BRITISH THYROID FOUNDATION Books and booklets You can order the following books and booklets from the British Thyroid Foundation (BTF). All prices include postage and packing for delivery within the UK. Thyroid Cancer: For Patients, By Patients, 2nd revised edition 2010 Please note this book is currently out of stock. This BTF booklet gives advice and support to people who have been diagnosed with thyroid cancer. Designed by thyroid cancer patients, it includes clear information about symptoms, diagnosis and treatment. There are also personal testimonies by people who have been diagnosed with and treated for thyroid cancer, as well as details of support groups. Endorsed by the British Thyroid Association, the British Association of Endocrine and Thyroid Surgeons, the Association for Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia Disorders (AMEND), Butterfly Thyroid Cancer Trust, Thyroid Cancer Support Group - Wales and HPTH UK. Published by the BTF 978-0-9565107-0-9. 64-pages. Second edition, March 2010. A5 paperback booklet. Thyroid Disease - The Facts (Fourth Edition) by Michael Tunbridge and Mark Vanderpump Thyroid Disease: The Facts is a comprehensive guide for people with thyroid disorders and their families. It describes the wide range of conditions associated with thyroid dysfunction, from simple goitres to more complex disorders such as Graves' disease and Hashimoto's thyroiditis. Written in a clear and straightforward style, there is a useful question and answer section at the end of each chapter. This edition includes new chapters, including one about thyroid disorders in infants, children and adolescents. Authors: Dr Michael Tunbridge is Emeritus Physician at the Nuffield Department of Medicine, Oxford, and Honorary Consulting Physician at Oxford Radcliffe Hospitals NHS Trust. Dr Mark Vanderpump is Consultant Physician and Senior Lecturer in Diabetes and Endocrinology with the Royal Free Hampstead NHS Trust. Published by Oxford University Press 978-0-19-920571-4, 200 pages. Fourth edition, January 2008. Paperback. Coping with Thyroid Problems by Dr Joan Gomez Please note this book is currently out of stock and no reprint is planned. Coping with Thyroid Problems looks at some of the emotional effects of underactive or overactive thyroid disorders. It gives positive, sympathetic and practical advice for a range of problems, including depression, lethargy and problems during vulnerable times of life, such as childbirth, adolescence and old age. Author: Dr Joan Gomez is a well-known expert with experience of helping people with both the medical and emotional aspects of treatment. She is Honorary Consulting Psychiatrist to the Chelsea and Westminster Hospital and Fellow of the Society of Apothecaries and also of the Royal Society of Medicine. Published by Sheldon Press 978-0-85969-687-6, 138 pages. 1994. Paperback. Created Jan 2013 books/bookorderforms/2013bookorderform final Thyroid Disorders by Dr Rowan Hillson This is a comprehensive and sympathetic guide about the thyroid gland and how it works. It discusses overactive and underactive thyroid problems, thyroid eye disorders and goitres, covering the following: how to recognise when something is wrong; visiting the doctor; diagnosis and treatment; what causes problems and how to avoid them. Author: Dr Rowan Hillson is National Clinical Director for Diabetes and consultant physician specialising in diabetes and endocrinology at Hillingdon Hospital, Uxbridge. She has been involved in the treatment of endocrine disorders for many years and is keen that people with thyroid disorders understand their condition and treatment, and are aware of the measures they can take to keep themselves healthy. Published by Vermillion 0-09-188434-9, 185 pages. 2002. Paperback. Understanding Thyroid Disorders by Dr Anthony Toft In clear non-technical language, Dr Toft explains the working of the thyroid, what can go wrong, and how the problems are treated. Author: Dr Anthony Toft, former consultant physician and endocrinologist at the Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh, specialised in the diagnosis and management of patients with thyroid disease. He was until recently President of the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh. His book Understanding Thyroid Disorders has sold over 250,000 copies. Published by: Family Doctor Publication 1-903474-19-1, 132 pages. Updated 2008. Paperback. Thyroid Problems by Dr Tom Smith In an easily accessible style, Thyroid Problems describes the symptoms of different types of thyroid problems, complications and the various treatments available. Author: Dr Tom Smith was a GP in Birmingham and South Ayrshire before becoming a medical adviser and later medical director of a major pharmaceutical company where he helped to publish clinical trials of new drugs. He has been a full time writer since 1977, publishing many popular medical books to his credit together with weekly medical columns in several regional newspapers. Published by Wellhouse Publishing Ltd 1-903-784-01-8, 128 pages. 2001 Reprinted 2010. Paperback. The Healthy Thyroid by Patsy Westcott The Healthy Thyroid (formerly Thyroid Problems) is a clear and practical guide to symptoms, treatment options and self-help measures for people who have, or think they may have a thyroid-related problem. This new edition has been restructured and updated and includes detailed information about natural health and complementary treatments, thyroid hormone tests and other orthodox medical procedures. It is an informative yet simple book that provides a ‘patients-eye’ view of thyroid imbalance. Author: Patsy Westcott is a medical and health journalist with a special interest in women’s health. Published by Harper Collins 0-00-714661-2, 247 pages. 2003. Paperback. Fast Facts: Thyroid Disorders by Gilbert H Daniels and Colin Dayan Abnormal thyroid function rivals diabetes mellitus as the most common type of endocrine disorder, and all doctors can expect to encounter thyroid disease in one form or another. These conditions are generally very responsive to treatment, but they can be difficult to diagnose not least because of frequent atypical presentations and the widespread prevalence of subclinical disease. Fast Facts: Thyroid disorders is an invaluable guide to help GPs recognise potential thyroid disorders so that they can treat and refer patients quickly. This comprehensive and practical handbook also discusses the particular challenges posed by thyroid disease during pregnancy and the management of thyroid eye disease. Authors: Gilbert H Daniels MD is Professor of Medicine at Harvard Medical School/Massachusetts General Hospital. Colin Dayan MA FRCP PhD is Head of Clinical Research at Henry Wellcome Laboratories for integrative Neuroscience and Endocrinology, University of Bristol. Published by Health Press 1-903734-65-7, 144 pages, approximately 35 illustrations. Jan 2006. Created Jan 2013 books/bookorderforms/2013bookorderform final BRITISH THYROID FOUNDATION Book/Booklet Order Form Name of Book/Booklet Member Price NonNumber Amount member of £ p Copies Price 4.50 6.50 12.25 15.25 7.25 8.25 Thyroid Disorders (Hillson) 9.25 10.25 Understanding Thyroid Disorders (Toft) 5.00 5.75 Thyroid Problems (Smith) 7.25 8.25 The Healthy Thyroid (Westcott) 11.50 13.25 Fast Facts: Thyroid Disorders (Daniels/Dayan) 12.25 15.25 Thyroid Cancer: For Patients by Patients (BTF) OUT OF STOCK Thyroid Disease: The Facts (Tunbridge/Vanderpump) Coping with Thyroid Problems (Gomez) OUT OF STOCK NO REPRINT PLANNED TOTAL Postage and Packing is included. Book orders for delivery outside the UK will incur an additional postage charge. Please contact us for further details on telephone no: +44 (0) 1423 709707, or email I am a member of the British Thyroid Foundation YES/NO Membership Number _____________ I enclose a cheque for £ ____________ made payable to ‘The British Thyroid Foundation’. My telephone number, in case of queries, is: ____________________ Name (PLEASE PRINT) Address Postcode Please send your completed order form to: Book Orders British Thyroid Foundation 3 Devonshire Place Harrogate HG1 4AA Please allow 14 days for delivery. Created Jan 2013 books/bookorderforms/2013bookorderform final