Period 1— Pre-AP Spanish, Room 208 Students whose

Period 1— Pre-AP Spanish, Room 208
Students whose presentations were scheduled for today will need to do theirs tomorrow.
Quiz scheduled for today will be tomorrow.
A. Newspaper excercise:
Open web browser and go to
Right click on the image of the newspaper and open in a new tab, then click on the image to make it
bigger. If someone writes the true/false statements on the board, you can just leave the image up until
everyone is finished with the newspaper.
True or False
1. A hundred thousand dead in Haiti.
2. Uribe, the president of Columbia, wants to change the constitution so he can be re-elected.
3. International organizations from the Americas and Europe aid Haiti.
4. Amchan presents its new list of demands.
5. Sinapred does not report victims of strong winds.
B. Have students read “Peso Ancestral” by Alfonsina Storni. Students can work in pairs or groups.
Each student or group needs to come up with the following:
1. A list of words that they needed to look up, along with their translations. If they are verbs, they
should also say which verb tense is being used in the poem (i.e. lloró is the preterit third person of
llorar which means to cry, so it means “he cried”.)
2. A list of images that Storni evokes in the poem. This can be written descriptively or it can be
illustrations of Storni’s words (i.e. No lloró mi padre evokes the image of an adult, responsible
man, who has reason to cry, but is maintaining an appearance of strength. . . .me dijiste evokes
the man speaking confidentially to a woman, while he himself is hurting and does not want to cry.)
3. An analysis of rhyme scheme and syllabication.
4. An individual response to the poem, in Spanish. What do you feel when you read the poem?
What does it make you think of? What other works are similar to it? What do you think Storni
was expressing?
Periods 3/5 and period 6—Spanish 5, room 207
Students will get into the following groups and prepare a presentation on their Romance.
In order to complete their presentation, each group needs to accomplish the following:
1. Read your poem, looking up any words that you are uncertain of. Make a list of words and
2. Compare your particular Romance to medieval Romances using the description of “Romance del
Rey Moro que Perdió Alhama,” along with any other information you know about the traditional
Romances. Write down your comparison in Spanish, to prepare for you poresentation.
3. Look for any literary techniques you can describe, including any metaphors. Describe what
effects each technique produces. Be prepared to explain it to the class in Spanish.
4. Come up with a simplified version of a story that can explain the poem. This will be a crucial,
essential part of your presentation. If you have not come up with a story to explain the poem, you
have not helped your classmates understand it. Be sure you can back up your narrative by
referring to specific parts of the poem.
For “Romance de la luna, luna” a story might have looked something like this:
Hay un chico. Su padre trabaja en una fragua y el niño ayuda. Por eso, el niño sabe mucho de los metales.
Una noche que el niño tiene mucho sueño, él mira a la luna mientras está durmiéndose. En sus sueños el
niño imagina que la luna es una mujer y los gitanos quieren agarrarla. El niño sueña que habla con la luna
y la luna habla con él. Sueña que los gitanos están acercándose y la luna viene y que él y la luna escapan
juntos, volando en el cielo.
It is certainly posible to come up with various different stories to explain your poem, so be sure
that your story works with what is actually written in the poem.
5. Draw a picture, to illustrate your poem.
Once we have completed the presentations, you will be responsible for comparing Lorca’s poems to each
other and to medieval Romances.
La Monja Gitana
Brian Eldridge
Amanda Fruitt
Becca Judson
Tyler Comstock
Romance de la Pena Negra
Molly Siglin
Emily DiPetta
Meghan Collins
Molly Morgan
Prendimiento de Antoñito el Camborio en el
camino de Sevilla
Logan Nicholson
Tiffany Ronan
Emily Augustine
McKenzie Spallone
Muerte de Antoñito el Camborio
Wyatt Vosburg
Samantha Potter
Kassy Augustine
Connor Delaney
Period 6
Romance Sonámbulo
Megan Forsyth
Kristen Harper
Megan Kelly
Mike Mann