Table Topics Master Role Briefing - Toastmasters Guide

Role Briefing : Table Topics Master
Table Topics is the "fun" section of a Toastmasters meeting where we all get to practice the art of
impromptu speaking.
The Topics Master is responsible for running the "Table Topics" session, the purpose of which is
1) it enables us to develop the skills of impromptu speaking.
2) it provides a really valuable speaking opportunity for anybody who is not otherwise included
in the meeting programme.
It’s also great experience to take control of a part of the meeting and to use your creative skills!
Before the Meeting
1. Prepare sufficient topics to accommodate the number of topics speakers shown on the
programme (this is usually a maximum of 7).
2. Our planning is based on 2 minutes for the topic speaker and no more than 2 minutes per topic
including your introduction, speaker arrival and departure/applause etc.
3. Any variation in format or timing should be agreed with the VPE and Toastmaster in advance, who
will adjust the programme accordingly.
4. Remember that no-one should be forced to speak/do a Table Topic.
At the Meeting
• Arrive at least 15 minutes before the formal start of the meeting in order to speak to members
(and perhaps guests) as they arrive. Double check that the allocated members wish to be included
and prepare a list of other participants (always give priority to existing members who have no
other function on the agenda, guests follow next).
• When the Toastmaster calls you on to stage, remember to shake his/her hand. Address the
audience by saying “Mr/Mme Toastmaster, fellow Toastmasters and most welcome guests…”
• Make a brief "scene setting" address. If the Toastmaster has not already done so, mention the
purpose of the topics but then introduce the general theme of your session – for a maximum of 2
• Call upon the topics speakers, as follows: A couple of experienced speakers first, other members
with no other speaking role, then willing guests (please DO NOT pressure anybody to
speak). WARNING: DO NOT exceed the planned number of speakers unless time permits and the
Toastmaster agrees. You should not start another question after the time for the table topics slot
has ended.
• For each topics speaker describe the assignment (10-15 seconds maximum), then REPEAT the
question and then introduce the speaker by name; i.e. “My question is what’s your favourite
colour? With the question what’s your favourite colour, please welcome Joe Bloggs on stage”.
This is more challenging as none of the participants know whether it will be them called up but
also it allows them very valuable thinking time whilst they get up to the stage which in turn should
generate better quality responses!
• Thank the speaker on completion of the topic and introduce the next topic…
• On completion of the session, thank all participants and pass control of the meeting quickly back
to the Toastmaster.
Notes & Tips
• Table Topics is particularly for those who have no other opportunity to speak during the meeting
(other than in the warm up session when we run it).
• Certainly don’t include the Table Topics Evaluator, but you can substitute latecomers for those on
your list who already have speaking roles.
It’s a good idea to arrive early and circulate during the break to speak to people about
participating (you might want to anticipate before the meeting who you might choose or
encourage to participate).
• Table Topics should provide a good way for newer members and less confident speakers to start
gaining confidence so encourage and help them. It should also provide opportunities for more
experienced speakers to stretch their abilities so give them more demanding topics. Have a wide
variety of topics ready and adjust them according to the speaker but make sure that you don’t
impose Table Topics on a reluctant speaker.
• Subject matter is entirely the responsibility of the Topicsmaster but experience shows that a good
overall performance is achieved in the following circumstances:
The topic is one that allows the speaker to speak from his/her own experience
 The topics session follows a common theme, allowing the less-experienced speakers some
preparation time
Some Topics Masters prefer to set only "challenging" topics which may result in excellent
performances from a few speakers but dismal performances from the rest - the choice
is yours.
• Before the meeting, when deciding on the topics, remember to try answering them yourself to see
if they work!
• Try to keep your explanations and instructions precise and clear
• It is not necessary to include timings as these are included in the programme
• Always greet each topics speaker with a handshake and enthusiastically lead the applause - do the
same on completion of the speech
• Please remember to not go over the allocated time - the best way to control timing in a topics
session is firstly to keep your instructions and comments as brief and as clear as possible, and
secondly to control the number of speakers
• This is a creative role that is good for trying different variations on themes and it does give you a
good opportunity to take control of part of the meeting
Finally, if you have not completed your Competent Leadership Award and still need this role signedup you should: (A) give your Competent Leadership manual to another Club member before the
meeting starts with the required role identified and ask him/her to complete the required section;
and (B) ensure you cover all of the objectives of the selected Competent Leadership project during
your performance of the role