FRIENDS OF KEMPLEY CHURCHES Title: Mr / Mrs / Miss / Ms / Other __________ Registered Charity No. 1108735 First Name _______________ Surname ___________________ DONATION/MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION FORM Address _____________________________________________ The Friends of Kempley Churches work with English Heritage to care for St Mary’s and support the Parochial Church Council to help maintain St Edward’s. ____________________________________________________ _________________________ Post Code _________________ The aim of the Friends is to advance public education through the promotion, encouragement, development and dissemination of knowledge of the history, heritage and environment of the churches of Kempley and the involvement of the churches with villagers and other residents of the surrounding area. The furtherance of religion by the provision of financial assistance for the churches and to liaise appropriately with English Heritage concerning the structure, contents and environment of St Mary’s Church. The funds raised by the Friends are devoted exclusively to the maintenance of the Church buildings, their fabric, fittings and furnishings, and of the churchyards. The exception to this is the public liability insurance required to hold services at St Mary’s. The funds will not be used for the diocesan quota or running costs. If you would like to make a donation or join The Friends of Kempley Churches please complete this form. Use Gift Aid and you can make your donation/membership worth more. For every pound you give us we get an extra 25 pence from the Inland Revenue. So just tick here, it’s that simple. To qualify for Gift Aid, what you pay in income tax or capital gains tax must at least equal the amount we will claim in the tax year. Email address ________________________________________ Please choose one of the following options: Membership (minimum) of £10.00 per annum. Life Membership £100 Donation* I enclose my donation subscription of £__________ * You can also contribute using “Just Text Giving” on your mobile phone. Text the code FOKC11 followed by the amount you wish to donate (e.g. £10) to 70070. If you are a tax payer you can also add GIFT AID to increase your donation. You will then receive a receipt. Signature ________________________________________ Date ________________________________________ Please make cheques payable to The Friends of Kempley Churches. Send completed form to: The Membership Officer, Mrs S Molesworth, Brookside, Kempley, Dymock, Gloucestershire GL18 2BS