Systems, Society and Sustainable Development

Systems, Society and Sustainable Development
Reading List 2007
1) Ecological Crisis and Sustainable Development
Required Reading
Baker S. (2006) The concept of sustainable development, Chapter 2 in Sustainable
Development London, Routledge, pp. 17-48.
Parkin S., Sommer F. and Uren S. (2003) Sustainable Development: understanding
the concept and practical challenge, Engineering Sustainability 156 (1) pp. 1926.
Recommended Reading
Brown L. (2001) The Economy and the Earth, Chapter 1 in Eco-Economy London,
Earthscan, pp. 3-23.
Dresner S. (2002) From Muir to Meadows, Chapter 2 in The Principles of
Sustainability London, Earthscan, pp. 19-27.
Hardin G. (1995) The Tragedy of the Commons, Chapter 3 in Conca K., Alberty M.
and Dabelko G. (eds) Green Planet Blues, Westview Press, pp. 38-45.
Jowitt P. (2004) Sustainability and the formation of the civil engineer Engineering
Sustainability 157 pp. 79-88.
Malthus, T. R. (1798) An Essay on the Principle of Population, available online last accessed 25th
October 2006.
Ponting C. (1992) The Lessons of Easter Island, Chapter 1 in A Green History of the
World Harmondsworth, Middlesex, Penguin, pp. 1-7.
Redclift M. (2005) Sustainable Development (1987-2005): An Oxymoron Comes of
Age Sustainable Development 13 pp. 212-227.
World Commission on Environment and Development (1987) Towards Sustainable
Development, Chapter 2 in Our Common Future Oxford, Oxford University
Press, pp. 43-66.
2) Water Crises
Required Reading
Butler D. and Memon F. A. (2006) Water consumption trends and demand forecasting
techniques, in D. Butler and F. A. Memon (eds) Water Demond Management
London and Seattle, IWA Publishing, pp. 1-26.
Gleick P. (2004) The Millennium Development Goals for Water: Crucial Objectives,
Inadequate Commitments, in Gleick P. (ed.) The World’s Water 2004-2005
Washington, Island Press, pp. 1-15.
Recommended Reading
Ashley R., Blackwood D., Butler D., Davies J., Jowitt P. and Smith H. (2003)
Sustainable decision making for the UK water industry Engineering
Sustainability 156 pp. 41-49.
Bai X. and Imura H. (2001) Towards sustainable urban water resource management: a
case study in Tianjin, China Sustainable Development 9 pp. 24-35.
Shiva V. (2002) Water Wars Cambridge MA, Southend Press.
United Nations Human Settlements Programme (2005) Water and Sanitation in the
World’s Cities London and Sterling, Earthscan.
3) Tools for Sustainable Development
Required Reading
Hawken P., Lovins A. B. and Lovins L. H. (2000) The next industrial revolution,
Chapter 1 in Natural Capitalism London, Earthscan, pp. 1-21.
Kibert C. J., Sendzimir J. and Guy G. B. (2002) Defining an ecology of construction,
Chapter 1 in Construction Ecology London and New York, Spon Press, pp. 728.
Recommended Reading
Boyle C. A. (2005) Sustainable Buildings Engineering Sustainability 158 pp.41-48.
Demaid A. and Quintas P. (2006) Knowledge across cultures in the construction
industry: sustainability, innovation and design Technovation 26 pp. 603-610.
Elkington J. (1999) Introduction: Is capitalism sustainable, Chapter 1 in Cannibals
With Forks Oxford, Capstone, pp. 17-40.
Isenmann R. (2003) Industrial Ecology: shedding more light on its perspective of
understanding nature as model Sustainable Development 11 pp. 143-158.
Nicholson I. R., Chambers N. and Green P. (2003) Ecological footprint analysis as a
project assessment tool Engineering Sustainability 156 pp.139-145.
Steedman R. (2001) Engineering for Cities, Chapter 30 in Carpenter T. (ed)
Environment, Construction and Sustainable Development Chichester, John
Wiley and Sons Ltd, pp. 541-549.
4) Ecological Modernisation
Required Reading
Barry J. (2005) Ecological Modernisation, in Dryzek J. S. and Schlosberg D. (eds)
Debating the Earth 2nd edition, Oxford, Oxford University Press, pp. 303-321.
Marx L. (1999) Environmental Degradation and the Ambiguous Social Role of
Science and Technology, in Ker Conway J., Keniston K. Marx L. (eds) Earth,
Air, Fire, Water Anherst, University of Masschsetts, pp. 320-338.
Recommended Reading
Davison A. (2001) Agenda, Chapter 1 in Technology and the Contested Meanings of
Sustainability Albany, State University of New York Press, pp. 11-36.
Hay P. (2002) A Companion to Environmental Thought Edinburgh, Edinburgh
University Press.
Mol A. P. J., Sonnenfeld D. A. (eds) (2000) Ecological Modernisation Around the
World London and Portland, Frank Cass.
Plumwood V. (1993) Introduction Feminism and the mastery of nature London,
Routledge, pp. 1-18.
5) Complex systems and emerging sustainability
Required Reading
Clayton A. and Radcliffe N. (1996) Complex Adaptive Systems, Chapter 3 in
Sustainability: a systems approach Boulder, Westview Press, pp. 28-48.
Hjorth P. and Bagheri A. (2006) Navigating towards sustainable development: A
system dynamic approach Futures 38 pp. 74-92.
Recommended Reading
Allen T. F. H., Tainter J. A. and Hoekstra T.W. Supply-side sustainability New York,
Columbia University Press.
Allenby B. (2005) The Human Earth, Chapter 1 in Reconstructing Earth London,
Island Press, pp. 9-29.
Garcia E. (2000) Self-organising Complexity, Conscious Purpose and ‘Sustainable
Development’, Chapter 11 in Spaargaren G., Mol A. P. J. and Buttel F.H.
(eds) Environemtna and Global Modernity London, Sage pp. 229-253.
Gorman M. (2005) Earth systems engineering management: human behaviour,
technology and sustainability Resources, Conservation and Recycling 44 pp.
Medd W. and Marvin S. (2005) Complexity and Spatiality: Regions, Neworks and
Fluids in Sustainable Water Management, Chapter 28 in Richardson K. (ed.)
Managing Organisational Complexity: Philosophy, Theory and Application
Information Age Publishing, pp. 493-504.
6) Socio-technical systems: getting “the social” into technology
Required Reading
Hills S. and Birks R. (2004) Washroom behaviour and users' perceptions of "novel"
water-efficient appliances Water Sciences and Technology: Water Supply 4 (3)
pp. 13-23.
Sofoulis Z. (2005) Big Water, Everyday Water: A Sociotechnical Perspective
Continuum: Journal of Media and Cultural Studies 19 (4) pp. 445-463.
Recommended Reading
Shove E. (2002) Converging Conventions of Comfort, Cleanliness and Convenience,
available online last accessed 25th October 2006.
7) Prometheus unbound? An introduction to Actor-Network Theory
Required Reading
Latour B. (1992) Where are the missing masses? Sociology of a door, available online last accessed 25th
Sismondo S. (2004) Actor-network theory, Chapter 6 in An Introduction to Science
and Technology Studies Malden and Oxford, Blackwell Publishing, pp. 51-64.
Recommended Reading
Castree N. and MacMillan T. (2001) Dissolving Dualisms: Actor-networks and the
Reimagination of Nature, Chapter 11 in Castree N. and Braun B. (eds) Social
Nature: Theory, Practice and Politics London, Blackwell, pp. 208-224.
Callon M. (1986) The Sociology of an Actor-Network: The Case of the Electric
Vehicle, in Callon M., Law J. and Rip, A. (eds) Mappling the Dynamics of
Science and Technology London, MacMillan, pp. 19-34.
Latour B. (1993) Crisis, Chapter 1 in We Have Never Been Modern London,
Longman, pp. 1-12.
Mulder K. (2007) Innovation for sustainable development: from environmental design
to transition management Sustainability Science 2 pp. 253-263.
8) Sustainable consumption:
movement and engineers
Required Reading
Shove E. (2003) Consumption, Everyday Life and Sustainability, Chapter 1 in
Comfort, Cleanliness and Convenience Oxford, Berg, pp. 1-21.
van Vliet B., Chappells H. and Shove, E. (2005) Linking Utilities and Users, Chapter
2 in Infrastructures of Consumption London, Earthscan, pp. 13-27.
Recommended Reading
Klostermann J. and Cramer J. (2006) The Contextual Meaning of Sustainable
Development: The Case of the Dutch Drinking Water Sector Sustainable
Development 14 pp.268-276.
Twort A. C., Ratnayaka D.D. and Brandt M. J. (2000) Water Supply 5th Edition,
London, IWA Publishing.