FLRC GOALS AND OBJECTIVES - Kennesaw State University


Department of Foreign Languages: Foreign Languages Resource


Strategic Plan

Goals and objectives: 2007 to 2011


G OALS : Foreign Language Resource Center/Language Lab (FLRC/LL)


Acquire additional space


Purchase additional language software to enhance the FLRC/LL role as a center for language study and acquisition


Increase outreach to Kennesaw State University (KSU) and local communities


Expand the use and effectiveness of the Computerized Adaptive Placement

Exam (CAPE)



: To meet the four goals above

1. Acquire additional space: The FLRC/LL intends to seek at least three separate areas to respond to the needs of faculty and students. These include an area for tutoring and small group discussions; a room to serve as a classroom for orientation and various class activities; and an area for viewing films and hosting seminars, conferences, and film festivals.

2. Purchase language learning software : The FLRC/LL intends to increase its language software collection. A wider selection of language learning software would allow motivated students, faculty, and staff to engage in self-paced study of the target language of choice. With this new resource, the FLRC/LL would meet the needs of students and faculty, not only in the languages currently offered by the Department of Foreign

Languages, but also in languages projected to be taught in the future. In addition, members of the local community, can brush-up on their language skills or get exposed to a new language.

Potential language software candidates are:

Auralog http://www.auralog.com/

Transparent Language http://www.transparent.com

Rosetta Stone http://www.rosettastone.com/

3. Increase outreach to KSU and local communities : The FLRC/LL intends to expand its film festivals to include a variety of languages and subjects. The FLRC intends also to increase its support of KSU and the community by showing films affiliated with, for example, the "Year of ..." programs, Black History Month, European Union Day, Cinco de

Mayo celebrations, and other international holidays and festivals. Additionally, the

FLRC/LL intends to sponsor seminars on topics of general interest, such as teacher training and language learning with technology.

4. Expand use/effectiveness of CAPE Exam: The FLRC/LL intends to develop a comprehensive plan to increase the placement test resources of the CAPE Exam. The

CAPE exam is to be administered online to accommodate the number of students needing to take the placement exam. To achieve this objective we are working in coordination with

KSU CAPS center. The Math Department is being instrumental in getting the details worked out by sharing their two years experience with the KSU Math placement test. Long term goal is to eventually have the CAPE exam available in all languages offered by the

Department of Foreign Languages.


Spring 2007: Test the CAPE exam online for incoming freshman in order to be ready for

Summer 2007 orientation. Research the language learning software possibilities offered.

Research grant possibilities to assist in purchasing the language learning software. Develop assessment tool to assess tutors’ effectiveness and use. Purchase DVDs and CDs for

FLRC/LL from DFL faculty wish list. Purchase new furniture for newly supplied areas for tutoring and small groups.

Summer 2007: CAPE exam is online and ready for incoming freshmen orientation.

Investigate grant possibilities for foreign language film festivals. Establish which language learning software will meet the needs of the FLRC/LL.

Fall 2007: Purchase self-learning language software. Submit applications for grants for foreign language film festivals. Seminars for DFL, KSU, and the community at large are offered on topics such as language learning with technology.

2008: Capitalizing on past accomplishments and lessons, the FLRC/LL refines and reviews its goals and objectives; taking into great account what the current needs of its constituency are (students and faculty); and highly confident that new technology will offer new opportunities to better serve its constituency.

