LIST OF PUBLICATIONS (upto 2008) 1. Radha Prasanna, P. Jaiswal, Y.V. Singh and P. K. Singh. (2008). Influence of biofertilizers and organic amendments on nitrogenase activity and phototrophic biomass of soil under wheat. Acta Agronomica Hungarica 56 (2):149-159. 2. Radha Prasanna , Lata, Ravindramani Tripathi, Vishal Gupta, Sheetal Middha, Monica Joshi, Radhika Ancha and B. D. Kaushik. (2008). Evaluation of fungicidal activity of extracellular filtrates of cyanobacteria - possible role of hydrolytic enzymes. Journal of Basic Microbiology 48:186-194. 3. Anjuli Sood, Radha Prasanna and Singh, P.K. (2008).Genetic diversity among cyanobionts of Azolla. Folia Microbiologica 53(1): 35-43. 4. Anjuli Sood, Radha Prasanna and Singh, P.K. (2008). Fingerprinting of freshly separated and cultured cyanobionts from different Azolla species using morphological and molecular markers. Aquatic Botany 88:142- 147. 5. Radha Prasanna, Pranita Jaiswal and B.D. Kaushik (2008). Cyanobacteria as potential options for environmental sustainability – promises and challenges. Indian Journal of Microbiology 48 :89-94. 6. Pranita Jaiswal, Radha Prasanna, and P.K. Singh (2008). Cyanobacterial bioactive molecules - an overview of their "cidal” properties. Canadian Journal of Microbiology 54:701-717 7. Saswati Nayak, Radha Prasanna, Prasanna, B.M. and Sahoo, D.B. (2007). Analyzing diversity among Indian isolates of Anabaena (Nostocales, Cyanophyta) using morphological, physiological and biochemical characters. World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology 23:1575-1584. 8. Saswati Nayak and Radha Prasanna (2007). Soil pH and its role in cyanobacterial abundance and diversity in rice field soils. Applied Ecology and Environmental Research 5(2):103-113 9. Sood, A., Radha Prasanna and Singh, P. K. 2007. Influence of environmental factors on growth and N-related enzymes of cultured cyanobionts of Azolla. Indian Hydrobiology 10 : 175-183. 10. Radha Prasanna and Saswati Nayak (2007). Influence of diverse rice soil ecologies on cyanobacterial diversity and abundance. Wetlands Ecology and Management 15:127134. 11. Anjuli Sood, Radha Prasanna and Singh, P.K. (2007). Utilization of SDS – PAGE of whole cell proteins for characterization of Azolla species. Annales Botanici Fennici 44:283-286. 12. Vasudevan, V., Radha Prasanna, Sood, A. and Kaushik, B.D. (2007). Enhancing pigment accumulation in Anabaena strains using sugars. Acta Botanica Hungarica 49:187-196. 13. Dhar, D.W., Radha Prasanna and Singh, B.V. (2007). Comparative performance of three carrier based blue green algal biofertilizers for sustainable rice cultivation. Journal of Sustainable Agriculture.30 (2):41-50. 14. Karthikeyan, N. Radha Prasanna, Lata and Kaushik, B.D. (2007). Evaluating the potential of plant growth promoting cyanobacteria as inoculants for wheat. European Journal of Soil Biology. 43:23-30. 15. Rajeev Kaushik, Radha Prasanna and Joshi, H.C. (2006). Utilization of anaerobically digested distillery effluent for the production of Spirulina platensis (ARM 730). Journal of Experimental Biology 65: 521-525. 16. Radha Prasanna, Saxena, A. K., Jaiswal, P. and Nayak, S. (2006). Development of alternative support system for viable count of cyanobacteria by MPN method. Folia Microbiologica 51:455-458 17. Radha Prasanna, R. Kumar, A. Sood, B. M. Prasanna and Singh, P. K. (2006). Morphological, physio-chemical and molecular characterization of Anabaena strains. Microbiological Research 167:187-202 18. Vasudevan,V., Radha Prasanna, Anjuli. Sood, Pranita Jaiswal and Kaushik, B.D. (2006). Stimulation of pigment accumulation in Anabaena strains: effect of light intensity and sugars. Folia Microbiologica 51(2): 50-56 19. Basirath Raoof, B. D. Kaushik and Radha Prasanna (2006). Formulation of a low-cost medium for mass production of Spirulina. Biomass & Bioenergy 30:537-540. 20. Vasudevan, V., Radha Prasanna, and Sood, A (2006). Glucose stimulated accumulation of phycobiliproteins in Anabaena strains. Indian Hydrobiology 8: 157-165. 21. Pranita Jaiswal, Radha Prasanna, and P.K. Singh (2005). Isolation and Screening of rice field cyanobacteria exhibiting algicidal activity. Asian Journal of Microbiology. Biotechnology and Environmental Sciences 7(4): 767-770 22. Pranita Jaiswal, Radha Prasanna and Ajai Kumar Kashyap (2005). Modulation of carbonic anhydrase activity in two nitrogen fixing cyanobacteria Nostoc calcicola and Anabaena sp. Journal of Plant Physiology 162:1087-1094 23. Muthukumaravel C., B. D. Kaushik and Radha Prasanna (2006). Growth, nutritional and yield parameters of wetland rice, as influenced by microbial consortia under controlled conditions. Journal of Plant Nutrition 29:857-871 24. Radha Prasanna, Anjuli Pabby, Sudhir Saxena and Pawan Kumar Singh (2005). Stress induced modulation of pigment profiles in Lyngbya sp. and Synechocystis sp. Indian Hydrobiology 8:89-98. 25. Saswati Nayak, Radha Prasanna, Anjuli Pabby, Dominic, T.K. and Singh, P.K. (2004). Effect of urea and BGA-Azolla biofertilizers on nitrogen fixation and chlorophyll accumulation in soil cores from rice fields. Biology and Fertility of Soils 40: 67-72. 26. Anjuli Pabby, Radha Prasanna and P.K. Singh (2004). Morphological characterization of cultured and freshly separated cyanobionts (Nostocales, Cyanophyta) from Azolla species (Azollaceae) Acta Botanica Hungarica 46: 211-223. 27. Pabby A., Radha Prasanna and Singh P. K. (2004). Biological significance of Azolla and its utilization in agriculture. Proceedings of the Indian National Science Academy (PINSA-B)-Biological Sciences 70: 301-335. 28. Jaiswal, P., Radha Prasanna, Kashyap, A. K. and Singh P.K. (2004). Response of Nostoc calcicola and Anabaena sp. (ARM 629) and their mutants to elevated levels of inorganic carbon. Acta Botanica Hungarica 46: 167-178. 29. Radha Prasanna, Anjuli Pabby, Sudhir Saxena and Singh, P. K. (2004). Modulation of pigment profiles of Calothrix elenkenii in response to environmental stresses. Journal of Plant Physiology 161: 1125-1132. 30. Radha Prasanna, Anjuli Pabby and P.K. Singh (2003). Effect of glucose and light/dark environment on pigmentation profiles in Calothrix elenkenii. Folia Microbiologica 48: 2936. 31. Radha Prasanna, Tripathi, U., Dominic, T.K., Singh, A.K., Yadav, A.K., and Singh, P.K. (2003). An improvised technique for measurement of nitrogen fixation by blue green algae and Azolla using moist soil cores from rice fields Experimental Agriculture 39: 145150. 32. Radha Prasanna, Dhar, D.W, Dominic, T.K., Tiwari, O.N. and Singh, P.K. (2003). Isolation and characterization of phycobiliprotein-rich mutant of cyanobacterium Synechocystis sp. Acta Biologica Hungarica 54: 113-120. 33. Anjuli Pabby, Radha Prasanna, Saswati Nayak and Singh, P.K. (2003). Physiological characterization of the cultured and freshly isolated endosymbionts from different species of Azolla. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry 41: 73-79. 34. Pabby, A., Radha Prasanna and Singh, P. K. (2003). The Azolla-Anabaena symbiosis – from traditional agriculture to biotechnology. Indian Journal of Biotechnology 2: 26-37. 35. Radha Prasanna, Prasanna, B.M., Mohammadi, S.A. and Singh, P.K. (2003). Analysis of phycobiliprotein content in Tolypothrix germplasm. Folia Microbiologica. 48: 59-64. 36. Reddy, O.V., Dhar, D.W., Radha Prasanna and Singh, P.K. (2003). The influence of sodium stress on selected cyanobacterial isolates. Indian Journal of Plant Physiology (Special Issue): 333-338. 37. Radha Prasanna, Kumar, V., Kumar, S., Yadav, A.K., Tripathi, U., Singh, A.K., Jain, M.C., Gupta, P., Singh, P.K. and Sethunathan, N. (2002). Methane production in rice soils is inhibited by cyanobacteria. Microbiological Research 157: 1-6 38. Mekonnen, A., Radha Prasanna and Kaushik, B.D. (2002). Response of Anabaena species to different nitrogen sources. Acta Biologica Hungarica 53: 367-380 39. Mekonnen, A., Radha Prasanna and Kaushik, B.D. (2002). Cyanobacterial nitrogen fixation in the presence of nitrogen fertilizers. Indian Journal of Experimental. Biology 40: 854-857 40. Radha Prasanna, Mohammadi, S.A., Prasanna, B.M. and Singh, P.K. (2002). Inter- and intra-specific variation for nitrogen-fixing potential in Tolypothrix germplasm. Acta Botanica Hungarica 44: 383-392. 41. Anjuli Pabby, Radha Prasanna and P.K. Singh (2002). Biodiversity of algal flora associated with different species of Azolla. Indian Journal of Ecology 29: 253-255. 42. Tiwari, O.N., Radha Prasanna, Yadav, A.K., Dhar, D.W. and Singh, P.K. (2001). Growth potential and biocide tolerance of non-heterocystous, filamentous cyanobacterial isolates from rice fields of Uttar Pradesh, India. Biology and Fertility of Soils 34: 291– 295. 43. Saswati Nayak, Radha Prasanna, Dominic, T.K. and Singh, P.K. (2001). Floristic abundance and relative distribution of different cyanobacterial genera in rice field soil at different crop growth stages. Phykos 40:15-22. 44. Tiwari, O.N., Dhar, D.W., Radha Prasanna, Shukla, H.M., Singh, P.K., and Tiwari, G.L. (2000). Growth and nitrogen fixation by non-heterocystous cyanobacteria of rice fields of Uttar Pradesh, India. Philippine Journal of Sciences 129: 101-107 45. Singh, N., Majumdar, D., Nain, L.R., Radha Prasanna, Kumar, S., Singh, V.P., Jain, M.C., Singh, P.K. and Sethunathan, N. (2000). Effect of isomers of hexachlorocyclohexane on N2O production in non-flooded and flooded soils, unamended or amended with urea. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 65: 303–310. 46. Radha Prasanna, Sharma, B.K., Sharma, R.K. and Kaushik, B.D. (1998). Standardization of growth parameters and formulation of medium for cyanobacterial biofertilizer strains. Indian Journal of Microbiology. 38: 211-215. 47. Radha Prasanna and Kaushik, B.D. 1995. Nitrogen fixation and nif gene organization in branched heterocystous cyanobacteria: Variation for the presence of xisA. Folia Microbiologica 40(2): 176-180. 48. Radha Prasanna and Kaushik, B.D. 1994. Physiological and molecular genetic aspects of nitrogen fixation in non-heterocystous cyanobacteria. Indian Journal of Experimental Biology 32: 248-251. 49. Radha, S. (nee Prasanna), Kaushik, B.D. and Ahlawat, Y.S. 1989. Isolation of a new cyanophage An-1. Current Sciience 58: 204.