For this speech, your focus should be on creating an entertaining speech. This does not need to be complicated, but must be thorough. You will be sharing a poem or song. This poem/song is not an original piece by you, but an interpretation of someone else’s work.
This speech will be divided into several sections. It is important to complete each of the sections in order and on time. You will be graded on each step.
Step 1
– Introduction to Oral Interpretation
1. Each student will find a poem/song to create an oral interpretation with.
2. By ____________ each student will have 2 copies of their chosen poem/song. (20 Pts.)
Step 2 – Create Unique Interpretation
1. Students will work with a partner and share their poem orally to that person. The partner will make notes on one copy of the poem/song to help the reader understand how they read. a. The partner will sign off on listening to the poem. By ____________ a copy of the poem will be turned in. (20 Pts.)
2. Using their partner’s notes and their own observations, each student will create a PowerPoint presentation of their poem. a. Each presentation must have at least 12 slides. i. You need a title slide ii. You need a bibliography slide b. You may not add sounds or videos to the presentation. Only 2 slides may have pictures. c. Each slide should be unique. Change the slides using: i. Text (all caps, shadowed letters, fonts, colors, size of letters) ii. Transitions between slides ( Only 1 transition per slide) iii. Text animation or word art iv. Shapes and placement of words on slide
3. By the end of the second day in the lab, students will have completed the pair/share reading, marked up a copy of their poem, and created a PowerPoint presentation. (60 Pts.)
Step 3
– Practice the poem
1. Each great performance comes from practice. We will partner up again and share our poem and PowerPoint with someone from class. (20 Pts.)
2. You will go through your entire performance working out the bugs as you go along.
Step 4 -- Perform the Interpretation
1. Each student will perform their interpretation to the class. This includes the PowerPoint and the oral recitation of the poem.
2. Refer to the grading rubric as to how the performance will be assessed. (150 Pts.)
Feel free to contact the instructor with any questions you may have on this presentation. Remember that your speech will be performed in class on or before ________________. There is no make-up speech day scheduled . If you do not perform your speech on your assigned day, you will not be able to.