Friends of the Library Meeting January 23, 2010 Minutes The meeting began at 10:25 with Gayle Dixon, Bob and Misti Springer, Lindas Rickard and Barrett, Sharlat Leonard, Lyn Siegal, and Penny Fisk in attendance. 1. Financial Report: Gayle presented the financial report (attached). The current balance is $2,904.30. 2. Last year’s minutes were read and approved. 3. Santa Books: Lynn reported that 151 books were given out by Santa and 18 more were redeemed with coupons included in the Santa bags. An unexpectedly large number of 4th and 5th graders got bags from Santa and those books bags ran out quickly. It was decided that next year the Bowl and Roll (Saturday before Thanksgiving) would end at 2:00 instead of 3:00; Linda Rickard will find Friends of the Library members to help the library board with the Bowl and Roll event; and after the cleanup we’ll put the Santa bags together in the back room. It was suggested that balls or hacky-sacks be included in the Santa bags, as the Forest Service is providing less stuff. 4. Children’s Programs: Krissi Hansen didn’t attend the meeting but left information about children’s programming (attached). Suggestions for prizes for the Summer Reading Program were: passes to Zimm’s, the Midvale swimming pool, and the rodeo. Other suggestions were starcharts, field guides (birds, bugs…), binoculars, kites, jump ropes, walking sticks, insect nets, and balls. Providing programming for older kids was suggested. Linda Rickard suggested that Dana Eppoch might be interested in implementing a program. Penny said she could develop a blog page in conjunction with it. Linda B. will put a notice in the paper asking for volunteers. 5. Dr. Seuss’s Birthday: Misti wants to celebrate Dr. Suess’s birday (March 2) on either the Saturday before or the one after, depending on her schedule. It was decided to have the following activities: a free breakfast of green eggs and ham at 9:00, Dr. Seuss crafts at stations, Dr. Suess (Tim Hohs) will read to the kids, a poetry ‘contest’, and a movie and popcorn. Misti will talk to Bonnie Thompson about having multi-grade groups write poems together. Linda B., Misti, and Bob will read the poems and choose the winners who will win a pizza from One Eye Jack’s. The poems and illustrations will be displayed at the library and submitted to the paper. Penny will check with the Learning Center to see if they have a projector we can borrow to show the movie. Charlotte will involve preschoolers in the poetry-writing. 6. Spring Rummage and Bake Sale: Gayle, Kathy Norton, and Linda R. if necessary will set up the sale on Friday, April 2nd from noon until 5:00. Linda B. and Barb Dixon will open the sale at 8:00 on Saturday April 3rd. Linda R. will come in that day if needed, and Jeana Menter will help too. Tim Menter will help with cleanup at 2:00. Barb will make signs and Linda B. will put information in the newspapers. 7. What to Spend Money On: Penny will buy a soup warmer and a DVD player soon. Penny will check on the MP3played/book devices to see what they cost and other information. Gayle has the application to apply to become first a corporation and then a 501C3. Friends of the Library will split the cost of applying with the board (?). Patti would like some shelving under the TV for storage; Penny will ask Murray if there are seniors who might build it for their service project. It was decided not to purchase the shelving system for children’s books-on-tape that never got purchased last year because of space considerations and because the tapes have a low circulation rate. Krissi will be asked for other suggestions as to what children’s materials the Friends of the Library could buy. 8. Other Stuff: The Valentine’s Sweet Sale will take place on Feb.9, 11, and 13. Some chairs need recovering; Gayle will see what’s needed and get a group of people together to do it.