Mathematics and Calculus Teachers` Day

You are invited to attend the 2012
Auckland Mathematical Association
Mathematics and Calculus Teachers' Day
Monday 19 November 2012
Tamaki Innovation Campus,
University of Auckland
Morrin Road, Glen Innes,
[see map below]
9.00 am – 3.00pm
AMA School Members
$80 (incl. GST)
AMA Personal Members
$60 (incl. GST)
$100 (incl. GST)
Pre-service Teachers
$80 (incl. GST)
9.00 am – 10 am
Sergiy Klymchuk [AUT]
Paradoxes, Provocations, Sophisms and Counterexamples in
10 am – 10.30 am Morning tea
10.30 am – 11.30 am Workshop 1
Greg Oates [University of Auckland]
Calculus trends around the world
Greg will report on some interesting research and developments coming out of the
recent Delta and ICME conferences held in Rotorua in December 2011, and Seoul Korea
in July 2012 respectively. These will include technology developments; attempts to
encourage descriptive and analytical writing in higher mathematics courses; a
reconsideration of the order in which we teach differentiation and integration; and
some examples which challenge instructors' knowledge.
Pablo Mejia-Ramos [Rutgers University, New Jersey]
Pablo will present a workshop considering the design of proof comprehension tests
which he has developed, and their relevance to the teaching of Calculus and the
justifications (not necessarily proofs) usually given in that context.
Noelene Dunn [Tamaki College]
Google docs in the mathematics classroom
Session will be basic and will cover how to ;
 set up a google site
 use google docs (share, comment, view)
 use teacher dashboard
 a look at guidelines for an e-portfolio
Louise Addison [McAuley High School]
Year 11 Algebra – Complex and Branchy not Simple and Linear
This workshop will look at my algebra teaching with a mid-band Year 11 class this
year. My goal has been to develop students’ structural understanding of algebra as
opposed to memorising algorithms.
Mark Phillips [Macleans College]
Data and predicting grades
A session for teachers looking to use student achievement data to inform placement
and learning decisions. Mark will demonstrate a program Macleans has developed to
track students’ development.
11.30 am – 12.30 pm Workshop 2
Ricky Pederson [De la Salle College]
Forensics, Pizza and real life contexts
In the first half of this session we will look at ways to make learning more interesting in
the classroom using a crime scene. We will look at some of the mathematics behind
blood spatter analysis, Newton’s law of cooling, and bone measurements. In the second
half of this session we will look at a group activity for measurement which I have
developed using pizza dough. Finally if there is a time I will show some ideas for real
life contexts in which you can teach your class to make Mathematics more accessible to
your students.
Grahame Atkinson [Kristen School]
Flipped classroom
The “flipped classroom” is an idea that has come from the States and is about turning
the teaching time around by using technology. The teacher makes videos of teaching
the skills and the students watch them at home rather than doing homework. Class
time becomes an environment where the students know how to do the skill and then
practice answering questions with the teacher as a facilitator. Anyone who attends
should bring their laptop because Graham wants to show how free screen capture
software can be used.
Bill Barton & Antoine Nectoux [University of Auckland]
A New Vignette or Two: Calculus for Teachers' Pleasure
We will present a new vignette or two from the international Klein Project that aims to
produce writing on contemporary mathematics for the pleasure and inspiration of
secondary teachers. Come and find out where mathematics is taking us.
Judy Paterson [University of Auckland]
"I was just wondering... "
Helping students use questions to unlock their thinking.
May Meng [Kings College]
Further Maths
A Level Mathematics and an approach to preparing students for this course.
12.30 pm – 1.30 am Lunch
1.30 pm – 2.30 pm Workshop 3
Julia Novak [University of Auckland]
The journey of simultaneous equations from school to university
Students often solve simultaneous equations in order to find solutions to word
problems that have been contrived for this purpose. We shall discuss different ways in
which to approach simultaneous equations in the classroom and how conceptual
understanding can be fostered through abstraction.
Richard Catterall [Hutt International Boys School]
Eton Maths.
Priscilla Allen [Pakuranga College]
This workshop is about supporting students learning with the use of wikispaces,
Facebook groups and YouTube. The most popular videos, the students interactions
within their class Facebook groups and the archiving of lessons on wikispaces will be
discussed. Priscilla creates screen capture videos using calculator emulators, PDF
annotator, paint, geogebra, web pages and the free video capture program Flipped classroom? Not quite, but it is 24/7
Mike Thomas [University of Auckland]
Discuss the meaning of terms, such as ‘polynomial’, and a chance to investigate some
little known properties of low order polynomials.
Jamie Sneddon [University of Auckland]
Level 2 Networks
Discrete mathematics is an important branch of mathematics. The new Achievement
Standard 2.6 (91260) "Apply network methods in solving problems" is an interesting
and accessible introduction to graph theory, one of the largest branches of discrete
This workshop will cover:
* five algorithms for solving network problems covered by the standard, including one
you might not know
* two more network problems not covered by the standard students might ask about
* hands-on activities for working with students
* differences between 'real world' and 'mathematical world' networks
* possible merit / excellence questions about networks (opportunities for students to
show relational and extended abstract reasoning)
You are invited to attend the 2012
Auckland Mathematical Association
Mathematics and Calculus Teachers' Day
Registration (Register now)
Please register by Thursday 15 November
Registrations will be confirmed by email
In the event that registrations exceed capacity we reserve the right to limit the
number of confirmed registrations per school
Payment should be made to the Auckland Mathematical Association as soon as
possible after registration is confirmed (see below for payment details)
TEACHER/S : ………………………………………………………………………………………..
ORDER NUMBER: ………………………
1A 1B 1C 1D 1E
2A 2B 2C 2D 2E
3A 3B 3C 3D 3E
1A 1B 1C 1D 1E
2A 2B 2C 2D 2E
3A 3B 3C 3D 3E
1A 1B 1C 1D 1E
2A 2B 2C 2D 2E
3A 3B 3C 3D 3E
Payment details
Auckland Mathematical Association, GST number 55-126-402
Internet banking preferred
 Account No. 12 3031 0788930 00
 Use reference code: MathsDay and the name of your school
If paying by cheque or order number
 Make cheques payable to Auckland Mathematical Association
 Post cheque to:
Auckland Mathematical Association
PO Box 26 226
Auckland 1344
Notice of late withdrawal
If, after your place is confirmed, you cannot attend, you are welcome to send a
replacement from your school. If you don't have a replacement please let us know
because there could be a waiting list.
Queries Contact AMA Office <>