*Jin walks in surgery room

Chris – Peter’s father
Jin – Peter
Jonathan – Dr. Freeman
*Chris wakes up*
Chris: Peter! Time for breakfast!
*No response*
Chris: Oh, I hope he’s not talking to the wall again…
Peter? What on earth are you doing?
*Peter is shaking and trembling next to his bed.
Peter: Dad, I hear voices, I think they want to hurt me, dad, help me…
Chris: *Sigh* I told you son, there are no voices, only the two of us live here…how many
*Peter throws cup at door*
*Phone rings*
Jonathan: Hello?
Chris: Dr. Freeman? Hello?
Jonathan: Yes, how may I help you?
Chris: I’m in an urgent emergency; my son Peter is having a mental breakdown. He
claims he is hearing voices but there is only the two of us in our house! Now he keeps
throwing things in the house and is potentially dangerous!
Jonathan: Hmm…yes I see.
Chris: I read in the newspaper you cured a mentally deranged man a few days ago with a
process called…lobo…
Jonathan: Lobotomy I presume.
Chris: Yes sir, Lobotomy, is it possible to use this method on Peter?
Jonathan: Sir, you do realize that this process will severe the frontal lobes of his brain,
but will definitely decrease Peter’s potential danger to the public citizens.
Chris: yes sir! Please I am desperate to find a cure!
Jonathan: Alright sir, bring him over to Psycho Avenue, 32-33
Chris: I’ll be there as soon as I can.
*Jin walks in surgery room
Jonathan – Mr. Freeman
Jin – Mr. Czar (Schizophrenic patient)
Jonathan: Ah Mr. Czar how are you today? Of course, that wouldn’t be such a plausible
question to ask you, but there is no harm in trying. So, how are you?
Jin: I’m fine, thank you, why is it so loud in here? Are they talking to you too?
Jonathan: Voices? There’s only me and…Oh right, yes certainly they’re talking to me
Jin: Really? What are they saying to you? People say that you’re going to kill me, is that
Jonathan: Why, that is nonsense! All that is going to happen, is you are going to take a
little nap, and when you wake up you’ll be a completely different person. (Creepy smile)
Jin: Really? Can you help me stop hearing their voices?
Jonathan: “Their voices?” Oh yes, I mean of course, nobody will bother you anymore, I
can guarantee it.
Jin: Then let’s get started quickly!
Jonathan: All right, please lie down here. (Prepares metal chopsticks)
Jin: I think I read about you in the newspaper. You did something with those sticks, I
can’t remember what. Oh! You made them safer and more stable! Is that what you’re
going to do with me?
Jonathan: Hm…not exactly no.
Jin: Then what are you going to do to me?
Jonathan: As I said, I’ll help you stopping hearing these voices. And with these metal
sticks, I will help you.
Jin: Oh good, but what are you going to do with them? Are you going to stab me? You’re
going to kill me! Just as they told me! I want go get out, I want out!
Jonathan: Easy there, calm down, I am not going to kill you, what are they saying to you?
Ask them who they are.
Jin: Well why can’t you do it?
Jonathan: Because I’m busy and I’m the one who’s healing you, now ask!
Jin: Ok. Who are you people, and how do you know he’s going to kill me?
Jonathan: Well?
Jin: They say they are patients that you killed. They’ve told me what you do with those
metal sticks. You monster! Monster!
Jonathan: Calm down! Calm down, electrocutes Jin There, now I have tranquilized you,
it is time to operate. Hammers metal sticks up Jin’s eyes
A day later
Jin comes back in again to see Jonathan
Jonathan: Do you hear voices now Mr. Czar? Are they still bothering you?
Jin: Shaking no. No…no
Jonathan: Good! Now nobody will bother you and you will not bother them.
Jin: Shaking and nodding
Newspaper, Mr. Freeman kills Schizophrenic patient