Course Lecturer Office Hours Email Address Book CSE/CIT 120, Introduction to Computers and Programming with Excel Section CSE 41882, CIT 41881 Oakland University, School of Computer Science and Engineering 4 credits Fall 2010 M/W/F 9:20 – 10:27 a.m., 202 Dodge Hall (first day of class) & 167 Dodge Hall Laura Dinsmoor By appointment, 122 Dodge Hall Computing with Excel and VBA, Second Edition, Krishan, Recommended ISBN: 9780763756680 (required) A USB portable storage device with capacity of 512 MB or greater Credits Semester Lecture Course Description: This course is designed to introduce you to computers and programming using Excel and Visual Basic for Applications (VBA). In this course you will learn about many features of Excel, problem solving and simulation using Excel, and customization of your solutions through VBA programming. The emphasis in the course will be on developing problem solving skills. The examples used in the course are taken either from activities that you can easily relate with or are designed to introduce some computing and engineering concepts. The topics covered in the course include stored program computer model, Excel basics, worksheet functions, problem solving strategies, working with text, dates and times, lists and charts including pivot tables and pivot charts, simulation using Excel, macros, and VBA programming. The successful completion of the course should provide you with skills to analyze problems and to develop and code simple algorithms. The list of course objectives is as follows: Basic Excel operations including functions and charts Information representation in computers including number systems and logic gates Concepts of algorithms and problem solving strategies Working with text, dates and time in Excel Working with lists and tables in Excel including pivot tables Charting in Excel Simulation using Excel Recording and coding Macros using VBA Writing custom functions and using Excel functions in VBA Program flow control in VBA The course satisfies the university general education requirement in the formal reasoning knowledge foundation area. Catalog Course Description: This course includes an introduction to computers and programming to develop small applications. It introduces students to developing algorithms for applications that contain integrated development environments (IDEs) such as Microsoft Excel’s IDE for Visual Basic for Applications (VBA). Algorithmic topics include designing the algorithm, using repetitive structures, employing decision structures, and working with functions, sub routines, and ActiveX controls. Programming topics include application automation and presenting information programmatically using visualization tools such as charts and graphs with an emphasis on developing software for typical business applications. Students will also develop presentations with high media content. This course is accompanied by laboratory sessions. Course Prerequisites: Computer Literacy and Math 012 or equivalent. General Education Learning Outcomes: Formal Reasoning FR1. Knowledge of one or more formal reasoning systems such as computer programming, mathematics, statistics, linguistics or logic FR2. Application of formal reasoning to read, understand, model and solve problems across a variety of applications Class & Homework Attendance is not mandatory, but will be used as extra credit this semester. Attendance is taken at the beginning of class only. The homework assignments must be completed and submitted on time using Moodle. No late homework will be accepted. You need to use Excel 2007 to do the homework. If you do not have it, you can use the PC’s in Dodge Hall or other areas on campus to do your homework. These assignments will require students to practice techniques in developing algorithms for automating applications that perform functions relevant to practical problems, analyzing data using spreadsheet statistical formulas, and presenting information using charts and presentation software using the tools and material presented in the lectures. Academic Conduct: Expected conduct on lab assignments and exams Cheating is a serious academic crime. Oakland University policy requires that all suspected instances of cheating be reported to the Academic Conduct Committee for adjudication. It is assumed that ALL WORK THROUGHOUT THE TERM IS YOUR OWN! Discussion of homework assignments is permitted but copying of assignments or parts of assignments is not! Handing in a homework assignment that was essentially copied from someone else does constitute cheating. All of the tests are closed book. Obtaining help from notes, another individual or from hand held computing devices during an exam is regarded as cheating. Moodle Moodle is the tool I use for our class web page. The address is Use your SAIL account name and password to login to the system. I will be posting important notes to the class, exam dates, labs, and class examples on our web page. See on how to access your OU email account. It is your responsibility to have all this worked out prior to first lab due date, because late labs are not accepted. Exams There are three exams and one final in the class; dates will be posted on Moodle. Once the exam starts, you cannot leave the room until you finish your exam. Cell phone or other electronic device use is not acceptable during the exam Students must bring a picture ID and Scantron (form F-1712-PAR-L) to the exams. Make up exams are not given for unexcused absenses. Students arriving late for the exam (after the first person finishes it) will not be allowed to take the exam, and will receive a zero. Grading Grades will be based on the formula GRADE = (percentage score/16) – 2 Homework Exams Final 35% 45% 20% Class Schedule: The tentative weekly schedule is as follows. Week 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Topic Class intro Intro to computers, Excel Basics More Excel Exam 1, Working with Conditions Working with Conditions Computing as Problem Solving Computing as Problem Solving, Exam 2 Working with Text, Dates, and Times Working with Tables, Charting Data Analysis and Simulation), Macros Exam 3, Macros VBA Programming VBA Programming, Thanksgiving recess VBA Programming, Review for Final First day of class is Friday September 3rd. The last day of class is Friday December 3rd. Oakland University is closed on Monday September 6th and November 25th – 26th for holidays. Our final exam is Wednesday December 8th at 8 a.m.. 122 Dodge Hall, my office 167 Dodge Hall 202 Dodge Hall (first day of class)