Lumbar and LE Intake Form - Family Care Physical Therapy

Lumbar and LE Intake Form
Date of Birth:
Referring Physician:
Insurance Type:
What was your functional status (ability to perform everyday activities) before this injury/illness?
 No difficulty  Mild Difficulty  Moderate Difficulty  Severe Difficulty
Do you have any medical restrictions?
 Yes  No
Please specify:____________________________________
Current Condition(s)/Chief Complaint(s)
Describe the problem(s) for which you seek therapy:_________________________________________________
What Happened? _____________________________________________________________________________
When did the problem begin (date)? ______________________________________________________________
Have you had the problem(s) before?
 Yes  No
If yes, how did you treat the problem(s)___________________________________________________________
Pain Assessment
Quality of Pain:  Sharp  Dull  Burning  Throbbing  Electrical  Cramping  Numbness/Tingling
Is the pain:
 Localized  Radiating
On a scale of 0-10 (0 = no pain / 10 = emergency room pain) Rate you pain at best _____ and worst_______
List all activities that make the condition better: ___________________________________________________________
List all activities that make the condition worse: ___________________________________________________________
Medical/Surgical History: Please check if you have ever had: Please check all that apply
 Arthritis
 Blood Disorders
 Stroke
 Head Injury
 Seizures
 Repeated Infections
 Thyroid Problems
 Pacemaker
 Broken Bones
 Heart Problems
 Diabetes
 Multiple Sclerosis
 Depression
 Cancer
 Skin Diseases
 Metal Implants
 Osteoporosis
 Circulation/ Vascular problems
 Lung Problems
 High Blood Pressure
 High Blood Sugar  Low Blood Sugar
 Parkinson’s Disease  Muscular Dystrophy
 Epilepsy
 Developmental/Growth problems
 Allergies
 Ulcers/Stomach problems
 Infectious Disease  Kidney Problems
 Other ________________________________________
Within the past year, have you had any of the following symptoms? Please check all that apply:
 Chest pain
 Headaches
 Loss of balance
 Joint pain/swelling
 Difficulty sleeping
 Fever/chills/sweats
 Heart palpitation  Vision Problems  Shortness of breath
 Nausea/vomiting  Pain at night
 Weakness in arms or legs
 Hearing problems  Urinary problems  Coordination problems
 Difficulty walking  Bowel problems  Dizziness/Blackouts
 Loss of appetite
 Weight loss/gain  Difficulty swallowing
 Other ______________________________________________________________
Are you taking any prescription drugs?  Yes  No If yes, please list or let us photocopy your list:
Do you take any nonprescription drugs? (Check all that apply)
 Decongestants  Antacids  Ibuprofen/Naproxen
 Antihistamines  Aspirin
 Advil
 Tylenol  Herbal Supplements
 Vitamins
 Other___________________________________________________________________________________
Do you have any drug allergies?
Yes  No If yes, please specify ____________________________
Other Clinical Tests
Within the past year, have you had any of the following tests (Check all that apply)
 X-Ray
 CT Scan  Other____________________________________________
Where did you go for the tests? ___________________________________________________________
When did you have the tests done? ________________________________________________________
Do you give us permission to obtain a copy of the report(s)? If yes, please initial here ________________
Have you ever had surgery?  Yes  No – Please describe, and include dates: ____________________________
Functional Status
Are you currently having difficulty moving/rolling in bed?............................................................... Yes
Are you currently having difficulty moving from laying down to sitting? ........................................ Yes
Are you currently having difficulty moving from sit to stand? .......................................................... Yes
Are you currently having difficulty sitting for long periods of time? ................................................ Yes
Are you currently having difficulty standing for long periods of time? ............................................. Yes
Are you currently having difficulty walking? .................................................................................... Yes
Are you currently having difficulty walking long distances? ............................................................. Yes
Are you currently having difficulty going up/down stairs? ............................................................... Yes
Are you currently having difficulty bending over? ............................................................................ Yes
Are you currently having difficulty lifting objects from the ground? ................................................ Yes
 No
 No
 No
 No
 No
 No
 No
 No
 No
 No
Are you currently having difficulty with activities of daily living (dressing, grooming, housework)?.....Yes
 No
If yes, please specify what daily activities you are having difficulties with:_________________________
Please rate these daily activity limitations (please circle):
/ Severe
Unable to perform
Are you having difficulties with work activities?.....................................................................................
Yes  No
If yes, please specify which work activities you are having difficulty with__________________________________
Please rate these work limitations (please circle) :
/ Severe
Unable to perform
Are you having difficulties with recreation activities?............................................................................ Yes  No
If yes, please specify which recreational activities you are having difficulty with__________________________
Please rate these limitations (please circle):
/ Severe
Unable to perform
What are your goals for Physical Therapy? _________________________________________________________