COP 4331 OO Processes for Software Development Lab3 Requirements For a Vector Application © Dr. David A. Workman School Electrical Engineering and Computer Science University of Central Florida Computer Science Department Orlando, Florida May 21, 2003 Last Revised: February 24, 2007 Table of Contents Lab3: Obstacle Avoidance using Vector Algebra. .......................................................................................................... 1 Submission Requirements................................................................................................................................................... 1 The Vector Abstraction and Class Specification.............................................................................................................. 2 Special Vectors ..................................................................................................................................................................... 2 Vector Operations ............................................................................................................................................................... 3 Properties of Vector Operations ........................................................................................................................................ 3 Relationships between Points and Lines ........................................................................................................................... 4 Point-to-Line Solution ......................................................................................................................................................... 5 Line Intersection Problem .................................................................................................................................................. 6 Analysis of Obstacle Avoidance ......................................................................................................................................... 7 Distance to an Obstructing Object .................................................................................................................................... 8 Simple Obstacle Avoidance ................................................................................................................................................ 9 A General Object Oriented Design.................................................................................................................................. 11 Software Requirements..................................................................................................................................................... 14 List of Figures Figure 1. Figure 2. Figure 3. Figure 4. Figure 5. Figure 6. Figure 7. Definition of a Vector, V. ................................................................................................................................... 2 Equation of a Line.............................................................................................................................................. 4 Distance from P to L. ......................................................................................................................................... 5 Obstructing Object, Z. ....................................................................................................................................... 7 Impact Geometry. .............................................................................................................................................. 8 Possible Paths to Avoid Obstacle, Z ................................................................................................................. 9 Object Oriented Architecture for the Vector Applications ........................................................................ 11 List of Tables Table 1. Operations on Vectors......................................................................................................................................... 3 Page i Lab3: Obstacle Avoidance using Vector Algebra. Objectives: To introduce features of C++ key to developing large software systems. To exploit reusable abstractions and components in constructing software. To develop potentially reusable components for the term simulation project. To introduce software specification concepts using UML. C++ Features: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) Exception classes and exception handling. File IO using fstream and its subclasses ifstream and ofstream. Overloaded extraction (>>) and insertion( << ) operators as friend functions. Namespaces for organizing and sharing reusable components or packages. Math and Template libraries. Submission Requirements All labs associated with this project shall include, as a minimum, the following deliverables: all source files necessary to successfully compile, link and execute the delivered program using g++ on Unix (Olympus); all input and output data files used to test the program prior to delivery; a Readme file giving your name (or team members), submission date, Lab number, and any comments about the submission that will help in fairly evaluating your work. These files shall be submitted electronically via email in the form of a (.zip) file with a prefix having the form: Lab <number> - <last name> - <month><day>. For example, the file name for Dr. Workman submitting Lab 2 on May 21 would be: Any resubmission of the same Lab shall be submitted using the same file format – only the date portion would need to change. If you have more than one submission of a given Lab on the same day, then only the latest one will be evaluated for a grade. Page 1 of 16 The Vector Abstraction and Class Specification AAvector vectorinin2-space 2-spaceisisaapair pair(a, (a,b)b) denoting respectively the X and denoting respectively the X andYY coordinates coordinatesofofpoint pointdenoting denotingthe the head of a vector with tail at (0, head of a vector with tail at (0,0)0) Y r a 2 b2 sin()) aa=rrcos( bb== rr sin( cos() ) Sin 1 (b / r ) Cos 1 (a / r ) - 2 2 b (a, b) head point r V (0, 0) tail point a X Figure 1. Definition of a Vector, V. As illustrated in Figure 1, there are two common representations of vectors in 2-space, Cartesian and Polar. In Cartesian form, the XY-coordinates of the Head are used to uniquely define a vector. In Polar coordinates, the reference angle () relative to the positive X-axis, and its length ( r) uniquely define a vector. In the discussion to follow, (X,Y) will implicitly denote the Cartesian form, while Polar(r, ) will denote the equivalent Polar form. Special Vectors Many data abstractions define special constants or basis elements. For our vector abstraction we define: Zero = (0.0 , 0.0) = Polar (0.0 , 0.0) = the null vector (head at origin) Unit-X = (1.0, 0.0) = Polar (1.0 , 0.0) = the unit vector along the X-axis Unit-Y = (0.0, 1.0) = Polar (1.0 , ) = the unit vector along the Y-axis Page 2 of 16 Vector Operations Given vectors, V1 = (x1, y1) = Polar(r1, 1) and V2 = (x2, y2) = Polar(r2, 2), amd a scalar real value, c, we define the following operations on V1 and V2: Operation Unitize Magnitude Table 1. Operations on Vectors Expression Definition Unit(V1) (x1/r1, y1/r1) = Polar(1.0, 1) |V1| r1 = x 2 y 2 1 Angle Sum Difference Dot Product Cross Product Scalar Product Rotation V1 + V2 V1 - V2 V1 V2 V1 V2 cV1 = V1c α @ V1 Negation - V1 1 y 1 = Tan 1 1 , where x1 0 x1 1 = sign ( y1 ) , if x1 = 0 and y1 0 2 (x1 x 2 , y1 y 2 ) (x1 x 2 , y1 y 2 ) x1 x 2 y1 y 2 |V1 ||V2 |cos(2 1 ) x1 y 2 y1 x 2 |V1 ||V2 |sin(2 1 ) ( cx1, cy1) Polar( r1, (1+α) mod 2), where α ≥ is the rotation angle in radians. (See Cartesian formulation below). ( -x1, -y2) = Polar(r1, π+1) = Polar(r1, 1 - ) Properties of Vector Operations (1) Dot product is commutativ e : A B = B A (2) Dot product is associativ e : A ( B C ) = (A B) C (3) Cross product is NOT commutativ e : A B = - (B A) (4) Cross product is NOT associativ e ( Cross product yields a scalar val ue) (5) Scalar product associates with both Dot and Cross product : c (A B) = (c A) B = A (c B) c (A B) = (c A) B = A (c B) (6) Dot, Cross, and Scalar product distribute over + and - : A ( B + C ) = ( A B ) + (A C ) A ( B + C ) = (A B ) + ( A C ) c ( A + B) = c A + c B (7) Let A be a Cartesian vector and be an angle measured counterclo ckwise in radians, 0 2 . Then Cos( ) Sin ( ) A.x B RA is the Cartesian vector obtained by rotating A through angle . Sin ( ) Cos( ) A. y Page 3 of 16 Relationships between Points and Lines Figure 2 illustrates the equation for a line expressed in terms of two vectors, A and U; A defines a point on the line (anchor point) and U is a unit vector that defines the positive direction of the line. Two important geometric relationships can be computed quite easily using vector algebra: the distance between a point and a line, and the point of intersection between two lines. The solutions to these problems are described in Figures 3 and 4, respectively. Y Line Equation: L(α) = A + α·U where A denotes a vector on the line (anchor) and U denotes a unit vector defining the positive direction of the line. The line is swept out as the scalar α varies over all real values. L(α) α < A U L(α) α ≥ X Figure 2. Equation of a Line Page 4 of 16 Point-to-Line Solution The distance of a given point, P, from a line, L, is the length of a vector, V, perpendicular to L, having its head at P and its tail on L at Q. See Figure 3. Y Line Equation: L(α) = A + α·U A P U V Q X Figure 3. Distance from P to L. V must satisfy the following equations: [1] P = V + Q [2] U V = 0 [3] Q A c U , for some scalar c. We want to solve for the scalar c. Knowing the value of (c) enables us to compute Q from equation [3] and then V from equation [1], since P,A, and U are given vectors. Thus we have: [4] V P Q , from [1] [5] P Q P ( A c U ) ( P A ) c U , from [3] [6] U V U ( P Q ) U [( P A ) c U ] U ( P A ) c (U U ) 0, from [2],[4] and [5] [7] But U U 1, so we have c = U ( P A ), the desired solution. [8] The distance between P and L then becomes |V|. Page 5 of 16 Line Intersection Problem Given two lines, L1() = A1 + ·U1 and L2() = A2 + ·U2, there are three cases to consider: (a) (b) (c) the lines are parallel and distinct (void intersection) the lines are co-linear (the same) (the lines intersect at all their points) the lines intersect at exactly one point. Two lines are parallel or co-linear if and only if the Cross product of their direction vectors is zero (U1 U2) = 0. Now, in addition, the two lines are co-linear if and only if their anchor points (A1 and A2) lie on either line. This is equivalent to saying that the vector connecting these two points is parallel to L1 (is actually co-linear with L1). Thus (A1 - A2) U1 = 0. We may summarize the three cases as follows: (a) (b) (c) (U1 U2) = 0 and (A1 - A2) U1 0 (U1 U2) = 0 and (A1 - A2) U1 = 0 (U1 U2) 0 //Parallel and distinct // Co-linear // Unique point of intersection Now, assuming (c) holds there must be a unique value of the scalars and for which L1() = L2(). In other words, it must hold that [9] A1 U1 = A2 U 2 To solve for we take the Cross product of both sides of [9] with U1. This yields, [10] ( A1 U1 ) U1 = ( A2 U 2 ) U1 Distributing both sides and simplifying we have, [11] ( A1 U1 ) (U1 U1 ) = ( A2 U1 ) (U 2 U1 ) Now, assuming (c) holds and knowing that (U1 U1) = 0 we obtain, [12] ( A1 U1 ) = ( A2 U1 ) (U 2 U1 ), and then [13] ( A1 U1 ) ( A2 U1 ) ( A1 A2 ) U1 (U 2 U1 ) (U 2 U1 ) In an analogous fashion it follows that ( A A1 ) U 2 [14] 2 (U1 U 2 ) Page 6 of 16 Analysis of Obstacle Avoidance The problem is depicted in the Figure 4. A Rover object, R, is in motion traveling in a direction and speed defined by velocity vector, V. This vector has been defined to create a future rendezvous with some Target object or Rover position, T. At some point in time, R discovers that some fixed and motionless object, Z, is obstructing its path. That is, if R continues in its current direction, it will eventually collide with Z. R must alter its direction (and possibly speed) to avoid Z with the least impact on the total distance it must travel to avoid the obstruction, Z. Y Target Object (T) Current path corridor β DT DR T Obstructing Object (Z) Z α V Moving Rover (R) R X Figure 4. Obstructing Object, Z. All objects in the scenario are modeled by circles with radii Zrad and Rrad, respectively. We assume the target, T, has the same radius as the Rover, since it represents a future position of the Rover. The vector diagram satisfies the following relationships: Z = T + DT = R + DR. |DT| ≥ Zrad + Rrad = |DR| ≥ Zrad + Rrad = We assume no two objects are closer that (center-to-center). Then Z is an obstructing object iff V DR V DT | sin( ) | and | sin( ) | | V | | DR | | DR | | V | | DT | | DT | Note that 0 |α|, |β| < π/2. Page 7 of 16 Distance to an Obstructing Object Implementing a solution strategy to avoid an obstructing object as depicted in Figure 4, may require computing the distance the Rover must travel to actually make contact with the obstacle, Z. Figure 5 shows the geometry at the moment of impact. Y Target Object (T) β Impact Pt DT DI RI T Obstructing Object (Z) Z DR α Moving Rover (R) R X Figure 5. Impact Geometry. What we want to compute is the vector RI, the vector defining the distance traveled by the Rover from its original position, R, to the impact point with Z. The vector DI is a vector from the center of the Rover object at impact to the center of Z. This vector must be of length . The angle between DI and DR is denoted by . The equations for computing these vectors are given below. | D R | | R I | cos( ) | D I | cos( ) | R I | sin( ) | D I | sin( ) | D R | sin( ) | D | I Sin -1 | DI | | D | - | D I | cos( ) | R I | R cos( ) Page 8 of 16 Substituting for DI in all the above equations we have: D - sin α ψ Sin 1 R Δ D cos( ) RI R cos( ) Simple Obstacle Avoidance One solution in the simplest cases involves computing the geometry of two possible paths around the obstructing object Z. These paths are depicted in Figure 6. Each path has a turning point (P1 and P2) that is defined by the intersection of two lines, one defined by a clear path to the Target, one defined by a clear path from the Waiter, each tangential to the obstructing object. Y B+ B- β -β Turing Point (P 2) Turing Point (P 1) -α α AA+ T Z X R Figure 6. Possible Paths to Avoid Obstacle, Z The alternative clear paths available to the Rover are characterized by a unit vector in a direction obtained by rotating the vector DR by an angle ± α. Similarly, the alternative clear paths to the Target are obtained by rotating the vector DT through an angle ± β. The two complete clear path from R to T bypassing Z are: Page 9 of 16 (a) traveling in direction A- to turning point P1 and then traveling in direction –B+ to the Target, T. (b) traveling in direction A+ to turning point P2 and then traveling in direction –B- to the Target, T. The desired path is the one for which |Pk – R| is a minimum, where k {1,2}. The formulas for computing the above vectors and turning points are given below. Now, since there may be many potential obstacles, the paths to the target at turning points P1 and P2 may also be obstructed by still other objects. So, at each turning point, or possibly even before, the computation for identifying obstructing objects and computing the two possible paths around the object must be repeated until, either a completely unobstructed path is found (with zero or more turning points), or no such path exists. To implement this more general algorithm, you must build a tree of turning points so that if one choice fails to provide an unobstructed path, you can return to the most recent untried path and continue the search. , D R Cos( ) Sin ( ) A- unit ( DR ) Sin ( ) Cos( ) Cos( ) Sin ( ) A unit ( DR ) Sin ( ) Cos( ) Cos( ) Sin ( ) , B unit ( DT ) Sin ( ) Cos ( ) D T For turnin g point, P1 , we define : Cos( ) Sin ( ) B unit ( DT ) Sin ( ) Cos( ) Sin 1 Sin 1 LA ( z) R z A LB ( z ) T z B The intersecti on of these two lines is P1 L A (c1 ) R c1 A , where c1 (T R) B ( A B ) For turnin g point, P2 , we define : LA ( z) R z A LB ( z ) T z B (T R) B The intersecti on of these two lines is P2 L A (c 2 ) R c 2 A , where c 2 ( A B ) Page 10 of 16 A General Object Oriented Design In this section we present the generic design you will be implementing in C++. This section also presents the general requirement and specifications necessary to understand and carry out the implementation exercise. AppErrors IOMgmt IOError InMgr VectorApp OutMgr vectorspace problemspace VectorError ProblemError ProblemMgr Vector Problem Line Line Obstacle Rover Figure 7. Object Oriented Architecture for the Vector Applications Page 11 of 16 VectorApp: This is the main unit. It defines the program entry point and encapsulates the highestlevel control object for the application. Its purpose is to acquire the resources needed for the application. If and when these resources are acquired, it passes these resources to an instance of the ProblemMgr. ProblemMgr encapsulates application control and coordinates all interactions among solution objects at the highest level. AppError: This is the root exception class. Every instance of this class contains two data members that define the origin of an exception (in what method and class?) and a message string that diagnoses the cause of the exception in the originating method. The values of these data members can be obtained by methods: getMsg() and getOrigin(). As the exception travels up the call chain, each exception handler ( catch block ) has an opportunity to append additional information to the origin and message data members. After updating the exception content, the handler re-throws the exception so that it may continue to propagate upward along the call chain to some point where the exception can be properly dealt with, or terminate the program if the exception propagates all the way to VectorApp. This is accomplished using the methods: appendOrigin() and appendMsg(). If the exception is handled ( caught ) at the highest level of control before the program terminates, the origin and message members of the exception can be output to provide a trace of the call chain and a diagnosis at each method that handled (caught ) the exception along this chain. Package (Namespace) Descriptions IOMgmt Package IOMgmt provides reusable classes for identifying and opening (creating) an ASCII file stream. The constructor of class OutMgr takes a prompt message string as a parameter and interacts with the user in an attempt to associate an external ASCII file with an encapsulate instance (fout) of std::ostream. If the association attempt is not successful, OutMgr raises (throws) an instance of exception, IOError. In addition to dialog services for output streams, OutMgr provides a number of methods for structuring and formatting output streams into lines – capabilities that are beyond the services provided by std::iomanip and std::iostream. Like OutMgr, the constructor of class InMgr takes a prompt message string as a parameter and interacts with the user via the standard input (keyboard) and output (screen) objects. InMgr attempts to associate an external ASCII file with an encapsulated instance of std::ifstream. If the association attempt is not successful, InMgr raises (throws) an instance of exception, IOError. In addition to dialog services for input streams, InMgr provides a number of methods for manipulating streams using capabilities provided by std::iostream. vectorspace This package encapsulates a reusable abstraction for 2D vectors named Vector. It also contains an exception class named VectorError. The set of operations supported by the Vector class were presented at the beginning of this Lab. There are operations that support the view of a 2D vector in Cartesian coordinates, or in Polar coordinates. There are also methods for extracting a Vector from, or inserting the image of a Vector into an external ASCII file stream. Page 12 of 16 problemspace This package, together with VectorApp, encapsulates the abstractions that directly satisfy the requirements of the given application. One could argue that Line should be placed in vectorspace, and rightfully so, but we have chosen to keep it in problemspace because it was an abstraction discovered or derived from the problem description. (The next 2D geometry application we encounter that requires a Line abstraction should tell us that Line is a reusable and that should be moved into vectorspace suitably renamed to geometry2D). ProblemMgr is a control class that encapsulates the problem solution logic. It requires two resources, an input file stream (fin) and an output file stream (fout). Using the Problem abstraction, ProblemMgr parses the input file as a sequence of Problem instances delimited in some fashion. ProblemMgr therefore “hides” the details about how the input file is structured with respect to Problem instances. Problem hides the details about how a problem instance is structured. Etc. ProblemMgr also hides the processing algorithm. For example, ProblemMgr could parse all Problem instances and put them in an internal list. Once all Problem instances have been created, it could process the list by solving and outputting each instance. This approach appears to be unnecessarily complex (because of the list abstraction) and so we have chosen the simpler approach of iterating over the steps of parsing one Problem instance, solving that instance, and outputting the result until the input file stream is exhausted or an exception occurs. The Problem class encapsulates an instance of our application problem, two lines and a point, where lines and points are represented using instances of Vector. Once again, Problem encapsulates the structure of a problem instance: each Line instance is labeled and appears on a single line of the file, the point is labeled and appears on a separate line of the file, and finally, the two line instances follow the instance of the point. Problem has two methods, an Extract() method extracts an instance from an input file stream. The Solve() method solves the problem instance and writes the result to an output file stream passed to it as a parameter. The Line class encapsulates an instance of a 2D line and represents it as a pair of Vector objects. The first Vector denotes an anchor point – a point that lies on the line. The second Vector defines the positive orientation or direction of the line. All points on the Line instance can be computed by the vector sum, anchor + c*direction, where c is some real scalar. The direction vector need not be a unit vector. Like Problem, Line includes extraction and insertion methods for inputting and outputting Line images. It includes methods for computing the intersection point of two Line instances and a method for computing the distance of a given point (represented by a Vector) to a given Line instance. The Intersection() method takes an instance of Line as a parameter and computes whether or not this line intersects at a single point with the implied operand *this. It throws an exception if the intersection point does not exist (parallel lines) or is not unique (co-linear lines); otherwise, it returns an instance of Vector defining the unique intersection point. If this method is called producing either of the other two possible results, then a ProblemError exception is thrown indicating that the Lines were co-linear or parallel.. Finally, the DistanceTo() method takes a Vector as a parameter and returns the distance of that Vector to the given Line instance. Other classes can be included in problemspace as the application dictates; e.g Rover and Obstacle. Page 13 of 16 Software Requirements Requirement 1. The developer shall use the OO+ software design and implementation as the legacy baseline (starting point) for development. Requirement 2. The developer shall redefine the Problem and ProblemMgr classes of the OO+ design and shall add any new classes appropriate to satisfy all remaining requirements of this project. Requirement 3. A “Problem” instance shall consist of an initial Rover object (initial position Vector, velocity Vector and radius) and the final Rover position Vector. In addition, the “Problem” instance shall include one or more instances of Obstacle class. Requirement 4. Rover and Obstacle objects shall be modeled as 2D circular geometric shapes having a positive real radius. Obstacles need not have a uniform radius. The Rover need not have a radius equal to that of any given Obstacle. Obstacles have a unique name and a fixed position Vector and remain motionless through the application scenario. Requirement 5. The distance between any pair of Obstacles in a Problem instance shall be no less than the sum of their radii plus twice the diameter of the Rover object. Requirement 6. The application program shall take as input an ASCII file with one or more instances of the Problem class. Requirement 7. For each input Problem instance, the application program shall compute and output an obstacle-free path from the initial Rover position to its final destination position, if such as path exists. If no such path exists or one cannot be found, the application shall output the message, “Failure to find a solution path for this Problem.” Requirement 8. If a solution path (see Requirement 6) is found, the application shall output this path as a sequence of Vectors beginning with the initial position of the Rover and ending with the target position of the Rover. Each intermediate Vector in the solution sequence shall define a turning point determined to avoid an Obstacle. The turning points shall be output along with name of the nearest Obstacle (the one to be avoided) in the order the Rover visits them before arriving at the final destination. Requirement 9. All class instances input or output by the application shall follow the OO IO Data Format and Design Protocol presented in Lecture 10 notes. Requirement 10. The application output shall be an ASCII file containing each Problem instance input, followed by its solution output. Requirement 11. Deliverables shall include the following: 1) Source code, Test Input files, Test Output files. 2) A spreadsheet similar to that used for Lab1 capturing your effort for various development activities and the sizes of legacy classes modified along with the sizes of classes newly developed. 3) A design document describing your software solution. Specifically, you should include a UML Class Diagram showing the relationships between classes you modified and/or added to the legacy design. Your design document shall also include a description of the algorithm you used to compute the obstacle-free path – this shall be expresses as a UML Activity diagram. You shall also indicate in what class(es) and/or method(s) this algorithm was implemented. Requirement 12. The project shall be due Monday, March 12. Page 14 of 16