On the Software Trustability Assessment

On the Software Trustability Assessment
Grigore Albeanu
Bucharest University, Faculty of Mathematics, Academiei 14, RO-70109, Bucharest,
Fl. Popentiu Vladicescu
City University, Department of Electrical, Electronic & Information Engineering,
Northampton Square, London EC1V, OHB, UK
This paper considers the concept of trustability introduced by
Howden 3 and outlines some important facts concerning the
usage of the trustability as an important concept in software quality
management. The software trustability assessment is also
considered and detailed.
1. Introduction
Software reliability is the probability of a software product operating for
a given period of time in a particular environment without exhibiting any
failures 4. Many methods for estimating the reliability are available.
We mention only some works: 4 and 5. However the failure intensity,
or failures per unit time, of a software-based system, depends on how the
system is used. The usage is characterised by the operational profile, the
set of operations available on the system and their associated probability
of occurrence.
Reliability growth models assume that during testing the program
is executed several times using test cases that are selected randomly
according to the operational profile of the program under evaluation. The
collected test data can, for instance, be information on: test identification,
effective execution time, set-up time, total test time, result (passed or
severity of failure: critical, severe, major or minor), whether or not the
cause of a failure has been removed, where the faults corresponding to
the failures were found and corrected. More considerations about
program testing and analysis can be found in 1, 2 and 4.
From practical point of view, this testing step is one of the following
interrelated software reliability sub-processes in a typical software
engineering life cycle: document construction, integration, inspection and
correction; code construction, integration, inspection and correction; test
preparation and testing; fault identification and fault repair; validation of
repairs and re-testing.
A method based on testing a finished program require the
knowledge of program’s operational distribution and a very large number
of tests for modest estimates. Another approach in estimating the
software quality is based on the concept of trustability introduced by
Howden in  3.
This paper address the problem of trustability assessment and its
application to software quality.
2. Terminology and notations
Let  be the software program space and M be the set of the software
evaluation procedures. Assume that the size of M is n. These sets are
non-empty. Let be m and d(m)  [0,1]. We call d(m) the detectability
of the method m if d(m) is the probability that m will detect a fault in a
selected program p , if the program p contains a fault.
In the testing process the set of all possible faults are partitioned in
fault classes depending on a criterion (as an example failure severity
Two types of detectability methods are available: deterministic and
probabilistic methods. Deterministic methods have detectability “1” for
well-defined classes of faults. A probabilistic method has a probability
less than “1” for detecting faults which depends on the sampling process
that is assumed to occur when a program is constructed or tested.
If the set of faults F is partitioned in k classes denoted by Fj and let
fj the occurrence frequency of the faults in class j (1  j  k). Let be dj(m)
the detectability of method m for fault class Fj and D be the detectability
matrix, having n rows and k columns: one row for every method. In this
D = (dij), i = 1, 2, ..., n; j = 1, 2, ..., k;
dij = dj(mi), where mi  M for i = 1, 2, ..., n.
In the testing and analysis process a strategy is necessary. Such strategy
can be given by a vector (si), i=1, 2, ..., n, where si is a binary indicator of
the methods mi (si = 1 when the method mi is applied, si = 0 otherwise).
Define the trustability of a computer program p by the number T(p)
having the following property: the hypothesis that p is free of faults is
accepted with confidence q with q at least T(p).
Using the above assumptions and notations, following 3, if p is a
computer program under testing and analysing and S is a strategy
addressed to p with no faults detected, than p has trustability at least T(p),
T(p) = 1 - max {min {fj(1-dij)si | i = 1, 2, ..., n} | j = 1, 2, ..., k},
and si is the usage factor of the method mi (the components of the
strategy S). The above formula is called the trustability formula.
Sometimes, a testing and analysing procedure depends on some
parameters (one or more) integrating in the vector . Let i be the
parameter vector associated to the method mi and ci(p,i) the cost of
applying the method mi for a program p. Then the cost of applying a
strategy S to the program p is given by:
C(S, p) =
i 1
ci ( i , p).
An important problem is to determine a strategy for optimal trustability
and cost. Let p  a fixed computer program. If T(p) is given by some
trustability guarantee formula and  is some desired level of trustability,
an optimal cost strategy for supporting T(p) at level  (T(p) ) is a
minimum cost strategy with the above attributes.
A solution of this optimisation problem is based on the classical
optimisation methods under a set of constraints. The computational
procedures cover a wide spectrum, from numerical optimisation to
3. Trustability assessment
Let p  be a selected computer program and assume that a single
method m with detectability d(m) is available. Then either the program
has faults or it does not. When the program has faults, the risk factor is 1d(m) otherwise is 0. If no faults are detected applying the method m, the
risk of a false conclusion that p is free of faults is less than 1-d(m) so that
the trustability of p is at least T(p) where T(p) = 1- (1- d(m)).
Given a method m, how estimate d(m)? Different approaches are
available in the development step or in the test process of the final
product. The testing process depends on the computer program
complexity (the number of executable statements, the total number of
operators, the total number of operands (including class variables), the
number of calls to the functions (including sending messages in object
oriented field), the number of distinct operators, the number of distinct
operands, the number of distinct functions, the McCabe’s cyclomatic
number etc.). The application of the testing methods depends on the
operational profile already developed. However The detectability of a
method results after preparing test cases and applying the test procedure.
For example, methods for detecting uninitialised variables have
detectability 1 for uninitialised variable faults. If repeated code readings
method is used is important to estimate the probability of a single code
reading finding at least one fault if the program contains a fault. Given a
program under development and finally under testing and the set of
analysing methods, the detectability matrix is computed. We observe that
the detectability is an attribute of the method, but the methods for testing
and analysing are developed for a particular computer program. If
general methods for testing and analysing a used, these will depend on
the characteristics, denoted above by , that will be determined for the
computer program under analysis.
Due to the modifications in the software project for a new release
is clear that a new delectability matrix is obtained in the last case.
However some methods will have the same delectability. But the
determination of strategies for optimal trustability and cost will start from
the beginning.
The best approach consists in developing specialised methods for
classes of faults: a method can detect only faults belonging to the
corresponding class. More than one method can exist for a class of faults
(in the requirements step of the software development, at least two
detection methods can be used: data flow and object oriented analysis).
For estimating the optimal trustability the existence of a
detectability matrix is necessary. The minimum cost strategy for
achieving a trustability bound T(p) for a program p consists in obtaining
the strategy components si introduced in previous section.
4. Trustability and quality
It is well known that software testing is the fundamental basis of all
approaches to software quality questions. Software test methods
represents the formalisation and application of some experimental
processes in order to collect data for concluding about both software
quality and reliability. The art of software testing is well developed a
large variety of methods being available. However information obtained
in the development process (based on static software metrics) and the
results of the many types of test: branch coverage, call-pair coverage,
path coverage, predicate coverage, class-hierarchy coverage, data flow
coverage, mutation analysis, object oriented testing, process assessment,
algorithm assessment etc.) are useful for improving the reliability of the
software. Estimating the detectability for such methods are the first step
in computing the trustability. If these methods has constant detectability
(this is true only for a small class of software) then applying the optimal
cost strategy a good estimation of the trustability is obtained.
The quality of a software program will be at least the trustability of
this software. This encourages the efforts to looking for detectability
factors and more trustability models.
5. Conclusions
In this paper the trustability of a computer program is considered to be an
important indicator for software reliability and quality. The usage of a
large variety of testing and analysing methods, and estimating the quality
of a method (by the detectability indicator) in order to find a strategy for
optimal trustability but with minimum cost is a practical solution for
improving the reliability and finally, the quality of the program.
1. W. E. Howden, Functional Program Testing and Analysis, McGrawHill, February, 1987.
2. W. E. Howden, Systematic informal software testing and analysis
methods, Proceedings, Seventh International Software Quality Week,
SRI, June, 1994.
3. W. E. Howden, Y. Huang, Software Trustability, Fifth International
Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering, Monterey,
California, November 1994.
4. J. D. Musa, Software reliability engineering, McGraw-Hill, 1999.
5. Denise M. Woit, Estimating software reliability with hypothesis,
CRL, McMaster University, April, 1993.