
Hall SJ, Raffaelli D, Basford DJ, Robertson MR, Fryer RJ, 1990. The feeding relationships of the larger
fish species in a Scottish sea loch. Journal of Fish Biology, 37: 775-791.
Cook RM, Kunzlik PA, Fryer RJ, 1991. On the quality of North Sea cod stock forecasts. ICES Journal of
Marine Science, 48: 1-13.
Fryer RJ, 1991. A model of between-haul variation in selectivity. ICES Journal of Marine Science, 48:
Nicholson MD, Fryer RJ, 1992. The statistical power of monitoring programmes. Marine Pollution
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Reeves SA, Armstrong DW, Fryer RJ, Coull KA, 1992. The effects of mesh size, cod-end extension
length and cod-end diameter on the selectivity of Scottish trawls and seines. ICES Journal of Marine
Science, 49: 279-288.
Fryer RJ, Nicholson MD, 1993. The power of a contaminant monitoring programme to detect linear
trends and incidents. ICES Journal of Marine Science, 50: 161-168.
Hall SJ, Robertson MR, Basford DJ, Fryer RJ, 1993. Pit-digging by the crab Cancer pagarus: a test for
long-term, large-scale effects on infaunal community structure. Journal of Animal Ecology, 62: 59-66.
Galbraith RD, Fryer RJ, Maitland KMS, 1994. Demersal pair trawl cod-end selectivity models. Fisheries
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Kelly AG, Wells DE, Fryer RJ, 1994. Sampling strategy to detect a change in concentration of trace
organic contaminants in marine sediment. Science of the Total Environment, 144: 217-230.
Elliott JM, Hurley MA, Fryer RJ, 1995. A new, improved growth model for brown trout, Salmo trutta.
Functional Ecology, 9: 290-298.
Gallego A, Heath MR, Fryer RJ, 1995. Premature schooling of larval herring in the presence of more
advanced conspecifics. Animal Behaviour, 50: 333-341.
Fryer RJ, Shepherd JG, 1996. Models of codend size selection. Journal of Northwest Atlantic Fishery
Science, 19: 51-58.
Nicholson MD, Fryer RJ, 1996. The art of monitoring. Knowing when to start - and when to stop.
German Journal of Hydrography, Supplement 6: 123-132.
Simmonds EJ, Fryer RJ, 1996. Which are better, random or systematic acoustic surveys? A simulation
using North Sea herring as an example. ICES Journal of Marine Science, 53: 39-50.
Nicholson MD, Fryer RJ, Ross CA, 1997. Designing monitoring programmes for detecting temporal
trends in contaminants in fish and shellfish. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 34: 821-826.
Stratoudakis Y, Fryer RJ, Pierce GJ, Cook RM, 1997. Differences in life history features of long rough
dab Hippoglossoides platessoides within Scottish waters. Marine Ecology Progress Series 158: 303-306.
Nicholson MD, Fryer RJ, Maxwell D, 1998. Multivariate trends in groups of phytoplankton species in the
North Sea. ICES Journal of Marine Science 55: 581-586.
Stratoudakis Y, Fryer RJ, Cook RM, 1998. Discarding practices for commercial gadoids in the North
Sea. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 55: 1632-1644.
Fryer RJ, Nicholson MD, 1999. Using smoothers for comprehensive assessments of contaminant time
series in marine biota. ICES Journal of Marine Science, 56: 779-790.
Stratoudakis Y, Fryer RJ, Cook RM, Pierce GJ, 1999. Fish discarded from Scottish demersal vessels;
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56: 592-605.
Millar RB, Fryer RJ, 1999. Estimating the size-selection curves of towed gears, traps, nets, and hooks.
Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries; 9: 89-116; doi 10.1023/A:1008838220001.
Webster L, McIntosh AD, Moffat CF, Dalgarno EJ, Brown NA, Fryer RJ, 2000. Analysis of sediments
from Shetland Island voes for polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, steranes and triterpanes. Journal of
Environmental Monitoring 2: 29-38.
Stratoudakis Y, Fryer RJ, Cook RM, Pierce GJ, Coull KA, 2001. Fish bycatch and discarding in
Nephrops trawlers in the Firth of Clyde (west of Scotland). Aquatic Living Resources 14: 283-291.
Webb JH, Fryer RJ, Taggart JB, Thompson CE, Youngson AF, 2001. Dispersion of Atlantic salmon
(Salmo salar) fry from competing families as revealed by DNA fingerprinting. Canadian Journal of
Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 58: 2386-2395.
Webster L, Fryer RJ, Dalgarno EJ, Megginson C, Moffat CF, 2001. The polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon
and geochemical biomarker composition of sediments from voes and coastal areas in the Shetland and
Orkney Islands. Journal of Environmental Monitoring 3: 591-601.
Zuur G, Fryer RJ, Ferro RST, Tokai T, 2001. Modelling the size selectivities of a trawl cod-end and an
associated square mesh panel. ICES Journal of Marine Science 58: 657-671.
Fryer RJ, Nicholson MD, 2002. Assessing covariate-dependent contaminant time-series in the marine
environment. ICES Journal of Marine Science 59: 1-14.
Gowland B, Webster L, Fryer R, Davies I, Moffat C, Stagg R, 2002. Uptake and effects of the
cypermethrin-containing sea lice treatment Excis® in the marine mussel, Mytilus edulis. Environmental
pollution 120: 805-811.
Nicholson MD, Fryer RJ, 2002. Developing effecting environmental indicators – does a new dog need
old tricks? Marine Pollution Bulletin 45: 53-61.
Youngson AF, MacLean JC, Fryer RJ, 2002. Rod catch trends for early-running MSW salmon in Scottish
rivers (1952-1997): divergence among stock components. ICES Journal of Marine Science, 59: 836-849.
Zuur G, Garthwaite PH, Fryer RJ, 2002. Practical use of MCMC methods: lessons from a case study.
Biometrical Journal 44: 433-455.
Fryer RJ, Zuur AF, Graham N, 2003. Using mixed models to combine smooth size-selection and catchcomparison curves over hauls. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 60: 448-459.
Graham N, Kynoch RJ, Fryer RJ, 2003. Square mesh panels in demersal trawls: further data relating
haddock and whiting selectivity to panel position. Fisheries Research 62/3: 361-375.
Zuur AF, Fryer RJ, Jolliffe IT, Dekker R, Beukema JJ, 2003. Estimating common trends in multivariate
time series using dynamic factor analysis. Environmetrics 14: 665-685.
Graham N, O’Neill FG, Fryer RJ, Galbraith RD, Myklebust A, 2004. Selectivity of a 120mm diamond
cod-end and the effect of inserting a grid or a square mesh panel. Fisheries Research 67: 151-161.
Webster L, Fryer RJ, Megginson C, Dalgarno EJ, McIntosh AD, Moffat CF, 2004. The polycyclic
aromatic hydrocarbon and geochemical biomarker composition of sediments from sea lochs on the west
coast of Scotland. Journal of Environmental Monitoring 6: 219-228.
Marçalo A, Mateus L, Correia JHD, Serra P, Fryer R, Stratoudakis Y, 2006. Sardine (Sardina pilchardus)
stress reactions to purse seine fishing. Marine Biology 149:1509-1518.
Graham N, Fryer RJ, 2006. Separation of fish from Nephrops norvegicus into a two-tier cod-end using a
selection grid. Fisheries Research, 82:111-118.
O’Neill FG, Kynoch RJ, Fryer RJ, 2006. Square mesh panels in North Sea demersal trawls: separate
estimates of panel and cod-end selectivity. Fisheries Research 78: 333-341.
O’Shea B, Mordue (Luntz) AJ, Fryer RJ, Pert CC, Bricknell IR, 2006. Determination of the surface area
of a fish. Journal of Fish Diseases 29: 437-440.
Bullough LW, Napier IR, Laurenson CH, Riley D, Fryer RJ, Ferro RST, Kynoch RJ, 2007. A year-long
trial of a square mesh panel in a commercial demersal trawl. Fisheries Research, 83: 105-112.
Fonteyne R, Buglioni G, Leonori I, O’Neill FG, Fryer RJ, 2007 Laboratory and field trials of OMEGA, a
new objective mesh gauge. Fisheries Research 85: 197-201.
Ferro RST, Jones EG, Kynoch RJ, Fryer RJ, Buckett B-E, 2007 Separating species using a horizontal
panel in the Scottish North Sea whitefish trawl fishery. ICES Journal of Marine Science 64: 1543-1550;
doi 10.1093/icesjms/fsm099.
Sala A, O’Neill FG, Buglioni G, Lucchetti A, Palumbo V, Fryer RJ, 2007 Experimental method for
quantifying the resistance to the opening of netting panels. ICES Journal of Marine Science 64:
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Fourrier MCS, Munro ES, Fryer RJ, Hastings TS, 2007. Long term monitoring of the virus susceptibility
of five established fish cell lines. Bulletin of the European Association of Fish Pathologists 27:192-199.
Holmes SJ, Wright PJ, Fryer RJ, 2008. Evidence from survey data for regional variability in cod
dynamics in the North Sea and West of Scotland. ICES Journal of Marine Science 65: 206-215;
doi 10.1093/icesjms/fsm192.
Urquhart K, Pert CC, Kilburn R, Fryer RJ, Bricknell IR, 2008. Prevalence, abundance, and distribution of
Lepeoptheirus salmonis (Krøyer, 1837) and Caligus elongatus (Nordmann, 1832) on wild sea trout Salmo
trutta L. ICES Journal of Marine Science 65: 171-173; doi 10.1093/icesjms/fsm188.
Russell M, Webster L, Walsham P, Packer G, Dalgarno, McIntosh AD, Fryer RJ, Moffat CF, 2008.
Composition and concentration of hydrocarbons in sediment samples from the oil producing area of the
East Shetland Basin, Scotland. Journal of Environmental Monitoring 10: 559-569; doi 10.1039/b715765g.
Fraser HM, Greenstreet SPR, Fryer RJ, Piet GJ, 2008. Mapping spatial variation in demersal fish species
diversity and composition in the North Sea: accounting for species- and size-related catchability in survey
trawls. ICES Journal of Marine Science 65: 531-538; doi 10.1093/icesjms/fsn036.
O’Neill FG, Graham N, Kynoch RJ, Ferro RST, Kunzlik PA, Fryer RJ, 2008. The effect of varying codend circumference, inserting a ‘flexi-grid’ or inserting a Bacoma type panel on the selectivity of North Sea
haddock. Fisheries Research 94: 175-183.
Neat FC, Wright PJ, Fryer RJ, 2008. Temperature effects on otolith pattern formation in Atlantic cod
(Gadus morhua). Journal of Fish Biology 73: 2527-2541; doi 10.1111/j.1095-8649.2008.02107.x.
Pert CC, Mordue (Luntz) AJ, Fryer RJ, O’Shea B, Bricknell IR, 2009. The settlement and survival of the
salmon louse, Lepeophtheirus salmonis (Krøyer, 1837), on atypical hosts. Aquaculture 288: 321-324;
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Urquhart K, Bowden TJ, Buckett B-E, Garcia J, Fryer RJ, Ellis AE, 2009. Experimental study of the
susceptibility of Atlantic cod, Gadus morhua (L.), to infection with an IPNV strain pathogenic for Atlantic
salmon, Salmo salar L. Journal of Fish Diseases 32: 447-456; doi 10.1111/j.1365-2761.2009.01036.x.
Mesnil B, Cotter J, Fryer RJ, Needle CL, Trenkel VM, 2009. A review of fishery-independent assessment
models, and initial evaluation based on simulated data. Aquatic Living Resources 22: 207-216;
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Barry J, Boyd S, Fryer R, 2009. Modelling the effects of marine aggregate extraction on benthic
assemblages. Journal of the Marine Biological Association 90: 105-114; doi
Urquhart K, Pert CC, Fryer RJ, Cook P, Weir S, Kilburn R, McCarthy U, Simons J, McBeath SJ,
Matejusova I, Bricknell IR, 2010. A survey of pathogens and metazoan parasites on wild sea trout
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Campbell R, Harcus T, Weirman D, Fryer RJ, Kynoch RJ, O’Neill FG, 2010. The reduction of cod
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Harrald M, Neat FC, Wright PJ, Fryer RJ, Huntingford FA, 2010. Population variation in thermal growth
responses of juvenile Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua L.). Environmental Biology of Fishes 87 187-194; doi
Heffernan J, Barry J, Devlin M, Fryer R, 2010. A simulation tool for designing nutrient monitoring
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Drewery J, Bova B, Kynoch RJ, Edridge A, Fryer RJ, O’Neill FG, 2010. The selectivity of the Swedish
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Greenstreet SPR, Rogers SI, Rice JC, Piet GJ, Guirey EJ, Fraser HM, Fryer RJ, 2011. Development of
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Kynoch RJ, O’Neill FG, Fryer RJ, 2011. Test of 300 and 600mm netting in the forward sections of a
Scottish whitefish trawl. Fisheries Research 108 277-282; doi:10.1016/j.fishres.2010.12.019.
Imholt C, Malcolm IA, Bacon PJ, Gibbins CN, Soulsby C, Miles M, Fryer RJ, 2011. Does diurnal
temperature variability affect growth in juvenile Atlantic salmon Salmo salar? Journal of Fish Biology
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Malcolm IA, Youngson AF, Soulsby C, Imholt C, Fryer RJ, 2011. Is interstitial velocity a good predictor of
salmonid embryo survival? Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 140 898-904; doi
Fernandes PG, Coull K, Davis C, Clark P, Catarino R, Bailey N, Fryer R, Pout A, 2011. Observations of
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Moffat CF, Webster L, Fryer R, 2011. Classical chemical monitoring of the marine environment. In:
Chemical marine monitoring: policy framework and analytical trends; Quevauviller P, Roose P, Verreet G,
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McIntosh AD, Fryer RJ, Webster L, 2012. Long-term fate of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) in
sediments from Loch Leven after closure of an aluminium smelter. Journal of Environmental Monitoring
14 1335–1344; doi10.1039/C2EM11006G.
Millidine KJ, Malcolm IA, Gibbins CN, Fryer RJ, Youngson AF, 2012. The influence of canalisation on
juvenile salmonid habitat. Ecological Indicators 23 262–273; doi10.1016/j.ecolind.2012.04.004.
Middlemas SJ, Fryer RJ, Tulett D, Armstrong JD, 2013. The relationship between sea lice levels on sea
trout and fish farm activity in western Scotland. Fisheries Management and Ecology 20 68-74.
Malcolm IA, Gibbins CN, Fryer RJ, Keay J, Tetzlaff D, Soulsby C, 2014. The influence of forestry on
acidification and recovery: insights from long-term hydrochemical and invertebrate data. Ecological
Indicators 37 317–329; doi10.1016/j.ecolind.2011.12.011.
Malcolm IA, Bacon PJ, Middlemas SJ, Fryer RJ, Shilland EW, Collen, P, 2014. Relationships between
hydrochemistry and the presence of brown trout (Salmo trutta) in headwater streams recovering from
acidification. Ecological Indicators 37 351–364; doi10.1016/j.ecolind.2012.02.029.
Reilly T, Fraser HM, Fryer RJ, Clarke J, Greenstreet SPR, 2014. Interpreting variation in fish-based food
web indicators: the importance of ‘bottom-up limitation’ and ‘top-down control’ processes. ICES Journal
of Marine Science 71 406–416; doi10.1093/icesjms/fst137.
Pert CC, Fryer RJ, Cook P, Kilburn R, McBeath S, McBeath A, Matejusova I, Urquhart K, Weir SJ,
McCarthy U, Collins C, Amundrud T, Bricknell IR, 2014. Using sentinel cages to estimate infestation
pressure on salmonids from sea lice in Loch Shieldaig, Scotland. Aquaculture Environmental Interactions
5 49-59; doi 10.3354/aei00094.
O’Neill FG, Lines EK, Kynoch RJ, Fryer RJ, Maguire S, 2014. A short-term economic assessment of
incentivized selective gears. Fisheries Research 157 13-23; doi 10.1016/j.fishres.2014.03.010.
Boulcott P, Millar CP, Fryer RJ, 2014. Impact of scallop dredging on benthic epifauna in a mixed
substrate habitat. ICES Journal of Marine Science; doi 10.1093/icesjms/fst197.
Holmes SJ, Millar CP, Fryer RJ, Wright PJ, 2014. Gadoid dynamics: differing perceptions when
contrasting stock versus population trends and its implications to management. ICES Journal of Marine
Science; doi 10.1093/icesjms/fsu075.