Laboratory Contract

The Organic Chemistry Laboratory contains hazardous materials and requires strict
adherence to safety rules and procedures. Many organic materials have chronic
(longterm) and/or acute (immediate) health risks when handled inappropriately.
Most organic liquids are flammable. Many organic compounds are suspected
carcinogens (cancer causing). In order to work in the Organic Laboratory students
must be aware of the safety risks and follow recommended procedures at all times.
Any student who fails to follow the safety guidelines outlined by the instructor
and/or by the laboratory textbooks or who does not exhibit a respect for others in
the laboratory environment will be dismissed from the class.
1. No flames are permitted in the Organic Chemistry lab. When or if flames are
necessary an adjacent room will be made available.
2. Never handle chemicals whose properties are not known to you. Take
responsibility for learning about each chemical you will handle prior to each
experiment. Follow all handling precautions given in your Procedure. Research
the safety precautions for every chemical being handled in the lab. (Technique 1
of Mohrig) Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) are available for viewing in the
stockroom upon request. The same information can also be found online (see
Techniques book for a list of sites, and/or Armstrong web site for link)
3. Review the procedures for each laboratory assignment before class. Included in
the procedure for each experiment is a reference to the laboratory techniques
utilized in that experiment. Be sure to review all applicable techniques prior to
class. Any student who does not appear to have reviewed the applicable
techniques will be dismissed from class until he/she can demonstrate otherwise.
4. Wear eye protection at all times in the lab—even when you are not handling
chemicals. Recommended goggles are sold in the campus bookstore. Chemical
splashes can cause irreparable damage so use only goggles designed for use in a
chemistry lab. Contact lens wearers and students with prescription glasses should
wear goggles and not safety glasses.
5. Wear gloves whenever handling chemicals. Disposable Nitrile gloves can be
purchased at any drug store. Neoprene gloves can be found at specialty stores
like home depot, and are especially resistant to organic solvents. Purchase your
own box of gloves and keep them in your locker.
6. Wear clothes that protect your skin (including your feet). Lab coats are
reccommended, and are available at the bookstore.
7. Handle all chemicals in the fume hoods whenever possible. This is especially
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important in the case of volatile (low bp) liquids and highly toxic materials.
8. Do not return unused chemicals to their containers. Try to dispense only what
you need using the pipette provided for class use. Share any extra chemicals with
a neighbor if possible.
9. Use only clean and dry pipettes to dispense liquids. Wash all glassware at the end
of each laboratory period. Rinse flasks containing organics with ethanol or water
then wash at the sink.
10. Keep your workspace neat and work slowly and methodically in order to avoid
accidents. Clean up any spills you make at the scale. If you are caught walking
away from a spill, you will be deducted points from that lab.
11. Know where the eyewash, fire extinguisher, safety shower and first aid kit are
located and how to use them. Ask your instructor if you would like clarification.
12. Dispose of waste in the appropriately labeled waste containers in the fume
hood. If your waste bottle is full, you must ask your instructor for a new one.
Procedures for waste disposal can vary from one experiment to another, and
are often given in your experimental procedures, but some guidelines are included
*Generally speaking we segregate waste according to whether it is flammable (most
ORGANIC liquids) or corrosive (inorganic ACIDS and BASES). In each hood we have
placed a bottle for ORGANICS (both organic liquids and solids may be disposed of
here) and a ziplock bag to hold INERT SOLID WASTE like filter paper or filter pipettes.
Inorganic Acids or Inorganic Bases are stored in their own labeled containers at the
front of the room. DO NOT dispose of any strong acids or bases in the Organics Bottle!
These three waste containers (Acids/Bases/Organics) must be well separated from
one another and stored in separate trays.
Reactive compounds like strong oxidizing or reducing agents are neutralized prior
to disposal, as described in the relevant reaction procedure, as are strong inorganic
acids and bases that have been combined with flammable organics. Inorganic
SOLIDS are generally segregated from liquids. Heavy metals are generally
segregated from everything else (although they are rarely used in the Organic
Chemistry laboratory). When in doubt about how to dispose of waste, ask your
instructor. Generally speaking it is safest to assume that absolutely nothing can go in
the trash unless it is water, sand or paper. Disposable pipettes should be rinsed into
the organic waste container with ethanol and then reused - only discarded when
they cannot be easily cleaned-in the INERT SOLID WASTE container. Other inert
solid waste includes dirty melting point tubes, filter paper, and paper towels
contaminated with solids. Paper towels that have been contaminated with volatile
liquids can be left in the hood to evaporate and then thrown in the trash).
If an appropriate waste container cannot be located for your waste, notify your
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instructor. The stockroom can provide containers and the yellow HAZARDOUS
WASTE tags needed for each waste category (extras are typically available in the
lab). If you are the first one to retrieve a new waste container, fill out the yellow tag
identifying the waste before you add anything to the container and then have your
instructor sign the tag. Broken glass must be disposed of in the cardboard box
marked “glass”.
13. Glassware usually must be rinsed with ethanol (into waste container) prior to
being washed with soap and water at the sink .
14. Inform your instructor immediately of any accidents (including those of your
15. Ask you instructor for clarification of any handling procedure in which you have
16. No eating, drinking or gum chewing is allowed in the lab at any time.
17. No food or drinks are allowed in the lab.
18. Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water in the restroom following
each lab.
19. Study Technique 1: Safety in Mohrigs’, “Techniques in Organic Chemistry”.
A permanently bound, numbered, duplicate copy notebook is required for each
laboratory experiment. You must bring your notebook to every laboratory period.
Notebooks must be prepared prior to the laboratory lecture as described in
Technique 3 in Mohrig, and according to the format given in the LAB REPORTS Tab
“Lab Notes” webpage. Points will be deducted for incomplete entries. All data must
be recorded in pen in the notebook. Pre-labs must be turned in prior to the
beginning of each lab lecture. Data must be turned in immediately following each
A lab report must be turned in for each experiment and is generally due one week
following the completion of the experiment. Lab Reports are completed as guided
“Summary” sheets. These Summaries are Microsoft word documents that may be
edited by any word processing program. The entries must be typed and two copies
printed: one to turn in and one to include as a permanent record in the laboratory
notebook. Any data relevant to the laboratory results (including spectra and/or GC
traces) must be included with both the original and the copy. Late reports are
accepted but 10% is deducted for each laboratory period that the lab is late. The
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required format and contents of the lab reports is described in Technique 3 and in
the LAB REPORTS description online.
The laboratory portion of Chem 12 contributes 35% of the total course points. 17%
of the lab score comes from the lab reports and 18% come from lab exams.
The 17% lab report grade is comprised of four parts: the pre-lab (3), the data (5.5),
the Summary Sheets (post-labs; 8) and observed technique (.5).
Organic Chemistry is an experimental science. Attendance is required in the lab.
Justifiable absences require signed documentation and cannot exceed one or two
laboratory periods per quarter regardless of their legitimacy. Frequent absences or
habitual tardiness can constitute grounds for dismissal from the class, and/or failing
lab scores. A passing grade in the lab is required for a passing grade in the class.
You must cite the origin of any data recorded in your laboratory notebook. This
includes listing the names of partners and/or other classmates whose work is
represented in your records. Prepare your notebook yourself and do not allow
classmates to copy any work that you completed on your own. Plagiarism will be
severely penalized.
You will be issued a locker whose contents you will inspect and accept
responsibility for on the first day of lab. You will be charged for any broken items
after the first day. The equipment and glassware in the Organic Laboratory is
very expensive and can be handled only under supervision and according to
demonstrated procedures. Treat the equipment with care in order to avoid a bill at
the end of the quarter. All students (even those that have withdrawn from the class)
must clean and check-out of their lockers with their instructor’s supervision by the
date scheduled for check-out on the syllabus (generally some time during the 11th
week of the quarter). Any student who has not cleaned and checked out of his locker
by the scheduled date will have a hold placed on his/her transcript.
You must maintain any common work areas as well as your own laboratory bench at
all times. Clean up any minor spills, close all chemical containers, put away all
equipment and wipe up your work area upon completion of the lab. Failure to clean
up after yourself will cost you lab points and can result in safety hazards so act
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Please sign and return the Statement below to your laboratory instructor prior to
the first laboratory experiment:
I have read and understood the above Laboratory Guidelines and agree to follow
them at all times while in the Organic Laboratory. I accept personal responsibility
for my safety in the Organic laboratory:
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