1 Appendix 4 to the list of some orders of the Minister of Health Care of the Republic of Kazakhstan, wherein changes and amendments are introduced Approved by the order of the acting Minister of Health Care of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 666 dated November 6, 2009 Regulations on medical examination of a donor prior to donation of blood and its components 1. General Provisions 1. These Regulations on medical examination of a donor prior to donation of blood and its components (hereinafter the “Regulations”) have been developed in accordance with paragraph 1 of Article 166 of the Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 18 September 2009 “On Health of People and Healthcare System” (hereinafter the “Code”) and determine the procedure of medical examination of the donor before donation of blood and its components in medical organizations that perform banking of blood and its components (hereinafter the “Blood Service Organizations”). 2. In these Regulations the following concepts are used: 1) voluntary non-remunerated donation of blood and its components means a donation of allogenic blood and its components made without receipt of cash consideration, with the exception of guarantees provided to the donor pursuant to Article 167 of the Code; 2) targeted donation of blood and its components means a donation of allogenic blood and its components intended for specific patients and made without receipt of cash consideration, with the exception of guarantees provided to donor pursuant to Article 167 of the Code; 3) autologous donation of blood and its components means a donation of blood and its components that are taken from one person and intended exclusively for subsequent autologous transfusion to the same person; 4) completed (full) donation means an exfusion of whole blood with the achieved target volume ± 10%; 2 5) incomplete (not full) donation (underdrawal) means an insufficient exfusion of whole blood in view of forced termination of the procedure without achievement of the target volume but with the accomplishment of the exfusion in the amount of 200 ml and more; 6) failed donation (puncture) means a failed vein puncture and the exfusion of whole blood in the amount up to 200 ml. 3. The procedure of medical examination of the donor prior to donation of blood and its components includes the following stages: 1) reception and registration of the donor; 2) medical examination of the donor. 4. A donor is a person, who had attained the age of eighteen, passed an appropriate medical examination and has no contradiction, voluntarily willing to donate blood and its components for medical purposes. 5. Persons aged above 60 years, who makes blood donation for the first time in their lives, as well as persons aged above 65 years shall be admitted for the donation of blood and its components according to the opinion of the physician, conducting the medical examination. 6. According to the frequency and number of blood and its component donations, donors shall be subdivided into the following categories: A primary donor is a person who donates blood and its components for the very first time in the life; A repeated donor is a person who has previously donated blood and its components in the same Blood Service Organization; A regular donor is a person who regularly donates blood and (or) its components. Regularity shall imply the frequency of blood donation equal to three or more times per year, of blood plasma and cells donation – twelve or more times per year, of red blood cells by the means of red blood cells exchange - donation two and more times per year. 7. Donation of blood and its components is divided into the following types: 1) according to the type of donation: donation of blood; donation of plasma, including immune plasma; donation of blood cells; 2) according to the motivation of donation: non-remunerated (voluntary non-remunerated donation, targeted donation and autologous donation); donation of blood on the payment basis. 3) according to the result of the procedure of whole blood donation: completed (full); incomplete (not full); failed (puncture). 3 2. Reception and registration of donor 8. The reception of the donor in Blood Service Organizations shall be made on the basis of identification documents or military service card for compulsory-duty servicemen. 9. After presentation of the documents envisaged by paragraph 6 of these Regulations, the donor shall be given a questionnaire for the donor of blood and its components in accordance with Appendix 1 to these Regulations, which he or she shall fill in independently or with the participation of a medical registrar, and a datasheet in accordance with Appendix 2 to these Regulations. This paragraph shall not apply to donors of hematopoietic stem cells (hereinafter the “HSC”) of peripheral blood. 10. Reconciliation of the donor’s data, with the exception of the donors of peripheral blood HSC, shall be made with electronic databases of donors and persons ineligible to donate, after which the passport part of electronic or paper-based donor’s card shall be filled in with an indication on verification of the information about the donor. 11. The registration of the donor, with the exception of donors of peripheral blood HSC, shall be made in accordance with primary medical documents, on the basis of which the electronic database of donors shall be formed. 12. After donation of blood and its components, the primary donor, with the exception of donors of peripheral blood HSC, shall be given a donor certificate in accordance with the form included in Appendix 3 to these Regulations. A duplicate instead of a lost donor certificate shall be issued on the basis of a written application of the donor. 13. A donor, with the exception of donors of peripheral blood HSC, suspended from donation shall be given a certificate in accordance with the form approved by the competent authority; Sources of data for taking decision about the capability to perform the donor’s function shall be the following: 1) electronic databases of donors and persons ineligible to donate blood and its components; 2) questionnaire for the donor of blood and its components; 3) preliminary laboratory examination; 4) medical examination. 14. The formation electronic databases of persons ineligible to donate, shall be made with the use of information received from AIDS Prevention and Control Centers (hereinafter the “AIDS Center”), tuberculosis hospitals (early treatment clinics), narcological hospitals (early treatment clinics), dermatovenerologic hospitals (early treatment clinics), psychiatric hospitals (early treatment clinics), territorial subdivisions of the state body in the sphere of sanitary and epidemiological safety of people within the respective territories, and according to the results of blood induced 4 infections examination of persons, who applied for the donation of blood and its components to a Blood Service Organization. 15. Provision of the Blood Service Organizations with information about persons with HIV in the republic with subsequent updating of information about new identified persons shall be made by AIDS Centers of regions, Almaty and Astana cities, respectively. 3. Procedure of medical examination of the donor 16. Before filling in the questionnaire, the donor shall be provided with information in accordance with Appendices 2 and 7 to these Regulations. 17. Before each donation of blood and its components, the preliminary determination of the donor’s hemoglobin (hematocrit) level, ALT level shall be made, and before each donation of HSC peripheral blood the preliminary determination of the composition of peripheral blood (hemoglobin (hematocrit), red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets) shall also be made. For the plasma donor, before each donation, the count of total protein in blood serum shall be made additionally. For the platelets donor, before each donation, the count of platelets shall be made additionally. In case of blood components banking with the use of automatic separators, before each donation, blood coagulation time shall be determined additionally. 18. Donors of peripheral blood HSC shall pass the initial examination for infectious markers of human immunodeficiency virus (hereinafter the “HIV”), viral hepatitis B (hereinafter the “VHB”), viral hepatitis C (hereinafter the “VHC”), syphilis, cytomegalovirus infection, and toxoplasmaosis in the medical organization referring for the donation. The examination of the HSC donor for arthropod-borne infection markers shall be conducted in accordance with the requirements of paragraphs 18 and 19 of Appendix 3 to the Regulations on quality control of donated blood and its components approved by the Order of the acting Minister of Health Care of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 10 November 2009 No. 684 “Regulations of quality control of donated blood and its components” (entered into the Register of state registration of laws and regulations No. 5930). Laboratory analyses shall be conducted by the methods registered in the Republic of Kazakhstan including dry chemistry, with the use of the equipment registered in the Republic of Kazakhstan in accordance with the Regulations on state registration, re-registration and making amendments to registration file of drugs, medical articles, and medical devices, approved by the Order of the Minister of Healthcare of the Republic of Kazakhstan on 18 November 2009 No. 735 “On approval of the Regulations on state registration, re-registration and making 5 amendments to registration file of drugs, medical articles, and medical devices” (entered into the Register of state registration of laws and regulations No. 5935). 19. Sampling of donor’s blood for testing for blood induced infections shall be made during the donation of blood and its components. 20. Medical examination of the donor, rejection or admission, and determination of the type of blood and its components shall be made by the transfusiologist or physician of the Blood Service Organization (hereinafter the “physician”). 21. Medical examination of the donor shall include: 1) previous laboratory tests data analysis; 2) analysis of the questionnaire for the donor of blood and its components, history taking and confidential interview with the donor to identify any risk factors (the information from the questionnaire shall be supplemented with answers of the donor received during the interview); 3) assessment of the general condition as of the current date by means of interview and certain methods of medical examination (measurement of temperature, height and weight of body, blood pressure, eurhythmy and pulse rate). 22. At suspicion on presence or identification of factors of any risk behavior of the potential donor that lead to introduction of hemotransmissive infections as well as in the presence of signs of other diseases, the scope of medical examination shall be extended at the discretion of the physician, who is in charge of the admission to the donation and additional methods of physical (inspection of skin cover and visible mucosae, auscultation, percussion, palpation), laboratory tests or specialized medical consultations shall be assigned. 23. When conducting medical examination, the guidance shall be taken of the standards of laboratory analyses values in accordance with Appendix 4 to these Regulations and the criteria of permanent and temporary rejection to donate blood and its components, pursuant to Appendices 5 and 6 to these Regulations. 24. In case of abnormality of laboratory analyses values, the donor shall be rejecter to donate blood and its components in accordance with periods envisaged in Appendix 6 to these Regulations. 25. In the presence of contraindication, the donor shall receive the explanation of the reason of rejection to donate blood and its components and recommendation to pass additional examination in respective medical organizations. 26. The reason of rejection shall be registered in electronic databases of donors and persons ineligible to donate blood, in the donor’s card, with the exception of donors of peripheral blood HSC. 27. In the absence of contraindication to donation, the type and amount of the donation of blood and its components, with the exception of donors of peripheral blood HSC, shall be determined, at that the guidance shall be taken of the following criteria: 1) needs of medical organizations for blood components; 6 2) voluntary informed consent of the donor for the donation of blood and its components; 3) minimum intervals between different types of donations of blood and its components, determined in accordance with Appendix 8 to these Regulations; 4) maximum permissible amounts of donations of blood and its components, that are as follows: For blood: In case of donors with the weight above 50 kg and height above 150 cm, withdrawal of whole blood in the volume of 450 milliliters ( hereinafter the “ml”) ± 10% shall be made, in addition to this 30-35 ml of blood shall be taken for laboratory analyses and for storage as the donor’s blood sample after the donation; In case of donors with the weight below 50 kg and the height below 150 cm, withdrawal of smaller volume of blood shall be made on the basis of 4-6 ml for one kilogram of body weight, but not more than 13 % from the total circulating blood volume (hereinafter the “CBV”), which makes up normally 6.5-7 % from the body weight; For plasma: In case of donors with the weight above 50 kg and height above 150 cm, withdrawal of plasma in the volume of 600-800 ml, but nto more than 16% of the CBV, shall be made; Donors with the weight below 50 kg and the height below 150 cm shall not be admitted to the donation of plasma; 28. Additional medical examination of regular donors of blood and its components shall be made at least oncea year, and of donors of peripheral blood HSC before the donation: 1) photofluorographic examinations of thoracic organs; 2) electrocardiogram of donors aged above 40 years. 29. Control laboratory tests of regular donors of plasma and blood cells shall be made at least every four months, and of donors of blood at least every year and shall include: 1) the content of peripheral blood (hemoglobin (hematocrit), red blood cells, white blood cells, platelets, sedimentation rate of red blood cells and leukogram); 2) total protein and protein fractions; 3) clinical urine analysis. 7 Appendix 1 to the Regulations of medical examination of a donor prior to donation of blood and its components Form Questionnaire for donor of blood and its components Thank you for your desire to help patients requiring donated blood! Please give straightforward answers to the following questions (for answers use ‘yes’ or ‘no’). Your straightforward answers to the following questions are necessary to ensure your safety as a donor and the safety of a patient, who will receive your blood. Name, first name, patronymic (if any) of the donor_______________________ ____________________________________________________________________ _________ Date of birth ____________ Sex____________E-mail __________ Home address (actual and registered)____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ Home phone number____________________________________________________________ Mobile phone number___________________________________________________________ Business phone number______________________________________________________________ Place of employment__________________________________________________________ ______ Item No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Questions 1. General state of health and epidemiologic environment Are you feeling well? Did you have a rest last night? Have you had any tooth extraction in the past 14 days? Have you drunk alcohol during the past 48 hours? Have you had any vaccinations in the past 12 months? If ‘yes’ please specify: Have you sought medical attention in the past 6 months? Have you had transfusion of donated blood or its components in the past 12 months? Answers 8 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. Have you had any surgery (including cosmetological ones) in the past 4 months? Have you taken any medicinal drugs including aspirin or antibiotics, or growth hormones in the past 2 weeks? Have you had any intravenous or intramuscular injections in the past 4 months? Have you had acupuncture, tattoos, piercing in the past 4 months? Have you ever had unmotivated temperature rise, weight loss, faintness, night-sweat? Have you suffered from malaria, tuberculosis, brucellosis, syphilis? Is your work or hobby associated with any danger to your life or the life of others (motor vehicle driving, stay in high-altitude or underwater environment, work with high voltage power lines and Have you read and understood the information about AIDS (HIV infection) and viral hepatitides? Have you changed your surname? If ‘yes’ please specify the previous surname? 2. Have you ever had grave diseases, such as: Heart disease, high or low blood pressure? Severe hypersensitivity, asthma? Convulsions or nervous disorders? Chronic diseases, such as diabetes or cancer? 3. Have you: Travelled abroad in the past 3 years? Specify the country? Have you ever donated blood as a donor? Have you ever been rejected to donate blood? 4. Additionally for females: Are you pregnant now or were you pregnant in the past 6 months? Are you breastfeeding? 5. Additionally for self-assessment: Have you ever made yourself injections of any medical drugs or narcotic substances? Have you ever accepted payment for sexual favors? Over the past 12 months, have you had sexual relationship with persons that: are infected with HIV or hepatitis virus? used narcotic substances intravenously? receive or have received payment for sexual favors? with other males? (for males). 9 Have you ever suffered from sexually transmitted diseases? Have you ever had contacts with a person suffering from hepatitis (within family or at work)? Was there a contact between blood of other person and your mucosa or stab with an injection needle? Note: If over the past six months you had a reason to answer ‘yes’ to one or more questions of this paragraph write ‘Yes’. If there is no reason to answer ‘yes” to one or more questions of this paragraph write ‘No’. I confirm that I am donating blood or its components voluntarily, without any compulsion and my blood or its components may be used for medical purposes. I agree that my blood will be tested for HIV, syphilis, hepatitides B and C, and other infections. I have been warned that in case of positive results of tests for markers of the above mentioned infections the information will be transferred to the respective medical organizations for establishing diagnosis and making decision about treatment. I understand that the laboratory tests of my blood are conducted exclusively for the safety of patients. I declare that I have completely understood all questions in the questionnaire and provided true answers thereto realizing the importance of that information for me and for the health of patients. I have been warned about the use of my personal data for the purpose of creating the donors database and about the fact that processing of such data is made with the use of automated information systems. I agree to receive information mails with the aim of inviting to the participation in donation via mobile communication or electronic mail. I have been warned that in case of provision of inaccurate information I can be made liable pursuant to the laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan. I confirm that I have completely understood all above listed questions that have been explained to me in ___________________ language by the physician ________________________ The donor’s signature _____________________ The physician’s signature __________________________ Date_________________ 10 Appendix 2 to the Regulations of medical examination of a donor prior to donation of blood and its components Information Sheet Dear Donor! Subject to satisfactory condition of your health, your donated blood can help and even rescue the life of patients requiring blood transfusion. Although all blood goes through the stringent tests in the center in order to exclude the presence of any viruses, however, certain viruses such as HIV or hepatitis virus are not always detectable at an early stage of infection. If you were exposed to the risk of introduction of infection, then your blood may turn to be a disease carrier and make harm to patients, who would receive it in the course of transfusion. That is why it is very important to read this information carefully and give straightforward answers to the question of the provided questionnaire and give to the utmost honest answers to the questions of the physician, who will talk to you. You may rest assured that all the information provided by you is confidential and will be used for the purpose of the safety of blood transfusion only. Your blood tests results will be provided to you after presentation of the identity document only. In case of positive result of the analysis for presence of the virus, the respective medical organizations of the city will be also informed. You may be invited for subsequent examination, which is extremely important for your health. Dear Donor! If your desire is to pass the HIV test please address to the AIDS Prevention and Control Center or to your local physician but do not donate blood. At any stage you can inform the personnel on your desire to refuse donation of blood or on the fact that your blood cannot be transfused to patients. The duration of registration and blood donation procedure is 30 minutes on average. Before the blood donation you will be offered tea with sugar-containing confectioneries. At all stages of preliminary examination and blood collection, disposable expendable materials are used. We appreciate your willingness to donate blood for people who require it! Recommendations for the donor after blood donation: Item What should be done after the completion of blood What should not be done No. donation after blood donation 1. After removal of the needle from your vein and Abstain from smoking and application of dressing the arm should be bended drinking alcohol during 2 and held in that position for about 5-10 minutes hours 2. Plentiful drinking and rest for at least 10 minutes Abstain from activity within the premises of the Blood Center is requiring material recommended as well as drinking larger volume of physical effort during 8 liquid than usual during the next 24 hours after hours 11 3. blood donation If you feel sick, immediately report to any medical officer of the Center and do not leave the Blood Center without permission of medical personnel You should not lift heavy loads and take actions associated with physical effort with your arm, from which blood was taken, during 12 hours 12 Front face Appendix 3 to the Regulations of medical examination of a donor prior to donation of blood and its components Form Donor Certificate Reverse side Republic of Kazakhstan Ministry of Healthcare and Social Development Donor Certificate________________ __ (issuing authority) Name ________________________ __ First name ________________________ __ Patronymic ________________________ __ Identity card No. ______________ Date of issue _______________ Blood group Rhesus factor Manager _______________ (signature) Donation Donation type Authorized Note date Blood Plasma signature 13 Appendix 4 to the Regulations of medical examination of a donor prior to donation of blood and its components Item Test items No. 1. Hemoglobin Laboratory normal ranges Ranges Men - not less than 120 gram/liter (hereinafter the “g/l”), Women - not less than 110 g/l Men – 0.40-0.48 Women – 0.36-0.42 Men - (4.0-5.5)х1012/liter Women -(3.7-4.7)х1012/liter 2. Hematocrit 3. Red blood cells count 4. ESR 5. Platelets count 6. While blood cells count ** 7. Reticulocytes 8. Total protein of blood serum Protein Albumen 53.9-62.1 % fractions of Globulins 46.1-37.9 %: blood serum: a1 – globulins -2.7-5.1 % a2 – globulins – 7.4-10.2 % b – globulins – 11.7-15.3 % g – globulins – 15.6-21.4 % Bleeding time 2-5 minutes Blood clotting 5-10 minutes time 9. 10 11 Study methods* Colorimetric methods, automatic analyzers Centrifugal methods Count in automatic analyzer or Goryaev chamber Men not more than 10 Panchenkov millimeter per hour (hereinafter micromethod, “mm/h”) automatic analyzers Women not more than 15 mm/h Not less than 160х109/liter Count in Goryaev chamber, count in stained smear of blood, count in automatic analyzer 9 (4 - 9) х 10 /liter Count in automatic counter or Goryaev chamber 2-10 % Count in stained smear, automatic hematologic analyzers Not less than 65 g/l Biuret method Electrophoretic method Duke method Lee-White method 14 Appendix 5 to the Regulations of medical examination of a donor prior to donation of blood and its components Criteria for permanent rejection to donate blood and its components Item No. Description 1. Infectious diseases: hepatitis B and C, HIV infection, syphilis, tuberculosis (all forms), tularemia, epidemic typhus, leprosy, positive result of the test for hepatitis B and C viral markers, HIV syphilis 2. Use of injectable narcotics 3. Parasitic diseases: echinococcosis, toxoplasmaosis, trypanosomiasis, filariasis, Duinea-worm disease, leishmaniasis 4. Subacute blood-induced spongiform encephalopathies (hereinafter the “SBISE”): kuru, Creutzfeldt-Jacob disease, Gerstmann-Straussler syndrome; persons with SBISE in the family anamnesis; amyotrophic leukospongiosis 5. Presence of information on treatment with human hypophysis drugs, growth hormones in the medical history 6. Cardiovascular diseases: hypertensive disease of the II-III grade; coronary heart disease; atherosclerosis; aterosclerotic cardiosclerosis; obliterating endarteritis; Takayasu's arteritis; recurrent trombophlebitis; endocarditises; myocarditises; heart disease (congenital and acquired) 7. Respiratory diseases with signs of respiratory compromise at the decompensation stage 8. Chronic liver diseases – hepatitides including such of toxic and unknown etiology, liver cirrhosis 9. Renal and urinoexcretory tracts diseases at the decompensation stage 10. Endocrine system diseases in the presence of irreversible damage of functions and metabolism, diabetes mellitus (insulin-dependent form) 11. Organic diseases of the central nervous system 12. Diffuse diseases of connective tissue 13. Radiation disease 14. Visual organs diseases: complete blindness 15. Skin diseases: generalized psoriasis, vitiligo, deep mycosises 16. Otolaryngological organs diseases: ozena, chronic severe pyoinflammatory diseases 17. Malignant neoplasmas and blood diseases 18. Past surgeries with limb amputation; with amputation of parenchymal and/or hollow organs or a part of organ (liver, kidney, lung, stomach) 19. Acute and chronic osteomyelitis 20. Organ transplantation 15 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. Total absence of the sense of hearing and speech Confirmed information about anaphylaxis in the medical history Autoimmune disease with the involvement of more than one organ Established genetic diseases Inherited and congenital pathologies including such of hemopoietic and immune systems Mental insanities and behavioral disorders Oncological diseases including such in remission Use of cytostatic and teratogenic drugs during pregnancy Drug addiction, toxicomania, alcoholism in the medical history Transfusion of blood and its components, operative interventions (including abortions) in the past 12 months Acupuncture treatment, making piercing and tattoos within 12 months before childbirth Permanent rejection to donate blood Stillbirth Child abandonment by mother Anemia of pregnancy in the late pregnancy Threatened miscarriage during the whole pregnancy period Gestation period less than 38 weeks and more than 40 weeks of pregnancy The second stage of uterine cake maturity Presence of nonspecific infectious disease during the recent pregnancy period in the medical history of the mother The mother’s age above 40 years The third birth and more Multiple pregnancy Over 4 hours duration of period without amniotic fluid Cesarean section Proven facts of risky behavior: provision of sexual services, promiscuity Note: Criteria of permanent rejection to donate blood envisaged in paragraphs 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, and 23, shall not apply to autologous donors and donors of hematopoietic stem cells of peripheral blood. A documented decision on admittance of such donors to donation shall be made by the consulting physician of the recipient (autodonor); Criteria of permanent rejection to donate blood envisaged in paragraphs 1, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, and 34, shall apply to donors of hematopoietic stem cells of placental blood; Criteria of permanent rejection to donate blood envisaged in paragraphs 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, and 44, associated with peculiarities of the course of 16 gestation and labor are intended to improve the work of obstetric-gynecologic personnel administering the medical assistance to a maternity patient and newborn child and in case of need of the donation of hematopoietic stem cells of placental blood shall not be taken into account. 17 Appendix 6 to the Regulations of medical examination of a donor prior to donation of blood and its components Criteria of temporary rejection to donate blood and its components Item No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Description Temporary rejection period 1. Transmissible infections contamination factors: Transfusion of blood and its components (exception – ambustial convalescents and persons immunized against Rh factor) Operative interventions including abortions, appendectomy, cholecystectomy, genital system organs and ambulatory surgery Contact of allogenic blood with mucosa or stab with an injection needle Administration of allogenic stem cells Transplantation of cornea, pachymeninx Acupuncture, tattoo, and piercing Household contact with patients suffering from hepatitides B, C (to be established according to the donor’s statement) Household contact with patients suffering from infectious jaundice (to be established according to the donor’s statement) Stay over 4 months in the countries with tropical and subtropical climate that are endemic with respect to blood induced diseases (Asia, Africa, South and Central America) 10. Tooth extraction 11. Unproved facts of risky behavior: provision of sexual services, promiscuity 12 months 4 months 4 months 4 months 4 months 4 months 6 months 35 days after 4 months admission to donation subject to the availability of negative preliminary test for malaria Subject to absence of complications 10 days subject to absence of complications (due to risk of incidental bacteremia) 4 months 18 12 13 14 Period of temporary disqualification of donor in case of unproved primary positive results of tests for VHB, VHC, syphilis, HIV markers Period of temporary rejection of the donor in case of determination of the increased activity of ALT Period of temporary rejection of donor in case of deviation of the results of clinical laboratory tests 6 months with subsequent followup examination 1 month with subsequent followup examination 1 month with subsequent followup examination 2. Past diseases and vaccinations 15. Malaria 16. Brucellosis (proved by laboratory test methods) 17. Typhoid fever 18. Quinsy 19. Influenza, acute respiratory viral infection 20. Infectious diseases falling outside of the scope of permanent rejection criteria Acute and chronic inflammatory diseases in the exacerbation phase irrespective of localization 21. 22. Acute glomerulonephritis 23. Allergic diseases in the exacerbation phase 4 months after complete clinical and laboratorial recovery 2 years after complete clinical and laboratorial recovery 1 year after complete clinical and laboratorial recovery subject to absence of apparent functional disorders 1 month after recovery 2 weeks after recovery subject to satisfactory state of health 6 months after recovery 1 month after recovery or reversal of acute period 5 years after complete proven recovery 2 months after reversal of acute period 19 24. Vegetovascular dystonia 25. Q-fever 26. Pregnancy, childbirth, and lactation 27. Immunization with killed vaccines (hepatitis B, pertussis, paratyphoids, influenza, anatoxins, tetanus, diphtheria and others). Immunization with live vaccines (brucellosis, plague, tularemia, tuberculosis, measles, rubella, epidemic parotiditis, live attenuated typhoid vaccine, live attenuated cholera vaccine, poliomyelitis and others). Immunization against hydrophobia, tick-borne encephalitis 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 1 month after treatment 2 years с after complete clinical recovery 1 year after childbirth 2 weeks 4 weeks 1 year after contact with the source of infection 2 weeks Mantoux test (in the absence of apparent inflammatory events on the spot of injection) 3. Rejection by the physician due to general state of health and other factors Alcohol ingestion 48 hours Antibiotic intake 2 weeks after termination of medication Analgesic, salicylates intake 3 days after termination of medication Pulse rate below 50 and above 100 beats per minute, 48 hours arrhythmia Systolic pressure above 180 millimeters of mercury 48 hours (hereinafter the “mm Hg”) or below 100 mm Hg Diastolic pressure above 100 mm Hg or below 60 mm 48 hours Hg Body temperature above 38°С 2 weeks Night work before donation of blood 24 hours 4. Disqualification from donation in epidemiological situations Epidemiological situations (for example, outbreak of Disqualification occurrence) pursuant to epidemiological situation to be determined by the 20 competent authority in the area of healthcare Note: Subject to the existence of other donor’s diseases and symptoms, which are not included in this list, the issue about the donation shall be considered by the physician conducting the medical examination, when necessary after the consultation with the respective specialized doctor. 21 Appendix 7 to the Regulations of medical examination of a donor prior to donation of blood and its components Information to be provided to the donor Before donation of blood and its components, the donor shall be informed with regard to the following issues: 1. About the procedure of donation of blood and its components, and the necessity to use blood components for treatment of patients. 2. About the purposes of laboratory tests of donors, the importance of acquirement of reliable medical history data, and the significance of the voluntary informed consent of the donor for donation of blood and its components. 3. About eventual temporary adverse reactions associated with the donation of blood and its components. 4. About the right of the donor to refuse donation of blood and its components before the procedure or at any time in the course of the procedure, which will not entail any negative consequences for the donor. 5. About the guarantee of the confidentiality of the donor’s personal data and his or her right to receive information on the results of tests. 6. About the fact that the detection of HIV antibodies and markers of viral hepatitides B and C and other blood induced infections will result in permanent rejection from donation, destruction of banked blood and its components and compulsory transfer of that information to the respective healthcare organizations. 7. About the need to limit physical activity and psychoemotional stress associated with dangerous types of activity during 24 hours after the donation of blood and its components. 8. About the infections transmitted with blood and its components. 9. About clinical features and routes of HIV infection. 22 Appendix 8 to the Regulations of medical examination of a donor prior to donation of blood and its components Minimum intervals between different types of donation of blood and its components Plateletpheresis One-fold red blood cells exchange Two-foldred blood cells exchange 1. Donation of whole blood 60 days 30 days 30 days 30 days 60 days 90 days 2. One-fold plasmapheresis 7 days 7 days 7 days 7 days 7 days 7 days 3. Two-fold plasmapheresis or hardware plasmapheresis 14 days 14 days 14 days 14 days 14 days 14 days 4. Plateletpheresis 14 days 14 days 14 days 14 days 14 days 14 days 5. One-fold red blood cells 60 days 30 days exchange 30 days 30 days 60 days 90 days 6. 120 days for men 180 60 days days for women 60 days 120 days 120 days for men for men 180 days 180 days for for women women Item No. Initial procedure Two-fold red blood cells exchange One-fold plasmapheresis Two-fold plasmapheresis or hardware plasmapheresis Donation of whole blood Subsequent procedure 60 days 23 Note: In case of donations of plasma (including immune plasma) banking of plasma in the volume not more than 20 liters per year taking into account anticoagulant shall be made. After each 20 serial donations of plasma or platelets, the donor shall be given rest for one month. In case of donations of red blood cells by the method of apheresis, banking of red blood cells during the year shall be made in the volume identical to the loss of red blood cells in case of donation of whole blood for the similar period. The interval between procedures may be shortened in exceptional circumstances (in the absence of a donor with required blood group) at the discretion of physician conducting the medical examination of the donor. A plasmapheresis procedure with failed rinseback of red blood cells to the donor shall be equated, with respect to intervals between different types of donations of blood and its components, to the donation of whole blood. Low doses blood banking shall be made not more than 3 times a week in the volume of 10-30 milliliters of whole blood. Maximum frequency of blood donation: For male donors: 6 doses in the volume of 450 milliliters (hereinafter the “ml”) ± 10% per year; For female donors: 4 doses in the volume of 450 milliliter (hereinafter the “ml”) ± 10% per year. The frequency and number of donations of peripheral blood HSC shall be determined in accordance with the initial level of CD34+ in peripheral blood in the amount of 20 cells in microliter and higher level of CD34+ cells in the finished product not less than 2х106 per one kilogram of the recipient’s body weight.