Student Values for Flight Simulator

Flying High Aircraft Design Competition
School: ______________________
Teacher Contact:____________________________________
Please ensure you attach the 3 view General Arrangement Drawing with
your competition entry and complete as much data as possible
CG & Mass Parameters:
Centre of Gravity (CG) – Place origin of axis at the plane’s centre of
Aircraft Mass (kg) Empty: _________________________________________
Pilot’s Eye Position (m)
X coordinate: _____________________________
Y coordinate:______________________________
Z coordinate:______________________________
Wing Area (m2):____________________________________________________
Setting Angle (deg):________________________________________________
Wing Span (m):_____________________________________________________
Mean Aerodynamic Chord (m):_____________________________________
Taper Ratio:________________________________________________________
Aspect Ratio:_______________________________________________________
Dihedral Angle (deg – positive up):___________________________________
Sweep Angle (deg – positive rearwards):_____________________________
Aerodynamic centre (m from CG)
X coordinate:___________________
Y coordinate:_____________________
Aileron Span fraction:__________________________________________________
Y Moment Arm (m):____________________________________________________
Aerodynamic centre (m from CG)
X coordinate:______________________
Y coordinate:______________________
Frontal Area (m2):______________________________________________________
Fuselage length (m):____________________________________________________
Area (m2):______________________________________________________________
Aerodynamic centre (m from CG)
X coordinate:______________________
Y coordinate:______________________
Setting Angle (deg):____________________________________________________
Downwash (%) 0% for high tails, 100% for low tails:________________________
Aerodynamic centre (m from CG)
X coordinate:______________________
Z coordinate:_______________________
Area (m2):______________________________________________________________
Aerodynamic centre (m from CG)
X coordinate:______________________
Z coordinate:_______________________
Area (m2):______________________________________________________________
Type of Engine (delete as appropriate)
[Turbojet] – [Turbofan] – [Turboprop] – [Conventional Propeller]
Number of Engines:_____________________________________________________
Power/Thrust of Engine (Newtons, or BHP):_______________________________
Engine Mounting Positions (m)
Engine 1
Engine 2
Engine 3
Engine 4
Control movements (deg)
Control Surface Travel Up
Control Surface Travel Down
Almost all the data required can be measured off a scaled drawing of
your aircraft as seen from the front, the side, and the top (3 view general
arrangement drawing). A good tip is to draw in the 3D axis on the
drawings so you can measure the co-ordinates. Some of the
aerodynamic terms are explained below. The X Axis is aligned pointing
from nose to tail, positive towards the nose, the Y Axis is aligned pointing
from wing tip to wing tip, with positive to the Pilot’s Right hand side, or
“Starboard”, and the Z Axis is aligned from top to bottom, with positive
towards the bottom.
Wing Area - This is the plan view area, including the area where it passes
through the fuselage.
Setting Angle – the angle that the wing is mounted on the fuselage as
seen from the side of the plane.
Wing Span – distance measured across the wings side to side measuring
from tip to tip as seen from the front, or top.
Mean Aerodynamic chord – the average distance of the wing measured
from leading edge (front) to trailing edge (rear) in the direction of flight as
seen from the top.
Taper Ratio – the amount that the wings reduce its chord as you work
from the wing root (where it attaches to the fuselage) to the wing tip.
Calculated by dividing the “wing root chord length” by the “wind tip
chord length”, as seen from above.
Aspect Ratio – measure of how “thin” the wings are as seen from above –
high aspect ratio wings can be seen on gliders, low aspect ratio wings
can be seen on fighter aircraft. Calculated by dividing the wing span
measurement by the mean chord measurement, or by the square of the
wing span measurement divided by wing area.
Dihedral Angle – the angle that the wings make relative to the Y axis as
seen from the front of the plane.
Sweep Angle – the angle that the leading edge makes relative to the Y
axis as seen from the top of the plane.
Aerodynamic Centre – the point where all the lift of the wing or tailplane
or fin theoretically acts – made by estimation after looking at the 3 view
drawing - mark these points on to help with measurement.
Aileron Span Fraction - the proportion of ailerons length relative to the
wing span, calculated by dividing the total length of both ailerons as seen
from above, by the wing span.