C.2.1. Curriculum Vitae Johan FM SWINNEN - FEB


C.1. Bondige omschrijving van de specifieke deskundigheid en ervaring van de promotor en deskundige

Het project sluit aan bij onderzoek dat de afgelopen jaren is gebeurd in de onderzoeksgroep van prof. J. Swinnen in transitielanden enerzijds. Gezien Vietnam een transitieland is dat van een centraal geleide communistische politiek naar een vrije markt economie beweegt, sluit het aan bij die opgebouwde expertise. Anderzijds werd specifiek expertise opgebouwd rond kredietproblemen in transitielanden en de rol daarbij van instellingen.

De deskundigheid van de promotor en de deskundige kan als zeer complementair beschouwd worden voor het invullen en uitvoeren van dit projectvoorstel. Waar prof. Swinnen een zwaartepunt betekent wat betreft de institutionele achtergrond van kredietmarkten in transitielanden heeft H. Beerlandt naast haar onderzoekservaring over armoede in ontwikkelingslanden uitdrukkelijk de operationele veldervaring binnen armoedebestrijding, rurale ontwikkelingsprojecten en micro-krediet projecten- ook in Vietnam. Methodologisch is deze veldervaring sterk onderbouwd. Deze complementariteit kan teruggevonden worden in publicatie lijsten en C.V’s (3.2). Bemerk dat beide onderzoekers een ruimschootse ervaring hebben met beleidsgericht onderzoek.

Hieronder worden enkele belangrijke referentie punten uit de carrière van Prof. J. Swinnen aangehaald die het best de betrokkenheid aantonen bij het voorgestelde onderzoek naar kredietmarkten in Vietnam. De plaats daarvan in het totale onderzoek kan dan afgeleid worden uit de C.V van de promotor (zie 3.2)

(1) Verschillende studies gedaan om de hervormingen in Oost-Azië, incl. Vietnam, te vergelijken met deze in Centraal Europa en in Rusland

Macours K. and J. Swinnen, 2001, Agricultural Transition and Productivity Patterns:

Synthesis of Experiences of East Asia, the former Soviet Union, and Central and Eastern

Europe, in Peters, G.H. and P. Pingali (eds.) Proceedings of the XXIVth International

Conference of Agricultural Economists, Oxford University Press.

Macours, K. and J. Swinnen, 2001, "Patterns of Agrarian Transition" Economic Development and Cultural Change, forthcoming.

Macours, K. and J. Swinnen, 2000, Impact of Reforms and Initial Conditions on Agricultural

Output and Productivity Changes in Central and Eastern Europe, the Former Soviet Union, and East Asia, American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 82(5):1149-1155.

(2) Specifieke studies i.v.m ruraal krediet in transitielanden

Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD): Rural Finance in

Transition Countries (Fall 1997)

United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Economic Research Service (ERS): Lessons from Transition (Fall 1997)

International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD): The Role of Farmers Associations in Transition Countries (Summer 1997)

Slovakian Government - FAO project : Agricultural Credit Reform (April 1996)

OECD - Russian Government: Project Agricultural Credit Problems in Transition Economies

(Fall 1995)

Lithuanian Ministry of Agriculture: Agricultural Credit Specialist / Food Policy Analyst

(EC/Phare Technical Assistance Project - Oktober 1993).

Ukraine Ministry of Agriculture: Agricultural Credit Specialist (UK Know How Fund

Marketing Development Project - September 1993)

Bulgarian Ministry of Agriculture: Agricultural Credit Specialist / Food Policy Analyst (EC-

Phare/World Bank Policy Review Project - Summer 1992). en publicaties hierover:

Swinnen J., 1995, Agricultural Credit Problems during the Transition to a Market Economy in

Central and Eastern Europe in: Agro-Food Sector Policy in OECD Countries and the Russian

Federation, Paris: OECD Centre for Co-operation with the Economies in Transition, p. 50-62.

Swinnen J. and H. Gow, 1999, Agricultural Credit Problems and Policies during the Transition to a

Market Economy Food Policy, 21(1):21-47.

C.2.Curriculum Vitae en publicatielijst van de promotor en deskundige

C.2.1. Curriculum Vitae Johan F. M. SWINNE


Family Name : SWINNEN

First Names : Johan Frans Maria

Date & place of birth: September 28, 1962 in Olmen, Belgium





Department of Economics, K.U.Leuven

Naamsestraat 69, 3000 Leuven, Belgium e-mail: jo.swinnen@econ.kuleuven.be

MSc Agricultural Sciences (Landbouwingenieur) 1985, K U Leuven

Ph.D. in Agricultural Economics 1992, Cornell University, USA

Current employment: - Associate Professor of Development Economics

Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (KUL), Belgium

- Director, Policy Research Group (PRG-Leuven), KULeuven

- Research Associate, LICOS-Centre for Transition Economics,


- Associate Fellow, Centre for European Policy Studies (CEPS),


Previous employment:

1998-2000 Economic advisor, European Commission, DG-Economic and

Financial Affairs

(Advising on EU agricultural policy, Agricultural trade issues, East

European reforms and EU enlargement, Balkan reconstruction)

Assistant/Associate Professor of Agricultural Economics and Food 1993-1997



& Director, Policy Research Group (PRG-Leuven), KULeuven

Senior Economist, LICOS-Centre for Transition Economics, KULeuven

Other professional activities :

 Visiting Professor : Univ. of Siena (Italy), Wageningen Univ. (Netherlands), Cornell

Univ. (USA), Univ. of Nitra (Slovakia), Univ. of London (Wye College), Univ. of

Helsinki (Finland) Mediterranean Agronomic Institute (Chania, Greece),

 Organization & coordination of several research networks and projects on East

European agricultural reform and European integration

 Consultant : World Bank, OECD, FAO, European Commission (DG-Agriculture, DG-

Econ&Finance, DG-External Relations), USDA (ERS), IFAD, and to Governments

(Poland, Slovakia, Russia, Bulgaria, Romania, Lithuania, Ukraine, Azerbaijan, Zaire)

 Chair, Scientific Programme Committee, 1999 Tri-Annual European Association of

Agricultural Economists Congress (Warsaw)

 Member of OECD Expert Group “Global Forum on Agriculture”, the International

Agricultural Trade Research Consortium, International Advisory Committee of the Center

for Chinese Agricultural Policy, Beijing, and the US National Agricultural Biotechnology

Council (1989-91)

Selectie van publicaties

I. Artikels in internationale gereviewde tijdschriften

Bojnec, S. and J. Swinnen, 1997, "Patterns of Agricultural Price Distortions in Central

Europe", Food Policy, 22(4):289-306.

Cungu, A. and J. Swinnen, 1999, “Albania’s Radical Agrarian Reform”, Economic

Development and Cultural Change , 47(3):605-619. de Gorter, H. and J. Swinnen, 1998, “The Impact of Economic Development on Redistributive and Public Research Policies i n Agriculture”, Review of Development Economics ,


Dries, Liesbeth and Johan F.M. Swinnen, 2002, "Institutional Reform and Labor Reallocation during Transition: Evidence from Polish Agriculture", World Development , forthcoming

Gow, H. and J. Swinnen, 1998, "Agribusiness Restructuring, Foreign Direct Investment, and

Hold-Up Problems in Agricultural Transition", European Review of Agricultural

Economics , 25(4):331-350.

Gow, H., Streeter, D. and J. Swinnen, 2000, "How Private Contract Enforcement Mechanisms

Can Succeed Where Public Institutions Fail: The Case of Juhosucor A.S." Agricultural

Economics, 23(3): 253-265.

Gow, H. and J. Swinnen, 2001, “Private Enforcement Capital and Contract Enforcement in

Transition Countries” American Journal of Agricultural Economics , 83(3): 686-690

Hartell, J. and J. Swinnen, 1998, “Trends in Price and Trade Policy Instruments in Central

European Agricultural and Food Markets”, The World Economy , 21(2):261-279.

Macours, K. and J. Swinnen, 2000, “Causes of Output Decline during Transition: The Case of

Central and Eastern European Agriculture”, Journal of Comparative Economics ,

28(1): 172-206.

Macours, K. and J. Swinnen, 2000, “Impact of Reforms and Initial Conditions on Agricultural

Output and Productivity Changes in Central and Eastern Europe, the Former Soviet

Union, and East Asia”, American Journal of Agricultural Economics , 82(5):1149-1155.

Macours, K. and J. Swinnen, 2001, "Patterns of Agrarian Transition", Economic Development and Cultural Change, forthcoming.

Math ijs, E. and J. Swinnen, 1998, “The Economics of Agricultural Decollectivization in East

Central Europe and the Former Soviet Union”, Economic Development and Cultural

Change , 47(1):1-26.

Mathijs, E. and J. Swinnen, 2001, “Production Organization and Efficiency during Transition:

An Empirical Analysis of East German Agriculture”, The Review of Economics and

Statistics , 83(1): 100-107.

Pokrivcak, J., de Gorter, H., and J. Swinnen, 2001, “Does a ‘Restaurant Table Effect’ Exist with the EU’s Common Agricultural Policy? A Note” Journal of Agricultural

Economics , 52(3): 28-30.

Rizov, M., Gavrilescu, D., Gow, H., Mathijs, E. and J. Swinnen, 2001, “Transition and

Enterprise Reorganization: Farm Restructuring in Romania” World Development ,

29(7): 1257-1274.

Segre, A. and J. Swinnen, 1999, "Agricultural Transition and European Integration" MOCT-

MOST Economic Policy in Transition , Winter, 144-156.

Swinnen, J., 1997, “Does Compensation for Disruptions Stimulate Reforms ? The Case of

Agricultural Reform in Central Euro pe.” European Review of Agricultural Economics,


Swinnen, J., 1998, "Economic Transition and the Distribution of Policy Rents: The Case of the

Wheat-Flour-Bread Chain in Bulgaria", European Review of Agricultural Economics ,

25 (3): 243-258.

Swinnen, J., 1999, "Political Economy of Land Reform Choices in Central and Eastern

Europe", The Economics of Transition , 7(3):637-664.

Swinnen, J., 1999, “European Agriculture Facing the 21 st Century in a Global Context:

Introduction” European Review of Agricultural Economics, 26(3): 263-264.

Swinnen, J. and H. de Gorter, 1998, “Endogenous Market Distortions and the Benefits from

Research” American Journal of Agricultural Economics , 80(1):107-115.

Swinnen, J., Banerjee A., and H. de Gorter, 2002, “Economic Development, Institutional

Change and The Political Economy of Agricultural Protection” Agricultural Economics ,

26(1) forthcoming

Swinnen, J., de Gorter, H., Rausser, G. and A. Banerjee, 2000, “The Political Economy of

Public Research Investment and Commodity Policies in Agriculture: An Empirical

Study” Agricultural Economics , 22:111-122

Swinnen J. and H. Gow, 1999, “Agricultural Credit Problems and Policies during the

Transition to a Market Economy in Central and Eastern Europe” Food Policy,


II. Artikels in andere wetenschappelijke tijdschriften

Dries, Liesbeth, Karen Macours and Johan F.M. Swinnen, 2000, "Employment on Central and Eastern European Farms", Acta Oeconomica et Informatica , 3, 42-45.

Dries, Liesbeth and Johan F.M. Swinnen, 2000, "Labour Adjustments in Central and Eastern

European Agriculture", Emergo: Journal of Transforming Economies and Societies ,

7(3): 38-45.

Gow, H.. and J. Swinnen, 2001, “Foreign Investment and Contract Enforcement in Transition

Countries”, Transition , forthcoming

Macours, K. and J. Swinnen, 1999, “How Gradual was China's Agricultural Reform?”,

Transition , December:17-18.

Mathijs, E., Dries, L., Doucha, T. and J. Swinnen, 1999, “Production Efficiency and

Organization of Czech Agriculture” Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 5:312-


Swinnen, J., 1997, “Privatizzazioni e decollettivizzazione nell’agricoltura dell’Europa centroorientale.” La Questione Agraria, 65:75-96.

Swinnen, J., 2000, "Pourquoi la réforme foncière des pays de l’Est est inachevée", Revue

Foncière , 2: 26-31

Swinnen, J., 2001 "Will Enlargement Cause a Flood of Eastern Food Imports, Bankrupt the

EU Budget, and Create WTO Conflicts ?” EuroChoices , Spring 2001

Swinnen, J., 2002 "Will Enlargement Cause a Flood of Eastern Food Imports, Bankrupt the

EU Budget, and Create WTO Conflicts ?” (Polish version) Village and Agriculture ,

Warsaw, forthcoming

Swinnen, J. and E. Mathijs, 1999, “Agricultural Privatization, Land Reform and Farm

Restructuring in Central and Eastern Europe” Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural

Sciences 5:224-235.

Swinnen, J. and K. Macours 2001, “Agricultural Transition Patterns in East Asia, the former

Soviet Union, and Central and Eastern Europe”, Voprosy Ekonomiki (Economic

Issues ), 8, Moscow, forthcoming

III. Mededelingen op internationale congressen en symposia a) integraal gepubliceerd in proceedings

Bojnec, S., Münch, W. and J. Swinnen, 1998, “Exchange Rates and the Measurement of

Agricultural Price Distortions in CEECs and the Costs of CEECEU Accession”, in:

Brockmeier, M., Francois, J., Hertel, T., and P.M. Schmitz, Economic Transition and the Greening of Policies. Modeling New Challenges for Agriculture and Agribusiness in Europe , Kiel: Wissenschaftsverlag Vauk, p.285-304.

Gow, H. and J. Swinnen, 2000, “Impact of Foreign Direct Investment on Agriculture and Agroindustry in Transition Economies” in: Csaki, C. and Z. Lerman (eds.), Structural

Change in the Farming Sectors in Central and Eastern Europe . Washington DC:

World Bank publications.

Gow, H. and J. Swinnen, 1999, “The Impact of FDI in the Downstream Sector on Agricultural

Finance, Investment and Production: Evidence from CEECs” in: Agricultural Finance and Credit Infrastructure in Transition Economies , OECD Center for Co-operation with Non-Members, Paris: OECD Publications.

Gow, H. and J. Swinnen, 1999, "How Foreign Direct Investment has Stimulated Growth in the

Central and Eastern European Agri-Food Sectors: Vertical Contracting and the Role of Private Enforcement Capital", in Hartmann, M. and J. Wandel (eds.) Food

Processing and Distribution in Transition Countries: Problems and Perspectives ,

Wisschenschaftsverlag Vauk Kiel, p.291-313.

Hartell, J. and J. Swinnen, 1999, “Political Economy Aspects of Free Trade Agreements and

Agricultural Policy in Central an d Eastern Europe” in: Foreign Trade and Foreign

Investment in Agri-Food Sectors: Competitiveness and Policy Implications , Warsaw

Agricultural University Press, p. 75-99.

Macours K. and J. Swinnen, 1999, “Trade Liberalization and Output Changes During

Trans ition in Central and Eastern European Agriculture” in: Foreign Trade and

Foreign Investment in Agri-Food Sectors: Competitiveness and Policy Implications ,

Warsaw Agricultural University Press, p. 34-74.

Macours K. and J. Swinnen, 2001, “Agricultural Transition and Productivity Patterns:

Synthesis of Experiences of East Asia, the former Soviet Union, and Central and

Eastern Europe”, in Peters, G.H. and P. Pingali (eds.) Proceedings of the XXIVth

International Conference of Agricultural Economists, Oxford University Press, forthcoming

Mathijs, E. and J. Swinnen, 1998, “Technical Efficiency and the Competitiveness of

Agricultural Enterprises: Results from Eastern Germany and the Czech Republic”, in

Tillack, P. and F. Pirscher (eds.), Competitiveness of Agricultural Enterprises and

Farm Activities in Transition Countries , Wisschenschaftsverlag Vauk Kiel, p.86-97.

Mathijs, E. and J. Swinnen, 1999, “Agricultural Decollectivization in Central and Eastern

Europe”, in: Peters, G.H. and J. Von Braun (eds.), Food Security, Diversification and

Resource Management: Refocusing the Role of Agriculture , Proceedings of the

XXIIIrd International Conference of Agricultural Economists, Sacramento, August 10-

16, 1997, Ashgate, Aldershot, pp. 413-420.

Mathijs, E. and J. Swinnen, 2 000, “Major Features of the New Farming Structures in Central and Eastern Europe”, in: Csaki, C. and Z. Lerman (eds.), Structural Change in the

Farming Sectors in Central and Eastern Europe . Washington DC: World Bank publications.

Mathijs, E. and J. Swinne n, 2000, “Efficiency Effects of Land Reforms in East Central Europe and the Former Soviet Union”, in Tillack, P. and E. Schultze (eds.) Land Ownership,

Land Markets and their Influence on the Efficiency of Agricultural Production in

Central and Eastern Europe, Wisschenschaftsverlag Vauk Kiel, p.32-55.

Swinnen, J., 1998, "The Political Economy of Agricultural Transition”, in: von Witzke, H. and

S. Tangermann, Economic Transition in Central and East Europe, and the Former

Soviet Union: Implications for International Trade , Proceedings of a Conference of the

International Agricultural Trade Research Consortium (Berlin).

Swinnen, J., 2000, "Assessment of the Usefulness of GTAP for Analysing the EU

Enlargement: Comments”, in: Frandsen, S. and M.J. Staehr (eds.), Assessment of the GTAP Modelling Framework for Policy Analyses from a European Perspective ,

Rapport nr. 116, Danish Institute of Agricultural and Fisheries Economics,


Swinnen J. and H. Gow, 1999, “Agricultural Finance and Institutional Reforms in Transition

Economies” in: Agricultural Finance and Credit Infrastructure in Transition

Economies , OECD Center for Co-operation with Non-Members, Paris: OECD


Swinnen, J. and E. Mathijs, 1998, "Agricultural Privatization, Land Reform and Farm

Restructuring in Central and Eastern Europe", in: Agricultural Policies in the Baltic

Countries , Proceedings of the Parnu Seminar (September 1997), OECD Center for

Co-operation with Non-Members, Paris: OECD Publications. b) niet gepubliceerd of slechts als abstract verscheidene

III. Mededelingen op andere congressen en bijeenkomsten verscheidene

IV. Interne rapporten

Verscheidene working papers

V. Thesissen

VI. Boeken a) als auteur

Swinnen, J, From Central Planning to the Common Agricultural Policy (aanvaard voor publicatie bij Leuven Universitaire Pers)

Swinnen, J. and K. Macours, The Economics of Agrarian Transition (publicatievoorstel aanvaard door Oxford University Press) b) als editor

Swinnen, J.(ed.), 1997, Political Economy of Agrarian Reform in Central and Eastern Europe ,

London: Ashgate Publ.

Met eigen hoofstukken:

1. Political economy of privatization and decollectivization of Central and East

European agriculture: Definitions, issues and methodology - Ewa

Rabinowicz and Johan F. M. Swinnen

3. Agricultural privatization and decollectivization in Albania: A political economy perspective - Azeta Cungu and Johan F. M. Swinnen

5. On liquidation councils, flying troikas and Orsov cooperatives: The political economy of agricultural reform in Bulgaria - Johan F. M. Swinnen

9. Political economy aspects of Polish agrarian reform - Isabelle Lindemans and Johan F. M. Swinnen

12. Privatization of Slovenian agriculture: Process and politics - Štefan Bojnec and Johan F. M. Swinnen

13. The choice of privatization and decollectivization policies in Central and

East European agriculture: Observations and political economy hypotheses

- Johan F. M. Swinnen

Swinnen, J., Buckwell A. and E. Mathijs (eds.),1997, Agricultural Privatization, Land Reform and Farm Restructuring in Central and Eastern Europe , London: Ashgate Publ.

Met eigen hoofstukken:

1. Agricultural privatisation, land reform and farm restructuring in Albania - Azeta

Cungu and Johan F.M. Swinnen

8. Agricultural privatisation and farm restructuring in Slovenia - Štefan Bojnec and

Johan F.M. Swinnen

10. Agricultural privatisation, land reform and farm restructuring in Central and

Eastern Europe: A comparative analysis - Johan F.M. Swinnen and Erik Mathijs

Hartell, J. and J. Swinnen, (eds.), 2000, Agriculture and East-West European Integration ,

London: Ashgate Publ.

Met eigen hoofstukken:

1. Introduction - Johan F.M. Swinnen and Jason G. Hartell

9. Political economy aspects of CEEC agricultural price and trade policy in the framework of EU accession – Jason G. Hartell and Johan F.M. Swinnen

VII. Artikels in of gedeelten van boeken

Cungu, A. and J. Swinnen, 1998, " The Significance of Politics and Institutions for

Privatization and Decollectivization in Albania", in: Frohberg, K. and P. Weingarten

(eds.) The Significance of Politics and Institutions for the Design and Formation of

Agricultural Policy , Kiel: Vauk Verlag, p.238-250. de Gorter, H., J. Pokrivcak and J. Swinnen, 1998, "The ‘Restaurant-table Effect’: Europe and the Common Agricultural Policy, " in Yildirium, T., Schmitz, A. and W.H. Furtan (eds.),

World Agricultural Trade . Boulder, Co: Westview Press.

Gow, H. and J. Swinnen, 2001, "Foreign Direct Investment and Vertical Contracting in the

Agro-Food Sector of Transition Countries", in Schmitz, Rausser, and Zilberman (ed.)

“ Agricultural Globalization, Trade and the Environment ”, Kluwer Academic Press, forthcoming.

Hartell, J. en J. Swinnen, 2000, “European Integration and the Political Economy of Central and East European Agricultural Price and Trade Policy”, in: Tangermann, S., and M.

Banse (eds.), Central and Eastern European Agriculture in an Expanding European

Union . CAB International.

Macours K. and J. Swinnen, 2000, “A Comparison of Agrarian Reform in Russia, China and

Central and Eastern Europe”, in: Wehrheim, P. (ed.) Russia’s Food Economy:

Towards Truly Functioning Markets , Kluwer Academic Press.

Swinnen, J., 1998, “Agricultural Reform in Central and Eastern Europe” in Eicher, C. and J.

Staatz (eds), Agricultural Development in the Third World, Third Edition, Johns


Swinnen, J., 1998, "Political and Institutional Determinants of Agricultural Policies: A Neoclassical Perspective with Empirical Insights from CEEC Agricultural Reforms", in:

Frohberg, K. (ed.) The Significance of Politics and Institutions for the Design and

Formation of Agricultural Policy , Kiel: Vauk Verlag.

Swinnen, J., 2001, “Transition from Collective Farms to Individual Tenures in Central and

Eastern Europe”, in: de Janvry, A., Gordillo, G., Platteau, J-P. and E. Sadoulet (eds.)

Land Reform Revisited: Access to Land, Rural Poverty and Public Action , Oxford

University Press, 349-378.

Swinnen, J., 2000, "Agricultural Institutions and Reforms Policies in Central and Eastern

Europe” in Burrell, A. and A. Oskam (eds), European Agricultural Policy in Transition,

Wageningen University Press.

Swinnen, J., Gow, H. and I. Maviglia, 2001,"Modest Changes in the West, Radical Reforms in the East, and Government Intervention Everywhere: European Sugar Markets at the

Outset of the 21 st Century", in: Schmitz, A., Spreen, T. and W. Messina, Sweetener

Markets in the 21 st Century , Kluwer Academic Publishers, forthcoming.

Tangermann, S. en J. Swinnen, 2000, “Conclusions and Implications for Food and Agricultural

Policy in the Process of Accession to the EU”, in: Tangermann, S., and M. Banse

(eds.), Central and Eastern European Agriculture in an Expanding European Union .

CAB International.
