Heat and Power
Measuring Techniques for Turbomachinery Applications
Third Announcement
The 17th Symposium
on Measuring Techniques
Transonic and Supersonic
Flow in Cascades and
Stockholm - SWEDEN
9 & 10 SEPTEMBER 2004
Symposium director : T. H. Fransson
Symposium coordinator : D. Allegret-Bourdon
The 17th Symposium on “Measuring Techniques in Transonic and Supersonic Flow in
Cascades and Turbomachines” will be hosted by the Division of Heat and Power Technology,
Department of Energy Technology in the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) in Stockholm.
Sponsored by: Wennergren-stiftelsen, STEM (Swedish Energy Agency), Svenskt Kärntekniskt
Center, ALSTOM POWER AB, Volvo Aero.
The objective of this symposium is to provide a forum for researchers from universities,
research institutes and industry to get together to discuss problems and share experiences
involved in making measurements in turbomachines. The symposium covers the development
of measurement techniques for the study of aerothermal phenomena in components such as
cascades, compressors, turbines, engines and power plants.
Suggested topics include:
The development of new experimental measurement techniques:
Optical techniques, heat-transfer measurements, high frequency measurements,
New techniques for monitoring engine operation and performance:
High temperature instrumentation, emissions monitoring, measurement of engine
deterioration and life, performance measurement.
The application of new analysis techniques to experimental data:
Optimisation of data analysis, application of new mathematical methods to
Papers should concentrate on the development and experimentation of measurement
techniques by turbomachinery researchers. Papers should not include a discussion of
experimental data, experimental facilities or standard measurement equipment except where
they are used to demonstrate the advantages/disadvantages of the measurement technique.
Instructions for Authors
An extended abstract of the paper should be submitted no later than the 1st August 2004. All
abstracts should be written in MS Word using the template provided on the symposium web
site ( The aim of the extended
abstracts is to allow participants to get a good overview of the range of research activities and
problems encountered by other participants. It is hoped that this will encourage discussion
and interaction between participants. The abstract should be approximately 500 words long
and should include one figure.
Presentations should last no more than 15 minutes. The final paper (approximately 7 pages in
A4 format) should be submitted at the symposium. The papers should be written in MS
Word using the template provided on the symposium web site. A bound copy and an
electronic copy (on CD) of the proceedings will be produced and distributed to delegates
within three months of the symposium.
The symposium will be held at KTH, Brinellv. 64, and is within walking distance to the
A block of rooms has been reserved at Hotels close to KTH and at Hotels in the city of
Stockholm. Prices and details will soon be presented on the Symposium web site.
Parking is available at Brinellvägen 60.
Further details are available on the Symposium web site:
Royal Institute
of Technology
Symposium Administrator:
Mrs Ann Brånth
Department of Energy Technology
Division Heat and Power Technology
Brinellvägen 60
SE-100 44 Stockholm
Tel: +46 8 790 74 67 (direct)
Fax: +46 8 20 41 61
The 17th Symposium on Measuring Techniques in Transonic and
Supersonic Flow in Cascades and Turbomachines
Stockholm - SWEDEN
9 & 10 SEPTEMBER 2004
Please fill in this registration form and return to the Symposium Administrator, together with
the abstract of your presentation at the latest August 1st 2004. Address and fax number can
be found in the symposium announcement. Reservations for accommodation have to be done
directly with the hotels.
First name: ………………………………
Surname: ..……………………………….
I have a reservation at
Title: ……………………………………..
 Hotel …………………………….
Affiliation: ……………………………….
See present list at
 Other……………………………
Address: …………………………………
Cost including Symposium Dinner, CD
and bound copy of the proceedings:
Registration fee without accommodation
1 200 SEK
Tel: ……………… Fax: …………………
Email: …………………………………….
I intend to present a contribution YES/NO
Title: ……………………………………...
Credit Card Information
Visa/MasterCard/Eurocard/Maestro/American Express
Card nb...……………………… Expire date…………
Cash account  credit account 
Total SEK………………. Date………………………