CT Anatomy - British Nuclear Medicine Society

A two-day course
17-18 January 2008
at Guy’s Hospital
CT Anatomy
Primer and Refresher
for SPET/ PET CT Reporting
This course has been organised for those wishing to further their
knowledge of the cross-sectional anatomy required for high quality
SPET/ PET CT reporting in the light of the increasing use of
registered imaging in oncological practice.
It will be held over 2 days at the Guy’s Hospital campus of King’s College
London and will be taught by experienced CT and PET CT radiologists, led by
Dr Simon Hughes. It will cover axial, sagittal and coronal anatomy both with
and without IV contrast. The anatomy taught will be directed towards
requirements for oncological SPET/ PET CT reporting from the base of the
skull to mid-thigh. The brain and lower limbs will be covered more
superficially. Each anatomical region will be reviewed in interactive sessions
during the two days and there will be ample opportunity for questions and
discussion. An extensive study text will be provided for attendees.
The course has been awarded credits through
the British Nuclear Medicine Society and CPD Scheme.
Further details of programme and venue will be posted on registration.
Course Registration Fee:
Includes coffee, light lunch and tea on both days:
(Please note advance registration is essential)
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Course Booking Form
Your Name:
Email Address:
Postal Address:
Special dietary requirements? Yes / No
Please post with cheque for £275.00 made out to “King’s College London” to:
Nina Prescod, CT Anatomy Course, Dept of Nuclear Medicine, Guy’s Hospital, St
Thomas Street, London SE1 9RT. (email: nina.prescod@kcl.ac.uk )