Rock View Vets Newsletter September

Rock View Vets Newsletter September
Roche held its annual Carnival on the 1st of August. We had a wonderful time taking part and
even received first prize for our float which we themed
‘The Mad Hatters Tea Party’!
We all had a great time, drinking tea and waving to the crowds! The whole of Roche turned
out to wave us all on. It was lovely to see so many faces.
Topic of the month: Ticks!
Ticks are one of the most common parasites that cling to your pet! They are an ectoparasite
(they live on the outside of your animals body). They are often mistaken for warts and can
vary in colour from white to brown. We have recently been notified that tick numbers are on
the rise with 20 ticks being found in one square metre of parkland – that’s a lot of ticks!
How do they get on my pet?
An estimated one in five cats will have ticks and 15% of dogs are affected by ticks (this may
not seem a lot) but at Rock View we are seeing more and more pets with ticks.
Ticks jump onto your animal mainly in grassy areas where they climb up the stems of grass
and wait for your pet to run past. They then jump on and latch burying in their head (clever
really to ensure they don’t fall off again!). If your cats venture off for the day and you walk
your dog in fields/wood land areas they need to be protected!
Are they Dangerous?
Yes they can be. Ticks carry Lymes Disease!
Lymes Disease is an infectious disease passed from ticks to humans; you may not always see
tick bites on your skin or notice they are there. Lymes disease can affect your joints, skin,
heart and nervous system. Not good! You cannot pass ticks from human to human they are
only transmitted from your pet to you!
There are around 2,000-3,000 cases of Lymes Disease in England and Wales every
Year; it is especially prevalent in Cornwall.
How can I prevent my pets from having ticks?
There is no vaccination for Lymes Disease. The main stay of prevention is ensuring your pets
have preventative treatment regularly. Not only in the summer when you are out and about
more, as ticks thrive in cold damp climates also so treatment needs to carry on through the
At Rock View we advise to use Seresto flea and tick collars on your pets, which last for 8
months! You can also use a tablet, which treats for fleas and ticks and lasts for 3 months.
Top Tip: NEVER PULL A TICK OUT! This method leaves the head of the tick in and can
cause an abscess! Go to your vet where they will use a ‘tick remover’ to remove the tick
properly head and all! At Rock View we sell these tick removers and the nurses will show
you how to use them properly. Prevention is better! Contact your vet today about preventative
tick treatment or pop in to us for a free new client check! We’d be happy to see you!
Even pulling ticks out will not prevent Lymes Disease. Once the tick attaches it will inject the
disease into you or your pet immediately.
Prevention is the best policy!
Speak to us about the best treatment for your pet!
Macmillan Coffee Morning
We are holding our annual coffee morning in aid of Macmillan on Friday the 26th
September 11am-1pm. All welcome. Teas, treats, stalls, raffle and much more!