
Playway, Klasse 3, Teacher´s Book
Klasse 3, Teacher´s Book
1 Hello
Textsorten und Aktivitäten
Wortschatz, Phrasen und Strukturen
Integration in den Zeitrahmen
ca. 4 Wochen
- I’m Max (Cartoon Story)
What’s your name? (Song)
- What’s your name?; Hello to you
- Minidialoge (Talk in class)
- Hörübungen (Listen and speak)
- Hello, I’m Laura/…, What’s your name?
- Hi, I’m Lisa/…; Hello..; What’s your name?; I’m Tom
- Good morning, children; This is Peter; Goodbye, Mrs
- Multisensorische Wortschatzarbeit mit
Hello again (Song)
- one; two; three; four; five; six; seven; eight; nine; ten;
orange; green and blue; yellow; grey; red; pink and
white; black and brown
- Wortschatzwiederholung Zahlen; Hello again; orange;
green and blue; yellow; grey; Hey!; red and pink and
white; black and brown; All right!; Come on!
- Hörübung (Listen and point)
Wortschatzspiel (Play the game)
- Nur rezeptiv: What colour is (number) one/...?; What
number is blue?
- Wortschatzwiederholung: Zahlen und Farben
- Hörübung (Listen and colour)
Schreibübung: Farben schreiben (Write the words)
- Number one/…?; Is number six blue/…?; Yes, it is;
No, it isn’t;
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Autor: Hans Beispielhaft
Playway, Klasse 3, Teacher´s Book
- Partnerarbeit (Ask and answer)
- Wortschatzwiederholung Zahlen und Farben;
balloons; Who is it?
- Nur rezeptiv: How many are there?
- Multisensorische Wortschatzarbeit mit
Schriftbildunterstützung (Picture Cards/ Word Cards)
- book; pencil; mouse
- Hörübung (Listen and point)
Gruppenarbeit (Say and mime)
- Nur rezeptiv: Stand up; Sit down; Open your book;
Close your book; Take a pencil; Draw a mouse
- Culture Special: Children at an English school
Hörübung (Listen)
Minidialoge (Speak)^
- 0 (zero); What’s your telephone number?; Thanks,
Ann; All right
- Hello! (Mr Matt Sketch)
Rekonstruktion der Geschichte
- Vorwiegend rezeptiv: Hello! My name’s Matthew
Morris Minor Major Mumble Mountain Mousetrap
Mumps. You can call me Mr Matt; OK? I’m Mr Matt!;
Say “Hello, Mr Matt!”; After three. One, two, three!;
Sorry; Very good!; Nice to meet you; What’s your
name?; One, two, three! Louder!; This is my boy/girl;
Where are they? Here/Here we are, Dad; My girl,
Daisy. Oh, no! Stop saying that; You’re Danny; I’m
Danny; I’m Daisy; Hooray, hooray, hooray!
- Schreibübungen (Write the words)
- one; two;… ten;
- Hörübung (Listen and point. Then play the game)
Partnerarbeit (Play the game)
- racing car; mountain bike; T-shirt; computer;
skateboard; shorts; What colour is the
skateboard/…?; It’s pink and brown/…
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Autor: Hans Beispielhaft
Playway, Klasse 3, Teacher´s Book
2 School
- Multisensorische Wortschatzarbeit mit
Schriftbildunterstützung (Picture Cards/Word Cards)
Hörübung (Listen and point)
Partnerarbeit (Test your partner)
- pencil; book; glue; scissors; pencil case; pen; ruler;
rubber; schoolbag
Nur rezeptiv: Do it; Touch the pencil/… The pencil/...
and the glue/...
- Hörübung (Listen and tick)
- The pencil/... and the glue/...; Who is it?; Is it…?
- Can I have ...; Here you are; Thank you
- Nur rezeptiv: That’s OK; What does Benny/... want?
- Schreibübung: Schulsachen schreiben (Read and write)
- Can I have ..., please?; Here you are
- Partnerarbeit (Ask and answer)
- Green scissors, a pink pen, … Who is it?; Is it …?
- The banana skin (Action Story) Anweisungen imitieren
und auch durcheinander ausführen
Hörübungen (Listen and mime. Then listen and point;
Listen and write the numbers)
- Nur rezeptiv: Walk to school; Open your schoolbag;
Take out a banana; Eat it; Throw the skin away; Walk
on; Ouch!
- Schreibübung (Look and write)
- Nur rezeptiv: How many … are there?; There are four
rubbers/seven pens/ten pencils/eight rulers/five
books/two schoolbags;
There is one pencil case/one book.
- Logische Reihen (What’s missing? Speak and draw)
Kreativer Schritt (Draw and play)
- Wortschatzwiederholung: Schulsachen.
- Baby Face (Chant)
- schoolbag, pencil, pencil case, scissors, glue, book,
Baby face!
Sit down!
- Culture Special: British children on their way to school
- British children on their way to school; A lollipop lady
helps them to cross the road.
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ca. 3 Wochen
Autor: Hans Beispielhaft
Playway, Klasse 3, Teacher´s Book
Ratespiel: Spot the differences.
- The painting (Cartoon Story)
Rekonstruktion der Geschichte
3 Body
- Multisensorische Wortschatzarbeit
- Vorwiegend rezeptiv: The painting; Come on, Max!;
OK; Blue and green/Red/Yellow; It’s not good; It’s
very good; Oh, no!; I’m sorry; That’s OK,
Linda/Benny; I hate my picture; Fantastic;
- Congratulations!; Thank you
- head; foot/feet; ears; hands; arms; tooth/teeth; toes;
legs; fingers; knees; hair; mouth; eyes; nose;
- Hörübung (Listen and point)
Wortschatzübungen mit Schriftbildunterstützung (Word
- body words
- Partnerarbeit (Play the game)
- Touch your toes/nose….; Shake your arms/fingers…;
Clap your hands; Open/Close your mouth…
- Bend your knees (Chant)
- Bend your knees; Touch your toes/hair/chair/the sky;
Clap your hands; Shake your fingers/head; Stamp
your feet; Jump up high.
- Willbur (Action Story) Anweisungen imitieren und auch
durcheinander ausführen Hörübungen (Listen and
mime. Then listen and point; Listen and write the
- Vorwiegend rezeptiv: Wilbur gets out of bed; He
shakes his arms; He shakes his legs; He bends his
knees; He says hello to his dog; Oh, no!; Wilbur runs
into the bathroom; He cleans his teeth
- Mr Matt keeps fit (Mr Matt Sketch)
Rekonstruktion der Geschichte
- Vorwiegend rezeptiv: Bend your knees; Shake your
arms, one, two, three!; Now jump; What are you
doing?; Shhh! Look!; I’ve got an idea!; What?; Come
with me; Look at this; This is great! Give it to me!;
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Autor: Hans Beispielhaft
ca. 3 Wochen
Playway, Klasse 3, Teacher´s Book
Stamp your feet; Stretch; And now touch your toes;
My back/shoulders/knees; My arms/legs; My
goodness; Danny! Daisy!; What is it, Dad?; Look;
Come with me; Where are we going?; To the
doctor’s!; No!; What’s that?; Aaaaah! Here you are,
Dad; Very funny! Watch this; Next, please!
- Hörübung (Listen and write the numbers)
- Monster one has got…; My monster has got …
- Wortschatzübungen mit Schriftbildunterstützung (Word
Hörübung (Listen and write the numbers)
Partnerarbeit, Wortschatzspiel: Max says…
- body; shoulders; eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen,
fifteen; my foot/knee/… hurts; This tooth hurts
Nur rezeptiv: Let’s go to the doctor’s!
- Hörübung (Listen and write the numbers)
Zuordnungsübung (Match)
- My foot hurts/…
- Hörübung (Listen. Act out the dialogues)
- What’s the matter with you?; I feel sick; Have a cup of
tea; Ouch!; What’s the problem?; My tummy hurts;
Let’s go to the doctor’s; Let me see; Don’t touch it!,
- My monster has got …
- Schreibübung: My text (Read. Write your own text)
- The body rock (Song)
- Listen everybody, get ready for the rock…; the body
rock, yeah!; Arms and hands, legs and feet; head and
hair and ears and nose…; Boys and girls, shake your
legs/head; touch your nose; Have some fun and
shake your arms; Yeah, shake your hair and touch
your toes.
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Autor: Hans Beispielhaft
Playway, Klasse 3, Teacher´s Book
Units 1–3
Show what
you can do
4 Family
Selbstevaluierung (Read and draw lines. Match and write
the numbers)
- Wortschatzwiederholung: Zahlen, Farben,
Schulsachen, Körper
- Multisensorische Wortschatzarbeit mit
Schriftbildunterstützung (Picture Cards/Word Cards)
- My mum/dad/brother/sister/grandma/grandpa
- Hörübung (Listen and point)
- This is me;
That’s my brother, Jack, and that’s my sister, Anne;
And that’s my mum and that’s my dad; I’ve got two
grandpas and two grandmas; My mum’s dad: Grandpa
Michael and my mum’s mum: Grandma Sarah; They
live in Ireland; And my dad’s mum: Grandma Ruth and
my dad’s dad: Grandpa Leo. They live in our town.
- Hörübung (Listen and write the numbers)
Schreibübung: Family
- This is me/Mario’s brother/…
- Story puzzle (Listen, read, number and colour)
- Make your own family tree (Den eigenen Stammbaum
- Thank you, Emily; Oh, my flowers; Yes, of course;
The pizza is very good, Grandma; Can I have some
ketchup/a banana/three apples, please?; Tom, help
your sister
- Hörübung (Listen. Find Alisha’s, Brandon’s, Isabel’s and
Ryan’s families)
- I think Alisha’s family is photo …; I think so too;
- The racoons and the beaver (Cartoon Story)
Spiel zur Rekonstruktion der Geschichte
- Vorwiegend rezeptiv: The racoons are going for a
picnic; Dad, Mum, Rosie and her brother, Ronnie;
Let’s go to the river; What’s that?; It’s a beaver; Over
there; Let’s help him; Mum, Dad, Ronnie and his
sister want to help; They swim across the river; Pull!;
Cut off his tail; Go away; I’ve got an idea; Just a
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Autor: Hans Beispielhaft
ca. 3 Wochen
Playway, Klasse 3, Teacher´s Book
minute; It works; Now let’s have our picnic; That’s
5 Animals
- Zusatzangebot: Masks (racoon, beaver)
- Take the copy of the mask; Put some glue on it and
stick it on the drawing paper; Colour the mask; Cut
out the mask; Cut out the eyes; Push through the
holes on each side of the mask; Fix the elastic; Put
the mask on;
- The clever racoons (Song)
- Zusatzangebot: Racoon, catch me
- The clever racoons are helpful/strong; Oh, here they
come; A bushy tail and two small ears, a funny face
and a black nose; That’s Ronnie, he’s Rosie’s
- Schreibübung: My text (Read. Write your own text)
- My name’s Tom; I’m 8 years old; I’ve got a brother
and a sister; His name’s David and her name’s
- Leseübung (Read and match)
- Hi, I’m Ann; In my family there’s my mum, my dad
and me/…Kate’s 4 years old; I’ve got a big family; I
think Ann’s family is number…
- lion; elephant; monkey; hippo; snake; bird; crocodile;
frog; rat; fox
- Multisensorische Wortschatzarbeit (Picture Cards)
Hörübung (Listen and point. Then play the game)
Wortschatzübungen mit Schriftbildunterstützung (Word
- Partnerarbeit: Spiel
- The chocolate bar (Action Story) Anweisungen imitieren
und auch durcheinander ausführen
Hörübungen (Listen and mime. Then listen and point,
Listen and write the numbers)
- What is it?; Is it the lion/...?; Yes, it is; No, it isn’t
ca. 3 Wochen
- Open the cupboard; Ah, a chocolate bar; Climb up on
a chair; Take the chocolate bar; Jump down; Ouch!
Your foot; You drop the chocolate bar; Your dog
grabs the chocolate bar; Shout, “Give it back!”
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Autor: Hans Beispielhaft
Playway, Klasse 3, Teacher´s Book
6 Clothes
- Jungle party (Song)
- In the jungle, there’s a party tonight, Arnie, the croc is
dancing on a rock; The hippo in red socks is swinging
with the fox; The monkey and the cat are playing with
the rat; The lion and the frog are singing with the dog;
The mouse and the racoon have got a blue balloon;
The bird and the snake are eating all the cake
- Memory Spiel
Leseübung (Look. Read and tick)
- Wortschatzwiederholung: animals
How many … are there?
- Culture Special: London Zoo (Read and play the game)
- What’s number one/...?; Yes./No, sorry.; London Zoo
- Multisensorische Wortschatzarbeit mit
Schriftbildunterstützung (Picture Cards/Word Cards)
Hörübung: A poem (Listen and point, Listen and speak)
Kreative Schreibübung (Write your own poem and draw
a picture)
- bee; house; bear; hat; shirt; fly; I’m not scared of a
croc in my sock, a bee on my knee, or a bird in my
shirt, but I am scared of a fly in my eye
- The lion is ill (Cartoon Story)
Spiele zur Rekonstruktion der Geschichte
- Cold and hot (Chant)
- Vorwiegend rezeptiv: The lion is ill; The elephant/...
wants to help; Listen to my music; Stop it, please;
What’s this?; Oh, thank you for the wonderful music.
- Cold and hot; It’s cold outside; Put on your
jacket/hat/mittens; OK, let’s go; Let’s go inside; It’s
hot in here; Take off your mittens/…; Ah, that’s better
- Multisensorische Wortschatzarbeit mit
Schriftbildunterstützung (Picture Cards/Word Cards)
Hörübung (Listen and point. Look and speak)
- a woolly hat; a cap; jeans; a T-shirt; shoes; trainers;
socks; a pullover; a skirt; boots; a jacket; mittens;
tights; That’s wrong.
- Wortschatzspiele, Wahrnehmungsspiele
- Wortschatzwiederholung: Clothes
How many woolly hats are there?; Seven; That’s wrong
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Autor: Hans Beispielhaft
ca. 3 Wochen
Playway, Klasse 3, Teacher´s Book
- Oh, no! (Action Story) Anweisungen imitieren und auch
durcheinander ausführen
Hörübungen (Listen and mime. Then listen and point,
Listen and write the numbers)
- Vorwiegend rezeptiv: You’re in the swimming pool;
Get out of the water; Dry yourself; Put on your jeans;
Put on your shoes and socks; Put on your T-shirt; Put
on your jacket; Walk out; Oh, no! You’re wearing your
swimming goggles!
- Partnerarbeit (Play the game)
- Her cap is blue and her jacket is yellow; No, her jeans
are white; It’s Jessica
- The T-shirt (Mr Matt Sketch)
- Good morning; Can I help you?; A T-shirt, please; For
you, Sir?; Yes; What colour?; I love all colours; Red?;
I like it; I don’t like it; Aaaaaah! That’s nice!; No, Dad!
Pleeeeeeease!; Can I try it on?; Yes, here you are; Is
it OK?; No; Take it off!; Help me!; I’ll take it!
- Kreisspiel
Hörübung (Listen and find Susan, Debra, Frank and
Schreibübung: My text (Personenbeschreibung) (Write
a card. Play the game)
- He/She is wearing blue jeans/…
She’s/He’s wearing blue jeans/… and brown shoes.
Who’s this?
- The woolly hat (Cartoon Story)
Spiel zur Rekonstruktion der Geschichte
- Vorwiegend rezeptiv: Father Bear has a hobby; He
makes woolly hats; Joe, this hat is for you; Joe is not
happy; I hate it; It’s time for school; Bye, Dad; Byebye, Joe; It’s Fred, the fox; Oh, what a lovely hat;
Fred puts the hat on; Joe is in the classroom; Stupid
- Schreibübung (Complete the text)
- Kreuzworträtsel (Do the puzzle. Find the word)
- Hörübung (Listen and circle. Draw the picture of Max)
- My favourite T-shirt is…./jeans are…
- Wortschatzwiederholung: Clothes
- Vorwiegend rezeptiv: Max, hurry up we’re going
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Autor: Hans Beispielhaft
Playway, Klasse 3, Teacher´s Book
Zusatzangebot: Happy families (Quartettspiel)
Units 4–6
Show what
you can do
7 Food
- Hörübung (Listen and colour)
Kommunikationsspiel (Colour and speak)
- Selbstevaluierung (Read and write the numbers)
shopping; I don’t know what to wear; Try on your
black T-shirt/your green jeans,/…; my black Tshirt/my green jeans/…; Take the jacket off; Put on
your orange jacket; Yeah, you look great; A black Tshirt/…
- He’s/she’s wearing ...
- Wortschatzwiederholung: family, animals, clothes
- Multisensorische Wortschatzarbeit mit
Schriftbildunterstützung (Picture Cards/Word Cards)
Lots of spaghetti (Chant)
- Lots of spaghetti/chicken on a big, big plate; with
butter and cheese/ketchup and chips;
spaghetti/chicken is great
- The spider (Action Story) Anweisungen imitieren und
auch durcheinander ausführen
Hörübungen (Listen and mime. Then listen and point.
Listen and write the numbers)
- Nur rezeptiv: You’re hungry; Go into the kitchen;
Take a plate of cheese; There’s a big spider on the
cheese; Drop the plate; Run out of the kitchen
- Hörübung (Listen and point)
Minidialoge (Talk in class)
- pizza; milk; spinach; fish; bananas; mineral water;
tea; ham; Do you like fish?; Yes, I do. No, I don’t
- Hörübung (Listen and tick)
- Schreibübung (Read and write)
- I like…; don’t like...; My favourite food is ...
Vorwiegend rezeptiv: Do you like spaghetti/...?; What
about spinach/...?; Yes, I do; No, I don’t; I like...; I
like/love it; Yummy
- Multisensorische Wortschatzarbeit mit
Schriftbildunterstützung (Picture Card/Word Cards)
Hörübung (Listen and point)
Partnerarbeit: Play the game
- caterpillar; butterfly; plum; peach; pear; strawberries;
leaves; tree
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Autor: Hans Beispielhaft
ca. 3 Wochen
Playway, Klasse 3, Teacher´s Book
8 Weather
- Six hungry caterpillars (Cartoon Story)
Spiel zur Rekonstruktion der Geschichte
- Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday,
- Sunday
- There’s an apple tree, a pear tree, a plum tree, a
peach tree;
- Strawberries
- Hörübung (Listen and speak)
Lese- und Schreibübung: My text (Read. Write your own
- My favourite food/drink is…; My number two is…; My
number three is… Nur rezeptiv: What’s his/your
favourite food/drink?
- Culture Special: Lunch at a British school
Hörübung (Listen. Act out dialogues in class)
- I like my lunch; This is my favourite food. Yummy;
What have you got?; I’ve got two pears/sandwiches;
Give me an apple, please; You can have a pear; OK.
Here you are; I’m very hungry; So am I.
- rain; wind; snow; sun; clouds; fog; It’s
cloudy/windy/sunny/snowy/ foggy/rainy;
- Multisensorische Wortschatzarbeit mit
Schriftbildunterstützung (Picture Cards/Word Cards)
Hörübung (Listen and point)
- A cap on a cat (Chant)
- cat; dog; a cap on a rabbit; Caps are always fun.
- What’s the weather like? (Action Story) Anweisungen
imitieren und auch durcheinander ausführen
Hörübungen (Listen and mime. Then listen and point,
Listen and write the numbers)
- Look out of the window; The sun is shining; Put on
your jacket; Listen. You can hear the wind; Open the
door; Oh no! It’s raining!; Close the door; Take off
your jacket; Have a cup of tea
- Story puzzle (Listen, read, number and colour)
- Goal!; Thank you, Linda; Have an apple; Yuck!; Oh,
what a strong wind!; My cap; Oh, look! There it is! Ha,
ha, ha!
- Hörübung - Reim (Listen. What are the animals’ names?
- Peter frog likes the fog; Hippo Jane likes the rain;
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Autor: Hans Beispielhaft
ca. 3 Wochen
Playway, Klasse 3, Teacher´s Book
Say the rhyme)
Penguin Joe likes the snow; Lion Scott likes it hot;
And Stuart, our crazy dog, likes sun and rain and
snow and fog; The frog’s name is Peter
- Hörübung (Listen and point)
- spring, summer, autumn, winter
- Schreibübung (Look and write)
- foggy; rainy; windy; snowy; sunny; cloudy
- Hörübungen (Listen and write the numbers. Then colour
the butterfly)
Lückentext (Listen again and write)
- Culture Special: Weather in the world
Lese- und Hörübung (Read and listen to the texts. Find
the childrens photos)
9 On the
Multisensorische Wortschatzarbeit mit
Schriftbildunterstützung (Picture Cards/Word Cards)
Abzählbild (How many are there? Look and count)
Minidialoge (Talk in class)
- Feed the hens (Action Story) Anweisungen imitieren
und auch durcheinander ausführen
- The little caterpillar is asleep; It’s cold; There’s lots of
snow; It’s raining; Here comes the sun; Aah. It’s
warm, The caterpillar is happy; Oh, look at the
wonderful butterfly; It’s blue, red and orange
- Mika’s photo is…
- Vorwiegend rezeptiv: Hi, I’m Amy and I live in Florida.
The weather here is fantastic. There is one problem:
sometimes we get hurricanes. Can you find my
photo?; Hello, I’m Mika and I live in Canada. There is
a lot of snow in winter and it is very cold. Can you find
my photo?; Hello, I’m Judy. I live on a farm in
Australia. In the summer it is very hot. Sometimes it
rains in the inter. Can you find my photo?; Hi, I’m
John. I live in Ireland. It rains a lot here. It rains in
winter, in spring, in summer and in the autumn. It’s
always green here. Can you find my photo?
- hen; duck; cow; horse; pig; sheep; How many are
there?; sixteen; seventeen; eighteen; nineteen;
ca. 3 Wochen
- Nur rezeptiv: Take some corn; Go outside; Call/feed
the hens; Go to the hen house; Look for eggs; Pick
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Autor: Hans Beispielhaft
Playway, Klasse 3, Teacher´s Book
- Hörübungen (Listen and mime. Then listen and point,
Listen and write the numbers)
Hörübung (Listen and point. Write the words)
Wortschatzübung mit Schriftbildunterstützung (Picture
Cards/Word Cards)
up an egg; Crack; There’s a chick.
- pig, earthworm, trees, flowers
- Wortschatzwiederholung: On the farm
- Eddie, the earthworm (Cartoon Story)
- Lückentext
- Rollenspiel
- Vorwiegend rezeptiv: Moo; Who are you?; I’m Eddie,
the earthworm; I give milk; What about you?; Erm … I
live underground; Stupid; Eddie is sad; I lay eggs; I
make honey; You look sad; What’s the problem?; I
can’t give milk/lay eggs/ make honey; You’re the king
of the garden; Really?; The flowers/ vegetables/trees
love you; Everybody loves you; Eddie is happy again
- The earthworm song (Song)
- Rollenspiel
- Hens lay eggs, cows give milk, and bees make
honey; Lots of eggs/milk/honey;
- But Eddie is the king of the garden; Eddie, everybody
loves you
- Hörübung (Listen and say)
- Emma has got…
My name’s Kate: My animal doesn’t like grass and
carrots. It likes milk. It likes to play with small balls;
My name’s Sam. My baby animal likes the water. It
can swim. It eats grass and earthworms; My name’s
Emma. My animal likes grass and carrots. It’s scared
of big dogs. It can hop; My name’s Linda. My baby
animal eats grass. I can’t have it in the house
- Ratespiel (Listen. Guess the animals)
- Kreative Schreibübung (Write a riddle)
- It can fly/swim/...; It can’t fly/swim/...; What is it?;
Guess!; It isn’t; My riddle
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Autor: Hans Beispielhaft
Playway, Klasse 3, Teacher´s Book
Units 7–9
Show what
you can do
10 Time
- Selbstevaluierung (Read and write the numbers)
- Wortschatzwiederholung: food, weather, animals
- Multisensorische Wortschatzarbeit mit
Schriftbildunterstützung (Picture Cards/Word Cards/
Hickory… (Rhyme)
Hörübung (Listen and point)
- up; down; Hickory dickory dock; the mouse ran up the Sachunterricht
clock; The clock struck one; the mouse ran down.
What’s the time?; It’s one/... o’clock; What time is it,
Nur rezeptiv: Time for bed; I must go home then; I’m so
tired; Go to sleep now; See you tomorrow.
- It’s eight o’clock (Chant)
- It’s eight o’clock/quarter past eight; It’s half past eight;
It’s quarter to nine; I’m coming; Oh no, she’s gone!;
Excuse me. What’s the time?
- Hörübung (Listen and draw)
- Excuse me; Good morning/afternoon/evening/night.
- Gedächtnisübung (Play the game)
Zusatzangebot: What’s the time, Mr Wolf?
- It’s the orange clock; That’s right; Pardon?
- Hörübung (Listen and tick)
Leseübung (Read and draw)
- Wortschatzwiederholung: Uhrzeiten
- Hörübung (Listen. Find Tina, Christine and Sally)
- Schreibübung: My text (Read. Write your own text)
- Nur rezeptiv: Sally/... gets up at seven o’clock/at
eight; She has breakfast/goes to school/comes
home/goes to bed at quarter to nine/...
ca. 3 Wochen
- I get up at quarter past six, I have breakfast at half
past six, I go to school at seven, School starts at
quarter to eight; I come home at half past twelve
- Hörübung (Listen and point)
- ox; louse; bat; I must run; Have fun
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Autor: Hans Beispielhaft
Playway, Klasse 3, Teacher´s Book
11 Happy
- What’s the time? (Chant)
Kreative Schreibübung (Write your own chant. Draw
- „What’s the time?“, says the frog; „It’s eight o’clock“,
says the dog; „I must run“, says the frog; „Have fun“,
says the dog
- Going to a party (Mr Matt Sketch)
Rekonstruktion der Geschichte
- Vorwiegend rezeptiv: Hurry up, Dad; What’s the
time?; It’s six o’clock /quarter past/half past six/…; It’s
half past six; OK. Lots of time to have a snack/ to iron
my shirt/to do my hair/to clean my shoes; We’ll be
late; Don’t worry; Great. I’m ready
- This is the holiday boogie, yeah!; Come on boys/girls; Sachunterricht
Let’s have fun in the sun; See you again.
- Holiday boogie (Song)
- Hörübung (Listen and point)
- You’re reading a book; A man jumps into the water;
There’s water on your book; You’re angry; Take your
hippo; Swim across to the man; He can’t see you;
Shout, „Aaaargh!“; The man falls into the water.
- The jungle safari (Cartoon Story)
Rekonstruktion der Geschichte
- Sssshhhh!; Let’s be quiet; It’s asleep; Wow! What a
big snake!; Careful; Don’t worry. It’s asleep; An
elephant; Look at the big teeth; It’s asleep too. Hee
hee hee hee; Atishoo! Atishoo! Atishoo; They’re
coming; Oh, no!; Let’s run!; Look, there’s a boat; Let’s
jump in; Help me, Benny; Row, Benny, row; Too late!
Hee hee hee hee!; Bye, bye, see you again!
- The lake (Action Story) Anweisungen imitieren und auch
durcheinander ausführen
Hörübungen (Listen and mime. Then listen and point,
Listen and write the numbers)
- Nur rezeptiv: You’re riding your bike; You’re hot; Stop
and get off your bike; You can see a lake; Go down to
the water; Cool off; Dive into the water; Aargh!;
There’s something in your mouth; It’s a frog.
© Ernst Klett Verlag GmbH, Stuttgart 2008 | | Alle Rechte vorbehalten. Von dieser Druckvorlage ist die Vervielfältigung für den eigenen Unterrichtsgebrauch gestattet. Die Kopiergebühren sind abgegolten.
Autor: Hans Beispielhaft
ca. 2 Wochen
Playway, Klasse 3, Teacher´s Book
Units 10–11
Show what
you can do
Extra Unit
- Selbstevaluierung (Write; Tick the correct picture; Match;
Write the numbers.)
- Wortschatzwiederholung: Uhrzeiten, holidays
- Culture special: Christmas in Britain and Australia
Hör- und Leseübung (Listen and read)
Vorwiegend rezeptiv: Hi, I’m Christina from Cambridge; Kunst
This is our Christmas; On Christmas Eve we hang up
our Christmas stockings; This is my brother Mike
opening his presents on Christmas Day; Christmas
dinner; This is a photo of a Christmas cracker; Hi, I’m
Mark from Sydney; On Christmas Day, we often have a
party on the beach; These are my parents and their
- We wish you a Merry Christmas! (Song)
- Vorwiegend rezeptiv: We wish you a Merry Christmas
and a Happy New Year!
- Weihnachtskarte basteln (Now, let’s make a Christmas
- Cut along the dotted lines; Fold the card in half like
this; Now, colour the card; Write your name on it;
Look what you’ve got
- Father Christmas is hungry (Musical Play)
Hörübung (Then listen and say what’s wrong)
- ham and cheese; beans on toast; piggybank; Father
Christmas is hungry; Merry, Merry Christmas to you!;
I/we wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New
- Vorwiegend rezeptiv: Hello girls and boys; Welcome
everyone; Welcome to our musical play; Who’s this?;
Put the light on; Yes, it’s me; What would you like?;
Just a moment; You don’t know how hungry I am; I’m
making tea for Father Christmas; Back to bed; Don’t
be silly; I’ll bring you the tea; Christmas Day is so
near; Benny, Linda and Max are sleeping; Father
Christmas comes into their room; He brings some
fruit for the children; Linda and Benny wake up; He
© Ernst Klett Verlag GmbH, Stuttgart 2008 | | Alle Rechte vorbehalten. Von dieser Druckvorlage ist die Vervielfältigung für den eigenen Unterrichtsgebrauch gestattet. Die Kopiergebühren sind abgegolten.
Autor: Hans Beispielhaft
ca. 2 Wochen
Playway, Klasse 3, Teacher´s Book
wants some pizza; Father Christmas pays for the
pizza; In the end, they all play bingo.
© Ernst Klett Verlag GmbH, Stuttgart 2008 | | Alle Rechte vorbehalten. Von dieser Druckvorlage ist die Vervielfältigung für den eigenen Unterrichtsgebrauch gestattet. Die Kopiergebühren sind abgegolten.
Autor: Hans Beispielhaft