Tip Vortex Manipulation Using a Sharp Edged Delta Wing Abstract By: Justin Slaby1 Adviser: Kenneth D. Visser2 Department of Mechanical and Aeronautical Engineering Clarkson University Symposium on Undergraduate Research Experiences August 3, 2006 Oral presentation One important safety concern of the aircraft industry is the trailing wake and vortex system left behind as an aircraft moves through the air. This flow field contains strong velocity gradients and rotational flow components which have been known to upset following aircraft. Trailing vortices are potentially hazardous because they can persist for many miles and the breakup of these structures is difficult to predict. Heavier aircraft generate stronger flows and as a result the FAA currently restricts the distance that a small aircraft (<12,500 lb) may follow a heavy aircraft (>300,000 lb) to 6 miles. This delay between planes directly affects the amount of air traffic that airports can handle. With air traffic predicted to triple within the next 20 years, air traffic and airport capacity limits could be substantially increased if a means were found to safely and reliably disperse these vortex structures in a shorter time frame. Past studies have investigated techniques to reduce the strength of the tip vortex and its subsequent downstream impact. The theory behind this present study introduces the concept of generating additional circulation to alter the strength of the tip vortex such that it behaves in a manner characteristic of a delta wing vortex. Studies have shown that the vortices from a delta wing can breakdown, or "bursting", which is characterized by an increase in vortex diameter followed by large scale turbulent dissipation, and a decrease in the core's axial and circumferential velocity. In short, the vortices from a delta wing can disperse because they are too powerful. The primary focus of this research was to experimentally investigate in detail the aerodynamic flow field which results from the introduction of a small, highly swept delta wing tip to the end of a 1 Undergraduate student class 2007, Mechanical and Aeronautical Engineering, Clarkson University, Honors Program 2 Kenneth D. Visser, Professor, Department of Mechanical and Aeronautical Engineering Clarkson University Main Wing conventional wing. Delta Wing Tip Extension The variables in this study include the sweep angle, relative angle of attack, chord length and location (fore or aft) of the wing Tip Extension MainAlternate WingLateral Position Sharp-edged Delta WingAlternate Angular Tip Extension Position tip, and the angle of attack of the main wing as illustrated in figure 1. The hypothesis is that the delta wing vortex generated by the wing tip will destabilize the conventional tip vortex structure naturally, such as with vortex breakdown, and accelerate Tip Extension Alternate Lateral Position Alternate Angle of Attack Alternate Angular Position the dispersion of these vortices. If the conventional tip Figure 1. Delta wing tip extension configurations vortex can be altered by the delta wing tip vortex or made to resemble a delta wing vortex with a correspondingly high axial core flow velocity, breakdown similar to that observed with a delta Alternatewing could Angle of Attack occur naturally, mitigating conditions downstream. The primary objective of this research project is to determine whether a configuration that would accelerate the breakup of the trailing vortex system exists, however, the integration of such a concept on a real airplane will require the addressing issues such as added weight and deployment capability for such a device, but can be considered in some future study. In order to comprehensively test the effects of a delta wing tip on a conventional wing, several configurations were tested. A total of 12 different wing tips were constructed and tested. For each wing tip, the main wing was varied through +10 degrees of angle of attack with increments at every 2 degrees. Additionally, the angle of attack for the delta wing tip relative to the main wing was varied for each angle of attack for the main wing and each tip. Each tip was varied through ±30 degrees relative angle of attack at 5 degree increments. This gives a total of 942 configurations that were tested. To thoroughly test all 942 configurations would take an unreasonable about of time, therefore, the project was broken into three phases. Phase one was be to do a quick test of each configuration to acquire a rough idea of how the flow field will behave. This was done with flow visualization. Flow visualization is a process where smoke is put into the flow field around the wing and tip assemble. A laser was then be used to illuminate a single plain in the wake of the wing. Data was collected visually as to the characteristics of the flow field. The data collected from the flow visualization tests will be used to narrow down the number of configurations to be tested in phase two. Particular interests will be given to cases where the tip vortex appears to be that of a delta wing, and where two distinct tip vortices are visible. Phase two will be to use a 7-hole pressure probe to take actual physical data of the flow field. The 7-hole pressure probe can acquire not only total pressure data in the flow field, but also the velocity and direction of the flow field. This data can be used to generate plots to illustrate the effect that the delta wing tip has on the flow field. The final phase of this project will be to select the most promising cases from phase two and with a stereo particle image velocimetry system, collect more accurate data on the pressure velocity and direction of the flow field. Stereo particle image velocimetry is more accurate then the 7-hole pressure probe because it is non intrusive, relying only on lasers instead of a physical probe in the flow field. As of the end of this summer, the first half of phase one will be complete. Flow visualization has been completed for all 942 configurations and the necessary data collected. Currently the data that was collected from the flow visualization is being compiled and the cases for phases two and three are being chosen. Preliminary results are showing several trends in the data that will need to be looked at more carefully in phases two and three. References 1. NASA Office of Aeronautics and Space Transportation Technology "Annual Progress Report 1997-1998,Turning Goals Into Reality", October 9, 1998. 2. McCormick, B.W., Tangler, J.L., and Sherrieb, H.E. "Structure of Trailing Vortices" ", J.Aircraft, Vol. 5, No. 3, May-June 1968. 3. Mason, W.H. and Marchman, J.F. III, "Far-Field Structure of Aircraft Wake Turbulence", J.Aircraft, Vol. 10, No. 2, February 1973. 4. Eliason, B.G., Gartshore, I.S. and Parkinson, G.V., "Wind Tunnel Investigation of Crow Instability", J.Aircraft, Vol. 12, No. 12, January 1975. 5. Widnall, S. E., "The Structure and Dynamics of Vortex Filaments", Annual Review of Fluid Mechanics, Vol. 7, 1975. 6. Sarpkaya, T. and Johnson, S.K. , "Evolution of Aircraft Trailing Vortices in a Stratified Fluid", AIAA-83-0564, January 1013, 1983 Reno, NV. 7. 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