JOB TITLE: Programme Manager Humanitarian

JOB TITLE: Programme Manager - Humanitarian, Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) & Climate Change (CC (PMHDC))
JOB FAMILY: Programme
SALARY: PKR 3,528,893 Gross Per Annum
LEVEL: C1 Open Ended (Core Post)
OXFAM PURPOSE: To work with others to find lasting solutions to poverty and suffering
TEAM PURPOSE: To achieve the Humanitarian, DRR, CC objectives as outlined in Oxfam GB’s National Change
Strategy (2009 – 2014) and the Pakistan Country teams aspiration to mount, with it’s Partners, timely, efficient,
effective, quality, accountable humanitarian response(s) to CAT-2 level disaster(s). Working as a strategic guide,
leader, manager and capacity builder, primarily for the HDC team and more broadly for the wider Oxfam GB Support
and Pillar/Programme teams.
JOB PURPOSE: The Programme Manager Humanitarian (PM-HDC) will provide results-based strategic guidance,
leadership, management and capacity building to the HDC team, specifically, and to the broader Pakistan team. In
so doing, the PM-HDC is expected to:
 Work closely with the Pakistan security focal points and managers to strengthen Oxfam GB and Partner
organisation security management capacity and the impact security can have on programming, particularly its
influence on programme cycle management processes in areas of limited access.
 Monitor HDC needs in Pakistan, identifying gaps and planning appropriate timely action using a rights-based
approach to programming
 Ensure timely, efficient, effective and accountable Humanitarian response, with local partners, to survivors of
Category 31 and 22 natural and/or man-made disasters, increasingly in a complex environment
 Develop the capacity of the Pakistan Country Programme’s Humanitarian and Support teams to attain Oxfam
GB’s Aim 3 vision of having in-country capacity to respond to Cat –2 level disasters by 2010
 Deliver Oxfam GB Pakistan Programme HDC Pillar’s strategic objectives as outlined in the National Change
Strategy (NCS); Humanitarian Strategy; Public Health Strategy; Climate Change Strategy; etc
 Integrate Disaster Risk Reduction strategies into our “one programme” approach so that we may better address
chronic and acute vulnerability to disasters, particularly through our gender equality, Ending Violence Against
Women (EVAW) and Land Rights and Economic Opportunities (LEO) work
Post holder reports to: Country Director
Staff reporting to this post:
Deputy Programme Manager (who supports the Programme Manager and line manages the DDR & CC team, made
up of the Programme Coordinator - DRR & CC; Project Officers – DRR & CC (2))
The Humanitarian team – Variable depending on scale of humanitarian response3. Currently Humanitarian team
consists of Programme Coordinator – Public Health, Public Health Engineer(s), Public Health Promoter(s),
Programme Coordinator - Livelihoods and some additional fixed term emergency response staff.
N.B.: Changes are expected in the Humanitarian team as Oxfam GB is in the process of integrating the Response
programme into the broader HDC team.
BUDGET RESPONSIBILITY: Variable depending on scale of humanitarian response – Up to GBP 10 million
Cat 3 – Small, localised crisis with < 200,000 people affected. (See OI Humanitarian Dossier for details).
Cat 2 – Single country crisis with high/moderate impact on population, <35% of infrastructure affected, c. 200,000-2,000,000
people affected, etc. (See OI Humanitarian Dossier for details)
The Pakistan team is currently responding to a Cat-2 level disaster in North West Frontier Province
 Required to develop long term vision and strategic planning to achieve significant impact from programmes and
attain our Aim 3 vision for Pakistan, using a rights-based and results-based approach to work
 Represent Oxfam corporately and manage and influence significant external relationships
 Leadership of HDC team. Set, lead and deliver agreed plans and strategies related to HDC pillar objectives,
complying to all OGB systems compliance requirements
 Plan and manage human, logistic and financial resources in consultation and cooperation with relevant Support
 Management of a broad spectrum of programmes, with a variety of competencies and skills required.
Management tasks and problems are diverse and complex and involve a significant degree of risk (financial,
security, brand, etc).
 Produce, assimilate, analyse and use programme information from varied and diverse sources to provide in-depth
analysis and appropriate recommendations related to HDC programming, advocacy, policy, OGB/Partner
accountability and Partnerships
 Working autonomously with significant financial, human resource, security, contract management and
representational responsibility, internally and externally
 Decision-making requires significant levels of judgement based on technical and management experience,
generally actively supported within line management or the programme team
 Work with Country Director to manage the formulation, organisation and delivery of high-level lobbying, and
advocacy as part of the programme
 Lead the alignment of programmes with Oxfam corporate relevant campaigns and ensure effective harmonisation
of planning and management with Oxfam International
 Work with the Country Director to plan and implement fundraising plans and ensure proper compliance to relevant
policies, guidelines and agreements of Government, multilateral and bilateral agencies and donors
Primarily act as a leader, manager, coach and mentor to the Pakistan Humanitarian, DRR & CC team to achieve our
strategic objectives as outlined in the Pakistan National Change Strategy and our Aim 3 vision, by adopting a rightsbased and results-based approach to work.
Country Management Team (CMT):
 As a member of the CMT, attend monthly meetings and actively engage in country level management and
strategic dialogue, planning and activities, providing leadership to the overall operation of the country programme.
 Provide peer support to all CMT members.
 Promote OGB’s “one programme approach” by integrating DRR and CC with all Programme Pillars; fostering.
collaborative, coordinated and close working relations with all Programme and Support Team Managers.
 Build an internal humanitarian leadership capable of drawing on each Oxfam International affiliates organisational
expertise to deliver high quality preparedness and responses and contribute to the development of the Single
Management Structure of Oxfam in Pakistan.
 Work with the CMT to ensure the integration of Humanitarian Response(s), Disaster Risk Reduction and climate
change, with the Pakistan Country Programmes pillars of Gender/EVAW, Land Rights and Economic
Opportunities and Girls Education, in a complementary way that maximises impact and better utilises existing
staff and partners capacities.
Cross-cutting Activities:
 Gender - Supported by the Gender, Advocacy, Media and Communications (GAMC) team, ensure gender is
mainstreamed into all programme, partnership and advocacy activities.
 Partnership - Supported by the Partnership Management Group (PMG), ensure best practice by HDC team by
compliance to OGB’s Partnership policy, procedures and guidelines; and through Partner monitoring and capacity
 Governance – Work with Partners to advocate/strengthen/develop national level policies, procedures, and
Pakistan’s governance framework, relevant to HDC; with particular focus on ensuring the delivery of an effective,
efficient, timely humanitarian response to natural and man-made disasters; and work with national government on
preparedness initiatives that influence their social protection framework (such as safety nets).
 Accountability - Ensure quality, transparent and accountable programming to beneficiaries, GoP, Donors and
OGB, with established mechanisms for complaints and feedback.
 Advocacy – In collaboration with the GAMC team, ensure the rights of women, men and those most vulnerable
are upheld; and that international commitments and agreed principles, standards and codes are understood,
promoted and complied to. (These include: The Code of Conduct for the International Red Cross Movement and
NGOs in Disaster Relief, the SPHERE Humanitarian Charter and Minimum Standards, the Human Accountability
Partnership (HAP) Principles of Accountability, the Guiding Principles for Working with Internally Displaced
Persons (OCHA)).
Coordination - Ensure excellent internal and external communication, coordination and collaboration.
Capacity building - In coordination with relevant Programme and Support Teams, strengthen the Pakistan
Country teams capacity, and that of Partners, re Humanitarian Response (to Cat 2 level response), DRR and CC,
with particular focus on, Public Health (especially WASH), Early Recovery (livelihoods/food security) and
Protection sectors.
Results based management – Using the logical framework process to programme planning/design, monitoring
and evaluation ensure qualitative and quantitative information that provides evidence of impact and change.
Team Management:
 Human resource management in compliance with Oxfam GB policies, procedures and guidelines and in
consultation and coordination with the Human Resource team who will ensure that sufficient technical, legal and
advisory support is provided as required. Manage a multidisciplinary team of programme and technical staff.
Performances manage all direct line reports including development and coaching of staff.
 Emergency and non-emergency finance resource management in compliance with Oxfam GB policies, procedures
and guidelines and in consultation and coordination with the Finance team who will ensure that sufficient technical,
legal and advisory support is provided as required.
 Logistics and general administrative management in compliance with Oxfam GB policies, procedures and
guidelines and in consultation and coordination with the Logistics and Administration team who will ensure that
sufficient technical, legal and advisory support is provided as required
 Contract management in compliance with Oxfam GB, Government of Pakistan (GoP) and Donor policies,
procedures and guidelines; in consultation and coordination with the Funding team who will ensure that sufficient
technical, legal and advisory support is provided as required
 Team building and development of team capacity, with particular focus on developing skills, knowledge and
capacity relevant to attaining the Pakistan Country Programmes NCS objectives and Aim 3 vision by December
Security Management:
 Work closely with the Country Director, Security Manager and Security Focal Points to inform, manage and
strengthen personal, team and Partner security, through effective situation and risk analysis and Standard
Operating Plans.
 Ensure effective and appropriate security acceptance and protection measures are introduced to all Field and
Partner operations
 Assess and develop team and Partner security management capacity and manage the impact security can have
on programming, particularly its influence on programme cycle management processes in areas of limited access.
Aim 3 Humanitarian Vision by 2010 and maintenance of vision beyond 2010:
 Ensure up to date and quality documentation of hazard and conflict mapping linked with contingency and activity
plans to reduce impact and increase capacity of partners and Oxfam to respond to the different hazards
 Ensure timely programme/project development that reflects the scale of needs/crisis
 Organise and manage the Real Time Evaluation (RTE) as required by Oxfam guidelines
 Analyse the gaps at Oxfam and partners level and identify inputs and learning to decrease the gaps and increase
Oxfam aspiration to manage CAT-2 disaster at country level.
 Support the team to ensure programme learning and innovation are documented and shared at appropriate
national, regional and international l level
 Actively engage with the OI Rights in Crisis (RiC) campaign
Disaster Risk Reductions (DRR) and Climate Change (CC):
 Support the development of the OI Emergency Contingency Plan (ECP).
 Work with OI affiliates and Partner Organisations to operationalise the ECP, ensuring DRR impact.
 Support Programme and Support staff to integrate DRR and CC into all activities/work.
 Work with Partners to develop, implement and achieve CC strategies and objectives.
 Ensure proactive DRR and CC programme/project development in line with Pakistan’s NCS.
 Actively engage with OI Economic Justice Campaign.
Programme/Project Cycle Management:
 At times of crisis, coordinate timely engagement of Oxfam GB in participatory needs assessment with Partners,
OI Affiliates, Pakistan Humanitarian Forum (PHF), UN-led Cluster and/or Government representatives, as the
crisis situation dictates/allows.
 Ensure the development of timely HDC concept note/project proposals. Concept notes/project proposals for
humanitarian response(s)
Ensure compliance with Oxfam GB monitoring, evaluation and learning expectations and approach; develop
initiatives for continuous learning, pilots and innovation
External Representation:
 In collaboration and coordination with the Funding team, ensure excellent relations with traditional and nontraditional donors are developed and maintained and that the HDC team meet all donor compliance requirements.
 Facilitate funding and non-funding partnership (within OGB partnership policy) to increase participation and design
of quality capacity building plans for partners. Including NGO partners, networks, alliances, institutions, UN,
Government of Pakistan, etc.
 Actively engage with the Cluster mechanism at times of crisis
 Manage OI affiliate relations and communications by: proactively participating in, and when necessary, leading
Humanitarian Coordination Team meetings; ensuring timely information and finalisation of OI situation reports;
engagement in OI telecoms/videocoms; etc.
 Manage external HDC contracts with Consultants, in line with OGB policies and procedures
 Be prepared to undertake other duties related to Oxfam’s programme as and when required by the Country
Education to a Masters degree level preferably in social sciences
At least 5 years experience in humanitarian sector
Experience of working in a leadership position within a team structure
Proven skills in managing staff reporting to her/him; excellent coordination skills
Fluent written and spoken English
Proven programme & project cycle management skills - proposal and report writing skills; monitoring and
evaluation skills and experience
Excellent communication and interpersonal skills;
Knowledge and experience of emergency and development issues; deep understanding of causes of
emergencies, emergency programming and links with policy
Ability to link with other players in the development arena and represent Oxfam effectively
Ability to analyse and communicate complex information to a wide audience
Proven knowledge of computerised system; high degree of computer literacy and word processing and
spreadsheet skills essential
Ability to work under pressure, prioritise well and meet deadlines
Ability to travel extensively, especially to remote areas
Experience in and the ability to train, coach, mentor people
Commitment to the aims and objectives of Oxfam
Commitment to ICRC Code of conduct and Sphere Standards
Commitment to Oxfam gender policies and code conduct
 Management tasks are complex and non-routine within a specialized unit/function.
 Decision-making requires significant levels of judgment based on technical and management experience,
generally actively supported within line management or the programme team.
 Role is variable with well-defined targets and/or minimum standards and is both proactive and reactive.
 To play active role in lobby and advocacy on issues related to programmes through personal contacts and coordination of allies.
 To take lead role on fundraising efforts in humanitarian sector and produce clear and quality reports (financial and
narrative) that demonstrate good accountability.
OTHER: This job description is not incorporated into the employment contract. It is intended as a guide and should
not be viewed as an inflexible specification as it may be varied from time to time in the light of strategic developments
following discussions with the post holder. The post holder will be expected to work to agreed objectives, which
should facilitate the achievements of the key responsibilities in accordance with the Performance Review process
Date of issue: 18 February 2008