. MCL 552.501(2). Since the Friend of the Court performs activities required of the states by the federal government, many of the state statutes incorporate the federal requirements. In some cases, such as custody and parenting time activities, the state statute includes activities not actually mandated by the federal government, but for which it has allowed the federal funds to be used. AUGUST 2004 87 KALAMAZOO COUNTY GOVERNMENT FUNCTIONS JUSTICE The Juvenile Home is authorized by statute. MCL 712A.16. The Juvenile Home in Kalamazoo County is operated by the Circuit Court pursuant to a longstanding arrangement with the County Board. See MCL 712A.16(6). The Kalamazoo County Juvenile Home is the only secure facility in Kalamazoo County for housing young persons who have violated the law. Rehabilitative programs in the Juvenile Home include skill building, educational/vocational training, conflict resolution and mediation training. The Day Treatment Program operated by the court is housed in the Juvenile Home. The Intensive Learning Center operated by Kalamazoo Regional Educational Services Agency (KRESA) is also located in the Juvenile Home. Funding for the Circuit Court from Non-County Sources Over the years, the Circuit Court has become less dependent on the county for its funding. In 1980, 67.8% of the court’s budget was from county funds. In 2004, only 58.6% of the Circuit Court budget is from county funds. The other 41.4% comes from a variety of sources described in the following: State Ward Chargebacks. When delinquent youth under the jurisdiction of the Circuit Court as minors are committed to the state for institutional placement, the State of Michigan pays the costs and then charges the county for one-half of those costs. This chargeback amount is carried in the Circuit Court’s budget and has been nearly two million dollars for the last several years. The per day costs of each delinquency placement averages well over $200, so it does not take more than 30 of these placements to get into the millions of dollars. Child-Care Fund. The Child-Care Fund is a collaborative effort between the state and county governments that supports programs to serve neglected, abused and delinquent youth. The Child-Care Fund originated in 1955, starting with a series of bills that required the state to reimburse counties for foster care. Now the state reimburses the county for 50% of all eligible child care costs. To be eligible for reimbursement, the county must submit an annual Child-Care Fund Plan and Budget to the state each fall. These budgets are reviewed and approved by the ChildCare Fund Office. These plans describe, in detail, the services we wish to provide for the coming year and the projected costs of those services. As money is spent by the county on these services, the State of Michigan is billed for our one-half share of those costs. An annual on-site program review is conducted by state Child-Care Fund staff to assure that program expenditures comply with Child-Care Fund regulations and policy. Kalamazoo County will receive reimbursement for staff and operational costs of approximately $1,300,000 during the 2004-2005 fiscal year. One of the largest portions of this funding is for our Juvenile Home. Onehalf of the total cost of operating the Juvenile Home is reimbursed to the county from Child-Care Fund dollars. Other services funded with Child-Care dollars include: the day treatment AUGUST 2004 88 KALAMAZOO COUNTY GOVERNMENT FUNCTIONS JUSTICE program, intensive probation, in-home detention, intake screening, foster care and juvenile drug treatment court. Drug Treatment Court Funding. The Circuit Court operates three Drug Treatment Courts. These three programs cost $780,000 per year to operate. Fifty percent of the funding for these programs is from state, federal and grant sources. The Kalamazoo Courts are recognized nationally as leaders in operating these programs, which are part of our commitment to therapeutic jurisprudence. Title IV-D Funding. Since 1974, the federal government, under Title IV-D of the Social Security Act, has required every state to have a child-support enforcement agency. In Michigan, this agency is the Office of Child Support (OCS), which is a division of the Family Independence Agency (FIA). OCS annually contracts with the county and Circuit Court to have the prosecuting attorney and Friend of the Court staff provide child support enforcement activities, also known as IV-D activities. The funding from state and federal sources varies based upon a complicated formula. Approximately 66% of the total staff and operational costs of our Friend of the Court operations comes from these state and federal funds. Title-IV-E Funding. The cost of out-of-home placements for some youth are covered by another category of federal funds. Title IV-E is another section of the Social Security Act. Under provisions of this federal law, one-half of the placement costs are paid for out of federal funds. To be eligible, the child must come from a family meeting certain poverty guidelines. State Funding of Judicial Salaries. There are five Circuit judges in the Ninth Circuit Court and two Probate judges serving in the Family Division of Circuit Court. All of the salary for these seven judges is from State of Michigan funds. Friend of the Court Medical Support Enforcement. It is an important federal and state interest to see that children receive proper medical care and that they are insured for their health care needs when possible. The Circuit Court receives a grant of $109,370 for this effort. That grants pays 100% of the personnel cost of the Medical Support Enforcement Unit in the Friend of the Court operations. Three staff members’ costs are paid from this state grant. The total number of personnel in the Circuit Court, including judges, is 211. Over onehalf of those positions (112) are paid for totally or partially by other than county funds. Non-Mandated Court Functions Most of the non-mandated functions of the Circuit Court fall into the category of services available to families through our Family Division. Many of those services are funded partially with Child-Care Fund dollars. All of these services exist to help youth and families locally with their problems rather than sending youth off to much more expensive alternatives. AUGUST 2004 89 KALAMAZOO COUNTY GOVERNMENT FUNCTIONS JUSTICE Circuit Court Board Authorized Agreement Original contract Current contract Statute/ Court Rule Supporting Necessity of Function Discretionary Function Constitution Statute Court Orders Court Rules Non-Mandated Necessary Mandated Judicial Activity 1. Legal research, draft opinions and orders 2. MCR 2.517 Enforce court orders Numerous statutes and court rules 3. Address jail and juvenile home overcrowding MCL 765.1 et seq MCL 801.51 et seq 4. Continuing education 5. Conduct court proceedings and reviews; related preparations MCR 8.104, 8.110(D)(4)&(5) Numerous statutes and court rules Trial Division 1. Felony criminal cases and serious misdemeanors. MCL 600.601 2. Civil cases over $25,000 MCL 600.605 3. Appeals from other courts and administrative agencies MCL 600.615 MCL 600.631 Family Division 1. Juvenile delinquency proceedings MCL 600.1021 2. MCL 600.1021 Child protective proceedings 3. Domestic relations proceedings (divorce; paternity;, child support, custody, and parenting time; personal protection orders) MCL 600.1021 4. Adoptions, name changes, emancipations MCL 600.1021 Administrative 1. Supervise and direct work force AUGUST 2004 MCL 600.591 AO 1998-5 MCR 8.110(C)(3)(d) 90 KALAMAZOO COUNTY GOVERNMENT FUNCTIONS JUSTICE Circuit Court 2. Hire, discipline and train work force MCL 600.591 AO 1998-5 MCR 8.110(C)(3)(d) 3. Plan strategically and monitor performance MCR 8.110(C)(2)(c) 4. Liaison with other agencies of local and state government Board Authorized Agreement Original contract Current contract Statute/ Court Rule Supporting Necessity of Function MCR 8.110(C)(2)(e) AO 1998-5 X Discretionary Function Constitution Statute Court Orders Court Rules Non-Mandated Necessary Mandated Records (Clerk of the Court) 1. Maintain court files and records MCL 600.571 MCR 8.105, 8.119 2. MCL 600.571 MCR 8.105, 8.119 Make records of court activity 3. Accept all pleadings, provide public access to files, provide copies of records MCL 600.571 MCR 8.105, 8.119 Case Management 1. Case scheduling, monitoring and reporting MCR 8.107 AO 2003-7 2. Prepare notices, orders and judgments Numerous statutes and court rules 3. Prepare transcripts MCR 8.108, 8.109 4. Jury management MCL 600.1300 et seq MCR 2.510 5. Jury board 6. Indigent attorney appointment and payment MCL 600.1301 MCL 775.16 MCR 3.915, 3.916, 6.005, 8.123 Admin memo 2003-5 7. Case evaluation, mediation MCR 2.403, 2.404, and Alternative Dispute Resolution 2.410, 2.411, 3.216 AUGUST 2004 91 KALAMAZOO COUNTY GOVERNMENT FUNCTIONS JUSTICE Circuit Court Board Authorized Agreement Original contract Current contract Statute/ Court Rule Supporting Necessity of Function MCL 712A.16 X Discretionary Function Constitution Statute Court Orders Court Rules Non-Mandated Necessary Mandated Financial 1. Assess, collect and disburse court ordered payments MCL 600.571 MCR 8.106 2. MCR 8.110(C)(3)(f) Prepare and monitor budget 3. Coordinate audits and provide reports MCR 8.110(C)(3)(f) Services 1. Juvenile Home 2. Intensive Learning Center X 3. Day Treatment Program X 4. Juvenile Probation 5. In-Home Detention 6. Juvenile Intake MCL 712A.18 X 7. Court Appointed Special Advocate (CASA) Program 8. Foster Care Program 9. Drug Treatment Courts MCL 600.1021 X MCR 3.917 X MCL 712a.18(1)(c) X X 10. Domestic Intake MCL 600.1021 X Friend of the Court 1. Friend of the Court MCL 552.501 et seq 2. Child support, custody, and parenting time enforcement MCL 552.509, 552.511 & 552.517 3. Custody and parenting time evaluations MCL 552.505 4. MCL 552.513 Domestic mediation AUGUST 2004 92 KALAMAZOO COUNTY GOVERNMENT FUNCTIONS JUSTICE Probate Court The Probate Court is part of the judicial branch of state government. The Constitution of Michigan, Const 1963, Art VI, Sec 15, provides that “the jurisdiction, powers and duties of the Probate Court and of the Judges shall be provided by law”. The “as provided by law” phrase in the Constitution, in essence, delegates the establishment of Probate Court jurisdiction to the legislature. The legislature, through the enactment of various statutes, has defined the specific work of the Court. The three elected Probate Judges are Carolyn H. Williams, Patricia N. Conlon and the Chief Judge, Donald R. Halstead. Pursuant to the Family Division Plan developed by the Circuit Court and Probate Court, two elected probate judges serve in the Circuit Court on a full-time basis and are located at the Gull Road Courthouse (Family Division). The Chief Probate Judge, located at the Crosstown Facility, presides over all probate matters and also assists with the docket of the Circuit Court. The jurisdiction of the Probate Court includes: Settlement of estates of deceased persons Proceedings concerning trusts Proceedings to determine heirs in separate proceedings Concurrent jurisdiction regarding civil matters pertaining to estates Proceedings to appoint guardians for adult individuals who are legally incapacitated Proceedings to appoint partial and or plenary guardians of the person and/or of the estate for individuals who are developmentally disabled Proceedings to determine a person’s need of treatment for mental illness Proceedings to appoint conservators for protected individuals Proceedings to issue protective orders Proceedings to appoint full or limited guardians of minor children Proceedings to appoint conservators for minor children Other statutorily mandated functions Adoptions, emancipations and name changes are handled by the Probate Court pursuant to the local Family Court Plan One of the primary areas of jurisdiction of the Probate Court is the settlement of estates of deceased persons. If a person dies with assets that do not pass by survivorship to another person or by other means, such as a trust, that person’s estate must be probated, a process clearing title of assets for the persons entitled to them. The Court also has jurisdiction in proceedings to appoint a guardian for an adult individual who is alleged to be legally incapacitated or developmentally disabled. A person AUGUST 2004 93 KALAMAZOO COUNTY GOVERNMENT FUNCTIONS JUSTICE would need a guardian when they cannot make informed decisions concerning their person; such as consent to medical care and treatment. In addition, an individual might need a conservator to handle their financial affairs if they are unable to do so by reason of mental illness, mental incompetency, physical illness or disability, or some other reason that would cause their property to be wasted or dissipated without proper management. The Court can also appoint guardians and conservators for minors. The custodial parent or parents can consent to the appointment of a limited guardian of a minor. Or, a guardian may be appointed for a minor if the parent or parents have permitted the minor to reside with another person without providing that person with legal authority for the care and maintenance of the minor. A guardian may also be appointed for a minor whose parents have disappeared, are deceased or are confined at a place of detention. If a minor has property, such as a settlement of a personal injury case or as a beneficiary of an estate or insurance policy, a conservator might be appointed to administer this asset until the minor reaches the age of majority. The Court also has exclusive jurisdiction over certain proceedings concerning trusts. The trust might be a testamentary trust, which is contained in a will and it takes effect upon the death. The trust might be an inter vivos trust, which is created by an instrument that takes effect during the lifetime of the person creating it. The Probate Court also has jurisdiction over civil actions in any action against another filed by a court appointed representative or an action filed by a claimant after notice that their claim has been disallowed. The Court also has jurisdiction to determine whether or not an adult person is in need of treatment for a mental illness. The basis for the ability of the Court to order treatment is outlined in the Mental Health Code, which, along with the court rules outlines the procedure leading to the decision of the Court. The treatment for the individual could take place in a hospital or in the community in an alternative treatment program. The Mental Health Code also requires that the Court determine whether or not hospitalization should continue for a minor who is allegedly emotionally disturbed, when an objection is filed by a minor or a person in the minor’s behalf. Numerous statutes in addition to those listed above confer varied jurisdictional requirements on the Probate Court, which must be supported by all the necessary administrative functions of the Court. These include maintaining court files and records, preparing files for hearing, completing investigations and reviews when required, preparing notices and orders, preparing transcripts when requested, following caseflow guidelines in the scheduling and processing of all matters and ensuring the rights of the individuals before the Court by adhering to all requirements of statutes and court rules. AUGUST 2004 94 KALAMAZOO COUNTY GOVERNMENT FUNCTIONS JUSTICE The Probate Court is also the depository for documents to be held for safekeeping including wills of living individuals and deceased individuals, disclaimers of property, acknowledgements of paternity, and trust registrations. The Probate Court makes every effort to diligently oversee the matters handled by the Court. Since these matters often deal with the most vulnerable individuals in society, the elderly, minors, individuals found to be legally incapacitated, individuals found to be developmentally disabled and individuals found to be mentally ill, programs including intake, the probate clinic and probate advocate program, both of which are staffed by volunteers, have been developed to assist, oversee and monitor these sensitive matters. Probate Court Board Authorized Agreement Original contract Current contract Date of Board Resolution Discretionary Function Constitution Statute Court Orders Court Rules Non-Mandated Necessary Mandated Judicial Activity 1. Conduct court proceedings and related preparation 2. Legal research, draft opinions and orders 3. Enforce court orders 4. Oversee persons subject to court jurisdiction 5. Continuing education Numerous statutes & court rules MCR 2.517 Numerous statutes & court rules Numerous statutes & court rules MCR 8.104, 8.110(D)(4)&(5) Civil Proceedings 1. Deceased estate proceedings MCL 700.1302 2. Trust proceedings MCL 700.1302 3. Minor guardianship/protective proceedings MCL 700.1302 4. Legally incapacitated guardianship / protective proceedings MCL 700.1302 5. Developmentally disabled guardianship / protective proceedings AUGUST 2004 Chapter 6 Mental Health Code 95 KALAMAZOO COUNTY GOVERNMENT FUNCTIONS JUSTICE Probate Court 6. Minor and adult civil admission proceedings MCL 554.521 – 554.552 8. Survival and wrongful death proceedings MCL 700.3924 9. MCL 700.5508, 700.5510, 700.5511 10. Kidney donation proceedings 11. Representation on County Election Commission MCL 168.23 MCL 700.1208 13. Supervision of trustees for charitable purposes MCL 14.254, 14.256, 14.259, 14.263 14. Lost instrument proceedings MCL 565.321 15. Poor persons, failure of relatives to provide support proceedings MCL 401.3 – 401.5 16. Determination of inheritance tax proceedings MCL 205.213 17. Examination of safe deposit box of deceased proceedings MCL 700.2517 MCL 330.1500 – 330.1541 19. Disposition of unclaimed asset proceedings MCL 700.3916 20. Do Not Resuscitate Procedure Act proceedings MCL 333.1059 21. Appointment of appraisers proceedings MCL 205.211 22. Delivery of election results on election night MCL 168.809 AUGUST 2004 Date of Board Resolution MCL 700.5105 12. Establishing death of disaster or accident victim proceedings 18. Judicial admission proceedings Original contract Current contract Chapters 4 and 4a Mental Health Code 7. Michigan Uniform Transfer to Minors Act proceedings Patient Advocate Proceedings Board Authorized Agreement Discretionary Function Constitution Statute Court Orders Court Rules Non-Mandated Necessary Mandated 96 KALAMAZOO COUNTY GOVERNMENT FUNCTIONS JUSTICE Probate Court 23. Appointment for vacancy in register of deeds Original contract Current contract Date of Board Resolution MCL 53.93 24. Appointment to State Boundary Commission MCL 123.1005 25. Appointments for vacancy in county office MCL 168.209 26. Reorganization of school districts MCL 388.685 27. County Tax Allocation Board selection MCL 211.205 28. Appointment of special county drain commissioner MCL 280.381, 280.382 29. Issuance of marriage license without publicity; marriage of persons under marriageable age MCL 551.201 30. Authority to solemnize marriages Board Authorized Agreement Discretionary Function Constitution Statute Court Orders Court Rules Non-Mandated Necessary Mandated MCL 551.7 31. Delayed registration of foreign birth proceedings MCL 333.2830 32. Appointment to Soldier’s and Sailor’s Relief Commission MCL 35.22 Criminal Proceedings 1. Proceedings relative to interstate extradition of adults MCL 780.1 Appeals 1. Denial of delayed registration of birth MCL 333.2828 2. Department of Mental Health financial liability determination MCL 330.1836 3. Appointment of board of review in drain code proceedings MCL 280.156 Administrative 1. Supervise and direct work force AUGUST 2004 MCR 8.110(C)(3)(d) AO 1998-5 97 KALAMAZOO COUNTY GOVERNMENT FUNCTIONS JUSTICE Probate Court 2. Hire, discipline and train workforce MCR 8.110(C)(3)(d) AO 1998-5 3. Plan strategically and monitor performance MCR 8.110(C)(2)(c) 4. Liaison with other agencies of local and state government MCR 8.110(C)(2)(e) AO 1998-5 Board Authorized Agreement Original contract Current contract Date of Board Resolution Discretionary Function Constitution Statute Court Orders Court Rules Non-Mandated Necessary Mandated Records 1. Maintain court files and records MCR 8.105, 8.119, 8.301, 8.302 2. Make records of court activity MCR 8.105, 8.119, 8.301, 8.302 3. Review all pleadings, provide public access to files, provide copies of records MCR 8.105, 8.119, 8.301, 8.302 4. Depository of wills MCL 700.2515, 700.2516 5. Acknowledgments of Paternity (maintenance prior to June 1, 1997) MCL 222.1001 6. Depository of disclaimers of property MCL 700.2906 7. MCL700.7101 Trust Registration Case Management 1. Case scheduling, monitoring and reporting 2. MCR 8.107 AO 2003-7 File creation and maintenance MCR 8.105, 8.119. 8.302 3. Prepare notices, orders and judgments MCR 8.105 4. Prepare transcripts MCR 8.108, 8.109 5. Jury management MCR 2.510 6. Indigent defense attorney appointment and payment AUGUST 2004 MCR 8.123 LAO 2004-01 98 KALAMAZOO COUNTY GOVERNMENT FUNCTIONS JUSTICE Probate Court 7. Case evaluation, mediation MCL 700.5309, 700.5207, 700.5204 9. Guardian ad litem appointments and payments MCL 700.1403, 330.1617 11. Entry and removal from LEIN Original contract Current contract Date of Board Resolution MCR 2.403, 2.404, 2.410, 2.411, LAO 2004-2 8. Guardianship investigations and reviews 10. Court recording Board Authorized Agreement Discretionary Function Constitution Statute Court Orders Court Rules Non-Mandated Necessary Mandated MCR 8.108, 8.109 MCL 700.5107, 330.1464a Financial 1. Prepare and monitor budget MCR 8.110(C)(3)(f) 2. Coordinate audits and provide reports MCR 8.110(C)(3)(f) 3. Ensure compliance with filing fees statutes and distribution schedule MCL 600.871600.899 AO 1995-2 4. Revenue maintenance and enhancement MCR 8.110(C)(3)(f) 5. Coordinate with other departments; accounts payable, receivable and purchasing MCR 8.110(C)(3)(f) 6. Planning for projected capital improvements MCR 8.110(C)(3)(f) 7. Accept credit card payments X Services 1. Intake X 2. Probate Clinic (staffed by Kalamazoo Co. Bar Association) 3. Probate Advocate Program AUGUST 2004 X X 99 KALAMAZOO COUNTY GOVERNMENT FUNCTIONS JUSTICE Adult Probation Prior to April 1, 1980 Circuit Court Probation was a County function. Public Act 89 of 1979, effective April 1, 1980, allowed for the transfer of the probation function from the County to the State. Under the Public Act all rents, contractual services, supplies, materials, and equipment, which were a county responsibility on the effective date of the act, continued to be a county responsibility. The Michigan Department of Corrections completes pre-sentence investigations and reports, as ordered by the Circuit Court, for persons charged with a felony or misdemeanor within the jurisdiction of the Circuit Court. The Michigan Department of Corrections monitors and/or supervises compliance with probation orders if a probation sentence is ordered by the Circuit Court. Adult Probation Board Authorized Agreement Original contract Current contract Date of Board Resolution Discretionary Function Constitution Statute Court Orders Court Rules Non-Mandated Necessary Mandated Circuit Court Probation Support Services 1. Provide office space and equipment for probation. AUGUST 2004 MCLA 791.223a(5) 100 KALAMAZOO COUNTY GOVERNMENT FUNCTIONS JUSTICE Kalamazoo Criminal Justice Council The KCJC is Kalamazoo County’s forum for developing system policies and planning programmatic responses to address present and future justice issues that have enterprise-wide application and are intergovernmental in scope. Established through a formal County Board of Commissioners’ Resolution in May 2000, the Kalamazoo Criminal Justice Council is a multidisciplinary group of leaders who work to improve the criminal justice system throughout the County of Kalamazoo. The twelve members of the Council consist of the County Prosecutor, Sheriff, Administrator, and Board Chairperson; the Chiefs of Kalamazoo Township and Portage Police Departments, and Department of Public Safety; Chief Judges of the Circuit and District Courts; Past-President of the Defense Bar, the local Department of Corrections Program Manager; and Executive Director of Community Mental Health. The KCJC is an agency within County Government. KCJC’s vision, mission and guiding principles were updated through a strategic planning process in 2003. The KCJC’s vision is to “Become and continue to be the best criminal justice system in America” which directly supports the County’s vision for community safety and justice: “Kalamazoo seeks to be the safest, most just and restorative community in the nation.” Criminal justice and County representatives lead system-wide improvements and are involved in a number of community initiatives to accomplish a comprehensive community continuum inclusive of primary and secondary prevention, intervention, corrections and reentry services. The activities of the KCJC are highlighted on the website at www.kcjc.org. The KCJC’s vision is “to become and continue to be the best criminal justice system in America” by: ensuring a safe community for all fostering fair and impartial treatment of all involved in the justice system, effectively holding offenders accountable and restoring victims, guiding offenders toward being responsible, contributing, and valued citizens, initiating and supporting crime control and prevention efforts, and serving as responsible stewards of public resources. The KCJC’s mission is: “to be a team of leaders who initiate improvement in the entire criminal justice system” which is operationalized through the following strategic priorities: Optimize decision-making at policy, program, and operational levels. Promote, develop and implement innovative and research/evidence based practices, Marshal resources to support KCJC priorities, Engage in strategic collaborations with internal and external stakeholders. AUGUST 2004 101 KALAMAZOO COUNTY GOVERNMENT FUNCTIONS JUSTICE Within these priorities, the KCJC has established goals for 2003/04 that are in addition to ongoing KCJC activities (such as administering Project RETURN, Building Restorative Communities, sponsoring training/education, obtaining grants, and partnering with community agencies). Project RETURN (Re-entry of Ex-offenders Through Unique Resource Networking) is an initiative that works to remove barriers to the successful transition of ex-offenders from prison back into the local community. Project RETURN is a community-wide partnership model involving over 60 justice system officials, ex-offenders, community agency representatives, and citizens at large. Project RETURN’s vision is that “Ex-offenders return to a restorative community where they are valued, responsible and contributing members of society.” The Building Restorative Communities (BRC) initiative is a yearlong strategic planning effort at the county level that focuses on integrating the juvenile justice system into a comprehensive community collaboration that supports healthy youth and families. The local BRC effort is known as Better Tomorrows. The KCJC’s guiding principles are as follows: Be responsive to the needs and desires of the community Foster the spirit of teamwork Respect the independence and interrelationships among participants. Possess a willingness to innovate and share risk of failure. The KCJC collaborates with outside private, non-profit, community-based agencies and colleges to carry out its work. Those include Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo College, Kalamazoo Valley Community College, faith based organizations, and employment, substance abuse treatment, counseling and health focused agencies. Kalamazoo Criminal Justice Council Board Authorized Agreement Original contract Current contract Date of Board Resolution Discretionary Function Constitution Statute Court Orders Court Rules Non-Mandated Necessary Mandated Decision Making 1. Develop, collect, maintain and report key performance indicators for KCJC and member agencies. X 2. Support justice information sharing (through K-JIIMS.) X AUGUST 2004 102 KALAMAZOO COUNTY GOVERNMENT FUNCTIONS JUSTICE Kalamazoo Criminal Justice Council 3. Monitor, analyze & report criminal justice trends/statistics (e.g. UCR, jail utilization.) Board Authorized Agreement Original contract Current contract Date of Board Resolution Discretionary Function Constitution Statute Court Orders Court Rules Non-Mandated Necessary Mandated X Strategic Collaborations 1. Establish, support, and oversee (minimum of 20) committees and task forces that address criminal justice priorities. (e.g. Project RETURN, Criminal Process, Kalamazoo Assault Intervention Project, Domestic Violence Homicide Review Team, Jail Population Management, Better Tomorrows) X 2. Participate in local strategic partnerships, e.g. BARJ Network, CMH Diversion, Coalition on Criminal Justice. X 3. Inform the public in terms they understand re: justice system impact. X 4. Provide consultation for County Government re: justice services. (Justice Facilities Technical Advisory Committee) X 5. Foster participation of nontraditional resources (e.g. community, faith based organizations) to address justice issues. X Implement Innovative and Evidence Based Practices 1. Oversee Criminal Justice Facility Planning process. X 2. Identify, pursue and participate in State and Federal Technical Assistance. X 3. Promote juvenile justice delinquency prevention and intervention services. X AUGUST 2004 103 KALAMAZOO COUNTY GOVERNMENT FUNCTIONS JUSTICE Kalamazoo Criminal Justice Council Board Authorized Agreement Original contract Current contract Date of Board Resolution Discretionary Function Constitution Statute Court Orders Court Rules Non-Mandated Necessary Mandated 4. Remove barriers to successful re-entry of prisoners via collaboration with MDOC & Project RETURN. X 5. Develop measures and outcomes (e.g. KAIP measures) X 6. Track agency outcomes on recidivism. X Marshal Resources to Support Priorities 1. Obtain resources from multiple sources, private and public grants. X 2. Increase participation of nontraditional resources to address justice issues or foster partnerships with citizens, community agencies, universities, and faith based organizations. X 3. Support committee work and annually review Committee mission and membership to avoid duplication. X AUGUST 2004 104 KALAMAZOO COUNTY GOVERNMENT FUNCTIONS JUSTICE Office of Community Corrections “Kalamazoo County seeks to be the safest, most just and restorative community in the nation.” This vision statement as adopted by the County Commission is the foundation for Community Corrections programming in this community. Counties that elect to receive funding for Community Corrections programming are required to have a Community Corrections Advisory Board (CCAB) and abide by State Community Corrections policy and procedures. Community Corrections programming has been in place in Kalamazoo County since 1990. Kalamazoo County Community Corrections receives approximately 2 million dollars annually in community corrections funding from the State of Michigan, Office of Community Corrections. This funding is available through Public Act 511, the Community Corrections Act, for the purpose of establishing and maintaining programs that provide alternatives to incarceration. Community Corrections programs support mandated services performed by the District and Circuit Courts and the County Jail. Programs and services are designed using a rehabilitative approach, with careful consideration for public safety. Program participants are screened for educational needs, substance abuse and mental health issues and referred to appropriate agencies. Community Corrections is primarily funded by the State with PA 511 funds, but is also supported by the Kalamazoo County Law Enforcement Fund and client contributions. Office of Community Corrections Original contract Current contract Date of Board Resolution Board Authorized Agreement Discretionary Function Constitution Statute Court Orders Court Rules Non-Mandated Necessary Mandated Community Corrections Advisory Board 4. Support jail bed allocation and management system PA 511 1990 1990 X 5. Establish and maintain a Community Corrections Advisory Board to oversee program operations PA 511 1990 2004 1990 X AUGUST 2004 105 KALAMAZOO COUNTY GOVERNMENT FUNCTIONS JUSTICE Office of Community Corrections Board Authorized Agreement Original contract Current contract Date of Board Resolution Discretionary Function Constitution Statute Court Orders Court Rules Non-Mandated Necessary Mandated Community Service and Work Crew 1. Administer Community Service Program 1990 X 2. Administer Work Crew Program 1990 X 1996 X Diversion 1. Provide case management and supervision of offenders diverted from prosecution Pretrial Screening and Assessment 1. Conduct pretrial screening and assessment MCR 6.106 1990 X 2. Create and process bench warrants and testify at hearings 2001 X 3. Determine appropriate intervention and referral for treatment and services 2001 X 1. Determine appropriate level of supervision and referrals for treatment and services 2001 X 2. 1991 X Pretrial Supervision Administer Tether Program Administration 1. Maintain Community Corrections computer file system X 2. Install and maintain a system of accounting and record keeping PA 511 X 3. Provide public speaking services and public relations PA 511 X 4. Develop, Implement and Administer the Comprehensive Corrections Plan PA 511 1990 X 5. Develop program policies, procedures, goals and service objectives PA 511 1990 X AUGUST 2004 106 KALAMAZOO COUNTY GOVERNMENT FUNCTIONS JUSTICE Office of Community Corrections 6. Collect and analyze program data and conduct evaluation Board Authorized Agreement Original contract Current contract Date of Board Resolution PA 511 Discretionary Function Constitution Statute Court Orders Court Rules Non-Mandated Necessary Mandated X Drug Testing 1. Conduct random drug testing on offenders 1990 X 2. Provide drug testing services to the Family Independence Agency for persons currently under investigation by Children’s Protective Services and/or Family court 1990 X Post Sentence Services 1. Provide programming and intervention support for sentence offenders to reduce the need of jail sanctions AUGUST 2004 PA 511 1990 X 107 KALAMAZOO COUNTY GOVERNMENT FUNCTIONS JUSTICE Prosecuting Attorney The Prosecuting Attorney is the chief law enforcement officer for Kalamazoo County. The Office is created by Michigan Constitution. The responsibilities and authority of the Prosecutor are established by common law, statute, court rule, and appellate case law. In recent years, changing attitudes in the Court and State legislature have significantly altered the traditional role of the Prosecutor. While adult criminal matters still represent the major portion of the prosecution effort, (over 10,000 cases in 2003) a growing list of additional responsibilities has placed larger demands upon prosecution resources. The responsibilities and role of the Prosecutor are now defined in over 700 separate statutes and court rules in Michigan. Michigan appellate case law and federal case law have further expanded upon those statutes. The following describes only the general functions of the Prosecuting Attorney's Office: Criminal The Prosecutor's criminal jurisdiction encompasses all State statute felonies and misdemeanors committed within the boundaries of Kalamazoo County. The Prosecutor's responsibilities with these criminal matters involves determination and filing of charges and all subsequent court proceedings, including appeals. Additionally, the Prosecutor's Office is involved in juvenile matters, both criminal and neglect. In total, adult and juvenile criminals are prosecuted in 14 courts throughout the County. Support Additional civil and quasi-criminal responsibilities are discharged by the Prosecutor in divorce, paternity and fraud matters where Aid to Dependent Children (ADC) is involved. Under a reimbursement program with the State, the Prosecutor's Office seeks out the fathers of minor children under the ADC and secures court orders to insure payment of support and, thus, lessen the taxpayers' welfare burden. Other Finally, though this is a matter of local policy, the Prosecutor's Office strives to be a catalyst for constructive change in the Criminal Justice System. Because of the Prosecutor's unique pivotal position in the system, he is often able to initiate system wide improvements. This responsibility, though not dictated by statute, may be the most important function in our local fight against crime. AUGUST 2004 108 KALAMAZOO COUNTY GOVERNMENT FUNCTIONS JUSTICE Prosecuting Attorney Board Authorized Agreement Original contract Current contract Date of Board Resolution Discretionary Function Constitution Statute Court Orders Court Rules Non-Mandated Necessary Mandated General Prosecutor's Responsibilities 1. Review police reports, interview victims & witnesses and authorize the issuance of an arrest warrant in felony, misdemeanor & ordinance cases. 2. Appear in all divorce cases with children. MCL 764.1, 767.40 MCL 552.45 MCR 3.203, 3.205, 3.211 3. Appear to protect the rights of certain children who are committed to state institutions. MCL 722.533 4. Appear in Circuit Court on appeals of grants of parole. MCL 791.234 5. Prosecute violations of the Crime Victims Compensation Act MCL 18.366 6. Prosecute Board of Commissioners who are unlawfully employed by the county, if requested by a taxpayer. MCL 46.30a 7. Order the county medical examiner to investigate a death, and if necessary, hold an inquest. MCL 52.207 8. Enforce State Construction Code (licenses and inspections) MCL 125.511, et seq 9. Prosecute violations of State Housing Development Authority Act. MCL 125.1447 10. Investigate and prosecute violations under the Local Government Fiscal Responsibility Act. MCL 141.1221 11. Enforce Michigan Election Laws. AUGUST 2004 MCL 168.31 MCL 168.491 et seq MCL 168.940 et seq, MCL 600.4545 et seq 109 KALAMAZOO COUNTY GOVERNMENT FUNCTIONS JUSTICE Prosecuting Attorney 12. Review challenge to voter registration records. MCL 168.521 13. Apply to Circuit Court to prohibit a candidate from assuming the duties of a public office, if Campaign Finance Act was violated. MCL 169.233 14. Investigate and conduct hearing (upon Governor request), about charges against county officers or others, leading to removal or suspension from office. 15. Prosecute violations of fraudulent tax returns. 16. Prosecute violations of the Tobacco Products Tax Act. Date of Board Resolution MCL 205.27 MCL 205.428 MCL 211.21 18. Bring actions for claiming improper homestead exemption for school tax. MCL 211.120 19. Prosecute road commission officers or employees for statutory violations. MCL 224.30 20. Prosecute violations of Motor Vehicle Service and Repair Act. MCL 257.1338 21. Prosecute violations of the Hazardous Substance Act or apply for an injunction. MCL 286.456 et seq 22. Commence proceedings against owners of unlicensed dog. MCL 287.277 AUGUST 2004 Original contract Current contract MCL 201.7 et seq 17. Bring actions against those who falsely (or fail to) make statements about taxable personal property. 23. Investigate, request subpoenas, and prosecute violations of Under-Ground Storage Tank Pollution Control Act. Board Authorized Agreement Discretionary Function Constitution Statute Court Orders Court Rules Non-Mandated Necessary Mandated MCL 324.21548 110 KALAMAZOO COUNTY GOVERNMENT FUNCTIONS JUSTICE Prosecuting Attorney 24. Bring trespass actions against persons occupying public shooting and hunting grounds. MCL 324.41512 25. Prosecute violations of the Recreational Trespass and Natural Resources and Environmental Protections Acts. MCL 324.73108 MCL 324.81147 26. Authorize appeals of police officers’ cases from DNR administrative hearing (vessels). MCL 324.80190 27. Authorize appeal of police officer’s case from Secretary of State administrative hearing (Snowmobiles). MCL 324.82146 MCL 324.82150 28. Enforce provisions of the Public Health Code, may also include requests for injunction, penalties for lead-based paint activities. MCL 333.1299 MCL 333.5477 MCL 333.12533 MCL 333.12715 MCL 333.16291 MCL 333.20177 MCL 333.22253 29. Prosecute violations of the Public Health Code (Vital Statistics). MCL 333.2899 30. Prosecute criminal violations of Occupational Safety and Health Act. MCL 408.1035 MCL 408.1037 31. Prosecute violations of Gaming Control and Revenue Act. MCL 432.218 32. Prosecute violations of the Pricing & Advertising of the Consumer Items Act. MCL 445.361 33. Prosecute violations of statutes regarding licensing secondhand junk dealers. MCL 445.408 34. Prosecute violations of Precious Metal and Gem Dealers Act, inspect records. MCL 445.481 MCL 445.484 AUGUST 2004 Board Authorized Agreement Original contract Current contract Date of Board Resolution Discretionary Function Constitution Statute Court Orders Court Rules Non-Mandated Necessary Mandated 111 KALAMAZOO COUNTY GOVERNMENT FUNCTIONS JUSTICE Prosecuting Attorney 35. Prosecute violations of the Insurance Code. Original contract Current contract Date of Board Resolution MCL 500.230 36. Initiate action for elections fraud. MCL 600.4545 37. Prosecute violations of the Youth Tobacco Act. MCL 722.641 38. Enjoin a person under Distribution of Obscene Materials to Minors Act, provide an advisory opinion about the material, seek declaratory judgment. MCL 722.679 et seq 39. File petition to forfeit bond in felony nonsupport case. MCL 750.161 40. Prosecute violations of an act prohibiting access to computers, computer systems, and computer networks for fraudulent purposes or destruction of computers, systems, networks, and software programs. MCL 752.797 41. Enforce statute prohibiting posters, signs, placards on state, public or private lands. MCL 752.821 et seq 42. Investigate and prosecute health care false claims. MCL 752.1008 43. Petition the Court for grand jury proceedings, administer oaths and request immunity. Board Authorized Agreement Discretionary Function Constitution Statute Court Orders Court Rules Non-Mandated Necessary Mandated MCL 767.3 et seq 44. Furnish a copy of witnesses’ testimony before a grand jury. MCL 767.19g 45. Consult with every police agency to develop, adopt, and implement written policies for officers responding to domestic violence calls. MCL 776.22 46. Investigate a person wanted MCL 780.41 et seq in another state under the Uniform Rendition of Accused Persons Act. AUGUST 2004 112 KALAMAZOO COUNTY GOVERNMENT FUNCTIONS JUSTICE Prosecuting Attorney 47. Respond to writs of habeas corpus filed by prisoners detained within the County. MCR 3.303 48. Respond to Motions for Relief from Judgment. MCR 6.504 49. Assist AG in investigation, examination and/or audit of the books, records and accounts of any township or school district or any public officer; prosecute, if necessary, or initiate civil proceedings. Board Authorized Agreement Original contract Current contract Date of Board Resolution Discretionary Function Constitution Statute Court Orders Court Rules Non-Mandated Necessary Mandated MCL 14.141, et seq 50. Seek enhanced sentences for the following statutory violations: Drunk Drivers MCL 257.904 Offenders Violating Family Farm Development Act MCL 285.279 Offenders removing property from state lands MCL 324.2157 Offenders removing plants from state lands or others MCL 324.52908 Offenders removing Aboriginal Records and Antiquities MCL 324.76107 Offenders of the Marine Safety Act MCL 324.80179 Offenders of Motorized Recreational Vehicles Act institute forfeiture proceedings under the Public Health Code for seized property MCL 324.82130 & MCL 324.82157 MCL 333.7523 Offenders of Construction Lien Act MCL 570.1110 Offenders under Arson & Burning statutes MCL 750.74, 750.77 Offenders under Assault statutes MCL 750.81b Offenders under Insufficient Funds Checks statutes MCL 750.131 AUGUST 2004 113 KALAMAZOO COUNTY GOVERNMENT FUNCTIONS JUSTICE Prosecuting Attorney Offenders under Accosting, Enticing or Soliciting Child Statues MCL 750.145b Offenders under Credit Card statutes MCL 750.157s MCL 750.157w Offenders under the Embezzlement statutes MCL 750.174-750.180 Offenders under the False Pretenses statutes MCL 750.218-750.219a Offenders under the Larceny statutes MCL 750.356 et seq Offenders under the Malicious Destruction statutes MCL 750.377a-750.387 Offenders under the Prostitution statute MCL 750.451 Offenders under the Stolen, Embezzled or Converted Property statute MCL 750.535 Offenders under the Illegal use of Telecommunication Device statutes MCL 750.540f et seq Offenders under fraudulent use of computers statute. MCL 752.797 51. Provide Bill or Particulars, notices of licensing sanctions, alibi witnesses for defense. MCL 767.44 52. Review investigation report on vehicle-blind pedestrian event. MCL 752.52 53. Provide the following notices to: The Attorney General of violations of Public Safety Solicitation Act MCL 14.316 The Crime Victim Services Commission of a pending or resolved criminal case MCL 18.355 The County Concealed Weapon Licensing Board of criminal charge against a License Holder MCL 28.425m AUGUST 2004 Board Authorized Agreement Original contract Current contract Date of Board Resolution Discretionary Function Constitution Statute Court Orders Court Rules Non-Mandated Necessary Mandated 114 KALAMAZOO COUNTY GOVERNMENT FUNCTIONS JUSTICE Prosecuting Attorney The Secretary of State if a drunk driving case is not prosecuted MCL 257.625g The owners of vehicles when forfeiture is anticipated MCL 257.625n Defendants charged with specific crimes that, if convicted, they will no longer be able to drive their vehicles or boats MCL 257.732 (as amended by 2004 PA 52), 324.80131, 324.82157 The Secretary of State of persons violating Motor Vehicle Service and Repair Act. MCL 257.1324 Persons who sell drug paraphernalia before that person is arrested on Sale of Drug Paraphernalia charge, seek injunction MCL 333.7453 MCL 333.7459 The Secretary of State or MSP of person Convicted of Private Detective License Act or Private Security Guard Act MCL 338.841 MCL 338.1071 The Attorney General of various violations of the Consumer Protection Act or Advertising Act or RentalPurchase Agreement Act MCL 445.905, 445.814, 445.959 The Attorney General of violations of Facsimile Machine Transmission of Unsolicited Advertisement Act MCL 445.1772 The Attorney General if investigation of suspected racketeering activity is started MCL 750.159x Crime victims that petition for DNA testing of biological material was filed MCL 770.16 Non public schools, public schools, FIA, or child care facilities, as necessary, of their employees’ criminal case and final disposition MCL 772.628a AUGUST 2004 Board Authorized Agreement Original contract Current contract Date of Board Resolution Discretionary Function Constitution Statute Court Orders Court Rules Non-Mandated Necessary Mandated 115 KALAMAZOO COUNTY GOVERNMENT FUNCTIONS JUSTICE Prosecuting Attorney The Parole Board of information or any objections regarding a prisoner’s application for parole 54. Report violations of the Pricing & Advertising of Consumer Items Act to the AG. 56. Serve on the committee to appoint persons where a vacancy in elective or appointive county office exists MCL 168.209 MCL 168.239 57. Approve applicants under the Private Detective License Act. MCL 338.827 58. Approve applicants under the Private Security Business and Security Alarm Act MCL 338.1057 MCL 49.32, 49.33, 49.51 MCL 45.505, 46.403 61. Serve on the County driver safety school. MCL 257.320b 62. Serve on the Friend of the Court advisory committee. MCL 552.504 63. Serve on the Community Corrections Advisory Board. MCL 791.407 64. Conduct Veteran’s preference employment-discharge hearing. MCL 35.402 65. Request chemical analysis of blood from medical facilities (for criminal prosecution of a driver) MCL 257.625a AUGUST 2004 Date of Board Resolution MCL 445.359 MCL 45.406; 168.239; 201.15; 201.35, et seq 60. Serve on the County Board of Commissioners Apportionment Commission Original contract Current contract MCL 791.244 55. Appoint sheriff deputies in times of emergency, and when vacancies exist: county auditor, sheriff, corner, register of deeds, surveyor, treasurer, etc. 59. Appoint Chief Assistant Prosecuting Attorney and other Assistants Board Authorized Agreement Discretionary Function Constitution Statute Court Orders Court Rules Non-Mandated Necessary Mandated 116 KALAMAZOO COUNTY GOVERNMENT FUNCTIONS JUSTICE Prosecuting Attorney 66. Request chemical analysis of blood from medical facilities (for criminal prosecution of an operator of a vessel) MCL 324.80182 67. Request chemical analysis of blood from medical facilities (for criminal prosecution of an operator of ORV or snowmobile) MCL 324.81136 MCL 324.82138 68. Authorize use of a video recorded statement for purpose of training the forensic interview protocol. MCL 600.2163a; 712A.17b(8) 69. Determine whether the director of FIA may release information. MCL 722.627e 70. Receive reports from commercial film or photographic print processor about child pornography. MCL 750.145c 71. Receive and process completed domestic violence reports from law enforcement agencies. MCL 764.15c 72. Petition Court for recommittal of defendants to county jail, when sureties become worthless. Original contract Current contract Date of Board Resolution MCL 765.26 et seq 73. Administer witness oaths before a grand jury. MCL 767.15 74. Receive and respond to petitions for DNA testing of biological material. MCL 770.16 75. Provide statistical data to the Michigan Department of Corrections regarding criminal cases and defendants. MCL791.208 76. Receive and respond to notices from parole board about certain individuals before granting parole. MCL 791.234, 791.244 AUGUST 2004 Board Authorized Agreement Discretionary Function Constitution Statute Court Orders Court Rules Non-Mandated Necessary Mandated 117 KALAMAZOO COUNTY GOVERNMENT FUNCTIONS JUSTICE Prosecuting Attorney 77. Receives and respond to notices from Michigan Department of Corrections before prisoner is placed in SAI Unit or transferred. MCL 791.234a MCL 791.265 78. Receive and respond to notice of prisoner’s payments of restitution while on parole. MCL 791.236 79. Receive and respond to notices from Michigan Department of Correction that a prisoner’s sentence is erroneous. MCL 791.264 80. Receive notice and seek reimbursement for reasonable, actual costs pertaining to felonies and escapes committed in county by prison inmates. MCL 800.452 81. Receive information from Friend of the Court to perform functions required by title IV, part D of Social Security Act, 42 USC 651 et seq. MCR 3.218 82. Receive and respond to appeals of Parole Board decision. MCR 7.104 83. Apply for injunction against persons who are incompatible office holders. MCL 15.184 84. Provide legal advice to county drain commissioner. MCL 280.247 85. Investigate and prosecute violations of the Public Safety Solicitation Act. MCL 14.325 86. Investigate and pre violations under the Incompatible Public Offices Act. MCL 15.184 87. Commence civil action for violation of Open Meetings Act. MCL 15.270 88. Prosecute violations of notary public laws. MCL 55.299 AUGUST 2004 Board Authorized Agreement Original contract Current contract Date of Board Resolution Discretionary Function Constitution Statute Court Orders Court Rules Non-Mandated Necessary Mandated 118 KALAMAZOO COUNTY GOVERNMENT FUNCTIONS JUSTICE Prosecuting Attorney 89. Prosecute violations of civil licensing provisions of State Construction Code. MCL 125.1523a. 90. Petition Circuit Court to prohibit a candidate assuming duties of public office or from receiving compensation from public funds, or both, when the candidate is found guilty of violations of the Campaign Finance Act. MCL 169.233 91. Petition for forfeiture of driver’s vehicles. MCL 257.625n 92. Authorize destruction of controlled substance evidence in advance of trial. MCL 333.7527 93. 93. Investigate and prosecute violations of the Pricing & Advertising of Consumer Items Act. 94. Prosecute violations of the Advertisement Act of 1988. 95. Investigate and prosecute violations of the Consumer Protection Act. Original contract Current contract Date of Board Resolution MCL 445.361 MCL 445.816 MCL 445.915 96. Investigate and prosecute violations of the Rental-Purchase Agreement Act. MCL 445.968 97. Enjoin violations of the Home Improvement Finance Act. MCL 445.1422 98. Inspection of pawnbroker records and business. MCL 446.205 99. Initiate proceedings related to sale, distribution, possession or acquisition of obscene literature, pictures or objects. MCL 600.2938 MCL 752.369 AUGUST 2004 Board Authorized Agreement Discretionary Function Constitution Statute Court Orders Court Rules Non-Mandated Necessary Mandated 119 KALAMAZOO COUNTY GOVERNMENT FUNCTIONS JUSTICE Prosecuting Attorney 100. Sue for Abatement of Public Nuisances. MCL 600.2940, 600.2425, 600.3805, MCR 3.601 101. Initiate proceedings for property subject to seizure and forfeiture; encumbrances; real or substituted proceeds of crime. MCL 600.4701 et seq 333.7523 102. Initiate actions under Children’s Product Safety Act. 103. File civil forfeiture action for animal seized in animal neglect case. Original contract Current contract Date of Board Resolution MCL 722.1080 MCL 750.50 104. Request one-man grand jury, subpoena and examine witnesses. MCL 767.3, 767.20 105. Request multi-county grand jury. MCL 767.7b; 767.7g 106. Petition for investigative subpoenas, witness immunity, order compelling compliance, examine witnesses, furnish copy of transcripts. MCL 767A.1 et seq 107. File petition for investigative subpoena and/or grant of immunity. MCL 767.6, 767.19a 780.701 108. Obtain independent psychiatric evaluation for rebuttal of insanity defense. MCL 768.20a 109. Enforce orders to reimburse state or local units of government for expenses. MCL 769.1f 110. Request copy of transcript of inquest. MCL 773.6 111. Seek disinterment and postmortem examination of body. MCL 773.15 112. Request order for fees for witnesses. MCL 775.7 AUGUST 2004 Board Authorized Agreement Discretionary Function Constitution Statute Court Orders Court Rules Non-Mandated Necessary Mandated 120 KALAMAZOO COUNTY GOVERNMENT FUNCTIONS JUSTICE Prosecuting Attorney 113. Request interpreter for hearings. MCL 775.19 114. Commence extradition proceedings for a fugitive. MCL 780.3 et seq 115. Objection to expungement of applications. 116. Obtain a suppression order regarding a search warrant. 117. Respond to appeal bonds in defendants’ criminal appeal cases. 118. Certify a need to retain victim’s evidence in lieu of a photograph. Board Authorized Agreement Original contract Current contract Date of Board Resolution Discretionary Function Constitution Statute Court Orders Court Rules Non-Mandated Necessary Mandated MCL 780.621 et seq MCL 780.651 MCR 7.209 MCL 780.754, 780.783, 780.814 119. Move for in chambers hearing for victims’ testimony. MCL 780.788, 780.818 120. Consent to deferred sentencing of licensed health care professionals and eventual dismissal of charges. MCL 750.430 121. File order for summons rather than arrest warrant, for minor offenses. MCL 764.9a 122. Consent to plea of guilty but mentally ill. MCL 768.36 123. File notice of applicable restitution for specified crimes (riot, unlawful assembly, etc.) MCL 769.1g 124. Consent to deferred sentencing for accused in domestic violence case. MCL 769.4a Adult Criminal 1. The Prosecutor shall appear before magistrate & prosecute all complaints. MCL 49.154 2. The Prosecutor shall appear & prosecute all criminal cases in all courts of the county. MCL 49.153 AUGUST 2004 121 KALAMAZOO COUNTY GOVERNMENT FUNCTIONS JUSTICE Prosecuting Attorney 3. Serve as Special Prosecutors in other counties as appointed by the Attorney General. 4. Staff office for case review on week-ends & holidays. Date of Board Resolution Riverside v McLaughlin, 500 US 44 (1991) MCL 767.41 6. Prepare and file all felony informations. MCL 767.40 7. Prosecutor duties for Investigative Subpoena cases. MCL 767A.2 8. Duty to prosecute misdemeanor cases in District Court. MCL 600.8313 9. Represent petitioners in Personal Protection Order violation hearings. MCL 764.15b(5)MCR 3.708(G) 10. Provide advisory opinion on dissemination of sexually explicit material to minors. MCL 722.680 11. Process fingerprint cards. MCL 28.243 12. Prosecutor is responsible to provide list of witnesses to defense. MCL 767.40a 13. Assist defendant in locating witnesses. MCL 767.40a(5) MCL 767.92 15. Duty to inform court by complaint of property damage or physical injury. MCL 780.811a 16. Review and certifies need for police department to retain evidence. MCL 780.814MCL 780.783 17. Prosecutor is responsible for civil infractions. MCL 600.8313 AUGUST 2004 Original contract Current contract 49.160 5. Conduct preliminary examinations. 14. Secure witnesses from Michigan for other states. Board Authorized Agreement Discretionary Function Constitution Statute Court Orders Court Rules Non-Mandated Necessary Mandated 122 KALAMAZOO COUNTY GOVERNMENT FUNCTIONS JUSTICE Prosecuting Attorney 18. Appears in formal hearings on civil infractions. MCL 257.747 600.8721 600.8821 19. Provides notice to victim of case progress and crime victims compensation. MCL 780.816 20. Prosecutor duties to preclude victim or witnesses address and personal information release. MCL 780.818 21. Review of cases and petitions for expedited trial days. MCL 780.819 22. Prosecutor shall consult with victim prior to the trial. MCL 780.820 23. Must provide notice of the following to victim: victim impact statement; address & phone of probation office; date & time of sentence MCL 780.823MCL 780.825 24. Must notify victim of court’s final disposition. MCL 780.827 25. Enforce court restitution order to victim. MCL 780.826 26. Must notify victim of all appeals and pending bail proceedings. MCL 780.828 27. Must provide notice to victim if defendant escapes from incarceration. MCL 780.828b 28. Prosecutor role in forfeiture of defendant proceeds from a criminal act. MCL 780.831 29. Provide victim notice of defendant’s request to set aside conviction. MCL 780.772a 30. Reviews driver’s license appeal by a police officer from an administrative hearing. MCL 257.323(1) AUGUST 2004 Board Authorized Agreement Original contract Current contract Date of Board Resolution Discretionary Function Constitution Statute Court Orders Court Rules Non-Mandated Necessary Mandated 123 KALAMAZOO COUNTY GOVERNMENT FUNCTIONS JUSTICE Prosecuting Attorney 31. Provides forms to victims for Department of Corrections contact. MCL 780.763a 32. Provides HIV testing information to victims. MCL 333.5129 33. Prosecutor required to represent petitioners in mental illness cases. MCL 330.1457 34. Required to file notice of enhancement of defendant’s sentence. MCL 769.13 35. Prosecutor reviews of any judicial proposed sentence change. MCL 769.27 36. Required to provide consecutive sentencing information to the Court. MCL 771.14(D) 37. Duty to authorize release of autopsy photos. MCL 333.2855 38. Required to respond to Freedom of Information Act inquiries. 39. Furnishes copy of technicians lab report to defense. Original contract Current contract Date of Board Resolution MCL 15.231 MCL 600.2167 40. Duty to provide any exculpatory evidence to defense counsel. Brady v Maryland, 373 US 87 (1963) 41. Required to inquire of defendant’s possession of a Teacher’s Certificate and report certain convictions to the State Board of Education. MCL 380.1535aMCL 380.1539a 42. Prosecutor duties to County Gun Board. MCL 28.425a 43. Prosecutor duty to notify CCW Board of felony convictions. MCL 28.425 AUGUST 2004 Board Authorized Agreement Discretionary Function Constitution Statute Court Orders Court Rules Non-Mandated Necessary Mandated 124 KALAMAZOO COUNTY GOVERNMENT FUNCTIONS JUSTICE Prosecuting Attorney 44. Prosecutor required member of the County Domestic Violence Fatality Review Board. MCL 400.1511 45. Responsible for arranging polygraphs for defendant’s in CSC cases. MCL 776.21 46. Prosecutor duty to provide police reports to defendant or defense attorney. MCR 6.201 47. Duty to notify Family Independence Agency of vulnerable adult abuse. MCL 400.11a 48. Duty to file Probate Court Petition on a defendant found not guilty by reason of insanity. MCL 330.2050 49. Provides court competency orders and police reports to the Forensic Center. MCL 330.2028 50. Prepares and files Writs to bring defendants back from prison for court hearings. 51. Duty to file petition for a defendant found not competent. Board Authorized Agreement Original contract Current contract Date of Board Resolution Discretionary Function Constitution Statute Court Orders Court Rules Non-Mandated Necessary Mandated MCL 780.131MCR 6.004(A) MCL 330.2031 52. Screens and refers cases to Felony Drug Court and provides support services. X 53. Member of Kalamazoo Assault Intervention Project. X 54. Member of Kalamazoo Criminal Justice Council. X 55. Member of Kalamazoo County Jail Diversion of Mentally Ill Work Group. X 56. Publishes In Brief Newsletter to law enforcement on new statutes and cases. AUGUST 2004 N 125 KALAMAZOO COUNTY GOVERNMENT FUNCTIONS JUSTICE Prosecuting Attorney Board Authorized Agreement Original contract Current contract Date of Board Resolution Discretionary Function Constitution Statute Court Orders Court Rules Non-Mandated Necessary Mandated Special Services Functions 1. Prosecutor County required to draft and adopt a protocol for child abuse cases. MCL 722.628 2. Researchers, files appeals and presents cases involving district court misdemeanor cases. MCL 49.153 3. Researches, files and presents appeals involving circuit court felony cases. MCL 49.153 4. Prosecutor must file briefs and provide copy to Attorney General in all criminal case appeals. MCL 49.11 5. Notifies victims when defendants appeal and if released on bond. MCL 780.768a. 6. Notifies victims of Court of Appeals decision. MCL 780.768 7. Provides opinions in cases where state, county or county officer interested. MCL 49.155 8. Reviews all felony and moral turpitude cases for possible deportation. MCL 49.21 9. Duty to notify Secretary of Labor of certain felony cases. MCL 49.22 10. Appears at uniform rendition of accused persons act hearings. MCL 780.44 11. Reviews and responds to Department of Corrections notice of inmates untried cases. MCL 780.131 12. Prepares written application to Governor for extraditions. MCL 780.3 13. Appears on writs of habeas corpus of other states. MCL 780.9 AUGUST 2004 126 KALAMAZOO COUNTY GOVERNMENT FUNCTIONS JUSTICE Prosecuting Attorney Function 14. Appears on and prosecutes formal probation violation hearings. MCL 333.7523(1)(c) 17. Prosecutes nuisance abatement actions. MCL 600.3805 18. Neighborhood Prosecution Program Prosecute ordinance violations and quality of life crimes Coordinate weed and seed program Provide crime prevention initiatives Implement specialized programs such as RESTORE and NEAT Present gun violence community programs Date of Board Resolution MCL 49.62 16. Prosecutes civil forfeitures. Prosecute blight reduction cases Original contract Current contract MCR 6.445(e) 15. Responsibilities in Prosecuting Attorney’s Association of Michigan. Board Authorized Agreement Discretionary Constitution Statute Court Orders Court Rules Non-Mandated Necessary Mandated X Family Court Team Responsibilities 1. Duty to prepare & petition all criminal non status offenses. MCL 712A.11(2) MCR 3.914(B)(1) 2. Prosecutor required to provide juvenile and family information to Court in petition. MCL 712A.11(4) 3. Duty to notify if felony involves motor vehicle. MCL 257.732(7) 4. Duty to notify Court if property damage. MCL 780.783(a) 5. Duty to review non-criminal status offense petitions. AUGUST 2004 MCR 3.914(A) 127 KALAMAZOO COUNTY GOVERNMENT FUNCTIONS JUSTICE Prosecuting Attorney 6. Prosecutor duty as petitioner to list other actions involving juvenile in Family Court. 7. Receives and reviews other counties juvenile requests for jurisdiction. 8. Duty to review cases for speedy trial. 9. File supplemental petition for contempt. 780.786(a)(1) MCR 3.983 11. Review serious misdemeanor and felony cases for designation. MCL 712A.2d(1)MCR 3.903 and 3.951 12. Processes the juvenile delinquents fingerprints which are required for disposition. MCL 28.243 13. Shall report delinquency case information to public schools. MCL 380.1308 14. Requests for juveniles to appear in line-up. MCR 3.923(D) 15. Duty to notify juvenile’s family of waiver case arraignment. MCR 3.950 16. Must appear in Family Court at any hearing where testimony is taken. MCL 712A.17(4) 17. Prosecutes probation violations MCR 3.914(A) People v Rocha, 99 Mich App 654 (1980) AUGUST 2004 Date of Board Resolution MCR 3.205(B) MCL 712A.2(A)MCR 3.950(C) 19. Duty to attend pretrials in Family Court. Original contract Current contract MCR 3.206(A)(4) 10. Review all felony cases for waivers. 18. Prosecutes PPO contempt juvenile cases. Board Authorized Agreement Discretionary Function Constitution Statute Court Orders Court Rules Non-Mandated Necessary Mandated MCR 3.914(E) and 3.985(C) MCR 3.922(D) 128 KALAMAZOO COUNTY GOVERNMENT FUNCTIONS JUSTICE Prosecuting Attorney 20. Appears at show cause hearings. MCR 3.914(A)MCL 712A.17 21. Duty to notify victims of a juvenile bonding out. MCL 780.796 22. Duty to provide discovery to juveniles in Family Court. MCR 3.922(A)(1) 23. Provides forms to victim for FIA/Juvenile home notifications. MCL 780.791(A) 24. Must consult with victim in a juvenile proceeding. MCL 780.786(4) 25. Consults with victims to request non release of victim’s address & employment. 26. Must appear at uncontested juvenile plea if court to amend or reduce charge. 27. Provides notice to victim of Family Court disposition. 28. PA provides notice to juvenile of alibi rebuttal witnesses MCL 780.793(2) MCR 3.922(B) 30. Duty to provide victims information on juvenile home. MCL 780.785 31. Files detainment petition if juvenile threatens victim. MCL 780.785 victim compensation review hearings impact statements sentencing & probation officer’s name AUGUST 2004 Date of Board Resolution Wilson, 113 Mich App 113 (1982) MCL 780.786(B) Original contract Current contract MCL 780.788 29. Must consult with victim regarding juvenile disposition. 32. Prosecutor provides victims information on: court proceedings Board Authorized Agreement Discretionary Function Constitution Statute Court Orders Court Rules Non-Mandated Necessary Mandated MCL 780.786(3) 780.786(2) 780.770(B) 780.798(9) 780.791 780.791 129 KALAMAZOO COUNTY GOVERNMENT FUNCTIONS JUSTICE Prosecuting Attorney 33. Duty to notify victim of juvenile appeal. MCL 780.796 34. Duty to provide information to Court on juvenile’s ability to pay restitution. MCL 780.795(4) 35. Reviews probation officers reports on restitution. MCL 780.794(13) 37. Responds to juvenile requests to reduce restitution. MCL 780.794(18) 38. Reviews all juvenile requests to set aside conviction. MCL 712A.18e(7) MCR 3.914AMCL 712A.17(4) 41. Serves as legal consultant to FIA. MCL 712A.17MCR 3.914(C) 42. Transmits child abuse referrals from FIA to police. MCL 722.623(6) 722.628(1) 43. Reviews serious injuries to children regarding FIA protocol adherence. MCL 722.628(B) 44. Prosecutor, as the petitioner, is responsible for Indian Child Welfare Act compliance. 25 USC 1912 (D) 45. Required member of Child Death Review Team. MCL 727.627b 46. Duties in dissemination of sexually explicit matters to minors. MCL 722.681 AUGUST 2004 Date of Board Resolution MCL 780.796a 40. Reviews FIA petitions for legal sufficiency. 47. Prosecutor files neglect termination petitions. Original contract Current contract MCL 780.795 36. Duty to enforce restitution to victims in Family Court. 39. Duty to notify victims of juvenile request to set aside conviction. Board Authorized Agreement Discretionary Function Constitution Statute Court Orders Court Rules Non-Mandated Necessary Mandated MCL 712A.19b(1)MCR 3.977(A)(2) 130 KALAMAZOO COUNTY GOVERNMENT FUNCTIONS JUSTICE Prosecuting Attorney 48. Duty to report suspected child abuse to FIA. MCL 722.621 49. Prosecutor must appear at all stages of a child protective proceedings. MCR 3.914 50. Prosecutor role in use of video recorded statements in child abuse cases under a county protocol. MCL 712A.17b(1) 51. Reviews school educational neglect reports, files petitions and prosecutes case in Family Court. MCR 3.914 52. Prosecutor investigates extradition requests under URESA child support. MCL 780.156aMCL 780.160 53. Prepares and prosecutes paternity actions in Family Court. MCL 722.714 FIA Grant 54. Prepares and prosecutes nonsupport cases in Family Court. MCL 722.714 FIA Grant 55. Provide acknowledgment of parentage forms to public. MCL 722.1008 56. File Claim of Revocation of Acknowledgment of Parentage. MCL 722.1001 57. File suit for support of child under Emancipation Act. MCL 722.3 58. Conduct proceedings under Uniform Interstate Family Support Act. Board Authorized Agreement Original contract Current contract Date of Board Resolution Discretionary Function Constitution Statute Court Orders Court Rules Non-Mandated Necessary Mandated MCL 552.1308 59. Enforce provisions of The Poor Law. MCL 402.39 60. Investigate and initiate URESA child support proceedings. MCL 780.151 61. PA presents juvenile delinquency prevention programs in schools X 62. PA serves on Child Abuse and Neglect Council. X AUGUST 2004 131 KALAMAZOO COUNTY GOVERNMENT FUNCTIONS JUSTICE Sheriff’s Department The Kalamazoo County Sheriff is an elected office mandated by Article VII, Section 4 of the Michigan State Constitution. Michigan Law provides that the Office of the Sheriff is responsible for providing patrol and traffic services on the county primary and secondary roads, emergency assistance, the establishment, maintenance and operation of the County Jail, and Court security when requested. Specialized activities such as drug enforcement units and Cold Case Teams are discretionary functions that are provided if funding is available. Although the Sheriff has exclusive authority in the administration of his duties, he depends upon funds appropriated by the County Board of Commissioners in order to successfully discharge his obligations. The Office of the Sheriff is accountable for all expenses incurred in support of services provided and seeks reimbursement for these services whenever possible. Uniformed Services (Road Patrol) In addition to the investigation and prosecution of criminal conduct, the Sheriff must take action to keep the peace, such as detection of criminal conduct by patrol and other means, the apprehension of criminals, the suppression of civil disturbances, and the control of vehicle traffic. Township law The Office of the Sheriff and the County Board of Commissioners have entered into contracts on a fee for service basis with some Townships to provide additional services within the designated Township. Marine Safety The Sheriff is mandated by Statute to provide boat livery inspections and recovery of drowned bodies. Grant requests are submitted to the State each year for funding to support Marine Safety Patrol on the county lakes and waterways. In addition, some Lake Associations have entered into fee for service agreements with the Sheriff and County Board of Commissioners for additional marine patrols on designated lakes. AUGUST 2004 132 KALAMAZOO COUNTY GOVERNMENT FUNCTIONS JUSTICE Emergency Management Michigan State PA 390 of 1976 requires local governments over 10,000 in population to have an Emergency Management program. A Federal and State Emergency Management Grant assist in funding this program and require the county to conduct certain activities. Local units of government do not have enough resources, manpower or specialty equipment to handle problems of hazardous materials, severe weather, man made or natural disasters, bio-terrorism and homeland security. The office prepares for county emergencies in the areas of mitigation, planning, response and recovery. A tremendous amount of planning is required to prepare and bring together local, state and federal resources for dealing with a disaster. Dispatch Services Counties are not mandated to provide dispatch services, however, such services are necessary to perform the mandated duties of investigating accidents, providing emergency assistance, and enforcing the laws of the State of Michigan. For these reasons, the County Board of Commissioners approved the operation of dispatch services several years ago. The Board further authorized the Sheriff to extend dispatch services to thirteen (13) fire departments and several small local police departments in the out-county area. By authorized agreements, the Sheriff’s Department also dispatches during evenings and weekends for Animal Control and the Kalamazoo County Road Commission. It is expected in the near future, the Sheriff’s Dispatch services will relocate to the Kalamazoo Department of Public Services building at Crosstown Parkway. This is an intergovernmental project to co-locate all dispatch services to one central location and eventually become totally centralized, providing a better quality service at a reduced cost to the citizenry of Kalamazoo County. Law Enforcement Computer Network The Sheriff’s Administration oversees the computer network and application used in reporting crimes and dispatching units to emergencies. Corrections All counties are mandated by statute to provide for sufficient jail space and to maintain it in good repair. Michigan State law MCLA 45.16a states that a county may contract with another county for use of its jail in lieu of building one, but the county must maintain a lock up within its geographic boundaries. The Kalamazoo County jail provides for care and custody for all arrested persons within this county that are convicted or charged with violations of State and local laws. AUGUST 2004 133 KALAMAZOO COUNTY GOVERNMENT FUNCTIONS JUSTICE State law and court rulings require the Sheriff to provide certain activities and programs for the inmates. Specific requirements include: religious programs, recreation, medical services, mental health assessments, and the classification and separation of different types of inmates as required by law (i.e. male from female, violent from non-violent, sentenced from nonsentenced, felony from misdemeanor, and predator from non-predator). The Sheriff is also required to maintain jail records and report records of arrest to the state and federal agencies. Sheriff’s Department Board Authorized Agreement Original contract Current contract Date of Board Resolution Discretionary Function Constitution Statute Court Orders Court Rules Non-Mandated Necessary Mandated Administration and Road Patrol Administration 1. Create and maintain records of the department’s investigative and correctional activities MCLA 28.251 2. Serve papers as ordered by courts MCLA 45.407 3. Issue and administer gun permits MCLA 28.422 4. Administer and fulfill reporting requirements for grants, other revenues and expenses X 5. Fingerprint citizens MCLA 28.271 6. Firearm inspections MCLA 28.429 Board Participation 1. Concealed Weapons Permit Board 2. Community Corrections Advisory Board MCLA 28.426 PA 511, 1998 Security 1. Provide security for District and Circuit Courts 2. Provide security at the Kalamazoo-Battle Creek International Airport AUGUST 2004 MCLA 600.581 Agreement X 134 KALAMAZOO COUNTY GOVERNMENT FUNCTIONS JUSTICE Sheriff’s Department Board Authorized Agreement Original contract Current contract Date of Board Resolution Discretionary Function Constitution Statute Court Orders Court Rules Non-Mandated Necessary Mandated Investigations 1. Participate in Southwest drug Enforcement Team Agreement 10/01/03 2. Participate in Kalamazoo Valley drug Enforcement Team X 3. Conduct investigations of reported and suspected crimes 4. Extradite prisoners X MCLA 11.12 Road Patrol 1. Patrol and monitor traffic violations on county primary and county local roads 2. Provide secondary road patrol MCLA 51.76(2)(a) MCLA 51.77 3. Enforce criminal laws of State observed during patrolling and monitoring MCLA 51.76(2)(b) 4. Investigate accidents involving motor vehicles MCLA 51.76(2)(c ) 5. Provide emergency assistance to persons on or near a highway or road patrolled by the Sheriff MCLA 51.76(2)(d) 09/02/03 Training 1. Provide training/certification courses for law enforcement personnel @ KCSD and for Richland, Augusta, Galesburg, Vicksburg, and Parchment PDs Various laws requiring training X Township Law 1. Target road patrols in specific townships and provide services above normal service level as agreed to in contract AUGUST 2004 Agreement X 135 KALAMAZOO COUNTY GOVERNMENT FUNCTIONS JUSTICE Sheriff’s Department Board Authorized Agreement Original contract Current contract Date of Board Resolution Discretionary Function Constitution Statute Court Orders Court Rules Non-Mandated Necessary Mandated Liquor Law Enforcement 1. Enforce State and County Liquor Laws MCLA 436.1 Marine Safety 1. Conduct patrols on inland lakes, enforce marine safety laws, and rescue stranded boaters 2. Inspect boat livery operations 3. Recover drowned bodies Agreement X MCLA 324.44517 MCLA 51.301 4. Target marine safety patrols on Gull Lake Agreement X Emergency Management/Homeland Security 1. Administer Local Emergency Planning Committee and Activities (LEPC) 42 USCA 11001 (B) 2. Educate citizens and officials regarding roles and responsibilities in emergencies CERT Grant 3. Conduct periodic tests of readiness and the ability of the County’s response system 4. Provide an emergency plan and review annually and conduct an annual full-scale exercise EPA – SARA Title III (Hazardous Materials) Exercise Grant PA 390 of 1976 Annual work agreement with State Police for EMPG funding Emergency Action Guidelines updated 10/1/03 Dispatch Services 1. Answer 911 calls for Vicksburg, Schoolcraft, Galesburg, Augusta AUGUST 2004 Agreement x 136 KALAMAZOO COUNTY GOVERNMENT FUNCTIONS JUSTICE Sheriff’s Department Function 2. Answer 911 calls & dispatch for 13 area fire depts. Board Authorized Agreement Original contract Current contract Date of Board Resolution Agreement 3. Dispatch 911 calls and calls for service in Sheriff’s Department jurisdiction Discretionary Constitution Statute Court Orders Court Rules Non-Mandated Necessary Mandated X X X 4. Dispatch Road Commission during the hours of 7pm to 5am Agreement X 5. Dispatch animal control officers 5pm to 8am Agreement X Law Enforcement Computer Network 1. Administer the law enforcement computer network X Corrections Corrections Administration 1. Inmate care, accounting and billing MCLA 45.16 2. Create and maintain records of inmates MCLA 51.282 3. Inmate collections for expenses of housing, medical, bond fees, booking fees 4. Transport services for writs, medical appointments, prison sentences, and court events 5. X MCLA 801.83, PA 631 2002, PA124 2003 MCLA 800.48, 801.253 Collect bonds for courts X 6. Maintain inmate photo repository for lineups, record identification and investigations 7. Collection of DNA specimens X MCLA 750.250 8. Conduct lineups for all area PDs 9. House Federal prisoners AUGUST 2004 X MCLA 801.101 137