massoudi_barbara - Public Health Employment Connection

Summary of Professional Experience
Barbara L. Massoudi is a senior research health scientist in RTI’s Center for the Advancement of Health
Information Technology program. Dr. Massoudi is project director for the BioSense Requirements,
Specifications, Prototypes, and Pilots project with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC),
a project that focuses on redesign of the BioSense application through a user-centered design approach.
She is the principal investigator for a Robert Wood Johnson Foundation grant to develop a personal
health record application aimed at improving health status among persons with asthma and depression or
anxiety and was previously the principal investigator for a similar grant aimed at increasing physical
activity among sedentary adults, both following a user-centered design approach. Dr. Massoudi leads a
project for CDC in partnership with Agilex Technologies to conduct a demonstration of how health
information exchanges can support preventive care at the community level. She leads the Technical
Assistance Task of the Technical Assistance for Health Information Technology and Health Information
Exchange in Medicaid and the State Children’s Health Insurance Program (SCHIP) project for the
Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ), as well as the Tool Development Task of the
Practice Transformation to Support Electronic Health Records Adoption project for AHRQ. Dr. Massoudi
led the Assessment of Variation and Solutions and Impact Assessment reports of the Health Information
Security and Privacy Collaborative for AHRQ. She is immediate past-chair of the Public Health
Informatics Working Group of the American Medical Informatics Association. Dr. Massoudi has 25 years
of experience in health, public health, and informatics, with specialized skills in epidemiology and
environmental and occupational health. She is an alumna of CDC’s Epidemic Intelligence Service, where
she served with the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health. Dr. Massoudi’s current
research interests include documenting and reengineering the business processes of public health,
knowledge management, clinical decision support, personal health records, user-centered design, and
public health informatics training and competencies.
Graduate Certificate in Public Health Informatics, Rollins School of Public Health of Emory University,
Atlanta, GA, 2005.
Epidemic Intelligence Service, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention, 1994 to 1996.
PhD, Occupational Epidemiology, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA, 1994.
MPH, Environmental Epidemiology, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA, 1990.
BS, Public Health, Southern Connecticut State University, New Haven, CT, 1987.
Selected Project Experience
BioSense Requirements, Specifications, Prototypes, and Pilots (2010 to date)—Project Director.
Manages all aspects of this redesign project aimed at improving the usability and usefulness of the
BioSense application through a user-centered design approach. The project incorporates various means of
user and stakeholder engagement including a technical expert panel, user requirement sessions,
environmental scanning, strategic and risk management planning, communications planning, and
coordination. Design work involves the development of use cases, design specifications, wireframes, and
prototype applications for user testing and evaluation using an iterative approach.
Demonstrating the Preventive Care Value of Health Information Exchanges (2010 to date)—Project
Director. Manages all aspects of this project to demonstrate the community preventive care value of
health information exchange data examining the impact on four preventive services. The ABCs—aspirin
for cardiovascular health, blood pressure monitoring and treatment, cholesterol measurement and
treatment, and smoking cessation—will be evaluated in two populations served by health information
Practice Transformation Support for Regional Extension Centers Project (2010)—Task Leader.
Manages all aspects of the tool development task aimed at providing technical assistance to Regional
Extension Centers established to promote electronic health record adoption efforts among ambulatory
care providers. The toolkit will consist of individual tools to support all phases of the adoption process
from assessment through evaluation and will be made available through a Web-based portal. The toolkit
will include documentation and support materials to enable users to independently make use of these
publicly available tools.
Support for AHRQ’s State and Regional Demonstrations in Health IT (2009 to 2010)—Task Leader.
Manages all aspects of this technical assistance project related to promoting and facilitating publication of
research results from the State and Regional Demonstration contracts, funded by AHRQ. This task
includes development and dissemination of one-page technical information sheets related to publication in
the peer-reviewed and grey literatures, as well as presentations at scientific meetings and conferences.
BreathEasy: A Personal Health Records (PHR) Application for Improving Health Status among
Adults with Asthma and Depression, Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (2009 to date)—Principal
Investigator and Project Director. Manages all aspects of this Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
(RWJF)-funded program as part of the Foundation’s Project HealthDesign—Rethinking the Power and
Potential of Personal Health Records. The RTI project focuses on an application that helps adults with
asthma and depression improve their health status by incorporating a state-of-the-art intervention based
on the latest asthma treatment guidelines with a Web-based portal for providers that allows for enhanced
communication and real-time symptom and medication review. Coordinates all communication with the
RWJF National Program Office, the Vanderbilt Center for Better Health, and RTI’s partner, Virginia
Commonwealth University.
Technical Assistance for Health Information Technology and Health Information Exchange in
Medicaid and the State Children’s Health Insurance Program (SCHIP), AHRQ (2007 to date)—Task
Leader. Manages all aspects of the technical assistance program for this AHRQ project aimed at
providing Medicaid and SCHIP agencies with technical assistance to develop, implement, and participate
in health information technology (health IT) and health information exchange (HIE). The technical
assistance program will develop and provide a wide range of resources and tools to assist state Medicaid
and SCHIP agencies to improve the delivery and coordination of care and the proactive management of
health for their beneficiaries through the use of health IT. Will coordinate with experts in Medicaid and
SCHIP programs as well as a team of technical consultants.
Usability Assessment of the BioSense Influenza-like Illnesses (ILI) Module, CDC (2009)—Informatics
Consultant. Responsible for the design, conduct, and reporting of usability testing for the ILI Module of
CDC’s BioSense surveillance system. Also responsible for developing a biosurveillance user-centered
design approach for CDC.
Computer-Based Clinical Decision Tools for Gene-Based Tests Used in Breast Cancer, AHRQ (2008 to
2009)—Informatics Consultant. Responsible for consulting on the clinical decision support literature,
preparing literature review on clinical decision support tools, and providing recommendations to the
software development team. The focus of this project is to develop four decision support tools to assist
patients and providers in addressing the need for BRCA and GEP testing. The decision support tools will
be tested for accuracy, reliability, and usability. An assessment will also be conducted with each of the
clinical sites to evaluate the feasibility of integrating the tools into electronic medical records.
A PHR Application for Increasing Physical Activity Among Sedentary Adults, Robert Wood Johnson
Foundation (2006 to 2009)—Project Director. Managed all aspects of this Robert Wood Johnson
Foundation (RWJF)-funded program as part of the Foundation’s Project HealthDesign—Rethinking the
Power and Potential of Personal Health Records. The RTI project focused on an application that helped
sedentary adults become more physically active by incorporating a state-of-the-art intervention based on
behavior mediators with a Web-based portal that allowed for customizable activity plans based on
personalized information on their physical activity level and lifestyle. Participants received a customized
plan that aimed to increase their activity levels and fit into their daily routine. Coordinated all
communication with the RWJF National Program Office, the Vanderbilt Center for Better Health, and
RTI’s partner, The Cooper Institute.
Development of a National Prototype: Continuity Assessment Record and Evaluation (CARE), Centers
for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) (2008 to 2009)—Task Leader. Managed all aspects of the
business requirements gathering and documentation for the technical development of the CARE Tool;
supported the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) clearance process and the Office of the National
Coordinator for Health Information Technology effort for approval and clearance of the CARE-SET
efforts; and participated in use case testing of the CARE-SET using federally sanctioned data standards.
The effort focused on developing a uniform, interoperable patient assessment instrument for use across
settings in the Medicare program. This instrument will be used to generate payment rates, automate the
quality measurement processes, and support high-quality care for Medicare beneficiaries.
Privacy and Security Solutions for Interoperable Health Information Exchange, AHRQ (2006 to
2007)—Task Leader. Managed all aspects of the Assessment of Variation and Solutions report and the
Impact Analysis report for this AHRQ project that had subcontracted with 33 states and Puerto Rico to
conduct an assessment of variation among organization-level business practices, policies, and state laws
about privacy and security of personal health information. State-level participants worked to develop
consensus-based solutions to barriers to interoperability and plans to implement solutions that laid the
policy groundwork for a nationwide health information network. Assisted with coordination with the
National Governors’ Association, a team of privacy and security experts, privacy and security lawyers,
and experts in clinical informatics.
Professional Experience
2006 to date
RTI International, Atlanta, GA.
Senior Research Health Scientist. Provides leadership and subject matter
expertise in the area of health informatics, including expanding institutional
capabilities and opportunities, internally and externally, and building the
scientific stature in the informatics field.
2000 to date
Rollins School of Public Health of Emory University, Atlanta, GA.
Adjunct Assistant Professor (2006 to date). Public Health Informatics Program,
Department of Biostatistics. Developed and teach a course entitled Management
Principles for Informatics, which allows students to gain an understanding of the
multiple dimensions of management related to: managing, implementing, and
evaluating information systems projects; operations, maintenance and support of
information systems; defining and managing the information systems
organization; and, defining and managing the portfolio of information systems
Visiting Instructor (2005 to 2006).
Public Health Informatics Advisory Committee (2004 to date). Department of
Biostatistics. Provides recommendations on course offerings, course content, and
program development.
Public Health Informatics Student Practicum Advisor (2003 to date). Public
Health Informatics Program, Department of Biostatistics. Arranges practicum
assignments and advised MSPH students in the public health informatics
Case Study Instructor (2000 to date). Domestic and International Epi–In-Action
Courses. Instructs visiting U.S. and international public health officials
participating in an applied epidemiology training course.
1997 to 2006
Northrop Grumman Public Health Programs (formerly TRW), Atlanta, GA.
Health Scientist and Manager (2002 to 2006). Science and Technology Solutions
Group (STSG). Provided leadership to a group of public health informatics
professionals serving as the focal point for the identification, exploration, and
dissemination of technologies, science, and informatics across the Northrop
Grumman CDC Programs. Responsibilities and activities included:
Knowledge Sharing. Consulted with project team on Diabetes Indicators
Data Source Internet Toolkit evaluation and usability issues. Evaluated
outbreak management training resources. Oriented managers to the Public
Health Information Network. Provided technical expertise in the area of
electronic health records, and security issues. Consulted on requirements
translation for the California Response and Surveillance System for
Childhood Lead Exposure II system. Consulted with European Union on
increasing outbreak response capabilities using informatics tools. Provided
orientations to molecular epidemiology and survey methodology for
managers. Developed and leading community of practice for public health
and public health informatics professionals on the CDC programs.
Knowledge Management. Developed customer relations management
database. Assembled expert panel of public health professionals. Developed
two portal technology prototypes. Assisted in planning and technical support
for document migration from FooDoc to Documentum. Prepared white
paper, charter, and implementation plans for developing a public health
informatics community of practice. Conceptualized and developed
information system to capture organizational tacit knowledge. Prepared white
paper on knowledge management.
Leveraging Technologies for Public Health. Prepared syndromic surveillance
white paper. Prepared emerging technologies white paper describing
eXtensible Mark-up Language. Produced and administered emerging
technology innovation survey. Produced white paper on leveraging aerial
imaging for public health disaster response. Developed charter and plan for
Public Health and Technology Ad Hoc Advisory Committee to the CDC
Strategic and Operational Planning. Produced STSG charter, SWOT analysis,
strategic, and operational planning documents. Provided input to NG Health
Solutions strategic plan. Assisted APHA in strategic planning for new Health
Informatics and Information Technology special interest group.
Research and Development. Conducted marketing research and business case
development for online survey tool. Developed scenarios to demonstrate
touch-table technology using ArcGlobe. Updated the National Agenda for
Public Health Informatics.
Public Health Training. Developed and presented 12-week training course on
the Principles of Public Health for technology professionals. Developed
lunchtime seminar series on special topics of interest in public health and
public health informatics.
Qualitative Data Assessment and Analysis. Developed, administered, and
analyzed several internal evaluation and workforce competency surveys.
Developed eight online surveys for the CDC Futures Initiative. Performed
and reported on qualitative data analysis for the CDC Futures Initiative
Division Directors Survey.
Systems Development. Provided full lifecycle development and evaluation
plan for Enterprise Resource Center, a tacit knowledge management tool.
Requirements Gathering and Analysis. Led requirements gathering activities,
developed project plan for new internal business management system.
Ontology Development. Researched and developed competency and skill
ontologies for four domains: public health, public health informatics,
management, and information technology.
Information Systems Analysis. Assisted the Louisiana State Department of
Health and Hospitals with an informatics analysis to support rebuilding of the
public health information infrastructure following Hurricane Katrina.
Performed gap analysis for Tuberculosis Epidemiologic Studies Consortium
data management and communication systems.
Usability Analysis. Provided usability analysis for Behavioral Risk Factor
Surveillance System Maps website. Provided usability analysis for Outbreak
Management System.
Communication Material Development. Conceptualized and produced
marketing materials for NG Public Health business units. Prepared
advertising vignettes for tobacco control and public health preparedness.
Prepared outbreak scenario and vignette.
Community Outreach. Coordinated community outreach activities including:
support of the RSPH public health informatics practicum program, support of
the Excellence in Curriculum Integration through Teaching Epidemiology
(EXCITE) program at CDC, sponsorship of CDC Public Health Informatics
Fellows’ attendance at the Public Health Information Network Conference,
and support of the American Medical Informatics Association’s Prevention
and Public Health Workgroup.
Epidemiologist and Public Health Informatics Specialist (2000 to 2002).
Provided scientific and public health support to users of information technology
contract (and follow-on contract) with the CDC, including strategic planning,
public health consulting, business development, requirements gathering, and
business process analyses. Served as the lead scientific representative to the
Science and Technology Solutions Group and Chairman of the Outreach
Committee. Developed training courses in epidemiology and statistics, and
public health informatics for information technology professionals.
Epidemiologist (1997 to 2000). Served as an epidemiologic and public health
consultant on numerous projects. Provided a business analysis, test plan, and
system documentation for the questionnaire and edits modules of the
Questionnaire Management System and a business analysis for the Diabetes
Management Information System. Served as a scientific consultant for the
Division of Adolescent and School Health’s longitudinal database project.
Provided data management and statistical analysis for the Division of Nutrition
and Physical Activity’s WISEWOMAN program, a nutrition and physical
activity intervention to prevent cardiovascular disease among un- and underinsured women. Served as the scientific representative to the Core Team and the
CISSS Leadership Team, and chairman of the Outreach Committee. Served as
the lead for a system review of Epi Info 2000.
1994 to 1996
National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention, Cincinnati, OH.
Epidemic Intelligence Service Officer. Health-Related Energy Research Branch
Division of Surveillance, Hazard Evaluations and Field Studies. Developed and
conducted an epidemiologic study of the effects of internal radiation exposure on
risk of multiple myeloma among Department of Energy workers. Analyzed and
reported results of NIOSH’s surveillance for occupational contact dermatitis, a
SENSOR program. Evaluated and reported on the Beryllium Health Surveillance
Program at the Department of Energy’s Rocky Flats, Colorado facility.
Conducted an epidemiologic field study to investigate a tuberculosis outbreak at
a garment-manufacturing facility in Tennessee. Provided a literature review and
handled public inquiries regarding a possible increased risk of adverse
reproductive outcomes among elementary school teachers in California.
Institute of Medicine, National Academy of Sciences, Washington, DC.
Reviewer, Committee to Investigate the Health Effects of Dioxin in Vietnam
Veterans. Reviewed and abstracted the scientific literature linking dioxin
exposure to cancer outcomes, resulting in a recommendation that non-Hodgkin’s
lymphoma being deemed a compensable disease among Vietnam veterans.
1989 to 1994
University of Pittsburgh Graduate School of Public Health, Pittsburgh, PA.
Graduate Student Researcher, Department of Epidemiology (1989 to 1994).
Conducted statistical analyses, including life-table and contingency testing using
SAS, and produced survival analysis and quality of life reports for the United
Network for Organ Sharing (UNOS) and the Liver Transplant Databases
administered by the Epidemiologic Data Center. Provided epidemiologic support
including questionnaire design, survey administration, data entry, cleaning,
management, and analysis for several studies, including the effect of lead in
drinking water on the development of osteoporosis; noise-induced hearing loss
and hypertension among auto assembly workers; a case-control study of cervical
cancer; and air pollution related morbidity among residents living near oil
Teaching Fellow (1992 to 1994). Department of Epidemiology. Assisted in
lecturing, conducting review sessions, labs, and test preparation for graduatelevel epidemiology courses.
1986 to 1987
Yale University School of Medicine, New Haven, CT.
Laboratory Technician. Department of Infectious Disease. Performed in-patient
aminoglycoside assays, candida antigen and antibody tests, and supported
researchers in developing aspergillus antigen and antibody tests. Participated in
nosocomial disease outbreak investigation at the West Haven Veterans
Administration Medical Center.
Honors and Awards
RTI President’s Award for the Health Information Security and Privacy Collaborative Project, 2007
Special Recognition Award for leadership in community outreach and liaison work, 2006
Timely Achievement Award for usability assessment of the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System
Web Application, 2004
Special Recognition Award for coordinating community outreach and liaison work, 2003
STAR Award for excellence in representing Northrop Grumman as a liaison to public health
organizations, 2003
Special Recognition Award for contribution to the CITS proposal, TRW, 2002
Special Recognition Award for leadership in public health informatics, TRW, 2001
Special Recognition Award for excellence in customer relations on the CISSS contract, TRW, 2001
Special Recognition Award for contribution to the CITS proposal, TRW, 2001
Special Recognition Award for arranging Memorandum of Understanding with Rollins School of Public
Health of Emory University, TRW, 2001
Special Recognition Award for excellence in networking and developing relationships with the
informatics community, TRW, 2001
Special Recognition Award for developing epidemiology training course, TRW, 2000
STAR Award for contribution to improving organizational communications and requirements gathering
for internal management website, TRW, 2000
Delta Omega Omicron National Honorary Society for Public Health, 1994
Dean’s Service Award for academic excellence and community service, 1994
Governor’s Citation for Service to the Connecticut General Assembly, 1987
Professional Associations
Member, Poster Judging Panel, 7th Annual Public Health Information Network Conference, August 2009
Member, Scientific Planning Committee for the 5th Annual Public Health Information Network
Conference, January 2007
Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society, 2005 to date
American Medical Informatics Association, Prevention and Public Health Workgroup, 2001 to date
Chair, Public Health Informatics Track, Scientific Program Committee for AMIA NOW! October
2009 to present
Immediate Past Chair, Public Health Informatics Working Group, January 2009 to December 2009
Chair, Public Health Informatics Working Group, January 2007 to December 2008
Chair, Public Health Informatics Track, Scientific Program Committee for the Spring Congress,
October 2006 to May 2007
Representative, Working Group Steering Committee, 2006 to date
President-Elect, Prevention and Public Health Workgroup, 2005 to date
Leadership Club, 2001 to date
Council of State and Territorial Epidemiologists, 2000 to date
Epidemic Intelligence Service Alumni Association, 1996 to date
Delta Omega Omicron, National Public Health Honor Society, 1994 to date
American Public Health Association, Epidemiology and Health Informatics and Information Technology
Sections, 1984 to date
Professional Service
Mentorship Program Leader, American Medical Informatics Association, 2010 to date
Reviewer, Journal of Biomedical Informatics, 2010 to date
Review Panel Member, American Association for the Advancement of Science, 2010
Public Health Information Network Conference Poster Judging Committee, 2009
Advisory Board Member, Applied Public Health Informatics Curriculum Project, Public Health
Informatics Institute
Chairperson, Public Health Informatics Working Group Business Meeting, American Medical Informatics
Association 2007 Symposium, Chicago, IL, November 2007
Grant Reviewer, Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, April 2007
Community Advisory Network, Rollins School of Public Health of Emory University, 2005 to date
Dean’s Council, Rollins School of Public Health of Emory University, 2004 to date
Atlanta Advocacy Council, CDC Foundation, 2004 to date
Federal Enterprise Solutions Representative, Northrop Grumman Community Giving Council, 2004 to
Coordinator and Developer, Public Health Informatics Training Program, CISSS Program, TRW, 2000 to
Coordinator and Developer, Epidemiology and Statistics Training Program, CISSS Program, TRW, 1999
to 2000
Lead Science Member, Leadership Team and Core Team, CISSS Program, TRW, 1998 to 2002
Member, Council on Education for Public Health Accreditation Committee, Graduate School of Public
Health, University of Pittsburgh, 1993
Seminars and Courses Taught
Informatics for Epidemiologists, Public Health Informatics Program, Department of Biostatistics, Rollins
School of Public Health of Emory University, in development for Fall 2006
Principles of Public Health, Northrop Grumman Public Health Programs corporate training, Spring 2005,
Fall 2005, Spring 2006
Management Principles for Informatics, Public Health Informatics Program, Department of Biostatistics,
Rollins School of Public Health of Emory University, Spring, 2005, Spring 2006
Public Health Informatics, TRW Mission Systems corporate training, Fall, 2000
Epidemiology and Biostatistics, TRW Mission Systems corporate training, Spring, 2000
“How to Cause IT Disasters,” INFO 500: Public Health Informatics I, Rollins School of Public Health of
Emory University, 2002–2005
“Knowledge Management,” INFO 501: Public Health Informatics II, Rollins School of Public Health of
Emory University, 2003
“Public Health Surveillance,” University of Cincinnati School of Medicine, 1995
“Cohort Studies,” University of Cincinnati School of Medicine, 1995
“The National Death Index,” Epidemiology Methods Course, Department of Epidemiology, Graduate
School of Public Health, University of Pittsburgh, 1994
“Food and Water Borne Illness Investigations,” Pennsylvania Governor’s School of Excellence for the
Health Sciences, University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, 1993
“Health Effects from Chemicals in the Workplace: The Kanawha County Experience,” Department of
Epidemiology Seminar, Graduate School Public Health, University of Pittsburgh, 1993
“The Use of Death Certificates in Epidemiology Studies,” Epidemiology Course, School of Health and
Rehabilitation Sciences, University of Pittsburgh, 1993
“Epidemiology and Disease Control,” Western School of Health and Business Careers, 1993
Special Courses
ArcView GIS, Emory University, 2001
Prevention Effectiveness, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Epidemiology Program Office,
Scientific Communications and Media Relations, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention,
Epidemiology Program Office, 1995
Public Health Surveillance, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Epidemiology Program Office,
SAS in the Clinical Data Management Environment, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention,
NIOSH, 1994
EpiInfo, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Epidemiology Program Office, 1994
Computer Skills
Data Analysis: SAS, EpiInfo, SPSS, BMDP, Egret, StatXact, ArcView GIS
Database Management: MS Access, SQL Server
Specialized experience: software development lifecycle, user-centered design, strategic planning, project
management, business development, survey sampling, scientific communications and media
relations, public health surveillance, CDC Institutional Review Board training, prevention
effectiveness, university teaching seminar, community outreach, fundraising, phlebotomy
Basic Russian (speak, read, and write)
Books, Book Chapters, and Monographs
Tolentino, H., Brownstein, J. S., Massoudi, B. L., & Massoudi, M. S. (in press). Using mobile technology
for infectious disease surveillance. In N. M’ikanatha, R. Lynfield, C. Van Beneden, & H. de Valk
(Eds.), Infectious disease surveillance, 2nd ed. (Chapter 33). Hoboken, NJ: Wiley-Blackwell.
Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles
Massoudi, B. L., Goodman, K., Gotham, I. J., Holmes, J. H., Lang, L., Miner, K., et al. (in press). An
informatics agenda for public health: Summarized recommendations from the 2011 AMIA PHI
conference. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association.
Massoudi, B. L., Olmsted, M. G., Zhang, Y., Carpenter, R., Barlow, C. E., & Huber, R. (in press). A webbased intervention to support increased physical activity among at-risk adults. Journal of Biomedical
Kass-Hout, T., Gray, S., Massoudi, B. L., Immanuel, G., Dollacker, M., & Cothren, R. (2007). NHIN,
RHIOs, and public health. Journal of Public Health Management and Practice, 13(1), 31–34.
Will, J. C., Massoudi, B., Mokdad, A., Ford, E. S., Rosamond, W., Stoddard, A., Palombo, R., Holliday,
J., Byers, T., Ammerman, A., & Troped, P. (2001). Reducing risk for cardiovascular disease in
uninsured women: Combined results from two WISEWOMAN projects. Journal of American
Women’s Medical Association, 56, 161–165.
Will, J., Massoudi, B., Mokdad, A., Ford, E., & Sadler, D. (2000). Who’s addressing the cardiovascular
needs of uninsured women? The WISEWOMAN projects. Canadian Journal of Cardiology, 16
(Suppl B), 64B.
Massoudi, B. (1999). The WISEWOMAN workgroup. Cardiovascular disease prevention for women
attending breast and cervical cancer screening programs. Preventive Medicine, 28, 496–502.
Massoudi, B. L., Talbott, E. O., Day, R. D., Swerdlow, S. H., Kuller, L. K. (1997). A case-control study
of hematopoietic and lymphoid neoplasms: The role of work in the chemical industry. American
Journal of Industrial Medicine, 31(1), 21–27.
Other Papers
Massoudi, B. L. (1994). A case-control study of hematopoietic cancers among Kanawha County
residents. PhD dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Salthouse, B. L. (1991). An investigation of air pollution morbidity in the Kentucky, Ohio, and West
Virginia tri-state area. MPH thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Presentations and Proceedings
(Presentations prior to 1994 appear under the surname Salthouse.)
Massoudi, B. L., Fu, P., Holmes, J. H., Goodman, K., Richards, J., & Chester, K. (2011, August). AMIA
PHI 2011: Setting the next agenda for informatics in public health. Presented at Public Health
Informatics 2011 Conference, Atlanta, GA.
Furberg, R., & Massoudi, B. L. (2011, August). A sneak peek at the BioSense 2.0 application. Presented
at Public Health Informatics 2011 Conference, Atlanta, GA.
Casoglos, A. M., Massoudi, B. L., Kass-Hout, T., Rojas Smith, L., Kaydos-Daniels, S. C., & Brownstein,
J. (2011, June). Innovative methods in environmental scans for the user-centered redesign of
BioSense. Poster presented at CSTE 11th annual conference: The Changing Healthcare Landscape,
Pittsburgh, PA.
Massoudi, B. L., & Furberg, R. (2011, June). User-centered redesign of BioSense: An application for
national syndromic surveillance. Presented at INFORMS Healthcare 2011, Montreal, Canada.
Kass-Hout, T., & Massoudi, B. L. (2011, June). Update on the BioSense program redesign: Building a
community-based PH collaborative information sharing environment. Presented at Council of State
and Territorial Epidemiologists 2011 annual conference, Pittsburgh, PA.
Massoudi, B. L. (2011, June). Redesigning the BioSense program. Invited presentation at INFORMS
Healthcare 2011, Montreal, QC.
Furberg, R. D., Brownstein, J., Ashok, M., Massoudi, B. L., & Kass-Hout, T. (2011, June). Do you want
fries with that? A user-centered inventory of syndromic surveillance system design. Presented at
Counsel of State and Territorial Epidemiologists 2011 annual conference, Pittsburgh, PA.
Zhang, A., Massoudi, B. L., Levinsohn, J., Olive, B. J., & Sembajwe, R. (2011, May). A personal health
record application using Android platform and Microsoft HealthVault. Presented at 2011
International Field Directors and Technologies Conference IF&DTC, Scottsdale, AZ.
Massoudi, B. L., & Kass-Hout, T. (2011, May). Redesigning the BioSense program. Presented at PHI
2011: Setting the Next Informatics Agenda for Public Health, Orlando, FL.
Ashok, M., Furberg, R., Sembajwe, R., Brownstein, J., & Massoudi, B. L. (2011, May). Development of
design specifications for the BioSense surveillance system redesign: A user-centered approach.
Poster presented at AMIA PHI 2011, Orlando, FL.
Sembajwe, R., Farris, T. R., Ashok, M., Rojas Smith, L., Massoudi, B. L., Furberg, R., et al. (2011, May).
User requirements for a user-centered design (UCD) redesign of a public health surveillance
system: BioSense. Poster presented at AMIA PHI2011, Orlando, FL.
Cook, S. L., Sembajwe, R., McFarlane, E. S., & Massoudi, B. L. (2011, May). Can you see it now? Good:
Usability testing of a mobile health application. Presented at AAPOR, Phoenix, AZ.
Kaydos-Daniels, S. C., Rojas Smith, L., Furberg, R. D., & Massoudi, B. L. (2011, February). Wildfires,
floods, and oil spills: Oh, my! Presented at 2011 Public Health Preparedness Summit, Atlanta, GA.
Massoudi, B. L., Kaydos-Daniels, S. C., Rojas Smith, L., & Furberg, R. D. (2011, February). History of
BioSense and the BioSense program redesign. Presented at 2011 Public Health Preparedness
Summit, Atlanta, GA.
Furberg, R. D., Massoudi, B. L., Kaydos-Daniels, S. C., & Rojas Smith, L. (2011, February). Agile, usercentered design and BioSense. Presented at 2011 Public Health Preparedness Summit, Atlanta, GA.
Massoudi, B. L., Dean, E. F., & Valdez, R. (2011, February). User-centered design for health information
technology. Presented at HIMSS, Orlando, FL.
Kass-Hout, T., & Massoudi, B. L. (2011, February). Redesigning BioSense to go beyond early event
detection. Presented at International Society for Disease Surveillance Public Health Practice
committee meeting, Boston, MA.
Massoudi, B. L., Kass-Hout, T., & Gunn, J. (2011, February). BioSense redesign workshop. Presented at
Public Health Preparedness Summit, Atlanta, GA.
Kass-Hout, T., Ishikawa, C. K., Massoudi, B. L., Groseclose, S. L., Brownstein, J. S., Buckeridge, D. et
al. (2011, February). BioSense program redesign, meaningful use, and syndromic surveillance.
Presented at HIMSS11, Orlando, FL.
Kass-Hout, T., Ishikawa, C. K., Massoudi, B. L., Groseclose, S. L., Brownstein, J. S., Buckeridge, D., et
al. (2011, February). BioSense program redesign, meaningful use, and syndromic surveillance.
Presented at International Meeting on Emerging Diseases and Surveillance, Vienna, Austria.
Kass-Hout, T., Groseclose, S. L., & Massoudi, B. L. (2010, December). BioSense program redesign.
Presented at the International Society for Disease Surveillance Annual Conference, Park City, UT.
Sembajwe, R., Farris, T. R., Rojas-Smith, L., Massoudi, B. L., Banger, A., & Casoglos, A. M. (2010,
November). User requirements for a user-centered design (UCD) redesign of a public health
surveillance system: BioSense. Poster presented at International Society for Disease Surveillance
(ISDS) Annual Conference 2010, Park City, UT.
Massoudi, B. L. (2010, November). BioSense redesign project. Presented at the American Medical
Informatics Association Annual Symposium, Washington, DC.
Massoudi, B. L., & Valdez, R. (2010, November). User centered design for public health & consumer
health information systems. Presented at the American Medical Informatics Association Annual
Symposium, Washington, DC.
Massoudi, B. L. (2010, June). Communicating your research findings through publication. Presented at
AHRQ annual health IT grantee and contractor meeting, Washington, DC.
Sembajwe, R., Massoudi, B. L., Dimitropoulos, L. L., Banger, A., Kissam, S. M., Rizk, S., Furberg,
R. D., Dean, E. F., Bailey, R., Mayo, N. D., & McIntyre, D. E. (2010, March). HIMSS RTI exhibition
booth. Presented at Health Information Management Systems Society (HIMSS) 2010 annual
conference and exhibition, Atlanta, GA.
Massoudi, B. L. (2009, November). A PHR application for sedentary adults. Presented at America’s
Health Insurance Plans Fall Forum 2009, Chicago, IL.
Massoudi, B. L. (2009, July). Personal health records. Presented at RTI University Health IT Lunch and
Learn Seminar, Research Triangle Park, NC.
Massoudi, B. L., Gibson, B., Harmon, R., Krist, A. H., & Snow, L. (2009, May). Promoting wellness and
achieving community health though connecting public health and healthcare informatics. Presented
at American Medical Informatics Association Spring Congress, Orlando, FL.
Massoudi, B. L., Dimitropoulos, L. L., Goodman, K. W., Greenwald, L. M., & West, S. L. (2009, April).
The promise of health information technology. Presented at RTI 50th Anniversary Fellows
Symposium Series, Washington, DC.
Massoudi, B. L. (2009, April). The National Health Information Network. Presented at Georgia Health
Policy Center Luncheon Series, Atlanta, GA.
Massoudi, B. L. (2009, February). Personal health record applications (PHAs) for prevention. Presented
at 20th National Conference on Chronic Disease Prevention and Control, National Harbor, MD.
Massoudi, B. L. (2008, November). Health Information Security and Privacy Collaboration (HISPC):
Calming the waters across state lines. Presented at Capitol Hill Steering Committee on Telehealth &
Healthcare Informatics, Washington, DC.
Massoudi, B. L. (2008, October). What consumers want in Personal Health Records: Findings from
Project HealthDesign. Presented at Capitol Hill Steering Committee on Telehealth and Healthcare
Informatics, Washington, DC.
Massoudi, B. L. (2008, September). Observations from everyday life yield better health. Presented at New
Frontiers in Personal Health Records, Washington, DC.
Massoudi, B. L. (2008, July). ActivHealth: A PHR system for at-risk sedentary adults. Presented at 18th
Summer Institute for Nursing Informatics, Baltimore, MD.
Massoudi, B. L. (2008, May). Privacy and security solutions collaborative. Presented at Capitol Hill
Steering Committee on Telehealth and Healthcare Informatics, Washington, DC.
Massoudi, B. L., & Dimitropoulos, L. L. (2007). Personal health records: Putting prevention into the
hands of the consumer. Presented at the American Public Health Association annual meeting,
Washington, DC.
Richards, J., Buckeridge, D., Foldy, S., LaVenture, M., Massoudi, B. L., Ross, D., & Savel, T. (2007).
Peering through the looking glass: An examination of public health for informaticians. Presented at
the American Medical Informatics Association 2007 Annual Symposium, Chicago, IL.
Massoudi, B. L., Richards, J., & Holmes, J. H. (2007). Learning institute: Integrating informatics
principles in public health. Presented at the American Public Health Association annual meeting,
Washington, DC.
Massoudi, B. L., Richards, J., & Savel, T. (2007). Integration of informatics principles into public health.
Presented at the 2007 Public Health Information Network Conference, Atlanta, GA.
Massoudi, B. L. (2007). ActivHealth: A PHR system for at-risk sedentary adults. Presented at the
American Medical Informatics Association Spring Congress, Orlando, FL.
Dimitropoulos, L. L., Loft, J. D., & Massoudi, B. L. (2007). Privacy and security solutions: Preliminary
findings. Presented at the AHRQ National Web conference on Privacy and Security Solutions for
Interoperable Health Information Exchange.
Massoudi, B. L., & Richards, J. (2006). Case study: An informatics analysis. Presented at Integrating
Informatics Principles in Public Health, Continuing Education Institute, American Public Health
Association 134th annual meeting, Boston, MA.
Massoudi, B. L. (2006). Introduction to informatics standards and HIPAA. Presented at the American
Public Health Association 134th annual meeting, Boston, MA.
Massoudi, B. L., & Schindler, J. (2006). Creative education for informatics: Training the technologist in
public health. Presented at the American Public Health Association 134th annual meeting, Boston,
Schindler, J., & Massoudi, B. L. (2006). Agent-based modeling in public health informatics activities.
Poster presented at the American Public Health Association 134th annual meeting, Boston, MA.
Massoudi, B. L., & Richards, J. (2006). Privacy, security, and confidentiality. Presented at Integrating
Informatics Principles in Public Health, Continuing Education Institute, American Public Health
Association 134th annual meeting, Boston, MA.
Massoudi, B. L., & Richards, J. (2006). Standards, vocabularies and strategic planning. Presented at
Integrating Informatics Principles in Public Health, Continuing Education Institute, American Public
Health Association 134th annual meeting, Boston, MA.
Massoudi, B. L., & Kass-Hout, T. (2006, February). Pandemic influenza. Presented at Georgia
Pharmaceutical Association Annual Legislators Spouses Luncheon, Atlanta, GA.
Richards, J., Massoudi, B. L., Schindler, J., & Kass-Hout, T. (2005). Public health informatics:
Competencies, training, and application. A panel presentation at the annual meeting of the American
Public Health Association, Philadelphia, PA.
Massoudi, B., & Richards, J. (2005). Public health informatics: An overview of key issues. Continuing
Education Institute at the annual meeting of the American Public Health Association, Philadelphia,
Massoudi, B. (2005). Managing the human aspect of knowledge—The Expertise Resource Center.
Presented at the annual meeting of the American Public Health Association, Philadelphia, PA.
Kass-Hout. T., Mead, P., Fry, A., Painter, J., Stover, C., & Massoudi, B. (2003). eQuest—A rapid webbased outbreak investigation solution. Presented at the American Medical Informatics Association
Symposium, Washington, DC.
Richards, J., LaVenture, M., Luck, J., Massoudi, B., & Yasnoff, Y. (2003). Four perspectives on public
health informatics education to develop the public health information infrastructure. Presented at the
American Medical Informatics Association Symposium, Washington, DC.
Massoudi, B. (2003). Public health informatics. Dean’s Council Panel Presenter, Rollins School of Public
Health of Emory University, Atlanta, GA.
Schindler, J. V., Massoudi, B. L., & Richards, J. (2002). Role of public health informatics in building
community infrastructure. Presented at the annual meeting of the American Public Health
Association, Philadelphia, PA.
Will, J., Massoudi, B., Mokdad, A., Ford, E., & Sadler, D. (2000). Who’s addressing the cardiovascular
needs of uninsured women? the WISEWOMAN projects. Presented at the First International
Conference on Women, Heart Disease and Stroke, Victoria, BC.
Massoudi, B. (1996). Surveillance for occupational contact dermatitis. National Institute for
Occupational Safety and Health Seminar, Cincinnati, OH.
Massoudi, B. L. (1994). An investigation of air pollution morbidity in the Kentucky, Ohio, and West
Virginia tri-state area. Presented at the International Society for Environmental Epidemiology,
Buffalo, NY.
Massoudi, B. (1994). An evaluation of the Beryllium Health Surveillance Program. Epidemic Intelligence
Service Fall Course, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta, GA.
Salthouse, B. (1993). New teaching assistant orientation program. Presented at the Office of Faculty
Development, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA.
Salthouse, B. (1993). Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma and multiple myeloma in Kanawha County, WV.
Presented at the Pennsylvania Public Health Association annual meeting, Pittsburgh, PA.
Salthouse, B. (1991). Financial planning for a university hospital. Presented at the School of Public
Health Colloquium Series, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA.
Salthouse, B. (1991). An investigation of air pollution morbidity in the Kentucky, Ohio, and West Virginia
tri-state area. Presented at the International Society for Environmental Epidemiology, Buffalo, NY.
Technical Reports
Dimitropoulos, L. L., Massoudi, B. L., Suarez, W., Kissam, S. M., Knops, N. M., & Rizk, S. (2009, July).
Technical assistance for health IT and health information exchange in Medicaid and CHIP: 2009
technical assistance plan. Prepared for Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ).
Whitehead, N. S., Squiers, L. B., Massoudi, B. L., & McClure, C. R. (2008, October). Computer-based
clinical decision support tools for gene-based tests used in breast cancer: Literature review.
Prepared for Agency for Health Care Research and Quality.
Dimitropoulos, L. L., Alakoye, A. O., Bailey, R. F., Banger, A. K., Harris, D. H., Irvin, C., Loft, J. D.,
Massoudi, B. L., & Rizk, S. C. (2007, December). Privacy and security solutions for interoperable
health information exchange—Impact analysis. Prepared for the Agency for Healthcare Research
and Quality and the Office of the National Coordinator.
Dimitropoulos, L. L., Alakoye, A. O., Bailey, R. F., Banger, A. K., Harris, D. H., Irvin, C., Loft, J. D.,
Massoudi, B. L., & Rizk, S. C. (2007, June). Privacy and security solutions for interoperable health
information exchange—Final implementation plans. Prepared for the Agency for Healthcare
Research and Quality and the Office of the National Coordinator.
Dimitropoulos, L. L., Alakoye, A. O., Bailey, R. F., Banger, A. K., Harris, D. H., Irvin, C., Loft, J. D.,
Massoudi, B. L., & Rizk, S. C. (2007, June). Privacy and security solutions for interoperable health
information exchange—Assessment of variation and analysis of solutions. Prepared for the Agency
for Healthcare Research and Quality and the Office of the National Coordinator.
Dimitropoulos, L. L., Alakoye, A. O., Bailey, R. F., Banger, A. K., Harris, D. H., Irvin, C., Loft, J. D.,
Massoudi, B. L., & Rizk, S. C. (2007, June). Privacy and security solutions for interoperable health
information exchange—Nationwide summary. Prepared for the Agency for Healthcare Research and
Quality and the Office of the National Coordinator.
Hernandez, R., Massoudi, B., & Magiawala, K. (2005). Leveraging unmanned aerial surveillance
capabilities for public health disaster relief. Northrop Grumman Public Health Programs white
Schindler, J., Massoudi, B., & Moats, R. (2004). Evolving public health surveillance systems. Northrop
Grumman CDC Programs white paper.
Woteki, T., Cothren, R., Moats, R., & Massoudi, B. (2003). A summary of non-traditional disease
surveillance. Northrop Grumman Information Technology Institutional Research and Development
Woteki, T., Cothren, R., Moats, R., & Massoudi, B. (2003). Bioevent surveillance algorithm test harness:
Operating concepts and high-level requirements. Northrop Grumman Information Technology
Institutional Research and Development project.
Massoudi, B. L. (1996). Adverse reproductive outcomes among females employed at Department of
Energy facilities: The feasibility of epidemiologic studies. NIOSH.
Salthouse, B. L. (1989). Indoor air pollution: A review of the issues in Connecticut and other states. State
of Connecticut, Department of Health Services.