Together we learn Confidentiality Policy We have a commitment to

Together we learn
Confidentiality Policy
We have a commitment to promote the achievement of each child of every race, religion, cultural
background, ability and gender to their full potential. We cannot ensure equality, but will strive towards
equality of opportunity and will actively promote anti- racism.
Hart Hill Nursery School and Children’s Centre seeks to put the child at the heart of the learning process
and to provide a safe and secure learning environment.
The school community is committed to developing creative and positive ways for the child’s voice to be
heard and recognises the responsibility to use, hold and safeguard information received.
The school is placed in a position of trust by all stakeholders and fully acknowledges that all information
should be treated with respect and that sharing confidential information unnecessarily is an erosion of trust.
To protect the rights of all stakeholders within the school community.
To protect the reputation of the school by ensuring all staff, governors and families have clear,
unambiguous guidance as to their legal and professional roles and to ensure outstanding practice relating
to confidentiality throughout the school which is understood by all stakeholders.
To ensure that confidentiality is and will remain a whole school issue.
To fully comply with the 1988 Data Protection Act
To ensure that any child protection issues are dealt with by following the school’s safeguarding child
protection policy and protocols
Any breaches of confidentiality or intolerance about gender, faith, race, culture or sexuality by all
members of staff or members of the Governing Body is unacceptable and will prompt the use of the
school’s discipline policy
The school has appointed a senior member of staff as Child Protection Officer and a named Governor.
Child protection procedures are understood by staff and training is undertaken every two years for all
staff – the Head teacher will be kept fully informed of any concerns.
All information about individual children is private and should only be shared with those professionals
and family members that have a need to know
All social services, medical and personal information about a child should be held in a safe and secure
place which cannot be accessed by individuals other than school staff
All families have a right to the same level of confidentiality irrespective of gender, race, religion, medical
concerns and special educational needs.
There is clear guidance for handling of child protection incidents, and all staff have regular training on
child protection issues
There is clear guidance for procedures if a member of staff is accused of abuse
Staff are aware of the need to handle all issues about different types of families in a sensitive manner
Information collected for one purpose should not be used for another
Parents/carers and children need to be aware that the school cannot guarantee total confidentiality and
the school has a duty to report child protection issues
The school will share with parents any child protection disclosures before seeking advice and support
from any safeguarding authority
 Data generated in school will not identify individual children
 Health professionals have their own code of practice dealing with confidentiality. Staff should be aware
of children with medical needs and the class information sheet should be accessible to staff who need
that information but not on general view to other parents / carers and children
 The school will always seek permission before photographs of children are used especially in the press
and internet.
 The school gives clear guidance to parents about the use of cameras and videos during public school
 Parents should not have access to any other child’s records, marks and progress grades at any time
especially at parents evening. However, parents should be aware that information about their child will
be shared with the receiving school when they change schools.
 All personal information about children including social services records should be regarded as
confidential and are kept in a locked safe in the Head teachers office.
 Information regarding health reports such as speech therapy, medical reports, SEN report, SEN
minutes of meetings and social services minutes of meetings and reports will be circulated in envelopes
and once read should be returned for secure filing.
 Logs of administration of medication to children should be kept secure and each child should have their
own individual log.
 In all other notes, briefing sheets etc a child should not be able to be identified. Addresses and
telephone numbers of staff, governors, parents and children will not be passed on except in exceptional
circumstances or to a receiving school
 Governors need to be mindful that from time to time issues are discussed or brought to their attention
about staff and children. All such papers should be marked as confidential and should be copied onto
different coloured paper. These confidential papers should be destroyed Governors must observe
complete confidentiality when asked to do so by the Governing Body, especially in relation to matters
concerning individual staff, pupils or parents. Although decisions reached at governors’ meetings are
normally made public through the minutes or otherwise, the discussions on which decisions are based
should be regarded as confidential. Governors should exercise the highest degree of prudence when
discussion of potentially contentious issues arise outside the Governing Body
 Professional Development including Lesson Observation and individual Appraisal targets are
confidential to the Appraisee and the Appraiser, copies of documentation will be kept in the Head
teachers office
This policy should be read with reference to related policies:
Accessible Use Policy
Appraisal Policy
Child Protection Policy
Data Protection Policy
Photograph Policy
Safeguarding Policy
Whistleblowing Policy
Hart Hill Nursery School and Children’s Centre has a duty of care and responsibility towards maintaining
confidentiality towards pupils, parents/carers and staff and will only share information in a way that is
respectful and follows the guidelines expressed in this document.
Headteacher …
Chair of
This policy will be reviewed annually