O. Andros

УДК: 504.37:316.42:378
O.Ye. Andros
State Ecological Academy of Postgraduate Education and Management,
35, Metropolitan Vasyl Lypkivsky St, 03035, Kyiv, androsland@inbox.ru
Стаття обґрунтовує включення в освітній процес, зокрема процес післядипломної
освіти, курсу з практичної філософії охорони довкілля. Виходячи зі значення поняття «освіти
для збалансованого розвитку», розкриваються теоретичні засади екологізму та філософії
взаємостосунків «людина-природа», необхідні педагогам. Окреслені основні розділи
методичного посібника з практичної соціоприродної філософії, що розробляється
Державною екологічною академією післядипломної освіти та управління. Запропоновані
тематичні блоки посібника, які описують еволюцію ставлення до відносин «людинадовкілля». Ключові слова: екологізм, освіта для збалансованого розвитку, практична
соціоприродна філософія.
методологических основ образования для сбалансированного развития. А.Е. Андрос.
Статья обосновывает включение в образовательный процесс, в частности процесс
последипломного образования, курса практической философии охраны окружающей среды.
Исходя из значения понятия «образования для устойчивого развития», раскрываются
теоретические основы экологизма и философии взаимоотношений «человек-природа»,
необходимые педагогам. Описаны основные разделы методического пособия по
экологической академией последипломного образования и управления. Предложены
тематические блоки пособия, описывающие эволюцию оценки отношений «человекокружающая среда». Ключевые слова: экологизм, образование для устойчивого развития,
практическая социоприродная философия.
Role of practical philosophy in social and natural formation of methodological
foundations of education for sustainable development. O.Ye. Andros. Implementation in the
educational process (including the process of post-graduate education) of course in practical
philosophy of environmental protection is justified in article. Basing on the meaning of "education
for sustainable development", theoretical principles of environmetalism and philosophy of «humannature" relationships useful for teachers are analyzed. The basic sections of a manual on practical
social and natural philosophy, developed by the State Ecological Academy of Postgraduate
Education and Management, are described. The thematic blocks which describe the evolution of
attitudes to relationships "man-environment" are offered. Keywords: environmentalism, education
for sustainable development, practical social and natural philosophy.
Relevance of the topic is due to the need to include in the educational process, including the
process of post-graduate education course in practical philosophy of environmental protection,
which would enable the students to get acquainted with the philosophical foundation of
environmental protection and current issues relating to this area.
Teacher education plays a special role in the process of learning and dissemination of
environmental and ecological culture. The concept of "education for sustainable development"
includes both theoretical principles (philosophy of nature protection, methodological foundations of
teaching, etc.) and practical teaching methodology, as verified by educational institutions. The
article is an overview of the theoretical principles of environmentalism and philosophy relationship
of "human-nature" that can be useful to teachers and outlines the main sections of the handbook for
practical social and natural philosophy, developed by the Department of Public Administration for
Sustainable Development of the State Ecological Academy of Postgraduate Education and
The issue of an integrated system of teaching practical and philosophical issues of the
environment has matured over the years of Ukraine independence. It should be noted that the
country has formed a school of philosophy that studies the question of relations of man and the
environment and can be a source of knowledge and innovation to the educational process. Do not
forget also about interdisciplinary research topic because environmentalism enough volume and
studied not only philosophical disciplines, but also political science, sociology and other sciences.
In Ukraine, the analysis of the problems involved environmentalism first scientists involved in
philosophical reflection on social ecology and conservation of the environment: M.M. Kiselev,
A.M. Ermolenko, T.V. Hardashuk, V.S. Krysachenko, G.B. Marushevsky, A.I. Saltovskiy, A.V.
Tolstouhov, M.N. Khylko et al.
Since publications that have come out over the past 20 years and which should be based in
the preparation of curricula and courses, we select only a few: Ermolenko A.M. Social ethics and
ecology. Human Dignity - worship of nature, Kiselev N.N., Hardashuk T.V., Zarubitsky K.E.,
Derkach V.L., Vyshniak E.D., Borovs'ka L.A., Grabowski S. The phenomenon of social and natural
systems. Ideological and methodological essays, Marushevsky G.B. Ethics of sustainable
development; Khylko M.I. Steps to environmental culture Kiselev N.N., Hardashuk T.V, Zarubitsky
K.E., Derkach V.L., Vyshniak E.D. Environmental dimensions of globalization; Hardashuk T.V.
Conceptual Options ecologism; Saltovskiy A.I. Foundations of Social Ecology, Kiselev M.,
Derkach VL, AV Tolstouhov and others. Conceptual dimensions of ecological awareness
Krysachenko V.S., Khylko M.I. Ecology. Culture. Policy. Conceptual frameworks of development;
Hardashuk T.V. Environmental policy and the environmental movement: a modern context; Kiselev
N.N., Kanako F.M. Being among national environmental realities; Khylko M.M. Environmental
policy; etc.
Also not spared his attention Ukrainian environmental movement and social science. In
particular, environmentalism research in terms of sociology are presented by Ye.I. Holovaha, N.V.
Panina, N. Pasko, O.H. Stehniy. The results of their research are formulated in the following works:
Stegniy O.H. The institutionalization of environmental concerns in society sociogenetic risks;
Stegniy O.H. The environmental movement in Ukraine: a sociological analysis; Golovakha EI
Transforming society. Experience of social monitoring in Ukraine Golovakha E.N., Panin N.V
Trends in the Ukrainian society (1994-1997) etc.
Such classic Western book «The Green Alternative. Creating an Ecological future», «Turning
away from Technology, «A new vision for the 21st Century», «Biosphere politics. A cultural
odyssey from the Middle Ages to the New Age», «Radical environmentalism: philosophy and
tactics» and many others require translation and interpretation in the context of Ukrainian realities.
In Western scholarship major practical and philosophical study of environmentalism were
undertaken by B. Devollom, M. Bukchin, J. Mander, V. Kattonom junior, A. Naes et al. Conducted
an analysis of environmentalism and ideologically justified in its basic form A. Gore, E. Lens, P.
Singer, J. Foreman et al. A significant part of the question of the environmental protection
movement in the political process is given in the works of J. Hiza and E. Potter, J. Arkvilly, D.
Works of D. Meadows, B. Hawrylyshyn et al are devoted to the issue of "limits to growth".
Works of Russian researchers A.I. Kostin and A.N. Yanytsky were dedicated to greening process
and globalization of the modern world of non-governmental environmental organizations.
Among the priority topics that should be described and analyzed in the process of education
for sustainable development, they are.
Humanity was formed in a state of constant interaction with the natural environment. For the
historical development of this approach to interaction generally explained by the different ethical
and other imperatives. Today, the most visible impact on the development trend of humanity makes
Enlightening model conquest of nature by man, which led to a streamlined and technological
progress the last 300 years. Malignancy of the model development and the need for its modification
or adoption of a new and was recognized by scientists in the mid-twentieth century. Consequently, a
number of rethinking "academic" and "spontaneous political" development models that have been
proposed as an alternative to technocratic-rationalist models developed on the basis of reason.
These models make it possible to explain the current trends of globalization and the information
society, problems exist in today's world of modern phenomena such as nation, class, etc.
Methodical manual, which should develop from these studies, should include thematic blocks
describing the evolution of attitudes to relationships "human-environment". We therefore propose to
discuss the following thematic blocks:
- conceptual device features and practical issues of social and natural philosophy;
- anthropogeny and contradictions ratio "human- nature";
- environmental consciousness: features of the genesis and formation;
- paradigm modern European conquest of nature;
- crisis reality of the modern world: the main dimensions;
- social and natural dimension of globalization;
- update environmental responsibility;
- overcoming anthropocentrism as an ethical problem;
- universal eco -ethical categorical imperative;
- ethical transformation of economic rationality;
- ethics of sustainable development: characteristics, perspectives;
- universalist ethic of shared responsibility;
- legal aspects of environmentalism ethics: human rights and the rights of nature;
- conceptual frameworks of environmentalism;
- greening tendencies of the modern political process;
- main ideological environmentalism types: social, deep ecology, etc.;
- problems and prospects of sustainable development in Ukraine.
This list is tentative and will require further improvements and additions.
In summary, it is worth mentioning that the practical social and natural philosophy as an
academic discipline has considerable potential for the formation of the methodological foundations
of education for sustainable development. The need for writing a methodological guide and further
and books based on this subject is important and needs to implement soon.
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