ABSORPTIVE CAPACITY IN STRATEGIC ALLIANCES: INVESIGATING THE EFFECTS OF INDIVIDUALS’ SOCIAL AND HUMAN CAPITAL ON INTER-FIRM LEARNING Shawn M. Lofstrom (301) 405-3522 Management and Organization Department Robert H. Smith School of Business 3340 Van Munching Hall College Park, MD 20742 slofstrom@rhsmith.umd.edu Presented at the Organization Science Winter Conference, 2000 in Keystone, Colorado Introduction The last two decades of the 21st Century have witnessed a significant increase in the frequency and depth of inter-firm collaboration (Bleeke and Ernst, 1991; Contractor and Lorange, 1988; Fortune, 1992; Hagedoorn, 1995: Hladik, 1985). Increased globalization of markets and rapid technological change have made it increasingly difficult for firms to develop internally the skills necessary to compete in many product markets. The received wisdom suggests that alliances — defined as collaborative arrangements between two firms which involve the exchange and sharing of multiple resources for the co-development of technologies or products — are absolutely essential to a company’s strategy and competitive future (e.g. Ohmae 1989, Gulati, 1996; Houghton in Fortune, 1992). Consequently, the study of strategic alliances is a major area of interest that bears significance for contemporary organizations. A prominent view of strategic alliances suggests that inter-firm collaboration is a mechanism by which a firm can leverage its skills, acquire new competencies, and learn (e.g. Kogut, 1989; Hamel, Doz, and Prahalad, 1989; Huber, 1991; Larsson, Bengtsson, Henriksson, and Sparks, 1998; Lyles, 1988; Powell and Brantley, 1992). For the partnering firms, alliances represent interfaces with its environment that provide access to valuable external information and knowledge (Arora and Gambardella, 1990; Powell, Koput and Smith-Doerr, 1996; Teece, 1992). As such, these arrangements can provide opportunities for firms to assimilate information, internalize skills, and develop new capabilities. Moreover, research has suggested that social networks, competencies, and the relative configuration of skills and organizational practices of the partnering firms can influence the level of learning through alliances (e.g. Hamel, 1991; Lane and Lubatkin, 1998; Mowery, Oxley and Silverman, 1996; Shan, Walker and Kogut, 1994). However, although studies have recognized the importance of individuals for alliances and learning more generally, few studies have incorporated the role of individuals into explanations for firm learning in alliances. Research has found that the bonds between key individuals are central mechanisms that initiate alliance formation (e.g. Larson, 1992) and sustain inter-firm relationships (Seabright, Levinthal and Fichman 1992). Individuals also embody the knowledge-based resources that evoke problem solving and learning and contribute the most to a firm’s ability to utilize information (Allen, 1977; Simon, 1985). Moreover, the primary basis of the firm’s ability to capitalize on external information rests on the ability of individuals to access, assimilate and utilize information (Cohen and Levinthal, 1990; 131). 1 Despite these insights, researchers of strategic alliances have placed much greater emphasis on environmental conditions, and organizational level resources, practices and tendencies than individuals’ social or human capital as explanations for learning in alliances. This paper integrates the theory of absorptive capacity (Cohen and Levinthal, 1989; 1990; 1994) and network theory (Burt, 1992; Granovetter, 1973; 1985) to examine the context embedded within the alliance in order to augment our understanding of what leads to learning in alliances. The combination of these two perspectives accentuates issues of information access and assimilation. Network theory highlights the importance individuals’ social capital that resides in the relationships that connect key individuals to others as primary resources that effect access to information. The theory of absorptive capacity specifies the nature of human capital or knowledge-based resources that allows individuals, and firms through their key employees, to capitalize on external information and learn through alliances1. Consequently, the framework suggests that firm’s differ in their ability to value, assimilate and utilize external information and their ability to access information. Moreover, these differences influence firm learning in alliances. This paper opens the ‘black box’ of alliances and systematically investigates the relationships between variations in individuals’ networks and knowledge and the firm’s ability to learn in alliances. I propose that the networks represented by the ties between key individuals and their information/advice contacts provide access to information. Moreover, differences in the strength of these relationships are also critical sources of variation that affect access to information and the potential for learning. In addition, individuals’ knowledge influences the extent to which individuals assimilate and utilize external information (Cohen and Levinthal 1990; 1994). I suggest that differences in the knowledge-based resources held by individuals influences learning to the extent that it tempers individuals’ ability to assimilate and utilize new information. My central proposition is that, in addition to environmental, industry and organizational factors, the networks and knowledge of individuals have distinct and important roles for learning through alliances. 1 Although learning has been conceptualized at many levels, my investigation focuses on firm learning as represented by the extent to which key individuals involved in the alliances learn. I assume that the extent to which the key individuals involved in the alliance learn not only influences the ceiling of firm-wide learning as a result of the alliance, but also represents critical new knowledge which these individuals can apply in other contexts, even if the organization as a whole is not aware of the knowledge gained. Thus, what individuals learn can benefit the firm and result in appearance that the firm learned without the lesson being widely shared, understood or internalized. 2 Theory and Hypotheses Social Capital: Individuals’ Networks Bourdieu first defined social capital as “the aggregate of … resources which are linked to the possession of a durable network of institutionalized relationships” (1985; 248). Consistent with this definition, researchers have suggested that social capital is derived from both structural (Burt, 1992; 1997; 1998; Nahapiet and Ghoshal, 1998) and relational dimensions of individuals’ networks (Coleman 1988; Granovetter, 1973; 1985; Nahapiet and Ghoshal, 1998). Individuals’ networks, however, vary along these dimensions and these differences influence the value or level of social capital in their networks. Thus, I suggest that differences in network structure and relational strength influence the extent to which individuals are able to access and discover new information, and ultimately learn in ways that can benefit their firm. Specifically, network theory indicates that networks rich in non-redundant ties provide greater information access benefits (Burt, 1992). Further, networks rich in strong trusting ties (Granovetter, 1985; Krackhardt, 1992) also facilitate access to valuable external information and influence the likelihood that learning occurs within alliances. Network Structure: Non-redundant Ties Networks that are rich in non-redundant ties can be defined as networks that link a focal actor to contacts that are not otherwise connected (Burt, 1992) and provide access to “valuable pieces of information” (1992: 13). While the value of social capital includes information and control benefits (Burt, 1992) in this paper I focus on information benefits, and variations in network configurations believed to influence information access. It follows that the networks of key individuals’ that represent different configurations and provide differential access to information. Moreover, given that new information is needed for learning (Anderson, 1993), the access benefits derived from these networks are a key source of variation that influences the extent to learning occurs in alliances. Burt (1992) suggests that networks characterized by greater non-redundancy in ties provide access to a greater range of new, unique and different information than networks that lack non-redundant ties. This access, however, rests on the premise that non-redundant ties tap into fundamentally different domains or pools of information (Burt, 1992). Non-redundant networks are more suited to accessing a greater range of information because the disconnection between contacts implies that individuals are connected to unique, novel and non-overlapping 3 sources of information. In contrast, networks with redundant ties link the individual to contacts that “run in the same social circle”, belong to a common pool or domain of information and circulate the same information. As a result, the networks characterized by redundant ties are likely to provide similar or overlapping information while non-redundant network ties provide new or novel information. Since learning requires access to new information (Simon, 1991; Anderson, 1993), the networks through which each individual gains access to information influence the chances that the individual, and consequently the organization will learn. Redundant network structures, because they limit access to new information, limit the level of learning that can occur. In contrast, non-redundant network structures in the individual’s networks tend to involve access to and exchange of a greater diversity of ideas and information that can facilitate learning. H1 Network non-redundancy is positively related to learning. Network Relational Dimensions: Trust Granovetter (1985) suggested that a primary value of social networks stems from the strength of network ties. Strong ties can be defined in terms of the “combination of the amount of time, emotional intensity, mutual confiding, and reciprocal services” (Granovetter 1973; 1361) in a relationship between two actors. Moreover, as interaction develops between actors, “…economic relationships … become overlaid with social content that carries strong expectations of trust and abstention from opportunism,” (Granovetter, 1985: 113). Although virtually every exchange has some degree of trust (Arrow, 1962), trust defined as the expectation that individuals will fulfill obligations in predictable, fair and reliable ways (Anderson and Weitz, 1989; Cummings and Bromiley, 1996), has important effects on alliances, and in particular information access. The benefits of trust have been variously characterized as lowering transaction costs (Dyer, 1996), reducing the need for formal contracts (Larsen, 1992), making it easier to adapt to changing circumstances (Doz and Hamel, 1998) and facilitating conflict resolution (Ring and Van de Ven, 1994). Most important for this discussion is the belief that trust provides access to information. Trust between individuals reduces or eliminates the risk that individuals withhold information and increases the willingness of individuals to take risk, thereby allowing open exchanges of information (Nahapiet, 1996; Ring and Van de Ven, 1992; Starbuck, 1992; Zaheer, McEvily and Perrone, 1998). Specifically, research suggests that trust stimulates collaboration, promotes cooperation and facilitates access to tacit (Axelrod, 4 1984; Doz and Hamel, 1998; Krackhardt, 1992; Nelson and Winter, 1982; Uzzi, 1996). The implication of trust is that individuals are more likely to exchange deeper information and experiment with new combinations (Nahapiet and Ghoshal, 1998). Such information is often embedded in firm specific routines or specialized knowledge that is difficult to articulate knowledge but can be critical for learning (Cohen and Levinthal, 1990; Polyani, 1967; VanLehn, 1990). In other words, trust encourages deeper access to information and because these exchanges facilitate learning, trust increases the level of learning. In summary, trust brings individuals together and increases the chances that individuals access, exchange and share information. A lack of trust in advice or information contacts reduces the likelihood that individuals will access and exchange information that is often critical for learning to take place. In contrast, higher levels of trust in these contacts increases individuals’ access to information and increases the chances that individuals will learn. H2 Strong ties (trust in one’s contacts) is positively related to firm learning. Social Capital: Individuals’ Knowledge Learning, however, requires more than access to information. Building on research of problem solving and cognition at the individual level (e.g. Bower and Hilgard, 1981), Cohen and Levinthal (1989, 1990, 1994) have suggested that firms differ in their ability to value, assimilate and utilize external information. Specifically, this ability or absorptive capacity depends on the cumulative experience within the firm and the extent to which this knowledge is related to external information. This theory of absorptive capacity highlights two important criteria of knowledge – it’s cumulative nature points to issues of expertise or competence and the relevance of internal knowledge suggests that a firm’s knowledge must be complementary to the external information accessed. Previous research in other contexts (e.g. Allen, 1977) suggest that a large portion of a firm’s knowledge or human capital is accumulated through experience, originates and is applied in the minds of individuals and becomes embedded in the capabilities and practices individuals use to accomplish tasks. Each individual’s knowledge constitutes what the individual knows as a result of his or her specific experiences that are likely to vary. Further, the knowledge of individuals influences their ability to utilize external information (Anderson, 1993; Newell and Simon, 1972; Weick, 1979). The implication is that differences in the human capital allocated and embodied in individuals are sources of variability that influence learning in the alliance. 5 Knowledge Complementarity Studies have found that the ability to learn from others depends upon the similarity of the knowledge bases involved (Boisot, 1995; Campbell, 1969). Related knowledge facilitates the internalization of new information because the basis of relatedness provides common rules for communication and facilitates the exchange of ideas and information (Boland and Tenkasi, 1995; Dearborn and Simon, 1958; Cohen and Levinthal, 1990; Lane and Lubatkin, 1998). Related knowledge ensures that individual are able to recognize and assess the value of new information and eases the process of assimilating new information or learning. However, at the same time, diversity of knowledge is critical element that allows knowledge to advance and learning to occur (Nonaka and Takeuchi, 1995). Diverse knowledge ensures that new information, different opinions, and new insight is available. Further, when different areas of expertise interact the chances for making new combinations and learning increase (Cohen and Levinthal, 1990). The ideal structure of knowledge in an individual’s network “should reflect only partially overlapping knowledge complemented by non-overlapping diverse knowledge (Cohen and Levinthal, 1990: 134). The presence of only related knowledge ensures that individuals will communicate, but limits the opportunities for learning. In contrast, knowledge diversity by itself makes new and different ideas available but limits opportunities for learning because communication is stifled. I use the term ‘knowledge complementarity’ to refer to the extent to the knowledge of individuals is related to and at the same time is different from the knowledge of contacts in their information/advice networks. The presence of knowledge complementarity provides for communication, the exchange of diverse information and increases the chances that learning will occur. Consequently, when individuals’ have higher levels of knowledge complementarity with information/advice contacts learning is more likely to occur than when knowledge complementarity is lacking. H3 Knowledge complementarity is positively related to firm learning. Expertise A second predictor of individuals’ ability to utilize new knowledge is their own level of human capital or expertise within a specific domain. Expertise can be defined, generally, as the extent to which an individual understands a particular domain of knowledge. High levels of expertise develop over a long period of intense involvement in or commitment to an area and yields a comprehensive understanding of why and how something works or is done (de Groot, 6 1978; Simon, 1990). This level of understanding produces an inventory of knowledge regarding solutions that ‘work’ for familiar problem types and skills for solving technical problems (Anderson, 1993). Put differently, individuals with high levels of expertise are more likely to understand with great familiarity the laws, logic and rationale underlying the function or process of a specific domain. This familiarity provides individuals with the ability to identify critical configurations or “complexes” that contain several pieces of information, including the relationship between different elements and information about the solution in a complex situation (Bohn, 1994; Camerer and Johnson, 1991: 23; de Groot, 1978). Thus, they develop deep knowledge structures that allow them to more fully comprehend and more quickly make connections between their knowledge and new, external information. ‘Experts’ or individuals with higher levels of competence are more suitably skilled for integrating knowledge and information than individuals with less experience and expertise. High levels of expertise enable individuals to articulate their knowledge and beliefs about the processes driving performance and to think creatively and critically about problems (Nonaka, 1994). As a result, individuals with higher levels of expertise find it easier to assimilate and apply new information to solve problems more quickly and effectively (e.g. Singley and Anderson, 1989). In contrast, individuals with lower levels of expertise lack the understanding that enables effective problem solving and learning. As a result, when the firm assigns individuals with higher levels of expertise to work in the alliance it is more likely that learning will occur then when these individuals have less expertise. H4 Individuals’ expertise is positively related to firm learning. Methodology Sample Selection The sample for this study was drawn from the population of alliances that focus on the development or extension of medical device technologies and were formed between U.S. private and public companies from January 1989 and January 19982. Ward’s Business Directory of U.S. Private and Public Companies and the Medical Device Register (a comprehensive business-tobusiness reference database on medical-related companies) were used to identify a complete list 2 The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) defines a medical device as a tool intended for use in the diagnosis, cure, mitigation, treatment, or prevention of disease to affect the structure or function of the body. Medical devices include in vitro diagnostic products (e.g. catheters, reagents and bio-markers), radiation-emitting products (e.g. 7 of companies in the biotechnology, medical device and pharmaceutical industries3. Industry sources including The Grey Sheet, Windhover’s Pharmaceutical Strategic Alliance database, Recombinant Capital’s database, as well as standard public sources including Lexus-Nexus and company web pages were then searched to identify and triangulate information on the alliances these companies formed during the past ten years. Alliances were included only if they involved the development of medical device technologies focused on human therapeutics and diagnostics. Following the practice of other researchers, alliances focused solely on marketing or distribution and ‘as-is’ license exchanges, and joint ventures which establish a separate legal entity were excluded to hold constant issues related to technology or industry (e.g. Lane and Lubatkin, 1998; Shan, Walker & Kogut, 1994). These search efforts identified 571 alliances formed among 533 companies during the period from January 1989 through January 1998. From this population, 212 alliances were selected such that each alliance involved two unique partners, thus ensuring independence among the firms involved. Research Design and Data Collection The primary data source used to collect the data supporting this study were questionnaires mailed to key individuals involved in these alliances. Key individuals include scientists, physicians, and engineers that are central to the alliance effort. These individuals were identified from the various public sources mentioned above and company directories and contacted by telephone to verify the appropriateness of the alliance, the individual’s role in the alliance, and to obtain their agreement to participate in the study. Confidentiality of responses was emphasized in these conversations, and each company received an explicit nondisclosure statement. The survey used in this study draws upon existing measures and where these were not available, draws upon the literature for the development of new measurement scales. A preliminary version of the survey was pre-tested by thirty individuals who have been involved in medical technology alliances but were not included in the set of alliances selected for this study. ultrasound products, x-ray machines and medical lasers) and implantible devices (e.g. pacemakers, transgenic organs and tissues, and artificial tissues). 3 These industries include the four digit Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) codes of 3841, 3842, 3843, 3844, 3845 2834, 2835, 2836, and 8731, representing the areas of surgical and medical instruments, surgical appliances and supplies, dental equipment and supplies, x-ray apparatus and tubes, and electromedical equipment, pharmaceutical preparations, diagnostic substances, biological products except diagnostics and companies in commercial physical research. 8 Feedback from these individuals and comments from several colleagues versed in the art of survey design were incorporated into the final version of the survey. The final survey was mailed to 262 key individuals that agreed to participate in the study. The individuals receiving the survey included people from both sides of 90 alliance dyads and these individuals were asked to act as key informants on their respective firms and the alliance of interest 4. The number of key individuals surveyed per company ranged from two to four. This approach, of surveying individuals prominently involved in the activity of interest, is consistent with the selection of key informants based on their knowledge by virtue of position (John and Weitz, 1988). To maximize the response rate in this study, I adopted Dilman’s (1978) ‘total design method’ for this study. In addition to the initial telephone contact and discussion of confidentiality, extensive follow-up steps were taken. Specifically, 1) reminder/thank you cards were sent two and four weeks after the initial mailing, 2) additional surveys were sent to nonrespondents, and 3) the remaining non-respondents were contacted by telephone. A total of 215 key individuals returned complete and usable surveys. These responses come from individuals at each partnering firm involved in 82 alliances. The responses and final data set, therefore, are based on the complete and useable surveys from at least one key individual from each partner on 82 alliances. This number is approximately 39% of the original 212 alliances selected and the corresponding 424 firms identified for this study. Based on the number of key individuals who had agreed to participate in the study and received a survey, the response rate equals approximately 82%. The companies involved in these alliances include 82 medical device companies, 51 pharmaceutical firms, and 31 biotechnology firms. On average, these firms were founded since 1974 and have been involved in five alliances. These companies reported 1997 sales in medical devices that range from $100,000 to $14 billion and employed between three and 54,000 employees. As reported by the respondents, all of the alliances involved less than 50 individuals, 75% involve less than 25 individuals and on average, the alliances involve five participants from each firm. Testing for nonresponse bias Although the response rate of 39% is acceptable relative to similar studies, the possibility remains that the sample of alliances and firms represented in the study differ systematically from 4 It was not uncommon for individuals to decline participation in the study. The most frequent reason stated related to issues of confidentiality or time constraint. This study sought to get participants from both sides of the alliances, and individuals from one firm that participated in 128 alliances declined the invitation to be included in this study. 9 those declining to participate. In order to assess this potential bias, I examined potential differences in alliances represented by participating firms versus alliances not represented in the study. Specifically, I compared the represented alliances to the non-represented alliances in terms of the mix of alliance partner companies (Medical Device, Biotechnology and Pharmaceuticals). I also conducted analysis to test for nonresponse bias at the company level, to ensure that the firms participating in the study are not systematically different from other firms that might have participated in this study. These comparisons are based on prior organizational alliance experience, company size5 and sales. The differences between participants and nonparticipants are evaluated using t-tests to compare the mean value on each item. The results of these comparisons revealed no statistically significant differences between the typical pairing of companies (t = - 1.49) for the alliances included in this study versus those which are not represented. The comparisons at the firm level also show no statistical differences in mean allying experience (t = 1.29), mean sales (t = 0.62) or mean size (t = 0.89) when comparing the participating companies relative to 150 randomly selected firms involved in 75 alliances not represented in this study. This analysis suggests that the alliances and the companies involved in them are representative of the population of firms participating in medical technology alliances. Thus, the threat of non-response bias is limited and there is some assurance that the sample of alliances participating in this study are representative of the alliances which declined participation in the study. Operational Measures In this study, I use a multi-measure approach. Whenever possible, measurement instruments available from existing research were used to operationalize the theoretical constructs. In some cases, these instruments were modified to make them more suitable for the present research setting. Where instruments were not available, new measurement instruments were developed based on the literature and reviewed for content validity by a panel of colleagues and included in the pretest of the survey. Table 1 presents for each construct, the details of the measurement instruments, the scales used, and the Cronbach reliabilities, and the results of a factor analysis (discussed later in the section on construct validity). Each of the constructs were at or above the value of 0.70 (Nunnally, 1978). ---------------------------------------------- 5 Size is measured as the number of employees. 10 insert Table 1 about here --------------------------------------Dependent Variables Firm Learning. The dependent variable of this study is firm learning or the extent to which individuals gain knowledge that can benefit the firm. Firm learning in alliances has been measured by the post hoc production of patents or expert assessment (Mowery, Oxley and Silverman, 1996; Lane and Lubatkin, 1998). In this study, learning was assessed through a survey measurement instrument developed to capture the level of learning that occurred which key individuals felt was beneficial to their firm. Two items, shown in Table 1, were developed, modified according to pretest comments, and included in the final survey to key individuals. The Cronbach reliability for these items is .73. Independent Variables Non-Redundant Networks The structure of networks captured by non-redundancy draws on the work of Burt (1992) which highlights the importance of non-overlapping ties for accessing and discovering new information and opportunities. To operationalize network non-redundancy, this study uses a modified version of a measurement instrument developed by Aldrich, Rosen and Woodward (1986) which has also been used in the study of firm level networks (McEvily and Zaheer, 1999). The instrument asks respondents to identify up to nine individuals to whom they go to for advice or information related to the alliance efforts. Respondents were asked to include the a) three most important individuals from their own firm, b) the three most important individuals from the partnering firm, c) the three most important individuals from outside either of the partnering firms that they go to for information or advice related to the alliance6. The inclusion of this third group draws from previous studies that suggest that this third group is not only commonly used, but also important given the technologically intensive basis of the alliances studied. For example, researchers on innovation have noted that it is quite common for engineers and scientists to form networks and exchange technical information as the result of 6 With a limit of three key contacts in each group, there may be a bias toward listing three contacts in each area. In fact, less than 25% of the respondents listed three contacts for each area. Approximately 80% of the time respondents listed three individuals from their own firm, 67% of the time they listed two individuals from the partnering firm. Contacts to individuals outside the partnering firms were fairly common. In approximately 58% of the time they listed one contact, and 45% of the time they listed two contacts from outside the partnering firms. 11 conferences, publications, and prior training or employment (Almeida and Kogut, 1999; Freeman, 1991; Liebeskind, 1996: Frost, 1995). Moreover, checking with external specialists is particularly important and individuals commonly consult experts or contacts in specific scientific communities to evaluate the limits and validity of developments (Zolo, 1989). To measure whether these contacts are connected, the instrument then asks respondents to report whether each of these contacts know one another. In network theory terms, this instrument produces ego-centered network data. Using the matrix of information reported by respondents about whether the individuals they go to for information or advice concerning the alliance know each other, a non-redundancy score is computed for each alter7. This score reflects the extent to which each alter identified in the ego-network provides ego with new or unique information that is not available from others in the network. Specifically, for each alter listed in the ego network, Non-redundancy where, Alter’s Actual Ties = 1- ((Alter’s Actual Ties) / (Number of Advisors –1)) = Number of advisors = the total number of ties each Alter has to other alters listed (0 to 8) total number of advisors listed (0 to 9) This computation defines non-redundancy as the extent to which each alter is not connected to the other information/advice contacts in ego’s network. The mean of the scores for each alter produces a score which reflects, on average, the extent to which ego will have access to non-redundant or novel information. This aggregated score, because it is a function of the pairwise ties between actors or contacts in the ego network, it is similar to a network density measure (Wasserman and Faust, 1994). The values for this variable range from 0 to 1 with lower numbers indicating greater redundancy and higher numbers indicating higher levels of novelty or non-redundancy. In the case where the alters all know one another, the score equals 0 (there is complete redundancy). In contrast, if none of the respondent’s contacts know one another, the non-redundancy score is 1, reflecting a network of ties that is entirely non-overlapping. The Cronbach reliability of the non-redundancy measurement instrument is not reported since this construct is represented with a single variable. Trust Trust is defined as the expectation that specific individuals (i) make good faith efforts to behave in accordance with commitments, both explicit and implicit, (ii) are honest in whatever 12 negotiations proceeded such commitments, and (iii) do not take excessive advantage of another even when the opportunity is available (MacAllister, 1995; Cummings and Bromiley, 1996). These dimensions of trust (reliability, predictability and fairness) are consistent with those used in other inter-organizational studies (e.g. Zaheer, McEvily and Perrone, 1998). To operationalize this construct, five measurement items are adapted from Cumming’s and Bromiley’s (1996) scale on trust. The mean score of these items are used to reflect the level of trust. The Cronbach reliability for these items is .90. Knowledge Complementarity In this study I use the term ‘knowledge complementarity’ to refer to the extent to which the knowledge in each individual’s network is both related and diverse across the network of contacts. To operationalize this construct, five new measurement items to were developed to capture the level of complementary knowledge. These items were reviewed by colleagues and examined for content validity, and included in the pretest of the survey. Comments from these two groups suggested minor changes to the wording of these items. These resulting items ask the respondent to assess whether they perceive each individual listed in their ego network to have backgrounds and training in functional and technical areas that are similar or different to their own. In order to capture the simultaneous presence and level of similarity and diversity of knowledge across each individual’s contact network, the composite variable used for this study is the product of the mean (to capture the level of similarity) and the deviation (to capture the diversity as represented by the variability or distribution of similarity-difference) across each individual’s network8. This computation of knowledge complementarity has the effect of assigning lower scores where knowledge relatedness is on average quite similar and little diverse or range across these scores. Thus, low scores are given when the knowledge of all contacts is very related or similar and there is little deviation across the level of similarity in knowledge. The highest scores are given to cases where there is less knowledge relatedness on average but higher diversity or range in the knowledge relatedness across the network contacts. The Cronbach reliability for these items is .85. 7 Since larger networks may correspond to greater opportunity for non-redundancy, the measure of non-redundancy is normalized by the size of the network (number of contacts listed). 8 Several alternative measures were examined including a score based simply on averages, 13 Expertise Expertise can be defined as the perception that an actor possesses a certain degree of specialized knowledge or technical proficiency with respect to a specific discipline or applied field (Barber, 1983). For this study, I adapted five items from Barber’s (1983) scale on competence to reflect the level of expertise of individuals from the focal firm. The mean score produces the variable used in this study. The Cronbach reliability for these items is .87. Control variables Included in this study and shown in Table 2 are seven control variables that previous research suggests influence learning or alliance processes. ---------------------------------------------- insert Table 2 about here --------------------------------------Researchers (Lane and Lubatkin, 1998) have suggested that firm learning is negatively influenced by asymmetries in partner organizational structures or positively influenced by similarities in the partners’ “dominant logics” (Prahalad and Bettis, 1986). As a proxy to capture differences in organizational structure, I include a measure of firm size (measured as the number of employees) relative to the size of its partner firm. This measure is computed as the ratio of the focal firm’s number of employees to the partner firm’s number of employees. In the analysis, I use a standardized measure for relative firm size since this item does not produce a normal distribution. To control for differences in logics, I include a dichotomous measure of industry similarity to reflect whether the firm and its partner are from the same (value = 1) or different (value = 0) industry, based on four digit SIC code groupings. A third control variable related to learning is a measure to capture how important the alliance is to the focal firm. Similar to the notion that innovation search and adaptation is often triggered in response to failure of the firm to reach its aspiration level (e.g Cohen and Levinthal, 1989; Lant, 1990), this control variable is intended to capture and control for increased learning because the alliance is vital to the organization. Previous research on alliance success also suggests that environmental factors, prior allying experience, the age of the alliance, and expectations that the alliance will continue (i.e. the shadow of the future) are also related to alliance outcomes (e.g. Axelrod, 1984; Harrigan, 1986; Gulati, 1995; Heide and Miner, 1992; Parkhe, 1993). To control for these effects, I and one based on the standard deviation of scores within each network. The computation used proved to be the 14 include a single item to capture each of these areas. For the analysis, I use a standardized score for alliance age, prior allying experience, the shadow of the future since this data is not normally distributed. Construct Validity In order to assess the discriminant properties of the measures across the constructs used in this research and convergent validity of the multiple items used for each construct, I conducted a confirmatory factor analysis of the items used to indicate the dependent and independent variables. This analysis used the principal component method of extraction, varimax rotation with Kaiser normalization, and an unconstrained factor solution. Table 1 presents the item commonalties, the Eigenvalue, percent and cumulative variance explained from this factor analysis. These results provide support for a multiple-factor solution with each of the indicators loading strongly on those factors predicted by measurement theory. This research also relies on ego-centered network data as described above. The validity of the network based constructs relies on the respondent’s ability to assess accurately the ties between pairs of alters (Krackhardt, 1996). In order to validate the non-redundancy construct used in this study, I conducted two tests on two randomly selected sets of ego-networks. In the first test to validate these measures, 15 surveys from different alliances were randomly selected of which five respondents gave permission to speak with their listed alters. Calls to the 25 alters listed by these respondents confirmed with 100% accuracy the ties among alters as reported by the five respondents. A second step to verify a wider portion of the data involved randomly selecting 25 alliances and comparing all of the returned surveys related to each alliance for consistency of reports about connections between alters when respondents had common alters listed. When there were alters common to more than one respondent (the overlap averaged 76% across the alliances), the consistency of reports of a tie or no tie averaged between 92% and 97%. Based on these analyses, it is reasonable to conclude that the measure of non-redundancy is acceptable. Results of Hypotheses Tests Multiple regression analysis was used to test the hypotheses developed above. The analysis included estimating the models based on three different sets of firms. In other studies there is mixed guidance as to whether the factors contributing to learning have similar effects for most robust and is consistent with the theoretical argument presented. 15 both partner firms. Hamel (1991) and Mowery (1988) have suggested that firm level differences will lead to different rates of learning. In contrast, Lane and Lubatkin (1998) make the assumption that learning in alliances is symmetrical: “the factors effecting one-way learning also effect two-way learning”(1998; 464). The analysis presented here includes the results for 1) the full set of 162 firms, 2) the larger firm in each alliance (based on number of employees), and 3) the smaller firm in each alliance (based on number of employees).9 Table 3, 4 and 5 present the descriptive statistics and zero-order correlations among the constructs for the results based on the full set of firms, the larger firms, and the smaller firms, respectively. Table 6 presents the results of the regression analysis, with results based on the full set of firms in the first column, results for the larger firms in the second column, and results for the smaller firms in the third column. Based on the adjusted R2 for each sample (full set R2 = .45, larger partners R2 = .58, smaller partner R2 = .29), the variables in the model account for a considerable portion of the variance in the level of learning that can be used to benefit the firm, although the model is less robust for smaller partners. Further, across the three samples, there is statistically significant support for the model, with the exception of the one hypothesized relationships when examining the smaller partners. However, contrary to other studies on learning in alliances and alliance success, only the control variable the is significant is alliance importance, and then this only matters for the full sample and larger partners. ------------------------------------------------------ insert Table 3,4,5 and 6 about here ---------------------------------------------In terms of individuals’ social capital, both structural and relational network dimensions are important predictors of learning. Hypothesis 1 is supported for the combined set of firms ( = .200, t = 3.154, p = .002), larger partners ( = .180, t = 2.290, p = .025), and smaller partners ( = .211, t = 2.014, p = .048). These results suggest that the networks rich in non-redundant ties positively influence learning in alliances but this effect is less significant for smaller partners. Trust in the contact ties also positively influences the level of learning. Hypothesis 2 is supported and the effect of trust on learning is nearly equally significant for all partners 9 With the exception of relative size and importance of the alliance, this breakout does not distinguish the firms on any factor examined in the study. Smaller partners are relatively smaller, and they also view the alliance as more critical. The size of smaller partners ranges from 4 to 3,700 with a mean of 260 employees. 75% of these firms have less than 210 employees and 50% have less than 70. In contrast, the larger partners range in size from 10 to 57,000 with a mean of 5523 employees. 75% of these firms, however, have less than 4,625 employees and 50% have less than 200. 16 (combined set of firms - = .336, t = 4.965, p = .000; larger partners - = .310, t = 3.198, p = .002; smaller partners - = .322, t = 3.126, p = .003). This study also finds partial support for the hypotheses that argued that human capital contributes to learning in alliances. Knowledge complementarity is positively and significantly related to firm learning for the combined set of firms ( = .141, t = 2.266, p = .025) and larger partners ( = .238, t = 2.902, p = .005). However, for smaller partners knowledge complementarity plays an insignificant role in determining learning ( = .090, t = .897, p = .373). Hypothesis 4 proposed that the competence of key individuals is an important predictor of learning. This hypothesis is supported, although it is less statistically significant for smaller firms (combined set of firms - = .321, t = 4.567, p = .000; larger partners - = .467, t = 4.731, p = .005; smaller partners = .243, t = 2.172, p = .033). The results stemming from the control variables provide partial support for the aspiration rationale that when firms place greater importance on the alliance they are more likely to learn. The importance of the alliance is positively related to learning for the combined set of firms ( = .181, t = 2.730, p = .007) larger partners ( = .228, t = 2.749, p = .000) and but not for the smaller partner ( = .176, t = 1.662, p = .101). In this study, each of the remaining control variables has an insignificant relationship with learning. Extending the Analysis Overall, these results provide support for the framework that brings both individuals' social capital and human capital into the analysis that predicts firm learning in alliances. For reasons noted earlier, the contacts that individuals go to for information or advice can include other individuals at their own firm, at the partnering firm, and individuals outside either partner firm. However, the analysis to this point does not reveal whether there are any specific patterns across these specific groups within individuals’ information/advice networks that are particularly important for learning. The question remains: What is the value of having network nonredundancy and knowledge complementarity distributed equally among the contacts of key individuals? Conversely, should the connections and level of knowledge complementarity to different groups of information/advice contacts vary in order to contribute to learning in alliances. More generally, is there any value to using outside contacts? 17 To explore these questions, additional analyses were conducted. Based on the surveys returned, the key individuals of 96 firms (47 of the larger partners and 49 of the smaller partners) utilize external consultants as part of their information/advice networks. To address the question of value attributed to outside contacts, an analysis of variance was conducted to compare firms that use outside contacts with those that do not. The results, shown in Table 7, suggest that higher levels of learning are associated with the inclusion of outside contacts in individuals’ information/advice networks. In addition, when outside consultants are used, individuals’ networks to contacts at their own firm and the partner firm have higher levels of nonredundancy. The key individuals at these firms also report higher levels of expertise for their contacts at their own firm, view uncertainty to be higher and report that their firm has less prior organizational alliance experience. ---------------------------------------------- Insert Table 7 about here --------------------------------------The results of the regression analysis to further explore the pattern of network nonredundancy and knowledge complementarity across groups of contacts is shown in Table 8. As in the earlier analysis, column 1 reports the results for the combined set of firms, column 2 reports the results for larger partners, and column 3 reports the findings for smaller partners.10 Overall, these models are significant and based on the adjusted R2 for each sample (full set R2 = .43, larger partners R2 = .51, smaller partner R2 = .36), the variables in the model account for a considerable portion of the variance in the level of learning. These results suggest that variations in the levels of non-redundancy for specific groups of contacts influence learning. The ideal structure of the network varies slightly across smaller and larger partners, and also varies across the different groups of contacts. Specifically, nonredundancy in ties to contacts at one’s own firm is related to learning for the combined set of firms ( = .333, t = 3.243, p = .002) and for smaller partners ( = .448, t = 2.826, p = .007) but is only marginally significant for larger partners ( = .273, t = 1.966, p = .057). In contrast, nonredundancy in ties to contacts at the partner firm is not related statistically to learning for any of the samples. Moreover, non-redundancy in ties to outside contacts is significant for larger 10 The control variables that were not significant in the previous analysis are excluded in these regressions. Analysis, not shown here, did not find any significant relationships between these excluded control variables and the results are essentially the same as those shown in table 8. 18 partners ( = .339, t = 3.009, p = .005), but is not predictive of learning for smaller partners ( = - .111, t = -0.674, p = .504) or the combined set of firms ( = .106, t = 1.197, p = .234). ---------------------------------------------- Insert Table 8 about here --------------------------------------The results also find that the ideal configuration of knowledge complementary is not consistent across the three groups of network contacts and also varies – to some extent – by partner size. Knowledge complementarity with contacts at one’s own firm is positively related to learning for the combined set ( = .211, t = 2.512, p = .014), and marginally significant for smaller partners ( = .269, t = 1.995, p = .053), but insignificant for large firms ( = .156, t = 1.384, p = .175). In contrast, knowledge complementarity with contacts at the partner firm is not significant for any of the samples, and complementarity with outside contacts has a negative and significant relationship for learning in the combined set ( = -.222, t = -2.554, p = .012) and for smaller firms ( = -.305, t = -2.069, p = .045), but is insignificant for large firms ( = -.215, t = 1.886, p = .067). Limitations Before discussing the contributions of this study, there are limitations that must be recognized. The primary limitation of this study stems from its reliance on survey data. This study uses a sampling strategy – it includes those individuals who are most critical and involved in the alliance – and does not include responses from all individuals working on the alliance. The results of this study might differ with additional respondents for each alliance. An additional risk includes potential perceptual biases in the measures. One bias which stems from using a single survey instrument to measure several constructs, a so-called ‘halo effect’, inflates the covariance among two variables “presumably because the respondent is using a common set of rules or schematic framework to evaluate items or scales that represent conceptually distinct constructs” (Avolio, Yammarino and Bass 1991: 571). To the extent possible, this threat to internal reliability of the results was addressed by collecting data from multiple respondents. However, respondents completed survey that included both the dependent and independent factors, suggesting potential for bias. Given this limitation, the results of this study should be considered preliminary, and reader should interpret the result in light of the possibility of inflated effects. 19 The cross-sectional nature of the research design, represents a second limitation in that it does not capture the dynamics of evolving networks or the dynamics commonly associated with alliances. The cross-section nature of this study also warrants caution in inferring the direction of causality among the key constructs. It is possible that the direction of causality is reversed in some cases. In addition, there may be reciprocal relations among some constructs. For example, trust may lead to joint action and in the process of jointly working on a task, joint action may influence interpersonal trust. A longitudinal study design would help to establish the temporal ordering of such processes. This study examines a specific group of technology intensive alliances that occur in a specific industrial sector. Therefore, while the study increases our understanding of alliance success in this specific context, it may have limited applicability for different types of relationships including buyer-supplier relationships, joint ventures, and alliances that occur in less technology intensive settings. Finally, this study has measured and implicitly equated individuals’ knowledge based resources with R&D measures used in previous studies of absorptive capacity. Thus, while the findings are suggestive, they do not make a direct comparison between individual-based resources and Cohen and Levinthal’s firm level R&D indicators of absorptive capacity. Contributions and Future Research This study contributes to the management literature by blending network theory (Burt, 1992; Granovetter, 1985) and the theory of absorptive capacity (Cohen and Levinthal, 1990) in order to suggest critical structural and relational elements of social capital that provide access to information while also recognizing that human capital contributes to firms’ ability to utilize this information. This integration provides an integrative lens that is useful for examining how firms learn from interfacing with their environment. The empirical analysis lends strong support for this integrated framework as a parsimonious means of examining how firms learn through their interfaces with their environment. Moreover, the results suggest that firm learning depends on a mosaic of connections and resources patterned among key individuals and their information/advice contacts that span functional, divisional, disciplinary and organizational boundaries. This study makes an important contribution to the management literature interested in issues of capital and the literature on strategic alliances in particular. The model tested supports 20 both a structural (Burt, 1992) and a relational (Granovetter, 1985) perspective of social capital. Specifically, the study is supportive of the argument that non-redundant networks access new information and this access yields learning benefits. However, it also adds a caveat to Burt’s (1992) theory of structural holes suggesting that the locus of network non-redundancy has important effects for learning. This study suggests that the ideal configuration within nonredundant networks ought to include vary according to different groups of contacts. For both larger and smaller partners, non-redundancies with the primary contacts at one’s own firms influence learning, while this relationship does not hold for contacts at the partner firm, or outside contacts. For researchers interested in network effects, the results of this study suggest that the premature sizing of the network to include only the most obvious or primary contacts (contacts at one’s own firm and the partner firm) may miss important effects. Moreover, for studies that investigate networks where there is a potential for cliques, the disaggregation of the network may uncover important patterns that not only test theoretical propositions, but also allow for expansion of theory. Future research might examine these variations, and extend this line of inquiry by including other indications of social capital. This study includes one structural and one relational measure of social capital, but several other network based measures (e.g. network closure, frequency of interaction, or multiplexity of ties) along with non-network measures (e.g. depth of information accessed/exchanged, motivation) would increase our understanding of the relationship between social capital and learning. The findings from this study are also consistent with the general notion of Cohen and Levinthal’s theory of absorptive capacity that firms differ in their ability to value, assimilate and utilize new information and these differences depend on the knowledge or human capital of the firm. However, the framework developed and tested also supports the conclusion that firms also differ in their ability to access external information. For this study, the results suggest that the theory of absorptive capacity is better suited for the larger partners than it is for smaller partners when knowledge complementarity is based on the aggregate source environment. In contrast, when consideration is given for the multiple layers of knowledge complementarity among identifiably different sources of information, there is evidence of critical variations. Specifically, for smaller partners in alliances (and to a smaller and less significant degree the larger partner), higher levels of knowledge complementarity with outside contacts and (to a lesser extent) 21 contacts at one’s own firm, influence alliance learning. Additional variation exists in the direction of influence. Consistent with the use of outside consultants in uncertainty and rapidly changing environments (Eisenhardt, 1989) the influence of related and diverse knowledge to outside contacts is negative. Outside contacts have a positive influence on learning in alliances, but this effect depends on higher levels of knowledge similarity in the presence of less diversity. In contrast, knowledge complementarity with contacts at one’s own firm has a positive influence on learning. In light of the finding that knowledge complementarity across all contacts has a positive influence on learning in alliances, these refined results begin to unveil the intricate pattern of knowledge which is distributed among network contacts that contributes to learning in alliances. This study also finds that learning in alliances is asymmetrical, supporting earlier explanations of learning in alliances (Grant and Baden-Fuller, 1995; Hamel, 1991; Khanna, Gulati and Nohria, 1998; Mowery, Oxley and Silverman, 1996). Although the study does not measure intent, transparency or reciprocity (Hamel, 1991), it is based on only U.S. firms, suggesting that these variations are not isolated to cross-cultural alliances. Further, it also suggests that the factors effecting learning for the partner firms are not isomorphic. An important avenue for future research might build on these findings to understand more fully the factors that constrain learning in alliances. 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We have worked in very similar functional areas -0.064 Overall, our backgrounds are very different 0.002 We have very different areas of expertise 0.017 We are in the same profession -0.232 Our training in different technical areas -0.029 7-point Likert scale: 1 = strongly disagree, 7 = strongly agree Expertise To what extent are the individuals working on the alliance from your own firm ... are highly competent 0.164 are highly skilled 0.152 are capable specialists 0.051 are experts in their fields 0.055 7-point Likert scale: 1 = not at all, 7 = full extent Learning I have learned a great deal in this alliance 0.346 What I learn benefits my firm. 0.297 7-point Likert scale: 1 = strongly disagree, 7 = strongly agree Eigenvalues 4.761 % of Variance 29.757 Cumulative % 29.757 28 2 0.007 -0.127 -0.025 0.076 -0.207 3 0.197 0.127 0.010 0.089 0.059 4 0.150 0.159 0.108 0.103 0.190 H2 Cronbach Alpha 0.90 0.804 0.847 0.685 0.680 0.644 0.85 0.745 0.850 0.901 0.618 0.824 0.276 0.158 -0.020 -0.117 0.011 -0.052 0.085 0.321 -0.036 -0.045 0.660 0.736 0.814 0.545 0.682 0.87 0.081 0.122 0.033 -0.015 0.730 0.250 0.890 0.115 0.882 -0.007 0.844 0.043 0.629 0.843 0.782 0.717 -0.031 0.071 0.145 0.153 0.697 0.755 0.73 0.746 0.799 3.526 2.2162 1.0179 22.035 13.8522 6.362 51.792 65.644 72.006 Table 2: Control Variables Importance The alliance is critical to your organization. 7-point Likert scale: 1 = strongly disagree, 7 = strongly agree Technological Uncertainty The technology underlying the alliance is highly uncertain. 7-point Likert scale: 1 = strongly disagree, 7 = strongly agree Relative Size Number of Employees in Focal Firm/ Number of Employees at Partner Industry Mix Based on SIC for Medical Device, Pharmaceutical, and Biotechnology firms coding 1 = same industry, 0 = different industry Alliance Age Duration of alliance in years Organizational Allying Experience Number of alliances the organization has participated in over the past ten years Shadow of the Future Expected length of time that the alliance will continue. In years, months. 29 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Table 3 – Means, Standard Deviations and Zero Order Correlations All Firms Mean SD Learning 5.806 1.025 Network Non-Redundancy 0.178 0.157 Trust 4.860 1.115 Knowledge Complementarity 7.024 2.065 Expertise 5.585 0.787 Importance 4.152 1.715 Relative Size 10.000 1.000 Industry Mix 1.585 0.494 Technological Uncertainty 3.639 1.644 Alliance Age 10.003 1.004 Org. Allying Experience 10.058 0.973 Shadow of the Future 10.016 0.973 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Learning Network Non-Redundancy Trust Knowledge Complementarity Expertise Importance Relative Size Industry Mix Technological Uncertainty Alliance Age Org. Allying Experience Shadow of the Future 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Learning Network Non-Redundancy Trust Knowledge Complementarity Expertise Importance Relative Size Industry Mix Technological Uncertainty Alliance Age Org. Allying Experience Shadow of the Future 1 2 .380*** .507*** .139 .542*** .228** -.065 -.069 .019 .037 -.102 .186* .144 .049 .312*** .122 -.006 -.004 .020 .105 -.033 .159* 7 8 -.070 .076 -.110 .133 -.120 -.080 -.280** .017 -.010 30 3 4 5 6 .079 -.079 .042 -.022 .171 -.090 -.150 -.020 .013 -.013 -.046 .116 .132 -.010 .122 -.212** .075 -.120 -.011 -.180 .293** 9 10 11 -.100 -.040 -.210** -.040 .070 .090 -.076 .436*** .043 -.078 -.131 .006 .030 -.010 .130 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Table 4 – Means, Standard Deviations and Zero Order Correlations Larger Partner Mean SD Learning 5.759 1.064 Network Non-Redundancy 0.162 0.151 Trust 4.876 1.084 Knowledge Complementarity 6.825 2.052 Expertise 5.566 0.717 Importance 3.819 1.658 Relative Size 10.300 1.353 Industry Mix 1.585 0.496 Technological Uncertainty 3.632 1.707 Alliance Age 10.022 1.014 Org. Allying Experience 10.378 1.115 Shadow of the Future 10.040 0.963 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Learning Network Non-Redundancy Trust Knowledge Complementarity Expertise Importance Relative Size Industry Mix Technological Uncertainty Alliance Age Org. Allying Experience Shadow of the Future 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Learning Network Non-Redundancy Trust Knowledge Complementarity Expertise Importance Relative Size Industry Mix Technological Uncertainty Alliance Age Org. Allying Experience Shadow of the Future 1 2 .399*** .580*** .130 .682*** .199 -.073 -.004 .044 .011 -.148 .142 .191 -.042 .324** .054 .038 .071 -.028 .058 .022 .071 7 8 -.037 -.282 .047 .032 -.105 .110 -.175 .044 -.189 31 3 4 5 6 -.017 -.108 .106 -.009 .188 -.213 -.262* -.171 -.072 -.010 -.078 .093 -.003 -.050 .171 -.236* .173 -.156 -.058 -.126 .289** 9 10 11 -.146 -.030 -.229* -.010 .109 .186 -.199 .592*** .066 -.126 -.184 -.018 .077 -.080 .112 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Table 5 – Means, Standard Deviations and Zero Order Correlations Smaller Partner Mean SD Learning 5.854 0.989 Network Non-Redundancy 0.194 0.162 Trust 4.844 1.152 Knowledge Complementarity 7.222 2.072 Expertise 5.604 0.856 Importance 4.486 1.717 Relative Size 9.700 0.006 Industry Mix 1.585 0.496 Technological Uncertainty 3.646 1.589 Alliance Age 9.984 1.000 Org. Allying Experience 9.739 0.674 Shadow of the Future 9.993 0.989 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Learning Network Non-Redundancy Trust Knowledge Complementarity Expertise Importance Relative Size Industry Mix Technological Uncertainty Alliance Age Org. Allying Experience Shadow of the Future 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Learning Network Non-Redundancy Trust Knowledge Complementarity Expertise Importance Relative Size Industry Mix Technological Uncertainty Alliance Age Org. Allying Experience Shadow of the Future 1 2 3 4 5 6 .358** .437*** .142 .423 .250* -.019 -.138 -.010 .068 .003 .235 .107 .115 .301** .150 .130 -.075 .067 .155 -.031 .243 .040 .315 .030 .024 -.080 .030 -.017 .086 .146 .156 -.093 -.015 -.035 .155 .030 .090 .130 .074 .001 -.020 .138 .248 .069 .086 .024 -.017 -.095 -.165 -.125 .317 7 8 9 10 11 .041 .032 -.058 .056 .229 .083 -.004 -.090 -.123 -.288** -.030 -.043 32 -.046 -.072 -.195 Table 6: Results of Regression Analysis Dependent Variable: Learning H Intercept Network Non-Redundancy Trust Knowledge Complementarity Expertise Importance Relative Size Industry Mix Technological Uncertainty Alliance Age Prior Alliance Experience Shadow of the Future F-Score Significance of F Adjusted R2 H1 H2 H3 H4 All Firms Standardized Coefficient Beta T-value Sig. T 0.834 0.406 0.200 3.152 0.002 0.336 4.965 0.000 0.141 2.266 0.025 0.321 4.567 0.000 0.181 2.730 0.007 0.006 0.098 0.922 -0.025 -0.388 0.699 -0.027 -0.436 0.663 -0.015 -0.223 0.824 -0.041 -0.657 0.512 0.021 0.322 0.748 12.693 .000 .450 Larger Partner Standardized Coefficient Beta T-value Sig. T -0.930 0.356 0.180 2.290 0.025 0.310 3.198 0.002 0.238 2.902 0.005 0.467 4.731 0.000 0.228 2.749 0.008 0.006 0.076 0.939 0.058 0.722 0.473 0.008 0.106 0.916 0.061 0.740 0.462 -0.007 -0.087 0.931 -0.015 -0.175 0.862 11.095 .000 .587 Smaller Partner Standardized Coefficient Beta T-value Sig. T 0.342 0.733 0.211 2.014 0.048 0.322 3.126 0.003 0.090 0.897 0.373 0.243 2.172 0.033 0.176 1.662 0.101 -0.033 -0.324 0.747 -0.098 -0.947 0.347 -0.067 -0.632 0.530 -0.022 -0.198 0.844 -0.027 -0.274 0.785 0.027 0.251 0.803 3.976 .000 .296 Table 7: ANOVA Item Learning Sum Sq. df MN Sq. F Sig. Between 15.809 1 15.809 16.472 0.000 Groups Within Groups 155.482 162 0.960 Total 171.291 163 Network NonBetween 0.529 1 0.529 24.638 0.000 redundancy (NN) Groups Within Groups 3.476 162 0.021 Total 4.005 163 NN own firm Between 0.134 1 0.134 6.627 0.011 Groups Within Groups 3.283 162 0.020 Total 3.417 163 NN partner firm Between 0.275 1 0.275 11.380 0.001 Groups Within Groups 3.909 162 0.024 Total 4.183 163 Trust Between 0.268 1 0.268 0.214 0.644 Groups Within Groups 202.487 162 1.250 Total 202.754 163 Knowledge Between 10.531 1 10.531 2.492 0.116 Complementarity KC Groups Within Groups 684.573 162 4.226 Total 695.104 163 KC own firm Between 3.527 1 3.527 0.997 0.319 Groups Within Groups 572.969 162 3.537 Total 576.496 163 KC partner firm Between 14.538 1 14.538 2.071 0.152 Groups Within Groups 1137.455 162 7.021 Total 1151.993 163 Expertise Between 5.393 1 5.393 9.138 0.003 Groups Within Groups 95.598 162 0.590 Total 100.990 163 Importance Between 0.302 1 0.302 0.102 0.750 Groups Within Groups 479.220 162 2.958 Total 479.522 163 Relative Size Between 0.336 1 0.336 0.335 0.564 Groups Within Groups 162.664 162 1.004 Total 163.000 163 Industry Mix Between 0.442 1 0.442 1.820 0.179 Groups Within Groups 39.363 162 0.243 Total 39.805 163 Descriptive Statistics Outside St Contact MN Dev yes 6.068 0.853 no all yes 5.438 1.135 5.806 1.025 0.226 0.141 no all yes 0.111 0.154 0.178 0.157 1.169 0.135 no all yes 1.111 0.152 1.145 0.145 1.208 0.151 no all yes 1.125 0.162 1.174 0.160 4.894 1.044 no all yes 4.812 1.215 4.860 1.115 7.237 1.947 no all yes 6.723 2.201 7.024 2.065 4.751 2.014 no all yes 4.453 1.674 4.628 1.881 5.234 2.854 no all yes 4.629 2.329 4.983 2.658 5.738 0.753 no all yes 5.369 0.790 5.585 0.787 4.116 1.816 no all yes 4.203 1.574 4.152 1.715 10.038 1.096 no all yes 9.946 0.852 10 1 1.542 0.501 no all 1.647 0.481 1.585 0.494 Table 7: ANOVA Item Technological Uncertainty continued Between Groups Within Groups Total Alliance Age Between Groups Within Groups Total Prior Alliance Between Experience Groups Within Groups Total Shadow of the Future Between Groups Within Groups Total Sum Su 12.682 df MN Sq. 1 12.682 427.723 162 440.404 163 0.340 1 2.640 163.900 162 164.240 163 4.557 1 1.012 149.622 162 154.179 163 0.041 1 0.924 148.644 156 148.685 157 0.953 0.340 4.557 0.041 1 F Sig. 4.803 0.030 Descriptive Statistics Outside St Contact MN Dev yes 3.873 1.568 0.336 0.563 no all yes 3.309 1.702 3.639 1.644 10.041 0.984 4.934 0.028 no all yes 9.949 1.036 10.003 1.004 9.918 0.800 0.044 0.835 no all yes 10.256 1.151 10.058 0.973 10.003 1.002 no all 10.035 0.938 10.016 0.973 Table 8: Results of Regression Analysis Dependent Variable: Learning Intercept Network Non-Redundancy Of own firm contacts Of partner firm contacts Of outside contacts Trust Knowledge Complementarity with own firm contacts with partner firm contacts with outside contacts Expertise Importance F-Score Significance of F Adjusted R2 All Firms Standardized Coefficient Beta T-value Sig. T 0.450 0.654 Larger Partner Standardized Coefficient Beta T-value Sig. T -0.304 0.763 Smaller Partner Standardized Coefficient Beta T-value Sig. T 0.656 0.515 0.333 -0.020 0.106 0.366 3.243 -0.166 1.197 4.208 0.002 0.868 0.234 0.000 0.273 0.021 0.339 0.378 1.966 0.135 3.009 2.939 0.057 0.893 0.005 0.006 0.448 0.023 -0.111 0.314 2.826 0.111 -0.674 2.282 0.007 0.912 0.504 0.028 0.211 -0.080 -0.222 0.170 2.512 -0.931 -2.554 1.876 0.014 0.354 0.012 0.064 0.156 -0.211 -0.215 0.116 1.384 -1.775 -1.886 0.816 0.175 0.084 0.067 0.420 0.269 -0.017 -0.305 0.163 1.995 -0.116 -2.069 1.160 0.053 0.909 0.045 0.253 0.214 2.609 0.011 0.244 2.035 0.049 0.190 1.490 0.144 9.146 .000 .436 6.521 .000 .519 3.997 .001 0.360