SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL 2D depictions of the carbohydrate structures used in the study. A-tri B-tri 1 H-1 H-2 2 H-3 Leb 3 A-1 A-3 4 ALeb B1 5 BLeb RMSDs of the individual sugar residues (in Å) and the complete B-trisaccharide at the end of MD simulation and after OPLS minimization. Explicit solvent Final MD pose Final MD pose after OPLS minimization Implicit solvent Final MD pose Final MD pose after OPLS minimization αFuc βGal αGal Fuc-βGal moiety Total RMSD 0.561772 1.013653 0.946861 1.279817 2.431434 2.876236 0.778503 1.154432 1.540996 1.909464 0.179542 0.434186 0.630191 0.408463 3.611136 3.146234 0.463345 0.421521 2.118937 1.848797 6 Conformations adopted by the glycosidic linkages of the HBGAs during the MD and the subsequent OPLS minimization. Adiabatic energy maps for the trisaccharide moieties are shown as background for A- and B- epitopes, whereas maps for the disaccharide moieties are used otherwise. Isocontours are drawn at each kcal mol-1, colored from blue (energetically favorable) to red (energetically unfavorable). The conformations sampled during the MD runs are shown as translucent black dots; the six poses after final minimization are shown as white dots. A–tri explicit solvent A–tri implicit solvent B–tri explicit solvent B–tri implicit solvent H-1 H-2 7 H-3 Leb 8 A-1 A-3 ALeb B-1 BLeb 9