Preliminary Review for a Drainage Dataset REPORT & RECOMMENDATIONS 1.0 25 January 2007 Preliminary Review for a Drainage Dataset REPORT & RECOMMENDATIONS 1.0 25 January 2007 Sinclair Knight Merz 7th Floor, Durack Centre 263 Adelaide Terrace PO Box H615 Perth WA 6001 Australia Tel: +61 8 9268 4400 Fax: +61 8 9268 4488 Web: COPYRIGHT: The concepts and information contained in this document are the property of Sinclair Knight Merz Pty Ltd. Use or copying of this document in whole or in part without the written permission of Sinclair Knight Merz constitutes an infringement of copyright. LIMITATION: This report has been prepared on behalf of and for the exclusive use of Sinclair Knight Merz Pty Ltd’s Client, and is subject to and issued in connection with the provisions of the agreement between Sinclair Knight Merz and its Client. Sinclair Knight Merz accepts no liability or responsibility whatsoever for or in respect of any use of or reliance upon this report by any third party. The SKM logo is a trade mark of Sinclair Knight Merz Pty Ltd. © Sinclair Knight Merz Pty Ltd, 2006 Preliminary Review for a Drainage Dataset – Report & Recommendations Contents 1. 2. 3. 4. Introduction 12 1.1 1.2 Project Background Project Scope 12 12 1.2.1 Following Stages 13 1.3 Project Approach 14 1.3.1 1.3.2 1.3.3 Stage 1: Project Planning Stage 2: Stakeholder Consultation Stage 3: Prepare & Present Final Report 14 14 15 1.4 1.5 Glossary of Terms & Abbreviations Stakeholder Consultation 15 16 Existing Frameworks & Practices 17 2.1 Overview of Stormwater Drainage Management in Western Australia17 2.1.1 2.1.2 2.1.3 2.1.4 Water Corporation Local Government Department of Water Consulting Engineers 17 18 18 19 2.2 2.3 Key Issues Identified at the Workshop National Data Management Practices 19 19 2.3.1 2.3.2 2.3.3 2.3.4 2.3.5 New South Wales Northern Territory Queensland Tasmania Victoria 20 20 20 20 21 2.4 D-SPEC 22 High Level Drivers for Drainage Information 24 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 24 24 24 25 25 Strategic Planning & Inter-Agency Coordination Asset Management & Reporting Water Quality Emergency Management Land Development Key Business Needs 26 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 26 27 29 29 Operational Asset Management & Maintenance Tactical & Strategic Asset Planning Water Quality Management Emergency Management SINCLAIR KNIGHT MERZ D:\533561721.doc PAGE i Preliminary Review for a Drainage Dataset – Report & Recommendations 5. Required Dataset Components 31 5.1 5.2 31 31 Dataset Components to Support Business Needs Dataset Attributes 6. Review of Existing Drainage Datasets 34 7. Recommendations & Next Steps 36 7.1 7.2 7.3 36 37 40 Summary of Findings Recommendations High-Level Implementation Plan Appendix A Study Participants A.1 A.2 Interviewees Workshop Participants Appendix B B.1 B.2 B.3 B.4 B.5 Business Requirements Information About the Drainage Network Key Issues Solutions Key Benefits Appendix C C.1 C.2 Workshop Outcomes Stocktake of Existing Datasets Features Attributes 41 41 41 43 43 45 47 48 49 52 52 53 SINCLAIR KNIGHT MERZ D:\533561721.doc PAGE ii Preliminary Review for a Drainage Dataset – Report & Recommendations Tables Table 1 Key Issues Identified by Participants 19 Table 2 Operational Asset Management & Maintenance Requirements 26 Table 3 Tactical & Strategic Planning Requirements 28 Table 4 Operational Asset Management & Maintenance Requirements 29 Table 5 Network Components Required for a Drainage Dataset 31 Table 6 Data Attributes Required for a Drainage Dataset 31 Table 7 Average Data Quality Scores for LGAs With a Digital Dataset 34 Table 8 Features Stored by the LGAs With a Digital Drainage Dataset 35 Table 9 Attributes Stored by the LGAs With a Digital Drainage Dataset 35 Table 10 High Level Timelines for Following Stages 40 Table 11 Interviewees for the Study 41 Table 12 Stakeholders Who Participated in the Workshop 41 Table 13 Business Requirements Identified by Participants 43 Table 14 Business Drivers Identified by Participants 44 Table 15 Network Components Required for a Drainage Dataset 45 Table 16 Data Attributes Required for a Drainage Dataset 46 Table 17 Key Issues Faced by Participants in Working with Existing Drainage Data 47 Table 18 Suggested Solutions 49 Table 19 Key Benefits 50 Table 20 Features Stored by the LGAs With a Digital Drainage Dataset 52 Table 21 Attributes Stored by the LGAs With a Digital Drainage Dataset 53 SINCLAIR KNIGHT MERZ D:\533561721.doc PAGE iii Preliminary Review for a Drainage Dataset – Report & Recommendations Document history and status Revision Date issued Reviewed by Approved by 0.1 2 November 06 James W Dan S Date approved Revision type 0.2 20 December 06 Dan S - - Pre-draft released for review 0.3 20 December 06 James W - - Feedback to Draft 0.2 0.4 21 December 06 Dan S, Working Group members Dan S 22 December 06 Draft released for review by the Working Group 1.0 25 January 07 Dan S Dan S Template released for review of document structure Final version released for acceptance Distribution of copies Revision Copy no Quantity Issued to Printed: 15 February 2016 Last saved: 15 February 2016 06:26 PM File name: Author: I:\WVES\Projects\WV03237\Deliverables\final report 1.0\Drainage Dataset Review Report & Recommendations 1.0.doc James Wright Project manager: James Wright Name of organisation: WALIS Office Name of project: Preliminary Review for a Drainage Dataset Name of document: Preliminary Review for a Drainage Dataset Document version: 1.0 Project number: WV03237 SINCLAIR KNIGHT MERZ D:\533561721.doc PAGE iv Preliminary Review for a Drainage Dataset – Report & Recommendations Executive Summary Project Scope & Approach This document presents the findings of a high-level study designed to enable the WALIS Spatial Management Group to determine whether the development of a single stormwater drainage dataset1 appears feasible and viable as a State government initiative. Stakeholder consultation for this project included: Interviews held with key agencies (Department of Water, Water Corporation and local government; A brief review of data management practices nationally, undertaken via SKM’s Surface Water Hydrology Community of Practice (a group of hydrology professionals who work with drainage data from local government and utilities in each state); A workshop attended by 40 participants (75% from local government and 25% from State government) which aimed to: – Confirm the business requirements for an integrated dataset; – Identify the dataset components which would be needed (to support these requirements); – Identify some potential barriers we may need to consider in developing an integrated dataset; – Suggest some potential solutions to overcome these barriers; – Identify the key benefits/level of support for developing the dataset. Existing Frameworks & Practices Key Stakeholders in WA The Water Corporation (WC) are responsible for the management of the main drains and needs to work closely with local government authorities (LGAs), since the WC drains are impacted by any changes to an LGA’s network. The network of the WC’s main drains is maintained in a GIS with a comprehensive set of attributes. Key issues identified are as follows. The WC does acquire data from LGAs for planning and modelling purposes but there is no comprehensive integration of these datasets. Data which is integrated by the WC typically comprises of only the larger LGA-owned drains and is not loaded of maintained by the WC in their GIS. For this study ‘drainage dataset’ refers to a dataset which represents the surface and groundwater drainage of stormwater runoff. This is likely to include both open and closed drains and related infrastructure, but excludes natural drainage networks (such as rivers, lakes and aquifers). 1 SINCLAIR KNIGHT MERZ D:\533561721.doc PAGE 5 Preliminary Review for a Drainage Dataset – Report & Recommendations Feedback from the WC indicates that whilst some LGAs are able to supply digital data it is rare for this information to be available. This contrasts with the findings of the data audit which indicate that the majority of metropolitan LGAs have a digital drainage dataset The WC recognise the increasing focus on water quality, with the view that in future they may be required to specify the quality of water which LGAs discharge into WC-owned drains. This would require a more ready integration of drainage information (between LGA and WC-owned drains). LGAs are responsible for the management of all drains within their jurisdiction except for those owned by the WC. Key issues identified are as follows. There is a wide variation in the availability of drainage information between LGAs. Some LGAs have no digital data related to the location and details of drainage assets, whilst others have comprehensive datasets. There is currently no uniform data quality specification for acquiring information on drainage works from developers or consulting engineers, although an initiative is now underway to work towards a standard for Western Australia. A significant issue for LGAs is the cost of capturing drainage information where the data do not exist. Feedback received from the workshop indicated that if the need for these data was significant, then more LGAs would have captured the data already. The requirement to capture drainage data may be lead in the future by water quality issues and requirements for more accurately reporting on asset values. The Department of Water (DoW) do not own or manage stormwater drainage assets. DoW, is however the custodian of the natural drainage datasets which form an important component of any whole of catchment drainage studies or modelling. Consulting engineers are users of stormwater drainage information and work on behalf of other stakeholders (such as the WC, DoW, LGAs and developers). The principal requirement for these organisations is to source stormwater drainage information in a format which can be used in an integrated model. There are often significant issues sourcing data from LGAs as digital data may not be available or may not represent what has actually been built (leading to a reliance on asconstructed drawings). Feedback from the workshop indicated similar issues with respect to the management of drainage information, specifically: Lack of data availability; Usability of available data (fitness for purpose); Data integration: data formats; Data integration: inconsistent data model/specifications; Support for data capture & maintenance; SINCLAIR KNIGHT MERZ D:\533561721.doc PAGE 6 Preliminary Review for a Drainage Dataset – Report & Recommendations Governance & data accessibility. National Practices In terms of asset ownership both Melbourne and Sydney have a similar structure to Perth, with the majority of drains owned by local government and other drains owned by a single utility. As with Perth, the quality and reliability of the data managed by LGAs varies significantly. There are also variations in the rigour applied to sourcing data from contractors and the overall data quality. Nationally, there appears to be no precedent for a single consolidated stormwater drainage dataset having been created from assets owned by LGAs and a water utility. The only consolidated datasets are those which have been created by individual organisations for their own assets, whether these are dedicated utilities (such as Melbourne Water), utilities which form part of an LGA (such as Brisbane Water) or LGAs which manage smaller drains (as with LGAs in Perth). The Department of Sustainability and Environment, Victoria has recently commenced a project to develop a map of natural and engineered drainage. The VicMapHydro project does have several areas of alignment with the WALIS initiative and should be monitored as this initiative moves forward. Also in Victoria, a standard which defines how data should be provided to LGAs by developers has been adopted by a consortium comprising fourteen LGAs. The Consultant/Developer Specifications for the Delivery of Digital Data to Local Government (D-SPEC) are now being considered by a group of Perth LGAs. For LGAs on the urban fringe this will be a significant help in obtaining and validating drainage data from developers, and represents an important first step in setting up a quality standard for the capture and modelling of drainage data. Business Drivers for Drainage Information Strategic Planning & Inter-Agency Coordination The State Water Plan (October 2006) is likely to bring an increased focus on inter-agency coordination with respect to water management. The role of DoW, in particular will require close cooperation with the WC and LGAs as the focus of drainage networks shifts towards aquifer recharge, rather than the removal of stormwater. This is likely to significantly increase the need for an integrated drainage network. With the deployment of the Shared Land Information Platform (SLIP) there is a recognition that the State has made a significant investment in enabling technology which facilitates the sharing of digital land information between agencies. Local government is currently not a provider of data into SLIP’s data services, however LGAs clearly have a critical role in contributing to an integrated drainage dataset. SLIP presents an opportunity to leverage existing technology to support the development and maintenance of a drainage dataset sourced from multiple custodians. SINCLAIR KNIGHT MERZ D:\533561721.doc PAGE 7 Preliminary Review for a Drainage Dataset – Report & Recommendations Asset Management & Reporting There has been an increasing requirement for agencies to be able to accurately report on the value of their assets. For LGAs in particular this is an important driver since it requires information on the value of their drainage network. Water Quality The new Public Health Act proposed for Western Australia is likely to support the increased public awareness of water quality issues which impact our rivers and wetlands. An increased focus on water quality (in line with a focus on integrated catchment management) will in turn drive a need for management of the drainage network from a more holistic whole-of-catchment perspective. Emergency Management There is a broad recognition across LGAs that drainage data is significant in managing spills of pollutants from emergency events. A study undertaken for FESA into the requirements for a SLIP solution to assist in managing spills from special risk sites showed that the availability of reliable drainage data would be a significant benefit. Land Development The land development activity on Perth’s urban fringe is putting pressure on stakeholder agencies to plan and model changes to the drainage network. Whilst not a major driver for drainage information, the availability of an integrated drainage network would assist in the planning process. Key Business Needs Operational Asset Management & Maintenance This business requirement relates specifically to LGAs and the WC as the owners of the assets which comprise the drainage network. LGAs have an obligation to maintain the stormwater drainage assets for which they are responsible and ensure that they are functioning effectively. The WC has a similar need to manage the asset lifecycle of the main drains for which they are responsible. Requirements identified by workshop participants include: To manage assets (to know what’s there and where); To maintain the network (and ensure it is effective); Organisational risk management. Tactical & Strategic Asset Planning In order to ensure that the existing and future network functions effectively, LGAs need to undertake tactical planning to implement remedial works to address specific flood management issues and support land development. The WC have similar needs to LGAs in supporting land development and planning remedial works. A key business requirement for the Department of Water (DoW) is the ability to assess the impacts of changes to the drainage network, in order to provide guidance to developers, LGAs and the WC. Requirements identified by workshop participants include: SINCLAIR KNIGHT MERZ D:\533561721.doc PAGE 8 Preliminary Review for a Drainage Dataset – Report & Recommendations To plan the design and construction/ reconstruction of drains; Flood management/ water quantity management; Support for Land Development; To support consulting engineers/developers in planning and designing extensions or changes to the network; To ensure buried assets are protected. Water Quality Management The catchment planning being undertaken by DoW to manage drainage quantities also relates to the management of water quality. In developing catchment-specific plans, DoW has a requirement to develop guidelines on acceptable water quality for discharge from a catchment and at locations within a catchment. Emergency Management There is a strong recognition by LGAs of the need to assist FESA in managing any contaminated spillage into the drainage network. Whilst LGAs have an interest in helping to ensure that the impacts of any spills are minimised this is primarily a business requirement for FESA. Existing Local Government Datasets In order to assess the availability of stormwater drainage data for the Perth metropolitan area an audit was conducted as part of this project. This was based on a brief questionnaire sent to each of the 30 LGAs. Responses were received from 20 LGAs, with 18 of these indicating that they have a digital dataset. This is significant as it indicates that over half of Perth’s LGAs have created a digital dataset. Analysis of the results indicates that: Respondents applied a high level of confidence to the positional accuracy of their data; Coverage across the 18 LGAs is around 75% (with wide variations); There was a wide variation in the features and attributes stored by LGAs in their systems, however an analysis of the components stored by most LGAs indicates that virtually all LGAs store the same basic information about their networks. This corresponds quite well with the basic components which would be required for flow modelling. Key Findings From This Study If the development of an integrated dataset is to be successful, the initiative must recognise that each asset owner will only be willing to commit to storing information which is of use to support internal business needs. There are three areas of data management which should be considered: 1) The original capture of the data. Capture according to a common specification will help ensure consistency between asset owners’ data and will ensure that common (required) features and attributes are modelling in each organisation’s dataset. SINCLAIR KNIGHT MERZ D:\533561721.doc PAGE 9 Preliminary Review for a Drainage Dataset – Report & Recommendations 2) The maintenance of the data. In recognising that each asset owner will need to maintain their data in their own in-house systems there is no rationale for attempting to develop a common data model which LGAs should use to store and maintain their data. However, the adoption of a common specification for the supply of data to LGA’s is likely to support the application of greater rigour in managing existing data held by LGAs and may support internal funding for improving data captured prior to the adoption of the specification. For those LGAs with no existing dataset a suggested data model may prove useful and could be developed relatively easily from D-SPEC or a variation of D-SPEC adopted for WA. 3) The dissemination of the data. This is the critical area for the development of an integrated dataset. If we accept that the application of a specification will help ensure data quality, and that asset owners are then free to model and store these data as they choose, then there must be agreement over how the data can be output from these various systems as a common data model for dissemination (if an integrated dataset is to be possible). This will require agreement on the features which must be present in the dataset, and which attributes are required. Asset owners would be free to store additional features and attributes, however the data would need to be extracted to contain only those required under an agreed dissemination model. The findings of the brief data audit indicate that there is commonality across the basic attributes stored by LGAs (for example, virtually all store features for pipes and pits, and attributes for diameter and material). This indicates that a common dissemination model which requires basic features and attributes should be possible (although there are still some LGAs which would be unable to supply some of these). There is commonality between the basic features and attributes required for asset management (by the asset owners) and those required by DoW for flow modelling. For emergency management purposes, requirements will be similar to DoW, since FESA require the results of basic flow modelling (which may be shown as interpreted information). Recommendations 1) Develop a business case and an implementation plan to determine the commitment, mechanisms and costs of implementing and maintaining an integrated stormwater drainage dataset. 2) Define the governance framework for managing an integrated dataset. 3) Hold discussions with potential agencies to determine the level of support for this initiative. Based on this brief study, DoW’s business requirements appear to have the closest alignment with the initiative. Determine the potential workload in maintaining an integrated dataset (for example, based on an annual update of data from LGAs). Determine requirements for a business case which would assist the coordinating agency progress the initiative. Define the scope for an integrated dataset. Support local government in the adoption of a common specification for the capture and supply of digital stormwater drainage data. SINCLAIR KNIGHT MERZ D:\533561721.doc PAGE 10 Preliminary Review for a Drainage Dataset – Report & Recommendations 4) Determine whether a suitable dataset can be developed from existing LGA data, whether additional capture is required, or whether a partial dataset would be acceptable. Liaise with the Department of Sustainability and Environment, Victoria to ensure that the initiative can benefit from learnings of the VicMapHydro project. Define a mechanism to manage an integrated dataset on an ongoing basis. Determine the technical feasibility and costs of integrating the data. Examine potential solutions for assisting LGAs maintain their data so that alignment with assets owned by other LGA’s and the WC is considered. The implementation of a SLIP node for local government could assist by providing access to asset owners’ information as data and dissemination services. Next Steps Any following stages for this initiative will be subject to approval by WALIS SMG. Should SMG approve the recommendations in this document the overall initiative could proceed as follows Further consultation by WALIS: March-April 07; Procurement for services to develop a business case & implementation plan: May-June 07; Development of business case & implementation plan: July-December 07. SINCLAIR KNIGHT MERZ D:\533561721.doc PAGE 11 Preliminary Review for a Drainage Dataset – Report & Recommendations 1. Introduction This section has been taken from the Preliminary Review for a Drainage Dataset Scope of Work document (version 1.0, 3rd November 2006). 1.1 Project Background To address the requirements of key government strategies such as the State Water Strategy (2003), it is strongly desirable to be able to readily compile a single drainage dataset (possibly through a distributed Shared Land Information Platform mechanism). While not comprehensive, the benefits include: Potential to eliminate ‘boundary’ issues such that one local government authority’s (LGA’s) dataset won’t match with another’s based on a shared boundary and data separation, Potential improvements in management’s response to significant stormwater events, pollution incidents etc. Potential adoption of an industry best practice data standards to facilitate drainage management Potential to reduce fragmentation of data formats, capture methods, attribution, maintenance A Working Group has been formed to determine the terms for the consultancy and comprises a number of key stakeholders in the drainage field. The consultancy is being undertaken on behalf of the Western Australian Land Information System (WALIS) Core Management Group (CMG) which will be renamed as WALIS Spatial Management Group (SMG) from January 2007. 1.2 Project Scope The scope of this project is to undertake a preliminary study to enable the sponsors of the study (WALIS SMG) to determine whether the development of a single drainage dataset appears feasible and viable as a State government initiative. For this study ‘drainage dataset’ refers to a dataset which represents the surface and groundwater drainage of stormwater runoff. This is likely to include both open and closed drains and related infrastructure, but excludes natural drainage networks (such as rivers, lakes and aquifers). The study will be restricted to surface and groundwater management in the Perth metropolitan area between Yanchep in the north, Mundaring in the east and Mandurah in the south. The project scope includes: Undertaking a high-level review of the existing frameworks relevant to the management and maintenance of a single drainage dataset, including: – The co-operative relationships and frameworks within the drainage community; SINCLAIR KNIGHT MERZ D:\533561721.doc PAGE 12 Preliminary Review for a Drainage Dataset – Report & Recommendations – Industry best practice for drainage data management. Identifying the high-level drivers for managing surface and groundwater drainage in different parts of the metropolitan area; Defining the required components for a single drainage dataset which would support the key business needs identified by the Working Group (these will need to be clarified). Broadly, these are: – The assessment of resource quantities; – The assessment and management of resource quality (including containment of contaminated spillage/pollution); – Asset management (including the measurement of drainage network performance); – Network management (to reduce flooding, control flows, prevent areas of inundation); – The recharge of aquifers; – Future business needs (to be defined). Assessing existing drainage datasets to identify the potential for their integration, associated issues and potential maintenance processes. The ‘stocktake’ of existing datasets will include a high-level assessment of: – Completeness; – Accuracy; – Currency; – Compatibility; – Maintenance processes; – Update frequency. Defining a draft timetable for the following stage of the overall project. 1.2.1 Following Stages Any future stages of the overall initiative will be subject to endorsement by WALIS, and contingent upon the potential viability of the dataset (as defined by this project). This section has been included to clarify the scope of this project by identifying additional work which may be required prior to the development the dataset. Future stages may include: A detailed assessment of maintenance options for an integrated dataset; An assessment of the costs of developing the dataset; A business case for the development and ongoing maintenance of the dataset. SINCLAIR KNIGHT MERZ D:\533561721.doc PAGE 13 Preliminary Review for a Drainage Dataset – Report & Recommendations 1.3 Project Approach 1.3.1 Stage 1: Project Planning Objectives To discuss, document and agree on the project scope, approach, deliverables and timeframe. This stage was undertaken to help ensure that SMG’s expectations for the final report were met and provided the opportunity for the WALIS Office to make changes to the approach. Approach Activities Description Project kick-off Draft Final Report Template Hold an initial meeting with the Project Sponsor to agree to clarify the project scope and required outcomes. Hold a preliminary interview with Water Corporation stakeholders to assess the current state of the Water Corporation dataset and known issues in relation to LGA datasets. Agree on the key information to be included in the final report. Document scope of work Prepare the scope of work document and obtain signoff. 1.3.2 Stage 2: Stakeholder Consultation Objectives To determine (at a high level): – Industry best practice and the background to drainage practices both nationally and internationally; – Key business drivers for a drainage dataset in terms of broad future needs. To gain input from stakeholders in order to assess: – Current and future business needs for a drainage dataset; – The status of their dataset (including: completeness; accuracy; currency; compatibility; and update frequency). – Current data management/ maintenance practices and the use of, or adherence to standards. Approach Activities Description Define high level business needs Define key business drivers for future needs and assess needs for drainage modelling. This will be achieved by collating feedback from SKM’s Surface Water Hydrology Community of Practice (CoP) and the WALIS Drainage Working Group. Review current capture/maintenance standards Review leading standards and approach (including D-Spec, Melbourne Water and WA Water Corporation). Interview key stakeholders Interview one LGA and two state government agencies to determine likely issues, business needs and status of datasets. This information will be used to help develop the questionnaire and plan the workshop. Develop questionnaire and Prepare a questionnaire to assess business needs, data management and SINCLAIR KNIGHT MERZ D:\533561721.doc PAGE 14 Preliminary Review for a Drainage Dataset – Report & Recommendations Activities Description plan workshop dataset status. Plan the workshop. Hold stakeholder workshop Hold a workshop with stakeholder agencies and local government to determine broader user requirements and dataset issues. Workshop follow-up Distribute findings of the workshop for comment and feedback by stakeholders. Phone stakeholders to clarify any significant issues which emerge in assessing the workshop outcomes. 1.3.3 Stage 3: Prepare & Present Final Report Objectives To prepare and obtain formal approval for the final report. Approach Activities Description Prepare final report Obtain formal approval Present to WALIS SMG 1.4 Document findings based on stakeholder consultation. Phone stakeholders to clarify any significant issues which emerge in assessing the workshop outcomes. Hold discussions with the Project Sponsor to clarify any key points. Circulate the report for feedback from the Working Group. Meet with the Working Group to review feedback. Obtain signoff from the Project Sponsor. Draft slides for the SMG presentation. Present key findings to WALIS SMG. Glossary of Terms & Abbreviations Term/ Abbreviation Description AMS Asset Management System CMG/ SMG The WALIS Core Management Group (CMG) which will be renamed as WALIS Spatial Management Group (SMG) from January 2007. CoP Community of Practice DoW The Department of Water GIS Geographic Information System LGA Local government authority SKM Sinclair Knight Merz, the consultants who undertook this study. WALIS Western Australian Land Information System WC The Water Corporation SINCLAIR KNIGHT MERZ D:\533561721.doc PAGE 15 Preliminary Review for a Drainage Dataset – Report & Recommendations 1.5 Stakeholder Consultation Initial input was gained as follows: Interviews were conducted with key stakeholders (the Department of Water, the Water Corporation, the City of Melville and SKM planning consultants). A list of interviewees is provided in Appendix A Input on best practices was sought nationally from SKM’s Surface Water Hydrology Community of Practice (a group of hydrology professionals who work with drainage data from local government and utilities in each state). A workshop was then held to gain input from stakeholders. The aim of the workshop was to: Confirm the business requirements for an integrated dataset; Identify the dataset components which would be needed (to support these requirements); Identify some potential barriers we may need to consider in developing an integrated dataset; Suggest some potential solutions to overcome these barriers; Identify the key benefits/level of support for developing the dataset. The workshop was well attended, with a total of 40 attendees, 75% of whom represented local government and 25% State government. A list of attendees is provided in Appendix A. Follow-up phone calls were then used to confirm or clarify key points raised at the workshop. To gain a picture of the status of LGA’s datasets an audit was conducted. This is outlined in Section 6. SINCLAIR KNIGHT MERZ D:\533561721.doc PAGE 16 Preliminary Review for a Drainage Dataset – Report & Recommendations 2. Existing Frameworks & Practices 2.1 Overview of Stormwater Drainage Management in Western Australia 2.1.1 Water Corporation The Water Corporation (WC) are responsible for the management of the main drains. These are drains typically over 700mm in diameter which may service more than one local government authority (LGA) and which are therefore not within the jurisdiction of a single LGA. Note that in cases some main drains are managed by LGAs. The WC needs to work closely with LGAs, since the WC drains are impacted by any changes to an LGA’s network. For forward planning or to assess network efficiency, the WC needs to form sections of an integrated network which can be transferred to a flow modelling package. This requires the WC to source data from LGAs (related to their major drains). Dataset Overview The network of the WC’s main drains is maintained in a GIS with a comprehensive set of attributes. The data are maintained from as-constructed drawings supplied by developers with the data converted to a GIS format. The focus of the data extraction process is on supporting developers, with data supplied in CAD. A project is currently being piloted to streamline the extraction process (the Transfer of Digital Design project) which will enable more ready data extraction in a CAD format (DXF). Key Issues The WC does acquire data from LGAs for planning and modelling purposes but there is no comprehensive integration of these datasets. Data which is integrated by the WC typically comprises of only the larger LGA-owned drains and is not loaded of maintained by the WC in their GIS. Any integration work is undertaken as separate studies, typically with a focus on addressing a specific flooding issue. Feedback from the WC indicates that whilst some LGAs are able to supply digital data it is rare for this information to be available. This contrasts with the findings of the data audit which indicate that the majority of metropolitan LGAs have a digital drainage dataset (discussed in Section 6). The data are not readily available to LGAs in a format which supports ready integration to a GIS (for those LGAs with drainage data in this format). The WC recognise that there is an increasing focus on water quality, with the view that in future they may be required to specify the quality of water which LGAs discharge into WCowned drains. This would require a more ready integration of drainage information (between LGA and WC-owned drains). SINCLAIR KNIGHT MERZ D:\533561721.doc PAGE 17 Preliminary Review for a Drainage Dataset – Report & Recommendations 2.1.2 Local Government LGAs are responsible for the management of all drains within their jurisdiction except for those owned by the WC. In cases this can include main drains, and de-commissioned drains which are not maintained (but which may still affect sections of the network). Significant changes can occur to LGAs drainage networks due to land development on the urban fringe. Drainage information is typically supplied by developers as-constructed drawings. The status of LGAs’ datasets varies significantly. Section 6 outlines the findings of the audit conducted as part of this project. Key Issues There is a wide variation in the availability of drainage information between LGAs. Some LGAs have no digital data related to the location and details of drainage assets, whilst others have comprehensive datasets. Consequently, some LGAs do not have readily available information on which assets they own, their location, their design specifications and their condition. The significant lack of available spatial and associated attribute information has implications for LGAs from an asset management and maintenance perspective, and also for other stakeholders who need access to this information (this includes consulting engineers, the WC and the Department of Water). There is currently no uniform data quality specification for acquiring information on drainage works from developers or consulting engineers as digital data which can be loaded to an LGA’s GIS (for those LGAs with drainage data in this format). An initiative is now underway to work towards a standard for Western Australia (as outlined in Section 2.4). A significant issue for LGAs is the cost of capturing drainage information where the data do not exist. Feedback received from the workshop indicated that if the need for these data was significant, then more LGAs would have captured the data already The justification for data capture may become easier for those LGAs which adopt a data specification. For LGAs not experiencing significant land development, the requirement to capture drainage data may be lead in the future by water quality issues and requirements for more accurately reporting on asset values. This is discussed further in relation to LGAs’ business requirements in Section 4. 2.1.3 Department of Water The Department of Water (DoW) do not own or manage stormwater drainage assets. DoW, is however the custodian of the natural drainage datasets (for which the Department of Environment was previously the custodian) which form an important component of any whole of catchment drainage studies or modelling. Data related to the natural drainage network is considered essential by DoW for modelling flows for a catchment. The need for integrating all information which impacts catchment drainage would need to be considered as part of any initiative to develop a single stormwater drainage dataset. These may include engineered surface drainage, salinity drainage and licenced bores. SINCLAIR KNIGHT MERZ D:\533561721.doc PAGE 18 Preliminary Review for a Drainage Dataset – Report & Recommendations 2.1.4 Consulting Engineers Consulting engineers are users of stormwater drainage information and work on behalf of other stakeholders (such as the WC, DoW, LGAs and developers). The principal requirement for these organisations is to source stormwater drainage information in a format which can be used in an integrated model. Key Issues These are based on discussions with SKM consultants working on projects for the WC and DoW. There are often significant issues sourcing data from LGAs due to lack of availability. Datasets and as-constructed drawings supplied by LGAs may not reflect what has actually been built. In undertaking a capacity review for a catchment additional information may need to be taken into account. This includes drainage culverts constructed under roads by Main Roads, or drainage network connections owned by industrial users. 2.2 Key Issues Identified at the Workshop The following table presents a summarised view of the issues identified by stakeholders at the workshop. Due to the large representation from local government these issues are primarily related to LGAs. The original responses are provided in Appendix B. Table 1 Key Issues Identified by Participants Key Issue Additional Comments Lack of Data Availability Usability of Available Data (Fitness for Purpose) Data Integration: Data Formats Data Integration: Inconsistent Data Model/Specifications Support for Data Capture & Maintenance Governance & Data Accessibility 2.3 Data have not been captured in a GIS format by most LGAs Due to the lack of spatial data capture, data are often not available in a format which can be integrated. The information which is available is not always able to be relied upon (for example for modelling). Lack of metadata or data quality information Difficulties managing data quality due to staff turnover issues There can be difficulties updating the dataset and maintaining multiple copies (spatial and analysis datasets) There can be internal issues related to data/systems integration and data conversion Difficulties exist in relation to compatibility and connectivity between datasets There is a lack of standardisation of attributes and formats There are difficulties sourcing funding for data capture and maintenance. It can be difficult to source data and access maintenance information. Custodianship for the data may be unclear. National Data Management Practices This section is based on discussions with members of SKM’s Surface Water Hydrology Community of Practice and provides an overview of organisations which can be regarded as leaders in the SINCLAIR KNIGHT MERZ D:\533561721.doc PAGE 19 Preliminary Review for a Drainage Dataset – Report & Recommendations management of drainage information in each state. Note that this information has been sourced through brief discussions only and does not represent a comprehensive view of the situation in each state. 2.3.1 New South Wales In Sydney drainage assets owned predominantly by LGAs with some owned by Sydney Water. The drains managed by Sydney Water are typically the open drains and older piping in the city, with drains in newer subdivisions managed entirely by LGAs. The data managed by LGAs varies significantly, with some LGAs having a well-structured dataset, and others virtually no data. Sydney Water maintain their data in a GIS, however sourcing the information can be difficult. 2.3.2 Northern Territory Stormwater drainage assets in the Darwin metropolitan area are owned and managed by three LGAs (Darwin City Council, Palmerston City Council and Lichfield) with no overarching utility. Data related to these assets varies between the LGAs, with Darwin City Council having captured their stormwater drains as CAD. Palmerston piloted a capture program but this has yet to be completed. Note that some of the drains in road reserves are owned by the Department of Planning and Infrastructure which stores the information in as-constructed drawings. 2.3.3 Queensland LGAs in Queensland typically have their own water authority which operates as a corporate body within the LGA. The LGAs noted as the leading organisations which manage stormwater drainage data well are the Brisbane City Council; Caloundra City Council and Gold Coast City Council. Drainage assets in the Brisbane metropolitan area are owned by Brisbane Water with digital data in a GIS format available for download via an online system (eBIMAP). Caloundra’s water authority, CalAqua has a similar data dissemination system which allows authorised users the ability to download their drainage data as shapefiles (Calmap). The system for Gold Coast Water is more manual. Users are required to submit a request to the spatial group which supplies drainage data in a MapInfo format. References: Brisbane City Council eBIMAP: Caloundra City Council Calmap: 2.3.4 Tasmania The situation in Tasmania is similar to Queensland where LGAs have a division which functions as a water utility in its own right. Consequently LGAs own all drainage assets in their area. Hobart City Council, and the larger LGAs in the surrounding area (such as Clarence) have mostly captured their drainage assets and store these in a GIS. Hobart City Council have developed some specifications or guidelines for validating spatial data for as constructed works, however the level to SINCLAIR KNIGHT MERZ D:\533561721.doc PAGE 20 Preliminary Review for a Drainage Dataset – Report & Recommendations which other LGAs have developed specifications is unknown (these appear to be restricted to specifications for drawings only). 2.3.5 Victoria The situation in Melbourne is similar to WA, with the majority of drains owned by LGAs, and a single utility responsible for main drains (Melbourne Water). Melbourne Water (MW) have a (relatively loose) specification developed for the supply of asconstructed information. Data are stored in-house in their GIS which combines spatial data stored in MapInfo with attributes stored in an AMS. MW have bilateral agreements in place with LGAs to supply digital data. Data are supplied to LGAs annually (although a 6-monthly update is being considered). There has been an increasing need over the last 12-18 months for MW to acquire data from LGAs and integrate these data into datasets which can be used to support water quality initiatives. In integrating the data there are issues with data supplied by LGAs in different formats, data models and levels of attribution. A further issue is the quality of the data, with some LGAs having captured design information (rather than as-constructed information) in their datasets. The management of drainage information between LGAs varies significantly, with few focussing on integration with MW’s dataset (Booranda being the exception). Consortium members of D-SPEC have appear to have implemented best practice nationally in ensuring that data supplied by developers meets the required quality guidelines (refer to Section 2.4). Significantly, the Department of Sustainability and Environment have initiated a project to look at developing a map of natural and engineered drainage (VicMapHydro). The project has a focus on developing a map with identifiers linking back to asset owners’ systems (accessible by users in these organisations). The project has been running for around four months and is currently defining: What the dataset should comprise (in terms of data, functionality and accessibility to stakeholder groups); and A business case for the assembly of the dataset (and map). Note that a similar initiative was being considered by Goulburn-Murray Water but has not progressed. References: Melbourne Water land development manual: n.asp SINCLAIR KNIGHT MERZ D:\533561721.doc PAGE 21 Preliminary Review for a Drainage Dataset – Report & Recommendations Implications for WA In terms of asset ownership both Melbourne and Sydney have a similar structure to Perth, with the majority of drains owned by local government and other drains owned by a single utility. As with Perth, the quality and reliability of the data managed by LGAs varies significantly. There are also variations in the rigour applied to sourcing data from contractors and the overall data quality. Nationally, there appears to be no precedent for a single consolidated stormwater drainage dataset having been created from assets owned by LGAs and a water utility. The only consolidated datasets are those which have been created by individual organisations for their own assets, whether these are dedicated utilities (such as Melbourne Water), utilities which form part of an LGA (such as Brisbane Water) or LGAs which manage smaller drains (as with LGAs in Perth). Note, however that Department of Sustainability and Environment’s VicMapHydro project does have several areas of alignment with the WALIS initiative. 2.4 D-SPEC The Consultant/Developer Specifications for the Delivery of Digital Data to Local Government (DSPEC) are a standard which defines how data should be provided to LGAs by developers. This standard has been adopted by a consortium in Victoria comprising fourteen LGAs. D-SPEC defines: The physical modelling of drainage network features; Guidelines for supplying this information to LGAs; A data model for storing and identifying network features in a CAD file; Required attributes to be supplied with the CAD file; Details of validation checks to be performed on the data for compliance with the specification. Whilst the intent is that consultants will move to supplying data in a GIS format, the specifications currently only support the supply of data in CAD (they do not contain a data model for supply in a GIS format). It should be noted that the intent of D-SPEC is to apply a standard specification which ensures that data are provided to LGAs according to pre-defined quality guidelines. The focus of the specification is on the supply (and quality assurance) of the data provided to LGAs, not how LGAs choose to process and store the data once they receive it. D-SPEC does not contain a data model defining how LGAs model this information in a GIS or asset management system (AMS), however each LGA’s data model would need to align with: The attribute tables and fields listed in D-SPEC; The validation rules on these fields; The domain (look-up table) values used. Whilst Consortium members will need to do some post-processing of D-SPEC compliant data before loading it into their systems (notably a conversion from CAD) the closer the alignment SINCLAIR KNIGHT MERZ D:\533561721.doc PAGE 22 Preliminary Review for a Drainage Dataset – Report & Recommendations between the D-SPEC CAD data model and these agencies’ GIS data models then the simpler the conversion will be. Feedback from Melbourne Water indicates that the usefulness of D-SPEC for a utility is limited since the effort required to format the data by developers, and then to validate it can exceed the effort of capturing the data for main drains from plans supplied by developers. D-SPEC has lead to improvements in data quality, however and provides an assurance that data acquired through these specifications is based on as-constructed works and not on design plans. Implications for WA A group is in the process of being formed to look at an implementation of D-SPEC in Western Australia (including possible changes to suit use in the State). For LGAs on the urban fringe this will be a significant help in obtaining and validating drainage data from developers, and represents an important first step in setting up a quality standard for the capture and modelling of drainage data. Currently this initiative is being supported by a group of approximately ten LGAs on the urban fringe. An adoption of D-SPEC (or a variation of it) would assist LGAs who are considering a data capture program as it provides the basis for developing a GIS data model (this could be developed quite simply from the existing CAD specifications). In adopting a specification for data supply, LGAs in WA would still be free to model the data in their GIS/AMS as they wish. This is important, as those LGAs with existing GIS datasets would need to be accommodated in any widespread adoption of the specification. SINCLAIR KNIGHT MERZ D:\533561721.doc PAGE 23 Preliminary Review for a Drainage Dataset – Report & Recommendations 3. High Level Drivers for Drainage Information This section sets out the key drivers identified by workshop participants and through stakeholder interviews. The original responses from the workshop are provided in Appendix B. 3.1 Strategic Planning & Inter-Agency Coordination The Water Policy Framework and the proposed Water Planning Framework set out in the Draft State Water Plan (October 2006) are likely to bring an increased focus on inter-agency coordination with respect to water management. The role of DoW, in particular will require close cooperation with the WC and LGAs. LGAs are also likely to require a greater focus on integrated catchment management in line with an increased focus on water quality (discussed below) and water quantity. Traditionally, the drainage network has been designed to remove runoff from catchments. Increasingly, the focus is shifting to achieving a balance where post-development drainage mirrors that which occurred in catchments pre-development. This requires a focus on aquifer recharge, rather than the removal of stormwater. These trends are likely to significantly increase the need for an integrated drainage network which enables stakeholder organisations to model planned changes to catchments and assess the impacts on its effectiveness. With the deployment of the Shared Land Information Platform (SLIP) there is a recognition that the State has made a significant investment in enabling technology which facilitates the sharing of digital land information between agencies. Local government is currently not a provider of data into SLIP’s data services, however LGAs clearly have a critical role in contributing to an integrated drainage dataset. SLIP presents an opportunity to leverage existing technology to support the development and maintenance of a drainage dataset sourced from multiple custodians. 3.2 Asset Management & Reporting There has been an increasing requirement for agencies to be able to accurately report on the value of their assets. For LGAs in particular this is an important driver since it requires information on the value of their drainage network. 3.3 Water Quality The new Public Health Act proposed for Western Australia is likely to support the increased public awareness of water quality issues which impact our rivers and wetlands. An increased focus on water quality (in line with a focus on integrated catchment management) will in turn drive a need for management of the drainage network from a more holistic whole-of-catchment perspective. To date, the focus of drainage information has been more on the management of assets owned by a specific LGA or the WC. Note that whilst the WC and LGAs do not have specific responsibilities to manage water quality, the WC may require LGAs to conform to water quality guidelines for discharge into their drains. LGAs also have an interest in working with ratepayers and industry in ensuring that the quality of water flowing into drains is appropriate. SINCLAIR KNIGHT MERZ D:\533561721.doc PAGE 24 Preliminary Review for a Drainage Dataset – Report & Recommendations 3.4 Emergency Management There is a broad recognition across LGAs that drainage data is significant in managing spills of pollutants from emergency events. A study undertaken for FESA (by SKM) into the requirements for a SLIP solution to assist in managing spills from special risk sites showed that the availability of reliable drainage data would be a significant benefit. 3.5 Land Development The land development activity on Perth’s urban fringe is putting pressure on stakeholder agencies to plan and model changes to the drainage network. Whilst not a major driver for drainage information, the availability of an integrated drainage network would assist in the planning process (it can, for example take consulting engineers up to two months to assemble the drainage data they require from agencies2). 2 SKM Water Engineering group, personal communication. SINCLAIR KNIGHT MERZ D:\533561721.doc PAGE 25 Preliminary Review for a Drainage Dataset – Report & Recommendations 4. Key Business Needs This section outlines the main business functions which organisations require drainage information to support. The intent of this section is to lay the foundation in developing an understanding of what organisations need drainage information for, and what dataset components (at a high level) would be required to support these needs. 4.1 Operational Asset Management & Maintenance This business requirement relates specifically to LGAs and the WC as the owners of the assets which comprise the drainage network. Local Government LGAs have an obligation to maintain the stormwater drainage assets for which they are responsible and ensure that they are functioning effectively. Since the network was primarily designed to remove stormwater from catchments, the network’s function is focussed on preventing or reducing flooding and draining waterlogged areas. In line with this obligation, the principal business need for LGAs is the management of their assets, and more significantly their maintenance (to ensure they are working effectively). In particular, LGAs need to know which assets the organisation is responsible for, the details of these assets (their age, material, pipe levels and so on) and where they are. Water Corporation The WC has a similar need to manage the asset lifecycle of the main drains for which they are responsible. From an asset maintenance perspective the WC’s business needs are essentially the same as LGAs in ensuring that the main drains are enabling effective drainage of their inflow. Note that the focus of the WC’s data management is on only those drains for which the WC is responsible. Workshop Findings Specific business requirements identified at the stakeholder workshop are listed below. Note that these have been grouped or summarised to remove duplication. The original responses are provided in Appendix B. Table 2 Operational Asset Management & Maintenance Requirements Business Need Additional Comments To manage assets (to know what’s there and where) To maintain the network (and ensure it is Requires an accurate/current spatial dataset with meaningful attributes – transparent datasets The ‘what’ condition of data – age, material, levels Knowledge of ownership between authorities Consent is main driver – maintenance, know what we’ve got, harvesting & re-use Long term management based on planning and budgeting needs Maintenance of the asset is the key point. Operational management of drainage systems on SINCLAIR KNIGHT MERZ D:\533561721.doc PAGE 26 Preliminary Review for a Drainage Dataset – Report & Recommendations Business Need Additional Comments effective) a day-to-day basis Organisational risk management Financial, environmental, social The key information required to support these requirements for local government is likely to comprise details of: Asset locations; Asset ownership; Basic details (such as age, material, pipe levels); Asset condition; and Asset value. Information requirements for the WC are not listed as the WC has a well-defined data structure in its current dataset. 4.2 Tactical & Strategic Asset Planning Local Government In order to ensure that the existing and future network functions effectively, LGAs need to undertake tactical planning to: Implement remedial works to address specific flood management issues; Support land development (both for new and infill subdivisions). Strategic planning at a whole-of-catchment level is less of a focus for LGAs. A greater focus is tactical planning of the network to assess the impacts and requirements of land development. Water Corporation The WC have similar needs to LGAs in supporting land development and planning remedial works. The key difference for the WC however, is that in assessing network efficiency there may be a requirement to model the main local government drains from more that one LGA. This requires WC to take a more holistic view of the overall network and places an increased emphasis on the need for data which is reliable and can be integrated to form a single network. Department of Water A key business requirement for the Department of Water (DoW) is the ability to assess the impacts of changes to the drainage network, in order to provide guidance to developers, LGAs and the WC. This requirement is related to the management of both water quantity and quality (water quality issues are discussed in a following section). Currently, DoW are focussing on preparing integrated management plans at the catchment level which will support the development of guidelines for drainage management (with a focus on ensuring that catchment discharge is similar to pre-development conditions). Since DoW’s role is focussed on catchment stability (rather than drainage efficiency) DoW needs to be able to model SINCLAIR KNIGHT MERZ D:\533561721.doc PAGE 27 Preliminary Review for a Drainage Dataset – Report & Recommendations drainage behaviour at a far more detailed level than LGAs and the WC. DoW therefore have a stronger need for detailed, accurate and reliable information which can be readily integrated as a network model. Workshop Findings Specific business requirements identified at the stakeholder workshop are listed below 3. Note that these are collated requirements from multiple stakeholders (with a strong LGA representation) and do not reflect the specific requirements of DoW. Table 3 Tactical & Strategic Planning Requirements Business Need Additional Comments To plan the design and construction/ reconstruction of drains Flood management/ water quantity management Engineering solutions to localised drainage management issues Stormwater treatment planning Strategic planning of development To model the behaviour/ efficiency of the network during flood and/or day-to-day events Recording flood event data helps to examine capacity and upgrades To assess the volume of water discharged from a catchment Support for Land Development To support consulting engineers/developers in planning and designing extensions or changes to the network To identify potential restrictions on a development or subdivision of land in previously developed sites. Infill of sites & new uses of old sites. To ensure buried assets are protected One Call system (Dial Before You Dig). Information to be on Council websites (also required to support development) The key information required to support these requirements for local government is likely to be as follows: More detailed information in relation to asset specifications (such as design criteria) to assess the impacts of changes to the network; Sufficient information would be required to enable flow modelling of the network. Note that this is unlikely to require additional information, but is dependent upon accurate and reliable information which can be readily integrated to form an overall model; For strategic planning information would be required on related datasets (such as topography, vegetation and environmental information). For DoW, requirements are likely to be similar, with a greater focus on: The ability to access to a broader range of related datasets. 3 Note that these have been grouped or summarised to remove duplication. The original responses are provided in Appendix B. SINCLAIR KNIGHT MERZ D:\533561721.doc PAGE 28 Preliminary Review for a Drainage Dataset – Report & Recommendations 4.3 The ability to integrate datasets and use them for reliable flow modelling. Water Quality Management The catchment planning being undertaken by DoW to manage drainage quantities also relates to the management of water quality. In developing catchment-specific plans, DoW has a requirement to develop guidelines on acceptable water quality for discharge from a catchment and at locations within a catchment. This in turn drives a need for a detailed drainage model for a catchment which can model flows from day-to-day events. There is a strong recognition from the asset owners (WC and LGAs) that water quality will become an increasingly pressing issue and existing legislation is more widely enforced and as new legislation (such as the Health Act) is adopted. Workshop Findings Specific business requirements identified at the stakeholder workshop are listed below. Note that these have been grouped or summarised to remove duplication. The original responses are provided in Appendix B. Table 4 Operational Asset Management & Maintenance Requirements Business Need Additional Comments Water Quality Management To assess the quality of water discharged from a catchment (has planning implications) Management of the drainage & waterways interface Location of endpoints The key information required to support these requirements for DoW is likely to be as follows: Greater detail on the network which allows day-to-day flows to be modelled; Information on the catchment as a whole (land use, vegetation, other hydraulic characteristics). For the WC the focus is likely to be the location of LGA-owned drains which connect with WC drains (to enable water quality to be monitored). There is no clear information requirement for LGAs to support this business need, however LGAs may require similar catchment-related information to DoW in working with stakeholders to help facilitate water quality improvement. 4.4 Emergency Management There is a strong recognition by LGAs of the need to assist FESA in managing any contaminated spillage into the drainage network. Whilst LGAs have an interest in helping to ensure that the impacts of any spills are minimised this is primarily a business requirement for FESA. In the case of a hazardous materials (HAZMAT) event FESA need to be able to define: SINCLAIR KNIGHT MERZ D:\533561721.doc PAGE 29 Preliminary Review for a Drainage Dataset – Report & Recommendations Where the inlets to the drainage network are; Where these drain to; and How long any contaminated materials may take to travel along drains. It is essential for FESA to identify where any spillage will drain to as quickly as possible in order to prevent or minimise any contaminants reaching the natural drainage network or aquifers. The key information required to support these requirements is likely to be as follows: The location of the drainage network; Key information which will determine the flow rate of any contaminants (such as flow direction, pipe segment length and slope); Any assets which will impact on the flow of contaminants (such as gross pollutant traps); Asset ownership; and The location of any parts of the natural drainage network which drains discharge into (such as streams or wetlands). Note that for emergency management use, a key issue will be the availability of this information across LGA boundaries in a common, reliable format. SINCLAIR KNIGHT MERZ D:\533561721.doc PAGE 30 Preliminary Review for a Drainage Dataset – Report & Recommendations 5. Required Dataset Components 5.1 Dataset Components to Support Business Needs The following table presents a summary of the components required for a drainage dataset (based on the findings of the stakeholder workshop). Further detail is provided in Appendix B, Section B.2. Table 5 Network Components Required for a Drainage Dataset Dataset Component Pipe sections Property connections Pits/ access points (including grates & gullies) Compensation basins/ sumps Pumping systems Surface drains Interface with other drainage systems Points where drains enter other water bodies eg – Rivers Onsite storage, defines LGA & NC responsibilities Drop structures, weirs, gross pollutant traps Water quality sampling points Catchment areas Access/easements Groundwater levels Major overland flow paths 5.2 Dataset Attributes The following table presents a summary of the attributes required for a drainage dataset. This is based on the findings of the stakeholder workshop (as shown in Appendix B, Section B.2) with requirements added for the WC, DoW , the City of Melville (CoM) and FESA based on brief interviews. Table 6 Data Attributes Required for a Drainage Dataset Information About Network Components DoW WC CoM FESA Pipes/ Surface drains Pipe diameter Pipe section length Pipe material Pipe type (open/closed) Pipe depth (is it in ground water?) Pipe invert levels (upstream/ downstream) Pipe grade (slope) SINCLAIR KNIGHT MERZ D:\533561721.doc PAGE 31 Preliminary Review for a Drainage Dataset – Report & Recommendations Information About Network Components DoW WC CoM FESA Pipe flow direction Pipe shape (cross section) Pipe bedding material (yes/no) Pipe condition Pipe construction date (age) Pipe design characteristics/ capacity Pipe construction company Pipe as-constructed plan no. Pipe value Pipe cost Pipe ownership Pipe ownership contact details Date data was collected Surface drain depth and width Surface drain cross section Pits/ Flood storage areas Pit size/ dimensions/ capacity (side length and width or diameter) Pit type Pit depth Pit inlet capacity Connected to outlet level Pit finished surface level Pit lid type Pit or outlet ownership Pit ownership contact details Special features (including baffles/weep points/ gross pollutant traps) Pit inlet capacity Dewatering/ base type/ soil type Pit condition Pit construction date (age) Compensation basin/ sump size Infiltration decrease discharge to aquifer Water quality Sampling locations Catchment areas Catchment surface cover Characteristics – soil type (permeable etc), land use Area Outlet type (sump/river/lake) Property connections Flow quality (limit) SINCLAIR KNIGHT MERZ D:\533561721.doc PAGE 32 Preliminary Review for a Drainage Dataset – Report & Recommendations Information About Network Components DoW WC CoM FESA Business type Catchment area Onsite basic storage SINCLAIR KNIGHT MERZ D:\533561721.doc PAGE 33 Preliminary Review for a Drainage Dataset – Report & Recommendations 6. Review of Existing Drainage Datasets In order to assess the availability of stormwater drainage data for the Perth metropolitan area an audit was conducted as part of this project. This was based on a brief questionnaire sent to each of the 30 LGAs to assess: The existence of a digital stormwater dataset; The quality and currency of each dataset; The components of each dataset (geographical features stored and attributes recorded). Note that this included both attributes stored in a GIS format and those stored in an AMS which is capable of being linked to a spatial dataset. Responses were received from 20 LGAs, with 18 of these indicating that they have a digital dataset. This is significant as it indicates that over half of Perth’s LGAs have created a digital dataset. The following table summarises the results for data quality by showing the average percentage score for the 18 LGAs. This indicates that: Respondents applied a high level of confidence to the positional accuracy of their data; Coverage across the 18 LGAs is around 75%. There was a reasonable variation in the completeness of LGAs data (responses ranged from 20%-98%). Table 7 Average Data Quality Scores for LGAs With a Digital Dataset Item Description Average Response (of 18 LGAs) Positional confidence (%) How confident are you that the data are positionally accurate? 84% Attribute accuracy (%) How accurate are the attributes in the dataset? 68% Logical consistency (%) What is your level of confidence in the structure of the dataset's geometry? (how well the features connect within the dataset and to other related datasets). 70% Completeness (%) How complete are the data (as a representation of relevant stormwater drainage within the geographic extent of the dataset?) 75% The following tables summarise the typical components and attributes of LGA’s datasets. These show only those components and attributes stored by at least half of the 18 LGAs with a dataset (the full list is shown in Appendix C). Key points to note are as follows: Some LGAs store significantly more features and attributes, whilst others have captured more basic information; SINCLAIR KNIGHT MERZ D:\533561721.doc PAGE 34 Preliminary Review for a Drainage Dataset – Report & Recommendations The information shown in the following tables can be regarded as the key information required for a drainage dataset in terms of showing basic information on assets and in enabling the dataset to be used for flow modelling. It does however lack some attributes (notably pipe and pit type and pit dimensions). Other than these attributes it is much the same as the information required by WC, DoW and CoM (as shown in Table 6 Data Attributes Required for a Drainage Dataset). Table 8 Features Stored by the LGAs With a Digital Drainage Dataset Features Percentage of LGAs Number of LGAs Pipe sections 100% 18 Pits/ access points 89% 16 Table 9 Attributes Stored by the LGAs With a Digital Drainage Dataset Attributes Percentage of LGAs Number of LGAs Pipe Attributes Diameter 89% 16 Material 89% 16 Length 78% 14 Pipe number or identifier 78% 14 Invert level (upstream and/or downstream) 72% 13 Street name 61% 11 Pit number or identifier 78% 14 Lid type 56% 10 Cover level/ finished surface level 50% 9 Street name 50% 9 Pit Attributes SINCLAIR KNIGHT MERZ D:\533561721.doc PAGE 35 Preliminary Review for a Drainage Dataset – Report & Recommendations 7. Recommendations & Next Steps 7.1 Summary of Findings There is strong support for a standard drainage data specification within local government. The key business need appears to be asset management, especially the maintenance of assets to ensure that the drainage network within each LGA’s jurisdiction is performing effectively. It should be recognised that a data specification is essentially a QA mechanism for ensuring that spatial data: Adhere to defined quality criteria in their capture; Contain the required feature types and attributes so that they can be converted and/or imported into each LGA’s own data model. Given that the majority of Perth metropolitan LGAs do have an existing spatial drainage dataset, then logically any specification adopted for WA would need to ensure that data can be readily imported into the existing data models and systems used by LGAs. The data captured by LGAs and the WC is focussed (as would be expected) on the business needs of each organisation. This is much the same with councils and utilities nationally, where brief research indicated that there is no example of multiple councils working in partnership (either together or with a central water utility) to create an integrated stormwater drainage dataset. In the various states, whilst there are some good examples of data being comprehensively captured, or specifications being applied for the supply of data, however in each case the organisation concerned has established these mechanisms for internal business needs only. If the development of an integrated dataset is to be successful, it seems that the initiative must recognise that each asset owner will only be willing to commit to storing information which is of use to support internal business needs. In developing an integrated dataset there are three areas of data management which should be considered: 1) The original capture of the data. Capture according to a common specification will help ensure consistency between asset owners’ data and will ensure that common (required) features and attributes are modelling in each organisation’s dataset. 2) The maintenance of the data. In recognising that each asset owner will need to maintain their data in their own in-house systems there is no rationale for attempting to develop a common data model which LGAs should use to store and maintain their data. However, the adoption of a common specification for the supply of data to LGA’s is likely to support the application of greater rigour in managing existing data held by LGAs and may support internal funding for improving data captured prior to the adoption of the specification. For those LGAs with no existing dataset a suggested data model may prove useful and could be developed relatively easily from D-SPEC or a variation of D-SPEC adopted for WA. 3) The dissemination of the data. This is the critical area for the development of an integrated dataset. If we accept that the application of a specification will help ensure data quality, and that asset owners are then free to model and store these data as they choose, then there must be agreement over how the data can be output from these various systems as a common data SINCLAIR KNIGHT MERZ D:\533561721.doc PAGE 36 Preliminary Review for a Drainage Dataset – Report & Recommendations model for dissemination (if an integrated dataset is to be possible). This will require agreement on the features which must be present in the dataset, and which attributes are required. Asset owners would be free to store additional features and attributes, however the data would need to be extracted to contain only those required under an agreed dissemination model. The findings of the brief data audit indicate that there is commonality across the basic attributes stored by LGAs (for example, virtually all store features for pipes and pits, and attributes for diameter and material). This indicates that a common dissemination model which requires basic features and attributes should be possible (although there are still some LGAs which would be unable to supply some of these). The initial interviews held with DoW, WC and CoM indicate that there is commonality between the basic features and attributes required for asset management (by the asset owners) and those required by DoW for flow modelling. This is to be expected, since flow models require only basic attributes to determine flow direction, capacity and flow rate, whereas for asset management and maintenance purposes asset owners require significantly more information. The data model used by WC, for example contains 23 attributes related to a compensation basin. For emergency management purposes, requirements will be similar to DoW, since FESA require the results of basic flow modelling (ideally showing interpreted information such as flow direction arrows). This suggests that those agencies which require an integrated dataset (DoW and FESA) would be able to access the attributes they require largely based on attributes and features which those LGAs with a dataset have already captured. It should be noted, however that for LGAs with datasets which lack these required attributes, the cost of additional capture could be significant and difficult to justify. 7.2 Recommendations 1. Develop a business case and an implementation plan to determine the commitment, mechanisms and costs of implementing and maintaining an integrated stormwater drainage dataset. Rationale Further investigation is necessary to determine: the support for the initiative by a coordinating State agency; whether a suitable dataset can be developed from existing LGA data, whether additional capture is required, or whether a partial dataset would be acceptable; the costs of integrating and maintaining the data; the technical feasibility of integrating the data. The following recommendations relate to work which should be considered in developing a business case and implementation plan. 2. Define the governance framework for managing an integrated dataset. SINCLAIR KNIGHT MERZ D:\533561721.doc PAGE 37 Preliminary Review for a Drainage Dataset – Report & Recommendations Rationale In developing and maintaining an integrated dataset there will need to be a single agency which takes responsibility. Asset owners will need to maintain their data in their own systems, however these data could be supplied to a coordinating agency for integration into a single dataset. This is a similar approach taken by Main Roads in integrating data for both local government and Main Roads’ assets. The adoption of an agreed data model for supply of the data to the coordinating agency will greatly assist the integration of data sets from LGAs. Specific recommendations: Hold discussions with potential agencies to determine the level of support for this initiative. Based on this brief study, DoW’s business requirements appear to have the closest alignment with the initiative. Determine the potential workload in maintaining an integrated dataset (for example, based on an annual update of data from LGAs). Determine requirements for a business case which would assist the coordinating agency progress the initiative. 3. Define the scope for an integrated dataset. Rationale The scope and feasibility of creating an integrated dataset is likely to depend on: – the availability of common features and attributes across the existing datasets held by asset owners; and – the ability to extract and assemble these datasets to a single data model; – the willingness of asset owners to supply their data and make them available to stakeholder groups. This will require agreement to be reached between stakeholders on what the common features and attributes should be, and agreement over which groups should have access. The scope of the integrated dataset is likely to depend on a balance being achieved between required data and that which is available and can be readily integrated. Specific recommendations: Support local government in the adoption of a common specification for the capture and supply of digital stormwater drainage data. The adoption of a common specification by a group of LGA’s (around eight) will require LGAs to consider the required features and attributes which they need to acquire for their existing systems and data models. This will help these LGAs define common elements which could then be considered in developing a common data model for dissemination. Whilst the SINCLAIR KNIGHT MERZ D:\533561721.doc PAGE 38 Preliminary Review for a Drainage Dataset – Report & Recommendations specification is likely to be adopted by less than a third of Perth’s councils, it will set a precedent as a standard for data capture which LGAs considering a data capture program could use as a starting point. Note that the intent is that WALIS would support LGAs in this initiative, not undertake the actual definition of a specification (which would be the responsibility of LGAs, possibly with input from the Institute of Public Works Engineering Australia). Determine whether a suitable dataset can be developed from existing LGA data, whether additional capture is required, or whether a partial dataset would be acceptable. Specifically: – Work with key stakeholders (DoW, FESA, local government and the Water Corporation) to define the features and attributes which will be required for a data model for an integrated dataset. Define which dataset components are available now and may be available in the future. – Develop an agreed data model based on a balance of requirements, available data and the capability of asset owners to extract the required information. – Determine access restrictions which asset owners would require. Liaise with the Department of Sustainability and Environment, Victoria to ensure that the initiative can benefit from learnings of the VicMapHydro project. 4. Define a mechanism to manage an integrated dataset on an ongoing basis. Rationale There needs to be a viable and costed model for sourcing data from asset owners and integrating the data in a single dataset. LGAs maintaining drainage data will need to ensure alignment with assets held by neighbouring LGAs and the WC. For LGAs to support this initiative the extraction of data from their systems should impose a minimal overhead. Specific recommendations: Determine the technical feasibility and costs of integrating the data: – Examine the impacts on asset owners in extracting the required information from existing systems. – Examine the options for technical solutions which would assist the extraction process and/or the supply of data to a coordinating agency. Examine potential solutions for assisting LGAs maintain their data so that alignment with assets owned by other LGA’s and the WC is considered. The implementation of a SLIP node for local government could assist by providing access to asset owners’ information as data and dissemination services. SINCLAIR KNIGHT MERZ D:\533561721.doc PAGE 39 Preliminary Review for a Drainage Dataset – Report & Recommendations 7.3 High-Level Implementation Plan Any following stages for this initiative will be subject to approval by WALIS SMG. Should SMG approve the recommendations in this document the overall initiative could proceed as follows (note that these timelines are very preliminary). Table 10 High Level Timelines for Following Stages Stage Preliminary Timeline Approval by SMG February 07 Further consultation by WALIS March-April 07 Procurement for services to develop a business case & implementation plan May-June 07 Development of business case & implementation plan July-December 07 SINCLAIR KNIGHT MERZ D:\533561721.doc PAGE 40 Preliminary Review for a Drainage Dataset – Report & Recommendations Appendix A Study Participants A.1 Interviewees Table 11 Interviewees for the Study Organisation Interviewee Department of Water Bill Till Christian Zammit Water Corporation Mark Tonti Richard Forrest David Bullfield (by phone) City of Melville Philip Gale Melbourne Water Keith Wesley (by phone) Department of Sustainability and Environment, Victoria Peter Ramm (by phone) A.2 Workshop Participants Table 12 Stakeholders Who Participated in the Workshop Organisation Attendee City of Belmont Jim Polinelli Patrick Tan City of Canning Doug Martin City of Cockburn Gary Chin Grant Musto Gunther Schlomer City of Cottesloe Luke Handcock City of Fremantle Ross Bishop City of Gosnells Darryl Browning Jack Dowling City of Joondalup Chris Simms City of Mandurah Mary Maher Michael Gunton City of Melville Ian McCormick Phillip Gale City of Rockingham Brett Finlay Rex Ballard City of South Perth Andrew Crotty City of Sterling Bill Davis City of Sterling Igor Veljanoski SINCLAIR KNIGHT MERZ D:\533561721.doc PAGE 41 Preliminary Review for a Drainage Dataset – Report & Recommendations Organisation Attendee City of Subiaco Cherie Little City of Swan Adrian Wong Andrew Mugge Arthur Colyvas DEC (CALM) Steve Jones Dept of Water Belinda Quinton Chris Roach Peter Kata DLI Julie Goodgame Marty Stamatis DPI Andrea Zappacosta FESA Claire Howke JDA Suzanne Pantry Town of Bassendean John Chen Town of Bayswater Rod Woodford Town of Claremont David Belleville Town of Mosman Park Drew France Town of Victoria Park Melissa Gaikhorst Terry McCarthy Town of Vincent Craig Wilson Water Corporation David Bulfield SINCLAIR KNIGHT MERZ D:\533561721.doc PAGE 42 Preliminary Review for a Drainage Dataset – Report & Recommendations Appendix B Workshop Outcomes B.1 Business Requirements Participants were asked to define their organisations’ key business needs for a stormwater drainage dataset. Each group was then asked to collate their requirements. The following table shows the results, with headings added to group common themes. Requirements noted as significant or critical have been marked with a double tick. Table 3 Table 4 Table 5 Business Need Table 2 Table 13 Business Requirements Identified by Participants Table 1 To manage assets: The ‘what’ condition of data – age, material, levels Knowledge of ownership Consent is main driver – maintenance, know what we’ve got, harvesting & re-use Maintenance of the asset is the key point To maintain the network (and ensure it is effective) Management of asset (long term based on planning and budgeting needs) To know what’s there and where. Accurate/Current Spatial Dataset – meaningful attributes – transparent datasets Operational management of drainage systems on a day-to-day basis Knowledge of asset ownership between authorities Organisational risk management – financial, environmental, social Tactical/ Strategic Asset Planning Engineering solutions to localised drainage management issues To plan the design and construction of drains Planning and construction/ reconstruction Flood management/ water quantity management Recording flood event data helps to examine capacity and upgrades Strategic Planning of Development Stormwater Treatment Planning To model the behaviour/ efficiency of the network during flood and/or day-to-day events To assess the volume of water discharged from a catchment Support for Land Development To identify potential restrictions on a development or subdivision of land in previously developed sites. Infill of sites & new uses of old sites. To support consulting engineers/developers in planning and designing extensions or changes to the network To ensure buried assets are protected Operational Asset Management & Maintenance SINCLAIR KNIGHT MERZ D:\533561721.doc PAGE 43 Table 5 Table 4 Table 3 Table 2 Business Need Table 1 Preliminary Review for a Drainage Dataset – Report & Recommendations One Call system (Dial Before You Dig). Information to be on Council websites (also required to support development) Water Quality Management Water Quality Management (has planning implications) Emergency/Incident Management, to contain contaminated spillage/ pollution To assess the quality of water discharged from a catchment Management of the drainage & waterways interface Location of endpoints The following table lists the key drivers identified by participants in relation to their business needs (headings have been added to group drivers together). Table 54 Table 4 Table 3 Drivers Table 2 Table 14 Business Drivers Identified by Participants Table 1 Strategic Planning & Inter-Agency Coordination Integrated management of catchments Coordination with other utilities and agencies (FESA, Dept Water etc) Development of common skill sets & processes across organisations/government bodies Local government requests Asset Management & Reporting Management and reporting on assets and their value Flood management Emergency Management Protection of people, property & environment in emergencies Water Quality Improvement of Ecological Health Land Development Development /expansion needs (eg high density) Legislative Requirements Legislative requirements (existing & future). Note: This relates to a number of areas. 4 Drivers listed under Business Needs. SINCLAIR KNIGHT MERZ D:\533561721.doc PAGE 44 Preliminary Review for a Drainage Dataset – Report & Recommendations B.2 Information About the Drainage Network Based on the business needs identified in the previous section, participants were asked to identify: Which components of the network they would need to have modelled in a dataset (geographic features); What information would be needed to describe components of the network (attributes for geographic features). The results are provided in the following two tables. Note that these are listed as provided by participants and have not been structured as a data model. An additional column has also been added based on specific requirements supplied by FESA. Table 15 Network Components Required for a Drainage Dataset Table 1 Table 2 Table 3 Table 4 Table 5 FESA Dataset Component Pipe sections Property connections Pits/ access points (including stormwater grates & gullies) Compensation basins/ sumps Pumping systems Surface drains Interface with other drainage systems Points where drains enter other water bodies eg – Rivers Onsite storage, defines LGA & NC responsibilities Drop structures, weirs, gross pollutant traps Water quality sampling points Catchment areas Access/easements Groundwater levels Major overland flow paths Notes on the following table: A number of participants stressed the importance of location. This is assumed as being a prerequisite for a drainage network and is not listed as an attribute. Unique feature identifiers are not listed as this will be dependent on the data model adopted (for example, if pipes and surface drains are modelled as different feature classes then a unique identifier field would be needed for each). It should be noted that unique identifiers would need to be established across a single network dataset. Attributes for different types of flood storage areas (pits, sumps, compensation basins) have been grouped together as responses from participants varied in how this information was provided. SINCLAIR KNIGHT MERZ D:\533561721.doc PAGE 45 Preliminary Review for a Drainage Dataset – Report & Recommendations Table 5 Information About Network Components Table 4 Table 16 Data Attributes Required for a Drainage Dataset Table 3 Table 2 Information related to data accuracy has been excluded as this would form part of the metadata for a spatial dataset (positional accuracy in particular was noted as being important information). Table 1 Pipes/ Surface drains Pipe diameter Pipe section length Pipe material Pipe type (open/closed) Pipe depth (is it in ground water?) Pipe invert levels (upstream/ downstream) Pipe grade (slope) Pipe flow direction Pipe shape (cross section) Pipe bedding material (yes/no) Pipe condition Pipe construction date (age) Pipe design characteristics/ capacity Pipe construction company Pipe as-constructed plan no. Pipe value Pipe cost Pipe ownership Pipe ownership contact details Date data was collected Surface drain depth and width Surface drain cross section Pits/ Flood storage areas Pit size/ dimensions/ capacity (side length and width or diameter) Pit type Pit depth Pit inlet capacity Connected to outlet level Pit finished surface level Pit lid type Pit or outlet ownership Pit ownership contact details Special features (including baffles/weep points/ gross pollutant SINCLAIR KNIGHT MERZ D:\533561721.doc PAGE 46 Table 5 Table 4 Table 3 Table 1 Information About Network Components Table 2 Preliminary Review for a Drainage Dataset – Report & Recommendations traps) Pit inlet capacity Dewatering/ base type/ soil type Pit condition Pit construction date (age) Compensation basin/ sump size Infiltration decrease discharge to aquifer Water quality Sampling locations Catchment areas Catchment surface cover Characteristics – soil type (permeable etc), land use Area Outlet type (sump/river/lake) Property connections Flow quality (limit) Business type Catchment area Onsite basic storage B.3 Key Issues Participants were asked to identify the key issues in working with existing drainage data. The following table lists those which participants identified as being the most significant and those which would need to be overcome for an integrated dataset to be successful. Headings have been added to group issues according to common themes. Table 5 Table 4 Table 3 Issues Table 2 Table 17 Key Issues Faced by Participants in Working with Existing Drainage Data Table 1 Lack of Data Availability Availability of information – digital/hardcopy/any other format. Transfer of data – historical data Limited data availability in some areas (or none) or incorrect (non GIS format) Data are often not spatial Usability of Available Data (Fitness for Purpose) Reliability/ accuracy/integrity/ completeness Positional accuracy & std (station of formats GIS) SINCLAIR KNIGHT MERZ D:\533561721.doc PAGE 47 Table 5 Table 4 Table 3 Table 1 Issues Table 2 Preliminary Review for a Drainage Dataset – Report & Recommendations Consistency of dataset due to staff issues Lack of performance data i.e. flooding Metadata/data dictionaries Data quality/disclaimers definition Data Integration: Data Formats Data format – conversions (internal not an issue) Lack of easily assimilated update data both internal and external Spatial & analysis datasets (maintaining both) Exchange of data – file format Data/systems integration within organisation Data Integration: Inconsistent Data Model/Specifications Compatibility – attributes diff custodians Connectivity – sharing dataset Definitions of Catchments Generalisation of attribution Attributes/need but custodian low importance to item Data acquisition – compatible data structure/format – interoperability Format/attribute incompatibility Lack of std presentation Support for Data Capture & Maintenance Funding – relationship with other organisations (MOU’s) Funding & resources Mainstreaming/communicating importance Recognition of resource requirements for maintenance Minimal strategic planning Governance & Data Accessibility Data access Exchange of data with joining Authority Utility Accessibility (not recorded, not compiled across LGA’s not current) Access to maintenance records Custodianship B.4 Solutions Participants were asked to suggest solutions to overcome the most significant barriers. Responses are listed below. SINCLAIR KNIGHT MERZ D:\533561721.doc PAGE 48 Preliminary Review for a Drainage Dataset – Report & Recommendations Table 5 Table 4 Table 1 Solutions Table 3 Table 18 Suggested Solutions Table 2 Implement a Common Data Model/ Specification Adopt common standards by all (d-Spec), liaise with IPWEA Development of an industry std in terms of the data format specifications Agreement of std between custodians & users Capture physical data to common std Hierarchical views fit for purpose datasets Data consistency enforced by common system (topology, domains, mandatory fields) Implement Coordinated Governance & Accessibility Willingness to share data – framework for what attributes & purpose (log-in) security Adopting universal governance rules i.e. handover of assets on completion of points LGA – GIS Availability Central coordination Central funding (Roman roads) Coordination /custodianship at WALIS/State level – data entry, maintenance at LGA level Use SLIP EM as delivery mechanism (accessibility) Source External Funding Funding – various sources – involve catchment groups to develop drainage networks using external funding sources WALIS to manage a government funded project to capture D-spec Potential backing (on environmental, EM risk management grounds) Tie funding incentives to maintenance/data capture – National Water Initiative Existing infrastructure needs to collected possibly with State assisted funding Catchment groups – educating community, decision makers Secure Internal Funding Maintenance/upgrading/effectiveness costs Needs analysis – level of problem Feasibility of upgrade of data vs. recollection of data Building in new innovations – R & D Elevate importance of drainage data B.5 Key Benefits Participants were asked to identify the key benefits of an integrated dataset (assuming that an integrated dataset was available). The intent of this question was to assess how important the SINCLAIR KNIGHT MERZ D:\533561721.doc PAGE 49 Preliminary Review for a Drainage Dataset – Report & Recommendations initiative was likely to be to each organisation. The following table presents the responses with headings added to group common themes. Table 19 Key Benefits Tactical/ Strategic Planning Table 5 Table 4 Table 3 Table 2 Table 1 Benefits Planning new drainage developments Predict flood impact Environmental sustainability More accurate output from models – capital planning Greater scope for strategic planning in terms of availability of dataset Budgeting Data drives knowledge – informed decision making Improved Asset Management/ Maintenance Prevention of local flooding/reduced risk individual councils to maintain asset data set AA S27 (more accurate) Asset management Safer communities Support for Cross-Boundary Initiatives More informative information for catchment modelling Integration of adjacent data Regional management/environmental planning Remove cross boundary issues Perth urban water balance study Provision of information across boundaries – including to developers Emergency & Incident Management Emergency Management Increased ability to aid emergency managers Immediate pollution response Incident management Reliable/accessible data – to EM groups Water Quality Management Control of pollution Model impact of stormwater on eco systems Show support for environment Better water quality. Improve ecological health Water quality, budgets volumes Compliance for health benefits Operational Efficiencies Uniformity SINCLAIR KNIGHT MERZ D:\533561721.doc PAGE 50 Preliminary Review for a Drainage Dataset – Report & Recommendations Table 5 Table 4 Table 3 Table 2 Table 1 Benefits Level of confidence of information Improved access to information – quick Potential efficiencies – removal of possible redundancies Operational/field efficiency Reduction of cost of data acquisition/maintenance, reduced data duplication Portability of skills/ mobile resources Some groups provided specific comments on how important the initiative was likely to be to organisations. This was also briefly discussed at the end of the workshop. Comments included the following: A ‘nice to have’ and a form of insurance; Not a vote winner for Councillors (a funding issue); When things go wrong then important (if there is a significant incident then the information would be seen as being important); Relatively small benefit for well developed LGA’s drainage data systems; Likely to be a greater benefit to State government in relation to initiatives which cross LGA boundaries. SINCLAIR KNIGHT MERZ D:\533561721.doc PAGE 51 Preliminary Review for a Drainage Dataset – Report & Recommendations Appendix C Stocktake of Existing Datasets C.1 Features The following table shows the features currently stored by the 18 LGAs which have a digital dataset of stormwater drainage (out of a total of 20 LGAs which responded to the survey). Table 20 Features Stored by the LGAs With a Digital Drainage Dataset Features Percentage of LGAs Number of LGAs Data Structure – Features Pipe sections 100% 18 Pits/ access points 89% 16 Property connections 33% 6 Underground conduit pits 33% 6 Underground conduits 22% 4 Sump boundaries/ sumps 17% 3 Design boundary extent 11% 2 Access chambers 6% 1 Catchments 6% 1 Easements 6% 1 Gross pollutant traps 6% 1 Gullies 6% 1 Problems with matching to existing data 6% 1 SEP’s 6% 1 Soakwells 6% 1 sump outlets 6% 1 Table drains 6% 1 SINCLAIR KNIGHT MERZ D:\533561721.doc PAGE 52 Preliminary Review for a Drainage Dataset – Report & Recommendations C.2 Attributes The following table shows the attributes currently stored by the 18 LGAs which have a digital dataset of stormwater drainage (out of a total of 20 LGAs which responded to the survey). Table 21 Attributes Stored by the LGAs With a Digital Drainage Dataset Attributes Percentage of LGAs Number of LGAs Pipe Attributes Diameter 89% 16 Material 89% 16 Length 78% 14 Pipe number or identifier 78% 14 Invert level (upstream and/or downstream) 72% 13 Street name 61% 11 Construction date 44% 8 Catchment number/ id 22% 4 Plan number 22% 4 Condition 17% 3 Subdivision name 17% 3 Accumulated depreciation 11% 2 Item/ design life 11% 2 Road number/ road id 11% 2 Written down value 11% 2 % of expected life 6% 1 Adequacy rating 6% 1 Construction company 6% 1 Current cost of replacement 6% 1 Date Inspected 6% 1 Design company 6% 1 De-watering factors 6% 1 Item type 6% 1 Land type 6% 1 Linked to asset valuation 6% 1 Pipe grade 6% 1 Pit Upstream / Downstream & id 6% 1 Soil type 6% 1 Stage number 6% 1 Pit number or identifier 78% 14 Lid type 56% 10 Cover level/ finished surface level 50% 9 Pit Attributes SINCLAIR KNIGHT MERZ D:\533561721.doc PAGE 53 Preliminary Review for a Drainage Dataset – Report & Recommendations Attributes Percentage of LGAs Number of LGAs Street name 50% 9 Construction date 44% 8 Depth 44% 8 Side length 28% 5 Side width 28% 5 Pit type 22% 4 Litter traps 17% 3 Pit condition 17% 3 Plan number 17% 3 Accumulated depreciation 11% 2 Catchment number/ id 11% 2 Design life 11% 2 Subdivision name 11% 2 Written down value 11% 2 % of expected life 6% 1 Collected by 6% 1 Construction material 6% 1 Depth to invert 6% 1 Design company 6% 1 Land type 6% 1 Lid condition 6% 1 Lid level 6% 1 Reduced level 6% 1 Replacement cost 6% 1 Road number/ road id 6% 1 Soil type 6% 1 Special Features and Photo Link 6% 1 Street name 22% 4 Diameter 17% 3 Material 17% 3 Property connection number or identifier 17% 3 Construction date 11% 2 Depth 11% 2 Plan number 6% 1 Conduit number or identifier 11% 2 Diameter 11% 2 Length 11% 2 Property Connection Attributes Underground Conduit Attributes SINCLAIR KNIGHT MERZ D:\533561721.doc PAGE 54 Preliminary Review for a Drainage Dataset – Report & Recommendations Attributes Percentage of LGAs Number of LGAs Material 11% 2 Street name 11% 2 % of expected life 6% 1 Accumulated depreciation 6% 1 Adequacy rating 6% 1 Catchment id 6% 1 Condition 6% 1 Construction date 6% 1 Design life 6% 1 Land type 6% 1 Replacement cost 6% 1 Soil type 6% 1 Subdivision name 6% 1 Type 6% 1 Written down value 6% 1 Catchment id 11% 2 Conduit pit number or identifier 11% 2 Depth 11% 2 Material 11% 2 Street name 11% 2 % of expected life 6% 1 Accumulated depreciation 6% 1 Adequacy rating 6% 1 Construction date 6% 1 Depth to invert 6% 1 Design life 6% 1 Land type 6% 1 Pit type 6% 1 Reduced level 6% 1 Replacement cost 6% 1 Soil type 6% 1 Subdivision name 6% 1 Written down value 6% 1 Underground Conduit Pit Attributes SINCLAIR KNIGHT MERZ D:\533561721.doc PAGE 55