Academy of Internal Medicine for Veterinary Technicians

Academy of Internal Medicine for
Veterinary Technicians
Due to the AIMVT Credentialing Committee by
September 1st for application in the year 20__
Name of Applicant _______________________________________________________
Subspecialty of Small Animal
Large Animal
Cardiology Neurology Oncology
Applicant's email Address _________________________________________________
Applicant’s contact information _____________________________________________
It is extremely important both pages of this form be completed in its entirety. The
individual whose name appears above has applied for candidacy as a Veterinary
Technician Specialist in Internal Medicine, and this letter of recommendation is required
before the candidate's application can be accepted. Please answer the questions below in
as candid and as specific a manner as possible. When complete, mail directly to:
P.O. Box 75221
Seattle, WA 98175-0221
Be assured that your comments will be held in the strictest confidence and the applicant
will not have access to your letter or the information it contains.
Name of person completing this form _________________________________________
Credentials ______________________________________________________________
Address ________________________________________________________________
Phone Number ______________________ Relationship to applicant _______________
Email Address ___________________________________________________________
How long have you known the applicant? ______________________________________
Under what circumstances have you known the applicant? ________________________
How would you describe the applicant's moral character, integrity, and sincerity of
commitment to the veterinary technician profession?
How would you describe the applicant's professional ethics, trustworthiness and honesty
in a professional setting?
How would you describe the applicant's technical ability as a veterinary technician in the
field of internal medicine? (Please be specific.)
Are there any other general comments you would like to add regarding the applicant?
Thank you for your participation on behalf of the applicant and AIMVT. Please mail
directly to the address indicated above, to ensure confidentiality.