Vascular Calcification in Chronic Kidney Disease

一、課程時間:2009 年 7 月 17 日 15:00~17:00
二、講題:Vascular Calcification in Chronic Kidney Disease 慢性腎
三、講師:高雄長庚醫院 李建德醫師
五、報名方式:請於 7 月 15 日前向吳明容報名,聯絡方式:
08-7368686 分機 5925 轉 112。
六、課程費用:每人 500 元。
Vascular Calcification in Chronic Kidney Disease
Chien-Te Lee M.D., Ph.D.
Division of Nephrology, Department of Internal Medicine,
Chang-Gung Memorial Hospital, Kaohsiung
It is well-recognized that patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD) are at
increased risk of cardiovascular morbidity and mortality. Almost half of chronic
dialysis patients eventually die of cardiovascular disease. Vice versa, high risk
cardiovascular disease populations tend to develop CKD. Therefore, CKD has
emerged as a risk factor of cardiovascular disease. To explain this association, there
are factors linking these two organ damage, constituting the dominant feature of
cardiorenal syndrome.
Apart from occlusive arterial disease as seen in atherosclerosis, which is mostly
confined to intima, vascular calcification occurs specifically on the medial component
of vessel wall, also known as Mönckeberg’s arteriosclerosis. This vasculopathy can
lead to poor cardiovascular compliance, and in association with the intima lesion,
cause significant cardiovascular morbidity and mortality. Moreover, valvular
calcification observed in dialysis patients has been shown to have similar impact as
arterial calcification. The pathomechanism of vascular calcification is complex and
multiple. In addition to traditional factors such as aging, hypertension and diabetes,
there are uremia-associated factors commonly occurred in CKD. Disordered
calcium/phosphate metabolism, hyperparathyroidism, chronic inflammation, oxidative
stress and anemia all play a pivotal role in mediating vasculopathy. Treatment
strategies have been assigned to include both pharmacological and
non-pharmacological therapy to prevent, retard and even reverse the pathological
process. New agents such as vitamin D analog, non-calcium and non-aluminum
containing phosphate lowering drugs and anti-inflammatory agents are currently
available, their effects in terms of long term outcome remains unsettled.
In conclusion, vascular calcification with resultant vasculopathy is a major
underlying pathology responsible for high cardiovascular disease in patients with
CKD. This vascular abnormality is even a prognostic maker of all-cause mortality,
indicating a strong association with outcome. With more understanding of this
evolving issue, therapeutic potential is anticipated to halt the progression of CKD as
well as improve the survival of chronic dialysis patients.
Chien-Te Lee M.D., Ph.D.
Year of birth: 1963
Office Address: Division of Nephrology, Department of Internal Medicine,
Chang-Gung Memorial Hospital, Kaohsiung Medical Center
123, Ta-Pei Rd., Niao-Sung Hsiang, Kaohsiung Hsien 833,
Taiwan, R.O.C.
TEL: 886-77317123, Ext 8306
FAX: 886-77322402
M.D. Kaohsiung Medical College, Kaohsiung, Taiwan (29)
Ph.D. Graduate Institute of Medicine, Kaohsiung Medical
University, Taiwan
Thesis: Molecular Mechanism of Calcium and Magnesium
Transport by Renal Distal Tubule
Post-Graduate Training:
1. 1987-1988 Internship, Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, Taipei, Taiwan
2. 1990-1993 Residency, Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, Kaohsiung, Taiwan
3. 1993-1995 Fellowship, Division of Nephrology, Chang Gung Memorial
Hospital, Taipei, Taiwan
4. 2000-2001 Research fellow, Renal Lab., Arizona Health Sciences Center,
University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona, U.S.A.
5. 2003 July-Sep Research fellow, Renal Lab., Arizona Health Sciences Center,
University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona, U.S.A.
Faculty Appointment:
1995-- present Attending in the Division of Nephrology, Department of Internal
Medicine, Chang-Gung Memorial Hospital, Kaohsiung
Instructor, Section of Nephrology, Department of Medicine,
Chang-Gung Memorial Hospital
Assistant professor, Mei-Ho Institute of Technology
(助理字第 009408 號)
Assistant professor, Section of Nephrology, Department of
Medicine, Chang-Gung Memorial Hospital
Acta Nephrologica 編輯委員 (2004-07)
Associate Chief, Department of Internal Medicine,
Chang-Gung Memorial Hospital, Kaohsiung
Assistant professor, Faculty of Renal Care,
Kaohsiung Medical University
Board of directors, The Society of Ultrasound in Medicine, the
Republic of China 中華民國超音波醫學會第十一、十二屆理事
Associate professor, Section of Nephrology, Department of
Medicine, Chang-Gung Memorial Hospital
Deputy Secretary, Taiwan Society of Nephrology
Journal of Medical Ultrasound 編輯委員
BioMedicine 編輯委員
Licensers and Certifications:
1. 1988 Licensed to Practice Medicine in the Republic of China
2. 1993 Certified Specialist in Internal Medicine in the Republic of China
3. 1994 Certified Specialist in Nephrology in the Republic of China
Professional Affiliations:
Membership of Formosa (Taiwan) Medical Association, 1994-present
Membership of Taiwan Society of Nephrology, 1994-present
Instructor and Membership of the Society of Ultrasound in Medicine (R.O.C.),
1999-present (instructor), 1995-present (member),
Membership of International Society of Nephrology (ISN), 1995-present
Membership of the Taiwan Society of Critical Care Medicine, 1999-present
1. Lee Chien-Te, Hsu Kuo-Tai. Dialysis in the elderly. Kidney and Dialysis
(Chinese) 1995; 7: 210-215.
2. Lee Chien-Te, Chuang Feng-Rong, Hsu Kuo-Tai, Lam King-Kwan,
Liao Shang-Chih, Liu Chin-Chu, Chen Jin-Bor, Jang Shyh-Woei,
Chien Yu-Shu, Pan Hsien-Heng. Clinical experience of automated
double filtration plasmapheresis. Chang Gung Medical Journal
1996; 19: 305-312.
3. Lee Chien-Te, Hsu Kuo-Tai. Nephrogenic ascites. Kidney and Dialysis.
(Chinese) 1997; 9: 186-190.
4. Tsai Meng-Shang, Lee Chien-Te. Rhabdomyolysis mimicking upper extremity
deep vein thrombosis. Kidney and Dialysis (Chinese) 1997; 9: 243-246.
5. Lee Chih-Hsiung, Lam King-Kwam, Fung Si-Tun, Lee Chien-Te, Hsu Kuo-Tai.
Early recognition of unsuspected malignant hyperthermia and successful
management of severe myoglobinuric renal failure in subsequent
rhabdomyolysis. Chang Gung Medical Journal 1998; 21: 211-216.
6. Lee Chien-Te, Lam King-Kwan, Liao Shang-Chih, Chen Jin-Bor, Hsu Kuo-Tai.
The significance of syphilis serology tests on long-term hemodialysis patients.
Chang Gung Medical Journal 1998; 21: 447-452.
7. Lee Chien-Te, Wu Mai-Szu, Lu Kang, Hsu Kuo-Tai. Renal tubular acidosis,
hypokalemic paralysis, rhabdomyolysis, and acute renal failure- a rare
presentation of Chinese herbal nephropathy. Renal Failure 1999; 21(2): 227-230.
8. Hung Kuei-Hung, Lee Chien-Te, Lam King-Kwan, Chuang Feng-Rong, Hsu
Kuo-Tai, Chen Jin-Bor, Chien Yu-Shu, Pan Hsien-Heng. Ischemic bowel disease in
chronic hemodialysis patients. Chang Gung Medical Journal 1999; 22: 82-87.
9. Chou Fong-Fu, Lee Chiang-Hsuan, Lee Chien-Te. Muscle force and bone mineral
density after parathyroidectomy and subcutaneous autotransplantation for
secondary hyperparathyroidism. World Journal Surgery 1999; 23: 452-457. (SCI)
10. Wang Yau-Huei, Lee Chien-Te, Hsu Kao-Tai, Chen Jin Bor. Hyperglycemic
hyperosmolar non-ketotic syndrome in hemodialysis patients. Chang Gung
Medical Journal 1999; 22: 453-459.
11.Lee Chien-Te, Liao Shang-Chih, Hsu Kuo-Tai, Lam King Kuan, Chen Jin-Bor.
Low dose desferrioxamine can improve erythropoiesis in iron-overload
hemodialysis patients without side effects. Renal Failure 1999; 21: 665-673. (SCI)
12. Chuang Yao-Cheng, Lee Chien-Te, Chen Jin-Bor, Chee Esther Chung-Yin.
Experience in the treatment of myasthenia gravis with double filtration
plasmapheresis. Chang Gung Medical Journal 2000; 23: 80-86.
13. Liu Ting-Tsan, Chen Jin-Bor, Chen Wei-Jen, Kuo Ching-Yuan, Lee Chien-Te.
Idiopathic myelofibrosis associated with renal extramedullary hematopoiesis
and nephrotic syndrome: case report. Chang Gung Medical Journal 2000; 23:
14. Lee Chien-Te, Guo How-Ran, Chen Jin-Bor. Hyponatremia in the emergency
department: a prospective study. The American Journal of Emergency Medicine
2000; 18: 264-268. (SCI)
15. Lee Chien-Te, Chen Jin-Bor. Plasmapheresis. Kidney and Dialysis (Chinese)
2000; 12: 18-25.
16. Lee Hua-Cheng, Lee Chien-Te, Chen Jin-Bor. Continuous ambulatory peritoneal
dialysis-related peritonitis complicated with intra-abdominal abscess. Kidney and
Dialysis (Chinese) 2000; 12: 37-39.
17. Lee Chien-Te, Lee Chiang-Hsuan, Chou Fong-Fu Chou, Chang Hsueh-Wen,
Chen Jin-Bor. Increased bone mineral density after desferrioxamine treatment in
chronic hemodialysis patients with aluminum bone disease. Dialysis &
Transplantation 2000; 29: 733-741. (SCI)
18. Lee Chien-Te, Huang Chao-Cheng, Lam King-Kwan, Chen Jin-Bor. Kimura’s
disease in a chronic hemodialysis patient. American Journal of Nephrology 2001;
21: 47-50. (SCI)
19. Lee Chien-Te, Ng Shu-Hang, Ko Sheung-Fat, Lieu Chien-Wei, Chen Jin-Bor.
Culture-negative tuberculous enterovesical fistula mimicking late urological
complication after radiotherapy. International Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung
Disease 2001; 5: 687. (SCI)
20. Hung Kuei-Hung, Lee Chien-Te, Gau Yih-Lan, Chen Jin-Bor. Neglected bilateral
femoral fractures in a patient with end-stage renal disease before chronic dialysis.
Renal Failure 2001; 6:827-831. (corresponding author, SCI)
21. Lee Chien-Te, Hung Kuei-hung, Fang Jenn-Shing, Chen Miao-Chen, Chen
Jin-Bor Hsu Kuo-Tai. The implications of sonographic identification of duplex
kidney in adults. Chang Gung Medical Journal 2001; 24: 778-783.
22. Lin CR, Yang LC, Lee T-H, Lee CT, Huang HT, Sun WZ, Cheng JT.
Electroporation-mediated pain-killer gene therapy for mononeuropathic rats. Gene
Therapy 2002; 18: 1247-1253. (SCI)
23. Lee Chien-Te, Hung Kuei-Hung, Lee Chih-Hsiung, Eng Hock-Liew, Chen
Jin-Bor. Chronic hypercalcemia as the presenting feature of tuberculous peritonitis
in a hemodialysis patient. American Journal of Nephrology 2002; 22: 555-559.
24. Lee Chien-Te, Huynh Viet M, Lai Li-Wen Lai, Lien Yeong-Hau. Cyclosporine
A-induced hypercalciuria in calbindin-D28k knockout and wild type mice. Kidney
International 2002; 62: 2055-2061. (SCI)
25. Lin Chung-Ren, Yang Lin-Cheng, You Huey-Ling, Lee Chien-Te, Tai Ming-Hong
Tan Ping-Heng, Lin Ming-Wei, Cheng Jiin-Tsuey. Antinociceptive potentiation
and attenuation of tolerance by intrathecal electric stimulation in rats. Anesth
Analg 2003; 96: 1711-6. (SCI)
26. Chou Fong-Fu, Lee Chiang-Hsuan, Lee Chien-Te, Huang Fu-Jen, Hsu
Kuan-Long. Spermatogenesis after parathyroidectomy in patients with
symptomatic secondary hyperparathyroidism. Journal American College Surgery
2003; 196: 854-858. (SCI)
27. Hung Kuei-Hung Hung, Lee Chien-Te, Chen Jin-Bor, Hsu Kao-Tai. Tuberculous
peritonitis in uremic patients. Clinical Nephrology 2003; 60: 113-118. (SCI)
28. Lee Chien-Te, Lin Jui-Wei, Hsu Kenneth, Chen Tai-Yi, Chen Jin-Bor. Concurrent
renal cell carcinoma and transitional cell carcinoma in a chronic hemodialysis
patient. Renal Failure 2003; 25: 863-870. (SCI)
29. Lee Chien-Te, Chou Fong-Fu Chou, Chang Hsueh-Wen, Hsu Yun-Hsuan, Lee
Wen-Chin, Liao Shang-Chih, Chen Jin-Bor. Effects of parathyroidectomy on iron
homeostasis and erythropoiesis in hemodialysis patients with severe
hyperparathyroidism. Blood Purification 2003; 21: 369-375. (SCI)
30. Chuang Chung-Hua, Lee Chien-Te, Tasi Tsung-Lin, Chen Jin-Bor, Hsieh
Hwei-Ho. Urological malignancy in chronic dialysis patients. Acta Nephrologica
2002; 16: 19-24. (Corresponding author; published on August, 2003)
31. Cheng BC, Chang WN, Chen JB, Chee EC, Huang CR, Lu CH, Chang CJ, Hung
PL, Chuang YC, Lee CT, Lee PY, Wang KW, Chang HW. Long-term prognosis
for Guillain-Barre syndrome: Evaluation of prognostic factors and clinical
experience of automated double filtration plasmapheresis. Journal of Clinical
Apheresis 2003; 18: 175-180. (SCI)
32. Chen Jin-Bor, Pan Hsien-Heng, Lee Chih-Hsiung, Chien Yu-Shu, Lee Chien-Te,
Liu Ting-Tsan, Lam King-Kwan, Hsu Kou-Tai. Longitudinal change in
peritoneal membrane functions with continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis
(CAPD) after peritonitis episode. Chang Gung Medical Journal 2004; 27: 29-34.
33. Chuang Chung-Hua, Lee Chien-Te, Cheng Yuan-Fu, Huang Tung-Liang,
Hung Kui-Hung, Chen Jin-Bor. Bilateral renal infarctions and lower limbs artery
thrombosis in a patient with nephritic syndrome. Journal of Nephrology 2004; 17:
311-315. (SCI, corresponding author)
34.Cheng Ben-Chung, Chang Wen-Neng, Lu Cheng-Hsien, Chen Jin-Bor, Chang
Chen-Sheng, Lee Chih-Hsiung, Lee Chien-Te, Chen Te-Chuan, Pan Hsien-Heng,
Hsu Kuo-Tai, Huang Chi-Ren, Tasi Nai-Wen, Chang Chin-Jung, Hung Pi-Lien,
Wang Kuo-Wei. Bacterial meningitis in hemodialyzed patients. Journal of
Nephrology 2004; 17: 236- 241. (SCI)
35 蕭淑珍 江吉文 李建德 : 尿毒性出血之成因與治療
The Journal of Pharmacy, 藥學雜誌 2004; 78 (1) 113-118
36. Ko Yang-Ching, Lee Chien-Te, Cheng Yuan-Fu, Hung Kuei-Hung, Kuo
Ching-Yuan, Huang Chao-Cheng, Chen Jin-Bor. Hypercalcaemia and
haemophagocytic syndrome: rare concurrent presentations of disseminated
tuberculosis in a dialysis patient. International Journal of Clinical Practice 2004;
58: 723-725. (SCI, corresponding author)
37. Lee Chien-Te, Lee Chiang-Hsuan, Su Yih, Chuang Yao-Cheng, Tsai Tsung-Lin
Chen Jin-Bor. The Relationship between inflammatory markers, leptin and
adiponectin in chronic hemodialysis patients. International Journal of Artificial
Organs. 2004; 27: 835-841(SCI)
38. Lee Chien-Te, Shang Shuhua, Lai Li-Wen, Yong Kim-Chong, Lien Yeong-Hau H.
Effect of thiazide on renal gene expression of apical calcium channels and
calbindins. American Journal of Physiology Renal Physiology 2004; 276 (6):
F1164-1170. (SCI)
39. Yang CC, Chuang FR, Hsu KT, Chen JB, Lee CH, Lee CT, Chien YS, Chen TC,
Cheng BC. Expanded-spectrum beta-lactamase producing Klebsiella
pneumoniae-related peritonitis in a patient on peritoneal dialysis. American
Journal of Kidney Disease 2004; 44: e102-106. (SCI)
40. Kuo Chien-Chun , Lee Chien-Te, Chuang Chung-Hua, Su Yih, Chen Jin-Bor.
Recombinant Human Erythropoietin Independence in Chronic Hemodialysis
Patients: Clinical Features, Iron Homeostasis and Erythropoiesis. Clinical
Nephrology 2005; 63: 92-97. (SCI, corresponding author, SCI)
41. Huang Shih-Wen, Lee Chien-Te, Chen Chi-Hsiu, Chuang Chung-Hua, Chen
Jin-Bor. The Role of Renal Sonography in the Intensive Care Unit. Journal of
Clinical Ultrasound 2005; 26: 72-75. (Corresponding author, SCI)
42. Chou FF, Lee CH, Chen JB, Huang SC, Lee CT. Sleep disturbances before and
after parathyroidectomy for secondary hyperparathyroidism. Surgery 2005; 137:
426-430. (SCI)
43. Lee Chien-Te, Hsu Chung-Yao, Lam King-Kwan, Lin Chung-Ren, Chen Jin-Bor.
Inflammatory markers and hepatocyte growth factor in sustained hemodialysis
hypotension. Artificial Organs 2005; 29: 980-983. (SCI)
44. Lee Chien-Te, Yang Chih-Chao, Lam King-Kwan, Kung Chia-Te, Tsai Chia-Jong,
Chen Hung-Chun. Hypercalcemia in the emergency department. American Journal
of Medical Sciences 2006, 331: 119-123. (SCI)
45. Lee Chien-Te, Lien Yeong-Hau, Lai Li-Wen, Chen Jin-Bor, Lin Chung-Ren,
Chen Hung Chun. Increased renal calcium and magnesium transporter abundance
in streptozotocin-induced diabetes mellitus. Kidney International 2006, 69 (10):
1786-1791. (SCI).
46. Ng Hwee-Yeong, Lin Shih-Hua, Hsu Chung-Yao, Tsai Yu-Che, Chen Hung-Chun
Lee Chien-Te. Hypokalemic paralysis due to Gitelman’s syndrome, a family
study. Neurology 2006, 67(6): 1080-1082. (Corresponding author, SCI)
47. Huang Tiao-Lai, Lee Chien-Te. Associations between serum brain-derived
neurotrophic factor levels and clinical phenotypes in schizophrenia
patients. Journal of Psychiatry Research 2006, 40(7): 664-668. (SCI)
48. Chang Chih-Hung, Chen Jin-Bor, Liao Shang-Chih, Chuang Feng-Rong, Hsu
Kao-Tai, Lee Chien-Te. Home visit in peritoneal dialysis patients. Acta
Nephrologica 2006, 20: 183-188. (corresponding author)
49. Chen TC, Wang IK, Lee CH, Chang HW, Chiou TT, Lee CT, Fang JT, Wu MS,
Hsu KT, Yang CC, Wang PH, Chuang FR: Hyperhomocysteinaemia and vascular
access thrombosis among chronic hemodialysis patients in Taiwan: a retrospective
study. International Journal of Clinical Practice 2006, 60: 1596-1599. (SCI)
50. 王芙容,李建德,李炳鈺,戴慶玲:透析病患鈣磷代謝異常之案例報告與治
療趨勢討論 The Journal of Pharmacy 2007 ; 23 (1): 108-121 藥學雜誌
51. Tsai Yu-Che, Hsieh Yuan-Kai, Lee Chien-Te. Inferior vena cava filter as a
preventive device for recurrent pulmonary embolism in a patient with
nephrotic syndrome. Medical Principles and Practice 2007; 16: 321-323
(corresponding author, SCI)
52. Chen YS, Chen KH, Liu CC, Lee CT, Yang CH, Chuang KC, Lin CR.
Propofol-induced vascular permeability change is related to the nitric oxide
signaling pathway and occludin phosphorylation. J Biomed Sci. 2007; 14(5):
629-636. (SCI)
53. Hung Tiao-Lai, Lee Chien-Te. Low serum albumin and high ferritin levels in
chronic hemodialysis patients with major depression. Psychiatry Research
2007; 152: 277-280 (corresponding author, SCI)
54. Chang Chih- Hung, Liao Jui-Jong, Chuang Chaung-Hua, Lee Chien-Te.
Recurrent hyponatremia after traumatic brain injury. Am J Med Sci 2008; 335:
390-393 (corresponding author, SCI)
55. Lee Chien-Te, Chen Hung Chun, Lien Yeong-Hau, Lai Li-Wen. Effects of
furosemide on renal distal tubule calcium handling. American Journal of
Physiology Renal Physiology 2007; 293 (4): F1231-F1237. (SCI)
56. Huang Tiao-Lai, Lee Chien-Te, Liu Yu-Li. Serum brain-derived neurotrophic
factor levels in patients with major depression: effects of antidepressants.
J Psychiatr Res. 2008; 42: 521-525. (SCI)
57. Hsu Chun-Shuo, Chou Yeh-Pin, Fong Tze-Vun, Yong Chee-Chien, Lee Chien-Te,
Chen Jin-Bor. Portal vein and superior mesenteric vein thrombosis in nephrotic
syndrome: a case report and review of literature. Acta Nephrologica 2007; 21:
58. Huang Tiao-Lai, Lee Chien-Te. T-helper 1/T-helper 2 cytokine imbalance and
clinical phenotypes of acute-phase major depression. Psychiatry Clin Neurosci.
2007; 61(4):415-420. (SCI)
59. Chang CH, Hsu KT, Lee CH, LeeYC, Chiou TT, Chuang CH, Lee CT, Wang IK,
Lu CH, Kuo CC, Chuang FR. Leukoencephalopathy associated with dialysis
disequilibrium syndrome. Renal Failure 2007; 29: 631-634. (SCI)
60. Ng Hwee-Yeong, Chen Wun-Schen, Huang Hsiu-Yu, Tang Yeh, Chien Yu-Shu
Hsu Chun-Shuo, Lee Chien-Te. Hypercalcemia caused by metachronous
metastases of renal cell carcinoma in uremia. Acta Nephrologica 2007; 21:
233-235. (Corresponding author)
61. Lee Lung-Chih, Lam King-Kwan, Lee Chien-Te, Chen Jin-Bor, Tsai TH, Huang
SC. "Full house" proliferative glomerulonephritis: an unreported presentation of
subacute infective endocarditis. Journal of Nephrology. 2007: 20: 745-749. (SCI)
62. Chiou Terry Ting-Yu, Lee Wei-Ching, Chen Miao-Chen, Hung Kuei-Hung, Lee
Chien-Te. Reversible ultrafiltration failure in a peritoneal dialysis patient after
nephrectomy. Acta Nephrologica 2008: 22: 62-65 (corresponding author).
63. Hsu Chung-Yao, Lee Chien-Te, Lee Yue-Joe, Huang Tiao-Lai, Yu Ching-Yi, Lee
Lung-Chih, Chien Yu-Shu, Lam King-Kwan, Chuang Feng-Rong, Kao-Tai Hsu.
Better sleep quality and less daytime symptoms in patients on evening
hemodialysis: a questionnaire-based study. Artificial Organs 2008; 32 (9):711-716
(corresponding author, SCI)
64. Tsai Yu-Che, Lee Chien-Te, Huang Tiao-Lai, Su Yih, Cheng Ben-Chung, Kuo
Chien-Chun, Ng Hwee-Yeong, Yang Chih-Chau, Chuang Fong-Rong, Liao
Shang-Chih. Inflammtory marker but not adipokine predict mortality among
chronic hemodialysis patients. Mediators of Inflammation 2007; 2007: 19891
(corresponding author, SCI).
65. Huang Tiao-Lai, Lee Chien-Te. Association between Brain-derived Neurotropic
Factor G196A Gene Polymorphism and Clinical Phenotypes in Schizophrenia
Patients. Chang-Gung Medical Journal 2007; 30: 408-413.
66. Lee Lung-Chih, Lee Chien-Te, Liao Shang-Chih , Kao-Tai Hsu, Lam King-Kwan,
Chen Jin-Bor, Chuang Feng-Rong, Chien Yu-Shu, Lee Chih-Hsiung, Cheng
Ben-Chung, Wu Chien-Shing. Peritoneal transport, residual kidney function and
chronic inflammation in peritoneal dialysis patients. Acta Nephrologica 2008; 22:
105-110. (Corresponding author)
67. Chen Kuan-Hung, Wu Chih-Hsien, Tseng Chia-Chih, Shiau Jieh-Min, Lee
Chien-Te, Lin Chung-Ren. Intrathecal coelectrotransfer of a
tetracycline-inducible, three-plasmid-based system to achieve tightly regulated
antinociceptive gene therapy for mononeuropathic rats. Journal of Gene Medicine
2008; 10: 208-216. (SCI)
68. Yang Yu-Kun, Kuo Ming-Chun, Yang Chih-Chau, Lee Chien-Te, Lam
King-Kwan, Chiou Ting-Yu, Chen Jin-Bor, Chuang Feng-Rong, Hsu Kao-Tai.
Glycemic control and its association with metabolic factors in hemodialysis
patients with diabetes mellitus. Acta Nephrologica 2008; 22: 167-172.
(Corresponding author)
69. Kuo Chien-Chun, Chien Yuh-Shuh, Chiou Ting-Yu, Lee Chien-Te, Ng
Hwee-Yeong, Tasi Yu-Che. Preserved residual kidney function after twelve years’
hemodialysis Renal Failure, 2009 (submitted, corresponding author)
70. Lee Chien-Te, Tasi Yu-Che, Ng Hwee-Yeong, Lee Wen-Chin, Kuo Chien-Chun,
Chiou Terry Ting-Yu, Su Yih, Hsu Chung-Yao, Hsu Kao-Tai. Association between
C-reactive protein and biomarkers of phosphocalcic metabolism in chronic
hemodialysis patients-a cross sectional study. Journal of Renal Nutrition 2009; 19:
71. Huang Yu-Shu, Cheng Tien-Tsai, Hsu Chun-Shuo, Chang Chih-Hung, Lee
Chien-Te, Chiou Ting-Yu, Lai Han-Ming, Chien Yu-Shu, Chuang Feng-Rong,
Chen Chung-Jen. Sonographic and clinical features of gouty nephropathy:
analysis of 151 cases in a medical center. Acta Nephrologica, 2009; 23: 15-20.
(corresponding author)
72. Wu Chien-Shing, Liao Shang-Chih, Lee Chien-Te, Chuang Feng-Rong, Chen
Jin-Bor, Hsu Kao-Tai, Chien Yu-Shu, Lee Chih-Hsiung, Cheng Ben-Chung. Effect
of season changes on incidence of continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis
peritionitis- analysis from weather parameters and microbial etiology. Acta
Nephrologica 2009; 23; 26-32.
73. Ng Hwee-Yeong, Chen Hung-Chun, Pan Lin-Lin Pan, Tsai Yu-Che, Hsu Kao-Tai
Liao Shang-Chih, Chuang Fong-Rong, Chen Jin-Bor, Lee Chien-Te. Clinical
interpretation of reticulocyte hemoglobin content, RET-Y in chronic hemodialysis
patients. Nephron Clin Pract 2009; 111; 247-252 (corresponding author, SCI).
74. Su Chien-Yu, Lee Lung-Chih, Lai Chien-Hao, Wang Yi-Hsi, Yang Yu-Kun, Ng
Hwee-Yeong, Wen-Chin Lee, Yu-Che Tsai, Chuang Feng-Rong, Lee Chien-Te.
Successful treatment of bilateral emphysematous pyelonephritis in a uremic
patient without nephrectomy Renal Failure 2009; 31 (2): 167-170. (Corresponding
author, SCI)
75. Chou FF, Hsieh KC, Chen YT, Lee CT. Parathyroidectomy followed by kidney
transplantation can improve bone mineral density in patients with secondary
hyperparathyroidism. Transplantation. 2008; 86(4):554-557. (SCI)
76.Wang Chi-Chang, Tung Wei-Chih, Ng Hwee-Yeong, Lee Wen-Chin Lee, Tsai
Yu-Che, Chuang Fong-Rong, Lee Chien-Te. Splenic infarction as a cause of acute
abdominal pain in nephrotic syndrome. Nephrology 2009 (accepted,
corresponding author, SCI).
77. Lee Chien-Te Chen Hung Chun, Ng Hwee-Yeong, Lin Chung-Ren, Lai Li-Wen,
Lien Yeong-Hau. Acute and chronic gentamicin treatment increased abundance of
distal tubule calcium and magnesium transport molecules. Journal of
Pharmacology and Therapeutic Experiments (Submitted, 2008)
78. Chiou Terry Ting-Yu, Chiang Po-Hui, Fuh Morgan, Liu-Rue-Tsuan, Lee
Wei-Ching, Lee Wen-Chin, Ng Hwee-Yeong, Tsai Yu-Che, Chuang feng-Rong,
Huang Chao-Cheng, Lee Chien-Te. Factors determining cardiovascular and renal
outcomes after adrenalectomy in patients with aldosterone-producing adrenal
adenoma. Tohoku Journal of Experimental Medicine 2009; 218: 17-24.
(Corresponding author, SCI).
79. Lee Chien-Te, Ng Hwee-Yeong, Lee Wen-Chin, Tsai Yu-Che, Kuo Chien-Chun,
Lee Lung-Chih, Chiou Terry Ting-Yu, Chen Jin-Bor, Hsu Kao-Tai. Association
between inflammatory cytokines and adipokines in peritoneal dialysis patients.
Cytokine (2009, under revision, SCI)
80. Lee Chien-Te: 尿毒素硫酸吲哚酚的生理病理角色. [Editorial comment].
BioMedicine 2009; 2: 40-41.
81. Lin Hui-O, Lee Chien-Te, Tseng Yu-Long, Lee Chien-Kuo, Liu Jia-Sou.
Resident’s education on medical record writing: questionnaire-based study.
Medical Education (submitted, 2009).
82. Lee Chien-Te, Kuo Chien-Chun, Chen Yu-Ming, Ng Hwee-Yeong, Lee Wen-Chin,
Tsai Yu-Che, Chiou Terry Ting-Yu, Chen Jin-Bor. Factors associated with blood
concentration of indoxyl sulphate and p-cresol in peritoneal dialysis patients.
Peritoneal Dialysis International 2009 (submitted)
83. Hsu Chun-Shuo, Chang Chih-Hung, Hsu Kao-Tai, Lam King-Kwan, Lee
Chien-Te, Liao Shang-Chih, Chuang Fong-Rong, Lee Chih-Hsiung, Cheng
Ben-Chung, Chen Jin-Bor Chen. Clinical experience of one-year icodextrin
treatment in peritoneal dialysis patients. Acta Nephrologica 2009 (Corresponding
author, submitted)
1. Huang CC, Lai MK, Chu SH, Lee CC, Lee CT, Liaw YF. Subfulminant hepatic
failure following renal transplanation. The 4th Congress of the Asian Society
of Transplanation. Aug 1995, Seoul, Korea
2. Lee Chien-Te, Liao Shang-Chih, Chen Jin-Bor, Hsu Kuo-Tai. The effect of
desferrioxamine on iron-overloaded hemodialysis patients. Annual Meeting
of the Society of Nephrology, ROC, 1997, Tainan
3. Chen Miao-Chen, Lee Chien-Te, Hsu Kuo-Tai, Lam King-Kwan, Chen Jin-Bor,
Chuang Feng-Rong, Chien Yu-Shu, Pang Hsien-Heng. Double filtration
plasmapheresis therapy in systemic lupus erythematous patients. Annual Meeting
of the Society of Nephrology, ROC, 1997, Tainan
4. Wang Yau-Huei, Lee Chien-Te, Hsu Kuo-Tai, Lam King-Kwan, Chen Jin-Bor,
Chuang Feng-Rong, Chien Yu-Shu, Pang Hsien-Heng. Hyperglycemic hyperosmlar
non-ketotic syndrome in hemodialysis patients. Annual Meeting of the Society of
Nephrology, ROC, 1997, Tainan
5. Hung Kuei-Hung, Lee Chien-Te, Hsu Kuo-Tai, Lam King-Kwan, Chen Jin-Bor,
Chuang Feng-Rong, Chien Yu-Shu, Pan Hsien-Heng. Ischemic bowel disease in
chronic hemodialysis patients. Annual Meeting of the Society of Nephrology, ROC,
1997, Tainan
6. Lee Chien-Te, Lam King-Kwan, Hsu Kuo-Tai. The significance of syphilis
serology tests on chronic hemodialysis patients. The12th Asian Colloquium in
Nephrology. 1998. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
7. Lam King-Kwan, Lee Chien-Te, Hsu Kuo-Tai. Doppler ultrasound study of failure
of femoral vein cannulation for temporary hemodialysis. The12th Asian Colloquium
in Nephrology. 1998, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
8. Chuang Yao-Cheng, Lee Chien-Te, Hsu Kuo-Tai, Lam King-Kwan, Chen Jin-Bor,
Chuang Feng-Rong, Chien Yu-Shu, Pan Hsien-Heng, Cheng Yuan-Fu, Lee
Chih-Hsiung. Double filtration plasmapheresis: experiences in the treatment of
myasthenia gravis. Annual Meeting of the Society of Nephrology, R.O.C., 1999,
9. Hung Kuei-Hung, Lee Chien-Te, Hsu Kuo-Tai, Lam King-Kwan, Chen Jin-Bor.
Hyponatremia in the emergency department: a marker of serious illness. Annual
Meeting of the Society of Nephrology,R.O.C., 1999, Taipei
10. Lee Chien-Te, Hung Kuei-Hung, Wang Yau-Huei, Fang Jeng- Shin, Chen
Miao-Chen, Chen Jin-Bor. Sonographic findings of duplex kidney— a
retropective analysis. The 8th Asian Pacific Congress of Nephrology, 2000, Taipei
11.Chen Jin-Bor, Hsu Kuo-Tai, Lam King-Kwan, Liao Shang-Chih, Chuang
Feng-Rong , Chien Yu-Shu, Lee Chien-Te, Chou Fong-Fu. Vitamin D receptor
polymorphism in secondary hyperparathyroidism of continuous ambulatory
peritoneal dialysis patients. The 8th Asian Pacific Congress of Nephrology, 2000,
12. Tasi Tsung-Lin, Lee Chien-Te, Chen Jin-Bor, Hsu Kuo-Tai. Urologic malignancy
in chronic dialysis patients. The 8th Asian Pacific Congress of Nephrology, 2000,
13. Lee Chien-Te, Lai Li-Wen, Lien Y.Howard. The pathogenesis of Cyclosporine
A-induced hypercalciuria: comparison between calbindin-D28k knockout and
wild type mice. Annual meeting of American Society of Nephrology, SF, USA,
14. Huynh VM, Lee Chien-Te, Lai Li-Wen, Lien Y.Howard. Up-regulation of renal
calcium channels by thiazide in mice. Annual meeting of Western Society of
Clinical Investigation, Carmel, CA, USA, 2001
15. Lee Chien-Te, Huynh VM, Lai Li-Wen, Lien Y.Howard. Effects of cyclosporine
A in renal calcium handling. Annual Meeting of Taiwan Society of Nephrology,
Taipei, 2001
16. Lee Chien-Te, Lee Wen-Chin, Chou Fong-Fu, Liao Shang-Chih, Chen Jin-Bor.
Effect of parathyroidectomy on iron homeostasis and eryhtropoiesis in
hemodialysis patients with severe hyperparathyroidism. Annual Meeting of the
Society of Nephrology, Taiwan, 2001, Taipei
17. Lien Y.Howard, Lee Chien-Te, Huynh VM, Chen Ming, Yong Kim-Chong, Lai
Li-Wen. Cyclosporine causes hypomagnesemia by down regulation of
paracellin-1 mRNA and protein in mouse kidney. Annual meeting of American
Society of Nephrology, Philadelphia, USA, 2002.
18 Lee Chien-Te, Lai Li-Wen, Lien Yeong-Hau, Chen Hung-Chun, Chen Jin-Bor.
Effects of Cyclosporine A on calcium homeostasis--- skeletal and renal toxicity.
Annual meeting of Taiwan Society of Nephrology, Kaohsiung, 2002
(本篇口頭論文報告獲九十一年度腎臟醫學會年會優秀論文獎 )
19. Lee Chien-Te, Hsu Chung-Yao, Yu Ching-Yi, Chen Jin-Bor. Excessive daytime
sleepiness and related symptoms are decreased from morning toward evening
hemodialysis: A questionnaire-based study in end stage renal disease. Annual
meeting of Taiwan Society of Nephrology, Kaohsiung, 2002.
20. Kuo Chien-Chun, Lee Chien-Te, Chuang Chung-Hua, Chen Jin-Bor, Hsu
Kao-Tai. Recombinant human erythropoietin independence in chronic
hemodialysis patients: clinical features, iron homeostasis and erythropoiesis.
Annual meeting of Taiwan Society of Nephrology, Kaohsiung, 2002.
21. Chuang Chung-Hua, Lee Chien-Te, Tasi Tsung-Lin, Chen Jin-Bor, Hsu Kao-Tai.
Urological malignancy in chronic hemodialysis patients. Annual meeting of
Taiwan Society of Nephrology, Kaohsiung, 2002.
22. Lien Yeong-Hau, Huynh VM, Lee Chien-Te, Choo Ok-Kyung, Lai Li-Wen.
Cyclosporine A and FK506 down-regulate calbindin-D9k gene expression in
mouse kidney. Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation 2003; 18 (suppl 4) T643.
World Congress of Nephrology 2003, Berlin, Germany
23. Lee Chien-Te, Shang Shuhua, Lai Li-Wen, Yang Kim-Chong, Lien Yeong-Hau
H. Acute and chronic effects of Thiazide diuretics on gene expression of renal
calcium transporters and calcium binding proteins. Annual meeting of Taiwan
Society of Nephrology, Taipei, 2003.
24. Huang Ming-Chun, Lee Chien-Te, Chuang Yao-Cheng, Tsai Tsung-Lin, Chen
Jin-Bor. The associations of inflammatory markers, leptin and adiponectin in
chronic hemodialysis patients. Annual meeting of Taiwan Society of
Nephrology, Taipei, 2003.
24. Yang Chih-Chao, Hung Kuei-Hung, Lee Chien-Te, Chen Jin-Bor, Hsu Kuo-Tai.
Tuberculous peritonitis in uremic patients. Annual meeting of Taiwan Society of
Nephrology, Taipei, 2003.
25. Huang Shih-Wen, Lee Chien-Te, Chen Chi-Hsiu, Chuang Chung-Hua, Chen
Jin-Bor. The multi-functions of renal sonography in intensive care unit. Annual
meeting of Taiwan Society of Nephrology, Taipei, 2003.
26. Lee Chien-Te, Chen Jin-Bor, Chen Hung-Chun, Guh Jinn-Yuh, Lai Yung-Hsiung
Alterations in distal tubule calcium transporter gene expression of
experimentally-induced diabetic rats. 37th Annual meeting of American Society of
Nephrology, St. Louis, USA, 2004
27. Lee Chien-Te, Shang S, Yong Kim-Chong, Lai Li-Wen, Lien Yeong-Hau. Effect
of Thiazide on Renal Gene Expression of Apical Calcium Channels and
Calbindins. 37th Annual meeting of American Society of Nephrology, St. Louis,
USA, 2004
28. Lien Yeong-Hau H, Shang Shuhua, Yong Kim-Chong, Lee Chien-Te, Lai Li-Wen.
Thiazides Upregulate Renal mRNA Expression of TRPM6 in Wildtype Mice, but
not in Calbindin-D28k Knockout Mice. 37th Annual meeting of American Society
of Nephrology, St. Louis, USA, 2004
29. Lee Chien-Te, Chen Jin-Bor, Chen Hung-Chun, Lai Yung-Hsiung. Effects of
Cyclosporin- A on renal vitamin D metabolism. Annual meeting of Taiwan
Society of Nephrology, Taipei, 2004.
30. Lee Chien-Te, Chen Jin-Bor, Guh Jinn-Yuh Guh, Chen Hung-Chun.
Upregulation of TRPM6 in diabetes-associated renal magnesium loss. Annual
meeting of Taiwan Society of Nephrology, Taipei, 2004.
31. Yang Chih-Chao, Lee Chien-Te, Lam King-Kwan, Kung Chia-Te, Chen Jin-Bor.
Hypercalcemia in the emergency department. Annual meeting of Taiwan Society
of Nephrology, Taipei, 2004.
32. Huang MC, Lee CT, Hung KH, Wu CH, Yang CC, Chen JB. Primary
hyperaldosteronism: 14 years experience. Annual meeting of Taiwan Society of
Nephrology, Taipei, 2004.
33. Ng HJ, Lee CT, Chen JB, Lin SH. Novel mutations of sodium-chloride
cotransporter gene in Gitelman syndrome. Domestic meeting of Taiwan Society
of Nephrology, Kaohsiung, 2005.
34. Tasi YJ, Lee CT, Hsieh YK, Liao SC, Chen JB. Inferior vena cava filter as a
preventive device for recurrent pulmonary embolism in a patient with nephrotic
syndrome. Domestic meeting of Taiwan Society of Nephrology, Kaohsiung,
35. Lee Chien-Te, Yu Ching-Yi, Lam King-Kwan, Chen Jin-Bor. Inflammatory
markers and hepatocyte growth factor in hemodialysis hypotension. World
Congress of Nephrology, Singapore, 2005.
36. Lee Chien-Te, Chen Hung-Chun, Yong Kim-Chong, Lai Li-Wen, Lien
Yeoung-Hau. Effects of furosemide on gene expression of renal calcium and
magnesium transport molecules. World Congress of Nephrology, Singapore, 2005.
37. Lee CT, Chen JB, Chuang FR, Chen HC, Lai YH. Altered renal calcium and
magnesium transport induced by furosemide. Annual meeting of Taiwan Society
of Nephrology, Taipei, 2005.
38. Tsai Yu-Che, Lee Chien-Te, Chen Jin-Bor, Lam King-Kwan, Yang Chih-Chao
Chuang Fong-Rong. Inflammatory markers and adipocytokines as predictors of
mortality among chronic hemodialysis patients. Annual meeting of Taiwan
Society of Nephrology, Taipei, 2005.
39. Lee Lung-Chih, Lee Chien-Te, Chen Jin-Bor, Liao Shang-Chih, Hsu Koa-Tai,
Chien Yu-Su, Lee Chin-Hsiung, Chuang Fong-Rong. Insulin resistance and
chronic inflammation in CAPD patients. Annual meeting of Taiwan Society of
Nephrology, Taipei, 2005.
40. Ng Hwee-Yeong, Lee Chien-Te, Pan Lin-Lin, Hsu Kao-Tai, Chen Jin-Bor,
Chuang Fong-Rong. RET-Y as an iron index in chronic hemodialysis patients.
Annual meeting of Taiwan Society of Nephrology, Taipei, 2005.
41. Chang Chih-Hung, Lee Chien-Te, Chen Jin-Bor, Liao Shang-Chih, Hsu Kao-Tai
Chien Yu-Su, Chen Chung-I, Lee Chih-Hsiung, Chen Maio-Chun, Chuang
Fung-Rong. Effects of short-term icodextrin treatment in peritoneal dialysis.
Annual meeting of Taiwan Society of Nephrology, Taipei, 2005.
42. 林惠娥
李建德. 以專案管理觀點規畫某醫院「提升住院醫師病歷
台北 2006
43. Chang Chih-Hung, Lee Chien-Te, Liau Ruei-Rung, Chuang Chung-Hua, Chen
Jin-Bor, Chuang Fong-Rong, Hsu Kao-Tai. Recurrent hyponatremia after
traumatic brain injury. Domestic meeting of Taiwan Society of Nephrology,
Kaohsiung, 2006.
44. Chiou Ting-Yu, Lee Chien-Te, Tseng Su-Fen, Chen Miao-Chen, Hung
Kuei-Hung, Chen Jin-Bor, Chuang Feng-Rong. Ultrafiltration failure in a
peritoneal dialysis patient after nephrectomy. Domestic meeting of Taiwan
Society of Nephrology, Kaohsiung, 2006.
45. Pan Hua-Shan, Hsiao Shan-Liang, Lee Chien-Te, Chien Yuh-Shuh, Kuo
Chien-Chun, Chen Jin-Bor, Chuang Fong-Rong, Hsu Kao-Tai. Preserved residual
renal function after ten years’ hemodialysis. Domestic meeting of Taiwan Society
of Nephrology, Taichuang, 2006.
46. Lee Chien-Te, Chien Yu-Su, Hsu Kao-Tai, Chen Hung-Chun. Differential effects
of calcineurin inhibitors on renal calcium and magnesium handling. Annual
meeting of Taiwan Society of Nephrology, Taichung, 2006.
47. Lee Chien-Te, Chen Jin-Bor, Chuang Feng-Rong, Hsu Ko-Tai, Chen Hung-Chun.
Salt intake modulates the expression of renal apical calcium channel and calbindin.
Annual meeting of Taiwan Society of Nephrology, Taichung, 2006.
48. Yang Yu-Kwun, Lee Chien-Te, Lam King-Kwan, Chen Jin-Bor, Chuang
Fong-Rong, Hsu Ko-Tai. Glycemic control in hemodialysis patients with diabetes
mellitus. Annual meeting of Taiwan Society of Nephrology, Taichung, 2006.
49. Lee Long-Gee, Kao Ming-Jun, Dong Shih-Cheng, Lee Chien-Te. Urinary
excretion of albumin and electrolytes in diabetes mellitus patients. Annual
meeting of Taiwan Society of Nephrology, Taichung, 2006.
50. Chang Chih-Hung, Lee Chien-Te, Chen Jin-Bor, Liao Shang-Chih, Hsu Kao-Tai
Chien Yu-Su, Chen Chung-I, Lee Chih-Hsiung, Chen Maio-Chun, Chuang
Fung-Rong. Clinical experience of one-year icodextrin treatment in peritoneal
dialysis. Annual meeting of Taiwan Society of Nephrology, Taichung, 2006.
51. Hsu Chun-Shuo, Liang Pei-Line, Lee Chien-Te, Liao Shang-Chih, Chen Jin-Bor,
Lam King-Kwan, Chuang Fong-Rong, Chien Yu-Su, Lee Chih-Hsiung, Hsu
Kao-Tai Hsu. Clinical experience of use of amino acid dialysate in peritoneal
dialysis. Annual meeting of Taiwan Society of Nephrology, Taichung, 2006.
52. 林惠娥 劉家壽 李建德 . 以專案管理觀點規劃某醫院「提昇住院醫師病歷
記載品質」計畫及實施問題探討-第二年 2007 年台灣健康照護聯合學術研
討會 台北
53. Lee Chien-Te, Chen Hung-Chun, Lai Li-Wen, Yong Kim-Chong, Lien
Yeong-Hau. Effects of furosemide on renal distal tubule calcium handling.
ERA-EDTA Congress, 2007, Barcelona, Spain
54. Lee Chien-Te, Chiou Terry, Kuo Li-Chueh, Chang Fu-Ling, Chuang Fong-Rong
Lee Chih-Shung, Chen Jin-Bor, Liao Shang-Chih. Parathyroid Hormone Secretion
in Peritoneal Dialysis Patients: A Five-Year Observational Study. 3rd Asian
Chapter Meeting of the International Society for Peritoneal Dialysis (ACM-ISPD),
Hiroshima, Japan, 2007.
55. Chang Chih-Hung, Lee Chien-Te, Chen Jin-Bor, Liao Shang-Chih, Chien Yu-Su
Lee Chih-Hsiung, Chen Maio-Chen, Lin Chih-Ching, Chuang Fong-Rong, Hsu
Kao-Tai. Comparison of short- and long-term effects of icodextrin treatment in
peritoneal dialysis patients. 3rd Asian Chapter Meeting of the International
Society for Peritoneal Dialysis (ACM-ISPD), Hiroshima, Japan, 2007.
56. Yang Chih-Chau, Ng Hwee-Yeong, Tsai Yu-Che, Chien Yu-Shu, Chuang
Fong-Rong, Lee Chien-Te. Clinical and ultrasonographic renal characteristics of
patients with uremia. Annual Convention of the Society of Ultrasound in Medicine,
ROC, Taipei, 2007
57. Lee Chien-Te, Lien Yeong-Hau Lien, Li-Wen Lai, Hung-Chun Chen.
Chlorothiazide Reduces Gentamincin-Induced Hypercalciuria (PUB432). 40th
Annual Meeting, American Society of Nephrology, San Francisco, USA 2007
58. Ng Hwee-Yeong, Lee Chien-Te, Chen Jin-Bor, Chuang Feng-Rong, Chen
Hung-Chun. Effects of Acid-Base Status on Expression of Renal Epithelial
Sodium, Calcium Channels and Related Transporters. Annual Meeting of Taiwan
Society of Nephrology, Taipei, 2007.
59. Su Chien-Yu Su, Lee Lung-Chih, Lee Chien-Te, Yang Yu-Kun, Lai Chien-Hao
Wang Yi-His, Chuang Feng-Rong, Chen Jin-Bor, Hsu Kao-Tai Hsu. Bilateral
Emphysematous Pyelonephritis in a Diabetic Uremic Patient. Domestic meeting
of Taiwan Society of Nephrology, Kaohsiung, 2008.
60. Wang Chi-Chang, Yang Chih-Chau, Lee Chien-Te, Chuang Feong-Rong, Chen
Jin-Bor, Hsu Kao-Tai.. Salmonella enterica Serotype Choleraesuis-Related Renal
Cyst Infection in a Patient with Autosomal Dominant Polycystic Kidney Disease
Undergoing Hemodialysis. Domestic meeting of Taiwan Society of Nephrology,
Kaohsiung, 2008.
61.林惠娥、劉家壽、李建德、曾昱龍. 從風險管理角度出發於住院醫囑系統內
建置線上交班作業模組. 2008 年台灣健康照護聯合學術研討會(台北)
62.林惠娥、劉家壽、李建德、曾昱龍. 從病歷審查缺失回饋住院醫師病歷教育
與電子病歷改善系統. 2008 年台灣健康照護聯合學術研討會(台北).
63. Lee Chien-Te, Lien Yeong-Hau H, Lai Li-Wen Lai, Ng Hwee-Yeong, Chen
Hung-Chun Chen. Increased abundance of distal tubule calcium and magnesium
transporters during acute and chronic gentamicin treatment. XLV ERA-EDTA
Congress 2008, Stockholm, Sweden.
64. Lee Chien-Te, Tsai Yu-Che, Ng Hwee-Yeong, Lee Lung-Chih, Chen Jin-Bor.
Inflammatory marker, hepatocyte growth factor and resistin in peritoneal dialysis
patients. XLV ERA-EDTA Congress 2008, Stockholm, Sweden.
65. Tsai Yu-Che, Lee Chien-Te, Su Yih, Kuo Chien-Chun, Chuang Feng –Rong, Liao
Shang-Chih. Treatment results of bone, mineral metabolism in chronic
hemodialysis patients and its association with chronic inflammation. XLV
ERA-EDTA Congress 2008, Stockholm, Sweden.
66. Chiou Terry Ting-Yu, Lee Chien-Te, Chuang Feng-Rong, Hsu Kao-Tai.
Pre-operative blood pressure is a strong predictor of blood pressure change after
adrenalectomy in patients with primary aldosteronism due to adrenal adenoma.
XLV ERA-EDTA Congress 2008, Stockholm, Sweden.
67. Lee Chien-Te, Yang Yu-Kun, Tsai Yu-Che, Ng Hwee-Yeong, Chuang Feong-Rong,
Chen Hung-Chun, Chou Fong-Fu.Analysis of TRPV Gene Expression in Patients
with Primary and Uremic Hyperparathyroidism. Annual Meeting of Taiwan
Society of Nephrology, Taipei, 2008.
68. Ng Hwee-Yeong, Lee Chien-Te, Lee Wen-Chin, Chuang Feng-Rong, Chen
Hung-Chun.The Effects of Gentamicin Treatment on Renal Calcium/Magnesium
Handling, and Gene Expression of TRP(s)/WNK(s) in Renal Distal Tubule.
Annual Meeting of Taiwan Society of Nephrology, Taipei, 2008.