Action Buttons

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PowerPoint 2000: Part 2
Each block of text has its own ruler and its own settings. Changing the settings for one block of
text doesn’t affect any of the other sections. You can set margins, tabs, and paragraph
indentations. To turn the ruler on (or off) choose View, Ruler.
Setting Indents
Set indents by using the arrows on the ruler. The top arrow controls the first line of the
paragraph. The bottom arrow controls the remainder of the paragraph. To set both indents
together, drag the box located directly beneath the bottom arrow.
Setting Tabs
Click on the tab button located to the left of the ruler to change the type of tab. This button will
toggle between left, center, right, or decimal tabs. To set a tab, click on the ruler. To delete a
tab, drag the tab symbol off the ruler with the mouse.
Drawing Toolbar
PowerPoint has a Drawing toolbar that contains most of the commonly used tools. If it is not
visible, select View,
Toolbars, Drawing.
draw an object, select the desired tool including Line, Arrow, Rectangle, Circle, etc. Click to
indicate a starting point and drag to draw the object.
Changing Attributes
Objects have default attributes for line color and style, fill color and pattern. You can change
attributes by selecting the object (it is selected if it has “handle bars” around it) and then
choosing the appropriate attribute using the toolbars or using the Format, Colors and Lines
from the menu.
Deleting/Moving Objects
To delete an object you’ve drawn, simply click the object to select it then press the Del or
Backspace key. To move an object, click to select it, then drag it to its new location.
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PowerPoint also comes with a number of predefined shapes called AutoShapes. Select the
AutoShapes button on the toolbar and select the shape to insert. AutoShapes include arrows,
lines, connectors, flow chart symbols and more.
Grouping, Ungrouping, and Regrouping Objects
You can group objects together so you can control them as one unit. For example, if objects are
grouped and you change the color, the fill color will change for all of them.
To group a set of objects:
Hold down the SHIFT key and click to on each of the objects to be included in the group.
Click on the Draw button and select Group.
To ungroup a set of grouped objects:
1) Select the group by clicking on it.
2) Click on the Draw button and select Ungroup.
Manipulating Objects
From the Draw button, you can choose options to manipulate objects. Any PowerPoint object
can be flipped horizontally or vertically and rotated left or right using options on the Draw
button. Objects can also be rotated in any direction, at any angle, using the Free Rotate
Format Painter
Use the Format Painter to copy the style (format and attributes) of a selected object to other
objects. Select the object whose style you wish to copy, click on the Format Painter button on
the toolbar, and then click on the object to be formatted.
TIP: You can copy all attributes of an object to several objects by double-clicking Format
Painter, and then selecting several objects in succession. Click Format Painter again when
you're done.
Word Art lets you add special effects to text in your presentation. To create and insert Word Art
select the Word Art button on the Drawing toolbar or from the menu choose Insert, Picture,
Type the text you want to format. Click OK. The text effect you created is inserted in the current
slide where you can move it, size it, recolor it, add a shadow, border, or crop.
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Inserting Charts
Charts are stored in your PowerPoint presentations, not in separate files. To insert a chart, click
the Insert Chart button (or create a new slide and choose the sample that includes a chart
object). A sample graph and worksheet appear where you can type your own data into the
Class Sample: Type the following in the sample spreadsheet that appears:1998 1999 2000 2001
8000 7000 6000
9000 10000 11000
1600 1700 2000
You also can import data from an ASCII file that separates fields with either comma or tab
characters, or from an Excel or other type of spreadsheet. With the default chart and datasheet
showing, choose
Edit, Import File.
Edit Graph
From your PowerPoint slide, double-click the chart to edit it.
Graph Toolbar Options
Graph Styles -- select from pie, line, bar, 3-D, etc. from the Chart Type button
Vertical Gridlines -- turn on/off
Horizontal Gridlines -- turn on/off
Legend -- turn on/off
Elements of a Chart
Chart elements are pieces that compose a chart. Click once to select an element (the element
displays “handle bars” to show it is selected. Double click on a chart element to change
attributes like color, size, etc.
View Datasheet vs. View Chart
If the chart is not active, double-click on the chart. Click the View Datasheet button
on the Graph Toolbar to display the datasheet or from the menu choose View, Datasheet.
To Exit Graph and Return to PowerPoint
To return to PowerPoint, click in an area outside the chart. Double-click on the chart to return to
the chart program.
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You can animate text, graphics, sounds, movies, and other objects on your slides so you can
focus on important points, control the flow of information, and add interest to your presentation.
You can have each main bullet point appear independently of others, or you can have objects
appear progressively, one after another. You can set up the way you want each bullet point or
object to appear on your slide, to fly in from the left, for example, and whether you want other
bullets or objects to dim or change color when you add a new element. A new feature in
PowerPoint 97 is the ability to animate elements of a graph.
You can also change the order and timing of your animations, and you can set them to occur
automatically without having to click the mouse. To set up and preview the animation of your
text and objects, click Custom Animation on the Slide Show menu.
Add Sound or Video
In PowerPoint 97 you can insert either video clips or sound into your presentation by choosing
Insert, Movies and Sound.
You can set transitions for a slide show in Slide Sorter view. Your transition choices include
selecting the special effect you want to use on-screen during the transition between slides; how
slow or fast you want the special effect to occur; and whether you only want the slide to advance
when you click the mouse button or advance automatically. In Slide Sorter View, select a slide
by clicking on it. Then set the transition.
Builds a slide one bullet point at a time. The Build command adds one major bullet point (a level
one paragraph) to the slide with each advance, together with its subpoints (all of its indented
paragraphs). You control how a slide is built using the Build dialog box. From Slide Sorter
View choose Fly From Left transition type. Then each bulleted item will appear from the left
side of the screen when you click the mouse button.
Creating a hyperlink in PowerPoint allows you attach a hyperlink to any text, clipart or graphic
shape. Once you’ve created a hyperlink, clicking on that item can open a file, go to a web site,
open another PowerPoint presentation, etc. To create a hyperlink:
Decide what text or item you want to attach a hyperlink to; then select it;
Choose Insert, Hyperlink from the menu and choose the item to link to. When choosing
a file or URL, it will be necessary to enter in the complete file name or URL address.
Action Buttons
Use these to provide an action such as going from one slide to the next, going to the first or last slide, or
moving to a Web page. There are two steps necessary to create an action button: add a button to the slide
from the menu, and apply action settings to give it life.
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Internet HyperLinks
Option #1: Select the object or highlight the text that is to become the hyperlink. Click the
Insert Hyperlink button or choose Insert, Hyperlink from the menu. Enter the Internet URL.
Option #2: By using the Action Settings command on the Slide Show menu, you can create a
hyperlink from any object, including text, shapes, tables, graphs, or pictures, to jump to another
place in your presentation, another presentation, another program such as Word, or an address on
the Internet.
Hyperlinks become active when you run your slide show, not when you're creating the show.
Text hyperlinks appear underlined and in a color that coordinates with the color scheme.
Planning a Show
Setting up the show:
Choose Slide Show, Set Up Show.
From the Set Up Show dialog box select
the show type.
Presented by a speaker (full) is the
default viewing option for slide shows.
Browsed by an individual (window)
enables an individual to control and view
the presentation in PowerPoint’s
Browsed at Kiosk (Full Screen) creates a
self-running show that loops continuously.
Loop continuously until ‘Esc” is only available with the Presented by speaker (full screen)
Specify the slides you want to include in your presentation.
Select an advanced slide option. Note: you can’t advance slides manually if it is set up in kiosk
mode. Also, choosing Manually in this field overrides any timing you previously set.
Rehearsing Timings
PowerPoint enables you to set both fixed slide transition timings, as well as to rehearse the time
it takes to deliver your presentation. After you rehearse a presentation, you can save those
timings to deliver automatically.
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Choose Slide Show, Rehearse Timings.
This will switch you to the Slide Show view with a Rehearsal toolbar displayed in the upper left
corner of the screen.
Slide Time
Elapsed presentation time
While rehearsing the slide show left click the mouse button to advance to the next slide. When
finished rehearsing your presentation a dialog box will appear asking if you want to save the
timings. If you choose ‘yes’ the presentation opens in Slide Sorter View with the timings
displayed under each slide.
To remove the slide show timings switch to the Slide Sorter view and right click the mouse on a
slide. From the menu select Slide Transition.
Select the time from the Automatically after field and press
Custom Shows
Custom Shows enable you to create customized PowerPoint presentations designed for different
audiences without having to create multiple presentations.
Open the presentation in which you want to generate a custom show.
Choose Slide Show, Custom Show.
From the Custom Shows dialog box choose the
New button.
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From the Define Custom Show dialog box
name the custom show in the Slide show
name field.
Next, select a slide from the Slides in
Presentation field and choose the ADD
button to copy it to the Slides in Custom
Show field.
When finished choose OK.
The Custom Shows dialog box is open again
where the new show you just created is displayed
in the Custom Shows field. This dialog box can
be used to create, edit, remove, copy or show
custom shows.
You can print any of the views mentioned above. From the menu choose File, Prnt then select
the desired output from the Print What drop down list and click OK. Options include Slides,
Handouts (2, 3, or 6 per page), Notes Page, or Outline View. When printing a color presentation
on a black and white printer, click the Black & White check box.
PowerPoint Viewer
PowerPoint comes with a special application designed to give electronic slide shows. You can
use it yourself or give it to others who are going to be running you slide shows but who don't
have PowerPoint. Windows must be installed on the machine you will be using, but PowerPoint
itself does not need to be.
To create disks that contain PowerPoint Viewer and your presentation select File, Pack and Go
then follow the Wizard instructions. You may need to add the Viewer to the computer you will
be using C in Windows 95 select Add/Remove Programs from the Control Panel.
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Making the Presentation
Next slide
click the left mouse button; use the right or down arrows; or press the
space bar
Previous slide
use the left or up arrows; press Backspace
End show
press the Esc key
Display Pen
press CTRL-P to change pointer to a pen; CTRL-A returns to arrow
End with black slide
Choose menu Tools, Options, View and pick End with Black Slide
Making Notes Pages
You can make a copy of your slide show along with notes for you to use while presenting. An
image of the current slide appears at the top of the Notes page. You type notes in the box below
the slide image. To add notes to your copy, choose View, Notes Pages.
Notes Master
The Notes Master works in the same way as the slide master. To make changes to the Notes
Master choose View, Master, Notes Master. You can resize or change the location of the slide
image and the notes box to suit your needs as well as add art, text, headers, or footers as well if
you want.
Making Handouts
To make handouts, choose View, Master then click Handouts. As with notes, you can add any
object you want to the handouts.
Printing Handouts
When you print audience handouts, you can print one, two,
three, or six slides on a page; or you can use the Microsoft
Word command by choosing
File, Send to Word from the menu. When you send the
presentation to word, you have even more options for
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