Organizational Behavior

Professional Development Program of KIMEP University JSC that has state-recognized license and
certified by FIBAA, Germany, Bonn, invites you and your employees to participate in this seminar.
«Organizational behavior»
Duration of classes: 3 days, 9:30-17:00
Location: Almaty, JSC “University KIMEP”, Abai Ave., 4
(Valikhanov Str. crossing), Hall # 117 (EEC - Executive Education Center)
It is a matter of fact that most people spent the largest part of their life in organizations: kindergarten,
school, university, company, community etc. Our work life in this way or another affects our behavior in
organization and vice versa.
The objectives of this module are: to (1) familiarize students with theories of management and organization
studies, (2) help students understand how to effectively manage their relationships with people on different
levels of organizational hierarchy, (3) provide students with some understanding of group and team
behavior in organization. The course will also explore the emergence of corporate ethics in the
business/work environment, its impact on the role of leaders.
After taking this module participants will be able to demonstrate an understanding of theory of
organizational behavior; to predict and explain human behavior in organization; to make decisions and
develop constructive proposals from an organizational behavior perspective, and to adapt to and integrate
into different cultural environment in international organizations.
Topics covered by the course:
Course Introduction. Organization, behavior
and organizational behavior.
Organizational Behavior. Course design
Case: Kassie Grigsby
Game: Magic carpet
Definition of organization
Discussion: Behavioral situations
Definition of Behavior . Definition of
Organizational behavior
Organizational Culture
Demonstration and discussion: Business card
Definition of culture, organizational culture.
Models of organizational culture
Exercise: Change titles
Intercultural differences. How to classify and
measure. Hofstede-Bond dimensions.
Exercise: How the meetings are held in
countries (cultures) you are familiar with?
Activity. Cultural perception of time.
How employees learn culture
Exercise: Entering a room and greetings in
different organizations (a classroom, a lawyer
office, a city Major office, a friend’s party
Creating a positive organizational culture
Exercise. Interpersonal space. Giving hugs.
Cross-cultural communication
Failure in foreign assignment
Group exercise (Buelens OB, p. 621 )
Personality and values
Perception and individual decision making
Exercise. Defining a type of student
A conceptual model for the study of
individual differences
Activity. Self-monitoring tendencies
(Buelens, p. 51)
Personality factors
Activity. What is your personality type?
(Buelens, p. 77)
Myers-Briggs Type Indicator
Values. Importance. International.
Exercise. Comparing cultural values
Exercise. Colored figures.
Abilities and styles
Activity. What is your learning style?
(Buelens, p. 72)
Person-job fit
Exercise. How do diversity assumptions
influence team member interaction?
(Buelens, p. 161)
Factors influencing perception
3. Stereotyping
Activity. Does a schema improve the
comprehension of written material? (Bulens,
A model of perception (Bulens, p.133)
Case. Paul’s new job
Exercise. Testing your creative bench
strength (McShane, ch.7)
Models of decision making
Common biases and errors in decision
Case. Predictions That Didn’t Quite Pan Out
(Robbins, p.195)
Motivation theories
Rewards and justice
Activity. Assess your own growth need
strength (Buelens, p. 181)
Early (content) motivation theories I
Activity. Find out whether hygiene factors or
motivator factors are more important to you
(Buelens, p. 189)
Early (content) motivation theories II
Group exercise. Applying Maslow’s
hierarchy of needs model and Alderfer’s
ERG theory (Buelenc, p. 200)
Contemporary (process) motivation theories
I (Self-determination, Job engagement, Goalsetting, Self-efficacy, Reinforcement )
Activity. Is your goal commitment for this
course related to your behavior? (Buelens,
Activity. What is your work ethic (Buelens,
Contemporary (process) motivation theories
II (Equity, Expectancy )
Activity. Measuring perceived fair
interpersonal treatment (Buelens, p. 212)
Putting motivational theories to work
Group exercise. Rewards, Rewards,
Rewards. (Buelens, p. 241)
Organizational reward system (types, norms,
distribution criteria)
Fairness theory
Case. Imagine arriving at work one morning
Types of Justice
Game. “Piece of cake”
Discussion after game
Power and politics in organizations
Activity. Traits of three famous political
Trait theories. The Fidler Model
Discussion. Russian leadership traits in three
eras. (Buelens, p.419)
Case. Leadership factories. (Robbins, p. 400)
Activity. How ready are you to assume the
leadership role?
Charismatic leadership and transformation
Game “Trust a leader”. Discussion after
Authentic leadership
Group exercise. Gender and self-efficacy.
Gender and leadership
Game. Obelisk “Zin”
Leadership skills. Training leaders.
Activity. What is your self-perceived power?
(Buelens, p. 481)
Definition of power. Bases of power. Power
Activity. How do you rely on upward
impression management tactics?
Game. Understanding power dynamics
Use of power through empowerment
Politics. Power in action
Case. The persuasion imperative.
Political behavior
Discussion. Corporate spying
Group behavior
Work team
Discussion: 5 situations.
Defining and classifying groups
Illustration movie “Big”. Discussion
Group properties I. Norms. Roles. Size.
Activity. Sociometric assessment. (Buelens,
p. 345)
Group properties II. Liking structure. Gender
Exercise. The Asch effect. Discussion
(Buelens, p. 353)
Social loafing
Example. Brain storming. Airport.
Group decisions making techniques
Simulation Game. Survival
Activity. Is this a mature work group or
Activity. How trusting are you? (Buelens,
Differences between teams and groups.
Types of teams.
Case. Multicultural Multinational teams at
Team composition
Team processes
Game. Traffic jam.
Identifying team players
Discussion. Teams and cheating.
Team building
Group exercise. Student team development
project. (Buelens, p. 400)
Why do work teams fail?
Demonstration: Invitation
The communication process.
Activity. Norms for touching vary across
countries. (Buelens, p. 296)
Interpersonal communications
Activity. What is your potential for
communication distortion
Exercise. Back to Back
Listening styles
Barriers to effective communications
Exercise. Words alone
Electronic communications. Discussion.
Icons used for e-mailing and messaging.
Conflict and interpersonal relationships.
Stress management
Activity. What is your primary conflicthandling style
The conflict process
Game. Red and Blue
Alternative styles for handling dysfunctional
Managing conflict
Team exercise.
Activity. How much life stress do you
experience? (Buelens, p. 259)
Sources of stress. Stress-reduction technique
Group exercise. Stage fright!
You will learn:
 basic concepts of organizational behaviour and their application,
 interpersonal skills to be used in the workplace,
 motivation theories and their practical implementation,
 main functions of communication and a role of communication in developing healthy work
environment in an organization,
 theories and concepts related to leadership and power in organizations,
 reasons of and ways leading out of conflict situations in organizations, and
 how different organizational structures affect organizational behavior.
You will be able to:
 understand and apply theories and research findings related to current issues in organizational
 understand individual behavior and identify its influence on organization environment,
 develop and use leadership skills in creating an effective organization,
 build and lead an effective team in organizations,
 diagnose problems and develop constructive solutions related to work issues from an organizational
behavior perspective, and
 demonstrate discussion and presentation skills.
The training goal is improving skills in managing people’s behavior in organizations
Training is intended for a wide range of the persons, wishing to improve skills of the effective business interaction, and increase of
the psychological competence.
Training Methods: Training is spent in a mode of intensive interaction of the leader and participants. For effective mastering by participants
of a theoretical material a plenty of role and business games is included in the program. The program also provides the video material of
separate fragments of seminar with the subsequent discussion of the finished shooting material.
Инструктор семинара: Dr. Sholpan Gaisina, is an Associate Dean for undergraduate programs at BCB
and a faculty member, teaching Business Macroeconomics, Business Microeconomics, Financial Institution
Management, and Business Communications.
She graduated from Nagoya University in Japan in 2011 with a degree “Doctor in Economics”; additionally,
she had got a Ph.D. degree from Kazakh Research Institute of Agriculture in 1999. She is a fellow of a
number of very prestigious foundations as Alexander von Humboldt Foundation (Germany), Fulbright
Foundation (USA), Japanese Society for Promotion of Science, The Netherlands Institute for Advanced
Studies, DAAD (Germany).
She has an experience of teaching at Averett University in Danville, Virginia, USA (2013-2014) and at
Stockholm School of Economics (Riga branch) (2010). She has worked as an international trainer, having a
certificate from the International City/County Management Association (ICMA), USA. She has conducted
trainings on Leadership, Local Budget Process, Public Hearings, and Financial Management in different
regions of Kazakhstan.
She works intensively as a researcher. She has published 2 books, 24 papers and 26 conference
contributions to conferences. She has a good experience working in the research team projects both as a
supervisor and as a participant. Her academic interests are mainly on Financial Institutions and Services in
Rural Areas in Transition Economies, Borrowing and Saving Behavior of Rural Population, Rural Credit
Additional information:
Price for 3-day seminar is KZT 86 700.00 VAT included. The price of seminar includes: tuition, individual study
manual, handouts, certificate of completion, lunch and coffee-breaks, car parking in KIMEP University campus.
Price for corporate seminar is KZT 1 080 000.00 VAT included per group for 3 days (15-17 people in a group)
Seminar Schedule:
9:30 AM - 5:00 PM, Lunch - 12:30-1:30 PM, Tea/coffee breaks - 11:00-11:15 AM, 3:00-3:15 PM
To participate, please fill in this form and send it back to Almaty
by e-mail ( ; ;
or faxes: (727) 2374802, 2374803; тел. 2704300, 2704301
«Organizational behavior», duration 3 days
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It is necessary to provide electronic copies of the following documents:
- copy of state registration certificate
- copy of TRN/ BIN certificate
- copy of registration for VAT certificate
PHH of the company
E-mail address
Tuition payment is made before the beginning of the seminar.
Please, send a copy of the payment order to the above mentioned fax.
Alexander Bogdanov,
Manager, Professional Development Program,
Joint-Stock Company “KIMEP University”