ULE UPDATE LIST JANUARY 2014 ADDITIONS ACM Proceedings of the ... Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms APA PSYCNET PSYCARTICLES American journal of orthopsychiatry BRILL HSS Polis (Swansea, Eng.) CAMBRIDGE UP HSS Australasian journal of special education EBSCO ACADEMIC SEARCH COMPLETE American journal of animal and veterinary sciences Animal biology & animal husbandry Chronicles of young scientists International journal of health science Journal of topology Polish annals of medicine EBSCO ACADEMIC SEARCH PREMIER American notes and queries European journal of political research European political science International journal of art & design education International journal of biology Israel journal of earth sciences Journal of arts management & law Journal of the history of ideas Metaphor and symbolic activity Nano reviews Nin : journal of gender studies in antiquities Northern history Renaissance quarterly Russian studies in philosophy: A journal of translations Teaching artist journal EBSCO BUSINESS SOURCE COMPLETE Journal of international commerce, economics and policy EBSCO BUSINESS SOURCE PREMIER History of political economy International labour review Journal of international commerce, economics and policy Nano reviews Worldwide energy EBSCO JEWISH STUDIES SOURCE Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research IMAJ: The Israel Medical Association journal Review of Middle East studies (Middle East Studies Association of North America) EBSCO POLITICAL SCIENCE COMPLETE American economic review GALE ACADEMIC ONEFILE Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie Cell & tissue transplantation & therapy Cell communication insights Educational studies in mathematics Fronesis Hermathena Journal of adolescent & adult literacy Journal of artificial evolution and applications Journal of modern literature in Chinese Journal of Slavic linguistics Planning for higher education Pluralist IEEE IEEE journal of biomedical and health informatics JSTOR ARCHIVE A&S VI Academy of Management perspectives MUSE German studies review Hispania (Madrid) Middle East journal NATURE ISME journal (WIS) Journal of investigative dermatology (WIS) Nature reviews. Clinical oncology (WIS) OECD Geographical distribution of financial flows to developing countries Latin American economic outlook OECD compendium of productivity indicators OXFORD UP American journal of jurisprudence BioScience Current legal problems Journal of international dispute settlement Journal of music therapy Journal of survey statistics and methodology Music theory spectrum Music therapy perspectives Philosophical quarterly Public policy and aging report Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan PROQUEST CENTRAL Acta carsologica Australian journal of French studies Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research Cell & tissue transplantation & therapy Fichte-Studien History of science Social responsibility journal Topic (New York) PROQUEST DIRECT (RES) Australian journal of French studies Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research SAGE PREMIER Annals of pharmacotherapy Anthropocene review Bible translator Canadian pharmacists journal Drug science, policy and law Economic and labour relations review European journal of probation Foot & ankle international Foreign trade review InnovAiT International journal International journal of maritime history Jindal journal of business research Journal of clinical urology Journal of experiential education Journal of international medical research Journal of international political theory Journal of land and rural studies Journal of pharmacy technology Measurement and control (1968) Millennial Asia Missiology New labor forum Public personnel management Scandinavian journal of surgery South African journal of psychology Studies in Indian politics Therapeutic advances in vaccines Transactional analysis journal United European gastroenterology journal SCIENCEDIRECT Asian pacific journal of reproduction Biocybernetics and biomedical engineering Biomarkers and genomic medicine International economics International journal of marine energy International review of economics education Journal of accounting literature Journal of acute disease Journal of choice modelling Journal of food and drug analysis Journal of hospitality and tourism management Journal of patient safety & infection control Journal of Pierre Fauchard Academy. India Section Journal of the Canadian Institute of Food Science and Technology Journal of vascular access devices Manufacturing letters Safety and health at work Tékhne Urological science SCIENCEDIRECT BOOK SERIES Advances in agronomy (THI) Advances in botanical research (THI) Progress in brain research (THI) Advances in ecological research (THI) Advances in experimental social psychology (THI) Advances in food and nutrition research (THI) Advances in food research (THI) Advances in pharmaceutical sciences (IIBR) Advances in the study of behavior (THI) Annals of discrete mathematics (THI) Developments in clay science (THI) International review of cell and molecular biology (IIBR) International review of neurobiology (THI) Progress in molecular biology and translational science (IIBR) Psychology of learning and motivation (THI) Theoretical ecology series (THI) Vitamins and hormones (THI) SPRINGER BOOK SERIES Biotechnology: pharmaceutical aspects (IIBR) Fundamental materials research (IIBR) Topics in current chemistry (1973/74) (IIBR) Topics in heterocyclic chemistry (IIBR) Topics in medicinal chemistry (IIBR) Topics in organometallic chemistry (IIBR) Research and perspectives in neurosciences (IIBR) TAYLOR & FRANCIS SSH American journalism Canadian journal of philosophy Jewish quarterly Loisir et societe North American actuarial journal Scandinavian psychoanalytic review TAYLOR & FRANCIS ST Biotechnology & genetic engineering reviews Zoology in the Middle East WILEY-BLACKWELL Africa research bulletin. Economic, financial, and technical series European journal of heart failure International journal of art & design education Journal of adolescent & adult literacy WILEY-BLACKWELL ARCHIVE Journal of immunogenetics Journal of protozoology Scandinavian journal of haematology (1964-86) FREE E-JOURNALS אלכסון בין המילים המדריך להתמודדות כנגד הבנקים:בנקים בסיס וחדשות כתב העת הישראלי לארתרוסקופיה ולפגיעות ספורט אורתופדיות מצב המדינה בתמונות בשבילם משפט מפתח נתיבים עיתון ערבות על נתוניך ירושלים דו"ח שנתי:רשות הפטנטים Annual review of statistics and its application [trial] Archaeology international Complex adaptive systems modeling EPJ data science Essays in philosophy Gastroenterology report Genome medicine [partial] Human-centric computing and information sciences International journal of low carbon technologies International journal of social science studies Jewish post and opinion Journal de l'Ecole polytechnique Journal of applied botany and food quality Journal of cloud computing Journal of computer systems, networks, and communications Journal of interaction science Journal of investigative medicine high impact case reports Journal of mathematical neuroscience Journal of mathematics in industry Journal of the renin angiotensin aldosterone system Journal of tissue engineering Journal of uncertainty analysis and applications Linux voice [9 months delay] Nano reviews Provence historique Official journal of the European Union Open area studies journal Orthopaedic journal of sports medicine Progress of theoretical and experimental physics Quanta magazine SAGE open medical case reports SAGE open medicine Security informatics Tourism (Zagreb) Trends in hearing Yod: Revue des etudes hebraiques et juives modernes et contemporaines Zeitschrift für Katalanistik DIRECT SUBSCRIPTIONS ACM inroads (EMY) AJR journal (HAI) AIAA journal [archive] (TEC) American journal on mental retardation (BAR) Ancilla iuris (TAU) Annals of plastic surgery [archive] (TEC) Annual review of public health (EMY) Boletn oficial de Aragn (TAU) Boletn oficial de Canarias (TAU) Boletn oficial de Cantabria (TAU) Boletn oficial de Castilla y Len (TAU) Boletn oficial de la Regin de Murcia (TAU) Chicago journal of nervous and mental disease (WIS) Curriculum perspectives (HAI) Diario oficial de Castilla-La Mancha (TAU) Diario oficial de Extremadura Diari oficial de la generalitat valenciana (TAU) Diario oficial de Galicia (TAU) Euskal Herriko agintaritzaren aldizkaria (TAU) European medieval drama (HAI) Gastroenterology (WIS) Historical geography (HAI) History of political thought (EMY) Immunotherapy (THI) International journal of digital television (EMY) Islam (Berlin) (BAR) Italia contemporanea (TAU) Journal of ancient Judaism (HAI) Journal of biological response modifiers (WIS) Journal of guidance, control, and dynamics [archive] (TEC) Journal of intellectual property, information technology and e-commerce law (TAU) Journal of optical communications (TEC) Journal of propulsion and power [archive] (TEC) Journal of public mental health (HAI) Journal of spacecraft and rockets [archive] (TEC) Journal of thermophysics and heat transfer [archive] (TEC) Journal of visualized experiments (BAR) Kierkegaard studies. Yearbook (HAI) Kurdish studies (TAU) Neurosurgery (BAR) Novaia i noveishaia istoriia (HAI) Perspectives of new music (BAR) Perspectives on augmentative and alternative communication (HAI) Recherche et applications en marketing (TAU) Revista de bioética y derecho (TAU) Revista de derecho social (TAU) Revista de direito vLex (TAU) Russkii iazyk za rubezhom (HAI) Soccer and society (OPENU) South East Asian journal of management (TAU) Surface science spectra (WIS) Tourism analysis (HAI) Tourism, culture & communication (HAI) Viator (HAI) Voprosy iazykoznaniia (HAI) DELETIONS EBSCO ACADEMIC SEARCH COMPLETE Internet journal of microbiology Internet journal of toxicology EBSCO ACADEMIC SEARCH PREMIER American journal of sociology Chemical engineering (New York) Electronic engineering design Internet journal of microbiology Internet journal of toxicology EBSCO BUSINESS SOURCE COMPLETE World competition EBSCO BUSINESS SOURCE PREMIER American journal of sociology GALE ACADEMIC ONEFILE American journal of animal and veterinary sciences Energy and power engineering Internet journal of nanotechnology Journal of geographic information system Journal of software engineering and applications Journal of sustainable development LJ book review World competition LEXIS NEXIS Canadian pharmaceutical journal OXFORD UP Journal of topology PROQUEST CENTRAL Journal of educational measurement SCIENCEDIRECT COLLEGE ED. HEALTH & LIFE SCIENCES European journal of heart failure SPRINGER Acta metallurgica Sinica (English letters) Paladyn TAYLOR & FRANCIS (SSH) Australasian journal of special education Journal of trust research FREE E-JOURNALS Cell biology insights International journal of engineering and natural sciences Iyunim: Studies in State Audit Jerusalem review of legal studies Middle Eastern lectures DIRECT SUBSCRIPTIONS 20 century British history (TAU) African affairs (London : 1901) (TAU) Alexandria (TAU) Alternatives to the high cost of litigation (HAI) American literary history (HUJI; TAU) Applied linguistics (HUJI; TAU) Cambridge quarterly (TAU) Diplomatic history (TAU) Early music (HUJI; TAU) Educational media international (HIT) European psychologist (THI) French history (HUJI; TAU) History workshop journal (HUJI; TAU) Holocaust and genocide studies (HUJI; TAU) International relations of the Asia-Pacific (TAU) Israel journal of ecology and evolution (HAI) Israel journal of plant sciences (HAI) Jewish history (TAU) Journal of the learning sciences (HIT) Place branding (HAI) Professional school counseling (HAI) Progress in human geography (BAR) Progress in physical geography (BAR) Social politics (TAU) Social science Japan journal (TAU) Teaching of psychology (OPENU)