Name: Kenan GÖÇMEN

1.Paleolithic Period
- In this period,people make cutting and excavator tools by stone.
- Almost,at the and of this period,fire was found and people started to cook their meals.
2.Neolithic Period
In Neolithic period, people built their homes and villages, found that how pans and pots
make, tamed some animals.
In this age, people used copper, found in the nature and then they made bronze by mixing tin
and copper.At the and of this age,people started to use iron and they made several tools.
- Wheel was found. (B.C.3200)
- Writing was found.(B.C.3000)
- Thales opened first geometry school and he developed his own theorem.(B.C.540)
- Herodot sketched the world map.(B.C. 450)
- Archimedes found the buoyancy force
- Hourglass was found in 9th century .
- Blast furnace was built in Dürstel in Switzerland.
- Rodger Bacon has found the gunpowder in 1249.
- Glasses was found by Salvino Degli Armati in 1280.
- The Mechanical Clock was invented in 1386
- Printing Press was invented in China.
- Jerome Cardan realised that amber attract some of light materials, he made the correlation
between electric and magnetism in 1551.
- Galileo made the telescope which zoom thirty times.He made the thermometer and the
pendulum in 1592
-William Gilber found that the earth is a global magnet and a needle of a compass shows the
magnetic pole of the world in 1600.
- Johannes Kepler discovered the law of solar system in 1618.
- Blaise Pascal invented the first collecting machine in 1642.
-Evangelista Torricelli found the barometer in 1643.
-Isaac Newton discovered the laws of motion in 1687.
-Otto von Guericke found the first vacuum pump in 1650.
-Otto von Guericke made the first generator that creates electricity by friction in 1672.
-Thomas Savery made the first steam enginee in 1698.
-Isaac Newton published the first book about optics in 1704.
-Anders Celsius invented the thermometer for temperature measurement in 1742.
- Claude Chappe discovered the telegraph in 1763.
-Benjamin Franklin found negative and positive poles in the electric charges in 1746.
-James Watt developed the steam engine which works for a extended time in 1777.
-Charles Augustin de Coulomb found the power of two magnetic poles in 1779.
-Montgolfier brothers travelled by the first balloon in 1783.
-Louis Lenormand designed the first parachute in 1783.
-Alessandro Volta made the first electric battery in 1799.
-William Nicholson seperated water by using current electricity in1800.
-Richard Trevithick invented the first locomotive on the railroad track in 1804.
-Rene Laennec discovered the stethoscope in 1816.
-André Marie Ampére discovered the magnetic field in 1819.
-Joseph Nicéphore Niepce succeed in taking photographs for the first time in 1826.
-Michael Faraday the electromagnetic theory in 1831.
-Joseph Henry found the electrical motor which gives power to the machines and helps them
to get work in 1831.
-Cooke ve Wheatstone discovered the first electrical telgraph in 1837.
-James Prescott Joule found the theory of conservation of energy in 1841.
-Gustav Robert Kirchhoff published the law of ‘Kirchhoff I’ and ‘Kirchhoff II’ in 1845.
-Elisha Graves Otis discovered the elavator in 1852.
-James Clerk Maxwell proved the law of Faraday and wrote his theory in 1855.
- In Belgium,first machine is made in 1860.
-The first subway was started to work in 1863 in England.
-Dmitri Mendelev published Periodic table in 1869.
-Alfred Bernhard Nobel found the dynamite in 1865.
-Nikolaus August Otto made the four cycle motor in 1876.
- Alexander Graham Bell invented first phone in 1876.
- Thomas Edison invented voice recording device which is called phonograf in 1877.
-Joseph Wilson Swan invented the electric bulb in 1878.
-Ernst Werner von Siemens invented the electiric train in 1879.
-The first hydroelectric station was opened in Winconsin in 1882.
-Heinrich Rudolf Hertz discovered the electromagnetic wave in 1885.
-Karl Benz manufactured first car in 1885.
-Rudolf Christian Karl Diesel made the diesel motor in 1892.
-Limuere brothers made the cinema machine in 1894.
-Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen invented the rontgen device by discovering the X-ray in 1895.
-Guglielmo Marchese Marconi produced the radio waves in 1896.
-Antoine Henri Becquerel discovered that the uranium in 1896.
-Hubert Cecil Booth found the hoover in 1901.
-Marie ve Pierre Curie discovered the radium in 1902.
-Wright brothers made the plane which has an engine in 1903.
-Albert Einstein published the theory of relativity in 1905.
-Elmer Ambrose Sperrymade designed the first robot in 1913.
-William Paine in Sheffield made the stainless steel in 1913.
-Robert Alexander Watson-Watt invented the radar in 1935.
-Igor Ivanovich Sikorsky designed the modern helicopter in 1935.
-Frank Whittle designed the jet engine in 1937.
-Enrico Fermi designed the nucleer reactor in 1942.
- Robert Oppenheimer found atom bomb in 1945.
- J.Mauchly and J.Eckert designed First electronic computer called ENIAC in USA in 1946
and made in 1951
-Bardeen, Brattain and Schockley invented the transistor in USA in 1948.
-Francis Crick and James Watson discovered the structure of DNA’s molecules in 1953.
-Townes and Schawlow found the theory of laser in 1958.
-Jack Kilby invented the Mikrochip in 1958.
- Yuri GAGARİN became first astronaut who went to the space in 1961.
- IBM manufactured first disc that is called FLOPPY in 1970.
- Microsoft was founded in USA in 1975.
- Microsoft created Windows in 1983.
- Mobile Phone was started to be used in 1985.