PUBLICATIONS OF WILLIAM C. CLARK (March 2007) Books Mitchell, R. B., W. C. Clark, D. W. Cash and N. M. Dickson, Eds. (2006). Global environmental assessments: Informaiton and influence. Global environmental accord: Strategies for sustainability and institutional innovation. Cambridge, M.A., MIT Press. Schellnhuber, H. J., P. J. Crutzen, W. C. Clark, M. Claussen and H. Held, Eds. (2004). Earth system analysis for sustainability. Dahlmen conferences. Cambridge, MA, MIT Press. Clark, W. C., Ed. (2002). The state of the nation's ecosystems: Measuring the lands, waters, and living resources of the united states. Cambridge, UK, Cambridge Univ. Press. Social Learning Group, W. C. Clark, J. Jaeger, J. v. Eijndhoven and N. M. Dickson, Eds. (2001). Learning to manage global environmental risks, vol. 1: A comparative history of social responses to climate change, ozone depletion and acid rain. Cambridge, M.A., MIT Press. Social Learning Group, W. C. Clark, J. Jaeger, J. v. Eijndhoven and N. M. Dickson, Eds. (2001). Learning to manage global environmental risks, vol. 2. A functional analysis of social responses to climate change, ozone depletion and acid rain. Cambridge, M.A., MIT Press. Turner II, B. L., W. C. Clark, R. W. Kates, J. F. Richards, J. T. Mathews and W. B. Meyer, Eds. (1990). The earth as transformed by human action: Global and regional changes in the biosphere over the past 300 years. Cambridge ; New York, Cambridge University Press with Clark University. Clark, W. C. (1990). Usable knowledge for managing global climatic change. Stockholm, Stockholm Environment Institute. Toth, F. L., E. Hizsnyik and W. C. Clark (1989). Scenarios of socioeconomic development for studies of global environmental change : A critical review. Laxenburg, International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis. Clark, W. C. and R. E. Munn, Eds. (1986). Sustainable development of the biosphere. Cambridge [Cambridgeshire] ; New York, Cambridge University Press. Johnston, B. F. and W. C. Clark (1982). Redesigning rural development : A strategic perspective. Baltimore, Johns Hopkins University Press. Clark, W. C., Ed. (1982). Carbon dioxide review, 1982. Oxford New York, Clarendon Press ; Oxford University Press. Holling, C. S., W. C. Clark, J. Steele, G. Gallopin, A. Bazykin and D. Jones, Eds. (1978). Adaptive environmental assessment and management Chichester, U.K., John Wiley. Reports and Conferences Clark, W.C., Ed. (2007). Highlights in Sustainability Science: A special collection. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. Clark, W. C. and L. Holliday (2006). Linking knowledge with action for sustainable development: The role of program managers. Washington, D.C., National Research Council, Roundtable on Science and Technology for Sustainability: 134. Eckley, N., W. C. Clark, A. Farrell, J. Jäger and D. Stanners (2002). Designing effective assessments: The role of participation, science and governance, and focus. Copenhagen, Denmark, Global Environmental Assessment Project and the European Environment Agency. Guston, D. H., W. C. Clark, T. Keating, D. Cash, S. Moser, C. Miller and C. Powers (2000). Report of the workshop on boundary organizations in environmental policy and science, Rutgers University, the Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences Institute at Rutgers University and UMDNJRWJMS, and The Global Environmental Assessment Project. Parris, T. M., C. A. Zracket and W. C. Clark (1997). Usable knowledge for managing responses to global environmental change: Recommendations to promote collaborative assessments and information systems. Cambridge, MA, Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University. Darmstadter, J., W. C. Clark and et. al. (1987). Impacts of world development on selected characteristics of the atmosphere: An integrative approach. Oak Ridge, TN, Oak Ridge National Laboratory. 1 Book chapters Cash, D. W., W. Clark, F. Alcock, N. Dickson, N. Eckley and J. Jäger (in review). Salience, credibility, legitimacy and boundaries: Linking research, assessment and decision making. Science boundaries policy: New research. D. H. Guston and S. Raman. Albany, NY, State University of New York Press. Cash, D. W. and W. Clark (in review). From science to policy: Assessing the assessment process. Integrated regional assessment. G. Knight and J. Jäger. Washington DC, START. Mitchell, R. B., W. C. Clark and D. W. Cash (2006). Information and influence. Global environmental assessments: Informaiton and influence. R. B. Mitchell, W. C. Clark, D. W. Cash and N. M. Dickson. Cambridge, M.A., MIT Press: 307-338. Clark, W. C., R. B. Mitchell and D. W. Cash (2006). Evaluating the influence of global environmental assessments. Global environmental assessments: Informaiton and influence. R. B. Mitchell, W. C. Clark, D. W. Cash and N. M. Dickson. Cambridge, M.A., MIT Press: 1-28. Mitchell, R. B., W. C.Clark, D. W. Cash and F. Alcock (2004). Science, scientists, and the policy process: Lessons from global environmental assessments for the northwest forest. Forest futures: Science, politics and policy for the next century. K. Arabas and J. Bowersox, Rowman and Littlefield: 95-111. Kinzig, A. P., W. C. Clark, O. Edenhofer, G. C. Gallopin, W. Lucht, R. B. Mitchell, P. Romero Lankao, S. Sreekesh, C. Tickell and O. R. Young (2004). Group report: Sustainability. Earth systems analysis for sustainability. H. J. Schellnhuber, P. J. Curtzen, W. C. Clark, M. Claussen and H. Held. Cambridge, MA, MIT Press: 409-434. Clark, W. C., P. J. Crutzen and H. J. Schellnhuber (2004). Science for global sustainability: Toward a new paradigm. Earth system analysis for sustainability. H. J. Schellnhuber, P. J. Crutzen, W. C. Clark, M. Claussen and H. Held. Cambridge, MA, MIT Press: 1-28. Clark, W. C. (2002). Science and technology for sustainable development: Background document to the mexico city synthesis conference on science, technology and sustainable development. Science and technology for sustainable development: Consensus report and background document for the mexico city synthesis conference, may 20-23, 2002. International Council for Science, Third World Academy of Sciences and I. o. S. a. T. f. Sustainability. Paris, International Council for Science. 9: 12-29. Clark, W. C. (2002). Social learning. Encyclopedia of global change. New York, Oxford University Press. Clark, W. C. (2002). Research systems for a transition toward sustainability. Challenges of a changing earth: Proceedings of the global change open science conference. W. Steffen, J. Jäger, D. Carson and C. Bradshaw. Berlin, Springer-Verlag: 197-200. Schreurs, M. A., W. C. Clark, N. M. Dickson and J. Jaeger (2001). Issue attention, framing and actors: An overview of patterns across arenas. Learning to manage global environmental risks, vol. 1: A comparative history of social responses to climate change, ozone depletion and acid rain. Social Learning Group, Jill Jaeger, Josee van Eijndhoven, Nancy Dickson. Cambridge, MA, MIT Press. 1: Chapter 3. Levy, M., J. Cavender-Bares and W. C. Clark (2001). Goal and strategy formulation in the management of global environmental risks. Learning to manage global environmental risks, vol. 2: A functional analysis of social responses to climate change, ozone depletion and acid rain. Social Learning Group, Jill Jaeger, Josee van Eijndhoven, Nancy Dickson. Cambridge, MA, MIT Press. 2: Ch. 19. Jaeger, J., W. C. Clark and J. v. Eijndhoven (2001). Linkages between knowledge and action: An overview of global environmental risk management functions Learning to manage global environmental risks, vol. 2: A functional analysis of social responses to climate change, ozone depletion and acid rain. Social Learning Group, W. C. Clark, J. Jaeger, J. v. Eijndhoven and N. M. Dickson. Cambridge, MA, MIT Press. 2: Ch. 15. Clark, W. C., J. Jäger and J. v. Eijndhoven (2001). Managing global environmental change: An introduction to the volume. Learning to manage global environmental risks: A comparative history of social responses to climate change, ozone depletion and acid rain. Social Learning Group, W. C. Clark, J. Jäger, J. v. Eijndhoven and N. M. Dickson. Cambridge, MA, MIT Press: Ch. 1. Clark, W. C., J. Jäger, J. Cavender-Bares and N. M. Dickson (2001). Acid rain, ozone depletion and climate change: An historical overview Learning to manage global environmental risks, vol. 1: A 2 comparative history of social responses to climate change, ozone depletion and acid rain W. C. C. Social Learning Group, Jill Jaeger, Josee van Eijndhoven, Nancy Dickson. Cambridge, MA, MIT Press. 1: Chapter 2. Clark, W. C., J. v. Eijndhoven and J. Jaeger (2001). The long-term development of global environmental risk management: Conclusions and implications for the future Learning to manage global environmental risks, vol. 2: A functional analysis of social responses to climate change, ozone depletion and acid rain. Social Learning Group, W. C. Clark, J. Jaeger, J. v. Eijndhoven and N. M. Dickson. Cambridge, MA, MIT Press. 2: Ch. 22. Clark, W. C., J. v. Eijndhoven and N. M. Dickson (2001). Option assessment in the management of global environmental risks Learning to manage global environmental risks, vol. 2: A functional analysis of social responses to climate change, ozone depletion and acid rain. Social Learning Group, W. C. Clark, J. Jaeger, J. v. Eijndhoven and N. M. Dickson. Cambridge, MA, MIT Press. 2: Ch. 18. Clark, W., J. v. Eijndhoven, N. M. Dickson, with, G. Dinkelman, P. Haas, M. Huber, A. Liberatore, D. Liverman, E. Parson, M. Schreurs, H. Smith, V. Sokolov, F. Tóth and B. Wynne (2001). Chapter 17 - option assessment in the management of global environmental risks. Learning to manage global environmental risks: A comparative history of social responses to climate change, ozone depletion and acid rain. W. C. Clark, J. Jäger, J. v. Eijndhoven and N. M. Dickson. Cambridge, MA, MIT Press. Clark, W. and N. M. Dickson (2001). Civic science: America's encounter with global environmental risks. Learning to manage global environmental risks, vol. 1: A comparative history of social responses to climate change, ozone depletion and acid rain. .Social Learning Group, Jill Jaeger, Josee van Eijndhoven, Nancy Dickson. Cambridge, MA, MIT Press. 1: Ch. 12. Clark, W. C. (2000). Environmental globalization. Governance in a globalizing world. J. S. Nye, Jr. and J. D. Donahue. Washington, DC, Brookings Press: Ch. 4. Clark, W. C. (2000). America's national interests in promoting a transition to sustainability. U.S. Policy and the global environment: Memos to the president. D. Kennedy and J. A. Riggs. Queenstown, MD, Aspen Institute. 43: 18-27. Ruttan, V., W. C. Clark and D. Bell (1996). Sistemas globales de investigacion sobre desarrollo sustentable: Agricultura, sanidad y medio ambiente Ecologia y desarrollo: Escalas y problemas de la kialectica desarrollo-medio ambiente. F. D. Pineda. Madrid, Editorial Complutense, S.A.: 87110. Parson, E. A. and W. C. Clark (1994). Sustainable development as social learning: Theoretical perspectives and practical challenges for the design of a research program Bridges and barriers to the renewal of ecosystems and institutions. L. Gunderson, C. S. Holling and S. Light. New York, Columbia University Press: 428-460. Bell, D. E., W. C. Clark and V. Ruttan, W. (1994). Global research systems for sustainable development: Agriculture, health, and environment. Agriculture, environment, and health: Sustainable development in the 21st century. V. W. Ruttan. Minneapolis, MN, University of Minnesota Press: 358-379. Clark, W. C. (1993). Science and technology for environmentally sustainable development. Aaas science and technology yearbook 1992. S. D. Nelson and e. al. Washington, DC, AAAS: 35-40 Clark, W. C. (1991). Energy and the environment: Strategic perspectives on policy design. Energy and the environment in the 21st century. J. Tester, D. O. Wood and N. A. Ferrari. Cambridge, MIT Press: 63-78. Turner, B. L., II., W. C. Clark and R. W. Kates (1990). The great transformation: Three centuries of global environmental change induced by human activities The earth as transformed by human action. B. L. Turner, II., W. C. Clark, R. W. Kateset al. Cambridge, UK, Cambridge University Press: 1-17. Subak, S. and W. C. Clark (1990). Accounts for greenhouse gases: Towards the design of fair assessment frameworks. Usable knowledge for managing global climate change. W. C. Clark. Stockholm, The Stockholm Environment Institute: 68-100. Norberg-Bohm, V., W. C. Clark, M. Koehler and J. Marrs (1990). Comparing environmental hazards: The development and evaluation of a method based on a causal taxonomy of environmental hazards. Usable knowledge for managing global climatic change. W. C. Clark. Stockholm, Stockholm Environment Institute: 18-67. Norberg-Bohm, V., W. C. Clark and e. al. (1990). Comparing environmental hazards Usable knowledge for managing global climate change. W. C. Clark. Stockholm, The Stockholm Environment 3 Institute: 18-67 Clark, W. C. (1990). Visions of the 21st century: Conventional wisdom and other surprises in the global interactions of population, technology, and environment. Perspective 2000. K. Newton, T. Schweitzer and J.-P. Voyer. Ottawa, Canadian Government Publishing Center: 7-32. Clark, W. C. (1990). Towards useful assessments of global environmental risks. Understanding global environmental change: The contributions of risk analysis and management. R. Kasperson and e. al. Worcester, MA, Clark University: 5-22. Clark, W. C. (1989). Global change and the changing atmosphere. Ozone depletion, greenhouse gases, and climate change. N. R. Council. Washington, DC, National Academy Press: 4-9. Clark, W. C. (1989). Usable knowledge for managing global climatic change: The problem of assessment. The full range of responses to anticipated climatic change: A report the governing council of the united nations environment program. J. Jaeger. Stockholm, The Beijer Institute: Chapter 11. Clark, W. C. (1989). International policy perspectives on global atmospheric change: Expanding the range of options. Hearings on the national global change research act of 1989, february 22, 1989 (s. Hrg. 101-32). C. o. C. U.S. Senate, Science and Transportation. Washington, US Government Printing Office: 113-130. Clark, W. C. (1989). Für eine neue qualität politischer und wissenshaftlicher zusammenarbeit. Das ende des blauen planeten? Der klimakollaps: Gefahren und auswege. P. J. Crutzen and M. Müller. München, Verlag C.H. Beck: 114-131. Clark, W. C. (1988). The human dimensions of global environmental change. Towards an understanding of global change. C. o. G. C. National Research Council (U.S.). Washington, DC, National Academy Press: 134-200. Clark, W. C. (1987). Scale relationships in the interactions of climate, ecosystems and societies. Forecasting in the social and natural sciences. K. C. Land and S. H. Schneider. Dordrecht, Holland, Reidel: 337-378. Clark, W. C. (1986). Sustainable development of the biosphere: Themes for a research program. Sustainable development of the biosphere. W. C. Clark and R. E. Munn. Cambridge, UK, Cambridge University Press: 5-48. 4 Journal Articles Clark, W. C. (2007). "Sustainability science: A room of its own." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 104(6):1737-1738. Clark, W. C. (2006). "12 questions to William C. Clark." Gaia 15(3): 164-169. Morgan, M. G., R. Cantor, W. C. Clark, A. Fisher, H. D. Jacoby, A. C. Janetos, A. P. Kinzig, J. Melillo, R. B. Street and T. J. Wilbanks (2005). "Learning from the U.S. National assessment of climate change impacts." Environmental Science & Technology 39(23): 9023. Schellnhuber, H. J., P. J. Crutzen, W. C. Clark and J. Hunt (2005). "Earth systems analysis for sustainability " Environment 47(8): 10. Matson, P., W. Clark, A. Gadgil, D. Kammen, D. Kennedy, D. Liverman, R. Naylor and D. Schimel (2004). "Preface: Annual Review of Environment and Resources." Annual Review Of Environment And Resources 29: vi-viii. O'Malley, R., K. Cavender-Bares and W. C. Clark (2003). "Providing ‘Better’ Data: Not as simple as it might seem." Environment 45(4): 8-18. Khagram, S., W. C. Clark and D. Firas Raad (2003). "From the environment and human security to sustainable security and development." Journal of Human Development 4(2): 289-313. Clark, W. C. and N. M. Dickson (2003). "Sustainability science: The emerging research program." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 100(14): 80598061. Cash, D. W., W. C. Clark, F. Alcock, N. M. Dickson, N. Eckley, D. H. Guston, J. Jäger and R. B. Mitchell (2003). "Knowledge systems for sustainable development." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 100(14): 8086-8091. Kates, R. and W. C. Clark (2002). "Critical challenges for sustainability science - response." Science 297(5589): 1994-1995. Kates, R. W., W. C. Clark, R. Corell, J. M. Hall, C. C. Jaeger, I. Lowe, J. J. McCarthy, H. J. Schellnhuber, B. Bolin, N. M. Dickson, S. Faucheux, G. C. Gallopin, A. Grubler, B. Huntley, J. Jager, N. S. Jodha, R. E. Kasperson, A. Mabogunje, P. Matson and H. Mooney (2001). "Sustainability science." Science 292(5517): 641-642. Clark, W. C. (2001). "Research systems for a transition toward sustainability." Gaia 10(4): 264-266. Clark, W. C. (2001). "America's national interests in promoting a transition to sustainability." Environment 43(1): 18-27. Clark, W. C. (2001). "A transition toward sustainability." Ecology Law Quarterly 27(4): 1021-1075. O'Malley, R. and W. C. Clark (2000). "Ecosystem assessment." Issues In Science and Technology 16(4): 5-5. Clark, W. C., J. Jäger, R. Corell, R. Kasperson, J. J. McCarthy, D. Cash, S. J. Cohen, N. Dickson, P. Epstein, D. H. Guston, C. Jaeger, A. Janetos, N. Leary, M. A. Levy, A. Luers, M. McCracken, J. Melillo, R. Moss, E. A. Parson, J. C. Ribot, H.-J. Schellnhuber, G. A. Seielstad, E. Shea, C. Vogel and T. J. Wilbanks (2000). "Assessing vulnerability to global environmental risks." GEA Working paper. Frosch, R. A., W. C. Clark, J. Crawford, A. Sagar, F. T. Tschang and A. Webber (1997). "The industrial ecology of metals: A reconnaissance." Philosophical Transactions Of The Royal Society Of London Series A-Mathematical Physical And Engineering Sciences 355(1728): 1335-1347. Clark, W. C. and J. Jager (1997). "The science of climate change: A review of IPCC "Climate change 1995"." Environment 39(9): 23-28. Kates, R. W. and W. C. Clark (1996). "Environmental surprise: Expecting the unexpected?" Environment 38(2): 6-11, 28-34. Ruttan, V. W., D. E. Bell and W. C. Clark (1994). "Climate-change and food security - agriculture, health and environmental-research." Global Environmental Change-Human And Policy Dimensions 4(1): 63-77. Clark, W. C. (1991). "Dead heat - the race against the greenhouse-effect - oppenheimer,m, boyle,rh." Issues In Science And Technology 7(2): 98-100. Epstein, G. L. and W. C. Clark (1990). "2 plus 2." Science 248(4960): 1174-1174. Clark, W. C. (1990). "The human ecology of global change: Unresolved questions." GeoJournal 20(2): 143-150. 5 Clark, W. C. (1990). "Through greenhouse-colored glasses: A review of m. Oppenheimer and r. Boyle. 1990. "Dead heat: The race against the greenhouse effect"." Issues in science and technology 7(2): 98-100. Antonovsky, M. Y., R. A. Fleming, Y. A. Kuznetsov and W. C. Clark (1990). "Forest pest interaction dynamics - the simplest mathematical-models." Theoretical Population Biology 37(2): 343-367. Clark, W. C. (1989). "The human ecology of global change." International Social Science Journal 41(3): 315-345. Clark, W. C. (1989). "Managing planet earth." Scientific American 261(3): 46-54. Clark, W. C. (1988). "The human ecology of global change." John F. Kennedy School of Government Discussion paper / Science, Technology and Public Policy Program 88(01): 54. Clark, J. S. (1988). "Effect of climate change in fire regimes in northwestern minnesota." Nature 334(6179): 233-235. Zavarzin, G. A. and W. C. Clark (1987). "The biosphere and the climate: A biologist's perspective " Priroda 6: 65-77. Clark, W. C. and G. Majone (1985). "The critical appraisal of scientific inquiries with policy implications." Science Technology & Human Values 10(3): 6-19. Clark, W. C. (1985). "Scales of climate impacts." Climatic Change 7(1): 5-27. Clark, W. C. (1984). "The major biogeochemical cycles and their interactions - Bolin,B, Cook,RB." Environment 26(7): 30. Clark, W. C. and G. Marland (1984). "The CO2 question." Science 223(4640): 1014-1014. Clark, W. C. (1984). "The global biogeochemical sulfur cycle" Environment 26(7): 30. Clark, W. C. (1984). "Technical uncertainty in quantitative policy analysis." Risk Analysis 4(3): 217-218. Clark, W. C. (1983). "The carbon-dioxide review." Climatic Change 5(1): 3-5. Clark, W. C., D. D. Jones and C. S. Holling (1979). "Lessons for ecological policy design - case-study of ecosystem management." Ecological Modelling 7(1): 1-53. Clark, W. C. and C. S. Holling (1979). "Process models, equilibrium structures, and population-dynamics formulation and testing of realistic theory in ecology." Fortschritte Der Zoologie 25(2-3): 29-52. Clark, W. C., D. D. Jones and C. S. Holling (1978). "Development and evaluation of theory in ecosystem analysis - perspectives from a forest insect study." Biometrics 34(1): 151-151. Holling, C. S., D. D. Jones and W. C. Clark (1976). "Ecological policy design: Lessons from a study of forest/pest management." University of British Columbia, Institute for Resource Ecology Working Paper: 89. Clark, W. C. and H. K. Voris (1969). "Venom neutralization by rattlesnake serum albumin." Science 164(3886): 1402-&. 6 Working Papers Cash, D. W., W. C. Clark, F. Alcock, N. Dickson, N. Eckley and J. Jäger (2002). Salience, credibility, legitimacy and boundaries : Linking research, assessment and decision making. Faculty research working paper series. Cambridge, Mass., John F. Kennedy School of Government Harvard University. RWP02-46: 24. Clark, W. C., R. B. Mitchell, D. W. Cash and F. Alcock (2002). "Information as influence : How institutions mediate the impact of scientific assessments on global environmental affairs." John F. Kennedy School of Government Faculty Research Working Papers RWP02(044): 60. Kates, R. W., W. C. Clark, R. Corell, J. M. Hall, C. C. Jaeger, I. Lowe, J. J. McCarthy, H. J. Schellnhuber, B. Bolin, N. M. Dickson, S. Faucheux, G. C. Gallopin, A. Grubler, B. Huntley, J. Jager, N. S. Jodha, R. E. Kasperson, A. Mabogunje, P. Matson, H. Mooney, B. Moore, T. O'Riordan and U. Svedin (2001). Sustainability science. Faculty research working paper series ; RWP00-18. [Cambridge, Mass.], John F. Kennedy School of Government Harvard University: 13. Cash, D. and W. C. Clark (2001). From science to policy: Assessing the assessment process. Faculty research working paper series [Cambridge, Mass.], John F. Kennedy School of Government Harvard University. RWP01-45: 20. Clark, W. C. and e. al. (2000). Assessing vulnerability to global environmental risks. ENRP discussion paper. Cambridge, Mass., Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs John F. Kennedy School of Government Harvard University. Environment and Natural Resources Program Discussion Paper 2000-12: 7. Clark, W. C. (2000). America's national interests in promoting a transition toward sustainability. ENRP discussion paper. Cambridge, Mass., Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs, John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University: 14. Parris, T., W. C. Clark and C. A. Zraket (1997). Usable knowledge for managing responses to global environmental change: Promoting collaborative assessments and information systems ENRP Discussion Paper Cambridge, MA, Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University. Clark, W. C., N. M. Dickson, John F. Kennedy School of Government. Center for Science and International Affairs. and Joan Shorenstein Center on the Press Politics and Public Policy. (1995). "The press and global environmental change : An international comparison of elite newspaper reporting on the acid rain issue from 1972 to 1992." John F. Kennedy School of Government, CSIA discussion paper 95(12). Parson, E. and W. C. Clark (1993). "Sustainable development as social learning : Theoretical perspectives and practical challenges for the design of a research program." John F. Kennedy School of Government Faculty Research Working Papers R93(7): 39. Kates, R. W., W. C. Clark, V. Norberg-Bohm and B. L. Turner, II (1990). Human sources of global change Occasional Paper. Providence, RI, Institute for International Studies, Brown University. Clark, W. C. (1987). Sustainable development of the biosphere: Interactions between the world economy and the global environment. Wallace W. Atwood Lecture Series Worcester, Mass., Graduate School of Geography, Clark University: 70. Clark, W. C. (1985). On the practical implications of the carbon dioxide question. . IIASA Working Papers. Laxenburg, Austria, International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis. 85. 7 Editorials in Environment magazine Clark, W. C. (2006). "Cleaner, cheaper, safer." Environment 48(2): i. Clark, W. C., R. W. Kates, A. H. McGowan and T. O'Riordan (2005). "Science and policy for sustainable development." Environment 47(1): i. Clark, W. C. (2005). "A new social contract for science?" Environment 47(3): 2. Clark, W. C. (2005). "Planetary malpractice." Environment 47(9): 3. Clark, W. C. (2004). "Green elephants." Environment 46(7): i. Clark, W. C. (2003). "Urban environments: Battlegrounds for global sustainability." Environment 45(7): 1. Clark, W. C., R. W. Kates, A. H. McGowan and T. O'Riordan (2002). "Johannesburg and beyond." Environment 44(7): 1. Clark, W. C. (2002). "Adaptive management, heal thyself." Environment 44(2): i. Clark, W. C. (2002). "Consumption at the summit." Environment 44(6): 1. Clark, W. C. (2001). "Bush goes to marrakech." Environment 43(2): 1. Clark, W. C. (2001). "Knowledge systems for sustainable development." Environment 43(8): i. Clark, W. C. (2000). "The transformation of environmental governance." Environment 42(8): 3. Clark, W. C. (2000). "Earth day at 30." Environment 42(3): 1. Clark, W. C. (1999). "Learning to manage hazardous materials." Environment 41(9): 1. Clark, W. C. (1999). "Environmental science: Back to the future?" Environment 41(4): 1. Clark, W. C. (1998). "Making sense of environmental disaster." Environment 40(7): 1. Clark, W. C. (1998). "The local faces of global change." Environment 40(2): 1. Clark, W. C. (1998). "The environment and the elections." Environment 40(4): 1. Clark, W. C. (1997). "Brundtland plus 10, rio plus 5." Environment 39(7): 1. Clark, W. C. (1997). "Reporting on environmental protection." Environment 39(4): 1. Kates, R. W. and W. C. Clark (1996). "Environmental surprise: Expecting the unexpected?" Environment 38(2): 6-11, 28-34. Clark, W. C. (1996). "Local politics and the global environment." Environment 38(8): 1. Oriordan, T., W. C. Clark, R. W. Kates and A. McGowan (1995). "Earth-day 1995 - a celebration - an assessment - a forecast." Environment 37(3): 4-5. O'Riordan, T. and W. C. Clark (1995). "The legacy of earth day: Reflections at a turning point." Environment 37(3): 6. O'Riordan, T. and W. C. Clark (1995). "A celebration, an assessment, a forecast." Environment 37(3): 4. Clark, W. C. (1995). "A room of its own." Environment 37(1): 1. Clark, W. C. (1995). "Enhancing compliance with environmental agreements." Environment 37(4): 1. Clark, W. C. (1995). "Environmental stupidity." Environment 37(10): 1. Clark, W. C. (1995). "Environmental intelligence." Environment 37(7): 1. Clark, W. C. (1994). "Energy of scarce intelligence." Environment 36(9): 1. Clark, W. C. (1994). "Nafta: A promising first step." Environment 36(2): 1. Clark, W. C. (1993). "Learning about risk." Environment 35(2): 1. Clark, W. C. (1993). "Environmental imperialism?" Environment 35(7): 1. Clark, W. C. (1992). "Human resources for a better environment." Environment 34(1): 1-&. Clark, W. C. (1992). "Institutions for sustainable development." Environment 34(5): 1. Clark, W. C. (1991). "Slouching toward a national energy strategy." Environment 33(2): U1-U1. Clark, W. C. (1990). "The environmental president?" Environment 32(2): 1. Clark, W. C. (1990). "Trusting the experts." Environment 32(7): 1. Clark, W. C. (1989). "Global change begins at home." Environment 31(4): 1. Clark, W. C. (1989). "The politics of planetary management " Environment 31(7): 2. Clark, W. C. (1988). "Agriculture, development, and global change." Environment 30(9): 1. Clark, W. C. (1988). "Functional realism in environmental management." Environment 30(2): 1. Clark, W. C. (1987). "National security and the environment." Environment 29(5): 1. Clark, W. C. (1986). "Environmental history." Environment 28(4): 1. Clark, W. C. (1986). "Learning from the cloud." Environment 28(5): 1. Clark, W. C. (1986). "A sadness on the rhine." Environment 28(10): 1. Clark, W. C. (1985). "Green politics." Environment 27(6): 2. 8