N o r t h E a st I n d ep en d e nt S c h o o l D i st ric t 7th Grade Science Unit 2 Simple Machines Spring 2006 SIMPLE MACHINES In this 7th grade unit, the student will demonstrate basic relationships between force and motion using simple machines. Students should be become familiar with all six simple machines: pulley, lever, inclined plane, wedge, wheel and axle, screw. This is the first time that simple machines will have been introduced. It is not covered in any grade before 7th grade, nor is it covered in 8th grade. Students will analyze the effect of changing force or distance in simple machines, and demonstrate mechanical advantage of various machines. It is more important for students to have a conceptual understanding of mechanical advantage than to be able to calculate it. Machines and Work A simple machine is a device that makes work easier by changing the size or direction of the force applied to it. Students should be introduced to the concept of work because it is an integral part of understanding simple machines. Work is done when a force causes an object to move in the direction the force is applied. The mathematical equation for calculating work is force times distance (W = f × d). This equation is present on the TAKS formula chart, so students need to have practice utilizing it. They do not, however, need to be able to manipulate the formula to solve for force or distance. Teachers can give students examples of when work is or is not done. For example, no work is in done in reading a book, but work is done is turning the pages. Emphasize that you work is done only when a force is used to move an object and the motion must be in the direction of the force. Machines come in many shapes and forms, but there are only six types of simple machines. These simple machines, however, can be combined to form complex (compound) machines. Work in everyday life is often done with the aid of machines. The use of a machine requires two types of work: work input and work output. Work input is the work effort supplied by the person. Work output is the work done by the machine. Students should be familiar with the different terms used when referring to input and output force. Input force can also be referred to Clarifying statements are intended to deepen teachers’ understanding of science concepts and serve as a guide for instructional design. They are not intended to serve as student instructional materials. This publication is the property of North East Independent School District. Duplication in whole or in part, outside of NEISD, is prohibited without express written permission from NEISD. 1 N o r t h E a st I n d ep en d e nt S c h o o l D i st ric t 7th Grade Science Unit 2 Simple Machines Spring 2006 as effort and output force can also be called the resistance or load. It should be understood that machines do not change the amount of work done. They just make it easier by either changing the size or direction of the force needed to do the work. The Lever A lever is a simple machine consisting of a bar that pivots around a fixed point called a fulcrum. There are three types of levers based on the location of the fulcrum, load and input force or effort. It is more important for students to be able to conceptually understand the different classes of levers than to be able to classify them as 1st, 2nd, or 3rd class. The three classes of levers are discussed here to aid teacher understanding. In a first-class lever the fulcrum is between the input force and the output force, or load. The first class lever always changes the direction of the input force, as with a see-saw. When the input force is applied downward, then the load moves up. Depending on the location of the fulcrum, the first class lever can be used to increase or decrease the force needed to lift the load. Teachers can illustrate this concept by the following activity: Place one pencil on a flat surface and another pencil on top of it, forming a cross. Lay a book on one end of the top pencil. Push down on the free end of the top pencil to raise the book. Change the position of the bottom pencil, moving it closer then farther from the book. Observe and record how changing the position of the pencil affects the force needed to raise the book. 1st class lever: Clarifying statements are intended to deepen teachers’ understanding of science concepts and serve as a guide for instructional design. They are not intended to serve as student instructional materials. This publication is the property of North East Independent School District. Duplication in whole or in part, outside of NEISD, is prohibited without express written permission from NEISD. 2 N o r t h E a st I n d ep en d e nt S c h o o l D i st ric t 7th Grade Science Unit 2 Simple Machines Spring 2006 In a second-class lever, the load or output force is between the fulcrum and the input force. A second class lever allows the user to apply less force than the force exerted by the load. Because the output force is greater than the input force, the input force must be exerted over a greater distance. 2nd class lever: In a third –class lever, the input force is between the fulcrum and the load. Third class levers are helpful because they increase the distance through which the output force is exerted. The output force and input force move in the same direction as when you swing a baseball bat. In this example, the ball moves in the same direction as you swing the bat. The fulcrum would be the hand, the force is the bat and the load or output force is the ball. 3rd class lever: Clarifying statements are intended to deepen teachers’ understanding of science concepts and serve as a guide for instructional design. They are not intended to serve as student instructional materials. This publication is the property of North East Independent School District. Duplication in whole or in part, outside of NEISD, is prohibited without express written permission from NEISD. 3 N o r t h E a st I n d ep en d e nt S c h o o l D i st ric t 7th Grade Science Unit 2 Simple Machines Spring 2006 The following table provides examples of simple machines that are levers: Simple Machine Lever Class see-saw 1 hammer’s claws 1 pliers 1 (2 sets) scissors 1 (2 sets) bottle opener 2 wheelbarrow 2 door opening (w/ hinges) 2 baseball bat 3 fishing rod 3 tweezers 3 (2 sets) Clarifying statements are intended to deepen teachers’ understanding of science concepts and serve as a guide for instructional design. They are not intended to serve as student instructional materials. This publication is the property of North East Independent School District. Duplication in whole or in part, outside of NEISD, is prohibited without express written permission from NEISD. 4 N o r t h E a st I n d ep en d e nt S c h o o l D i st ric t 7th Grade Science Unit 2 Simple Machines Spring 2006 The Pulley A pulley consists of a grooved wheel that holds a rope or cable. The load is attached to one end of the rope, and the input force is applied to the other end of the rope. The number of rope segments determine how easy it is to lift the load. The more rope segments, the easier it is to lift the load. The mechanical advantage of a pulley can be determined by the number of rope segments supporting the load. A common mistake students make is to count the handle as a rope segment when it does not support the load. Examples of the use of pulleys in everyday include flagpoles, blinds, wells, and cranes. A pulley that is attached to something to hold it steady is called a fixed pulley. A fixed pulley makes work easier by changing the direction of the force. A fixed pulley lets you to take advantage of the downward pull of your weight to move a load upward. The distance the rope is pulled is equal to the distance the object is lifted. Fixed pulley: In a moveable pulley system, one end of the rope is attached but the wheel is free to move, hence a moveable pulley. The load is attached to the moveable wheel. A movable pulley does not change the direction in which the force moves, it multiplies the force and increases the distance the force moves. Since the load is supported by two sections of rope, only half the force is needed for a fixed pulley. Movable pulley: Clarifying statements are intended to deepen teachers’ understanding of science concepts and serve as a guide for instructional design. They are not intended to serve as student instructional materials. This publication is the property of North East Independent School District. Duplication in whole or in part, outside of NEISD, is prohibited without express written permission from NEISD. 5 N o r t h E a st I n d ep en d e nt S c h o o l D i st ric t 7th Grade Science Unit 2 Simple Machines Spring 2006 When a fixed pulley and movable pulley are used together, a pulley system is created. Pulley systems may have several wheels. This system can be called a compound pulley or block and tackle and has the highest mechanical advantage. Pulley Systems: The Inclined Plane An inclined plane has a flat surface raised on one end. It is essentially a ramp. A long ramp has a greater mechanical advantage and is easier to push something up than a short ramp. Even though a person using the long ramp must travel a farther distance, less force is needed. A ramp used to get a person in a wheelchair into a building is a good example of an inclined plane. force Inclined Plane The Wedge A wedge is formed when two inclined planes join together to make a sharp edge. Wedges are used to split or lift objects. Axes, knives, nail points, doorstops and plows are all examples of wedges. Many organisms also use wedges as tools. A woodpecker’s beak and the root of a seed are examples. The following picture of a seed’s root acting as a wedge appeared in the August 2005 TAKS information booklet: Clarifying statements are intended to deepen teachers’ understanding of science concepts and serve as a guide for instructional design. They are not intended to serve as student instructional materials. This publication is the property of North East Independent School District. Duplication in whole or in part, outside of NEISD, is prohibited without express written permission from NEISD. 6 N o r t h E a st I n d ep en d e nt S c h o o l D i st ric t 7th Grade Science Unit 2 Simple Machines Spring 2006 The Wheel and Axle A wheel and axle is a simple machine that consists of a shaft, called the axle, inserted through the middle of a wheel. Both the wheel and the axle are two circular objects. The axle is the smaller of the two circular objects that are moving. When a force is applied to the wheel, it is magnified when it is transferred to the axle. This makes the output force larger than the input force because the larger diameter wheel has to be turned less than the smaller diameter axle. Screwdrivers, pencil sharpeners, bicycle wheels, and faucet handles, and doorknobs are all examples of a wheel and axle. Gears are an example of a modified wheel and axle in which the teeth can be classified as wedges. Gears The Screw A screw is an inclined plane that is wrapped around a cylinder. The ridges around the shaft of the screw are called threads. As the screw is turned, the threads pull the object up the shaft. The greater the number of threads and the longer the shaft, the easier it is to turn the screw. This equates to a greater mechanical advantage as well. Jar lids, bottle caps, and simple nail-like screws are all examples of this simple machine. Source: www.nvsd44.bc.ca Clarifying statements are intended to deepen teachers’ understanding of science concepts and serve as a guide for instructional design. They are not intended to serve as student instructional materials. This publication is the property of North East Independent School District. Duplication in whole or in part, outside of NEISD, is prohibited without express written permission from NEISD. 7