Approved Minutes

SSPC 62.1
Ventilation for Acceptable Indoor Air Quality
February 5-6, 2005
Approved By Chair: 6/9/2005
Approved By SSPC: 6/25/2005
SSPC 62.1 Minutes February 5-6, 2005 (Orlando Meeting)
Index of Major Passed Motions ........................................................................................ 3
Attendance .......................................................................................................................... 4
Call to Order / Introductions ................................................................................... 5
Review of Agenda ..................................................................................................... 5
Approval of Minutes ................................................................................................ 5
IV. Chair's/Vice Chair’s Report .................................................................................... 5
SPLS Liaison Report ................................................................................................ 6
VI. SAC Liaison Report ................................................................................................. 6
VII. CIS Comments ......................................................................................................... 6
VIII. Report from Staff .................................................................................................... 7
IX. TC Liaison Reports .................................................................................................. 7
Addendum 62g Status Report/Update ................................................................. 9
Education Subcommittee Report ......................................................................... 9
XII. Public Comment Session ....................................................................................... 11
XIII. Recess ..................................................................................................................... 11
XV. Admin Subcommittee Report ............................................................................... 15
XVII. New Business ....................................................................................................... 16
XVIII. Adjournment……………………………………………………........................16
Attachment A: TC 2.4 Liaison Report...............................................................16
Attachment B: Addendum 62ak Background...................................................16
Attachment C: Camejo Interpretation...............................................................16
Attachment D: Fickes Interpretation.................................................................16
SSPC 62.1 Minutes February 5-6, 2005 (Orlando Meeting)
Index of Major Passed Motions
February 5-6, 2005
Orlando, Florida
Motion #
Page #
THAT a proposal to ALI for the development of a three-hour
professional development course entitled "Complying with the
Requirements of ASHRAE Standard 62.1-2004" be approved
THAT the development of a seminar relating to building
component sources be approved for the Denver meeting
THAT the responses and comments to Pedro Camejo's request
for an interpretation be approved
THAT the responses and comments to Ed Fickes' request for an
interpretation be approved
SSPC 62.1 Minutes February 5-6, 2005 (Orlando Meeting)
SSPC 62.1
Fisher, Jr.
2/5/05 only
2/6/05 only
2/6/05 only
2/5/05 only
2/5/05 only
2/5/05 only
2/6/05 only
2/5/05 only
2/5/05 only
2/5/05 only
2/6/05 only
S. Chandra
2/5/05 only
2/6/05 only
2/6/05 only
Liaisons (Technical Committee and Other)
SPLS (2/6/05 only)
TC 9.9 Liaison
TC 2.4 Liaison
TC 9.1 Liaison
Standards Analyst
Assistant Manager of
Standards-International (2/5/05 only)
SSPC 62.1 Minutes February 5-6, 2005 (Orlando Meeting)
February 5, 2005
Call to Order / Introductions
Vice-Chair Dennis Stanke called the Meeting of SSPC 62.1 to order at 8:15 a.m. He
announced that the David Butler would soon be resigning as the Chair of the committee
and that, as the Vice-Chair of SSPC 62.1, he (Stanke) would be the acting chair for the
meeting. The acting chair (hereafter referred to as the Chair in these minutes) had all
members and guests introduce themselves, indicating where they were from and their
interest in Standard 62.1. A record of member and guest attendance is provided on the
preceding page.
Review of Agenda
The Chair reviewed the agenda. He noted that item 6 has been corrected since the
original agenda was created. As the corrected agenda shows, the BPSC (Board Policy
Subcommittee) has been replaced by Standards Advisory Committee (SAC). There were
no additions to or deletions from the agenda.
Approval of Minutes
The Chair asked if there were any changes to the Nashville minutes. It was noted that
LEED, the acronym for Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design, was
misspelled as LEEDS in the minutes in Item 11, subsection E. It was agreed that
ASHRAE staff would correct the minutes.
It was moved by Walter Raynaud and seconded by Michael Woodford
(1) THAT the minutes of the Nashville Meeting be approved with the correction noted
MOTION 1 PASSED, CNV (voice vote)
Chairman's/Vice-Chairman's Report
There was no Chairman's Report. As noted above in the minutes, the Chair of SSPC
62.1 will be resigning in the near future, and the Chair was not present at the Orlando
Dennis Stanke, the acting chair, noted that the Bias/Conflict Notebook was not available
for the first part of the meeting. It was retrieved at the break and meeting attendees were
notified of its availability.
SSPC 62.1 Minutes February 5-6, 2005 (Orlando Meeting)
SPLS Liaison Report
The SPLS Liaison was not present at the Saturday meeting. At the Sunday meeting, the
Chair introduced Rick Hermans, the SPLS liaison. Rick thanked SSPC 62.1 for all its
hard work and for getting the standard published twice in three years for the first time.
He noted that the next deadline for supplemental changes under the new standards
development procedures would be August 1 of this year. Under new procedures (which
take effect July 1, 2005), the standard will be published every three years (as before) and
all addenda to the standard will be collected and published at the end of 18 months (the
half-way point). Also, under the new procedures, public reviews will be scheduled only
twice a year on a fixed schedule. He noted that the SSPC will be made aware of all
deadlines for submittal packages for addenda.
He mentioned that the new Standards Advisory Committee (SAC) had submitted a
report to the BOD with motions that could have a major impact on 62.1.
The Chair noted that we will now be voting for both public review and publication at the
same time. If there are no public review comments or only favorable comments, then the
public review document will go straight to publication without further action by the
SSPC. He also noted that, as the architect of the new procedures, Rick will be able to
help us in learning how best to work with them.
Eli Howard asked in what form the published addenda (at 18 months) would be
available. Rick said that this had not been worked out yet but he guessed it would be in
paper form and possibly offered for sale as a supplement to the standard.
Standards Advisory Committee (SAC) Liaison Report/Comments
Gordon Holness, the SAC Liaison, was not present at the meeting. There was no report.
Code Interaction Subcommittee (CIS) Comments
CIS comments were postponed until the Sunday meeting. On Sunday, Martha VanGeem
from CIS spoke to the SSPC about the Code Interaction Subcommittee (CIS) activities
and their relevance for 62.1. She expects more interaction between SSPC 62.1 and CIS
now that 62.1-2004 is published. The CIS mission is to help persuade code writing
bodies to adopt ASHRAE standards and so CIS will let the committee know when code
bodies are voting to adopt air quality standards.
Martha noted that CIS has a budget item for publishing some promotional material for
code writing bodies that SSPC 62.1 could use if the committee can get something ready
for this purpose. The piece could be used, for example, if the state of Nevada was
considering some code actions related to Standard 62.1.
There was a discussion on how to get Standard 62.1 adopted by code writing bodies.
Roger Hedrick asked Martha what SSPC 62.1 should do specifically in terms of action
items, and Martha said to let CIS know where we would like to get 62.1 adopted. If we
want to get 62.1 into NFPA 90A and 90B, for example, then make CIS aware of it.
SSPC 62.1 Minutes February 5-6, 2005 (Orlando Meeting)
Martha suggested that SSPC 62.1 appoint a liaison to CIS. Eli volunteered for now until
he could get someone else to take on the task.
Don Herrmann observed that we need to start anticipating the end of the three year
publishing cycle to be ready when the standard is published to pursue code adoption.
David Bixby noted that on Standard 90.2, we get feedback from code writing bodies as
to what they want; they prefer standards that are enforceable and easy to use.
VIII. Report from Staff
The staff report was given by Tom Embry, the Standards Analyst, who was filling in for
Stephanie Reiniche at the Orlando meeting. Tom announced that the new edition of the
standard, ANSI/ASHRAE 62.1-2004, was recently published and is now available for
[Secretary's Note: There has been a reorganization of ASHRAE Standards Staff since
the Orlando meeting due to the hiring of a new Assistant Manager of Standards-Codes
(Steve Ferguson) and the promotion of Liz Baker to a position outside the department.
The main impact for SSPC 62.1 is that Mark Weber, Assistant Manager of StandardsAmerican, will become the new staff liaison to SSPC 62.1, replacing Stephanie Reiniche,
who will become the new Standards Administrator.]
TC Liaison Reports
a. TC 2.3 -- Gaseous Air Contaminants and Gas Contaminant Removal Equipment
Chris Mueller, TC 2.3 liaison, noted that Standard 145 (Test Methods for Assessing
Performance of Gas Phase Air Cleaning Equipment) was making headway. Part 1 will
have a PR by the Denver meeting. Part 2 was currently held up. Part 3 has not been
b. TC 2.4 – Particulate Air Contaminants and Particulate Contaminant Removal
Jim Moulton, TC 2.4 liaison, was unable to attend but provided a hard copy of his report
to meeting attendees. Most notably, the TC is considering a proposed standard entitled
"Method of Testing UVC Lights for Use in Air Handling Units or Air Ducts to
Inactivate Airborne Microorganisms." See Attachment A for a copy of the complete
c. TC 4.3 -- Ventilation Requirements and Infiltration
Max Sherman, TC 4.3 liaison, was not present. No report was given. It was noted that
SPC 161 was working on a public review draft of Standard 161P, Air Quality Within
Commercial Aircraft, and hope to have it approved at the Orlando meeting.
[Secretary's Note: The draft was approved by the project committee and is on the
Denver agenda for SPLS approval.]
d. TC 5.5 -- Air-to-Air Heat Recovery
SSPC 62.1 Minutes February 5-6, 2005 (Orlando Meeting)
Bede Wellford, TC 5.5 liaison, was not present. No report was given.
e. TC 5.7 -- Evaporative Cooling
Leon Shapiro, TC 5.7 liaison, was not present. No report was given.
f. TC 5.8 -- Industrial Ventilation
Thomas Axley, TC 5.8 liaison, was not present. No report was given.
g. TC 7.9 -- Building Commissioning
Elia Sterling, TC 7.9 liaison, reported that Guideline 0, The Commissioning Process, had
been submitted as a publication draft for approval at the Orlando meeting. GPC 1 is
working on getting a public review draft ready for Guideline 1, The HVAC&R
Commissioning Process (which is one of the technical guidelines that will be included in
Guideline 0). GPC 1 is working with NIBS to create the public review draft.
[Secretary's Note: Guideline 0 was approved for publication by the Board of Directors
later at the Orlando meeting and has now been published.]
h. TC 9.1 -- Large Building Air-Conditioning Systems
Phillip Trafton, TC 9.1 liaison, was not present. No report was given.
i. TC 9.8 – Large Building Air-Conditioning Applications
Lou Kelter, TC 9.8 liaison, was not present. No report was given. It was noted that work
has begun on Standard 180P, Standard Practice for Inspection and Maintenance of
HVAC Systems. ACCA (Air-Conditioning Contractors Association) is a potential cosponsor for Standard 180P.
i. TC 9.10 -- Laboratory Systems
James Coggins, TC 9.10 liaison, reported that the major issue affecting SSPC 62.1,
whether lab systems should be covered by Standard 62.1, is still to be determined. The
lab developers don’t seem to want to develop their own standard. Joe Fisher asked
whether we should consider having Standard 62.1 reference other standards on the
subject of lab systems rather than try to cover lab systems. Jim Coggins agreed to take
this idea to the TC for consideration.
j. Proposed New TC, TC 1.4 -- Control Theory and Application
Someone mentioned that TC 1.4 was interested in having a liaison to SSPC 2.1. The
Chair thought that this would be done easily and there was no limit to TCs, but in the
discussion that followed no one was sure what the procedure was for getting the TC
added to the roster listings. The TC representative expressed an interest in becoming the
TC liaison to 62.1 if TC 1.4 is added.
[Secretary's Note: There does not seem to be a specific procedure for adding a new TC
Liaison to the SSPC membership. To have the TC Liaison included on the roster, the
chair should notify ASHRAE staff of a new TC Liaison as the same time that other
membership changes are sent in.]
SSPC 62.1 Minutes February 5-6, 2005 (Orlando Meeting)
Addendum 62.1g -- Status Report/Update
The Chair and Larry Schoen gave some background on Addendum 62g. Following the
last public review (an independent substantive change) of Addendum 62g, all four
commenters received committee responses, and all four replied, indicating that they
were unresolved. In an effort to understand the reasons the four commenters remained
unresolved, all four were invited to present their views to the committee. Two of the
commenters, Steve Barringer (representing AGA) and Chris McGee (representing
Bellagio Resorts) accepted. Their comments are summarized below.
Steve Barringer questioned the terminology “ETS-free.” Even though the term is clearly
defined (“an area where no smoking occurs and that is separated from ETS areas
according to the requirements of this standard. Note: A no-smoking area is not
necessarily an ETS-free area.”), he feels that the term itself implies that such a space
contains absolutely no ETS, which isn’t possible. Further, he maintained that the
committee has declined to consider ventilation approaches that could result in the same
level of ETS dilution as the separation requirements contained in Addendum 62g. He
also felt that the term "ETS-free" has no commonly understood meaning for the general
Chris McGee disagrees with defining ETS-free areas in terms of the absence of smoking
combined with prescribed ETS-to-ETS-free separation measures, rather than in terms of
prescribed ventilation rates. He cited a soon-to-be published study (by Theodore Sterling
& Associates) showing control of ETS markers using dilution ventilation.
The committee has already recommended Addendum 62g (as revised in response to the
latest ISC) for publication. Both reviewers were encouraged to use established ASHRAE
standards procedures to help clarify the 62g requirements (by a request for
interpretation) or to suggest changes to the language in 62g and/or Standard 62.1-2004
requirements in general (by submitting a proposed change).
The Chair also noted that, while Addendum 62g addresses separation only and not
ventilation, the standard as a whole does address ventilation and specifies that it must be
higher than prescribed values given in Table 6-1 for smoking-permitted areas. The
standard does not say how much higher.
Mr. McGee wanted to go on record as disagreeing with the process by which the
publication vote was taken and observed that it may become grounds for an appeal.
Education Subcommittee Report
Eli Howard, Chair of the Education Subcommittee, began by thanking Jim Coggins, who
is retiring and will be resigning from SSPC 62.1, for all of his hard work on the
Education Subcommittee. The meeting attendees gave Jim a round of applause.
a. User's Manual. Eli gave no report on the User's Manual, preferring to let Roger
Hedrick, Chair of the Project Monitoring Subcommittee, report on it at the Sunday
meeting. On Sunday, Roger reported that they have received and reviewed the first
SSPC 62.1 Minutes February 5-6, 2005 (Orlando Meeting)
draft. The next draft, which will be a "near-final" draft, is expected shortly after the
Orlando meeting. This draft will go to the full SSPC for review. Comments will be
collected and analyzed, and we will go back for a final draft in May. The User's
Manual should be available for purchase in Denver.
b. Guideline 19P: The Education Subcommittee is trying to get more writers for the
guideline. New writing assignments have been made and a schedule has been
established. The schedule calls for a draft document to be ready by the Denver
meeting. Steve Emmerich from SSPC 62.2 has provided a draft of Guideline 24P,
the guideline for the residential ventilation standard, so we now have an example
outline that we can use as a guide for 19P. Eli mentioned that AIHA (American
Industrial Hygiene Association), which had been interested in being a co-sponser on
Guideline 19, has now developed their own guideline. It is a good basic document
but perhaps not detailed enough for the ASHRAE audience. We will remain in
contact with the organization; they might decide to develop a standard in addition to
the guideline.
c. Research Activities: The subcommittee has been focusing on operations and
maintenance issues. The list of potential research projects has been narrowed, so that
RTARs can be developed.
d. Programs.
(1) Seminar 54: This seminar, entitled "How to Comply with ASHRAE Standard 62.1,"
will be offered at this (Orlando) meeting on Wednesday from 10:15 to 12:15.
(2) Chapter, Regional, and Society Programs: A videotape will be made of the Seminar
54 presentation, and this, together with the PowerPoint slides from the seminar, will be
used to develop presentations for chapter, regional and other society meetings. One
would be a one-hour overview presentation and another would a two-hour presentation
for technical sessions at meetings.
(3) ASHRAE Learning Institute (ALI): There was discussion about creating a three-hour
professional development course with the title "Complying with the Requirements of
ASHRAE Standard 62.1-2004." Hoy Bohanon has already created an outline for the
course and will proceed with the development of the course if a proposal for it is
approved by the SSPC and ALI. The course would be offered at the Denver meeting.
Larry Schoen wanted to make sure that the SSPC would have the opportunity to review
the course before Denver, and Eli assured him that it would.
It was moved by Eli Howard and seconded by David Bixby
(2) THAT a proposal to ALI for the development of a three-hour professional
development course entitled "Complying with the Requirements of ASHRAE
Standard 62.1-2004" be approved
MOTION 2 PASSED, 11-0-1, CNV (FOR: Alevantis, Bixby, Coggins, Fisher, Girman,
Houston, Howard, Muller, Raynaud, Schoen, Sundell) (ABSTAINED: Bohanon because
he would be involved in developing the course)
There was discussion about having a seminar relating to building component sources for
the Denver meeting. This was one of the two courses the SSPC had wanted for the
SSPC 62.1 Minutes February 5-6, 2005 (Orlando Meeting)
Orlando meeting, but only one (the above-mentioned Seminar 54) was approved. The
same program with the same presenters (who are still interested) is being proposed for
It was moved by Hoy Bohanon and seconded by Chris Muller
(3) THAT the development of a seminar relating to building component sources be
approved for the Denver meeting
e. Other Items (not on agenda): Eli plans to contact Steve Comstock about combining
several recent ASHRAE Journal articles into a Special Publication. Eli announced
that Hoy Bohanon had volunteered to be the new Vice-Chair of the Education
Subcommittee. He asked anyone else who wanted to volunteer for the position to let
him know.
On Sunday, Eli provided an update on the Professional Development Course after
attending the Operations Meeting of ALI on Saturday.
ALI agreed to take the package that Hoy is developing and, if the Voting Members of
62.1 review and approve of the package, then ALI will forego their usual review of the
materials. A three-hour time slot will be held for Denver.
ALI also needs some additions to Hoy’s outline: scripted speaker’s notes, lots of
examples, and perhaps the ventilation spreadsheet, especially if the User’s Manual is not
ready in time for the course. In four to six weeks Hoy will complete the package, which
will then be distributed to full committee for review and comments, to be submitted to
Eli sees Denver as a test run for the course with perfection coming in Chicago. He also
noted that we want to add a train-the-trainer module similar to the kind that Larry
Spielvogel has done for a 90.1 course. He will work with Larry to develop the module.
Eli notes that, if we are not satisfied with the package that Hoy develops, we will
postpone the course for Denver and shift our efforts to getting the course ready by
Dilip suggested that we need a process to update the course as changes to the standard
occur. Eli noted that this will be a task of the Educational Subcommittee.
Eli will try to get complimentary invitations to course for voting members in Denver. He
will also try to get good time slot for course.
Public Comment Session
No comments were presented.
XIII. Recess
SSPC 62.1 Minutes February 5-6, 2005 (Orlando Meeting)
The Chair gave a brief overview of what would be covered on Sunday and gave some
handouts to the committee. The meeting was recessed until 1:00 PM on Sunday,
February 6, 2005.
February 6, 2005
XIV. Call to Order/Introductions
Dennis Stanke, the acting Chair, called the meeting to order at 1:05 p.m.
Administration Subcommittee Report
a. 62.1g. This addendum was addressed in the Saturday meeting. There was no further
comment on it today.
b. 62.1ah: This addendum was not discussed.
c. 62.1ai: This addendum is a cleanup addendum for Addendum x to 62-2001, which
pertains to limits on indoor relative humidity. The Chair stated that he had an action
item to get a public review package ready. The addendum language was approved
for public review in Nashville but no package was prepared and sent to ASHRAE
headquarters. Hoy thought that we had agreed to add commercial kitchens to this
addendum. The Chair could not remember but stated that he would check and let
Hoy know what was approved and whether it included commercial kitchens.
d. 62.1aj: The Chair noted that Joe Fisher was working on 62.1aj, which deals with
documentation for Standard 62.1. His draft has been submitted to SSPC members.
One idea is to put all documentation requirements in one place in the standard.
Members should send their comments to Joe.
e. Other addenda actions: The Chair agreed to assume ownership of Addendum a,
which is a general cleanup addendum for Standard 62.1-2004. He asked all members
to review the standard for clarity and/or errors and send any comments to him. He
will use these comments to build upon the current draft of Addendum a. The
majority of the discussion for this agenda item was focused on Addendum 62.1ak,
which is summarized below.
The Chair summarized the situation as it now stands on Addendum 62.1ak, which is an
addendum to change the current TPS of the standard. In June 2003 the Board of
Directors (BOD) approved a revised target TPS for the standard. This target TPS is
shown in Item 2 of Attachment B. The SSPC then drafted Addendum ak, which is a
proposal to change the standard's current TPS to the BOD-approved target TPS.
Addendum ak, which is shown in item 1 of Attachment B, was put out for an initial
public review, which ended in April, 2004. Commenters on Addendum ak raised
objections to the proposed new TPS, some of which the SSPC agreed with. As a result,
the committee proposed to make revisions to the target TPS, shown as item 3 of
Attachment B. Addendum-ak language, shown in item 4 of Attachment B, and the
responses to commenters are shown in item 5. These were discussed in a full committee
SSPC 62.1 Minutes February 5-6, 2005 (Orlando Meeting)
meeting in Nashville in June, 2004, but approval was postponed until the Orlando
It was moved by Larry Schoen and seconded by Leon Alevantis
(4) THAT the Item-5 responses to commenters be approved and the item-4 revisions to
the TPS be approved for public review
The Chair ruled this motion as out of order since it required violating ASHRAE
procedures that the BOD must approve changes to a target TPS before it can go out for
public review. This motion has the same problem as the motion postponed at the
Nashville meeting. The correct procedure is to recommend changes to the target TPS,
get BOD approval for the changes, respond to commenters, and vote for a public review
of the revised target TPS. The Chair withdrew his Nashville motion and Joe Fisher
withdrew his second.
It was moved by Leon Alevantis and seconded by Tom Houston
(5) THAT the TPS revisions shown in item 4 of Attachment B be approved and sent to
the BOD for approval as the new target TPS
The shorter title of the proposed target TPS (Ventilation and Acceptable Indoor Air
Quality) was discussed. It was noted that the approved title may be too long and merely
repeats a lot of items specified in the scope and that the title should be more in line with
the title for of Standard 62.2, Ventilation and Acceptable Indoor Air Quality in Low-Rise
Residential Buildings.
It was noted that the scopes of Standards 90.1 and 90.2 are distinguished from one
another in the titles as follows: Standard 90.1 has the title Energy Standard for Buildings
Except Low-Rise Residential Buildings while Standard 90.1 has the title Energy-Efficient
Design of Low-Rise Residential Buildings.
It was moved by Larry Schoen and seconded by David Bixby
(6) THAT Motion 5 be amended to change the target TPS title from “Ventilation and
Acceptable Indoor Air Quality” to “Ventilation and Acceptable Indoor Air Quality
in Buildings Except Low-Rise Residential Buildings”
The discussion now focused on whether the "and" in the title proposed in the above
motion should remain or be changed to "for." One point of view was that "for" is not the
best word because the standard covers more ways to reach acceptable indoor air quality
than just ventilation.
It was moved by Mike Apt and seconded by Jim Coggins
SSPC 62.1 Minutes February 5-6, 2005 (Orlando Meeting)
(7) THAT Motion 5 be amended to change the title in the target TPS from “Ventilation
and Acceptable Indoor Air Quality in Buildings Except Low-Rise Residential
Buildings” to “Ventilation for Acceptable Indoor Air Quality in Buildings Except
Low-Rise Residential Buildings”
As amended, Motion 5 is THAT the target TPS revisions shown in item 4 of
Attachment B be revised to have the title “Ventilation for Acceptable Indoor Air Quality
in Buildings Except Low-Rise Residential Buildings.”
It was moved by Frank Gallo and seconded by David Bixby
(8) THAT the "and" in Section 1.1 of the Purpose be changed to "for" so that the
purpose is revised to read as follows: "The purpose of this standard is to specify
minimum ventilation rates for indoor indoor air quality that will be acceptable to
human occupants and are intended to minimize the potential for adverse health
Larry Schoen observed that we should not be trying to wordsmith the TPS in full
committee and that the task is best done in subcommittee.
Motion 8 was withdrawn by Frank Gallo and David Bixby withdrew his second.
It was moved by Larry Schoen (but not seconded)
(9) THAT further action on the main motion be postponed until the Administrative
Subcommittee has a chance to review the proposed TPS changes and come up with
the best wording for the target TPS
The chair did not accept the motion to postpone action on the target TPS.
The question was called on Motion 5 (as amended).
(5-as amended) THAT the TPS revisions shown in item 4 of Attachment B be revised
to have the title “Ventilation for Acceptable Indoor Air Quality in Buildings Except
Low-Rise Residential Buildings” and (with this revised title) be recommended to the
BOD for approval as the new target TPS
MOTION 5 (as amended) FAILED, 3-7-0, CNV
The Chair directed the Administration Subcommittee to propose a new target TPS.
Everyone with particular concerns about the TPS should send suggested changes in the
Item 4 language to Larry within the next two weeks. The TPS revisions will be
addressed either in a letter ballot or at the Denver meeting.
f. Requests for Interpretations:
SSPC 62.1 Minutes February 5-6, 2005 (Orlando Meeting)
The Chair referred the committee to the handout on the request for interpretation
submitted by Pedro Camejo (see Attachment C). The interpretation deals with how to
calculate average system and zone average populations. Discussion followed.
It was moved by Jim Coggins and seconded by Michael Woodford
(10) THAT the responses and comments to Pedro Camejo's request for interpretation
be approved
MOTION 10 PASSED, 11-0-0, CNV (for: Alevantis, Bixby, Bohanon, Coggins,
Fisher, Houston, Howard, Raynaud, Schoen, Sundell, Woodford)
The Chair referred the committee to the handout on the request for interpretation
submitted by Ed Fickes (see Attachment D). The interpretation deals with whether the
introduction of pets into occupancies other than pet shops is a "change of use" and what
impact this has on ventilation requirements.
It was moved by Walter Raynaud and seconded by Joe Fisher
(11) THAT the responses and comments to Ed Fickes request for interpretation be
MOTION 11 PASSED, 11-0-0, CNV (for: Alevantis, Bixby, Bohanon, Coggins,
Fisher, Houston, Howard, Raynaud, Schoen, Sundell, Woodford)
g. REHVA ETS Document: REHVA, which is considered a European version of
ASHRAE, has developed an ETS design-related document. Several SSPC members
were asked to review it with an eye to ASHRAE co-sponsoring it.
h. SAC Recommendations: SAC recommendations are to be finalized in SAC meeting
Tuesday and discussed in BOD meeting on Thursday. They define different kinds of
documents, including standards. They say that some standards must be developed
within 18 months. Meeting attendees were directed to contact their regional directors
if they want to comment pro or con on the SAC recommendations. Roger Hedrick
read Motion No. 5 of the SAC proposal. As currently worded, it would require SSPC
62.1 rewrite the standard to be more concise (get it down to 5-6 pages with table
summaries and put all other requirements into a guideline). A simple, code-intended
standard with “rates only” would very likely require higher rates than the current
standard, since all general requirements could not be assumed to have been met,
which would lead to higher indoor source strengths and thereby to higher prescribed
ventilation rates.
XVI. Membership Advisory Subcommittee Report
Dilip Vyavaharkar reported that we currently have 18 voting members and are seeking
new members. The greatest need is in the Owner/Operator category, followed by the
Design/Builder category. Frank Gallo wants to rejoin SSPC 62.1, so this could provide
an additional Owner/Operator. Applications for SSPC membership are being accepted.
SSPC 62.1 Minutes February 5-6, 2005 (Orlando Meeting)
XVII. New Business
The progress of the ETS Design Guide being prepared by Brian Rock was
discussed. There have been several drafts but progress has been slow. There were no
meetings scheduled for Orlando on the subject.
There was a discussion about the best meeting time for ASHRAE meetings.
Some would like meeting earlier on Sunday and some like it as it is now. The chair
observed that it is hard to schedule with air flights; you never know how it will turn out.
Flights, other meetings, and course times all have in impact. The Chair agreed to see
what is possible in terms of meeting times.
XVIII. Adjournment
The meeting was adjourned at 5:40 p.m.
Attachment Description
Attachment A: TC 2.4 Liaison Report
Click on Icon to View Attachment
Attachment B: Addendum 62ak Background
Attachment C: Camejo Interpretation
Attachment D: Fickes Interpretation