what you need to know about the macs

The Natural-lift is a simple and effective face-lift operation that is designed to lift the
lower two thirds of the face in a relatively straightforward manner with minimal
inconvenience. Only a limited amount of excess skin needs to be removed, and there will
be nothing but an inconspicuous scar in the crease in front of the ear. In contrast to most
other techniques, this type of face lift can be performed under local anesthesia. Therefore
you will not have to be admitted to the hospital for an overnight stay, and you can leave
the surgi-center shortly after the surgery.
The following instructions provide you with important information that you need to know
to prepare you for your operation and its postoperative course. Please read these
instructions and follow them carefully.
TWO WEEKS BEFORE SURGERY, you should not take and medication containing
aspirin (acetyl salicylic acid), since these products affect the blood’s clotting
mechanisms and therefore may lead to excessive bleeding during and after the surgery.
Taking high doses of vitamin E preparations and eating large amounts of garlic can also
produce the same result and should be avoided. If pain medication is necessary, we
recommend that you take ibuprofen or acetaminophen.
until 2 weeks after surgery. It is well known that smoking causes narrowing of the blood
vessels, which leads to a decrease of blood supply to the skin, thus slowing the healing
 Be sure to inform Dr. Joseph of any medications you take, as well as of possible
allergies (to certain medications, Band-Aids, latex, and so on).
 Dr. Joseph will decide whether any preliminary examinations are necessary, such
as a blood test, an electrocardiogram, or radiographs of the lungs. If this is the
case, these tests should be performed several weeks before surgery.
 It is best not to wear any makeup when you come in for treatment. Wear loose
clothing that doesn’t need to be pulled over your head.
 Do not eat or drink anything for 6 hours before the operation.
 Make certain you have someone to take you home after surgery. You are not
allowed to drive a car the day of surgery.
ON THE DAY OF THE OPERATION, Dr. Joseph will explain each step of the
procedure, and you will be assisted throughout the operation by the nurse. A local
anesthetic will be injected under the skin with a very fine needle. You will feel the sting
and a light burning sensation, but that will disappear almost immediately. The anesthesia
will last 2 to 3 hours and will guarantee that you will have a painless operation.
At the end of the operation, a thin tube will be placed under the cheek skin and
will stick through the lower end of the wound at the earlobe to drain any blood that might
collect there. After finishing the procedure, your face will be cleansed and your head
loosely wrapped in bandages. Approximately an hour later, you may be taken home.
AFTER SURGERY, when you have returned home, you should try to remain as quiet
and relaxed as possible. When you lie down, keep your head elevated, because lying flat
or bending over will increase the swelling.
If you require pain medication, remember not to take anything containing aspirin
(salicylic acid). If you have questions about this, contact the office. Because of the deep
stitches, your jaw might hurt when you open your mouth wide. However, that annoying
sensation will pass in a few days.
If serious bleeding should suddenly occur within the first few hours after a facelift procedure, it might be necessary for Dr. Joseph to open up the wound under local
anesthesia to stop the bleeding Bruises will occur, but these will fade over the first few
weeks. Infections (or inflammations) are rare but when they occur, they can be treated
with antibiotics.
ON THE FIRST DAY AFTER SURGERY, you need to come to the office for a followup visit to remove the bandages and the little plastic tube from the wound. You won’t
need any more bandages, and you can take a shower or wash your hair from that point on.
Any eyelid stitches will be removed after about 4 days; the rest will be taken out 1 week
after surgery. You should be able to go for a walk or shop the day after surgery, but you
should count on not being socially active for about a week. The swelling will subside
after 3 days and will hardly be visible after 1 week to 10 days. After 2 to 3 weeks you
will only notice the final results of the operation.
Frequently Asked Questions
What results are to be expected?
The results vary. Much will depend on your looks before surgery. In one patient the
results may be quite spectacular, whereas in another, results will be more subtle. This can
also depend on your specific expectations, as discussed in advance with Dr. Joseph. Signs
of aging and weakening of the tissues will definitely be less conspicuous and may often
virtually disappear.
You do not have to worry about your individual features or expression. The feared
“wind-tunnel” face-lift look, with flattening of the face, is caused by over-tightening the
skin. However, in a modern face lift and especially in a Natural-lift, the skin is tightened
very little. Rather, Dr. Joseph restores the volumes of the subcutaneous tissues, which
restores the youthful contours of the face.
How long will the effects last?
You must realize that no plastic surgery procedure can stop time. A face lift can,
however, turn back the clock and be effective for a number of years. How long the effects
last will also depend on your lifestyle and possible genetic factors. Rest assured that most
patients are happy with the results of their face lift for a good many years.