IMPORTANT INFORMATION – Please read through carefully DEADLINE for your FINAL PowerPoint presentation and any associated materials (fonts, movie files, animations): MONDAY 18 MARCH 2013 Debbie Cunnington, Conference Assistant, is responsible for ensuring that we receive all presentations by 18 March 2013 ( Please make a note of this date – we need to receive everything for your PowerPoint presentation between MONDAY 04 MARCH and final day - MONDAY 18 MARCH 2013. Please try not to cover too much in your presentation or on your slides - choose one or two aspects and cover them thoroughly from start to finish. Your chosen topic should be a combination of theoretical methods and ideas, practical solutions and applications and real-world case studies. PRESENTATION SPECIFICATIONS: You are required to supply us with a presentation created in Microsoft Office PowerPoint® 2003, 2007 or 2010 (saved in PC format). 35 SLIDES MAXIMUM. Our operating system is Microsoft Office PowerPoint® 2010. The slides should be created in “ON-SCREEN SHOW”. Go to Page set up, Slides sized for: then select “ON SCREEN SHOW (4:3)”. The resolution should not exceed 1024 x 768 pixels. The resolution is set in PowerPoint - under "Set up Slide Show". The first slide must have the speaker’s name, job title and company on it. Fonts: You must provide any non-standard fonts used in your company logo or presentation as .TTF files. Any fonts not supplied with your presentation will be replaced with Arial. Equipment provided: PC laptop (with your presentation pre-loaded onto it), a digital light projector (data beamer), projection screen, feedback (comfort) monitor, sound, lighting and microphones (gooseneck and lapel). If you have any questions, please contact Debbie Cunnington, Conference Assistant ( PRESENTATION DELIVERY METHODS: *~*Send ALL PRESENTATION MATERIALS (PPT/MOVIES/FONTS) together, AT THE SAME TIME *~* PLEASE DO NOT put a password on your presentation. ALL files/folders MUST be saved in the SPEAKERS NAME (First name_Last name.fileextension) so that we can identify that it is their presentation. By EMAIL (up to 25mb if YOUR server will allow) to By FTP site (any size): How to use the Passenger Terminal EXPO 2013 FTP site to upload your presentation files. You must send all presentation materials (PPT/MOVIES/FONTS) together, in one folder at the same time and files should be saved in the speaker’s name: firstname_lastname.fileextension ---------------------------------------------- FTP instructions - if using Windows Explorer: Paste the following link into your web browser: Click: the VIEW menu item on the top tool bar From the drop down list click: Open FTP site in Windows Explorer Enter the username: ptc13speaker and password to access: ptc13speaker Select the PTC13 folder Copy your items into this folder ---------------------------------------------- FTP instructions - if not using Windows Explorer Do not use Internet Explorer as your FTP uploader if you intend to upload your files to our FTP site - please run a FTP Client. Please check with your IT department that your firewall will allow you to use FTP sites. Paste the following link into your web browser: Enter the username: ptc13speaker and password to access: ptc13speaker Select the PTC13 folder It is Port: 21 if you need to enter a Port for the FTP client ------------------------------------------------- NEXT STEPS… Once your upload has finished, before leaving the ftp site, check that your folder and files are there and email Debbie to say that it has been uploaded. If you enter the site again after this, you will not be able to access them, this is for security. If you need to upload a new file, you will need to put it in a new folder, ie., “Debbie Cunnington 2” and give the file inside a new name, .i.e, “Debbie_Cunnington2.pptx” and again, please email Debbie to let us know. by CD/DVD/USB to: c/o Debbie Cunnington, Conference Assistant Passenger Terminal CONFERENCE 2013 Abinger House, Church Street Dorking, Surrey. RH4 1DR. UK Tel: +44 (0)1306 743744 Conference Proceedings website: After the conference all PowerPoint presentations made at the conference will be made into PDF files. Your presentation pdf file and your website address will be posted on the Conference Proceedings website for speakers and conference delegates to access. If you have sensitive information in your PowerPoint presentation, please note: you may request that your presentation is deleted after your presentation has been made at the conference and that it does not appear on our website after the event. Alternatively you can request at any time that certain slides are removed. The website could take up to four weeks to be ready after the conference (but should be ready with two). You will receive a website address and password upon completion to check your content. *~* CONSULTANTS, SUPPLIERS & MANUFACTURERS *~* Due to how a small number of people have previously conducted themselves at the conference, unfortunately this note has become necessary. “We, other speakers, and most importantly the attendees do not want to listen to company, service or product promotion while at the conference, however well concealed. Failure to comply will result in loss of future speaking opportunities. The Conference Chair now has our permission to stop your presentation mid-flow if necessary. We appreciate your understanding of this matter”. *~*