EPITOMICS - IHC/ICC Troubleshooting Form Please answer the following questions to help us troubleshoot your issue. 1. General Product Information a. Product Name: b. Catalog #: c. Lot#: 2. Is this your first time using this antibody? a. Yes, this is the first time b. No, this is a re-use of the same tube of antibody c. No, this is a re-order of a previously used antibody 3. Please briefly describe the issue that you are experiencing. A: 4. How is the product currently being stored? A: 5. Please describe the sample(s) used with the antibody. Sample Type: Sample species: Tissue or Cell: If Tissue: Is it fresh, frozen, or paraffin? Type of Fixation (e.g. Methanol, Acetone): % of Fixation: Fixation time and temperature (e.g. overnight at 4C): 6. Was the sample deparaffinized? If yes, please briefly describe the method used. A: 7. Was any pretreatment done on the sample? If yes, please briefly describe the pretreatment reagent and method used (e.g. 10mM Citrate Buffer in 20 minutes in Microwave, 98C) A: 8. Primary antibody step. Please describe: Dilution used: Type of dilution buffer used: Length of incubation with primary: Temperature of incubation: Volume of primary antibody used (µl)? 9. What type of wash buffer was used and how often/how long? (e.g. PBS, twice, 5 minutes each) A: 10. What blocking buffer/substrate was used, how long, at what temperature? (e.g. 10% normal goat serum, overnight at 4C) A: 11. Secondary antibody step. Please describe: Type of secondary (i.e. goat-anti-Rb-HRP, Polymer, goat-anti-Rb-FITC) and supplier: Length of incubation: Temperature of incubation: Dilution used: Type of dilution buffer used: 12. Tertiary component/substrate step. Please describe : Type of tertiary (i.e. SA-HRP) and supplier: Length of incubation: Temperature of incubation: Dilution used: Type of dilution buffer used: 13. For IHC, please describe the Chromagen and Counterstain used: Type of Chromagen (e.g. DAB): Length of incubation: Temperature of incubation: Dilution used: Type of Counterstain (e.g. hematoxylin): Length of incubation: 14. For ICC, please describe the Counterstain and mounting condition used: Type of Counterstain: Mounting solution used: Was the slides kept in the dark after mounting? 15. Was a positive and/or negative control used? If yes, what were their results? A: 16. Please include any other information that you wish to share. A: