Local Scholarships - Worcester Telegram & Gazette

Millbury High School
Awards Night
Local Scholarships
Name of Scholarship
Martin J. Roach Memorial Scholarship
Martin J. Roach Memorial Scholarship
James W. Belsito Scholarship
Charles F. Minney Ladies Auxillary VFW #3329 Academic Award
Millbury Youth Soccer Scholarship
Millbury Youth Soccer Scholarship
Millbury Pee Wee Basketball Scholarship
Millbury Pee Wee Basketball Scholarship
Millbury Pee Wee Basketball Scholarship
Millbury Pee Wee Basketball Scholarship
Millbury Pee Wee Basketball Scholarship
Millbury Pee Wee Basketball Scholarship
Millbury Pee Wee Basketball Scholarship
Millbury Pee Wee Basketball Scholarship
Millbury Pee Wee Basketball Scholarship
Lorraine T. Delaney Memorial Scholarship
Lorraine T. Delaney Memorial Scholarship
Lorraine T. Delaney Memorial Scholarship
Francis J & Mary Brady Family Scholarship
Lee Aubin Memorial Scholarship
Michael A. Fresolo Foundation Scholarship
Michael A. Fresolo Foundation Scholarship
Michael A. Fresolo Foundation Scholarship
Michael A. Fresolo Foundation Scholarship
Millbury Little League Scholarship: Gary Dean Memorial Award
Millbury Little League Scholarship: Randy Mogren Award
Millbury Little League Scholarship: Roland Shepard Award
Millbury Little League Scholarship: Tom Dunford Award
Millbury Little League Scholarship: Dave Richardson Award
Brian Jezyk Memorial Scholarship
Brian Jezyk Memorial Scholarship
The Caron Family Scholarship
Kimberly Miller Memorial Scholarship
Daniel Joseph Gilbert Memorial Scholarship Fund
Millbury Cultural Council Scholarship
May Family Scholarship
Jeffrey H. Ostrowski Memorial Scholarship
Gary S. Dean Student/Athlete Scholarship
Gary S. Dean Student/Athlete Scholarship
Gary S. Dean Student/Athlete Scholarship
Gary S. Dean Student/Athlete Scholarship
Gary S. Dean Student/Athlete Scholarship
Gary S. Dean Student/Athlete Scholarship
9th Annual Millbury Fire Dept. Ladies Auxiliary Community Service
Millbury Fire Dept. Ladies Auxiliary Alice Provencal Memorial
Millbury Girls Softball League Scholarship
Millbury Girls Softball League Scholarship
Brittany Balkus
Ryan O'Leary
Lauren Kosiba
Deanna Meserve
Adam Mejaour
Katherine Nasuti
Chelsea Perkins
Frank DiLeo
Jacob Richardson
Katie Nasuti
Lauren Kosiba
Matt Lucier
Ryan O'Leary
Sarah Vigneau
Tim Swenson
Elizabeth A. Kasputis
Megan Quinn
Kelly Croteau
Jacob Richardson
Laura Chapman
Chelsea Perkins
Erica Ferretti
Taigh McDonagh
Tim Swenson
Matthew Vitkauskas
Tim Swenson
Cameron Richer
Tyler Maynard
Jacob Richardson
Anthony Mellen
Chelsea Perkins
Lauren Kosiba
Kelly Croteau
Sara Macaruso
Nancy Luu
Cameron Richer
Frank DiLeo
Chelsea Perkins
Frank DiLeo
Lauren Kosiba
Matthew Lucier
Ryan O'Leary
Timothy Swenson
Melanie Mitchell
Lauren Kosiba
Lauren Kosiba
Pauline Legor
Millbury Memorial Jr./Sr. High School Business Club Scholarship
Millbury Memorial Jr./Sr. High School Business Club Scholarship
Millbury Memorial Jr./Sr. High School Business Club Scholarship
Millbury Memorial Jr./Sr. High School Business Club Scholarship
Jennifer Dow Memorial Scholarship
Millbury Coaches' Club Scholarship
Millbury Coaches' Club Scholarship
Millbury Coaches' Club Scholarship
Millbury Coaches' Club Scholarship
Millbury Coaches' Club Scholarship
Millbury Coaches' Club Scholarship
Millbury Coaches' Club Scholarship
Millbury Coaches' Club Scholarship
Millbury Coaches' Club Scholarship
Millbury Coaches' Club Scholarship
Millbury Coaches' Club Scholarship
Millbury Coaches' Club Scholarship
Millbury Coaches' Club Scholarship
Millbury Coaches' Club Scholarship
Millbury Coaches' Club Scholarship
Millbury Coaches' Club Scholarship
Millbury Coaches' Club Scholarship
Millbury Coaches' Club Scholarship
Millbury Coaches' Club Scholarship
Millbury Coaches' Club Scholarship
Millbury Coaches' Club Scholarship
Steven R. Bott Scholarship
Todd Bowness Scholarship
Vanessa Anne Dunn Memorial Scholarship
Henry Munns Making a Difference Award
Henry Munns Making a Difference Award
Southern Worcester County League Principals' Scholarship
Officer Edward Santon Memorial Scholarship Award
Officer Edward Santon Memorial Scholarship Award
Olive Branch Lodge Masonic Awareness Scholarship
Olive Branch Lodge Masonic Awareness Scholarship
Bobby Taft Memorial Athletic Scholarship
Millbury Parents' Club Scholarship
Millbury Parents' Club Scholarship
Millbury Women's Club Scholarship
Millbury Women's Club Scholarship
Millbury Women's Club Scholarship
Millbury Music Parents Association Scholarship
Devoe-Taylor American Legion Post #9 Scholarship
Devoe-Taylor American Legion Post #9 Scholarship
Elmwood Street School Staff Scholarship
Brittany Balkus
Kelly Croteau
Pauline Legor
Tina Nguyen
Katherine Nasuti
Alec Vigliatura
Ashley Gasco
Brittany Balkus
Chelsea Perkins
Deanna Meserve
Erica Ferretti
Francis DiLeo
Joe Raymond
Katherine Nasuti
Kelly Croteau
Laura Chapman
Lauren Kosiba
Nancy Luu
Patrick Daley
Peter Bott
Ryan O'Leary
Sarah Vigneau
Taigh McDonagh
Tim Swenson
Tyler Maynard
Ryan O'Leary
Amanda Strezlewicz
Samantha Pilat
Lindsey Cappucio
Samantha Duddie
Kristin Parker
Eric Boll
Tyler Maynard
Lauren Kosiba
Mathew Murray
Peter Bott
Eric Boll
Lauren Kosiba
Elizabeth A. Kasputis
Eric M. Boll
Sara Macaruso
Chelsea Palmisano
Lindsey Cappuccio
Sara Macaruso
Peter Bott
Name of Scholarship
Adam Mejour
Alec Vigliatura
Alec Vigliatura
Ali Emmott
Alyssa Lizotte
Amanda Strzelewicz
Rocco Bruno Memorial Scholarship
Marlborough Memorial Scholarship
Warren Harris
Ray's True Value
MTA Martin Roach Memorial Scholarship
Francis Asselin Memorial
Albert & Ruth Kupcinskas Memorial
Dollars for Scholars
Riverside Mart
Millbury Retired Educators Scholarship
Dollars for Scholars
Raymond Goretti Memorial Scholarship
Attorney Peter Keenan Scholarship
MTA Academic Achievement Scholarship
Mrs.Helen Benoit Valedictorian Memorial
Dollars for Scholars
Dollars for Scholars
Millbury Federal Credit Union Presidential
Freedom Scholarship
Daniel Carmody Memorial
Marjorie D. & Leslie C. Bickford Memorial
Dr. & Mrs. David Matson Scholarship
Mrs.Helen Benoit Salutatorian Memorial
Dr. & Mrs. William Spang Scholarship
Dollars for Scholars Raymond Gemme
Memorial Scholarship
Lenny's Liquors
Mrs.Helen Benoit 4th Ranked Scholar
Memorial Scholarship
Millbury Lions Club Memorial Scholarship
Paul DiCicco Family Scholarship
Erin O'Donnell Memorial Scholarship
Dollars for Scholars Marjorie Matson
Leona Buxton Casey - Class of 1931
Memorial Scholarship
Mrs.Helen Benoit Memorial Achievement
Award Scholarship
George H. & Marie P. Chabot Scholarship
Mrs.Helen Benoit 3rd Ranked Scholar
Memorial Scholarship
Millbury Lions Club Scholarship in Memory
of Joseph Combs
Paul DiCicco Family Scholarship
Albert & Ruth Kupcinskas Memorial
Millbury Federal Credit Union Mary Grogan
Leonard Pescheta Jr. Memorial
Millbury Grange #108
Millbury Federal Credit Union Richard
Ashley Gasco
Blake Bengston
Blake Bengston
Brittany Balkus
Brittany Knowlton
Cameron Richer
Chelsea Palmisano
Christopher Tarantino
Christopher Tarantino
Deanna Meserve
Deanna Swenson
Elizabeth Kasputis
Elizabeth Turco
Elizabeth Turco
Emily Matson
Evan Stuart
Faya Youssef
Frank DiLeo
Frank DiLeo
Jake Richardson
Jolene Belliveau
Jolene Belliveau
Katie Nasuti
Kelly Croteau
Kim Croteau
Kim Croteau
Kristin Parker
Kristin Parker
Laura Chapman
Lauren Kosiba
Matt Murray
Matthew Lucier
Matthew Vitkauskas
Matthew Vitkauskas
Melanie Mitchell
Melanie Mitchell
Nancy Luu
Pauline Legor
Peter Bott
Rebecca Alt
Rebecca Alt
Ryan O'Leary
Samantha Millette
Sara Mascaruso
Sarah Vigneau
Sarah Vigneau
Steven Bonner
Taigh McDonagh
Taylor Seaboyer
Tim Briddon
Timothy Swenson
Tina Ngyun
Tyler Maynard
Kenary Memorial Scholarship
Charles Capparelli Memorial
Patrick Dore Memorial Scholarship
Lora and Paul Turgeon Memorial
Paul DiCicco Family Scholarship
Dollars for Scholars
S & D Spinning Mill, Inc. Scholarship
Millbury Savings Bank Community Spirit
Paul H. Anderson Memorial
C & S Lumber Co.Scholarship
Elmwood Street School Scholarship
Diane Goretti-William's Memorial
Dr. Henry Leclaire Memorial Scholarship
Paul A. Meagher Memorial & Ward Family
Millbury Savings Bank Achievement Award
Paul H. Anderson Memorial
Millbury Savings Bank in Memory of
Marjorie Matson Scholarship
Julia Cota Memorial Scholarship
Paul A. Meagher Memorial & Ward Family